Importing Marker Symbols

Supported Marker Symbols

You can create marker symbols with the symbol editor or import exiting resources into the library as marker symbols. Marker symbols can come through the following ways:

  • Creating new or editing existing marker symbols with the symbol editor.
  • Importing marker symbols from other marker symbol libraries.
  • Importing TrueType fonts into the library as marker symbols. The imported symbols are of the vector type which you can’t edit again.
  • Importing raster images, including .png, .jpg, .jpeg, .bmp, .ico format images. The imported symbols are of the raster type. That is to say, you can not edit those symbols.
  • Importing AutoCAD files, either .dwg, or .dxf files, into the symbol library as marker symbols. The imported symbols are of the vector type, based on which you can edit to meet your needs.

Below is the detailed introduction.

Import Marker Symbols to Current Symbol Library

Before importing, you need to decide where you want to place the imported marker symbol. Highlight the destination by clicking the group in the symbol group tree. After importing, the imported marker symbol will display in the symbol pane for the selected group.

Import Marker Symbols from Other Symbol Libraries

You are allowed to import marker symbols from other symbol library into the currently open marker symbol library.

  1. In the Marker Symbol Selector, click File> Import > Import Marker Symbol.
  2. In the Import Marker Symbol dialog box that shows up, navigate to the marker symbol library file where the marker symbols you want to import are contained, highlight it, and then click Open.
  3. The Select dialog box then shows up for you to select marker symbols in the selected marker symbol library file. You can select multiple marker symbols using Ctrl + click.

Since the Select dialog box is very similar to the Marker Symbol Selector, you actually can perform operations supported in the Marker Symbol Selector, such as opening some other marker symbol library files, etc.

  1. Click OK to confirm the selection and add the selected symbols to the symbol pane.

Import TrueType Font

  1. In the Marker Symbol Selector, click File > Import > Import TrueType Font.
  2. In the Pick Character dialog box that shows up, select the characters you want to import as marker symbols. You can select multiple characters using shift or ctrl + click.
  3. Optionally, you can check the Convert to Geometry box to convert the selected characters into graphics while importing. Then click OK to add the characters to the symbol pane.

While importing TrueType fonts, the TrueType fonts you are able to access are decided by the font library of your computer. That is to say, different computers may have different TrueType fonts displayed in the Character Picker dialog box. If the Convert to Geometry box not checked while importing, marker symbols imported to the symbol library exist in TrueType fonts. In such case, the marker symbols will be not be available on a computer if there is no corresponding font library on the computer. However, if you check the Convert to Geometry box while importing, the outlines of the TrueType fonts will be extracted as marker symbols. If so, even if another computer doesn’t have the corresponding font library, the marker symbols can be properly used on that computer.

Import Raster Symbol

Import an image into the current symbol library as a marker symbol.

  1. In the Marker Symbol Selector, click File > Import > Import Raster Symbol
  2. In the Import Raster Marker Symbol dialog box that shows up, navigate to the image file you want to import as a marker symbol, highlight it, and then click Open.
  3. In the Warning dialog box that shows up, you will be asked whether you want to keep the aspect ratio of the image. To keep the ratio, click Yes; otherwise, click No. The image will be imported into the symbol pane as a marker symbol.

By default, the width and height of the raster symbol are the same. If you click No to not keep the aspect ratio of the image while importing, the marker symbol will have the same width and height after being imported.

Import AutoCAD File

Import an AutoCAD file into the currently open marker symbol library as a marker symbol.

  1. In the Marker Symbol Selector, click File > Import > Import AutoCAD file.
  2. In the Import AutoCAD File dialog box, navigate to the AutoCAD file you want to import, highlight it, and then the imported marker symbol will diaplay in the symbol pane.