- ABSOLUTE - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.AltitudeMode
- Accessors - Class in com.supermap.ar.areffect.gltfModel
accessor consistent with gltf model parameters One accessor corresponds with one bufferview It is used for defining the data type, data format, and layout of bufferview
- Accessors() - Constructor for class com.supermap.ar.areffect.gltfModel.Accessors
- accountInfoByTypeFailed(String) - Method in interface com.supermap.onlineservices.OnlineService.AccountInfoByTypeCallback
Fails to get the account information
- accountInfoByTypeSuccess(String, String) - Method in interface com.supermap.onlineservices.OnlineService.AccountInfoByTypeCallback
Gets the account information successfully
- AccountInfoType - Enum in com.supermap.onlineservices.utils
Function: Descending or ascending
- Action - Class in com.supermap.mapping
The class specifies the constants that define the state of operation performed.
- Action3D - Class in com.supermap.realspace
This class defines the constants of the scene operation state type.
- actionChanged(Action, Action) - Method in interface com.supermap.mapping.ActionChangedListener
Action changed event.
- ActionChangedListener - Interface in com.supermap.mapping
This class is used to receive the listener the Action of MapControl.
- activateDevice(String, ArrayList<Module>) - Method in class com.supermap.data.RecycleLicenseManager
Activate the device online.
- activateFailed(String) - Method in interface com.supermap.data.RecycleLicenseManager.RecycleLicenseCallback
Trigger when failed to activate
- activeLicense(String) - Method in interface com.supermap.data.CloudLicenseManager.LicenseLoginCallback
When activating a license successfully, a returning id will be produced.
- add(SupplyCenter) - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.SupplyCenters
Adds the SupplyCenter object to this SupplyCenters object.
- add(WeightFieldInfo) - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.WeightFieldInfos
Adds a new WeightFieldInfo object in the WeightFieldInfos.
- add(WeightFieldInfo3D) - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst3d.WeightFieldInfos3D
Adds the specified WeightFieldInfo object in the WeightFieldInfos object.
- add(Vector, Vector) - Static method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.Vector
Adds two Vector3's
- add(float, float, float) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.Point3D
set point coordinate
- add(Point3D) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.Point3D
add 3D point
- add(Color) - Method in class com.supermap.data.Colors
This method is used to add a color element to the Colors, that is, add the specified color to current colors object.
- add(FieldInfo) - Method in class com.supermap.data.FieldInfos
Add the specified FieldInfo object to the current FieldInfos object.
- add(JoinItem) - Method in class com.supermap.data.JoinItems
Adds the specified JoinItem object to the end of this JoinItems object.
- add(String, String) - Method in class com.supermap.data.Maps
Add map to this Maps object.
- add(Point2D) - Method in class com.supermap.data.Point2Ds
Adds the specified Point2D object to the end of this Point2Ds object.
- add(Point3D) - Method in class com.supermap.data.Point3Ds
Adds the specified Point2D object to the end of this Point2Ds object.
- add(PointM) - Method in class com.supermap.data.PointMs
Adds the specified PointM object to the end of this PointMs object.
- add(String, String) - Method in class com.supermap.data.Scenes
Take the passed name by users to the scene name.
- add(Symbol, SymbolGroup) - Method in class com.supermap.data.SymbolLibrary
Adds the specified Symbol object to the SymbolLibrary object.
- add(Symbol) - Method in class com.supermap.data.SymbolLibrary
Adds the specified Symbol object to the current SymbolLibrary object.
- add(TimeSpan) - Method in class com.supermap.data.TimeSpan
Adds the input value of the TimeSpan object to the current TimeSpan object.
- add(Layer) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.LayerGroup
Add the new layer to the current group layer.
- add(Dataset, boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Layers
Loads a dataset to display it as a common layer in this layers object, namely creates a common layer and adds it to this layers.
- add(Dataset, Theme, boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Layers
Loads a dataset to display it as a thematic layer in this layers object, namely creates a thematic layer and adds it to this layers, and this thematic layer use the specified Theme object.
- add(Layer) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Layers
Add a layer to the layer group.
- add(Datasource, String) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Layers
Add a layer to the layer collection through the SLD file
- add(Datasource, String) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.LayerSettingImage
Add a layer to the layer collection through the SLD file
- add(Geometry, String) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ScreenLayer
Adds geometries to the screen layer.
- add(int) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Selection
Adds a new geometric object to the selection.
- add(ThemeGraphItem) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeGraph
Adds sub items of a statistical thematic map
- add(ThemeUniqueItem) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeUnique
Adds a unique values map item to the list of the items.
- add(Geometry, String) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.TrackingLayer
Adds a geometric object to this TrackingLayer, and gives the tag of this geometric object.
- add(Feature3D) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Feature3Ds
Adds the specified Feature3D object to this Feature3Ds object.
- add(Feature3Ds) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Feature3Ds
Adds the specified Feature3Ds object to this Feature3Ds object.
- add(Geometry3D) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Feature3Ds
Adds the given Geometry3D object to the Feature3Ds object as a new Feature3D object and returns the Feature3D object if successful.
- add(String, Layer3DType, String, boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Layer3Ds
Add 3D layer objects to the 3D layer collection through iServer data service.
- add(String, Layer3DType, String, double, boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Layer3Ds
Add 3D layer objects to the 3D layer collection through Tiantu Data Service.
- add(Route) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Routes
Add a route object to the route collection.
- add(RouteStop) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.RouteStops
Adds a stop
- add(int) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Selection3D
Add objects to the selection.
- add(String, String) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.TerrainLayers
Add an online 3D terrain layer to the collection in the 3D terrain layer.
- add(String, Boolean, String, String) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.TerrainLayers
- add(Geometry, String) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.TrackingLayer3D
Adds a geometric object of the specified label to the 3D tracking layer.
- add(VideoParameter) - Method in class com.supermap.videomap.VideoParameters
add the parameters
- addActionChangedListener(ActionChangedListener) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.MapControl
A listener that sets the remove action changed.
- addAnimation(ARAnimation) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.ARAnimationGroup
Adds animations in the animation group
- addAnimation(AnimationGO) - Method in class com.supermap.plot.AnimationGroup
Adds animation objects
- addAnimationGroup(String) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.ARAnimationManager
Adds an animation group
- addAnimationGroup(String) - Method in class com.supermap.plot.AnimationManager
Adds an animation group
- addAnimationPlayBeginListener(AnimationPlayBeginListener) - Method in class com.supermap.plot.AnimationManager
Adds the listener of playing an animation
- addAnimationPlayFinishListener(AnimationPlayFinishListener) - Method in class com.supermap.plot.AnimationManager
Adds the listener of ending an animation
- addAnimator(Animator) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.dyn.DynamicElement
Adds the animation to the dynamic element.
- addArObject(ArObject) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.World
Adds arObject objects into a scene
- addBarrierBound(double, double, double, double) - Method in class com.supermap.navi.Navigation
Adds barrier bound.
- addBarrierPoint(double, double) - Method in class com.supermap.navi.Navigation
Adds barrier point.
- addCallout(CallOut) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.MapView
Add the marker control.
- addCallout(CallOut, String) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.MapView
Add marker control by name.
- addChart(ChartView) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.imChart.TimeLine
Add time chart.
- addChartData(String, double[], int) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.dyn.DynBarChart
Add the chart data.
- addChartData(String, double[], int, float, DynLineChart.ValuePointStyle) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.dyn.DynLineChart
Add the chart data.
- addChartData(String, double[], int, float, DynLineChart.ValuePointStyle, boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.dyn.DynLineChart
Add the chart data.
- addChartData(String, double, int) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.dyn.DynPieChart
Add the chart data.
- addChartData(String[], double[], int[]) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.dyn.DynPieChart
Add the chart data.
- addChartDatas(ArrayList<ChartPoint>) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.imChart.ChartView
Add statistics data
- addChartDataset(ArrayList<ChartPoint>, String) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.imChart.ChartView
Add a statistics table
- addChartRelationDatas(ArrayList<RelationalChartPoint>) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.imChart.RelationPointChart
Add relationship point data collection
- addChild(AREffectElement) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.AREffectElement
Adds sub objects
- addChilds(ArrayList<AREffectElement>) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.AREffectElement
Sets the sub object array
- addColorLegendItem(int, ColorLegendItem) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Legend
Add a color value for the specified type.
- addData(BarChartData) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.imChart.BarChart
Added a chart data.
- addData(String, int, double) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.imChart.BarChartData
Added a data, include its color and label.
- addData(LineChartData) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.imChart.LineChart
Added a chart data
- addData(PieChartData) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.imChart.PieChart
Added a chart data
- addDatas(ArrayList<BarChartData>) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.imChart.BarChart
Added a series of chart data, the original data would still be retained.
- addDatas(ArrayList<LineChartData>) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.imChart.LineChart
Added a series of chart data, the original data would still be retained
- addDatas(ArrayList<PieChartData>) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.imChart.PieChart
Added a series of chart data, the original data would still be retained
- addDataset(String, String, String, DatasetType) - Method in class com.supermap.services.DataUploadService
Add dataset according to the given dataset name and data type.
- addDataset(String, String, String, String, String) - Method in class com.supermap.services.DataUploadService
Add dataset to the server by copy the specified dataset in a specified datasource.
- addDataset(String, String, DatasetType) - Method in class com.supermap.services.DataUploadService
Adds the dataset to the specified datasource.
- addDynamicView(DynamicView) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.MapView
Add a dynamic layer.
- addElement(AREffectElement) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.EffectView
Add the element to the scene data
- addElement(ARParticleElement) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.EffectView
- addElement(ARGltfElement) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.EffectView
- addElement(ARViewElement) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.EffectView
- addElement(ARVideoElement) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.EffectView
- addElement(ARWebViewElement) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.EffectView
- addElement(DynamicElement) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.dyn.DynamicView
Adds the dynamic object.
- addFeature(String, String, String, Feature) - Method in class com.supermap.services.DataUploadService
Add objects to iServer.
- addFeature(String, Feature) - Method in class com.supermap.services.DataUploadService
Adds the objects to the specified data address.
- addFeatureSuccess(int) - Method in interface com.supermap.services.ResponseCallback
Callback when successfully adding Feature, and return this Feature SmId.
- addFlattenRegion(Geometry, String) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Layer3DOSGBFile
Add a flattening area to flatten the current osgb model.
- addGeometryAddedListener(GeometryAddedListener) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.MapControl
Adds geometry added listener.
- addGeometryDeletedListener(GeometryDeletedListener) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.MapControl
Adds geometry deleted listener.
- addGeometryDeletingListener(GeometryDeletingListener) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.MapControl
Adds geometry deleting listener.
- addGeometryIsSelectedListener(GeometryIsSelectedListener) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.MapControl
Adds whether to select the listener.
- addGeometryModifiedListener(GeometryModifiedListener) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.MapControl
Adds geometry modified listener.
- addGeometryModifyingListener(GeometryModifyingListener) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.MapControl
Adds geometry modifying listener.
- addGeometrySelectedListener(GeometrySelectedListener) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.MapControl
Add geometry selected listener.
- addGPSPoint(Point2D) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.collector.Collector
Add points, GPS gets the points.
- addGPSPoint() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.collector.Collector
Add points, GPS gets the points.
- addGridAggregation(Dataset) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Layers
Creates a grid map according to the given point dataset
- addGridAggregation(Dataset, Color, Color) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Layers
Creates a grid map according to the given point dataset and parameter settings
- addGroup(String) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.LayerGroup
Adds a new group layer to current group layer, that is, a nested group layer.
- addGroup(String) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Layers
Add a group layer to the layer set.
- addHeatmap(Dataset, int) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Layers
Creates a heat map according to the given point dataset and parameter settings
- addHeatmap(Dataset, int, Color, Color) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Layers
Creates a heat map according to the given point dataset and parameter settings
- addImage(String) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.scanner.HwImageScanner
Add an image in assets
- addImage(String, float) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.scanner.HwImageScanner
Add an image in assets
- addImage(String, Bitmap) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.scanner.HwImageScanner
Add an image
- addImage(String) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.scanner.ImageScanner
Add an image in assets
- addImage(String, Bitmap) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.scanner.ImageScanner
Add Image
- addImageListener(HwImageScanner.ImageListener) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.scanner.HwImageScanner
Add listener
- addImageListener(ImageScanner.ImageListener) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.scanner.ImageScanner
add ImageListener
- addIserver(String, String) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.TerrainLayers
Add an iserver terrain layer.
- addItem(MarkerItem) - Method in interface com.supermap.ar.areffect.MarkerLayer
adds object
- addItem(String, int) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.imChart.LegendView
Added a legend sub-item
- addLabel(String, TextStyle, boolean, boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.TrackingLayer
Adds the field created by the users to the tracking layer to display.
- addLayerAddedListener(LayerAddedListener) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.LayerGroup
A listener used to receive
- addLayerAddedListener(LayerAddedListener) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Layers
Adds a listener used to receive
. - addLayerGroupAddedListener(LayerGroupAddedListener) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Layers
Adds a listener used to receive
. - addLayerGroupRemovedListener(LayerGroupRemovedListener) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Layers
Adds a listener used to receive
. - addLayerRemovedListener(LayerRemovedListener) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.LayerGroup
A listener used to receive
- addLayerRemovedListener(LayerRemovedListener) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Layers
Adds a listener used to receive
. - addLayersFromMap(String, boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Map
Merges maps
- addLayerWith(String, Layer3DType, boolean, String) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Layer3Ds
Add layer data cached by iserver.
- addLayerWith(String, Layer3DType, boolean, String, String) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Layer3Ds
Add iserver to cache layer data with password.
- addLayerWithGoogleMaps(Layer3DType, String, ImageFormatType, boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Layer3Ds
Add online Google image service
- addListener(BaseCatchManager.OnUpdateListener) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.BaseCatchManager
Adding listener
- addListener(DistributeAnalystListener) - Method in class com.supermap.distributeanalystservices.DistributeAnalyst
Add distribute analyst listener.
- addLocationChangedListener(LocationChangedListener) - Method in class com.supermap.plugin.LocationManagePlugin
Adds the listener of location changes.
- addMapDrawParams(boolean, float, float, String, String, float, float) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.AR.ArControl2
Adds map drawing parameters
- addMapDrawParams(boolean, float, float, String, String, float, float) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.AR.ARMapDrawView
Adds AR drawing objects
- addMapView(MapView) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.MapViewGroup
Add MapView
- addMeasureListener(MeasureListener) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.MapControl
Sets the measure listener.
- addMeasureStateListener(MeasureStateListener) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.MapControl
Set the metric listener
- addNaviInfoListener(NaviListener) - Method in class com.supermap.navi.Navigation
Adds navigation information listener.
- addNaviInfoListener(NaviListener) - Method in class com.supermap.navi.Navigation2
Adds navigation information listener.
- addNaviInfoListener(NaviListener) - Method in class com.supermap.navi.Navigation3
Adds navigation information listener.
- addNaviInfoListener(NaviListener) - Method in class com.supermap.navi.Navigation3D
Adds navigation information listener.
- addNetworkAccessMediaFileListener(NetworkAccessMediaFileListener) - Method in class com.supermap.mdatacollector.MDataCollector
Adds network transmission listener.
- addNew(Geometry) - Method in class com.supermap.data.Recordset
Appends one record to Recordset.
- addNew(Geometry, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class com.supermap.data.Recordset
Add Geometry object and set the field value.
- addNewRecord() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.highprecision.MeasureView
Saves the measurement result
- addNewRoute() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.gather.GatherView
New collection lines
- addNodeEnable(boolean) - Method in interface com.supermap.mapping.EditStatusListener
Add node is enabled.
- addObject(AREffectElement) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.BaseCatchManager
Adds objects to be captured
- addObject(ARGeometry) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.BaseCatchManager
Adds objects to be captured
- addObject(ARCatchObject) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.BaseCatchManager
Adds objects to be captured
- addObjects(List<ARCatchObject>) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.BaseCatchManager
Adds objects to be captured
- addOnResponseListener(OnResponseListener) - Method in class com.supermap.services.iportalservices.IPortalService
Adds the listener of Internet requesting
- addOnTapListener(AREffectElement.OnTapListener) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.AREffectElement
Adds a click listener
- addOnTouchListener(AREffectElement.OnTouchListener) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.AREffectElement
Sets the touch listener
- addOnUpdateListener(EffectView.OnUpdateListener) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.EffectView
Adds the specified update listener
- addOnUpdateListener(EffectView.OnUpdateListener) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.ImageEffectView
- addOnUpdateListener(EffectView.OnUpdateListener) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.VideoEffectView
- addOverlayMap(MapControl) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.MapView
Adds overlaid maps
- addPart(List<Point3D>) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.ARGeoHorizontalRegion
- addPart(List<Point3D>) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.ARGeoLine
Add child Objects
- addPart(Point2Ds, List<Float>) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.ARGeoLine
Add child Objects
- addPart(GeoLine, List<List<Float>>) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.ARGeoLine
Add child Objects
- addPart(Point3D) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.ARGeoPoint
- addPart(Point2D, float) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.ARGeoPoint
Add the object
- addPart(GeoPoint, float) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.ARGeoPoint
Add the object
- addPart(List<Point3D>, float) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.ARGeoPrism
Add Part
- addPart(Point2Ds, List<Float>, float) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.ARGeoPrism
Add Part
- addPart(GeoRegion, List<List<Float>>, float) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.ARGeoPrism
Add Part
- addPart(List<Point3D>) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.ARGeoRegion2
- addPart(Geometry) - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoCompound
Appends a part to this GeoCompound object.
- addPart(Point2Ds) - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoLine
Adds a subobject to the GeoLine object.
- addPart(Point3Ds) - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoLine3D
Adds a part to the GeoLine3D object.
- addPart(PointMs) - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoLineM
Appends a part to the GeoLineM object.
- addPart(Point2Ds) - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoRegion
Appends a part to this GeoRegion object.
- addPart(Point3Ds) - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoRegion3D
Appends a part to this GeoRegion object.
- addPart(TextPart) - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoText
Adds a TextPart to the GeoText object.
- addPart(TextPart3D) - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoText3D
Deletes the parts of GeoText with the specified index.
- addParts(List<Point3D>, float) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.ARGeoVerticalRegion
Adds sub objects
- addParts(Point2Ds, List<Float>, float) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.ARGeoVerticalRegion
Adds sub objects
- addParts(GeoRegion, List<List<Float>>, float) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.ARGeoVerticalRegion
Adds the sub object group
- addPathPt(Point3D) - Method in class com.supermap.plot.AnimationWay
Adds path points
- addPathPts(Point3Ds) - Method in class com.supermap.plot.AnimationWay
Adds path point groups
- addPlotLibrary(String) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.MapControl
Adds plot library.
- addPlotObject(long, long, Point2Ds) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.MapControl
Constructs a military standard symbol object according to the given symbol and submit it to a dataset
- addPoint(Point3D) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.ARDynamicGeometry
add Point
- addPoint() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.highprecision.ARMeasureView
Add a record point
- addPoint(Point2D) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.collector.CollectorElement
Adds the point.
- addPoint(Point2D) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.dyn.DynamicElement
Adds the point.
- addPoint(int, String, int) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.imChart.InstrumentChart
Added a pointer.
- addPoint3D(int, int, Point3D) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.ARGeoHorizontalRegion
- addPoint3D(int, int, Point3D) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.ARGeoLine
- addPoint3D(int, Point3D) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.ARGeoLine
- addPoint3D(int, int, Point3D) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.ARGeometry
- addPointList(ArrayList<int[]>) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.OcclusionHelper
Adds a screen coordinate point collection A collection of points that are not joined at the beginning and end
- addProgressListener(ProgressListener) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.DownloadManager
Deprecated.Add a download progress listener.
- addRange(SupplyCenter[]) - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.SupplyCenters
Adds the SupplyCenter objects to the SupplyCenters in the form of an array.
- addRange(Color[]) - Method in class com.supermap.data.Colors
Adds the colors array to the current Colors.
- addRange(JoinItem[]) - Method in class com.supermap.data.JoinItems
Adds the specified multiple JoinItem objects to the end of this JoinItems object.
- addRange(Point2D[]) - Method in class com.supermap.data.Point2Ds
Adds the specified multiple Point2D objects to the end of this Point2Ds object.
- addRange(Point3D[]) - Method in class com.supermap.data.Point3Ds
Adds the specified multiple Point2D objects to the end of this Point2Ds object.
- addRange(PointM[]) - Method in class com.supermap.data.PointMs
Adds the specified multiple PointM objects to the end of this PointMs object.
- addRange(int[]) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Selection3D
Batch add objects to the selection
- addRecordset(String, String, String, Recordset) - Method in class com.supermap.services.DataUploadService
Add recordset to the given dataset in the given datasource in given server.
- addRecordset(String, Recordset) - Method in class com.supermap.services.DataUploadService
Adds the recordset to the specified data address.
- Address - Class in com.supermap.onlineservices
Detailed address info class.
- Address() - Constructor for class com.supermap.onlineservices.Address
The default constructor for constructing a new
object. - addRuler() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.arcartograph.ARCartographView
Adds a measurement record
- addSatelliteStatusListener(SatelliteStatusListener) - Method in class com.supermap.plugin.LocationManagePlugin
Adds satellite status listener.
- addStatusChangedListener(StatusChangedListener) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.FlyManager
Add a listener for receiving flight status change events (
). - addSteppedListener(SteppedListener) - Static method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.NetworkBuilder
Add the progress bar listener
- addSteppedListener(SteppedListener) - Static method in class com.supermap.analyst.spatialanalyst.Generalization
- addSteppedListener(SteppedListener) - Static method in class com.supermap.analyst.spatialanalyst.RasterClip
Add a listener of the progress.
- addSteppedListener(SteppedListener) - Static method in class com.supermap.analyst.spatialanalyst.VisibilityAnalyst
Add the time listener of the progress bar
- addSteppedListener(SteppedListener) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Layer3DDataset
- addStopArrivedListener(StopArrivedListener) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.FlyManager
Add a listener for receiving flight arrival events (
). - addTargetPoint(Point3D) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Sightline
Add target point
- addTimePositionChangedListener(TimePositionChangedListener) - Method in class com.supermap.data.NodeAnimation
Add a listener for receiving node animation time position change events (
). - addToDate(Date) - Method in class com.supermap.data.TimeSpan
Returns a Date object.
- addToHead(ThemeGridRangeItem) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeGridRange
Adds an ThemeGridRangeItem object to the head of the range list.
- addToHead(ThemeGridRangeItem, boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeGridRange
Adds an ThemeGridRangeItem object to the head of the range list.
- addToHead(ThemeLabelItem) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeLabel
Adds an ThemeLabelItem object to the head of the range list.
- addToHead(ThemeLabelItem, boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeLabel
Adds an ThemeLabelItem object to the head of the range list.
- addToHead(ThemeRangeItem) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeRange
Adds an ThemeRangeItem object to the head of the range list.
- addToHead(ThemeRangeItem, boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeRange
Adds an ThemeRangeItem object to the head of the range list.
- addToTail(ThemeGridRangeItem) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeGridRange
Adds an ThemeGridRangeItem object to the tail of the range list.
- addToTail(ThemeGridRangeItem, boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeGridRange
Adds an ThemeGridRangeItem object to the tail of the range list.
- addToTail(ThemeLabelItem) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeLabel
Adds a ThemeLabelItem object to the tail of the range list.
- addToTail(ThemeLabelItem, boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeLabel
Adds a ThemeLabelItem object to the tail of the range list.
- addToTail(ThemeRangeItem) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeRange
Adds a ThemeRangeItem object to the tail of the range list.
- addToTail(ThemeRangeItem, boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeRange
Adds a ThemeRangeItem object to the tail of the range list.
- addTouchPoint(Point) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.MapControl
Add an analog gesture point
- addTrackedListener(Tracked3DListener) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.SceneControl
Add tracking end event listener.
- addTrackingListener(Tracking3DListener) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.SceneControl
Add tracking event listener.
- addUndoStateChangeListener(UndoStateChangeListener) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.MapControl
Sets the Undo listener.
- addUserDefinedLegendItem(LegendItem) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Legend
Add a user-defined legend subkey.
- addValue(double) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.imChart.LineChartData
Added a value
- addWayPoint(double, double) - Method in class com.supermap.navi.Navigation
Adds way points.
- addWayPoint(double, double) - Method in class com.supermap.navi.Navigation2
Sets the coordinates of passing points
- addWayPoint(double, double, String) - Method in class com.supermap.navi.Navigation3
Set the way point and floor ID, need to set the starting point and the end point in order to successfully add the way point
- addWayPoint(double, double, String) - Method in class com.supermap.navi.Navigation3D
Set passpoint and floor ID
- addWayPoint(double, double, double) - Method in class com.supermap.navi.Navigation3D
Set the way through
- addXLabel(String) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.imChart.BarChart
Added a x axis label.
- addXLabel(String) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.imChart.LineChart
Added a x axis label
- adjust(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoCompound
Adjust the stacking order of subobjects in composite geometric objects.
- AES - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.DatasourceEncrytionType
AES encryption type
- AFTER - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.WhereToCalibrate
Only calibrate the M value of the point at the AFTER position.
- aggregatePoints(DatasetVector, double, Unit, int, Datasource, String, String) - Static method in class com.supermap.analyst.spatialanalyst.Generalization
Point aggregation feature.
- aggregatePoints(DatasetVector, int, String, Datasource, String, String) - Static method in class com.supermap.analyst.spatialanalyst.Generalization
Point aggregation feature.
- AggregatePointsOnline - Class in com.supermap.distributeanalystservices
online aggregate analysis class.
- AggregatePointsOnline() - Constructor for class com.supermap.distributeanalystservices.AggregatePointsOnline
- AggregationFunctionType - Class in com.supermap.mapping
Grid aggregation function
- AHEAD - Static variable in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.TurnType
Go straight.
- aiColor - Variable in class com.supermap.ai.AIDetectStyle
The uniform color.
- AIDetectStyle - Class in com.supermap.ai
AI style setting class
- AIDetectStyle() - Constructor for class com.supermap.ai.AIDetectStyle
- AIDetectView - Class in com.supermap.ai
AI recognition class control
- AIDetectView(Context) - Constructor for class com.supermap.ai.AIDetectView
Construction method
- AIDetectView(Context, AttributeSet) - Constructor for class com.supermap.ai.AIDetectView
Construction method
- AIDetectView(Context, AttributeSet, int) - Constructor for class com.supermap.ai.AIDetectView
- AIDetectView.DetectListener - Interface in com.supermap.ai
AI recognition listener which is for listening result of analyzing pictures.
- AIDetectViewInfo - Class in com.supermap.ai
AIDetectView initialization parameter class
- AIDetectViewInfo() - Constructor for class com.supermap.ai.AIDetectViewInfo
- AIDetectViewInfo.FileType - Enum in com.supermap.ai
Model file types
- AIOnline - Class in com.supermap.ai
AI video push flow
- AIOnline() - Constructor for class com.supermap.ai.AIOnline
The constructor.
- AIOnline.AIOnlineListener - Interface in com.supermap.ai
AI network result listener to listen the interactive result between netty and rstp
- AIRecognition - Class in com.supermap.ai
Object Recognition Class
- AIRecognition() - Constructor for class com.supermap.ai.AIRecognition
- AISize - Class in com.supermap.ai
AI size parameter class.
- AISize(int, int) - Constructor for class com.supermap.ai.AISize
- aiStrokeWidth - Variable in class com.supermap.ai.AIDetectStyle
The width of border of the frame determining targets
- ALL - Static variable in class com.supermap.mapping.GraphAxesTextDisplayMode
Display all
- ALLFEATURES - Static variable in class com.supermap.realspace.Feature3DSearchOption
Searches all the Feature3D objects, that is, returns all the leaves in the above figure.
- ALLLINE - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.WhereToCalibrate
Calibrate the M values of the entire LineM object.
- ALONG_LINE_NORMAL - Static variable in class com.supermap.mapping.AlongLineDirection
The label alone the line object is perpendicular to the line feature.
- AlongLineDirection - Class in com.supermap.mapping
This class defines the constants for along-line labeling directions.
- AlphaAnimator - Class in com.supermap.mapping.dyn
The AlphaAnimator class.
- AlphaAnimator(int, int, int) - Constructor for class com.supermap.mapping.dyn.AlphaAnimator
Initialize a new AlphaAnimator object with the parameters specified.
- AlphaAnimator(AlphaAnimator) - Constructor for class com.supermap.mapping.dyn.AlphaAnimator
Create a new AlphaAnimatorobject that is the same with the given AlphaAnimator object.
- AltitudeMode - Class in com.supermap.data
This enumeration specifies the constant of AititudeMode, which indicates how the altitudes of the 3D data should be understood and parsed.
- AMQPExchangeType - Class in com.supermap.messagequeue
AMQP switch class Defines the type constant
- AMQPManager - Class in com.supermap.messagequeue
AMQP manager class.
- AMQPManager() - Constructor for class com.supermap.messagequeue.AMQPManager
The constructor.
- AMQPReceiver - Class in com.supermap.messagequeue
AMQP receiver Used to receive the AMQP message
- AMQPReceiver() - Constructor for class com.supermap.messagequeue.AMQPReceiver
- AMQPReturnMessage - Class in com.supermap.messagequeue
AMQP message class Indicates that the message received by the receiver, from which the queue name and the specific message content can be obtained
- AMQPReturnMessage() - Constructor for class com.supermap.messagequeue.AMQPReturnMessage
The constructor of AMQP message class
- AMQPSender - Class in com.supermap.messagequeue
AMQP sender Used to send the AMQP message
- AMQPSender() - Constructor for class com.supermap.messagequeue.AMQPSender
- AnalystFromServer - Class in com.supermap.services.networkanalyst
Title:iServer Analysis service Description: Docks various analysis service base classes released by iServer (currently only connect to path analysis, traveling salesman analysis, multi-traveling salesman analysis, and continue to connect to other services in the future) Copyright: Copyright (c) 2016 Company: SuperMap GIS Technologies Inc.
- AnalystFromServer() - Constructor for class com.supermap.services.networkanalyst.AnalystFromServer
- AnalystParameter - Class in com.supermap.services.networkanalyst
Parameter class required for iServer path analysis
- AnalystParameter() - Constructor for class com.supermap.services.networkanalyst.AnalystParameter
- analyticalNavigationData(String) - Static method in class com.supermap.onlineservices.NavigationParseUtils
Resolve navigation Json data.
- AnchorOnClickListener - Interface in com.supermap.realspace
AnchorOnClickListener class
- angleChanged(double) - Method in interface com.supermap.mapping.MapParameterChangedListener
Angle change monitor
- angleMeasured(double, Point) - Method in interface com.supermap.mapping.MeasureListener
The anlge result.
- AnimationAttribute - Class in com.supermap.plot
Blink animation
- AnimationAttribute() - Constructor for class com.supermap.plot.AnimationAttribute
Construction method
- AnimationBlink - Class in com.supermap.plot
Blink animation
- AnimationDefine - Class in com.supermap.plot
Animation type definition
- AnimationDefine() - Constructor for class com.supermap.plot.AnimationDefine
- AnimationDefine.AnimationGroupPlayState - Class in com.supermap.plot
Playing status of an animation including Play, Pause, Stop, Reset, and so on
- AnimationDefine.AnimationType - Class in com.supermap.plot
Animation enumeration
- AnimationDefine.BlinkAnimationBlinkStyle - Class in com.supermap.plot
Blink types: Frequency and times
- AnimationDefine.BlinkAnimationReplaceStyle - Class in com.supermap.plot
Switching types.
- AnimationDefine.PathType - Class in com.supermap.plot
Path types of a path animation
- AnimationDefine.RotateDirection - Class in com.supermap.plot
Rotation direction
- AnimationGO - Class in com.supermap.plot
All animation parent class
- AnimationGroup - Class in com.supermap.plot
Animation group
- AnimationGroup() - Constructor for class com.supermap.plot.AnimationGroup
Construction method
- AnimationGrow - Class in com.supermap.plot
The Grown animation
- AnimationManager - Class in com.supermap.plot
Animation class manage class
- AnimationManager() - Constructor for class com.supermap.plot.AnimationManager
- AnimationPlayBeginEvent - Class in com.supermap.plot
An event of starting to play an animation
- AnimationPlayBeginEvent(String) - Constructor for class com.supermap.plot.AnimationPlayBeginEvent
The constructor.
- AnimationPlayBeginListener - Interface in com.supermap.plot
The listener of playing an animation
- AnimationPlayFinishEvent - Class in com.supermap.plot
An event of stopping to play an animation
- AnimationPlayFinishEvent(String) - Constructor for class com.supermap.plot.AnimationPlayFinishEvent
The constructor.
- AnimationPlayFinishListener - Interface in com.supermap.plot
The listener of stopping an animation
- AnimationRotate - Class in com.supermap.plot
Rotate animation
- AnimationRotate() - Constructor for class com.supermap.plot.AnimationRotate
- Animations - Class in com.supermap.ar.areffect.gltfModel
Animation set of Gltf models
- Animations() - Constructor for class com.supermap.ar.areffect.gltfModel.Animations
- AnimationScale - Class in com.supermap.plot
Scale animation
- AnimationScale() - Constructor for class com.supermap.plot.AnimationScale
- AnimationShow - Class in com.supermap.plot
Show-Hide animation
- AnimationShow() - Constructor for class com.supermap.plot.AnimationShow
- AnimationWay - Class in com.supermap.plot
Path animation
- AnimationWay() - Constructor for class com.supermap.plot.AnimationWay
- Animator - Class in com.supermap.mapping.dyn
Animator base class.
- ANSI - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.Charset
ASCII character set.
- AntiClockWise - Static variable in class com.supermap.plot.AnimationDefine.RotateDirection
- ANYANGLE - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.RegularizeMethod
Arbitrary angle
- append(Recordset) - Method in class com.supermap.data.DatasetVector
Adds the
to theDatasetVector
. - append(Recordset, String) - Method in class com.supermap.data.DatasetVector
Appends the
to theDatasetVector
according to sheet name. - appendToNetwork(DatasetVector, DatasetVector[]) - Static method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.NetworkBuilder
- applyFormal(String) - Method in class com.supermap.data.CloudLicenseManager
Apply for an official license
- ApplyFormalLicense(int[]) - Method in class com.supermap.data.PrivateCloudLicenseManager
Applies for a private cloud official license
- applyLicense() - Method in class com.supermap.data.EduLicense
Applies for an education license.
- applyToGroup(String, String, String, OnResponseListener) - Method in class com.supermap.services.iportalservices.IPortalService
User applies for adding a group If join a group does not need to verify, user can join it directly.
- applyToGroups(List<String>, String, String, OnlineCallBack.CallBackString) - Static method in class com.supermap.onlineservices.OnlineService
User applies for adding a group.
- appointEditGeometry(int, Layer) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.MapControl
Appoints geometry to edit.
- AR_FOLLOWING - Static variable in class com.supermap.mapping.AR.ARMode
Following mode
- AR_INFINITE - Static variable in class com.supermap.mapping.AR.ARMode
Infinite map mode
- AR_MATCHING - Static variable in class com.supermap.mapping.AR.ARMode
Match map mode
- AR_NEARING - Static variable in class com.supermap.mapping.AR.ARMode
Nearing mode
- AR_NORMAL - Static variable in class com.supermap.mapping.AR.ARMode
Normal Map mode
- ARABIC - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.Charset
Arabic character set.
- ARAnimation - Class in com.supermap.ar.areffect
AR animation
- ARAnimation(AREffectElement) - Constructor for class com.supermap.ar.areffect.ARAnimation
Construction method
- ARAnimation.ARAnimatorListener - Interface in com.supermap.ar.areffect
- ARAnimationGroup - Class in com.supermap.ar.areffect
Animation group
- ARAnimationGroup() - Constructor for class com.supermap.ar.areffect.ARAnimationGroup
- ARAnimationManager - Class in com.supermap.ar.areffect
Animation Manager
- ARAnimationModel - Class in com.supermap.ar.areffect
Default animation
- ARAnimationModel(AREffectElement) - Constructor for class com.supermap.ar.areffect.ARAnimationModel
Construction method
- ARAnimationParameter - Class in com.supermap.ar.areffect
AR animation parameters
- ARAnimationParameter() - Constructor for class com.supermap.ar.areffect.ARAnimationParameter
- ARAnimationRepeatMode - Class in com.supermap.ar.areffect
Playing modes
- ARAnimationRotation - Class in com.supermap.ar.areffect
Rotate animation
- ARAnimationRotation(AREffectElement) - Constructor for class com.supermap.ar.areffect.ARAnimationRotation
Construction method
- ARAnimationTranslation - Class in com.supermap.ar.areffect
Displacement animation
- ARAnimationTranslation(AREffectElement) - Constructor for class com.supermap.ar.areffect.ARAnimationTranslation
The constructor.
- ARAnimationTranslation.TranslationUpdateListener - Interface in com.supermap.ar.areffect
Position update
- ARAnimationTranslation2 - Class in com.supermap.ar.areffect
Displacement animation 2.
- ARAnimationTranslation2(AREffectElement) - Constructor for class com.supermap.ar.areffect.ARAnimationTranslation2
- ARAnimationTranslation2.TranslationUpdateListener - Interface in com.supermap.ar.areffect
Position update
- ARCartographView - Class in com.supermap.ar.arcartograph
AR measurement class.
- ARCartographView(Context) - Constructor for class com.supermap.ar.arcartograph.ARCartographView
The constructor.
- ARCartographView(Context, AttributeSet) - Constructor for class com.supermap.ar.arcartograph.ARCartographView
The constructor.
- ARCartographView.MeasureMode - Enum in com.supermap.ar.arcartograph
Measurement mode
- ARCartographView.SceneDepthListener - Interface in com.supermap.ar.arcartograph
DOF listener
- ARControl - Class in com.supermap.realspace
3D AR control.
- ARControl(Activity, SceneControl) - Constructor for class com.supermap.realspace.ARControl
Constructor, construct ARControl object according to activity and SceneControl.
- ARControl.ARPlaneTrackingListener - Interface in com.supermap.realspace
AR plane tracking monitoring.
- ARControl.AugmentedImageTrackingListener - Interface in com.supermap.realspace
The monitoring callback method after image tracking returns the name of the image that is currently successfully tracked, and can track up to 20 images simultaneously.
- ArControl2 - Class in com.supermap.mapping.AR
AR Map control
- ArControl2(Context) - Constructor for class com.supermap.mapping.AR.ArControl2
The constructor.
- ArControl2(Context, AttributeSet) - Constructor for class com.supermap.mapping.AR.ArControl2
The constructor.
- ArControl2(Context, AttributeSet, int) - Constructor for class com.supermap.mapping.AR.ArControl2
The constructor.
- ARCsvReader - Class in com.supermap.ar.areffect
CSV file reader Read the parameter recordset from a file
- ARCsvReader(Context, ARCsvReader.OnReadUpdateListener) - Constructor for class com.supermap.ar.areffect.ARCsvReader
- ARCsvReader.OnReadUpdateListener - Interface in com.supermap.ar.areffect
Read update monitor
- ARDrawView - Class in com.supermap.mapping.arRender
AR arrow control
- ARDrawView(Context) - Constructor for class com.supermap.mapping.arRender.ARDrawView
Construction method
- ARDrawView(Context, AttributeSet) - Constructor for class com.supermap.mapping.arRender.ARDrawView
Construction method
- ARDynamicGeometry - Class in com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset
Dynamic geometry object
- ARDynamicGeometry(AREffectElement) - Constructor for class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.ARDynamicGeometry
The constructor
- ARDynamicGeometry.OnPointUpdateListener - Interface in com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset
Point listening event
- AREA - Static variable in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeGraphType
Area map
- areaMeasured(double, Point) - Method in interface com.supermap.mapping.MeasureListener
The area measure result.
- AREffectElement - Class in com.supermap.ar.areffect
AR special object
- AREffectElement(Context) - Constructor for class com.supermap.ar.areffect.AREffectElement
Construction method
- AREffectElement.onRenderableLoadCompleteListener - Interface in com.supermap.ar.areffect
Resource load listener
- AREffectElement.OnTapListener - Interface in com.supermap.ar.areffect
The click listener interface
- AREffectElement.OnTouchListener - Interface in com.supermap.ar.areffect
The touch listener interface
- AREffectElement.PositionType - Enum in com.supermap.ar.areffect
The displaying position types
- AREffectView - Class in com.supermap.ar.areffect
AR special effect view control api 'com.google.android.filament:filament-android:1.7.0' api 'com.google.android.filament:gltfio-android:1.7.0' api 'com.google.ar:core:1.16.0'
- AREffectView(Context) - Constructor for class com.supermap.ar.areffect.AREffectView
Construction method
- AREffectView(Context, AttributeSet) - Constructor for class com.supermap.ar.areffect.AREffectView
- AREffectView(Context, AttributeSet, int) - Constructor for class com.supermap.ar.areffect.AREffectView
- AREffectView(Context, AttributeSet, int, int) - Constructor for class com.supermap.ar.areffect.AREffectView
- AREffectViewRecorder - Class in com.supermap.ar.areffect.record
Effects view recorder Record AR view and record real-time attitude data SampleCode: ...
- AREffectViewRecorder.Builder - Class in com.supermap.ar.areffect.record
Recorder constructor
- ARGatherView - Class in com.supermap.ar.gather
High-precision coordinate collection class The class is for collecting track objects with altitudes by using the computer vision technology.
- ARGatherView(Context) - Constructor for class com.supermap.ar.gather.ARGatherView
The constructor.
- ARGatherView(Context, AttributeSet) - Constructor for class com.supermap.ar.gather.ARGatherView
The constructor.
- ARGeoDottedLine - Class in com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset
author : linwenhao date : 2021/7/7 17:21 desc : Dotted line version: 1.0
- ARGeoDottedLine() - Constructor for class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.ARGeoDottedLine
The constructor Transparent materials are used by default
- ARGeoDottedLine(BaseShape.MatType) - Constructor for class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.ARGeoDottedLine
The constructor
- ARGeoHorizontalRegion - Class in com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset
The plane geometry object.
- ARGeoHorizontalRegion() - Constructor for class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.ARGeoHorizontalRegion
Construction method
- ARGeoHorizontalRegion(BaseShape.MatType) - Constructor for class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.ARGeoHorizontalRegion
Construction method
- ARGeoLine - Class in com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset
AR line object
- ARGeoLine() - Constructor for class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.ARGeoLine
A constructor Transparent materials are used by default
- ARGeoLine(BaseShape.MatType) - Constructor for class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.ARGeoLine
A constructor
- ARGeometry - Class in com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset
AR geometry object
- ARGeometry(BaseShape.MatType) - Constructor for class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.ARGeometry
- ARGeometry() - Constructor for class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.ARGeometry
constructor Transparent materials are used by default
- ARGeometry.ARGeometryType - Enum in com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset
- ARGeoPoint - Class in com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset
AR point object
- ARGeoPoint() - Constructor for class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.ARGeoPoint
A constructor Transparent materials are used by default
- ARGeoPoint(BaseShape.MatType) - Constructor for class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.ARGeoPoint
A constructor
- ARGeoPrism - Class in com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset
AR prism geometry
- ARGeoPrism() - Constructor for class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.ARGeoPrism
The constructor
- ARGeoPrism(BaseShape.MatType) - Constructor for class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.ARGeoPrism
The constructor
- ARGeoRegion2 - Class in com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset
Plane geometry object This class is used to describe planar entities, typically represented by a set of one or more ordered coordinate points.
- ARGeoRegion2() - Constructor for class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.ARGeoRegion2
A constructor
- ARGeoRegion2(BaseShape.MatType) - Constructor for class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.ARGeoRegion2
A constructor
- ARGeoVerticalRegion - Class in com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset
AR vertical plane.
- ARGeoVerticalRegion() - Constructor for class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.ARGeoVerticalRegion
Construction method Transparent texture is by default.
- ARGeoVerticalRegion(BaseShape.MatType) - Constructor for class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.ARGeoVerticalRegion
Construction method
- ARGltfElement - Class in com.supermap.ar.areffect
AR special object - Gltf model
- ARGltfElement(Context) - Constructor for class com.supermap.ar.areffect.ARGltfElement
The constructor.
- ARLayerView - Class in com.supermap.ar.arlayer
AR navigation guidance view class This class achieve the navigation on a real scene.
- ARLayerView(Context) - Constructor for class com.supermap.ar.arlayer.ARLayerView
- ARLayerView(Context, AttributeSet) - Constructor for class com.supermap.ar.arlayer.ARLayerView
- ARLayerView(Context, AttributeSet, int) - Constructor for class com.supermap.ar.arlayer.ARLayerView
- ARLayerView(Context, AttributeSet, int, int) - Constructor for class com.supermap.ar.arlayer.ARLayerView
- ARMapDrawView - Class in com.supermap.mapping.AR
One inherits from view and another one inherits from surfaceview.
- ARMapDrawView(Context) - Constructor for class com.supermap.mapping.AR.ARMapDrawView
- ARMapElement - Class in com.supermap.ar.areffect
AR map elements
- ARMapElement(Context) - Constructor for class com.supermap.ar.areffect.ARMapElement
The constructor
- ARMapElement.ActionType - Enum in com.supermap.ar.areffect
- ARMapElement.MapRefreshListener - Interface in com.supermap.ar.areffect
- ARMapElement.OnMapClickListener - Interface in com.supermap.ar.areffect
Map click listener, used to monitor the starting and ending points in path analysis
- ARMapElement.OnMapUpdateListener - Interface in com.supermap.ar.areffect
Map update monitor
- ARMeasureView - Class in com.supermap.ar.highprecision
AI measurement view class This class provides AI measurement and vision positioning.
- ARMeasureView(Context) - Constructor for class com.supermap.ar.highprecision.ARMeasureView
Construction method
- ARMeasureView(Context, AttributeSet) - Constructor for class com.supermap.ar.highprecision.ARMeasureView
Construction method
- ARMeasureView.FlagType - Enum in com.supermap.ar.highprecision
the style of guiding mark
- ARMode - Class in com.supermap.mapping.AR
AR map mode
- ArObject - Class in com.supermap.ar
ArObject class This is the base class of AR objects.
- ArObject(long) - Constructor for class com.supermap.ar.ArObject
Creates AR objects which are with unique ID.
- ArObject() - Constructor for class com.supermap.ar.ArObject
Constructor for creating objects
- ArObjectList - Class in com.supermap.ar
AR object list class Users can save AR objects according to their types
- ArObjectList() - Constructor for class com.supermap.ar.ArObjectList
- ARParticleElement - Class in com.supermap.ar.areffect
AR special effect object.
- ARParticleElement(Context) - Constructor for class com.supermap.ar.areffect.ARParticleElement
Construction method
- ARPlane - Class in com.supermap.realspace
AR plane class
- ARPlane() - Constructor for class com.supermap.realspace.ARPlane
- ARPlanes - Class in com.supermap.realspace
AR plane collection class
- ARPlanes() - Constructor for class com.supermap.realspace.ARPlanes
- ARRealMap - Class in com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset
1:1 maps on AR
- ARRealMap(EffectView) - Constructor for class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.ARRealMap
The constructor.
- ARRealMap(AREffectElement) - Constructor for class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.ARRealMap
The constructor.
- ARRecordParameter - Class in com.supermap.ar.areffect
Record parameters of AR scene inertial data (ENU coordinate systems)
- ARRecordParameter() - Constructor for class com.supermap.ar.areffect.ARRecordParameter
The constructor.
- ARRendererInfoUtil - Class in com.supermap.ar
SR mode settings
- ARRendererInfoUtil() - Constructor for class com.supermap.ar.ARRendererInfoUtil
- arrive(int) - Method in interface com.supermap.navi.NavigationStatusListener
Callback when you arrive at destination.
- ArRulerCallBack - Interface in com.supermap.ar.arcartograph
AR measurement callback class
- ArSceneLoader - Class in com.supermap.ar.areffect.loader
AR scene loader Scenes of each floor, sand table, pipeline, etc
- ArSceneLoader(EffectView) - Constructor for class com.supermap.ar.areffect.loader.ArSceneLoader
The constructor
- ArSceneLoader(AREffectElement) - Constructor for class com.supermap.ar.areffect.loader.ArSceneLoader
Location of the constructor parent
- ARTrackingStateDetector - Class in com.supermap.ar.areffect.component
Tracking state detector Used to check whether the AR is in the tracing state TrackingStateDetector trackingStateDetector = new TrackingStateDetector(efView); trackingStateDetector.open(); efView.addOnUpdateListener(() -> { //Desc - When the value is false, the tracking state is lost, and true indicates that the AR camera is still tracking boolean detect = trackingStateDetector.detect(efView); }); //trackingStateDetector.close();
- ARTrackingStateDetector(AREffectView) - Constructor for class com.supermap.ar.areffect.component.ARTrackingStateDetector
- ARTrackingStateDetector(HmsAREffectView) - Constructor for class com.supermap.ar.areffect.component.ARTrackingStateDetector
- ARVideoElement - Class in com.supermap.ar.areffect
AR video elements
- ARVideoElement(Context) - Constructor for class com.supermap.ar.areffect.ARVideoElement
The constructor.
- ARVideoElement2 - Class in com.supermap.ar.areffect
author : linwenhao date : 2022/4/8 10:37 desc : version: 1.0
- ARVideoElement2(Context) - Constructor for class com.supermap.ar.areffect.ARVideoElement2
- ArView - Class in com.supermap.ar
AR view class The class Support Fragment can show camera view and AR scenery view and provide a series of functions to control AR sceneries.
- ArView() - Constructor for class com.supermap.ar.ArView
- ArViewAdapter - Class in com.supermap.ar
AR adapter
- ArViewAdapter(Context) - Constructor for class com.supermap.ar.ArViewAdapter
Create an adapter
- ARViewElement - Class in com.supermap.ar.areffect
AR special effect object - 2D view Uses ViewRenderable
- ARViewElement(Context) - Constructor for class com.supermap.ar.areffect.ARViewElement
- ARWebViewElement - Class in com.supermap.ar.areffect
WebView Uses ViewRenderable
- ARWebViewElement(Context) - Constructor for class com.supermap.ar.areffect.ARWebViewElement
- Asset - Class in com.supermap.ar.areffect.gltfModel
- Asset() - Constructor for class com.supermap.ar.areffect.gltfModel.Asset
- Asset(String, String) - Constructor for class com.supermap.ar.areffect.gltfModel.Asset
- assetManager - Variable in class com.supermap.ai.AIDetectViewInfo
assetManager to save model files
- AttribAnimation - Static variable in class com.supermap.plot.AnimationDefine.AnimationType
Blink animation
- ATTRIBUTE - Static variable in class com.supermap.services.QueryOption
The query result is attributes.
- ATTRIBUTEANDGEOMETRY - Static variable in class com.supermap.services.QueryOption
The query result contains both attributes and geometries.
- Attributes - Class in com.supermap.ar.areffect.gltfModel
Properties of basic graphic elements (Defined by gltf format.
- Attributes() - Constructor for class com.supermap.ar.areffect.gltfModel.Attributes
- autoCompletePolygon(DatasetVector, Rectangle2D, GeoLine) - Static method in class com.supermap.analyst.spatialanalyst.Generalization
Auto complete regions
- AVERAGE - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.StatisticMode
Calculates the average of the selected field.
- AVG - Static variable in class com.supermap.mapping.AggregationFunctionType
- azimuthChange(double) - Method in interface com.supermap.navi.AzimuthChangeListener
The azimuth change callback.
- AzimuthChangeListener - Interface in com.supermap.navi
The azimuth change listener.
- BACK - Static variable in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.TurnType
Turns back.
- BaiDu - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.EngineType
Baidu map engine, it is a read only engine and can be created.
- BALTIC - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.Charset
Baltic character set.
- bandPhoneNumberFailed(String) - Method in interface com.supermap.data.RecycleLicenseManager.RecycleLicenseCallback
Trigger when failed to bind
- BAR - Static variable in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeGraphType
Bar chart
- BAR3D - Static variable in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeGraphType
3D bar chart
- BarChart - Class in com.supermap.mapping.imChart
Bar chart class, used to display bar chart
- BarChart(Context) - Constructor for class com.supermap.mapping.imChart.BarChart
constructor, extend View.
- BarChart(Context, AttributeSet) - Constructor for class com.supermap.mapping.imChart.BarChart
constructor, extend View.
- BarChart(Context, AttributeSet, int) - Constructor for class com.supermap.mapping.imChart.BarChart
constructor, extend View.
- BarChartData - Class in com.supermap.mapping.imChart
Bar chart data class, build chart data for displaying bar chart Each value corresponds to a label and color and is scaled to a rectangle
- BarChartData() - Constructor for class com.supermap.mapping.imChart.BarChartData
- BaseCatchManager - Class in com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset
Basic geometric object capturing manager.
- BaseCatchManager() - Constructor for class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.BaseCatchManager
The constructor.
- BaseCatchManager.ActionType - Enum in com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset
- BaseCatchManager.OnUpdateListener - Interface in com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset
Snapping-updating listener
- BaseColorTexture - Class in com.supermap.ar.areffect.gltfModel
Basic texture parameter (One of PBR parameters)
- BaseColorTexture() - Constructor for class com.supermap.ar.areffect.gltfModel.BaseColorTexture
- BASELINECENTER - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.TextAlignment
Base line center.
- BASELINELEFT - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.TextAlignment
Base line left.
- BASELINERIGHT - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.TextAlignment
Base line right.
- BaseShape - Class in com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset
Base shape class Point, line, region
- BaseShape(BaseShape.MatType) - Constructor for class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.BaseShape
Construction method
- BaseShape.MatType - Enum in com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset
Texture types OPAQUE transparent texture TRANSPARENT opaque texture
- BaseShape.Mode - Enum in com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset
Drawing mode TRIANGLE_FAN The first point and next two adjacent points compose a triangle.
- BEFORE - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.WhereToCalibrate
Only calibrates the M value of the point at the BEFORE position.
- BEFOREANDAFTER - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.WhereToCalibrate
Only calibrate the M values of the points at the BEFORE and AFTER positions.
- BEFOREANDINTERVAL - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.WhereToCalibrate
Only calibrate the M values of the points at the BEFORE and INTERVAL positions.
- beforeFinishGeometryEdited(FinishEditedEvent) - Method in interface com.supermap.mapping.EditStatusListener
Complete the topology before editing the operation of the monitor.
- begin() - Method in class com.supermap.data.Recordset.BatchEditor
Sets the starting for batch updates.
- beginAR() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.AR.ArControl2
Turn on AR map mode
- bFix - Variable in class com.supermap.plugin.LocationManagePlugin.Satellite
Whether to locate.
- bindEmail(String, OnlineCallBack.CallBackString) - Static method in class com.supermap.onlineservices.OnlineService
Binds an email address
- bindPhoneNumber(String) - Method in class com.supermap.data.RecycleLicenseManager
Bind the phone number.
- bindPhoneNumber(String, String, OnlineCallBack.CallBackString) - Static method in class com.supermap.onlineservices.OnlineService
Binds a phone number
- bindQueue(String, String, String) - Method in class com.supermap.messagequeue.AMQPManager
Bind the queue and switch through the specified routingkey
- bindView(View) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.component.BubbleView2
- bindView(EffectView) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.BaseCatchManager
Binds view
- BingMaps - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.EngineType
BingMaps engine is used to open the BingMaps datasource
- BIT16 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PixelFormat
Specifies that the format is 16 bits per pixel, namely, 2 bytes per pixel.
- BIT32 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PixelFormat
Specifies that the format is 32 bits per pixel, that is, 4 bytes per pixel.
- BIT64 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PixelFormat
Specifies that the format is 64 bits per pixel, that is, 8 bytes per pixel.
- BitmapUtils - Class in com.supermap.mapping
author : linwenhao date : 2021/12/22 10:51 desc : bitmap Utility class, inner class version: 1.0
- BitmapUtils() - Constructor for class com.supermap.mapping.BitmapUtils
- BLACK_WHITE_REVERSE - Static variable in class com.supermap.mapping.MapColorMode
Black and white reverse color mode.
- BLACKWHITE - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.ColorGradientType
The black white gradient.
- BLACKWHITE - Static variable in class com.supermap.mapping.MapColorMode
Black and white color mode.
- BlinkAnimation - Static variable in class com.supermap.plot.AnimationDefine.AnimationType
Blink animation
- BLUEBLACK - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.ColorGradientType
Blue, black gradient color .
- BLUERED - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.ColorGradientType
Blue, red gradient color.
- BLUEWHITE - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.ColorGradientType
Blue, white gradient color.
- BMP - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.ImageFormatType
BMP format.
- BOOLEAN - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.FieldType
The Boolean Type.
- BOTTOM - Static variable in class com.supermap.mapping.imChart.ChartLegend
Center Bottom
- BOTTOMCENTER - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.TextAlignment
Bottom center.
- BOTTOMLEFT - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.TextAlignment
Bottom left.
- BOTTOMLEFT - Static variable in class com.supermap.mapping.imChart.ChartLegend
Bottom Left
- BOTTOMRIGHT - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.TextAlignment
Bottom right.
- BOTTOMRIGHT - Static variable in class com.supermap.mapping.imChart.ChartLegend
Bottom Right
- boundsChanged(Point2D) - Method in interface com.supermap.mapping.MapParameterChangedListener
Listens to the map bounds change.
- BoundsQuery - Static variable in class com.supermap.services.QueryMode
Bounds query.
- BoundsType - Class in com.supermap.analyst.spatialanalyst
The map bound types
- BoxClipPart - Class in com.supermap.realspace
This enumeration class defines the type constants for the specified clipping region when cropping analysis
- bRoadDirection - Variable in class com.supermap.navi.Navigation.SpeechParam
Whether to report road direction.
- BubbleView - Class in com.supermap.ar.areffect.component
Bubble view
- BubbleView(Context) - Constructor for class com.supermap.ar.areffect.component.BubbleView
- BubbleView(Context, AttributeSet) - Constructor for class com.supermap.ar.areffect.component.BubbleView
- BubbleView(Context, AttributeSet, int) - Constructor for class com.supermap.ar.areffect.component.BubbleView
- BubbleView(Context, AttributeSet, int, int) - Constructor for class com.supermap.ar.areffect.component.BubbleView
- BubbleView2 - Class in com.supermap.ar.areffect.component
Bubble window
- BubbleView2(Context) - Constructor for class com.supermap.ar.areffect.component.BubbleView2
- BubbleView2(Context, AttributeSet) - Constructor for class com.supermap.ar.areffect.component.BubbleView2
- BubbleView2(Context, AttributeSet, int) - Constructor for class com.supermap.ar.areffect.component.BubbleView2
- BubbleView2(Context, AttributeSet, int, int) - Constructor for class com.supermap.ar.areffect.component.BubbleView2
- BufferAnalyst - Class in com.supermap.analyst
The BufferAnalyst class Buffer analyst is the fundamental spatial analyst in GIS.
- BufferAnalystGeometry - Class in com.supermap.analyst
The BufferAnalystGeometry class.
- BufferAnalystOnline - Class in com.supermap.distributeanalystservices
online buffer analyst
- BufferAnalystOnline() - Constructor for class com.supermap.distributeanalystservices.BufferAnalystOnline
The constructor.
- BufferAnalystParameter - Class in com.supermap.analyst
The BufferAnalystParameter class which provides the necessary parameters for the buffer analyst.
- BufferAnalystParameter() - Constructor for class com.supermap.analyst.BufferAnalystParameter
Initializes a new instance of the BufferAnalystParameter class.
- BufferAnalystParameter(BufferAnalystParameter) - Constructor for class com.supermap.analyst.BufferAnalystParameter
Initializes a new instance of the BufferAnalystParameter class which is identical with the specified BufferAnalystParameter object.
- BufferEndType - Class in com.supermap.analyst
The class defines the buffer endpoint type constant.
- BufferRadiusUnit - Class in com.supermap.analyst
Defines radius types for buffer analysis.
- Buffers - Class in com.supermap.ar.areffect.gltfModel
gltf data buffer zone Positions data using uri. uri can refer to an external file (like bin).
- Buffers() - Constructor for class com.supermap.ar.areffect.gltfModel.Buffers
- BufferStreamForByte(String, int) - Static method in class com.supermap.realspace.ProjectionImage
- BufferViews - Class in com.supermap.ar.areffect.gltfModel
Tile set of Gltf bufferview represents tiles (or blocks) of one buffer.
- BufferViews() - Constructor for class com.supermap.ar.areffect.gltfModel.BufferViews
- build() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.excavator.ExcavationParameter.Builder
create parameters
- build() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.record.AREffectViewRecorder.Builder
The current version only supports this function
- build() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.record.EffectViewRecorder.Builder
Creates The current version supports only
- build() - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.ProjectionImage
- build() - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Sightline
Perform visibility analysis.
- build() - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Skyline
- buildDrawingCache() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.VideoEffectView
- builder() - Static method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.excavator.ExcavationParameter
create Builder
- builder(AREffectView) - Static method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.record.AREffectViewRecorder
creat Builder
- builder(EffectView) - Static method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.record.EffectViewRecorder
Create Builder
- buildNetwork(DatasetVector, Datasource, String, double) - Static method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.NetworkBuilder
- buildNetwork(DatasetVector[], DatasetVector[], Datasource, String, NetworkSplitMode, double) - Static method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.NetworkBuilder
- buildNetwork(DatasetVector, DatasetVector, String, String, String, String, Datasource, String) - Static method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.NetworkBuilder
Build a network dataset.
- buildNetwork(DatasetVector[], DatasetVector[], String[], String[], Datasource, String, NetworkSplitMode, double) - Static method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.NetworkBuilder
- buildPyramid() - Method in class com.supermap.data.DatasetGrid
To create an image pyramid, you must first close the dataset before creating the image pyramid.
- buildPyramid() - Method in class com.supermap.data.DatasetImage
To create an image pyramid, you must first close the dataset .
- buildSpatialIndex(SpatialIndexInfo) - Method in class com.supermap.data.DatasetVector
Creates a spatial index for the vector dataset based on the specified spatial index information.
- buildSpatialIndex(SpatialIndexType) - Method in class com.supermap.data.DatasetVector
Creates a spatial index for a vector dataset based on the given spatial index type.
- buildStatistics() - Method in class com.supermap.data.DatasetGrid
Implement the statistics for the raster dataset.
- buildValueTable(Datasource, String) - Method in class com.supermap.data.DatasetGrid
Create the cell value property sheet, and its type is tabular dataset
. - BYDISTANCE - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.CalibrateMode
Calibrate by distance.
- BYMEASURE - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.CalibrateMode
Calibrate by measure.
- BYTE - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.EncodeType
Single-byte encoding.
- BYTE - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.FieldType
The Byte type.
- CAD - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.DatasetType
CAD dataset is used to store multiple kinds of datasets.
- calcAngle(Point2D, Point2D, Point2D) - Static method in class com.supermap.data.Toolkit
Calculates the clockwise angle between the two lines which are built by three points in order
- calculate(AREffectView, boolean, CalibrationPoint, CalibrationPoint) - Static method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.CalibrationResult
The geographical location of the device is calculated by means of two corrections This method will calculate the offset before and after correction
- calculate(AREffectView, boolean, TransformationMode, CalibrationPoint...) - Static method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.CalibrationResult
Calculate the location of the device through registration
- calculate(ExcavationParameter) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.excavator.Excavator
- calculate_AR_End(int, int, double, double, double, double, float, float, String, String) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.AR.ArControl2
Calculates the endint point of AR navigation
- calculateAspect(DatasetGrid, Datasource, String) - Static method in class com.supermap.analyst.spatialanalyst.CalculationTerrain
Calculates the aspect
- calculateDeviceInfo(ARAugmentedImage, Location) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.scanner.ImageScanner
Calculate the azimuth when the camera starts
- calculateDeviceLocation(Location, Point3D, float) - Static method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.ConvertTool
Calculates the geographical position of the device
- calculateDistanceMeters(GeoObject) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.GeoObject
Calculates the distance between the current object to another one.
- calculateDistanceMeters(double, double) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.GeoObject
Calculates the distance between the current object to another one.
- calculateExtremum() - Method in class com.supermap.data.DatasetGrid
Calculate the extreme value of the grid dataset.
- calculateFailed(String) - Method in interface com.supermap.onlineservices.NavigationOnline.NavigationOnlineCallback
Returns an abnormal callback
- calculateFocalLength35mmEq(float, float) - Static method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.RecordParameter
Calculates 35mm equivalent focal length
- calculateHorizontalFOV(float, float) - Static method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.RecordParameter
Calculates horizontal FOV
- calculateLineDistance(Point2D, Point2D) - Static method in class com.supermap.data.PathSmoothTool
calculate distance
- calculateNoM(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoLineM
Gets the M values for points with no M values through interpolation.
- calculateProfile(DatasetGrid, GeoLine, double) - Static method in class com.supermap.analyst.spatialanalyst.CalculationTerrain
- calculateProfile(DatasetGrid, GeoLine) - Static method in class com.supermap.analyst.spatialanalyst.CalculationTerrain
brief performing profile analysis
- calculateSlope(DatasetGrid, SlopeType, double, Datasource, String) - Static method in class com.supermap.analyst.spatialanalyst.CalculationTerrain
Calculates the slope gradient
- calculateSuccess(NavigationOnlineData) - Method in interface com.supermap.onlineservices.NavigationOnline.NavigationOnlineCallback
Return data callback
- calculateVerticalFOV(float, float) - Static method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.RecordParameter
Calculates the virtical FOV
- calculateViewShed(DatasetGrid, Point3D, double, double, double, Datasource, String) - Static method in class com.supermap.analyst.spatialanalyst.VisibilityAnalyst
Single-point viewshed analysis
- calculateViewShed(DatasetGrid, Point3Ds, double[], double[], double[], Datasource, String, ViewShedType) - Static method in class com.supermap.analyst.spatialanalyst.VisibilityAnalyst
Multiple-points viewshed analysis
- CalculationTerrain - Class in com.supermap.analyst.spatialanalyst
The terrain analysis class
- CalculationTerrain() - Constructor for class com.supermap.analyst.spatialanalyst.CalculationTerrain
- calibrateLineM(PointMs, CalibrateMode, boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoLineM
Calibrates the GeoLineM object with pointMs.
- calibrateLineM(GeoLineM, CalibrateMode, boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoLineM
Clibrates the GeoLineM object according to the given GeoLineM object.
- CalibrateMode - Class in com.supermap.data
Defines the calibration types for M values of the LineM objects.
- CalibrationModel - Class in com.supermap.videomap
Calibrate the model entity class
- CalibrationModel() - Constructor for class com.supermap.videomap.CalibrationModel
- CalibrationPoint - Class in com.supermap.ar.areffect
Calibration point For two-point correction
- CalibrationPoint() - Constructor for class com.supermap.ar.areffect.CalibrationPoint
The constructor
- CalibrationPoint(Location, Point3D) - Constructor for class com.supermap.ar.areffect.CalibrationPoint
The constructor
- CalibrationPoint(Point2D, Point3D) - Constructor for class com.supermap.ar.areffect.CalibrationPoint
The constructor
- CalibrationResult - Class in com.supermap.ar.areffect
Calibration results Get the geographical position and azimuth when mobile phone starts AR scene through two-point positioning
- CallBackBitmap() - Constructor for class com.supermap.onlineservices.OnlineCallBack.CallBackBitmap
- CallBackString() - Constructor for class com.supermap.onlineservices.OnlineCallBack.CallBackString
- CallOut - Class in com.supermap.mapping
The CallOut class.
- CallOut(Context) - Constructor for class com.supermap.mapping.CallOut
Initialize a new CallOut object with the parameters specified.
- CallOut(Context, View) - Constructor for class com.supermap.mapping.CallOut
Initialize a new CallOut object with the parameters specified.
- CalloutAlignment - Enum in com.supermap.mapping
Defines the callout alignment constant.
- calulateOrientation(double) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.AR.ArControl2
Calculates the direction
- Camera - Class in com.supermap.realspace
The SuperMap 3D geographic information system controls objects displayed in the scene by the
object. - Camera() - Constructor for class com.supermap.realspace.Camera
Constructs a new Camera object.
- Camera(Camera) - Constructor for class com.supermap.realspace.Camera
Constructs a new object that is the same with the specified Camera object.
- Camera(double, double, double) - Constructor for class com.supermap.realspace.Camera
Creates a new Camera object according to given parameters.
- Camera(double, double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class com.supermap.realspace.Camera
Creates a new Camera object according to given parameters.
- CameraIntrinsic - Class in com.supermap.videomap
The camera parameters
- CameraIntrinsic() - Constructor for class com.supermap.videomap.CameraIntrinsic
- CameraLocation - Class in com.supermap.videomap
The camera parameters
- CameraLocation() - Constructor for class com.supermap.videomap.CameraLocation
- CameraRecordControl - Class in com.supermap.ar.areffect
Camera Record Controller Exports the tracing records of camera from AR scene
- CameraRecordControl.RayTestStatusListener - Interface in com.supermap.ar.areffect
Ray detection listens for events After the renderer is enabled, if
- CameraRecordControl.TaskManager - Class in com.supermap.ar.areffect
Refresh manager Use a singleton to manage all the refresh CameraWindowRenderer The advantage of this is that when multiple camerawindowrenderers are present,Unified refresh,Avoid stalling caused by multiple Timer updates. - CameraRecordControl.TaskManager.OnRefreshListener - Interface in com.supermap.ar.areffect
Refresh the monitor
- CameraView - Class in com.supermap.ai.mediaservice
Camera View
- CameraWindowRenderer - Class in com.supermap.ar.areffect
Camera window renderer Render the corresponding window in the map dynamic layer when the phone is looking down at the ground
- CameraWindowRenderer(EffectView, DynamicView) - Constructor for class com.supermap.ar.areffect.CameraWindowRenderer
The constructor
- CameraWindowRenderer(EffectView, Map, CameraWindowRenderer.RenderType) - Constructor for class com.supermap.ar.areffect.CameraWindowRenderer
The constructor
- CameraWindowRenderer.RenderType - Enum in com.supermap.ar.areffect
Apply colours to a drawing type
- cancel() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.MapControl
The cancel operation.
- cancel() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.speech.SpeechControl
Cancels the current function with the function.
- cancel() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.speech.SpeechManager
Cancels the current function with the function.
- cancelAnimation() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.MapControl
Cancels the animation of panning and zooming.
- cancelAnimation() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.MapViewGroup
Cancels the animation of panning and zooming.
- cancelDownload(Call) - Method in class com.supermap.services.iportalservices.IPortalService
Cancels the currently downloading task
- cancelMapDrawAngle() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.MapViewAnimation
Cancels the drawing of the rotation angle
- cancelMapDrawSlanAngle() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.MapViewAnimation
Cancels the drawing of the pitch
- cancelUpdate() - Method in class com.supermap.data.Recordset
Cancels all changes to current or new record before calling Update.
- cancelUpload(Call) - Method in class com.supermap.services.iportalservices.IPortalService
Cancels the currently uploading task
- canContain(Geometry, Geometry) - Static method in class com.supermap.data.Geometrist
Determines whether the search geometry object contains the searched geometry object or not.
- CAPTION - Static variable in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeGraphTextFormat
The title.
- CAPTION_PERCENT - Static variable in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeGraphTextFormat
Title + Percent
- CAPTION_VALUE - Static variable in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeGraphTextFormat
Title + True value
- captureImage() - Method in class com.supermap.mdatacollector.MDataCollector
Enables the camera to capture photoes.
- captureScreen(String) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.AREffectView
- captureScreen(String) - Method in interface com.supermap.ar.areffect.ICapture
- captureVideo() - Method in class com.supermap.mdatacollector.MDataCollector
Open the camera to capture photos.
- ceiling(Point2D) - Static method in class com.supermap.data.Point2D
Returns a Point2D object whose X, Y coordinates are the larger than or equal to the minimum integer of the X, Y coordinates of the given point.
- ceiling(Rectangle2D) - Static method in class com.supermap.data.Rectangle2D
Use the minimum integral values larger than or equal to the x-coordinate of left edge, y-coordinate of bottom edge, x-coordinate of the right edge and y-coordinate of the top edge to construct a new Rectangle2D object, then return the object.
- ceiling(Size2D) - Static method in class com.supermap.data.Size2D
Returns a new Size2D object, whose width and height is larger than or equal to the minimum integral value of the corresponding value of the given Size2D object, for example, if the given object is Size2D(2.3,6.8), the created object will be Size2D(3,7).
- CeilingExcavator - Class in com.supermap.ar.areffect.excavator
- CeilingExcavator(ARGeoPrism) - Constructor for class com.supermap.ar.areffect.excavator.CeilingExcavator
- CellSizeType - Class in com.supermap.analyst.spatialanalyst
The cell type of the raster dataset
- CentiMeter - Static variable in class com.supermap.analyst.BufferRadiusUnit
- CENTIMETER - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.Unit
- changeDataVisiblity(String, boolean, OnlineCallBack.CallBackString) - Static method in class com.supermap.onlineservices.OnlineService
Modifies my data status
- changeModelFile(AIDetectViewInfo) - Method in class com.supermap.ai.AIDetectView
Switch models
- changePassword(String, String, DatasourceEncrytionType) - Method in class com.supermap.data.Datasource
Modify the datasource password of the current datasource
- changeServiceVisiblity(String, boolean, OnlineCallBack.CallBackString) - Static method in class com.supermap.onlineservices.OnlineService
Sets the status of service to public or private
- Channels - Class in com.supermap.ar.areffect.gltfModel
Channel information on animations
- Channels() - Constructor for class com.supermap.ar.areffect.gltfModel.Channels
- CHAR - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.FieldType
The field that stores fixed-length multibyte character strings.For example, if the specified length of the character string is 10, the actual length of a character string is 3, and then the remaining digits will be filled with zero.
- Charset - Class in com.supermap.data
This class defines the vector data character set type constant.
- ChartData - Class in com.supermap.mapping.imChart
chart data base class, defined the basic property of chart data.
- ChartLegend - Class in com.supermap.mapping.imChart
The ChartLegend Class.
- ChartLegend(Context, ChartView) - Constructor for class com.supermap.mapping.imChart.ChartLegend
The constructor.
- ChartPoint - Class in com.supermap.mapping.imChart
The chart uses the point object.
- ChartPoint() - Constructor for class com.supermap.mapping.imChart.ChartPoint
The default constructor.
- ChartPoint(Point2D, float) - Constructor for class com.supermap.mapping.imChart.ChartPoint
The constructor.
- ChartsView - Class in com.supermap.mapping.imChart
charts view base class.
- ChartsView(Context) - Constructor for class com.supermap.mapping.imChart.ChartsView
- ChartsView(Context, AttributeSet) - Constructor for class com.supermap.mapping.imChart.ChartsView
- ChartsView(Context, AttributeSet, int) - Constructor for class com.supermap.mapping.imChart.ChartsView
- ChartsView.LegendViewPosition - Enum in com.supermap.mapping.imChart
legend position enumeration value
- ChartView - Class in com.supermap.mapping.imChart
The ChartVIew Base Class,It is a ViewGroup subclass that provides a common interface for charts.
- ChartView(Context) - Constructor for class com.supermap.mapping.imChart.ChartView
The constructor.
- ChartView(Context, AttributeSet) - Constructor for class com.supermap.mapping.imChart.ChartView
The constructor.
- ChartView(Context, MapView) - Constructor for class com.supermap.mapping.imChart.ChartView
The constructor.
- check() - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.TransportationAnalyst
Checks the transportation network dataset and the turn table, and return the result object.
- check() - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst3d.FacilityAnalyst3D
Checks the data for the 3D facility network dataset, and returns the results object of the Check class.
- check() - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst3d.TransportationAnalyst3D
Checks the data for the 3D transportation network dataset, and returns the results object of the Check class.
- checkGroupApply(String, List<Integer>, boolean, OnlineCallBack.CallBackString) - Static method in class com.supermap.onlineservices.OnlineService
Checks all applications of the group in bulk.
- checkGroupApply(String, List<String>, boolean, OnResponseListener) - Method in class com.supermap.services.iportalservices.IPortalService
Checks all applications of the current group in bulk.
- checkLoops() - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.FacilityAnalyst
Checks the loops of the network and returns the array of the edge IDs that form the loops.
- checkPoint(Point, boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.ARMapElement
Determine whether the point is out of range
- CHINESEBIG5 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.Charset
Chinese character set used mostly in Hong Kong SAR and Taiwan.
- CIRCLE - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.RegularizeMethod
- CLAMP_TO_GROUND - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.AltitudeMode
- clean() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.speech.SpeechControl
Stops navigation, clears starting point, end point, and path Empties Callout Empties the following layer
- cleanAll() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.highprecision.MeasureView
Clear all measurement results
- cleanPath() - Method in class com.supermap.navi.Navigation
Clears the path result.
- cleanPath() - Method in class com.supermap.navi.Navigation2
Clear the path analysis results
- cleanPath() - Method in class com.supermap.navi.Navigation3
Clear the path analysis results
- cleanPath() - Method in class com.supermap.navi.Navigation3D
Clear the path analysis results
- clear() - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.SupplyCenters
Clears all the objects in the SupplyCenters.
- clear() - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.WeightFieldInfos
Clears all the WeightFieldInfo objects in the WeightFieldInfos.
- clear() - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst3d.WeightFieldInfos3D
Empties the WeightFieldInfo3D objects in the WeightFieldInfos3D object.
- clear() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.loader.ArSceneLoader
Empty scene
- clear() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.ARGeoDottedLine
- clear() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.ARGeoHorizontalRegion
Clears objects
- clear() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.ARGeoLine
Clear all objects
- clear() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.ARGeometry
- clear() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.ARGeoPoint
- clear() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.ARGeoPrism
Clear all
- clear() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.ARGeoRegion2
Remove the object
- clear() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.ARGeoVerticalRegion
Clears all objects
- clear() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.BaseCatchManager
- clear() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.BaseShape
Clear shape
- clear() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.FlowElement
- clear() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.Shape
Clears objects
- clear() - Method in class com.supermap.data.ColorDictionary
clear all items.
- clear() - Method in class com.supermap.data.Colors
Clears all the colors in Colors.
- clear() - Method in class com.supermap.data.JoinItems
Clears all the JoinItem objects in this JoinItems object.
- clear() - Method in class com.supermap.data.Maps
Clears all the maps in this Maps object, that is deletes all the maps in the workspace.
- clear() - Method in class com.supermap.data.Point2Ds
Clears all the Point2D objects in this Point2Ds bject.
- clear() - Method in class com.supermap.data.Point3Ds
Clears all the Point2D objects in this Point2Ds bject.
- clear() - Method in class com.supermap.data.PointMs
Clears all the Point2D objects in this Point2Ds bject.
- clear() - Method in class com.supermap.data.Scenes
Deletes all the saved scenes in the scene.
- clear() - Method in class com.supermap.data.SymbolLibrary
Clears all the Symbol objects in the SymbolLibrary object.
- clear() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.dyn.DynamicView
Clears the dynamic object.
- clear() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.imChart.BarChart
clean all data.
- clear() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.imChart.BarChartData
clean all data
- clear() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.imChart.InstrumentChart
clear instrument pointer.
- clear() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.imChart.LegendView
clear all sub-item
- clear() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.imChart.LineChart
clean all data
- clear() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.imChart.PieChart
clean all data
- clear() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Layers
Deletes all the layers in this layers object.
- clear() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ScreenLayer
Clears all the geometric objects of the screen layer.
- clear() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Selection
Clears all the objects in the Selection.
- clear() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeGraph
- clear() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeGridRange
Clears all the items of the grid ranges map.
- clear() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeLabel
Clears the ThemeLabelItem objects in label map.
- clear() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeRange
Clears all the items of the ranges map.
- clear() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeUnique
Clears all the items of the unique values map.
- clear() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.TrackingLayer
Clears all the geometric objects in the tracking layer.
- clear() - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Feature3Ds
Clears all the subobjects of the Feature3Ds class and all the Feature3D objects in the Feature3Ds object.
- clear() - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.ProjectionImage
- clear() - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Routes
Clear all routes in the route collection.
- clear() - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.RouteStops
Clear the stop collection.
- clear() - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Selection3D
Clears all the objects in the Selection3D object and the objects will be unselected.
- clear() - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Skyline
- clear() - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.TerrainLayers
Remove all terrain layer objects from the terrain layer set.
- clear() - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.TrackingLayer3D
Clear the geometry event object in the 3D tracking layer.
- clear() - Method in class com.supermap.videomap.VideoParameters
clear the parameters
- clearAll() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.ARDynamicGeometry
clear All
- clearAll() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.highprecision.ARMeasureView
Empty all record points
- clearAllChilds() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.AREffectElement
Clears all sub objects
- clearAllRoutes() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.gather.ARGatherView
Empties all track points on the scene
- clearAllRoutes() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.gather.GatherView
Clears all saved points
- clearBarrierBound() - Method in class com.supermap.navi.Navigation
Clears barrier bound
- clearBarrierPoints() - Method in class com.supermap.navi.Navigation
Clears barrier points.
- ClearCacheFile(String, String) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.DownloadManager
Clear cached data for a layer in the scene.
- ClearCacheFile(String) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.DownloadManager
Clear the entire 3D scene resource cache data that has been downloaded.
- clearChart() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.imChart.TimeLine
Clear all related charts.
- clearCurrentObj() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.ARDynamicGeometry
Clears the currently drawn object
- clearCurrentRoute() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.gather.GatherView
Clears collection lines
- clearCustomClipPlane() - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Layer3D
Clear cut plane
- clearDetectObjects() - Method in class com.supermap.ai.AIDetectView
Clears recognition objects
- clearDraw() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.ARGeoLine
- clearElements() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.EffectView
Clears all objects in the scene
- clearErrors() - Static method in class com.supermap.data.Toolkit
Clears all the error log.
- clearFlattenRegion() - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Layer3DOSGBFile
Clear all flattened area objects and restore the initial state of the OSGB model.
- clearLocalLicense() - Method in class com.supermap.data.RecycleLicenseManager
Clear local license file
- clearMapDrawParams() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.AR.ArControl2
Clears map drawing parameters
- clearMapDrawParams() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.AR.ARMapDrawView
Clears AR drawing objects
- clearObjectsColor() - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Layer3DOSGBFile
Clear the color of all objects.
- clearPointList() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.OcclusionHelper
Clears the screen coordinate point collection
- clearResult() - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Sightline
Clean analysis result.
- clearValues() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.imChart.LineChartData
clear data
- clearWorld() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.World
Removes a scene
- climbChange(double, double) - Method in interface com.supermap.navi.ClimbChangeListener
The accumulation climbing change callback.
- ClimbChangeListener - Interface in com.supermap.navi
The accumulation climbing change listener.
- clip(DatasetVector, DatasetVector, DatasetVector, OverlayAnalystParameter) - Static method in class com.supermap.analyst.spatialanalyst.OverlayAnalyst
Crop the vector dataset and crop and delete the objects that are not in the cropped dataset (the second dataset) in the cut data set (the first dataset).
- clip(Recordset, Recordset, DatasetVector, OverlayAnalystParameter) - Static method in class com.supermap.analyst.spatialanalyst.OverlayAnalyst
Cut the recordset and crop and delete the objects in the second record set that are not in the second record set.
- clip(DatasetVector, Geometry[], DatasetVector, OverlayAnalystParameter) - Static method in class com.supermap.analyst.spatialanalyst.OverlayAnalyst
The vector dataset is cropped and the objects in the data set that are not in the geometric object array are cropped and deleted.
- clip(Dataset, GeoRegion, boolean, boolean, Datasource, String) - Static method in class com.supermap.analyst.spatialanalyst.RasterClip
Clip the dataset and save the result as another dataset.
- clip(DatasetImage, GeoRegion, boolean, String, RasterClipFileType) - Static method in class com.supermap.analyst.spatialanalyst.RasterClip
Raster clip.
- clip(GeoLineM, GeoRegion) - Static method in class com.supermap.data.GeoLineM
Clips the GeoLineM object according to the given clip region.
- clip(Geometry, Geometry) - Static method in class com.supermap.data.Geometrist
Creates the geometry object that the operated geometry object is clipped by the operate geometry object.
- clip(Geometry, Rectangle2D) - Static method in class com.supermap.data.Geometrist
Builds a geometry object trimmed by a specified rectangle based on specified geometry object.
- CLIP_INNER - Static variable in class com.supermap.realspace.BoxClipPart
Crop the inside part of the box
- CLIP_OUTER - Static variable in class com.supermap.realspace.BoxClipPart
Crop the outer part of the box
- clipByBox(GeoBox, BoxClipPart) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Layer3D
Crop the renderable part of the layer according to the specified cuboid box and crop area
- clipCAD(DatasetVector, Geometry, DatasetVector, boolean, boolean, double) - Static method in class com.supermap.analyst.spatialanalyst.OverlayAnalyst
Clips CAD
- clipText(DatasetVector, Geometry, DatasetVector, boolean, boolean, double) - Static method in class com.supermap.analyst.spatialanalyst.OverlayAnalyst
Clips a text dataset
- ClockWise - Static variable in class com.supermap.plot.AnimationDefine.RotateDirection
- clone() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.ARRecordParameter
- clone() - Method in class com.supermap.data.CoordSysTransParameter
For the clone of CoordSysTransParameter
- clone() - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoArc
Return a copy of the current GeoArc object.
- clone() - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoBox
return the current GeoBox object
- clone() - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoBSpline
Return a copy of the current GeoBSpline object.
- clone() - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoCardinal
Returns a copy of the current GeoCardinal object.
- clone() - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoChord
Returns a copy of the current GeoChord object.
- clone() - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoCircle
Returns a copy of the current GeoCircle object.
- clone() - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoCompound
Clone object
- clone() - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSys
Perform clone for GeoCoorSys
- clone() - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
Clone for PrjCoordSys.
- clone() - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoCurve
Returns a copy of the current GeoCurve object.
- clone() - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatum
Return a copy of the current GeoDatum object.
- clone() - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoEllipse
the GeoEllipse object got by clone.
- clone() - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoEllipticArc
Returns a copy of the current GeoEllipticArc object.
- clone() - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoLine
Returns a copy of the current GeoLine object.
- clone() - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoLine3D
Returns a copy of the current GeoLine object.
- clone() - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoLineM
Returns a copy of the current GeoLineM object.
- clone() - Method in class com.supermap.data.Geometry
Returns a copy of the current object.
- clone() - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoModel
- clone() - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoPie
Returns a copy of the current GeoPie object.
- clone() - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoPlacemark
Returns a copy of the current GeoPlacemark object.
- clone() - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoPoint
Returns a copy of the current GeoPoint object.
- clone() - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoPoint3D
Returns a copy of the current GeoPoint3D object.
- clone() - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoPrimeMeridian
Perform clone for GeoPrimeMeridian
- clone() - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoRectangle
Returns a copy of the current GeoRectangle object.
- clone() - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoRegion
Returns a copy of the current GeoRegion object.
- clone() - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoRegion3D
Returns a copy of the current GeoRegion3D object.
- clone() - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoSpheroid
Perform clone for GeoSpheroid
- clone() - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoStyle
Returns a copy of the current GeoStyle object.
- clone() - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoStyle3D
Returns a copy of the current GeoStyle3D object.
- clone() - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoText
Returns a copy of the current GeoText object.
- clone() - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoText3D
Returns a copy of the current GeoText3D object.
- clone() - Method in class com.supermap.data.JoinItems
Returns a copy of the current JoinItems object.
- clone() - Method in class com.supermap.data.Point2D
Returns a copy of the current Point2D object.
- clone() - Method in class com.supermap.data.Point2Ds
Returns a copy of the current Point2Ds object.
- clone() - Method in class com.supermap.data.Point3Ds
Returns a copy of the current Point3Ds object.
- clone() - Method in class com.supermap.data.PointM
Returns a copy of the current PointM object.
- clone() - Method in class com.supermap.data.PointMs
Returns a copy of the current PointMs object.
- clone() - Method in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSys
Clone for PrjCoordSys.
- clone() - Method in class com.supermap.data.PrjParameter
Clones the object itself.
- clone() - Method in class com.supermap.data.Projection
Clones itself.
- clone() - Method in class com.supermap.data.Rectangle2D
Returns a copy of the current Rectangle2D object.
- clone() - Method in class com.supermap.data.Size2D
Returns a copy of the current Size2D object.
- clone() - Method in class com.supermap.data.SpatialIndexInfo
Clones a new object
- clone() - Method in class com.supermap.data.TextPart3D
Returns a copy of the current object.
- clone() - Method in class com.supermap.data.TextStyle
Returns a copy of the current TextStyle object.
- clone() - Method in class com.supermap.plot.GeoGraphicObject
Copies an object.
- close() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.component.ARTrackingStateDetector
Shut-off detector
- close() - Method in class com.supermap.data.Dataset
Used to close the current dataset.
- close(int) - Method in class com.supermap.data.Datasources
Closes the datasource of the specified index number in this Datasources.
- close(String) - Method in class com.supermap.data.Datasources
Closes the datasource with the specified alias in this Datasources.
- close() - Method in class com.supermap.data.Recordset
It is used for closing a record set Close a record set immediately after using it
- close() - Method in class com.supermap.data.Workspace
Closes the workspace.
- close() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Map
Closes this map.
- close() - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Scene
Close the current scene
- closeAll() - Method in class com.supermap.data.Datasources
Closes all the datasources.
- closeAll() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.SnapSetting
Close all snap functions, 4 functions.
- closeFollowingMode() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.AR.ArControl2
Close the tracing mode
- closeGesture() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.AREffectView
Closes the gesture control (available for whole AR scene)
- closeGesture() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.EffectView
- closeGPS() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.collector.Collector
Close GPS.
- closeGPS() - Method in class com.supermap.mdatacollector.MDataCollector
Close GPS.
- closeGpsDevice() - Method in class com.supermap.plugin.LocationManagePlugin
Closes the GPS device.
- closeMap() - Method in interface com.supermap.indoor.IndoorMapChangedListener
Close the map.
- closePoseMixer() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.AREffectView
close pose fusion
- closePoseMixer() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.HmsAREffectView
close pose fusion
- closeZoom() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.component.BubbleView
- CloudLicenseManager - Class in com.supermap.data
The CloudLicenseManager class.Used to manage the online license information for the current device.
- CloudLicenseManager() - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.CloudLicenseManager
- CloudLicenseManager.LastLicenseInfo - Class in com.supermap.data
The last license information class
- CloudLicenseManager.LicenseLoginCallback - Interface in com.supermap.data
Cloud license login callback interface
- CloudLicenseManager.NetworkNodeType - Enum in com.supermap.data
Select a network node.
- CMY - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.ColorSpaceType
Mainly used in the printing system.
- CMYK - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.ColorSpaceType
Mainly used in the printing system.
- collectionChanged(Point2D, double) - Method in interface com.supermap.mapping.collector.CollectionChangedListener
callback when the coordinated changed.
- CollectionChangedListener - Interface in com.supermap.mapping.collector
Collection Changed Listener
- Collector - Class in com.supermap.mapping.collector
GPS GeometricObjectAcquisition class.
- CollectorElement - Class in com.supermap.mapping.collector
collector element class
- CollectorElement.GPSElementType - Enum in com.supermap.mapping.collector
collected object type.
- CollectorElement.OnClickListener - Interface in com.supermap.mapping.collector
The listener that collected object click event is triggered when the object is tapped.
- color - Variable in class com.supermap.ai.AIRecognition
recognize object color
- Color - Class in com.supermap.data
SuperMap iMobile RGB color class.
- Color(int) - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.Color
Construct a color class with a RGB color value
- Color(int, int, int) - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.Color
Create a color class with three color components of RGB.
- Color(int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.Color
Create a color class with three color components of RGB.
- ColorDictionary - Class in com.supermap.data
color Dictionary table class, color dictionary consists of key value pairs.
- ColorDictionary() - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.ColorDictionary
Constructs a new ColorDictionary object.
- ColorDictionary(ColorDictionary) - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.ColorDictionary
Constructs a same ColorDictionary object.
- ColorGradientType - Class in com.supermap.data
Defines the color gradient type constant.
- ColorLegendItem - Class in com.supermap.mapping
The ColorLegendItem Class
- ColorLegendItem() - Constructor for class com.supermap.mapping.ColorLegendItem
Constructs a new color value legend subitem object.
- ColorReplace - Static variable in class com.supermap.plot.AnimationDefine.BlinkAnimationReplaceStyle
With color switching
- Colors - Class in com.supermap.data
The Colors class.
- Colors() - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.Colors
Constructs a new Colors object.
- Colors(Color[]) - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.Colors
Creates a new Colors object according to given parameters.
- Colors(Colors) - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.Colors
Constructs a new object identical to the given Colors.
- ColorScheme - Class in com.supermap.mapping.imChart
The ColorScheme Class Icons are mainly represented by color, and individual chart types support the use of pictures, so icons can be set to the picture, such as scatter charts.
- ColorScheme() - Constructor for class com.supermap.mapping.imChart.ColorScheme
The default constructor for constructing a new
object. - ColorSpaceType - Class in com.supermap.data
Defines ColorSpaceType constants.
- ColorType - Class in com.supermap.mapping
Color mode
- com.supermap.ai - package com.supermap.ai
- com.supermap.ai.mediaservice - package com.supermap.ai.mediaservice
- com.supermap.analyst - package com.supermap.analyst
Analysis module, providing two three-dimensional network analysis, spatial analysis function.
- com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst - package com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst
Two-dimensional network analysis module, network analysis is an important part of spatial analysis, because of its wide range of uses and more complex, so the network analysis module to deal with the application of network analysis model and function.
- com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst3d - package com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst3d
Three-dimensional network analysis module, providing three-dimensional traffic network analysis and three-dimensional facilities such as network analysis and other useful network analysis.
- com.supermap.analyst.spatialanalyst - package com.supermap.analyst.spatialanalyst
The SpatialAnalyst module.
- com.supermap.ar - package com.supermap.ar
- com.supermap.ar.arcartograph - package com.supermap.ar.arcartograph
- com.supermap.ar.areffect - package com.supermap.ar.areffect
- com.supermap.ar.areffect.component - package com.supermap.ar.areffect.component
- com.supermap.ar.areffect.config - package com.supermap.ar.areffect.config
- com.supermap.ar.areffect.excavator - package com.supermap.ar.areffect.excavator
AR excavation analysis tool module.
- com.supermap.ar.areffect.exception - package com.supermap.ar.areffect.exception
- com.supermap.ar.areffect.gltfModel - package com.supermap.ar.areffect.gltfModel
- com.supermap.ar.areffect.gnss - package com.supermap.ar.areffect.gnss
- com.supermap.ar.areffect.loader - package com.supermap.ar.areffect.loader
- com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset - package com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset
- com.supermap.ar.areffect.record - package com.supermap.ar.areffect.record
- com.supermap.ar.areffect.scanner - package com.supermap.ar.areffect.scanner
- com.supermap.ar.areffect.utils - package com.supermap.ar.areffect.utils
- com.supermap.ar.arlayer - package com.supermap.ar.arlayer
- com.supermap.ar.gather - package com.supermap.ar.gather
- com.supermap.ar.highprecision - package com.supermap.ar.highprecision
- com.supermap.data - package com.supermap.data
Data model provide the operation on spatial data and its attributes, including creating, managing, visiting, querying, etc.
- com.supermap.data.conversion - package com.supermap.data.conversion
Data conversion module, providing data import and export functions.
- com.supermap.data.license - package com.supermap.data.license
- com.supermap.data.mapGrid - package com.supermap.data.mapGrid
- com.supermap.distributeanalystservices - package com.supermap.distributeanalystservices
Distributed analysis service moudle
- com.supermap.indoor - package com.supermap.indoor
Indoor module.
- com.supermap.indoor3d - package com.supermap.indoor3d
Indoor 3D module.
- com.supermap.mapping - package com.supermap.mapping
The Mapping module providing the comprehensive functionality such as map display, style setting, editing, map output, thematic mapping, etc.
- com.supermap.mapping.AR - package com.supermap.mapping.AR
AR map module.
- com.supermap.mapping.arRender - package com.supermap.mapping.arRender
- com.supermap.mapping.collector - package com.supermap.mapping.collector
Layer management control moudle
- com.supermap.mapping.dyn - package com.supermap.mapping.dyn
Provide viewing and customizing capabilities for dynamic layer on the map, including adding dynamic objects, rendering dynamic objects, etc.
- com.supermap.mapping.imChart - package com.supermap.mapping.imChart
Data visualization module, providing point density map, aggregation diagram, diagram, scatter plot, thermogram, grid thermal graph.
- com.supermap.mapping.NavigationPlus - package com.supermap.mapping.NavigationPlus
Navigation plugin module.
- com.supermap.mapping.speech - package com.supermap.mapping.speech
Speech moudle
- com.supermap.mapping.view - package com.supermap.mapping.view
Speech moudle
- com.supermap.mdatacollector - package com.supermap.mdatacollector
Multimedia data module.
- com.supermap.messagequeue - package com.supermap.messagequeue
The message queue.
- com.supermap.navi - package com.supermap.navi
Navigation module, providing traditional navigation, industry navigation, indoor navigation function.
- com.supermap.onlineservices - package com.supermap.onlineservices
Online service docking module, providing geocoding, online navigation, bus transfer, coordinate conversion, local search function.
- com.supermap.onlineservices.utils - package com.supermap.onlineservices.utils
utils module,Online Auxiliary class:For sorting the results of online requests and publishing seervice types
- com.supermap.plot - package com.supermap.plot
The plot drawing, which provides drawing plot geometries and relative operations.
- com.supermap.plugin - package com.supermap.plugin
Plug moudle:contains location management plug,voice broadcast plug
- com.supermap.realspace - package com.supermap.realspace
Provide high-performance 3D scenario functions.
- com.supermap.services - package com.supermap.services
The Services module.
- com.supermap.services.iportalservices - package com.supermap.services.iportalservices
- com.supermap.services.networkanalyst - package com.supermap.services.networkanalyst
Connects with iServer to publish network analysis service.
- com.supermap.track - package com.supermap.track
Track module.
- com.supermap.videomap - package com.supermap.videomap
- commitDataset(String, DatasetVector) - Method in class com.supermap.services.DataUploadService
Submit the data that are modified, deleted and added in local dataset to the corresponding dataset.
- compactDatasource(Datasource) - Static method in class com.supermap.data.Toolkit
Compress the specified datasource so that the UDB datasource will occupy much less store space than before.
- compareTo(TimeSpan) - Method in class com.supermap.data.TimeSpan
Compares the TimeSpan object with another specified TimeSpan object and returns an integer.
- COMPOSE_HOLLOW_REGION - Static variable in class com.supermap.mapping.Action
Combine island hole objects, select multiple objects with overlay relationships, and combine island hole objects
- COMPOSE_REGION - Static variable in class com.supermap.mapping.Action
polygon-to-polygon combination, Set the polygon layer is editable, set Action, select two objects in succession, submit, view results
- COMPOSITE - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.conversion.MultiBandImportMode
import multi-band data as one single band dataset.
- COMPOSITE - Static variable in class com.supermap.mapping.ImageDisplayMode
Combination display mode Combination mode For multi-band images, the images are combined into RGB display according to the set of band index, and only RGB and RGBA color space are currently displayed.
- compressBitmap(Bitmap, float) - Static method in class com.supermap.mapping.BitmapUtils
Picture quality compression
- computeBounds() - Method in class com.supermap.data.DatasetVector
Calculate the spatial extent of the dataset
- computeConvexHull(Point2Ds) - Static method in class com.supermap.data.Geometrist
Computer the convex closure of the points set, that is , the smallest outside polygon.
- computeConvexHull(Geometry) - Static method in class com.supermap.data.Geometrist
Computer the convex closure of the geometrical object, that is , the smallest outside polygon.
- computeDisplaySize(int) - Method in class com.supermap.data.SymbolMarker
Compute the display size of the symbol passed in.
- computeFillet(Point2D, Point2D, Point2D, Point2D, double) - Static method in class com.supermap.data.Geometrist
Computes the fillet between the two lines, and returns the arc which the fillet relevant to.
- computeGeodesicArea(Geometry, PrjCoordSys) - Static method in class com.supermap.data.Geometrist
Calculates the geodesic area.
- computeGeodesicDistance(Point2Ds, double, double) - Static method in class com.supermap.data.Geometrist
Computes the length of the geodesic.
- computeGeodesicLength(Geometry, PrjCoordSys) - Static method in class com.supermap.data.Geometrist
Calculate object length.
- computeParallel(Point2D, Point2D, Point2D) - Static method in class com.supermap.data.Geometrist
Gets a line which pass the specified point and be parallel to the specified line.
- computeParallel(GeoLine, double) - Static method in class com.supermap.data.Geometrist
Gets a line parallel to the specified polyline by the specified distance, and returns the parallel lines.
- computePerpendicular(Point2D, Point2D, Point2D) - Static method in class com.supermap.data.Geometrist
Calculates the perpendicular from the specified point to the specified line.
- computePerpendicularPosition(Point2D, Point2D, Point2D) - Static method in class com.supermap.data.Geometrist
Calculates the foot of the perpendicular which from the specified point to the specified line.
- computePointAspect(DatasetGrid, Point2D) - Static method in class com.supermap.analyst.spatialanalyst.CalculationTerrain
Calculates the aspect of the specified point
- computePointSlope(DatasetGrid, Point2D, SlopeType, double) - Static method in class com.supermap.analyst.spatialanalyst.CalculationTerrain
Calculates the slope gradient of the specified point
- computeSurfaceArea(DatasetGrid, GeoRegion) - Static method in class com.supermap.analyst.spatialanalyst.CalculationTerrain
The surface area
- computeSurfaceDistance(DatasetGrid, GeoLine) - Static method in class com.supermap.analyst.spatialanalyst.CalculationTerrain
The surface distance
- computeSymbolSize(int) - Method in class com.supermap.data.SymbolMarker
Calculate the size of the symbol corresponding to the display size passed in.
- computeWeightMatrix(TransportationAnalystParameter) - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.TransportationAnalyst
Calculates the cost matrix of the specified point.
- configAugmentedImageInfo(String[]) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.ARControl
Configure the name array of the reference image, place the reference image in the assets directory, and use the arcoreimg tool to check the image quality of the image.
- ConfigurationChangedListener - Interface in com.supermap.mapping
The listener use to receive the change between horizontal screen and vertical screen.
- CONGLE - Static variable in class com.supermap.plugin.Speaker
CONGLE, male, adult.
- CONICAL - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.FillGradientMode
A conical gradient.
- connection(String, int, String, String, String, String) - Method in class com.supermap.messagequeue.AMQPManager
Builds connection
- connection(String, String, String) - Method in class com.supermap.messagequeue.STOMPManager
Builds connection
- connectLegendView(LegendView) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Legend
Associate legend with legend control.
- connectNaviData(String) - Method in class com.supermap.navi.Navigation
Links to the navigation data, including path analysis data and guide data.
- connectNettyComplete(boolean) - Method in interface com.supermap.ai.AIOnline.AIOnlineListener
Netty-accessing-service result listener
- connectServer(String) - Method in class com.supermap.ai.AIOnline
Accesses Netty service
- CONSTANT - Static variable in class com.supermap.mapping.GraduatedMode
Constant grading
- CONTAIN - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.SpatialQueryMode
Contain mode.
- CONTAIN_INNER_POINT - Static variable in class com.supermap.mapping.SelectionMode
Selects the feature whose centroid is in the selected region.
- CONTAIN_OBJECT - Static variable in class com.supermap.mapping.SelectionMode
Selects the feature who is contained in the selected region.
- contains(String) - Method in class com.supermap.data.Datasets
Check whether to contain the dataset of the specified name in this datasource.
- contains(Point2D) - Method in class com.supermap.data.Rectangle2D
Determines whether the given point is contained in the rectangle.
- contains(Rectangle2D) - Method in class com.supermap.data.Rectangle2D
Determines whether the given rectangle area is contained in the rectangle.
- contains(double, double) - Method in class com.supermap.data.Rectangle2D
Determines whether the point with the given coordinate is contained in the rectangle.
- contains(String) - Method in class com.supermap.data.SymbolGroups
Tests whether the given name has existed in the SymbolGroups object or not.
- contains(int) - Method in class com.supermap.data.SymbolLibrary
Tests whether this SymbolLibrary object contains the given ID or not.
- contains(String) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Layers
Determines whether this layers contains the layer with the specified name.
- contains(String) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Routes
Confirm that the route with the specified name is included.
- contains(String) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.RouteStops
Determines whether the stop collection includes the specified name
- contains(int, int) - Method in class com.supermap.videomap.VideoValidBounds
Determine whether (x, y) is within the video valid boundary
- continuAnimation() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.dyn.DynamicView
continue animation (all elements)
- continueDownload(String, String) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.DownloadManager
Continue to download.
- convert(Point2Ds, PrjCoordSys, PrjCoordSys, CoordSysTransParameter, CoordSysTransMethod) - Static method in class com.supermap.data.CoordSysTranslator
Transforms projection of the Point2Ds with the source and target projected coordinate system.
- convert(Point3Ds, PrjCoordSys, PrjCoordSys, CoordSysTransParameter, CoordSysTransMethod) - Static method in class com.supermap.data.CoordSysTranslator
Transforms projection of the Point3D set with the source and target projected coordinate system.
- convert(Geometry, PrjCoordSys, PrjCoordSys, CoordSysTransParameter, CoordSysTransMethod) - Static method in class com.supermap.data.CoordSysTranslator
Transforms projection of the geometry with the source and target projected coordinate system.
- convert(CoordinateConvertParameter) - Method in class com.supermap.onlineservices.CoordinateConvert
Coordinate convert
- convertDegreeToDMS(Double) - Static method in class com.supermap.data.mapGrid.MapGrid
- convertFailed(String) - Method in interface com.supermap.onlineservices.CoordinateConvert.ConvertCallback
Coordinate conversion failed
- convertSuccesss(Point2Ds) - Method in interface com.supermap.onlineservices.CoordinateConvert.ConvertCallback
Coordinate conversion is successful.
- convertToArPoint(Point) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.ARMapElement
Convert the MapView coordinates to the relative coordinates of the parent node in AR
- convertToArPosition(EffectBaseView, Location) - Static method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.ConvertTool
Calculates the coordinate system of an AR scene according to longitude and latitude
- convertToArPosition(Location, Location, float) - Static method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.ConvertTool
Calculates the coordinate system of an AR scene according to longitude and latitude
- convertToLine() - Method in class com.supermap.data.DatasetVector
Convert all points in the point dataset to the line object.
- convertToLine(String, String) - Method in class com.supermap.data.DatasetVector
Convert all points that have the same fields in the point dataset to the line objects.
- convertToLine(int) - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoArc
Converts the GeoArc object to the GeoLine object.
- convertToLine(int) - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoBSpline
Converts the GeoBSpline object to the GeoLine object.
- convertToLine(int) - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoCardinal
Converts the GeoCardinal object to the GeoLine object.
- convertToLine(int) - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoChord
Converts the GeoChord object to the GeoLine object.
- convertToLine(int) - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoCircle
Converts the GeoCircle object to the GeoLine object.
- convertToLine(int) - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoCurve
Converts the GeoCurve object to the GeoLine object.
- convertToLine(int) - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoEllipse
Converts the GeoEllipse object to the GeoLine object.
- convertToLine(int) - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoEllipticArc
Converts the GeoEllipticArc object to the GeoLine object.
- convertToLine() - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoLineM
Converts the GeoLineM object to a GeoLine object.
- convertToLine(int) - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoPie
Converts the GeoPie object to the GeoLine object.
- convertToLine() - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoRectangle
Converts the GeoRectangle object to the GeoLine object.
- convertToLine() - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoRegion
Converts the GeoRegion object to a GeoLine object.
- convertToLine() - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoRegion3D
Converts the GeoRegion3D object to a GeoLine3D object.
- convertToLocation(AREffectBaseView, Point3D) - Static method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.ConvertTool
Gets geographical positions according to the absolute position on an AR scene
- convertToLocation(Point3D, Location, float) - Static method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.ConvertTool
Gets geographical positions according to the absolute position on an AR scene
- convertToMapPoint(Point3D) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.ARMapElement
Convert AR coordinates to pixel coordinates in MapView, the return value can be null
- ConvertTool - Class in com.supermap.ar.areffect
Conversion tools
- ConvertTool() - Constructor for class com.supermap.ar.areffect.ConvertTool
- convertToPixel(EffectView, List<Point3D>) - Static method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.utils.ScreenPointTool
Convert the AR scene coordinate set to screen pixel coordinates
- convertToPixel(EffectView, List<Point3D>, boolean) - Static method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.utils.ScreenPointTool
Convert the AR scene coordinate set to screen pixel coordinates
- convertToRegion(int) - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoChord
Converts the GeoChord obhect to the GeoRegion object.
- convertToRegion(int) - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoCircle
Converts the GeoCircle object to the GeoRegion object.
- convertToRegion(int) - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoEllipse
Converts the GeoEllipse object to the GeoRegion object.
- convertToRegion() - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoLine3D
Converts 3D line object into 3D polygon object and returns 3D polygon object if successful.
- convertToRegion() - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoLineM
Converts the GeoLineM object to a GeoRegion object.
- convertToRegion(int) - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoPie
Converts the GeoPie object to the GeoRegion object.
- convertToRegion() - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoRectangle
Converts the GeoRectangle object to the GeoRegion object.
- convertToScreenPoint(EffectView, Point3D) - Static method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.utils.ScreenPointTool
Converts the scene coordinates of points to screen coordinates that coordinate z is 0
- convertToScreenPoint(EffectView, Vector3) - Static method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.utils.ScreenPointTool
Converts the scene coordinates of points to screen coordinates that z-value is 0 Note: the origin of coordinates is the screen center
- convertToScreenPoint2D(EffectView, Point3D) - Static method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.utils.ScreenPointTool
- convertToXmlStr(ArrayList<UAVRecordParameter>) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.utils.VideoDatasetVectorHelper
- CoordinateConvert - Class in com.supermap.onlineservices
Coordinate convert, Online coordinate convert.
- CoordinateConvert(Context) - Constructor for class com.supermap.onlineservices.CoordinateConvert
The constructor.
- CoordinateConvert.ConvertCallback - Interface in com.supermap.onlineservices
Coordinate conversion callback
- CoordinateConvertParameter - Class in com.supermap.onlineservices
Coordinate convert parameter class.
- CoordinateConvertParameter() - Constructor for class com.supermap.onlineservices.CoordinateConvertParameter
The default constructor for constructing a new
object. - CoordinateType - Enum in com.supermap.onlineservices
Coordinate Type
- CoordSysTranslator - Class in com.supermap.data
Projection Transformation class.
- CoordSysTransMethod - Class in com.supermap.data
Defines the projection transformation method type constant.
- CoordSysTransParameter - Class in com.supermap.data
The CoordSysTransParameter class.
- CoordSysTransParameter() - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.CoordSysTransParameter
Constructs a new CoordSysTransParameter object.
- CoordSysTransParameter(CoordSysTransParameter) - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.CoordSysTransParameter
Constructs a new object identical to the given CoordSysTransParameter.
- copy(Point3D) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.Point3D
copy the point coordinate to a new object
- copyDataset(Dataset, String, EncodeType) - Method in class com.supermap.data.Datasource
Used to copy dataset in the same datasource engine or different types of datasource engine.
- copyDataset(Dataset, String, EncodeType, Charset) - Method in class com.supermap.data.Datasource
Copy dataset with the given encoding type and the character set type.
- Core_Dev - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.Module
Core development modules, including data management, map browsing and editing, basic GIS functions
- Core_Runtime - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.Module
Core operating modules, including data management, map browsing and editing, basic GIS functions
- correctHitPoint(Point3D, Point3D, List<Point3D>) - Static method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.PresetUtils
Corrects the position of the impact point
- correctHitPoint(ARGeoVerticalRegion, Point3D) - Static method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.PresetUtils
Correct impact points using the vertical plane
- correctHitPointBottom(ARGeoPrism, Point3D) - Static method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.PresetUtils
Correct collision points using the underside of the AR prism object
- correctHitPointTop(ARGeoPrism, Point3D) - Static method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.PresetUtils
Correct collision points using the top surface of the AR prism object
- correctHitPointVertical(ARGeoPrism, Point3D) - Static method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.PresetUtils
Correct collision points using the side of the AR prism object
- COUNT - Static variable in class com.supermap.mapping.AggregationFunctionType
- countID - Variable in class com.supermap.ai.AIRecognition
Tracking count number
- creatAnimation(int, ARAnimationParameter) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.ARAnimationModel
Creates an animation
- creatAnimation(ARAnimationParameter) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.ARAnimationRotation
Creates an animation
- creatAnimation(ARAnimationParameter) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.ARAnimationTranslation
Creates an animation
- creatAnimation(ARAnimationParameter) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.ARAnimationTranslation2
Create a model
- create(DatasetVectorInfo) - Method in class com.supermap.data.Datasets
Creates the vector dataset with the specified information of the vector dataset.
- create(DatasourceConnectionInfo) - Method in class com.supermap.data.Datasources
Creates the datasource according to the specified connection information of the datasource.
- create(String) - Method in class com.supermap.data.SymbolGroups
Creates a new SymbolGroup object in the SymbolGroups object as the child group.
- create(String, String, String, String) - Method in class com.supermap.messagequeue.MQTTClient
Creates connection.
- CREATE_CIRCLE_2P - Static variable in class com.supermap.mapping.Action
Deprecated.Obsolete. Draws the 2P Circles in the editable layer.
Press once with you finger to identify the location of the center, uplift your finger, press again to identify the radius, do not uplift your finger, glide to change the length of the radius, uplift to finish the drawing.
- CREATE_POSITIONAL_REGION - Static variable in class com.supermap.mapping.Action
create polygon by public side
- createAnimation(AnimationDefine.AnimationType) - Method in class com.supermap.plot.AnimationManager
Creates an animation
- createBuffer(DatasetVector, DatasetVector, BufferAnalystParameter, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class com.supermap.analyst.BufferAnalyst
Creates the buffer for the vector dataset.Only internal use.
- createBuffer(Recordset, DatasetVector, BufferAnalystParameter, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class com.supermap.analyst.BufferAnalyst
Creates the buffer according to the given vector recordset.
- createBuffer(Geometry, BufferAnalystParameter, PrjCoordSys) - Static method in class com.supermap.analyst.BufferAnalystGeometry
Create buffer for the given geometry object with the BufferAnalystParameter object.
- createDataset(Datasource, String) - Method in class com.supermap.track.Track
Creates a trace dataset, which is a point dataset.
- createDatasetFromTemplate(String, Dataset) - Method in class com.supermap.data.Datasets
Creates a dataset according to the template
- createDatasetVector(String) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.utils.VideoDatasetVectorHelper
Create a video dataset set the width and height of the video
- createDatasetVector(String, String) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.utils.VideoDatasetVectorHelper
Create a video dataset
- createDefaultAnimation(ARAnimationParameter, String) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.ARParticleElement
Create particle object default animation
- createElement(CollectorElement.GPSElementType) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.collector.Collector
Creates a collection object of the specified type.
- createGroup(String, String, boolean, String, GroupRole, boolean, OnlineCallBack.CallBackString) - Static method in class com.supermap.onlineservices.OnlineService
Create a group
- createGroup(String, String, boolean, String, GroupRole, boolean, OnResponseListener) - Method in class com.supermap.services.iportalservices.IPortalService
Create a group
- createLegend() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Map
Sets a legend This legend supports to display filling symbols.
- CREATELINE - Static variable in class com.supermap.mapping.Action
Deprecated.Obsolete. Draws the lines in the editable layer.
Press once with you finger to identify the location of the line, uplift your finger, press again to identify the radius, do not uplift your finger, glide to change the length of the radius, uplift to finish the drawing.
- CREATELINE3D - Static variable in class com.supermap.realspace.Action3D
Line drawing
- createLineOneSideMultiBuffer(DatasetVector, DatasetVector, double[], BufferRadiusUnit, int, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class com.supermap.analyst.BufferAnalyst
Creates the one-side multi buffer for a vector line dataset.
- createLineOneSideMultiBuffer(Recordset, DatasetVector, double[], BufferRadiusUnit, int, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class com.supermap.analyst.BufferAnalyst
Creates the one-side multi buffer for a vector recordset.
- createLocalRenderView() - Method in class com.supermap.ai.mediaservice.MediaService
Creates local videos
- createMapGrid(DatasetType, Datasource, String) - Method in class com.supermap.data.mapGrid.MapGrid
- createModel(String) - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.TransportationAnalyst
Creates the memory file.
- createMultiBuffer(DatasetVector, DatasetVector, double[], BufferRadiusUnit, int, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class com.supermap.analyst.BufferAnalyst
Creates the multi-buffers according to the given vector dataset.
- createMultiBuffer(Recordset, DatasetVector, double[], BufferRadiusUnit, int, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class com.supermap.analyst.BufferAnalyst
Creates the multi-buffers for a vector recordset.
- CREATEPLOT - Static variable in class com.supermap.mapping.Action
The action of posture plotting.
- CREATEPOINT - Static variable in class com.supermap.mapping.Action
Click to draw points in the editable layer.
- CREATEPOINT3D - Static variable in class com.supermap.realspace.Action3D
Draw points
- CREATEPOLYGON - Static variable in class com.supermap.mapping.Action
Click to draw polygon in the editable layer.
- CREATEPOLYGON3D - Static variable in class com.supermap.realspace.Action3D
- CREATEPOLYLINE - Static variable in class com.supermap.mapping.Action
Click to draw lines in the editable layer.
- CREATEPOLYLINE3D - Static variable in class com.supermap.realspace.Action3D
Draw multiple lines
- CREATERECTANGLE - Static variable in class com.supermap.mapping.Action
Deprecated.Obsolete. Draws the rectangles in the editable layer.
Press once with you finger to identify a vertex of the rectangle, uplift your finger, press again to identify the next vertex on the diagonal, do not uplift your finger, glide to change the length and direction of the diagonal, press with two fingers to finish the drawing.
- createReflectionBitmap(Bitmap, float) - Static method in class com.supermap.mapping.BitmapUtils
Get the inverted image method
- createRotatingAnimation(ARAnimationParameter, String) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.ARParticleElement
Creates particle rotation animation
- createTranslatingAnimation(ARAnimationParameter, String) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.ARParticleElement
Creates particle placement animation
- createTurnTable(DatasetVector, QueryParameter, Datasource, String) - Static method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.NetworkBuilder
Creates the turn table dataset.
- createUserFieldDouble(String, int, int) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.TrackingLayer
The user field information that creates Double field type in the current tracking layer.
- createUserFieldInt(String, int, int) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.TrackingLayer
The user field information that creates Int field type in the current tracking layer.
- createUserFieldString(String, int, int) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.TrackingLayer
The user field information that creates String field type in the current tracking layer.
- cropBitmap(Bitmap, float, float) - Static method in class com.supermap.mapping.BitmapUtils
Crop the picture to scale
- cross(Vector, Vector) - Static method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.Vector
Get cross product of two Vector3's
- CROSS - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.SpatialQueryMode
Cross mode.
- CurRoadName - Variable in class com.supermap.navi.NaviInfo
Current road name.
- CursorType - Class in com.supermap.data
This class defines the type constant of the cursor.
- CURVE - Static variable in class com.supermap.plot.AnimationDefine.PathType
- CUSTOM - Static variable in class com.supermap.analyst.spatialanalyst.BoundsType
A user enters a bounds.
- CUSTOM - Static variable in class com.supermap.analyst.spatialanalyst.CellSizeType
A user enters a cell value
- CUSTOMINTERVAL - Static variable in class com.supermap.mapping.RangeMode
The custom mode.
- CYANBLACK - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.ColorGradientType
Cyan, black gradient color .
- CYANBLUE - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.ColorGradientType
Cyan, blue gradient color.
- CYANGREEN - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.ColorGradientType
Cyan, green gradient color.
- CYANWHITE - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.ColorGradientType
Cyan, white gradient color.
- CYRILLIC - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.Charset
Cyrillic (Windows).
- dAltitude - Variable in class com.supermap.plugin.LocationManagePlugin.GPSData
Altitude means the mean level of the sea.
- DataConversion - Class in com.supermap.data
The data conversion class.
- DataConversion() - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.DataConversion
- DataDownloadService - Class in com.supermap.services
Data download class, used to download data from iServer to local host.
- DataDownloadService(String) - Constructor for class com.supermap.services.DataDownloadService
Create a new DataDownloadService object according to the given url.
- DataFlowOnline - Class in com.supermap.distributeanalystservices
online data flow service
- DataFlowOnline() - Constructor for class com.supermap.distributeanalystservices.DataFlowOnline
The constructor.
- DataFlowOnline.OnDataFlowListener - Interface in com.supermap.distributeanalystservices
data server listener
- DataItemType - Enum in com.supermap.services.iportalservices
file type
- dataServiceFinished(String) - Method in interface com.supermap.services.ResponseCallback
Called after the data service finishes, e.g., call this method after the dataset download, update, or submit finishes, and it will call requestFaild() when there is exception during performing these services.
- Dataset - Class in com.supermap.data
The base class of all the classes of datasets with different types, such as the DatasetVector, DatasetGrid etc., that provides common methods, and events.
- DatasetGrid - Class in com.supermap.data
The DatasetGrid class.
- DatasetGridInfo - Class in com.supermap.data
The grid dataset information class.
- DatasetGridInfo() - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.DatasetGridInfo
Constructs a new DatasetGridInfo object.
- DatasetGridInfo(DatasetGridInfo) - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.DatasetGridInfo
Constructs a new object identical to the given DatasetGridInfo object.
- DatasetGridInfo(String, int, int, PixelFormat, EncodeType) - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.DatasetGridInfo
Creates a new DatasetGridInfo object according to the specified arguments.
- DatasetGridInfo(String, int, int, PixelFormat, EncodeType, int) - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.DatasetGridInfo
Creates a new DatasetGridInfo object according to the specified arguments.
- DatasetGridInfo(String, DatasetGrid) - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.DatasetGridInfo
Creates a new DatasetGridInfo object according to the specified arguments.
- DatasetImage - Class in com.supermap.data
The DatasetImage class.
- DatasetImage.MapCacheService - Class in com.supermap.data
The map pre-cache service class is used to network map precache.
- Datasets - Class in com.supermap.data
The datasets class.
- DatasetType - Class in com.supermap.data
Defines dataset types.
- DatasetVector - Class in com.supermap.data
The DatasetVector class.
- DatasetVectorInfo - Class in com.supermap.data
The DatasetVectorInfo class.
- DatasetVectorInfo() - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.DatasetVectorInfo
Constructs a new DatasetVectorInfo object.
- DatasetVectorInfo(String, DatasetType) - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.DatasetVectorInfo
Creates a new DatasetVectorInfo object according to the specified arguments.
- DatasetVectorInfo(DatasetVectorInfo) - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.DatasetVectorInfo
Constructs a new object identical to the given DatasetVectorInfo object.
- DatasetVectorInfo(String, DatasetVector) - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.DatasetVectorInfo
Creates a new DatasetVectorInfo object according to the specified arguments.
- Datasource - Class in com.supermap.data
The Datasource class.
- DatasourceConnectionInfo - Class in com.supermap.data
The DatasourceConnectionInfo class.
- DatasourceConnectionInfo() - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.DatasourceConnectionInfo
Initializes a new instance of the DatasourceConnectionInfo class, and the default EngineType is UDB engine.
- DatasourceConnectionInfo(String, String, String) - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.DatasourceConnectionInfo
Creates a new DatasourceConnectionInfo object according to the specified arguments.
- DatasourceEncrytionType - Class in com.supermap.data
This class defines the datasource encryption type
- Datasources - Class in com.supermap.data
The Datasources Class.
- DataType - Enum in com.supermap.onlineservices
uploading file type
- DataUploadService - Class in com.supermap.services
Data upload class, used to upload local data to iServer.
- DataUploadService(String) - Constructor for class com.supermap.services.DataUploadService
Create a new DataUploadService object according to the given url.
- DATETIME - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.FieldType
The DateTime type.
- dateToString(int, int, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class com.supermap.data.QueryParameter
Static function to convert time to String, used in time query.
- DATUM_ADINDAN - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatumType
- DATUM_AFGOOYE - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatumType
- DATUM_AGADEZ - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatumType
- DATUM_AGD_1966 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatumType
Australian Geodetic Datum 1966.
- DATUM_AGD_1984 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatumType
Australian Geodetic Datum 1984.
- DATUM_AIN_EL_ABD_1970 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatumType
Ain el Abd 1970.
- DATUM_AIRY_1830 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatumType
Airy 1830.
- DATUM_AIRY_MOD - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatumType
Airy modified.
- DATUM_ALASKAN_ISLANDS - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatumType
Alaskan Islands.
- DATUM_AMERSFOORT - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatumType
- DATUM_ANNA_1_1965 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatumType
Anna 1 Astro 1965.
- DATUM_ANTIGUA_ISLAND_1943 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatumType
Antigua Island Astro 1943.
- DATUM_ARATU - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatumType
- DATUM_ARC_1950 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatumType
Arc 1950.
- DATUM_ARC_1960 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatumType
Arc 1960.
- DATUM_ASCENSION_ISLAND_1958 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatumType
Ascension Island 1958.
- DATUM_ASTRO_1952 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatumType
Astronomical Station 1952.
- DATUM_ATF - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatumType
Ancienne Triangulation Francaise.
- DATUM_ATS_1977 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatumType
Average Terrestrial System 1977.
- DATUM_AUSTRALIAN - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatumType
Australian National.
- DATUM_AYABELLE - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatumType
Ayabelle Lighthouse.
- DATUM_BARBADOS - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatumType
- DATUM_BATAVIA - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatumType
- DATUM_BEACON_E_1945 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatumType
Astro Beacon E 1945.
- DATUM_BEDUARAM - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatumType
- DATUM_BEIJING_1954 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatumType
Beijing 1954.
- DATUM_BELGE_1950 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatumType
Reseau National Belge 1950.
- DATUM_BELGE_1972 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatumType
Reseau National Belge 1972.
- DATUM_BELLEVUE - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatumType
Bellevue IGN.
- DATUM_BERMUDA_1957 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatumType
Bermuda 1957.
- DATUM_BERN_1898 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatumType
Bern 1898.
- DATUM_BERN_1938 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatumType
Bern 1938.
- DATUM_BESSEL_1841 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatumType
Bessel 1841.
- DATUM_BESSEL_MOD - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatumType
Bessel modified.
- DATUM_BESSEL_NAMIBIA - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatumType
Bessel Namibia.
- DATUM_BISSAU - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatumType
- DATUM_BOGOTA - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatumType
- DATUM_BUKIT_RIMPAH - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatumType
Bukit Rimpah.
- DATUM_CACANAVERAL - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatumType
Cape Canaveral.
- DATUM_CAMACUPA - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatumType
- DATUM_CAMP_AREA - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatumType
Camp Area Astro.
- DATUM_CAMPO_INCHAUSPE - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatumType
Campo Inchauspe.
- DATUM_CANTON_1966 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatumType
Canton Astro 1966.
- DATUM_CAPE - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatumType
- DATUM_CARTHAGE - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatumType
- DATUM_CHATHAM_ISLAND_1971 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatumType
Chatham Island Astro 1971.
- DATUM_CHINA_2000 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatumType
China 2000.
- DATUM_CHUA - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatumType
- DATUM_CLARKE_1858 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatumType
Clarke 1858.
- DATUM_CLARKE_1866 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatumType
Clarke 1866.
- DATUM_CLARKE_1866_MICH - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatumType
Clarke 1866 Michigan.
- DATUM_CLARKE_1880 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatumType
Clarke 1880.
- DATUM_CLARKE_1880_ARC - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatumType
Clarke 1880 (Arc).
- DATUM_CLARKE_1880_BENOIT - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatumType
Clarke 1880 (Benoit).
- DATUM_CLARKE_1880_IGN - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatumType
Clarke 1880 (IGN).
- DATUM_CLARKE_1880_RGS - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatumType
Clarke 1880 (RGS).
- DATUM_CLARKE_1880_SGA - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatumType
Clarke 1880 (SGA).
- DATUM_CONAKRY_1905 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatumType
Conakry 1905.
- DATUM_CORREGO_ALEGRE - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatumType
Corrego Alegre.
- DATUM_COTE_D_IVOIRE - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatumType
Cote d'Ivoire.
- DATUM_DABOLA - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatumType
- DATUM_DATUM_73 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatumType
Datum 73.
- DATUM_DEALUL_PISCULUI_1933 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatumType
Dealul Piscului 1933.
- DATUM_DEALUL_PISCULUI_1970 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatumType
Dealul Piscului 1970.
- DATUM_DECEPTION_ISLAND - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatumType
Deception Island.
- DATUM_DEIR_EZ_ZOR - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatumType
Deir ez Zor.
- DATUM_DHDN - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatumType
Deutsche Hauptdreiecksnetz.
- DATUM_DOS_1968 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatumType
DOS 1968.
- DATUM_DOS_71_4 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatumType
Astro DOS 71/4.
- DATUM_DOUALA - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatumType
- DATUM_EASTER_ISLAND_1967 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatumType
Easter Island 1967.
- DATUM_ED_1950 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatumType
European Datum 1950.
- DATUM_ED_1987 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatumType
European Datum 1987.
- DATUM_EGYPT_1907 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatumType
Egypt 1907.
- DATUM_ETRS_1989 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatumType
European Terrestrial Ref.
- DATUM_EUROPEAN_1979 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatumType
European 1979.
- DATUM_EVEREST_1830 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatumType
Everest 1830.
- DATUM_EVEREST_BANGLADESH - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatumType
Everest - Bangladesh.
- DATUM_EVEREST_DEF_1967 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatumType
Everest (definition 1967).
- DATUM_EVEREST_DEF_1975 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatumType
Everest (definition 1975).
- DATUM_EVEREST_INDIA_NEPAL - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatumType
Everest - India and Nepal.
- DATUM_EVEREST_MOD - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatumType
Everest modified.
- DATUM_EVEREST_MOD_1969 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatumType
Everest modified 1969.
- DATUM_FAHUD - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatumType
- DATUM_FISCHER_1960 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatumType
Fischer 1960.
- DATUM_FISCHER_1968 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatumType
Fischer 1968.
- DATUM_FISCHER_MOD - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatumType
Fischer modified.
- DATUM_FORT_THOMAS_1955 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatumType
Fort Thomas 1955.
- DATUM_GAN_1970 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatumType
Gan 1970.
- DATUM_GANDAJIKA_1970 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatumType
Gandajika 1970.
- DATUM_GAROUA - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatumType
- DATUM_GDA_1994 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatumType
Geocentric Datum of Australia 1994.
- DATUM_GEM_10C - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatumType
GEM gravity potential model.
- DATUM_GGRS_1987 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatumType
Greek Geodetic Reference System 1987.
- DATUM_GRACIOSA_1948 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatumType
Graciosa Base SW 1948.
- DATUM_GREEK - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatumType
- DATUM_GRS_1967 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatumType
GRS 1967.
- DATUM_GRS_1980 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatumType
GRS 1980.
- DATUM_GUAM_1963 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatumType
Guam 1963.
- DATUM_GUNUNG_SEGARA - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatumType
Gunung Segara.
- DATUM_GUX_1 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatumType
GUX 1 Astro.
- DATUM_GUYANE_FRANCAISE - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatumType
Guyane Francaise.
- DATUM_HELMERT_1906 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatumType
Helmert 1906.
- DATUM_HERAT_NORTH - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatumType
Herat North.
- DATUM_HITO_XVIII_1963 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatumType
Hito XVIII 1963.
- DATUM_HJORSEY_1955 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatumType
Hjorsey 1955.
- DATUM_HONG_KONG_1963 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatumType
Hong Kong 1963.
- DATUM_HOUGH_1960 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatumType
Hough 1960.
- DATUM_HU_TZU_SHAN - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatumType
Hu Tzu Shan.
- DATUM_HUNGARIAN_1972 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatumType
Hungarian Datum 1972.
- DATUM_INDIAN_1954 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatumType
Indian 1954.
- DATUM_INDIAN_1960 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatumType
Indian 1960.
- DATUM_INDIAN_1975 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatumType
Indian 1975.
- DATUM_INDONESIAN - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatumType
Indonesian National.
- DATUM_INDONESIAN_1974 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatumType
Indonesian Datum 1974.
- DATUM_INTERNATIONAL_1924 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatumType
intersect = 1924.
- DATUM_INTERNATIONAL_1967 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatumType
intersect = 1967.
- DATUM_ISTS_061_1968 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatumType
ISTS 061 Astro 1968.
- DATUM_ISTS_073_1969 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatumType
ISTS 073 Astro 1969.
- DATUM_JAMAICA_1875 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatumType
Jamaica 1875.
- DATUM_JAMAICA_1969 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatumType
Jamaica 1969.
- DATUM_JAPAN_2000 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatumType
Japan JGD2000 datum (ITRF84).
- DATUM_JOHNSTON_ISLAND_1961 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatumType
Johnston Island 1961.
- DATUM_KALIANPUR - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatumType
- DATUM_KANDAWALA - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatumType
- DATUM_KERGUELEN_ISLAND_1949 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatumType
Kerguelen Island 1949.
- DATUM_KERTAU - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatumType
- DATUM_KKJ - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatumType
- DATUM_KOC - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatumType
Kuwait Oil Company.
- DATUM_KRASOVSKY_1940 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatumType
Krasovsky 1940.
- DATUM_KUDAMS - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatumType
Kuwait Utility.
- DATUM_KUSAIE_1951 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatumType
Kusaie Astro 1951.
- DATUM_LA_CANOA - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatumType
La Canoa.
- DATUM_LAKE - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatumType
- DATUM_LC5_1961 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatumType
L.C. 5 Astro 1961.
- DATUM_LEIGON - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatumType
- DATUM_LIBERIA_1964 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatumType
Liberia 1964.
- DATUM_LISBON - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatumType
- DATUM_LOMA_QUINTANA - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatumType
Loma Quintana.
- DATUM_LOME - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatumType
- DATUM_LUZON_1911 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatumType
Luzon 1911.
- DATUM_MAHE_1971 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatumType
Mahe 1971.
- DATUM_MAKASSAR - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatumType
- DATUM_MALONGO_1987 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatumType
Malongo 1987.
- DATUM_MANOCA - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatumType
- DATUM_MASSAWA - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatumType
- DATUM_MERCHICH - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatumType
- DATUM_MGI - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatumType
Militar-Geographische Institut.
- DATUM_MHAST - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatumType
- DATUM_MIDWAY_1961 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatumType
Midway Astro 1961.
- DATUM_MINNA - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatumType
- DATUM_MONTE_MARIO - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatumType
Monte Mario.
- DATUM_MONTSERRAT_ISLAND_1958 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatumType
Montserrat Isl Astro 1958.
- DATUM_MPORALOKO - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatumType
- DATUM_NAD_1927 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatumType
North American Datum 1927.
- DATUM_NAD_1983 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatumType
North American Datum 1983.
- DATUM_NAD_MICH - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatumType
NAD Michigan.
- DATUM_NAHRWAN_1967 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatumType
Nahrwan 1967.
- DATUM_NAPARIMA_1972 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatumType
Naparima 1972.
- DATUM_NDG - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatumType
Nord de Guerre.
- DATUM_NGN - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatumType
National Geodetic Network (Kuwait).
- DATUM_NGO_1948 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatumType
NGO 1948.
- DATUM_NORD_SAHARA_1959 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatumType
Nord Sahara 1959.
- DATUM_NSWC_9Z_2 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatumType
NSWC 9Z-2.
- DATUM_NTF - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatumType
Nouvelle Triangulation Francaise.
- DATUM_NWL_9D - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatumType
Transit precise ephemeris.
- DATUM_NZGD_1949 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatumType
New Zealand Geodetic Datum 1949.
- DATUM_OBSERV_METEOR_1939 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatumType
- DATUM_OLD_HAWAIIAN - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatumType
Old Hawaiian.
- DATUM_OMAN - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatumType
- DATUM_OS_SN_1980 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatumType
OS (SN) 1980.
- DATUM_OSGB_1936 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatumType
OSGB 1936.
- DATUM_OSGB_1970_SN - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatumType
OSGB 1970 (SN).
- DATUM_OSU_86F - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatumType
OSU 1986 geoidal model.
- DATUM_OSU_91A - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatumType
OSU 1991 geoidal model.
- DATUM_PADANG_1884 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatumType
Padang 1884.
- DATUM_PALESTINE_1923 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatumType
Palestine 1923.
- DATUM_PICO_DE_LAS_NIEVES - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatumType
Pico de Las Nieves.
- DATUM_PITCAIRN_1967 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatumType
Pitcairn Astro 1967.
- DATUM_PLESSIS_1817 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatumType
Plessis 1817.
- DATUM_POINT58 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatumType
Point 58.
- DATUM_POINTE_NOIRE - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatumType
Pointe Noire.
- DATUM_PORTO_SANTO_1936 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatumType
Porto Santo 1936.
- DATUM_PSAD_1956 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatumType
Provisional South Amer.
- DATUM_PUERTO_RICO - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatumType
Puerto Rico.
- DATUM_PULKOVO_1942 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatumType
Pulkovo 1942.
- DATUM_PULKOVO_1995 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatumType
Pulkovo 1995.
- DATUM_QATAR - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatumType
- DATUM_QATAR_1948 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatumType
Qatar 1948.
- DATUM_QORNOQ - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatumType
- DATUM_REUNION - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatumType
- DATUM_S42_HUNGARY - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatumType
S-42 Hungary.
- DATUM_S_ASIA_SINGAPORE - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatumType
South Asia Singapore.
- DATUM_S_JTSK - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatumType
- DATUM_SAD_1969 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatumType
South American Datum 1969.
- DATUM_SAMOA_1962 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatumType
American Samoa 1962.
- DATUM_SANTO_DOS_1965 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatumType
Santo DOS 1965.
- DATUM_SAO_BRAZ - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatumType
Sao Braz.
- DATUM_SAPPER_HILL_1943 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatumType
Sapper Hill 1943.
- DATUM_SCHWARZECK - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatumType
- DATUM_SEGORA - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatumType
- DATUM_SELVAGEM_GRANDE_1938 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatumType
Selvagem Grande 1938.
- DATUM_SERINDUNG - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatumType
- DATUM_SPHERE - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatumType
Authalic sphere.
- DATUM_SPHERE_AI - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatumType
Authalic sphere (ARC/INFO).
- DATUM_STOCKHOLM_1938 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatumType
Stockholm 1938.
- DATUM_STRUVE_1860 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatumType
Struve 1860.
- DATUM_SUDAN - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatumType
- DATUM_TANANARIVE_1925 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatumType
Tananarive 1925.
- DATUM_TERN_ISLAND_1961 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatumType
Tern Island Astro 1961.
- DATUM_TIMBALAI_1948 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatumType
Timbalai 1948.
- DATUM_TM65 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatumType
- DATUM_TM75 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatumType
- DATUM_TOKYO - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatumType
- DATUM_TRINIDAD_1903 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatumType
Trinidad 1903.
- DATUM_TRISTAN_1968 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatumType
Tristan Astro 1968.
- DATUM_TRUCIAL_COAST_1948 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatumType
Trucial Coast 1948.
- DATUM_USER_DEFINED - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatumType
User-defined datum.
- DATUM_VITI_LEVU_1916 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatumType
Viti Levu 1916.
- DATUM_VOIROL_1875 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatumType
Voirol 1875.
- DATUM_VOIROL_UNIFIE_1960 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatumType
Voirol Unifie 1960.
- DATUM_WAKE_ENIWETOK_1960 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatumType
Wake-Eniwetok 1960.
- DATUM_WAKE_ISLAND_1952 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatumType
Wake Island Astro 1952.
- DATUM_WALBECK - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatumType
- DATUM_WAR_OFFICE - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatumType
War Office.
- DATUM_WGS_1966 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatumType
WGS 1966.
- DATUM_WGS_1972 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatumType
WGS 1972.
- DATUM_WGS_1972_BE - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatumType
WGS 1972 Transit Broadcast Ephemeris.
- DATUM_WGS_1984 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatumType
WGS 1984.
- DATUM_XIAN_1980 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatumType
China Xian 80 datum
- DATUM_YACARE - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatumType
- DATUM_YOFF - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatumType
- DATUM_ZANDERIJ - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatumType
- days - Variable in class com.supermap.data.license.LicenseInfo
How many days the purchased license can be used for. 0 means permanent
- dBearing - Variable in class com.supermap.plugin.LocationManagePlugin.GPSData
The azimuth represents the direction of travel, and the unit is degree.
- DCT - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.EncodeType
DCT(Discrete Cosine Transform) is a transform encoding method widely used to compress images.
- DeciMeter - Static variable in class com.supermap.analyst.BufferRadiusUnit
- DECIMETER - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.Unit
- declareExchange(String, AMQPExchangeType) - Method in class com.supermap.messagequeue.AMQPManager
Declares the switch
- declareQueue(String) - Method in class com.supermap.messagequeue.AMQPManager
Declare the queue
- DEFAULT - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.Charset
Extended ASCII character set.
- DEFAULT - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.DatasourceEncrytionType
The default datasource encryption type
- DEFAULT - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.WorkspaceType
Represents the default type of the workspace file.
- DEFAULT - Static variable in class com.supermap.mapping.MapColorMode
The default color mode.
- DEFAULT_MAX_EQUAL_ZERO_PRECISION - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.Environment
The default value is 0, used to determine the maximum precision.
- DEFAULT_MIN_EQUAL_ZERO_PRECISION - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.Environment
The default value is 0, used to determine the minimum precision.
- DEGREE - Static variable in class com.supermap.analyst.spatialanalyst.SlopeType
Takes the degree as the unit to express the slope
- DEGREE - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.Unit
- delete(String) - Method in class com.supermap.data.Datasets
Deletes the dataset with the specified name.
- delete(int) - Method in class com.supermap.data.Datasets
Delete the dataset with the specified index.
- delete() - Method in class com.supermap.data.Recordset
Deletes the current recordset in dataset.
- delete() - Method in class com.supermap.services.FeatureSet
Used to delete the current feature, return true if succeed.
- deleteAll() - Method in class com.supermap.data.Recordset
Deletes all records in the specific Recordset.
- deleteAll() - Method in class com.supermap.plot.AnimationManager
Deletes all objects
- deleteAll() - Method in class com.supermap.services.FeatureSet
Deletes all elements in the specific FeatureSet.
- deleteAllAnimations() - Method in class com.supermap.plot.AnimationGroup
Removes all animation objects
- deleteAllFeatures() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.TrackingLayer
Deletes all the attribute information of the tracking layer field, including the geometry objects and field information in tracking layer, and the attribute table is still exist.
- deleteAnimation(String) - Method in class com.supermap.plot.AnimationGroup
Removes the specified animation objects
- deleteAnimationManager() - Method in class com.supermap.plot.AnimationManager
Deletes the animation manage object
- deleteCurrentGeometry() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.MapControl
Deletes geometries which are drawn currently.
- deleteData(String, OnlineCallBack.CallBackString) - Static method in class com.supermap.onlineservices.OnlineService
Delete data as names
- deleteDataset(String, String, String) - Method in class com.supermap.services.DataUploadService
Delete dataset.
- deleteDataset(String) - Method in class com.supermap.services.DataUploadService
Delete dataset.
- deleteExchange(String) - Method in class com.supermap.messagequeue.AMQPManager
Delete the switch
- deleteFeature(String, String, String, int[]) - Method in class com.supermap.services.DataUploadService
Delete the objects in iServer according to the given ID array.
- deleteFeature(String, int[]) - Method in class com.supermap.services.DataUploadService
Deletes the objects in the specified data service address.
- deleteFeature(String) - Method in class com.supermap.services.DataUploadService
Delete the objects in iServer according to the given feature uri.
- deleteGestureDetector() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.MapControl
Deletes the gesture detector.
- deleteGroup(List<String>, GroupDeleteListener) - Static method in class com.supermap.onlineservices.OnlineService
Deletes groups in bulk
- deleteGroup(List<String>, OnResponseListener) - Method in class com.supermap.services.iportalservices.IPortalService
Deletes groups in bulk
- deleteGroupByName(String) - Method in class com.supermap.plot.AnimationManager
Deletes animation groups according to their name
- deleteGroupMembers(List<String>, String, GroupDeleteListener) - Static method in class com.supermap.onlineservices.OnlineService
Deletes members from groups in bulk
- deleteMyContentItem(MyContentType, int, OnResponseListener) - Method in class com.supermap.services.iportalservices.IPortalService
Deletes my resource
- deleteNode(Node) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.EffectView
Delete all nodes under the node
- deleteNodeEnable(boolean) - Method in interface com.supermap.mapping.EditStatusListener
Delete node is enabled.
- deletePoint3D(int, int) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.ARGeoHorizontalRegion
- deletePoint3D(int, int) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.ARGeoLine
- deletePoint3D(int, int) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.ARGeometry
- deleteQueue(String) - Method in class com.supermap.messagequeue.AMQPManager
Delete the queue
- deleteRecords(int[]) - Method in class com.supermap.data.DatasetVector
Deletes the records in the vector dataset through the array of ID.
- deleteRuler() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.arcartograph.ARCartographView
Delete a measurement record
- deleteService(String, EnumServiceType, OnlineCallBack.CallBackString) - Static method in class com.supermap.onlineservices.OnlineService
Deletes service
- deleteServiceById(String, OnlineCallBack.CallBackString) - Static method in class com.supermap.onlineservices.OnlineService
Deletes a service by its id
- deleteServiceByName(String, OnlineCallBack.CallBackString) - Static method in class com.supermap.onlineservices.OnlineService
Deletes a service by its name
- deleteUserField(String) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.TrackingLayer
Deletes the field of the specified name in tracking layer.
- delLastPoint() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.ARDynamicGeometry
Clears the last node added
- DemandResult - Class in com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst
The Demand Result class This class is used to return the related information of the demand results, including the demand nodes or the ID of arc sections, the ID of the resources supply center, the resources amount actually allocated and the demand result is either the arc section or the node.
- DensityAnalystOnline - Class in com.supermap.distributeanalystservices
Density analyst class
- DensityAnalystOnline() - Constructor for class com.supermap.distributeanalystservices.DensityAnalystOnline
- des - Variable in class com.supermap.data.EduLicense.EduLicenseInfos
License description
- Desktop - Class in com.supermap.videomap
Desktop video parameter data
- Desktop() - Constructor for class com.supermap.videomap.Desktop
- DestinationInfo - Class in com.supermap.onlineservices
Traffic transfer destination information class.
- DestinationInfo() - Constructor for class com.supermap.onlineservices.DestinationInfo
- destroy() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.AREffectElement
Destruction of objects
- destroy() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.excavator.PitObject
destroys the rendered object
- destroy() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.speech.SpeechManager
Before calling the function, please ensure the current status is off session, otherwise, the function will try to cancel the current session and return false, and the Destroy is failed.
- destroyResources() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.EffectView
Manually calling the destroy resource destroys the resource in
, causing other SceneViews to become unavailable - detect(AREffectView) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.component.ARTrackingStateDetector
Real-time detection
- detect(HmsAREffectView) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.component.ARTrackingStateDetector
Real-time detection
- detectionConfidence - Variable in class com.supermap.ai.AIRecognition
recognize confidence
- DEVICEID - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.LicenseType
DeviceID type is suitable for offline license files.
- DeviceInfo() - Constructor for class com.supermap.ar.areffect.scanner.ImageScanner.DeviceInfo
- DIAMOND - Static variable in class com.supermap.mapping.LabelBackShape
Diamond background.
- DIRECT - Static variable in class com.supermap.messagequeue.AMQPExchangeType
Forward the message to the queue specified in routingKey It requests that the bindingKey when binding the queue should be consistent with bindingKey when sending.
- DIRECT_LIGHT - Static variable in class com.supermap.realspace.LightTypes
- Direction - Class in com.supermap.mapping.arRender
AR arrow direction class
- Direction - Variable in class com.supermap.navi.NaviInfo
Small vehicle direction
- DirectionType - Class in com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst
The TurnType type constant.
- disconnection() - Method in class com.supermap.messagequeue.AMQPManager
- disconnection() - Method in class com.supermap.messagequeue.STOMPManager
- DISJOINT - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.SpatialQueryMode
Disjoint mode.
- displayDistanceOrArea(Point3Ds) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.SceneControl
- displayMeasure(int, int) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.SceneControl
//Calculate height distance area according to screen coordinates
- dispose() - Method in class com.supermap.ai.AIDetectView
Stops recognizing.
- dispose() - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.DemandResult
Release the resource occupy by this object.When this method is called, the object is no longer available.
- dispose() - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.FacilityAnalyst
Disposes the resources occupied by the object.
- dispose() - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.LocationAnalystParameter
Releases the resources that the object occupies.
- dispose() - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.LocationAnalystResult
Release the resource occupy by this object.
- dispose() - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.SupplyResult
Release the resource occupy by this object.
- dispose() - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.TransportationAnalyst
Disposes the resources occupied by the object.
- dispose() - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.TransportationAnalystParameter
Disposes the resources occupied by the object.
- dispose() - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.TransportationAnalystResult
Disposes the resources occupied by the object.
- dispose() - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst3d.FacilityAnalyst3D
Releases the object.
- dispose() - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst3d.TransportationAnalyst3D
Release the resource occupy by this object.
- dispose() - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst3d.TransportationAnalystParameter3D
Disposes the resources occupied by the object.
- dispose() - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst3d.TransportationAnalystResult3D
Disposes the resources occupied by the object.
- dispose() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.CameraWindowRenderer
The destruction Free native layer memory
- dispose() - Method in interface com.supermap.ar.areffect.gnss.IPoseMixer
- dispose() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.gnss.PoseMixer
- dispose() - Method in class com.supermap.data.ColorDictionary
Releases all resources that the object occupies.
- dispose() - Method in class com.supermap.data.Colors
Disposes the resources occupied by the object.
- dispose() - Method in class com.supermap.data.conversion.ImportSettingCSV
- dispose() - Method in class com.supermap.data.conversion.ImportSettingDWG
Disposes resources.
- dispose() - Method in class com.supermap.data.conversion.ImportSettingDXF
Disposes resources.
- dispose() - Method in class com.supermap.data.conversion.ImportSettingIMG
Disposes resources.
- dispose() - Method in class com.supermap.data.conversion.ImportSettingSHP
- dispose() - Method in class com.supermap.data.conversion.ImportSettingTIF
Disposes resources.
- dispose() - Method in class com.supermap.data.CoordSysTransParameter
Disposes the resources occupied by the object.
- dispose() - Method in class com.supermap.data.DatasetGridInfo
Release the resource occupy by this object.
- dispose() - Method in class com.supermap.data.DatasetVectorInfo
Disposes the resources occupied by the object.
- dispose() - Method in class com.supermap.data.DatasourceConnectionInfo
Release the resource occupy by this object.
- dispose() - Method in class com.supermap.data.FieldInfo
This method is used to release the resources.
- dispose() - Method in class com.supermap.data.FieldInfos
Disposes the resources occupied by the object.
- dispose() - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoArc
Release the resource occupy by this object.
- dispose() - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoBox
Release the resource occupy by this object.
- dispose() - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoBSpline
Release the resource occupy by this object.
- dispose() - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoCardinal
Disposes the resources occupied by the object.
- dispose() - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoChord
Disposes the resources occupied by the object.
- dispose() - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoCircle
Disposes the resources occupied by the object.
- dispose() - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoCompound
- dispose() - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSys
Disposes the resources occupied by the object.
- dispose() - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
Release the resource occupy by this object.
- dispose() - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoCurve
Disposes the resources occupied by the object.
- dispose() - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatum
Disposes the resources occupied by the object.
- dispose() - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoEllipse
Disposes the resources occupied by the object.
- dispose() - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoEllipticArc
Disposes the resources occupied by the object.
- dispose() - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoLine
Release the resource occupy by this object.
- dispose() - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoLine3D
Release the resource occupy by this object.
- dispose() - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoLineM
Disposes the resources occupied by the object.
- dispose() - Method in class com.supermap.data.Geometry
Release the resource occupy by this object.
- dispose() - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoModel
Release the resources used by the object.
- dispose() - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoPie
Disposes the resources occupied by the object.
- dispose() - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoPlacemark
Disposes the resources occupied by the object.
- dispose() - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoPoint
Release the resource occupy by this object.
- dispose() - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoPoint3D
Release the resource occupy by this object.
- dispose() - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoPrimeMeridian
Disposes the resources occupied by the object.
- dispose() - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoRectangle
Disposes the resources occupied by the object.
- dispose() - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoRegion
Release the resource occupy by this object.
- dispose() - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoRegion3D
Release the resource occupy by this object.
- dispose() - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoSpheroid
Disposes the resources occupied by the object.
- dispose() - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoStyle
Disposes the resources occupied by the object.
- dispose() - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoStyle3D
Releases the object.
- dispose() - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoText
Release the resource occupy by this object.
- dispose() - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoText3D
Release the resource occupy by this object.
- dispose() - Method in interface com.supermap.data.IDisposable
Release the resource occupy by this object.
- dispose() - Method in class com.supermap.data.JoinItem
Releases the resources that the object occupies.
- dispose() - Method in class com.supermap.data.JoinItems
Releases the resources that the object occupies.
- dispose() - Method in class com.supermap.data.PrivateCloudLicenseManager
Recycles resources
- dispose() - Method in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSys
Release the resource occupy by this object.
- dispose() - Method in class com.supermap.data.PrjParameter
Disposes the resource occupy by this object.
- dispose() - Method in class com.supermap.data.Projection
Release the resource occupy by this object.
- dispose() - Method in class com.supermap.data.QueryParameter
Release the resource occupy by this object.
- dispose() - Method in class com.supermap.data.Recordset
Releases all resources that the object occupies.
- dispose() - Method in class com.supermap.data.Resources
Release the resource occupy by this object.
- dispose() - Method in class com.supermap.data.SpatialIndexInfo
Dispose this object resource.
- dispose() - Method in class com.supermap.data.Symbol
Release resources.
- dispose() - Method in class com.supermap.data.SymbolFill
Release the resource occupy by this object.
- dispose() - Method in class com.supermap.data.SymbolFillLibrary
Release the resource occupy by this object.
- dispose() - Method in class com.supermap.data.SymbolGroup
Release the resource occupy by this object.
- dispose() - Method in class com.supermap.data.SymbolLine
Release the resource occupy by this object.
- dispose() - Method in class com.supermap.data.SymbolLineBase
Dispose the resource occupied by SymbolLineBase.
- dispose() - Method in class com.supermap.data.SymbolLineLibrary
Release the resource occupy by this object.
- dispose() - Method in class com.supermap.data.SymbolMarker
Release the resource occupy by this object.
- dispose() - Method in class com.supermap.data.SymbolMarkerLibrary
Release the resource occupy by this object.
- dispose() - Method in class com.supermap.data.SymbolMarkerStroke
Dispose the resource occupied by SymbolMarkerStroke.
- dispose() - Method in class com.supermap.data.TextPart
Release the resource occupy by this object.
- dispose() - Method in class com.supermap.data.TextPart3D
Recycle this object
- dispose() - Method in class com.supermap.data.TextStyle
Release the resource occupy by this object.
- dispose() - Method in class com.supermap.data.Transformation
Release the resource occupy by this object.
- dispose() - Method in class com.supermap.data.Workspace
Disposes the resources occupied by the object.
- dispose() - Method in class com.supermap.data.WorkspaceConnectionInfo
Release the resource occupy by this object.
- dispose() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.CallOut
Disposes the resources occupied by the object.
- dispose() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.dyn.DynamicElement
Disposes resources.
- dispose() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.dyn.DynamicView
Disposes resources.
- dispose() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.imChart.ChartLegend
Disposes resources.
- dispose() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.imChart.ChartView
Disposes resources.
- dispose() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.imChart.RelationPointChart
Disposes resources.
- dispose() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.imChart.TimeLine
Disposes resources.
- dispose() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Legend
Disposes the resources occupied by the object.
- dispose() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Map
Disposes the resources occupied by the object.
- dispose() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.MapControl
Disposes the display control.
- dispose() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.MapOverlapDisplayedOptions
- dispose() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.MapViewGroup
Disposes the resources occupied by the object.
- dispose() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.MixedTextStyle
Releases the resources that the object occupies.
- dispose() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Selection
Release the resource occupy by this object.
- dispose() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.SnapSetting
Releases the object.
- dispose() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeDotDensity
Releases the point density layer
- dispose() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeGraduatedSymbol
Releases the thematic map
- dispose() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeGraph
- dispose() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeGraphItem
- dispose() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeGridRange
Release the resource occupy by this object.
- dispose() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeLabel
Disposes the resources occupied by the object.
- dispose() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeRange
Disposes the resources occupied by the object.
- dispose() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeUnique
Disposes the resources occupied by the object.
- dispose() - Method in class com.supermap.messagequeue.AMQPReceiver
Destructor, release resources
- dispose() - Method in class com.supermap.messagequeue.MQTTClient
Destructor, release resource
- dispose() - Method in class com.supermap.messagequeue.STOMPReceiver
Destructor, release resources
- dispose() - Method in class com.supermap.messagequeue.STOMPSender
Destructor, release resources
- dispose() - Method in class com.supermap.plot.AnimationGO
Closes the animations
- dispose() - Method in class com.supermap.plot.AnimationGroup
- dispose() - Method in class com.supermap.plot.AnimationManager
- dispose() - Method in class com.supermap.plot.GeoGraphicObject
Recycle this object
- dispose() - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.DownloadManager
Release resources.
- dispose() - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Feature3D
Releases the resources occupied by the object.
- dispose() - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Feature3Ds
Release the resource occupy by this object.When this method is called, the object is no longer available.
- dispose() - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.FlyManager
Release the resources occupied by the object.
- dispose() - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.ObliquePhotogrammetry3DModel
- dispose() - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.ProjectionImage
- dispose() - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Route
Release the resources occupied by the object.
- dispose() - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.RouteStop
Releases all resources that the object occupies.
- dispose() - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Scene
Release the resources occupied by the object.
- dispose() - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.SceneServicesList
Release the resource occupy by this object.
- dispose() - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Selection3D
Disposes resources.
- dispose() - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Sightline
Disposes resources.
- dispose() - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Skyline
- dispose() - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.TINOperation
- disposeImageListener() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.scanner.HwImageScanner
Destroy listener Remove the listener and empty it
- disposeImageListener() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.scanner.ImageScanner
Destroy the listener Remove the listener and empty it
- dissolve(DatasetVector, Datasource, String, DissolveParameter) - Static method in class com.supermap.analyst.spatialanalyst.Generalization
Vector data dissolving
- distance(Geometry, Geometry) - Static method in class com.supermap.data.Geometrist
Gets the distance between the two specified geometry objects.
- distanceChange(double) - Method in interface com.supermap.navi.DistanceChangeListener
The callback that the distance to end point changes.
- DistanceChangeListener - Interface in com.supermap.navi
A listener that the distance to end point changes.
- DistanceQuery - Static variable in class com.supermap.services.QueryMode
Distance query.
- DistributeAnalyst - Class in com.supermap.distributeanalystservices
Distribute analyst class
- DistributeAnalyst() - Constructor for class com.supermap.distributeanalystservices.DistributeAnalyst
The constructor.
- DistributeAnalystListener - Interface in com.supermap.distributeanalystservices
distribute analyst listener class, used to monitor returned results be analysis by server
- divide(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoCompound
Decompose GeoCompound objects.
- dLatitude - Variable in class com.supermap.plugin.LocationManagePlugin.GPSData
- dLongitude - Variable in class com.supermap.plugin.LocationManagePlugin.GPSData
- DOLLARS - Static variable in class com.supermap.plugin.Speaker
DOLLARS, female, child.
- dot(Vector, Vector) - Static method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.Vector
Get dot product of two Vector3's
- DOUBLE - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.FieldType
The Single type.
- DOUBLE - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PixelFormat
Specifies that the format is 8 bytes per pixel.
- Down - Static variable in class com.supermap.plot.MarkPos
- downLoad() - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.DownloadManager
Download the DownloadManager object to specify all the data for the layer.
- download(String, String, String, int, int) - Method in class com.supermap.services.DataDownloadService
Download all object collection from iServer.
- download(String, int, int) - Method in class com.supermap.services.DataDownloadService
Gets the object set in the specified data service address.
- downloadAll(String, String, String) - Method in class com.supermap.services.DataDownloadService
Download all the object collection from iServer.
- downloadAll(String) - Method in class com.supermap.services.DataDownloadService
Gets the all object sets in the specified data service address.
- downloadData(int, DownloadListener) - Method in class com.supermap.services.iportalservices.IPortalService
Downloads from Data Center
- downloadDataset(String, Datasource) - Method in class com.supermap.services.DataDownloadService
Upload a dataset from the server (support point, line and region dataset), and there isn't a dataset with same name in local datasource.
- downloaded(boolean) - Method in interface com.supermap.realspace.DownloadedListener
Deprecated.Download the completion event.
- DownloadedListener - Interface in com.supermap.realspace
Deprecated.This class is used to receive listeners that download completion events.
This listener is registered in the DownloadManager object. After inheriting this interface, the user can customize the method after the download succeeds or fails.
- DownloadFile - Class in com.supermap.onlineservices
- DownloadFile() - Constructor for class com.supermap.onlineservices.DownloadFile
- downloadFile(Context, String, String) - Static method in class com.supermap.onlineservices.OnlineService
Downloads files
- downloadFile(Context, String, String, DownloadFile.DownLoadListener) - Static method in class com.supermap.onlineservices.OnlineService
Downloads files
- DownloadFile.DownLoadListener - Interface in com.supermap.onlineservices
- DownloadListener - Interface in com.supermap.services.iportalservices
Downloading callback listener
- DownloadManager - Class in com.supermap.realspace
This class defines the offline download manager.
- DownloadManager() - Constructor for class com.supermap.realspace.DownloadManager
- DownloadManager.DownloadManagerListener - Interface in com.supermap.realspace
Build a download progress listener.
- downloadMediaFile(String) - Method in interface com.supermap.mdatacollector.NetworkAccessMediaFileListener
Callback media file download.
- downloadMediaFiles(Rectangle2D) - Method in class com.supermap.mdatacollector.MDataCollector
Downloads media files with specified scope.
- downloadMyData(int, DownloadListener) - Method in class com.supermap.services.iportalservices.IPortalService
Downloads my data
- DownloadResourceFile - Class in com.supermap.onlineservices
Resource downloading
- DownloadResourceFile() - Constructor for class com.supermap.onlineservices.DownloadResourceFile
- DownloadResourceFile.DownloadListener - Interface in com.supermap.onlineservices
Resource downloading callback
- downloadResourceFileById(Context, String, String, DownloadResourceFile.DownloadListener) - Static method in class com.supermap.onlineservices.OnlineService
Downloads files public in the data resource or sharing in a group.
- draw(Bitmap, Color) - Method in class com.supermap.data.Symbol
Draw the symbol object on specified Bitmap.
- draw(Bitmap) - Method in class com.supermap.data.Symbol
Draw the symbol object on specified Bitmap.
- draw(Bitmap, Color) - Method in class com.supermap.data.SymbolFill
- draw(Bitmap) - Method in class com.supermap.data.SymbolFill
Draw the symbol object on specified Bitmap.
- draw(Bitmap, Color) - Method in class com.supermap.data.SymbolLine
Draw the symbol object on specified Bitmap.
- draw(Bitmap) - Method in class com.supermap.data.SymbolLine
Draw the symbol object on specified Bitmap.
- draw(Bitmap, Color) - Method in class com.supermap.data.SymbolMarker
Draw the symbol object on specified Bitmap.
- draw(Bitmap) - Method in class com.supermap.data.SymbolMarker
Draw the symbol object on specified Bitmap.
- DRAW_HOLLOW_REGION - Static variable in class com.supermap.mapping.Action
draw island hole object, draw polygon on the original object, generate an island hole object, a polygon object, an original object
- drawBuildingOneSide(List<Point3D>) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.Shape
update author: rophy date: 2022-03-15 content: render One side of the wall
- drawBuildingOneSide(Vector3, Vector3, Vector3, Vector3) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.Shape
update author: rophy date: 2022-03-15 content: render One side of the wall V2++++++++++++V1 + + + + V3++++++++++++V0
- drawCircleOnTrackingLayer(Point2D, float, float, float) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.AR.ArControl2
Drawing circles on a tracing layer
- drawCube(Vector, Vector) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.Shape
Draws a cube in size
- drawCubeOutline(Vector, Vector) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.Shape
Draws the contour lines of the cube
- drawCylinder(Vector, float) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.Shape
Draws a cylinder based on the radius of the bottom circle and height
- drawCylinder(Point3D, Point3D, float) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.Shape
Draws a cylinder based on the center and radius of the bottom (top) circle.
- drawCylinder(Vector3, Vector3, float) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.Shape
- drawHalfTorus(float, float, int) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.Shape
Draws a horizontal semi ring object
- drawHorizontalPolygon(List<Point3D>) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.Shape
Draws horizontal polygons through the points set The point set should have end-to-end points Suggestions: these points should be in the same plane (the same height)
- drawLine(GeoLine) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.ARGeoLine
Draw geometric objects
- drawLine(Vector) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.Shape
Takes the parent node as a starting point and "vector" as vector to draw lines
- drawLine(Point3D, Point3D) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.Shape
Draws lines between two points
- drawLine(List<Point3D>) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.Shape
Draws lines among multiple continuous points
- DRAWLINE - Static variable in class com.supermap.mapping.Action
Draw a free line.
- drawLine() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.AR.ARMapDrawView
Draws lines
- drawMapAngle(double, double, long) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.MapViewAnimation
Draws the rotation angle
- drawMarker(Canvas) - Method in interface com.supermap.ar.areffect.MarkerLayer
Draws markers on the canvas Called every frame
- drawNaviRoutes(ArrayList<Point3D>, ModelRenderable, ModelRenderable) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.arlayer.ARLayerView
Draws the navigation trace
- DRAWPLOYGON - Static variable in class com.supermap.mapping.Action
Draw a free region.
- drawPoint(GeoPoint) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.ARGeoPoint
Draw geometric objects
- drawPolygon(BaseShape.Mode, List<Point3D>) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.Shape
Draws polygons through the points set
- drawPolygon(BaseShape.Mode, List<Point3D>, ArrayList<Vector>) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.Shape
From the point set, draw a polygon
- drawPrism(List<Point3D>, List<Point3D>) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.Shape
Draws prism
- drawRegion(List<Point3D>) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.ARGeoHorizontalRegion
Draws AR polygons (on horizontal plane)
- drawRegion(GeoRegion) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.ARGeoHorizontalRegion
Draws geometric objects
- drawRegion(float, Location, GeoRegion) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.ARGeoHorizontalRegion
Draws geometric objects
- drawRegion(List<Point3D>) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.ARGeoRegion2
- drawRegion(GeoRegion) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.ARGeoRegion2
Draw geometric objects
- drawRegion(float, Location, GeoRegion) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.ARGeoRegion2
Draw geometric objects
- DRAWREGION_ERASE_REGION - Static variable in class com.supermap.mapping.Action
polygon erased by polygon
- DRAWREGION_HOLLOW_REGION - Static variable in class com.supermap.mapping.Action
draw island hole polygon
- drawRegularPolygon(float, int) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.Shape
Draws regular polygons
- drawSkyBox(Vector, float) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.Skybox
Draws a sphere
- drawSkyBox(float) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.Skybox
Draws a sphere
- drawSlantAngle(double, double, long) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.MapViewAnimation
Drawing the pitch
- drawSphere(Vector, float) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.Shape
Draws a sphere
- drawSphere(float) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.Shape
Draws a sphere
- drawStripeLine(Point3D, Point3D, float) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.StripeLine
Draws stripe lines
- drawStripeLine(List<Point3D>, float) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.StripeLine
Draws stripe lines
- drawToPNG(Geometry, Resources, String, int, int) - Static method in class com.supermap.data.TextStyle
Draws the specified geometry object into image.
- drawTorus(float, float, int) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.Shape
Draws a horizontal circular object
- drillPickforDynamicObject(String, Point, int) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Scene
Pick-up feature.
- dropSpatialIndex() - Method in class com.supermap.data.DatasetVector
Delete spatial index
- dSpeed - Variable in class com.supermap.plugin.LocationManagePlugin.GPSData
The travel speed. the unit is meter per second.
- dualLineToCenterLine(Recordset, double, double, Datasource, String) - Static method in class com.supermap.analyst.spatialanalyst.Generalization
Extracts center lines from double lines
- dualLineToCenterLine(Recordset, double, double) - Static method in class com.supermap.analyst.spatialanalyst.Generalization
Extracts center lines from double lines
- DWG - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.conversion.FileType
The AutoCAD DWG swap file, Import results can be multiple different types of vector data.
- DXF - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.conversion.FileType
The AutoCAD DXF swap file, Import results can be multiple different types of vector data.
- DXTZ - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.ImageFormatType
DXTZ type.
- DYNAMIC - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.CursorType
The dynamic cursor.
- DynamicAlignment - Enum in com.supermap.mapping.dyn
The Dynamic Object Alignment
- DynamicChart - Class in com.supermap.mapping.dyn
The chart base class on dynamic layer.
- DynamicChart() - Constructor for class com.supermap.mapping.dyn.DynamicChart
- DynamicCircle - Class in com.supermap.mapping.dyn
dynamic layer circle object
- DynamicCircle() - Constructor for class com.supermap.mapping.dyn.DynamicCircle
- DynamicElement - Class in com.supermap.mapping.dyn
The base class of the dynamic object.
- DynamicElement.ElementType - Enum in com.supermap.mapping.dyn
The dynamic element type.
- DynamicElement.OnClickListener - Interface in com.supermap.mapping.dyn
The listener of dynamic data click event.
- DynamicElement.OnDownAndUpListener - Interface in com.supermap.mapping.dyn
The OnDownAndUpListener for dynamic data
- DynamicElement.OnLongPressListener - Interface in com.supermap.mapping.dyn
The listener of dynamic data long-click event.
- DynamicLine - Class in com.supermap.mapping.dyn
The dynamic layer line object class.
- DynamicLine() - Constructor for class com.supermap.mapping.dyn.DynamicLine
Create a new line object on the dynamic layer.
- DynamicPoint - Class in com.supermap.mapping.dyn
The dynamic layer point object class.
- DynamicPoint() - Constructor for class com.supermap.mapping.dyn.DynamicPoint
Create a new point object on the dynamic layer.
- DynamicPolygon - Class in com.supermap.mapping.dyn
The dynamic layer region object class.
- DynamicPolygon() - Constructor for class com.supermap.mapping.dyn.DynamicPolygon
Create a new region object on the dynamic layer.
- DynamicStyle - Class in com.supermap.mapping.dyn
The dynamic element style class.
- DynamicStyle() - Constructor for class com.supermap.mapping.dyn.DynamicStyle
Constructs a new dynamic element style object.
- DynamicStyle.UnifiedStyleType - Enum in com.supermap.mapping.dyn
The uniform style
- DynamicText - Class in com.supermap.mapping.dyn
The text object on the dynamic layer.
- DynamicText() - Constructor for class com.supermap.mapping.dyn.DynamicText
Create a new text object on the dynamic layer.
- DynamicText(String, Point2D) - Constructor for class com.supermap.mapping.dyn.DynamicText
Create a new dynamic layer text object based on the parameters specified.
- DynamicView - Class in com.supermap.mapping.dyn
The dynamic layer control.
- DynamicView(Context, Map) - Constructor for class com.supermap.mapping.dyn.DynamicView
The dynamic layer constructor.
- DynBarChart - Class in com.supermap.mapping.dyn
The dynamic histogram chart class.
- DynBarChart() - Constructor for class com.supermap.mapping.dyn.DynBarChart
Create a new histogram chart object on the dynamic layer.
- DynLineChart - Class in com.supermap.mapping.dyn
The dynamic line 'chart class.
- DynLineChart() - Constructor for class com.supermap.mapping.dyn.DynLineChart
Create a new line chart object on the dynamic layer.
- DynLineChart.LineChartType - Enum in com.supermap.mapping.dyn
The line chart type.
- DynLineChart.ValuePointStyle - Enum in com.supermap.mapping.dyn
The value point style on the line chart.
- DynPieChart - Class in com.supermap.mapping.dyn
The dynamic pie chart class.
- DynPieChart() - Constructor for class com.supermap.mapping.dyn.DynPieChart
Create a new pie chart object on the dynamic layer.
- EAST - Static variable in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.DirectionType
The east.
- EASTEUROPE - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.Charset
Eastern European character set.
- edit() - Method in class com.supermap.data.Recordset
Locks and edits the current record in Recordset.
- EditStatusListener - Interface in com.supermap.mapping
The listener use to receive the add and delete node event.
- EduLicense - Class in com.supermap.data
Education license.
- EduLicense() - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.EduLicense
- EduLicense.EduLicenseApplyListener - Interface in com.supermap.data
The license activation license
- EduLicense.EduLicenseInfos - Class in com.supermap.data
The information class after activating a license
- EduLicenseInfos() - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.EduLicense.EduLicenseInfos
- EffectView - Class in com.supermap.ar.areffect
Base view control class
- EffectView(Context) - Constructor for class com.supermap.ar.areffect.EffectView
- EffectView(Context, AttributeSet) - Constructor for class com.supermap.ar.areffect.EffectView
- EffectView(Context, AttributeSet, int) - Constructor for class com.supermap.ar.areffect.EffectView
- EffectView(Context, AttributeSet, int, int) - Constructor for class com.supermap.ar.areffect.EffectView
- EffectView.OnSceneTouchListener - Interface in com.supermap.ar.areffect
Scenario Update Listener
- EffectView.OnTapPlaneListener - Interface in com.supermap.ar.areffect
Ground click monitor
- EffectView.OnUpdateListener - Interface in com.supermap.ar.areffect
Scenario Update Listener
- EffectViewRecorder - Class in com.supermap.ar.areffect.record
Recorder for special effect view Records views and instant postures
- EffectViewRecorder.Builder - Class in com.supermap.ar.areffect.record
Recorder constructor
- EffectViewRuntimeException - Exception in com.supermap.ar.areffect.exception
Exception that the scene doesn't support
- EffectViewRuntimeException() - Constructor for exception com.supermap.ar.areffect.exception.EffectViewRuntimeException
The constructor.
- EffectViewRuntimeException(String) - Constructor for exception com.supermap.ar.areffect.exception.EffectViewRuntimeException
The constructor.
- ElementLine - Class in com.supermap.mapping.collector
Line type collection object class.
- ElementLine() - Constructor for class com.supermap.mapping.collector.ElementLine
Construct a new line type of collection object
- ElementPoint - Class in com.supermap.mapping.collector
point type collection object class.
- ElementPoint() - Constructor for class com.supermap.mapping.collector.ElementPoint
Construct a new point type of collection object
- ElementPolygon - Class in com.supermap.mapping.collector
region type collection object class.
- ElementPolygon() - Constructor for class com.supermap.mapping.collector.ElementPolygon
Construct a new region type of collection object
- ElementType - Enum in com.supermap.ar.areffect
The element type
- eliminate(DatasetVector, double, double, EliminateMode, boolean) - Static method in class com.supermap.analyst.spatialanalyst.Generalization
Merges tiny polygons in a region dataset
- ELLIPSE - Static variable in class com.supermap.mapping.LabelBackShape
Ellipse background.
- enablePanOnGuide(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.navi.Navigation
Panning the map is available or not during the guide.
- enablePanOnGuide(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.navi.Navigation2
Panning the map is available or not during the guide.
- enablePanOnGuide(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.navi.Navigation3
Whether to allow the map to be dragged at boot time
- enablePanOnGuide(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.navi.Navigation3D
Whether to allow the map to be dragged at boot time
- enableRotateTouch(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.MapControl
Set whether the map gesture rotation is available
- enableRotateTouch(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.MapViewGroup
Whether it can be rotated under the mode
- enableSlantTouch(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.MapControl
Set whether the map gesture pitch is available
- enableSlantTouch(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.MapViewGroup
Whether it can be tilted
- enableSupport(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.highprecision.MeasureView
Sets whether to support the cross for auxiliary measurement.
- EncodeType - Class in com.supermap.data
Defines the encoding modes for dataset compression.
- encryptGPS(Point2D) - Method in interface com.supermap.navi.Encryption
Data cryptographic algorithm
- Encryption - Interface in com.supermap.navi
The GPS encryption interface class Implement the custom GPS encryption algorithm through this class.
- END - Static variable in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.TurnType
The end, no turn.
- EngineType - Class in com.supermap.data
Defines the spatial database engine type constants.
- ensureVisible(Layer3D) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Scene
The scene is displayed based on the latitude and longitude range of the center block of the layer
- ensureVisible(Rectangle2D) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Scene
The scene is displayed according to the latitude and longitude range.
- Enum - Class in com.supermap.data
The base class for all the enumeration class.
- Enum - Class in com.supermap.messagequeue
The enum class
- EnumServiceType - Enum in com.supermap.onlineservices.utils
Service-Publishing enumeration
- Environment - Class in com.supermap.data
This environment class is used to manage the configuration information about develop environment, for example setting the location folder saved the cache file and setting the equal-zero precision.
- Environment - Class in com.supermap.messagequeue
The operation environment manager class Initializes the environment resource and loads the libraries.
- Environment.Language - Enum in com.supermap.data
Navigation language type.
- EQUALINTERVAL - Static variable in class com.supermap.mapping.RangeMode
The equalinterval method.
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.supermap.data.Enum
Returns true if the specified object equals to this enumeration constant.
- equals(Point2D) - Method in class com.supermap.data.Point2D
Determines whether this Point2D object equals to the given Point2D object, that is whether they have the same coordinate.
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.supermap.data.Point2D
Specifies whether this Point2D object contains the same coordinate with the given System.Object.
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.supermap.data.PointM
Specifies whether this
structure object has the same value, including X, Y and M, with the specified PointM object. - equals(Rectangle2D) - Method in class com.supermap.data.Rectangle2D
Determines whether this Rectangle2D object equals to the given Rectangle2D object, that is whether they have the same border coordinate.
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.supermap.data.Rectangle2D
Overwrites the equal method of the base class.
- equals(Size2D) - Method in class com.supermap.data.Size2D
Determines whether this Size2D object equals to the given Size2D object, that is whether they have the same coordinate.
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.supermap.data.Size2D
Whether this Size2D object contain the same width and height with the given Object.
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.supermap.data.TimeSpan
Determines whether the value of the TimeSpan object is equal to the value of the TimeSpan object.
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.supermap.messagequeue.Enum
Since the enumeration value is a static field, you can know whether the two enumerations are equal by comparing the reference.
- equals(LookAt) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.LookAt
Determines whether the two camera are the same
- erase(DatasetVector, DatasetVector, DatasetVector, OverlayAnalystParameter) - Static method in class com.supermap.analyst.spatialanalyst.OverlayAnalyst
The overlay analysis used to erase the data set, clipping and deleting the objects contained in the second dataset in the first dataset.
- erase(Recordset, Recordset, DatasetVector, OverlayAnalystParameter) - Static method in class com.supermap.analyst.spatialanalyst.OverlayAnalyst
An overlay analysis for erasing the recordset, cutting and deleting the objects contained in the second set of records in the first set of records.
- erase(DatasetVector, Geometry[], DatasetVector, OverlayAnalystParameter) - Static method in class com.supermap.analyst.spatialanalyst.OverlayAnalyst
The overlay analysis used to erase the data set, cutting the objects contained in the array of geometric objects in the erased data set and deleting them.
- erase(Geometry, Geometry) - Static method in class com.supermap.data.Geometrist
Erases the area, which in common with the operate geometry object, in the operated geometry object.
- ERASE_REGION - Static variable in class com.supermap.mapping.Action
Erase face, Set the polygon layer is editable, set Action, Draw a polygon where the polygon need to erase, submit, view the results, the intersection is erased
- Error(String) - Constructor for class com.supermap.ar.areffect.ErrorCallback.Error
- error(String) - Method in interface com.supermap.services.OptimalPathAnalysis.FindPathListener
If there are errors, calls the function and input error information
- ErrorCallback - Interface in com.supermap.ar.areffect
Abnormal callback
- ErrorCallback.Error - Class in com.supermap.ar.areffect
- ESRI - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjFileType
The projection file type used by Esri, it is a prj file.
- ExcavationParameter - Class in com.supermap.ar.areffect.excavator
Excavation parameter for excavation calculations
- ExcavationParameter.Builder - Class in com.supermap.ar.areffect.excavator
- ExcavationParameter.ShapeType - Enum in com.supermap.ar.areffect.excavator
- Excavator - Class in com.supermap.ar.areffect.excavator
excavation tool
- exchange(int, int) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Feature3Ds
Exchanges the two objects with the specified index.
- exchangeItem(int, int) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeGraph
Exchanges sub items of a statistical thematic map
- excute() - Method in class com.supermap.plot.AnimationManager
- execute() - Method in class com.supermap.distributeanalystservices.AggregatePointsOnline
- execute() - Method in class com.supermap.distributeanalystservices.BufferAnalystOnline
run analyst
- execute() - Method in class com.supermap.distributeanalystservices.DataFlowOnline
run ws service
- execute() - Method in class com.supermap.distributeanalystservices.DensityAnalystOnline
run analyst.
- execute() - Method in class com.supermap.distributeanalystservices.DistributeAnalyst
run analyst
- execute() - Method in class com.supermap.distributeanalystservices.FeatureJoinOnline
run analyst
- execute() - Method in class com.supermap.distributeanalystservices.GridIndexOnline
run analyst
- execute() - Method in class com.supermap.distributeanalystservices.OverlayAnalystOnline
run analyst
- execute() - Method in class com.supermap.distributeanalystservices.QueryOnline
run analyst.
- execute() - Method in class com.supermap.distributeanalystservices.SummaryRegionOnline
- execute() - Method in class com.supermap.distributeanalystservices.TopologyValidatorOnline
run analyst
- execute() - Method in class com.supermap.distributeanalystservices.VectorClipAnalystOnline
run analyst.
- exportDWG(String, Dataset) - Static method in class com.supermap.data.DataConversion
export specified dataset as dwg file
- exportDXF(String, Dataset) - Static method in class com.supermap.data.DataConversion
export specified dataset as dxf file
- exportGPX(String, DatasetVector) - Static method in class com.supermap.data.DataConversion
export GPX file, if the file is existed, then fail
- exportKML(String, Dataset) - Static method in class com.supermap.data.DataConversion
export kml file KML only support to export as vector dataset the projection dataset must be geographic coordinate WGC-1984
- exportKMZ(String, Dataset) - Static method in class com.supermap.data.DataConversion
export kmz file KMZ only support to export as vector dataset the projection dataset must be geographic coordinate WGC-1984
- exportMIF(String, Dataset) - Static method in class com.supermap.data.DataConversion
Export the MIF file.
- exportSHP(String, Dataset) - Static method in class com.supermap.data.DataConversion
Export the SHP file.
- exportTIF(String, Dataset) - Static method in class com.supermap.data.DataConversion
export dataset as tif/tiff image data file.
- ExShapeGenerator - Class in com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset
ExtensionShapeGenerator Extended shape generator
- ExShapeGenerator() - Constructor for class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.ExShapeGenerator
- extractCacheFile(String, String) - Method in class com.supermap.data.Toolkit
Extracts the Cache file to the specified path.
- extractCacheFile(String, String, String) - Method in class com.supermap.data.Toolkit
Extracts the Cache file to the specified path.
- extrapolateM(Point2D, Point2D, double, double, double, CalibrateMode) - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoLineM
Interpolates the GeoLineM to get M values at the positions of BEFORE and AFTER.
- FacilityAnalyst - Class in com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst
The FacilityAnalyst class.
- FacilityAnalyst() - Constructor for class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.FacilityAnalyst
Creates a new FacilityAnalyst object.
- FacilityAnalyst3D - Class in com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst3d
The FacilityAnalyst3D class is used for checking data, finding the edges between node/edge and source/sink, tracing upstream, tracing downstream, finding the upstream closest facility, etc.
- FacilityAnalyst3D() - Constructor for class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst3d.FacilityAnalyst3D
Creates a new FacilityAnalyst3D object.
- FacilityAnalystCheckResult3D - Class in com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst3d
The data check result class of the 3D facility network analysis.
- FacilityAnalystCheckResult3D() - Constructor for class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst3d.FacilityAnalystCheckResult3D
- FacilityAnalystResult - Class in com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst
The FacilityAnalystResult class.
- FacilityAnalystResult3D - Class in com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst3d
The result class of the 3D facility network analysis.
- FacilityAnalystResult3D() - Constructor for class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst3d.FacilityAnalystResult3D
- FacilityAnalystSetting - Class in com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst
The FacilityAnalystSetting class.
- FacilityAnalystSetting() - Constructor for class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.FacilityAnalystSetting
Initializes a new instance of the FacilityAnalystSetting class.
- FacilityAnalystSetting(FacilityAnalystSetting) - Constructor for class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.FacilityAnalystSetting
Initializes a new instance of the FacilityAnalystSetting class which is identical with the specified FacilityAnalystSetting object.
- FacilityAnalystSetting3D - Class in com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst3d
The FacilityAnalystSetting class.
- FacilityAnalystSetting3D() - Constructor for class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst3d.FacilityAnalystSetting3D
Initializes a new instance of the FacilityAnalystSetting class.
- FacilityAnalystSetting3D(FacilityAnalystSetting3D) - Constructor for class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst3d.FacilityAnalystSetting3D
Initializes a new instance of the FacilityAnalystSetting class which is identical with the specified FacilityAnalystSetting object.
- FANOUT - Static variable in class com.supermap.messagequeue.AMQPExchangeType
Forward the message to the queue binded with the switch routingKey If the receiver and sender use the same switch, all ports can receive and send messages
- Feature - Class in com.supermap.services
The Feature class contains geometry and attribute information.
- Feature(String[], String[], Geometry) - Constructor for class com.supermap.services.Feature
Initialize a new Geometry object with the specified parameters.
- Feature3D - Class in com.supermap.realspace
The Feature3D class.
- Feature3D() - Constructor for class com.supermap.realspace.Feature3D
Creates a new Feature3D object.
- Feature3D(Feature3D) - Constructor for class com.supermap.realspace.Feature3D
Initializes a new instance of the Feature3D class which is a copy of the specified Feature3D object.
- Feature3Ds - Class in com.supermap.realspace
The Feature3Ds class.
- Feature3Ds() - Constructor for class com.supermap.realspace.Feature3Ds
Constructs a new Feature3Ds instance.
- Feature3DSearchOption - Class in com.supermap.realspace
This enumeration defines the constants representing the types of searching options.
- featureEnvelope(DatasetVector, String, Datasource, boolean) - Static method in class com.supermap.analyst.spatialanalyst.Generalization
- featureEnvelope(DatasetVector, String, Datasource) - Static method in class com.supermap.analyst.spatialanalyst.Generalization
- FeatureJoinOnline - Class in com.supermap.distributeanalystservices
online feature join
- FeatureJoinOnline() - Constructor for class com.supermap.distributeanalystservices.FeatureJoinOnline
The constructor.
- FeatureSet - Class in com.supermap.services
The FeatureSet class.
- FeatureSet(FieldInfos) - Constructor for class com.supermap.services.FeatureSet
Create a FeatureSet object from the field
- Fellow(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.TrackingMoveHelper
Whether to enable the following mode.
- FieldInfo - Class in com.supermap.data
The FieldInfo class stores the informations of the field such as name, type, default value and length etc.
- FieldInfo() - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.FieldInfo
The default constructor, initializes a new instance of the FieldInfo class.
- FieldInfo(FieldInfo) - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.FieldInfo
Constructs a new object identical to the given FieldInfo object.
- FieldInfo(String, FieldType) - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.FieldInfo
Creates a new FieldInfo object according to the specified arguments.
- FieldInfos - Class in com.supermap.data
The FieldInfos class.
- FieldInfos() - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.FieldInfos
Construct a new FieldInfos object, the count of
objects in it is 0. - FieldInfos(FieldInfo[]) - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.FieldInfos
Creates a new LayersControl object according to the specified arguments.
- FieldInfos(FieldInfos) - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.FieldInfos
Constructs a new object identical to the given FieldInfos object.
- FieldType - Class in com.supermap.data
This class defines the field type constants.
- fileType - Variable in class com.supermap.ai.AIDetectViewInfo
Types of model files
- FileType - Class in com.supermap.data.conversion
The file which supports for data conversion
- FILL - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.SymbolType
2D fill symbol.
- FILL_HOLLOW_REGION - Static variable in class com.supermap.mapping.Action
Fill the island hole object
- FillGradientMode - Class in com.supermap.data
Defines the fill gradient mode constant.
- find(String) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.LayerGroup
Finds layers in Layergroup
- find(String) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Layers
Finds the layer from the layer group
- findClosestFacility(TransportationAnalystParameter, int, int, boolean, double) - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.TransportationAnalyst
Conducts the closest facility analysis according to the given parameters, and the event point is the node ID.
- findClosestFacility(TransportationAnalystParameter, Point2D, int, boolean, double) - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.TransportationAnalyst
Conducts the closest facility analysis according to the given parameters, and the event point is the coordinate point.
- findCommonAncestorsFromEdges(int[], boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.FacilityAnalyst
Finds the common upstream edges of those edges according to the given array of the edge IDs.
- findCommonAncestorsFromNodes(int[], boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.FacilityAnalyst
Finds the common upstream edges of those nodes according to the given array of the node IDs.
- findCommonCatchmentsFromEdges(int[], boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.FacilityAnalyst
Finds the common downstream edges of those edges according to the given array of the edge IDs.
- findCommonCatchmentsFromNodes(int[], boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.FacilityAnalyst
Finds the common downstream edges of those nodes according to the given array of the node IDs.
- findConnectedEdgesFromEdges(int[]) - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.FacilityAnalyst
Finds all the edges connected with the specified edges according to the given array of the edge IDs.
- findConnectedEdgesFromNodes(int[]) - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.FacilityAnalyst
Finds all the edges connected with the specified nodes according to the given array of the node IDs.
- findCriticalFacilitiesUpFromEdge(int[], int, boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst3d.FacilityAnalyst3D
Upstream analysis of facility network, which aims at finding the closest facility node in the upstream.
- findCriticalFacilitiesUpFromNode(int[], int, boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst3d.FacilityAnalyst3D
Upstream analysis of facility network, which aims at finding the closest facility node in the upstream.
- findFeature(int, Feature3DSearchOption) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Feature3Ds
Findsand return the Feature3D object according to the given ID and the specified query option.
- findFeature(String, Feature3DSearchOption) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Feature3Ds
Finds all the Feature3D objects with the specified name and returns the array of Feature3D objects satisfying the condition.
- findFeatures(String, Feature3DSearchOption) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Feature3Ds
Finds all the Feature3Ds objects with the specified name and returns the array of Feature3Ds objects satisfying the condition.
- findGroup(int) - Method in class com.supermap.data.SymbolLibrary
Finds the SymbolGroup object which the symbol with the given ID belongs to.
- findLocation(LocationAnalystParameter) - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.TransportationAnalyst
Analyzes the location with the specified LocationAnalystParameter object.
- findLoopsFromEdges(int[]) - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.FacilityAnalyst
Finds all the loops connected with the specified edges according to the given array of the edge IDs.
- findLoopsFromNodes(int[]) - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.FacilityAnalyst
Finds all the loops joined with the specified nodes according to the given array of the node IDs.
- findMTSPPath(TransportationAnalystParameter, int[], boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.TransportationAnalyst
The method is used for the MTSP (logistics) which the delivery centers are the node ID array.
- findMTSPPath(TransportationAnalystParameter, Point2Ds, boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.TransportationAnalyst
The method is used to analyze Multiple TSP which the delivery center points are a series of coordinates.
- FindNearest - Static variable in class com.supermap.services.QueryMode
Find nearest query.
- findPath(TransportationAnalystParameter, boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.TransportationAnalyst
Optimal path analysis.
- findPath(TransportationAnalystParameter3D) - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst3d.TransportationAnalyst3D
Optimal path analysis.
- findPath(OptimalPathAnalysis.FindPathListener) - Method in class com.supermap.services.OptimalPathAnalysis
Description: executes optimal path analysis
- findPathDownFromEdge(int, String, boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.FacilityAnalyst
The find downstream path analysis.
- findPathDownFromNode(int, String, boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.FacilityAnalyst
- findPathFromEdges(int, int, String, boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.FacilityAnalyst
The find path analysis.
- findPathFromNodes(int, int, String, boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.FacilityAnalyst
The find path analysis.
- findPathUpFromEdge(int, String, boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.FacilityAnalyst
- findPathUpFromNode(int, String, boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.FacilityAnalyst
- findPointOnArc(double) - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoArc
Gets one point of the circular arc according to the specified angle.
- findPointOnArc(double) - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoEllipticArc
Gets one point of the elliptic arc according to the specified angle.
- findPointOnLineByDistance(double) - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoLine
Finds point on the line according to the specified distance.
- findPointOnLineByDistance(double) - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoLineM
Find point on the route with the given distance.
- findServiceArea(TransportationAnalystParameter, double[], boolean, boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.TransportationAnalyst
The service area analysis.
- findSinkFromEdge(int, String, boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.FacilityAnalyst
Finds the sink according to the given edge ID. i.e., from the given edge, finding the downstream sink that flows out this edge according to the flow, and returning the edges, nodes and cost in least path cost from gien edge to this sink.
- findSinkFromEdge(int, String, boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst3d.FacilityAnalyst3D
Finds sink based on edges.
- findSinkFromNode(int, String, boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.FacilityAnalyst
Finds the sink according to the given node ID. i.e., from the given node, finding the downstream sink that flows out this node according to the flow, and returning the edges, nodes and cost in least path cost from given node to this sink.
- findSinkFromNode(int, String, boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst3d.FacilityAnalyst3D
Finds the join between nodes.
- findSourceFromEdge(int, String, boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.FacilityAnalyst
Finds the source according to the given edge ID. i.e., from the given edge, finding the network source that flows to this edge according to the flow, and returning the edges, nodes and cost in least path cost.
- findSourceFromEdge(int, String, boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst3d.FacilityAnalyst3D
Finds source based on edges.
- findSourceFromNode(int, String, boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.FacilityAnalyst
Finds the source according to the given node ID. i.e., from the given node, finding the network source that flows to this node according to the flow, and returning the edges, nodes and cost in least path cost.
- findSymbol(int) - Method in class com.supermap.data.SymbolLibrary
Finds the Symbol object with the specified ID in the SymbolLibrary object.
- findSymbol(String) - Method in class com.supermap.data.SymbolLibrary
Finds the Symbol object with the given name in the SymbolLibrary object and returns the first Symbol object whose name is identical with the specified name.
- findTSPPath(TransportationAnalystParameter, boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.TransportationAnalyst
The travelling salesmen analysis.
- findUnconnectedEdgesFromEdges(int[]) - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.FacilityAnalyst
Finds all the edges not connected with the specified edges according to the given array of the edge IDs.
- findUnconnectedEdgesFromNodes(int[]) - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.FacilityAnalyst
Finds all the edges unconnected with the specified nodes according to the given array of the node IDs.
- findXmlNode(XmlNode, String) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.utils.XmlNodeParser
Finds the specified node in the parent node by specifying its name is usually used to find the specified object and then get its parent node by
- FinishEditedEvent - Class in com.supermap.mapping
The listening after the topology edit completes.
- finishGeometryEdited(FinishEditedEvent) - Method in interface com.supermap.mapping.EditStatusListener
Complete the topology before editing the operation of the monitor.
- finishMeasure(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.arcartograph.ARCartographView
Sets whether the measurement is finished
- FIXEDCENTER - Static variable in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.SupplyCenterType
FIXEDCENTER, which is used for location-allocation analysis.
- FLAT - Static variable in class com.supermap.analyst.BufferEndType
Flat Creates Flat buffer will creates rectangular line endings with the middle of the short side of the rectangle coincident with the end point of the line.
- floor(Point2D) - Static method in class com.supermap.data.Point2D
Returns a Point2D object whose X, Y coordinates are the less than or equal to the maximum integer of the X, Y coordinates of the given point.
- floor(Rectangle2D) - Static method in class com.supermap.data.Rectangle2D
Returns a Rectangle2D object, whose x-coordinate of left edge, y-coordinate of bottom edge, x-coordinate of the right edge and y-coordinate of the top edge is the maximum integral value not larger than the corresponding coordinate values of the specified Rectangle2D object.
- floor(Size2D) - Static method in class com.supermap.data.Size2D
Returns a new Size2D object, whose width and height is less than or equal to the maximum integral value of the corresponding value of the given Size2D object, for example, if the given object is Size2D(2.3,6.8), the created object will be Size2D(2,6).
- floorChange(String, String) - Method in interface com.supermap.navi.FloorChangeListener
Floor switching event
- FloorChangeListener - Interface in com.supermap.navi
The FloorChangeListener class
- FloorListView - Class in com.supermap.indoor
The FloorListView Controls Class,Show the floor of the indoor map and the current floor.
- FloorListView(Context) - Constructor for class com.supermap.indoor.FloorListView
The constructor,Inherited from View.
- FloorListView(Context, AttributeSet) - Constructor for class com.supermap.indoor.FloorListView
The constructor,Inherited from View.
- FloorListView3D - Class in com.supermap.indoor3d
The FloorListView Controls Class,Show the floor of the indoor map and the current floor.
- FloorListView3D(Context) - Constructor for class com.supermap.indoor3d.FloorListView3D
The constructor,Inherited from View.
- FloorListView3D(Context, AttributeSet) - Constructor for class com.supermap.indoor3d.FloorListView3D
The constructor,Inherited from View.
- FlowElement - Class in com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset
Flow element The resource is a gltf model
- FlowElement() - Constructor for class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.FlowElement
The constructor
- FlowElement(String) - Constructor for class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.FlowElement
The constructor
- flushBulkEdit() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.TrackingLayer
Conducts the batch update to the tracking layer.
- fly(LookAt) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Scene
Fly according to the specified target camera object.
- fly(LookAt, int, boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Scene
Fly according to the specified target camera object and flight time.
- flyCircle(Geometry, double) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Scene
Rotate and fly around a designated location, and you can control the speed of the flight during the flight.
- FLYINGCIRCLE - Static variable in class com.supermap.realspace.FlyingMode
The camera moves around the specified point.
- FlyingMode - Class in com.supermap.realspace
The enumeration defines the type constant of the flight mode, to set the way that flying to the specific location.
- FLYINGPLAY - Static variable in class com.supermap.realspace.FlyingMode
The camera shifts to the specified point by flying.
- FLYINGTO - Static variable in class com.supermap.realspace.FlyingMode
The camera switches to the specified point immediately.
- FlyManager - Class in com.supermap.realspace
3D scene flight management class.
- FlyManager() - Constructor for class com.supermap.realspace.FlyManager
The default constructor, which constructs a new FlyManager object.
- FlyStatus - Class in com.supermap.realspace
This enumeration class defines the constants representing the types of flying modes.
- flyToCamera(Camera, int, boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Scene
Fly according to the specified target object and altitude mode.
- flyToCamera(Camera, int, int) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Scene
Fly according to the specified target object, altitude mode and flight time.
- flyToPoint(Point3D) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Scene
Fly to the specified 3D point position.
- flyToPoint(Point3D, int) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Scene
Fly according to the target point location and flight time.
- flytoVector(Point3D, Point3D, int) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Scene
Fixed-point observation, support input of the starting observation point and target point, the camera flies to the observation point.
- Foot - Static variable in class com.supermap.analyst.BufferRadiusUnit
- FOOT - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.Unit
- formal - Variable in class com.supermap.data.license.QueryFormalLicenseResponse
Whether there are official licenses corresponding with products.
- forward(Point2Ds, PrjCoordSys) - Static method in class com.supermap.data.CoordSysTranslator
This method is used to transform geographic coordinates of the specified
into projected coordinates with the specified parameters in the same geographic coordinate system. - FREEDRAW - Static variable in class com.supermap.mapping.Action
- FrequencyBlink - Static variable in class com.supermap.plot.AnimationDefine.BlinkAnimationBlinkStyle
- fromFile(String) - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoModel
Construct a new GeoModel object based on the model file under the specified path
- fromFile(String, Point3D) - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoModel
Constructs a new GeoModel object based on the model file and the specified location under the specified path
- fromFile(String, PrjFileType) - Method in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSys
Builds the attribute of the {
} object according to the type of xml file and projection file. - fromFile(String) - Method in class com.supermap.data.SymbolLibrary
Imports the existing symbol library file to the SymbolLibrary object.
- fromFile(String) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Routes
Import a route collection object from the specified file.
- fromGeoJSON(String) - Method in class com.supermap.data.DatasetVector
Gets the geometry object from the GeoJSON string, and store it to the dataset Only support point, line, region and CAD datasets.
- fromGeoJSON(File) - Method in class com.supermap.data.DatasetVector
Read the GeoJSON data in dataset from the specified file (txt) and import to the current dataset.
- fromGeoJSON(String) - Method in class com.supermap.data.Geometry
Acquire Geometry from GeoJSON format string.
- fromGeoJSON(String) - Method in class com.supermap.data.Recordset
Gets the geometry and its attributes from the GeoJSON string, and update it to the dataset The supported geometry type includes: point, line, region, multi line
- fromGeoJSON(String) - Method in class com.supermap.plot.GeoGraphicObject
Get Geometry from GeoJSON style string
- fromGeoLine3D(GeoLine3D) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Route
Whether the flight path is initialized by the line object.
- fromGeometry(Geometry) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.collector.CollectorElement
construct collection object by Geometry.
- fromGeometry(Geometry) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.collector.ElementLine
construct Line type collection object by Geometry.
- fromGeometry(Geometry) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.collector.ElementPoint
construct point type collection object by Geometry.
- fromGeometry(Geometry) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.collector.ElementPolygon
construct region type collection object by Geometry.
- fromGeometry(Geometry) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.dyn.DynamicCircle
Convert dynamic layer circle objects according to
GeoCirle - fromGeometry(Geometry) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.dyn.DynamicElement
Create the dynamic data through Geometry.
- fromGeometry(Geometry) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.dyn.DynamicLine
Create a new line object on the dynamic layer through Geometry.
- fromGeometry(Geometry) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.dyn.DynamicPoint
Create a new point object on the dynamic layer through Geometry.
- fromGeometry(Geometry) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.dyn.DynamicPolygon
Create a new region object on the dynamic layer through Geometry.
- fromGeometry(Geometry) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.dyn.DynamicText
Create the dynamic data through Geometry.
- fromGeometry(Geometry) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.dyn.DynBarChart
Create a new histogram object on the dynamic layer through Geometry.
- fromGeometry(Geometry) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.dyn.DynLineChart
Create a new line chart object on the dynamic layer through Geometry.
- fromGeometry(Geometry) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.dyn.DynPieChart
Create a new pie chart object on the dynamic layer through Geometry.
- fromJson(String) - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoStyle
Returns geostyle from json data
- fromKML(String) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Feature3D
Imports the Feature3D object from an KML string.
- fromKML(String) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Feature3Ds
Imports the collection of the Feature3D object from a KML string.
- fromKMLFile(String) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Feature3D
Imports the Feature3D object through importing the KML file.
- fromKMLFile(String) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Feature3Ds
Imports the Feature3Ds object from the KML file.
- fromRecordset(Recordset) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Selection
Converts a Recordset to a Selection which will make all corresponded objects be selected.
- fromRecordset(Recordset) - Method in class com.supermap.services.FeatureSet
Convert from Recordset to featureset
- fromXML(String) - Method in class com.supermap.data.CoordSysTransParameter
Creates a CoordSysTransParameter object with the specified XML string.
- fromXML(String) - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSys
Retrieves the GeoCoordSys object with the introduced XML string.
- fromXML(String) - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatum
Creates a GeoDatum object with the specified XML string.
- fromXML(String) - Method in class com.supermap.data.Geometry
Loading geometry objects from XML.
- fromXML(String) - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoPrimeMeridian
Constructs the
object with the specified XML format string. - fromXML(String) - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoSpheroid
Retrieves the Geospheroid object with the introduced XML string.
- fromXML(String) - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoStyle
Creates a GeoStyle object with the specified XML string.
- fromXML(String) - Method in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSys
Creates a
object with the specified XML string. - fromXML(String) - Method in class com.supermap.data.PrjParameter
Constructs a
object with the introduced xml string. - fromXML(String) - Method in class com.supermap.data.Projection
Retrieves the projection object with the specified xml string.
- fromXML(String, String) - Method in class com.supermap.data.Resources
Converts data from xml to Resources
- fromXML(String) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Theme
Imports the information of the thematic map from XML strings.
- fromXML(String) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeDotDensity
Gets the point density layer from a xml file
- fromXML(String) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeGraduatedSymbol
Turns a xml file to a thematic map
- fromXML(String) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeGraph
Turns the formatted string into a thematic map
- fromXML(String) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeGridRange
- fromXML(String) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeUnique
Reconstructs the object according to the XML string passed in.
- fromXml(String) - Method in class com.supermap.plot.AnimationGO
Converts data from xml to animation
- fromXML(String) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Route
Import objects from an XML string.
- fromXML(String) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.RouteStop
Gets the flying stops through XML string
- GatherView - Class in com.supermap.ar.gather
High-precision collection class The class is for collecting track objects with altitudes by using the computer vision technology.
- GatherView(Context) - Constructor for class com.supermap.ar.gather.GatherView
The constructor.
- GatherView(Context, AttributeSet) - Constructor for class com.supermap.ar.gather.GatherView
The constructor.
- GAUSSIAN - Static variable in class com.supermap.mapping.ImageStretchType
Gauss stretch The purpose of Gaussian stretching is to make the pixel values of the image data tend to be normal.
- GB18030 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.Charset
Chinese character set used in mainland china.
- GCS_ADINDAN - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
- GCS_AFGOOYE - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
- GCS_AGADEZ - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
- GCS_AGD_1966 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
Australian Geodetic Datum 1966.
- GCS_AGD_1984 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
Australian Geodetic Datum 1984.
- GCS_AIN_EL_ABD_1970 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
Ain el Abd 1970.
- GCS_AIRY_1830 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
Airy 1830.
- GCS_AIRY_MOD - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
Airy modified.
- GCS_ALASKAN_ISLANDS - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
Alaskan Islands.
- GCS_AMERSFOORT - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
- GCS_ANNA_1_1965 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
Anna 1 Astro 1965.
- GCS_ANTIGUA_ISLAND_1943 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
Antigua Island Astro 1943.
- GCS_ARATU - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
- GCS_ARC_1950 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
Arc 1950.
- GCS_ARC_1960 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
Arc 1960.
- GCS_ASCENSION_ISLAND_1958 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
Ascension Island 1958.
- GCS_ASTRO_1952 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
Astronomical Station 1952.
- GCS_ATF_PARIS - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
ATF (Paris).
- GCS_ATS_1977 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
Average Terrestrial System 1977.
- GCS_AUSTRALIAN - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
Australian National.
- GCS_AYABELLE - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
Ayabelle Lighthouse.
- GCS_BARBADOS - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
- GCS_BATAVIA - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
- GCS_BATAVIA_JAKARTA - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
Batavia (Jakarta).
- GCS_BEACON_E_1945 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
Astro Beacon E 1945.
- GCS_BEDUARAM - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
- GCS_BEIJING_1954 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
Beijing 1954.
- GCS_BELGE_1950 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
Reseau National Belge 1950.
- GCS_BELGE_1950_BRUSSELS - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
Belge 1950 (Brussels).
- GCS_BELGE_1972 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
Reseau National Belge 1972.
- GCS_BELLEVUE - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
Bellevue IGN.
- GCS_BERMUDA_1957 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
Bermuda 1957.
- GCS_BERN_1898 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
Bern 1898.
- GCS_BERN_1898_BERN - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
Bern 1898 (Bern).
- GCS_BERN_1938 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
Bern 1938.
- GCS_BESSEL_1841 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
Bessel 1841.
- GCS_BESSEL_MOD - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
Bessel modified.
- GCS_BESSEL_NAMIBIA - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
Bessel Namibia.
- GCS_BISSAU - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
- GCS_BOGOTA - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
- GCS_BOGOTA_BOGOTA - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
Bogota (Bogota).
- GCS_BUKIT_RIMPAH - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
Bukit Rimpah.
- GCS_CACANAVERAL - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
Cape Canaveral.
- GCS_CAMACUPA - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
- GCS_CAMP_AREA - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
Camp Area Astro.
- GCS_CAMPO_INCHAUSPE - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
Campo Inchauspe.
- GCS_CANTON_1966 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
Canton Astro 1966.
- GCS_CAPE - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
- GCS_CARTHAGE - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
- GCS_CARTHAGE_DEGREE - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
Carthage (degrees).
- GCS_CHATHAM_ISLAND_1971 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
Chatham Island Astro 1971.
- GCS_CHINA_2000 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
China Geodetic Coordinate System 2000 (geocentric coordinate system), or CGCS2000 for short.
- GCS_CHUA - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
- GCS_CLARKE_1858 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
Clarke 1858.
- GCS_CLARKE_1866 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
Clarke 1866.
- GCS_CLARKE_1866_MICH - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
Clarke 1866 Michigan.
- GCS_CLARKE_1880 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
Clarke 1880.
- GCS_CLARKE_1880_ARC - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
Clarke 1880 (Arc).
- GCS_CLARKE_1880_BENOIT - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
Clarke 1880 (Benoit).
- GCS_CLARKE_1880_IGN - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
Clarke 1880 (IGN).
- GCS_CLARKE_1880_RGS - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
Clarke 1880 (RGS).
- GCS_CLARKE_1880_SGA - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
Clarke 1880 (SGA).
- GCS_CONAKRY_1905 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
Conakry 1905.
- GCS_CORREGO_ALEGRE - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
Corrego Alegre.
- GCS_COTE_D_IVOIRE - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
Cote d'Ivoire.
- GCS_DABOLA - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
- GCS_DATUM_73 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
Datum 73.
- GCS_DEALUL_PISCULUI_1933 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
Dealul Piscului 1933 (Romania).
- GCS_DEALUL_PISCULUI_1970 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
Dealul Piscului 1970 (Romania).
- GCS_DECEPTION_ISLAND - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
Deception Island.
- GCS_DEIR_EZ_ZOR - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
Deir ez Zor.
- GCS_DHDNB - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
Deutsche Hauptdreiecksnetz.
- GCS_DOS_1968 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
DOS 1968.
- GCS_DOS_71_4 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
Astro DOS 71/4.
- GCS_DOUALA - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
- GCS_EASTER_ISLAND_1967 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
Easter Island 1967
- GCS_ED_1950 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
European Datum 1950.
- GCS_ED_1987 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
European Datum 1987.
- GCS_EGYPT_1907 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
Egypt 1907.
- GCS_ETRS_1989 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
European Terrestrial Ref.
- GCS_EUROPEAN_1979 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
European 1979.
- GCS_EVEREST_1830 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
Everest 1830.
- GCS_EVEREST_BANGLADESH - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
Everest - Bangladesh.
- GCS_EVEREST_DEF_1967 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
Everest (definition 1967).
- GCS_EVEREST_DEF_1975 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
Everest (definition 1975).
- GCS_EVEREST_INDIA_NEPAL - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
Everest - India and Nepal.
- GCS_EVEREST_MOD - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
Everest modified.
- GCS_EVEREST_MOD_1969 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
Everest modified 1969.
- GCS_FAHUD - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
- GCS_FISCHER_1960 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
Fischer 1960.
- GCS_FISCHER_1968 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
Fischer 1968.
- GCS_FISCHER_MOD - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
Fischer modified.
- GCS_FORT_THOMAS_1955 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
Fort Thomas 1955.
- GCS_GAN_1970 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
Gan 1970.
- GCS_GANDAJIKA_1970 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
Gandajika 1970.
- GCS_GAROUA - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
- GCS_GDA_1994 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
Geocentric Datum of Australia 1994.
- GCS_GEM_10C - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
GEM gravity potential model.
- GCS_GGRS_1987 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
Greek Geodetic Ref.
- GCS_GRACIOSA_1948 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
Graciosa Base SW 1948.
- GCS_GREEK - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
- GCS_GREEK_ATHENS - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
Greek (Athens).
- GCS_GRS_1967 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
GRS 1967.
- GCS_GRS_1980 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
GRS 1980.
- GCS_GUAM_1963 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
Guam 1963.
- GCS_GUNUNG_SEGARA - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
Gunung Segara.
- GCS_GUX_1 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
GUX 1 Astro.
- GCS_GUYANE_FRANCAISE - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
Guyane Francaise.
- GCS_HELMERT_1906 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
Helmert 1906.
- GCS_HERAT_NORTH - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
Herat North.
- GCS_HITO_XVIII_1963 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
Hito XVIII 1963.
- GCS_HJORSEY_1955 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
Hjorsey 1955.
- GCS_HONG_KONG_1963 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
Hong Kong 1963.
- GCS_HOUGH_1960 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
Hough 1960.
- GCS_HU_TZU_SHAN - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
Hu Tzu Shan.
- GCS_HUNGARIAN_1972 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
Hungarian Datum 1972.
- GCS_INDIAN_1954 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
Indian 1954.
- GCS_INDIAN_1960 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
Indian 1960.
- GCS_INDIAN_1975 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
Indian 1975.
- GCS_INDONESIAN - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
Indonesian National.
- GCS_INDONESIAN_1974 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
Indonesian Datum 1974.
- GCS_INTERNATIONAL_1924 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
intersect = 1924.
- GCS_INTERNATIONAL_1967 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
intersect = 1967.
- GCS_ISTS_061_1968 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
ISTS 061 Astro 1968.
- GCS_ISTS_073_1969 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
ISTS 073 Astro 1969.
- GCS_JAMAICA_1875 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
Jamaica 1875.
- GCS_JAMAICA_1969 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
Jamaica 1969.
- GCS_JAPAN_2000 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
Japanese Geodetic Datum 2000 (JGD2000).
- GCS_JOHNSTON_ISLAND_1961 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
Johnston Island 1961.
- GCS_KALIANPUR - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
- GCS_KANDAWALA - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
- GCS_KERGUELEN_ISLAND_1949 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
Kerguelen Island 1949.
- GCS_KERTAU - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
- GCS_KKJ - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
- GCS_KOC_ - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
Kuwait Oil Company.
- GCS_KRASOVSKY_1940 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
Krasovsky 1940.
- GCS_KUDAMS - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
Kuwait Utility.
- GCS_KUSAIE_1951 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
Kusaie Astro 1951.
- GCS_LA_CANOA - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
La Canoa.
- GCS_LAKE - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
- GCS_LC5_1961 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
L.C. 5 Astro 1961.
- GCS_LEIGON - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
- GCS_LIBERIA_1964 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
Liberia 1964.
- GCS_LISBON - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
- GCS_LISBON_LISBON - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
Lisbon (Lisbon).
- GCS_LOMA_QUINTANA - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
Loma Quintana.
- GCS_LOME - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
- GCS_LUZON_1911 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
Luzon 1911.
- GCS_MAHE_1971 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
Mahe 1971.
- GCS_MAKASSAR - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
- GCS_MAKASSAR_JAKARTA - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
Makassar (Jakarta).
- GCS_MALONGO_1987 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
Malongo 1987.
- GCS_MANOCA - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
- GCS_MASSAWA - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
- GCS_MERCHICH - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
- GCS_MGI_ - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
Militar-Geographische Institut.
- GCS_MGI_FERRO - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
MGI (Ferro).
- GCS_MHAST - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
- GCS_MIDWAY_1961 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
Midway Astro 1961.
- GCS_MINNA - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
- GCS_MONTE_MARIO - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
Monte Mario.
- GCS_MONTE_MARIO_ROME - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
Monte Mario (Rome).
- GCS_MONTSERRAT_ISLAND_1958 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
Montserrat Astro 1958.
- GCS_MPORALOKO - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
- GCS_NAD_1927 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
North American Datum 1927.
- GCS_NAD_1983 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
North American Datum 1983.
- GCS_NAD_MICH - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
NAD Michigan.
- GCS_NAHRWAN_1967 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
Nahrwan 1967.
- GCS_NAPARIMA_1972 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
Naparima 1972.
- GCS_NDG_PARIS - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
Nord de Guerre (Paris).
- GCS_NGN - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
National Geodetic Network (Kuwait).
- GCS_NGO_1948_ - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
NGO 1948.
- GCS_NORD_SAHARA_1959 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
Nord Sahara 1959.
- GCS_NSWC_9Z_2_ - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
NSWC 9Z-2.
- GCS_NTF_ - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
Nouvelle Triangulation Francaise.
- GCS_NTF_PARIS - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
NTF (Paris).
- GCS_NWL_9D - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
Transit precise ephemeris.
- GCS_NZGD_1949 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
New Zealand Geodetic Datum 1949.
- GCS_OBSERV_METEOR_1939 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
- GCS_OLD_HAWAIIAN - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
Old Hawaiian.
- GCS_OMAN - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
- GCS_OS_SN_1980 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
OS (SN) 1980.
- GCS_OSGB_1936 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
OSGB 1936.
- GCS_OSGB_1970_SN - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
OSGB 1970 (SN).
- GCS_OSU_86F - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
OSU 1986 geoidal model.
- GCS_OSU_91A - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
OSU 1991 geoidal model.
- GCS_PADANG_1884 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
Padang 1884.
- GCS_PADANG_1884_JAKARTA - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
Padang 1884 (Jakarta).
- GCS_PALESTINE_1923 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
Palestine 1923.
- GCS_PICO_DE_LAS_NIEVES - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
Pico de Las Nieves.
- GCS_PITCAIRN_1967 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
Pitcairn Astro 1967.
- GCS_PLESSIS_1817 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
Plessis 1817.
- GCS_POINT58 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
Point 58.
- GCS_POINTE_NOIRE - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
Pointe Noire.
- GCS_PORTO_SANTO_1936 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
Porto Santo 1936.
- GCS_PSAD_1956 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
Provisional South Amer.
- GCS_PUERTO_RICO - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
Puerto Rico.
- GCS_PULKOVO_1942 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
Pulkovo 1942.
- GCS_PULKOVO_1995 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
Pulkovo 1995.
- GCS_QATAR - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
- GCS_QATAR_1948 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
Qatar 1948.
- GCS_QORNOQ - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
- GCS_REUNION - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
- GCS_RT38_ - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
- GCS_RT38_STOCKHOLM - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
RT38 (Stockholm).
- GCS_S42_HUNGARY - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
S-42 Hungary.
- GCS_S_ASIA_SINGAPORE - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
South Asia Singapore.
- GCS_S_JTSK - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
- GCS_SAD_1969 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
South American Datum 1969.
- GCS_SAMOA_1962 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
American Samoa 1962.
- GCS_SANTO_DOS_1965 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
Santo DOS 1965.
- GCS_SAO_BRAZ - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
Sao Braz.
- GCS_SAPPER_HILL_1943 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
Sapper Hill 1943.
- GCS_SCHWARZECK - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
- GCS_SEGORA - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
- GCS_SELVAGEM_GRANDE_1938 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
Selvagem Grande 1938.
- GCS_SERINDUNG - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
- GCS_SPHERE - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
Authalic sphere.
- GCS_SPHERE_AI - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
Authalic sphere (ARC/INFO).
- GCS_STRUVE_1860 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
Struve 1860.
- GCS_SUDAN - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
- GCS_TANANARIVE_1925 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
Tananarive 1925.
- GCS_TANANARIVE_1925_PARIS - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
Tananarive 1925 (Paris).
- GCS_TERN_ISLAND_1961 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
Tern Island Astro 1961.
- GCS_TIMBALAI_1948 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
Timbalai 1948.
- GCS_TM65 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
- GCS_TM75 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
- GCS_TOKYO - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
- GCS_TRINIDAD_1903 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
Trinidad 1903.
- GCS_TRISTAN_1968 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
Tristan Astro 1968.
- GCS_TRUCIAL_COAST_1948 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
Trucial Coast 1948.
- GCS_USER_DEFINE - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
- GCS_VITI_LEVU_1916 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
Viti Levu 1916.
- GCS_VOIROL_1875 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
Voirol 1875.
- GCS_VOIROL_1875_PARIS - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
Voirol 1875 (Paris).
- GCS_VOIROL_UNIFIE_1960 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
Voirol Unifie 1960.
- GCS_VOIROL_UNIFIE_1960_PARIS - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
Voirol Unifie 1960 (Paris).
- GCS_WAKE_ENIWETOK_1960 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
Wake-Eniwetok 1960.
- GCS_WAKE_ISLAND_1952 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
Wake Island Astro 1952.
- GCS_WALBECK - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
- GCS_WAR_OFFICE - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
War Office.
- GCS_WGS_1966 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
WGS 1966.
- GCS_WGS_1972 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
WGS 1972.
- GCS_WGS_1972_BE - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
WGS 1972 Transit Broadcast Ephemer.
- GCS_WGS_1984 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
WGS 1984.
- GCS_XIAN_1980 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
Xi'an 1980 coordinate system.
- GCS_YACARE - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
- GCS_YOFF - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
- GCS_ZANDERIJ - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSysType
- genArcPoints(List<Point3D>, float, int) - Static method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.PolygonUtils
According to the radius of the corner and the number of arc segments, the inflection point is replaced by the continuous point on the arc segment at the inflection point
- genArcPoints(List<Point3D>, float, int) - Static method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.PresetUtils
Replaces the turning points with the continuous points on arcs at turning points according to the radius of rounded corner and the number of arcs
- Generalization - Class in com.supermap.analyst.spatialanalyst
- generateAnimation(int) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.FlowElement
Generate flow elements based on the model's resource ID Note: Uniform cycle (or uniform speed) should be set before using this method.
- generateAnimation(AREffectElement) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.FlowElement
Generate animation
- generateBounds(EffectView, List<Vector3>) - Static method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.utils.ScreenPointTool
Converts the vertex array on AR to the vertex of the maximum rectangle on the screen coordinates.
- generateCircumscribedCube(AREffectElement, Color) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.ExShapeGenerator
Generates the bounding cube
- generateCircumscribedCubeOutLine(AREffectElement, float, Color) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.ExShapeGenerator
Generates the outline of the bounding cube
- generateCsvString(List<ARRecordParameter>) - Static method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.ARRecordParameter
Generates string in CSV format
- generateHitPoint(EffectView, int, int) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.excavator.CeilingExcavator
- generateHitPoint(EffectView, int, int) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.excavator.Excavator
Get the collision point
- generateHitPoint(EffectView, int, int) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.excavator.GroundExcavator
- generateHitPoint(EffectView, int, int) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.excavator.WallExcavator
Gets the collision point
- genNewPointsBySpacingDistance(Point3D, Point3D, float) - Static method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.PresetUtils
Generates the corresponding point set between two points according to the specified interval.
- genNewPointsBySpacingDistance(List<Point3D>, float) - Static method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.PresetUtils
Generates a new point set according to a certain interval spacingDistance and original point set
- genStripeLinePoints(List<Point3D>, float, float, int) - Static method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.PresetUtils
Generates point set that is used for composing polygon which is parallel with XOY according to polyline point set.
- genTrianglePoints(List<Point3D>) - Static method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.PolygonUtils
Using the set of points, using a Mode.TRIANGLES can be used to draw a polygon
- genVerticalPoints(Point3D, Point3D, float) - Static method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.PresetUtils
In the plane parallel with XOY, gets the point set that is perpendicular to AB and passes AB and the distance is width (A doesn't overlap with B.
- GeoArc - Class in com.supermap.data
The GeoArc class.
- GeoArc() - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.GeoArc
Create a new GeoArc object.
- GeoArc(GeoArc) - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.GeoArc
Create a new GeoArc object that is the same with the given GeoArc object.
- GeoArc(Point2D, double, double, double) - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.GeoArc
Create a new GeoArc object with the given parameters.
- GeoArc(Point2D, Point2D, Point2D) - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.GeoArc
Create a new GeoArc object with three points.
- GEOARC - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeometryType
The ceoarc object.
- GeoBox - Class in com.supermap.data
- GeoBox() - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.GeoBox
Constructs a new GeoBox object.
- GeoBox(GeoBox) - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.GeoBox
Initializes a new instance of the Route class which is a copy of the specified GeoBox object.
- GeoBox(Point3D, Size2D, double) - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.GeoBox
Creates a new GeoBox object according to the specified arguments.
- GeoBSpline - Class in com.supermap.data
The GeoBSpline class.
- GeoBSpline() - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.GeoBSpline
Create a new GeoBSpline object.
- GeoBSpline(GeoBSpline) - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.GeoBSpline
Create a new GeoBSpline object that is the same with the given GeoBSpline object.
- GeoBSpline(Point2Ds) - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.GeoBSpline
Creates a new GeoBSpline object according to the specified arguments.
- GEOBSPLINE - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeometryType
The BSpline curve.
- GeoCardinal - Class in com.supermap.data
The 2D Cardinal spline geometry class.
- GeoCardinal() - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.GeoCardinal
Create a new GeoCardinal object.
- GeoCardinal(GeoCardinal) - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.GeoCardinal
Create a new GeoCardinal object that is the same with the given GeoCardinal object.
- GeoCardinal(Point2Ds) - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.GeoCardinal
Create a new GeoCardinal object with the given parameters.
- GEOCARDINAL - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeometryType
The Cardinal curve.
- GeoChord - Class in com.supermap.data
The GeoChord class.
- GeoChord() - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.GeoChord
Constructs a new GeoChord object.
- GeoChord(GeoChord) - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.GeoChord
Initializes a new instance according to the GeoChordspecified GeoChord object.
- GeoChord(Point2D, double, double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.GeoChord
Creates a new GeoChord object according to the specified arguments.
- GEOCHORD - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeometryType
The segment consists of an ellipse's chord and arc with a rotation angle.
- GeoCircle - Class in com.supermap.data
The GeoCircle class.
- GeoCircle() - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.GeoCircle
Constructs a new GeoCircle object.
- GeoCircle(GeoCircle) - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.GeoCircle
Constructs a new object identical to the given GeoCircle object.
- GeoCircle(Point2D, double) - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.GeoCircle
Creates a new GeoCircle object according to the specified arguments.
- GeoCircle(Point2D, Point2D) - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.GeoCircle
Creates a new GeoCircle object according to the specified arguments.
- GeoCircle(Point2D, Point2D, Point2D) - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.GeoCircle
Creates a new GeoCircle object according to the specified arguments.
- GEOCIRCLE - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeometryType
The GEOCIRCLE object.
- geocodeFailed(String) - Method in interface com.supermap.onlineservices.Geocoding.GeocodingCallback
Callback when geocoding exception is abnormal.
- geocodeSuccess(List<GeocodingData>) - Method in interface com.supermap.onlineservices.Geocoding.GeocodingCallback
Callback when the forward geocoding successful.
- Geocoding - Class in com.supermap.onlineservices
Geocording class, mainly to provide forward, reverse geocoding interface.
- Geocoding() - Constructor for class com.supermap.onlineservices.Geocoding
The default constructor for constructing a new
object. - geocoding(GeocodingParameter) - Method in class com.supermap.onlineservices.Geocoding
Forward geocoding.
- Geocoding.GeocodingCallback - Interface in com.supermap.onlineservices
geocoding callback.
- GeocodingData - Class in com.supermap.onlineservices
Geocording Data class.
- GeocodingData() - Constructor for class com.supermap.onlineservices.GeocodingData
The default constructor for constructing a new
object. - GeocodingParameter - Class in com.supermap.onlineservices
Geocoding parameter class.
- GeocodingParameter() - Constructor for class com.supermap.onlineservices.GeocodingParameter
The default constructor for constructing a new
object. - GeoCompound - Class in com.supermap.data
The GeoCompound class.
- GeoCompound() - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.GeoCompound
Constructs a new GeoCompound object.
- GeoCompound(GeoCompound) - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.GeoCompound
Initializes a new instance according to the specified GeoCompound object.
- GEOCOMPOUND - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeometryType
The compound geometry object.
- GeoCoordSys - Class in com.supermap.data
The GeoCoordSys class.
- GeoCoordSys() - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSys
Constructs a new GeoCoordSys object.
- GeoCoordSys(GeoCoordSysType, GeoSpatialRefType) - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSys
Creates a new GeoCoordSys object according to the specified arguments.
- GeoCoordSys(GeoDatum, GeoPrimeMeridian, GeoSpatialRefType, Unit, String) - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSys
Creates a new GeoCoordSys object according to the specified arguments.
- GeoCoordSys(GeoCoordSys) - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSys
Constructs a new object identical to the given GeoCoordSysobject.
- GeoCoordSysType - Class in com.supermap.data
Defines geographic coordinate system types.
- GeoCurve - Class in com.supermap.data
The 2D GeoCurve class.
- GeoCurve() - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.GeoCurve
Constructs a new GeoCurve object.
- GeoCurve(GeoCurve) - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.GeoCurve
Initializes a new instance according to the specified GeoCurve object.
- GeoCurve(Point2Ds) - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.GeoCurve
Creates a new GeoCurve object according to the specified arguments.
- GEOCURVE - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeometryType
The two-dimensional curve.
- GeoDatum - Class in com.supermap.data
The GeoDatum class.
- GeoDatum() - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.GeoDatum
Constructs a new GeoDatum object.
- GeoDatum(GeoDatumType) - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.GeoDatum
Creates a new GeoDatum object according to the specified arguments.
- GeoDatum(GeoSpheroid, String) - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.GeoDatum
Creates a new GeoDatum object according to the specified arguments.
- GeoDatum(GeoDatum) - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.GeoDatum
Constructs a new object identical to the given GeoDatum object.
- GeoDatumType - Class in com.supermap.data
Defines datum types.
- GeoEllipse - Class in com.supermap.data
The GeoEllipse class.
- GeoEllipse() - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.GeoEllipse
Initializes a new instance of the GeoEllipse class.
- GeoEllipse(GeoEllipse) - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.GeoEllipse
Constructs a new object identical to the given GeoEllipseGeoEllipse object.
- GeoEllipse(Point2D, double, double, double) - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.GeoEllipse
Creates a new GeoEllipse object according to the specified arguments.
- GeoEllipse(GeoRectangle) - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.GeoEllipse
Create a GeoEllipse object according to the given GeoRectangle object.
- GeoEllipse(Rectangle2D) - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.GeoEllipse
Creates a new GeoEllipse object according to the specified rectangle.
- GEOELLIPSE - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeometryType
The GEOELLIPSE object.
- GeoEllipticArc - Class in com.supermap.data
The GeoEllipticArc class.
- GeoEllipticArc() - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.GeoEllipticArc
Initializes a new GeoEllipticArc object.
- GeoEllipticArc(GeoEllipticArc) - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.GeoEllipticArc
Initializes an object identical to the given GeoEllipticArc object.
- GeoEllipticArc(Point2D, double, double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.GeoEllipticArc
Creates a new GeoEllipticArc object according to the specified arguments.
- GEOELLIPTICARC - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeometryType
The arc which is a part of the ellipse line.
- GEOGRAPHICOBJECT - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeometryType
The situation plotting object.
- GeoGraphicObject - Class in com.supermap.plot
The GeoGraphicObject derived from the
class. - GeoGraphicObject() - Constructor for class com.supermap.plot.GeoGraphicObject
Default constructor, without parameters, initializes a new instance of GeoGraphicObject.
- GeoLine - Class in com.supermap.data
The polygon geometry class is derived from the
class. - GeoLine() - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.GeoLine
Constructs a new GeoLine object.
- GeoLine(GeoLine) - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.GeoLine
Initializes a new instance according to the specified GeoLine object.
- GeoLine(Point2Ds) - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.GeoLine
Creates a new GeoLine object according to the specified arguments.
- GEOLINE - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeometryType
returns a GeoLine.
- GeoLine3D - Class in com.supermap.data
The GeoLine class is derived from the
class. - GeoLine3D() - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.GeoLine3D
Constructs a GeoLine3D object by default.
- GeoLine3D(Point3Ds) - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.GeoLine3D
Creates a new GeoLine3D object according to the specified arguments.
- GeoLine3D(GeoLine3D) - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.GeoLine3D
Initializes a new instance according to the specified GeoLine3D object.
- GEOLINE3D - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeometryType
The 3-dimensional line geometry object.
- GeoLineM - Class in com.supermap.data
The GeoLineM object.
- GeoLineM() - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.GeoLineM
Constructs a new GeoLineM object.
- GeoLineM(GeoLineM) - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.GeoLineM
Initializes a new instance identical to the given GeoLineM object.
- GeoLineM(PointMs) - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.GeoLineM
Creates a new GeoLineM object according to the specified arguments.
- Geometrist - Class in com.supermap.data
The Geometrist class.
- Geometry - Class in com.supermap.data
- GEOMETRY - Static variable in class com.supermap.services.QueryOption
The query result is geometries.
- Geometry3D - Class in com.supermap.data
- geometryAdded(GeometryEvent) - Method in interface com.supermap.mapping.GeometryAddedListener
Occurs when a geometric object is added in an interactive map editing.
- GeometryAddedListener - Interface in com.supermap.mapping
Removes a listener of receiving the event of adding the geometry object.
- geometryDeleted(GeometryEvent) - Method in interface com.supermap.mapping.GeometryDeletedListener
Calls after the selected geometric objects are deleting in an interactive editing.
- GeometryDeletedListener - Interface in com.supermap.mapping
Removes a listener of receiving the event of deleting the geometry object.
- geometryDeleting(GeometryEvent) - Method in interface com.supermap.mapping.GeometryDeletingListener
Calls before the selected objects are deleting in an interactive editing.
- GeometryDeletingListener - Interface in com.supermap.mapping
Removes a listener of receiving the event of deleting the geometry object.
- GeometryEvent - Class in com.supermap.mapping
Indicates the event that the geometric object is edited.
- geometryIsSelected(boolean) - Method in interface com.supermap.mapping.GeometryIsSelectedListener
geometry object selected callback
- GeometryIsSelectedListener - Interface in com.supermap.mapping
geometry object selected listener class
- geometryModified(GeometryEvent) - Method in interface com.supermap.mapping.GeometryModifiedListener
Calls after a geometric object is called in an interactive map editing.
- GeometryModifiedListener - Interface in com.supermap.mapping
A listener of receiving the end event of modifying the geometric object.
- geometryModifying(GeometryEvent) - Method in interface com.supermap.mapping.GeometryModifyingListener
Calls before a geometric object is modified in an interactive map editing.
- GeometryModifyingListener - Interface in com.supermap.mapping
A listener of receiving the event of modifying the geometric object.
- geometryMultiSelected(ArrayList<GeometrySelectedEvent>) - Method in interface com.supermap.mapping.GeometrySelectedListener
Multi-object selection callback, can get to the batch of selected results.
- geometrySelected(GeometrySelectedEvent) - Method in interface com.supermap.mapping.GeometrySelectedListener
Calls when the geometric object is selected.
- GeometrySelectedEvent - Class in com.supermap.mapping
Indicates the event that the geometric object is selected.
- GeometrySelectedListener - Interface in com.supermap.mapping
A listener used to receive the
. - GeometryToGeoJson(Geometry) - Static method in class com.supermap.data.Toolkit
Geometry object to GeoJson
- GeometryType - Class in com.supermap.data
Defines geometric object types.
- GEOMODEL - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeometryType
The three-dimensional model.
- GeoModel - Class in com.supermap.data
3D model geometry object class This class is used to create a model of a 3D geometric object to render a 3D geometric object.
- GeoModel() - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.GeoModel
Construct a new GeoModel object.
- GeoModel(GeoModel) - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.GeoModel
Constructs a new object identical to the given GeoModel object.
- GeoObject - Class in com.supermap.ar
AR geometry object class.
- GeoObject(long) - Constructor for class com.supermap.ar.GeoObject
The constructor.
- GeoObject() - Constructor for class com.supermap.ar.GeoObject
The constructor.
- GEOPIE - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeometryType
The pie which is the portion cut by two lines from the center of the ellipse.
- GeoPie - Class in com.supermap.data
The GeoPie class.
- GeoPie() - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.GeoPie
Constructs a new GeoPie object.
- GeoPie(GeoPie) - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.GeoPie
Initializes a new instance according to the specified GeoPie object.
- GeoPie(Point2D, double, double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.GeoPie
Creates a new GeoPie object according to the specified arguments.
- GEOPLACEMARK - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeometryType
The map boarder.
- GeoPlacemark - Class in com.supermap.data
The GeoPlacemark Class.
- GeoPlacemark() - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.GeoPlacemark
Constructs a new GeoPlacemark object.
- GeoPlacemark(GeoPlacemark) - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.GeoPlacemark
Constructs a new object identical to the given GeoPlacemark object.
- GeoPlacemark(String, Geometry) - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.GeoPlacemark
Creates a new GeoPlacemark object according to the specified arguments.
- GEOPOINT - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeometryType
The point geometrical object.
- GeoPoint - Class in com.supermap.data
The GeoPoint class is derived from the
class. - GeoPoint() - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.GeoPoint
Construct a new GeoPoint object, the X, Y coordinates of this point will be -1.7976931348623157e+308.
- GeoPoint(double, double) - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.GeoPoint
Creates a new GeoPoint object according to the specified arguments.
- GeoPoint(GeoPoint) - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.GeoPoint
Initializes a new instance identical to the given GeoPoint object.
- GeoPoint(Point2D) - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.GeoPoint
Creates a new GeoPoint object according to the specified arguments.
- GEOPOINT3D - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeometryType
The 3-dimensional point geometry object.
- GeoPoint3D - Class in com.supermap.data
The GeoPoint3D class is derived from the
class. - GeoPoint3D() - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.GeoPoint3D
Constructs a new GeoPoint3D object.
- GeoPoint3D(double, double, double) - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.GeoPoint3D
Creates a new GeoPoint object according to the specified arguments.
- GeoPoint3D(GeoPoint3D) - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.GeoPoint3D
Initializes a new instance identical to the given GeoPoint3D object.
- GeoPoint3D(Point3D) - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.GeoPoint3D
Creates a new GeoPoint object according to the specified arguments.
- GeoPrimeMeridian - Class in com.supermap.data
The prime meridian class.
- GeoPrimeMeridian() - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.GeoPrimeMeridian
Constructs a new GeoPrimeMeridian object.
- GeoPrimeMeridian(GeoPrimeMeridianType) - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.GeoPrimeMeridian
Creates a new GeoPrimeMeridian object according to the specified arguments.
- GeoPrimeMeridian(double, String) - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.GeoPrimeMeridian
Creates a new GeoPrimeMeridian object according to the specified arguments.
- GeoPrimeMeridian(GeoPrimeMeridian) - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.GeoPrimeMeridian
Initializes a new instance according to the specified GeoPrimeMeridian object.
- GeoPrimeMeridianType - Class in com.supermap.data
Defines the prime meridian type constant.
- GEORECTANGLE - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeometryType
The rectangle object.
- GeoRectangle - Class in com.supermap.data
The Rectangle2D object class.
- GeoRectangle() - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.GeoRectangle
Constructs a new GeoRectangle object.
- GeoRectangle(GeoRectangle) - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.GeoRectangle
Initializes a new instance identical to the given GeoRectangle object.
- GeoRectangle(Point2D, double, double, double) - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.GeoRectangle
Creates a new GeoRectangle object according to the specified arguments.
- GeoRectangle(Rectangle2D, double) - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.GeoRectangle
Create a new Rectangle2D object according to a Rectangle2D object. the default rotation angle is 0.
- GEOREGION - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeometryType
The region geometry object.
- GeoRegion - Class in com.supermap.data
The polygon geometry class is derived from the
class. - GeoRegion() - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.GeoRegion
Constructs a new GeoRegion object.
- GeoRegion(GeoRegion) - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.GeoRegion
Initializes a new instance identical to the given GeoRegion object.
- GeoRegion(Point2Ds) - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.GeoRegion
Creates a new GeoRegion object according to the specified arguments.
- GEOREGION3D - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeometryType
The 3-dimensional polygon geometry object.
- GeoRegion3D - Class in com.supermap.data
The polygon geometry class is derived from the
class. - GeoRegion3D() - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.GeoRegion3D
Constructs a new GeoRegion3D object.
- GeoRegion3D(Point3Ds) - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.GeoRegion3D
Creates a new GeoRegion object according to the specified arguments.
- GeoRegion3D(GeoRegion3D) - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.GeoRegion3D
Initializes a new instance identical to the given GeoRegion object.
- GEOROUNDRECTANGLE - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeometryType
The rectangle object whose four corners are round.
- GeoSpatialRefType - Class in com.supermap.data
Defines the spatial coordinate system type constants.
- GeoSpheroid - Class in com.supermap.data
The GeoSpheroid class.
- GeoSpheroid() - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.GeoSpheroid
Constructs a new GeoSpheroid object.
- GeoSpheroid(GeoSpheroidType) - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.GeoSpheroid
Creates a new GeoSpheroidType object according to the specified arguments.
- GeoSpheroid(double, double, String) - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.GeoSpheroid
Creates a new GeoSpheroid object according to the specified arguments.
- GeoSpheroid(GeoSpheroid) - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.GeoSpheroid
Initializes a new instance identical to the given GeoSpheroidType object.
- GeoSpheroidType - Class in com.supermap.data
Defines GeoSpheroid types.
- GeoStyle - Class in com.supermap.data
The GeoStyle Class.
- GeoStyle() - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.GeoStyle
Constructs a new GeoStyle object.
- GeoStyle(GeoStyle) - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.GeoStyle
Initializes a new instance identical to the given GeoStyle object.
- GeoStyle3D - Class in com.supermap.data
Geometry style class in 3D scene.
- GeoStyle3D() - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.GeoStyle3D
Constructs a new 3D object.
- GeoStyle3D(GeoStyle3D) - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.GeoStyle3D
Constructs a new object identical to the given GeoStyle3D object.
- GEOTEXT - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeometryType
The text geometry object.
- GeoText - Class in com.supermap.data
The GeoText class derives from the
class. - GeoText() - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.GeoText
Constructs a new GeoText object.
- GeoText(GeoText) - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.GeoText
Initializes a new instance according to the specified GeoText object.
- GeoText(TextPart) - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.GeoText
Creates a new GeoText object according to the specified arguments.
- GeoText(TextPart, TextStyle) - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.GeoText
Creates a new GeoText object according to the specified arguments.
- GeoText3D - Class in com.supermap.data
The GeoText class derives from the
class. - GeoText3D() - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.GeoText3D
Constructs a new GeoText3D object.
- GeoText3D(GeoText3D) - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.GeoText3D
Initializes a new instance according to the specified GeoText3D object.
- GeoText3D(TextPart3D) - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.GeoText3D
Creates a new GeoText object according to the specified arguments.
- GeoText3D(TextPart3D, TextStyle) - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.GeoText3D
Creates a new GeoText3D object according to the specified arguments.
- get(int) - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.PathGuide
Gets the PathGuideItem object according to the specified index.
- get(int) - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.SupplyCenters
Gets the specified index of the SupplyCenter object from the SupplyCenters.
- get(String) - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.WeightFieldInfos
Gets the WeightFieldInfo in the WeightFieldInfos according to the specified name.
- get(int) - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.WeightFieldInfos
Gets the WeightFieldInfo object in the WeightFieldInfos object according to the specified index.
- get(int) - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst3d.WeightFieldInfos3D
Returns the WeightFieldInfo3D object that has been indexed from the WeightFieldInfos3D object.
- get(String) - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst3d.WeightFieldInfos3D
Returns the specified WeightFieldInfo3D.Name object in the WeightFieldInfos3D object.
- get(int) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.ArObjectList
Gets the ArObject according to the specified serial number
- get(int) - Method in class com.supermap.data.Colors
Returns the a single color from the Colors with the specified index.
- get(String) - Method in class com.supermap.data.Datasets
Returns the dataset with the specified name.
- get(int) - Method in class com.supermap.data.Datasets
Returns the dataset with the specified index.
- get(int) - Method in class com.supermap.data.Datasources
Returns the datasource of the specified index number in this Datasources.
- get(String) - Method in class com.supermap.data.Datasources
Returns the datasource of the specified alias in this Datasources.
- get(String) - Method in class com.supermap.data.FieldInfos
Returns the FieldInfo object with the specified name from the FieldInfos object.
- get(int) - Method in class com.supermap.data.FieldInfos
Returns the specified FieldInfo object in this FieldInfos object.
- get(int) - Method in class com.supermap.data.JoinItems
Returns the JoinItem object at the specified index in this JoinItems object.
- get(int) - Method in class com.supermap.data.Maps
Returns the name of the specified map in this Maps object.
- get(int) - Method in class com.supermap.data.Scenes
Returns the name of 3d scene at the specified index in the 3d scene set.
- get(int) - Method in class com.supermap.data.SymbolGroup
Returns the Symbol object with the specified index in the SymbolGroup object.
- get(int) - Method in class com.supermap.data.SymbolGroups
Returns the
object with the specified index in the SymbolGroups object. - get(String) - Method in class com.supermap.data.SymbolGroups
Returns the
object with the specified name in the SymbolGroups object. - get(int) - Method in class com.supermap.data.SymbolMarker
Returns the stroke at the given index.
- get(int) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.LayerGroup
Returns the layer object with the specified index in the layer collection.
- get(String) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Layers
Returns the layer object with the specified name in the Layers.
- get(int) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Layers
Returns the layer object with the specified index in the Layers.
- get(int) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ScreenLayer
Returns the Geometry object of the screen layer with the specified index.
- get(String) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ScreenLayer
Gets the index of the geometry with specified tag on the screen layer, which may contain more than one.
- get(int) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Selection
Returns the system ID of the specified geometric objects in the Selection according to the SmID field of attribute data.
- get(SnapMode) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.SnapSetting
Get a snap mode whether to start
- get(int) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.TrackingLayer
Returns the geometric object with the specified index in this tracking layer.
- get(int) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.ARPlanes
The AR plane is obtained through the AR plane ID.
- get(int) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Feature3Ds
Gets the object with the specified index.
- get(int) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Layer3Ds
Return the 3D layer object of the specified index in the 3D layer collection.
- get(String) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Layer3Ds
Return the 3D layer object with the specified name in the 3D layer collection.
- get(String) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.RouteStops
Gets the stop of the specified name
- get(int) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.RouteStops
Gets the stop according to the index.
- get(int) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Selection3D
Returns the system ID of the specified geometric object in the Selection.
- get(String) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.TerrainLayers
Returns the terrain layer object of the specified name in the terrain layer collection.
- get(int) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.TerrainLayers
Returns the terrain layer object of the specified sequence number in the terrain layer collection.
- get(int) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.TrackingLayer3D
Gets the geometry object of the specified sequence number in the 3D tracking layer.
- get() - Method in class com.supermap.videomap.VideoParameters
Gets the first parameter of the parameter
- get(double) - Method in class com.supermap.videomap.VideoParameters
Gets the most recent parameter before the specified time
- getA() - Method in class com.supermap.data.Color
Return a transparency component
- getAbsolutePath() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.loader.ArSceneLoader
get path
- getAccessors() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.gltfModel.Gltf
Gets accessor
- getAccountInfoByType(String, AccountInfoType, OnlineService.AccountInfoByTypeCallback) - Static method in class com.supermap.onlineservices.OnlineService
Gets id of a user by its nickname
- getAccuracyThreshold() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.gnss.PoseMixer4
get the AccuracyThreshold
- getAction() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.MapControl
Returns the current operation state of the map in this MapControl.
- getAction() - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.SceneControl
Return to 3D scene operation status
- getActionType() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.ARMapElement
Gets the gesture action type
- getActionType() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.BaseCatchManager
Gets the operation types
- getActualResourceValue() - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.DemandResult
Gets the actual allocated resource value.
- getActualResourceValue() - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.SupplyResult
Gets the actual resource supply value.
- getAddedGroup() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.LayerGroupAddedEvent
Returns the added group layer and the group layer it belongs to.
- getAdditionalSetting() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Layer
Returns the style setting of a common layer.
- getAddress() - Method in class com.supermap.onlineservices.GeocodingData
Get the specific address description of the geocoding analysis.
- getAddress() - Method in class com.supermap.onlineservices.POIInfo
Get a detailed address of POI.
- getAdjust() - Method in class com.supermap.navi.Navigation
Gets the match status between positioning vehicle and road network.
- getAggregationFun() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.LayerGridAggregation
Gets the aggregation function applied to the aggregation fields of a grid map.
- getAggregationFun() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.LayerHeatmap
Gets the aggregation function applied to the aggregation fields of a heat map.
- getAlias() - Method in class com.supermap.data.Datasource
Returns the name of the datasource.
- getAlias() - Method in class com.supermap.data.DatasourceConnectionInfo
Returns the alias of the datasource.
- getAlignment() - Method in class com.supermap.data.TextStyle
Returns the text alignment.
- getAlignment() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.dyn.DynamicPoint
Gets the alignment.
- getAlignment() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.dyn.DynamicText
Gets the alignment.
- getAllAnimation() - Method in class com.supermap.plot.AnimationGroup
Gets all animation objects
- getAllAnimationByGeometry(int, String, String) - Method in class com.supermap.plot.AnimationGroup
Gets all animations of the current object
- GetAllAnimationByType(AnimationDefine.AnimationType) - Method in class com.supermap.plot.AnimationGroup
Gets the animation object array corresponding with the specified animation types
- getAllChilds() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.AREffectElement
Gets the sub object array
- getAllColorTable(int, OnlineCallBack.CallBackString) - Static method in class com.supermap.onlineservices.OnlineService
Gets the color table data Gets data in some page (9 lines of data in each page)
- getAllDetectArrayProvide() - Method in class com.supermap.ai.AIDetectView
Gets all available recognition classification arrays
- getAllEffectElement() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.EffectView
Gets all scene elements in data
- getAllFieldValueOfLastSelectedObject() - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Layer3DOSGBFile
Get all the attribute field information selected last time.
- getAllGltfElement() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.EffectView
- getAllowPointOverlap() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.MapOverlapDisplayedOptions
Gets whether to allow points to overlap points
- getAllowPointWithTextDisplay() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.MapOverlapDisplayedOptions
Gets whether the points and text can be visible
- getAllowTextAndPointOverlap() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.MapOverlapDisplayedOptions
Gets whether to allow text to overlap point or vice verse
- getAllowTextOverlap() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.MapOverlapDisplayedOptions
Gets whether to allow text to overlap text
- getAllowThemeGraduatedSymbolOverlap() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.MapOverlapDisplayedOptions
Gets the gradient symbol overlaps in thematic maps
- getAllowThemeGraphOverlap() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.MapOverlapDisplayedOptions
Gets thematic map overlaps
- getAllParticleElement() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.EffectView
- getAllPathPt() - Method in class com.supermap.plot.AnimationWay
Gets all path points
- getAllPointByHitResult(List<HitResult>) - Static method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.PresetUtils
- getAllRoutes() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.gather.ARGatherView
Returns all collected track points
- getAllSubLayers() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.LayerSettingImage
Gets the collection of all layers and return the string array.
- getAllSubLayersTitle() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Layers
Gets a collection of all layer titles, returns an array of strings (for OGC services)
- getAllUserDataList(int, OnlineCallBack.CallBackString) - Static method in class com.supermap.onlineservices.OnlineService
Gets the user data.
- getAllUserSymbolyLibList(int, OnlineCallBack.CallBackString) - Static method in class com.supermap.onlineservices.OnlineService
Gets symbol libraries 9 records of data in each page
- getAllVideoElement() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.EffectView
- getAllViewElement() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.EffectView
- getAllWebViewElement() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.EffectView
- getAlongLineDirection() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeLabel
Returns the along line direction of the label.
- getAlongLineSpaceRatio() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeLabel
Returns the space ratio of the alongline text.
- getAlpha() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.dyn.DynamicStyle
Gets the opacity.
- getAlphaMode() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.gltfModel.Materials
Gets Alpha channel information
- getAltitude() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.GeoObject
Gets the altitude
- getAltitude() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.World
Gets the altitude
- getAltitude() - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Camera
Returns the altitude.
- getAltitude() - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.LookAt
Gets the altitude of the viewpoint
- getAltitudeMode() - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoStyle3D
Gets the altitude mode of the geometric object in the 3D scene.
- getAltitudeMode() - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Camera
Returns the altitude mode.
- getAltitudeMode() - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.LookAt
Gets the altitude mode of the viewpoint
- getAnalystPoints() - Method in class com.supermap.services.networkanalyst.PathAnalystFromServer
Gets the set of points used for path analysis
- getAnalystPoints() - Method in class com.supermap.services.networkanalyst.TSPathAnalystFromServer
Gets a collection of points for analysis
- getAnalystSetting() - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.FacilityAnalyst
Gets the environment settings of the facility analysis.
- getAnalystSetting() - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.TransportationAnalyst
Gets the TransportationAnalystSetting object.
- getAnalystSetting() - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst3d.FacilityAnalyst3D
Returns the analysis environment settings object.
- getAnalystSetting() - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst3d.TransportationAnalyst3D
Returns the environmental settings of the 3D transportation network analysis.
- getAnalystSetting() - Static method in class com.supermap.analyst.spatialanalyst.CalculationTerrain
The settings of terrain analyses
- getAnalystSetting() - Static method in class com.supermap.analyst.spatialanalyst.VisibilityAnalyst
Gets the raster analysis settings
- getAnchorNodeList() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.loader.ArSceneLoader
Gets all the anchor nodes in the scenario
- getAnchorPoint() - Method in class com.supermap.data.TextPart
Returns the anchor point of the TextPart object, the type is {
}. - getAnchorPoint() - Method in class com.supermap.data.TextPart3D
Returns the anchor point of the TextPart instance.
- getAngle() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.ArObject
Gets the angles of axises x, y, and z.
- getAngle() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.dyn.DynamicStyle
Gets the angle.
- getAngle() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Map
Returns the rotation angle of this map.
- getAngularSpeed() - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.RouteStop
Gets the angle speed flying around a stop
- getAnimation(int) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.ARAnimationGroup
Gets animations according to indexes
- getAnimationByIndex(int) - Method in class com.supermap.plot.AnimationGroup
Creates index animation objects according to the index sequence
- GetAnimationByName(String) - Method in class com.supermap.plot.AnimationGroup
Gets animation objects according to their names
- getAnimationCount() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.ARAnimationGroup
Gets the number of animations in the animation group
- getAnimationCount() - Method in class com.supermap.plot.AnimationGroup
Gets the number of the animation groups
- getAnimationDataSize() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.ARAnimationModel
Gets the number of default animations
- getAnimationFromXML(String) - Method in class com.supermap.plot.AnimationManager
Gets an animation from a specified xml
- getAnimationGroup(int) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.ARAnimationManager
Gets animation groups according to indexes
- getAnimationGroupName() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.FlowElement
Gets the animation group name (actually the animation ID)
- GetAnimationGroupPlayState() - Method in class com.supermap.plot.AnimationGroup
Gets the playing status of animation group
- getAnimationGroupsCount() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.ARAnimationManager
Gets the size of animation collection
- getAnimations() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.gltfModel.Gltf
Gets animation set
- getAnimationType() - Method in class com.supermap.plot.AnimationGO
Gets animation types
- getAnnotationPosition() - Method in class com.supermap.plot.GeoGraphicObject
Get annotation position
- getApplySuccess(boolean) - Method in interface com.supermap.data.EduLicense.EduLicenseApplyListener
The license activation license If the license is activated successfully, returns true
- getArAction() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.HmsAREffectView
Get AR Operation type
- getARAnimatorListener() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.ARAnimation
- getARBitmap_Car() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.AR.ArControl2
Gets the bit map of AR cars
- getARBitmap_Car() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.AR.ARMapDrawView
Gets the bitmap of AR cars
- getArCatchObject(int) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.BaseCatchManager
Gets the objects that allows to capture their vertexes.
- getArCatchObjects() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.BaseCatchManager
- getARCenter() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.AR.ArControl2
Gets the center of AR drawing
- getArcErrorInfos() - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.TransportationAnalystCheckResult
Returns the edge error information.
- getArcErrorInfos() - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst3d.FacilityAnalystCheckResult3D
Returns the edge error information.
- getArcErrorInfos() - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst3d.TransportationAnalystCheckResult3D
Returns the edge error information.
- getARControl() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.AR.ARMapDrawView
Gets the AR map form
- getArDefaultWebView() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.config.ResourceConfig
Gets the default website layout
- getArea(List<Vector3>) - Static method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.ConvertTool
Gets area
- getArea() - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoChord
Gets the perimeter of the GeoChord object.
- getArea() - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoCircle
Returns the area of the GeoCircle object.
- getArea() - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoEllipse
Returns the area of the ellipse.
- getArea() - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoPie
Returns the area of the GeoPie object.
- getArea() - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoRegion
Returns the area of the GeoRegion object.
- getArea() - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoRegion3D
Returns the area of the GeoRegion3D object.
- getArea() - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Tracked3DEvent
Gets the area of the object tracked .
- getAreaByPoint3D(List<Point3D>) - Static method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.ConvertTool
Gets area
- getAreaByVector3(List<Vector3>) - Static method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.ConvertTool
Gets area
- getArEffectWebViewBackBtn() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.config.ResourceConfig
Gets the website layout - back button control
- getArEffectWebViewCloseBtn() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.config.ResourceConfig
Gets the website layout - close button control
- getArEffectWebViewDefault() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.config.ResourceConfig
Gets the website layout - webView control
- getArEffectWebViewForwardBtn() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.config.ResourceConfig
Gets the website layout - next button control
- getArEffectWebViewHomeBtn() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.config.ResourceConfig
Gets the website layout - home button control
- getArEffectWebViewRefreshBtn() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.config.ResourceConfig
Gets the website layout - refresh button control
- getArGeometry() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.excavator.Excavator
Gets AR geometry object
- getArMapParent() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.ARMapElement
Gets the parent element of the AR map
- getArMapScale() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.ARMapElement
Get the scale of the AR map to the real scene
- getArMapSelf() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.ARMapElement
Get ARView
- getARMapType() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.AR.ArControl2
Gets AR map types
- getARMapType() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Map
Gets different ARMap types
- getArObjectLists() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.World
Gets the ArObject list in a scene
- getArObjParent() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.ARMapElement
Gets the parent element of the corresponding AR object on the AR map to be bound Child objects on the AR map need to be bound to the parent element
- getArPlaneTexture() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.config.ResourceConfig
Gets plane texture
- getArPoint() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.CalibrationPoint
Get AR coordinate points
- getArrayId(Context, String) - Static method in class com.supermap.mapping.NavigationPlus.ResourceUtil
- getARRendererMode() - Static method in class com.supermap.ar.ARRendererInfoUtil
According to the mode sets the AR renderer mode which will be called before loading a layout.
- getArScale() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.AR.ArControl2
Gets AR map scale
- getArSceneView() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.AREffectView
Get ArSceneView
- getArSceneView() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.HmsAREffectView
get ArSceneView
- getArSession() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.HmsAREffectView
Get ARSession
- getARState() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.AR.ArControl2
Gets AR status
- getArViewVertice() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.ARMapElement
Gets the vertex set of ARView Note: five points end to end
- getAsset() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.gltfModel.Gltf
Gets Asset
- getAT(int) - Method in class com.supermap.videomap.VideoParameters
Get the video parameters based on the index
- getAtmosphereVisible() - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Scene
Get visibility of atmospheric conditions.
- getAttributeFilter() - Method in class com.supermap.data.QueryParameter
Returns the SQL 'where' clause when querying by SQL.
- getAttributeFilter() - Method in class com.supermap.services.ServiceQueryParameter
Obtains SQL conditional statement to be queried
- getAttributes() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.gltfModel.Primitives
Gets attributes
- getAugmentedImageTrackState() - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.ARControl
Get whether to enable enhanced image tracking status.
- getAvailableDatasetName(String) - Method in class com.supermap.data.Datasets
Return a dataset name not used in the datasource.
- getAvailableSceneName(String) - Method in class com.supermap.data.Scenes
Returns a name of the scene with the specified name which is not used in the Scene collection.
- getAverage() - Method in class com.supermap.data.StatisticsResult
Returns the average of the cell values.
- getAverageWeight() - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.SupplyResult
Returns the average cost, i.e., the total cost is divided by the number of the demand nodes.
- getAxesColor() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.dyn.DynamicChart
Gets the color of coordinate axis.
- getAxesColor() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeGraph
Gets the color of coordinate axis.
- getAxesTextStyle() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeGraph
Gets the styles of text of coordinate axises.
- getAxis() - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoSpheroid
Returns the major axis of the earth spheroid.
- getAzimuth() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.EffectView
Get mobile phone azimuth
- getAzimuth() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.scanner.ImageScanner
Gets the azimuth of the camera when it starts
- getAzimuth() - Method in class com.supermap.data.PrjParameter
Returns the azimuth, mainly used in oblique projection.
- getB() - Method in class com.supermap.data.Color
Return a blue component
- getBackColor() - Method in class com.supermap.data.TextStyle
Returns the background color of the text.
- getBackColor() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.dyn.DynamicStyle
Gets the background color.
- getBackground() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.dyn.DynamicStyle
Gets the background image.
- getBackgroundStyle() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Map
Returns the background style of the map.
- getBackGroundView() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.ARVideoElement
Gets the background view
- getBackShape() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeLabel
Returns the label background shape for the label map.
- getBackStyle() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeLabel
Returns the label background style for the label map.
- getBackTransparency() - Method in class com.supermap.data.TextStyle
Gets the translucence of background.
- getBandCount() - Method in class com.supermap.data.DatasetImage
Gets the number of bands in the image dataset.
- getBarrierAlterHeight() - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.spatialanalyst.VisibleResult
Returns the suggested maximum visible height of first obstacle from the observation point to the observed point.
- getBarrierEdgeIDs() - Method in class com.supermap.services.networkanalyst.AnalystParameter
Returns a list of obstacle arc IDs.
- getBarrierEdges() - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.FacilityAnalystSetting
Gets the ID list of the barrier edges.
- getBarrierEdges() - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.TransportationAnalystParameter
Gets the ID list of barrier edges.
- getBarrierEdges() - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.TransportationAnalystSetting
Gets the ID list of the barrier edges.
- getBarrierEdges() - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst3d.FacilityAnalystSetting3D
Gets the ID list of barrier edges.
- getBarrierEdges() - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst3d.TransportationAnalystParameter3D
Returns the ID list of the barrier edges.
- getBarrierEdges() - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst3d.TransportationAnalystSetting3D
Gets the ID list of barrier edges.
- getBarrierEdges() - Method in class com.supermap.navi.Navigation2
Gets barrier edge collection.
- getBarrierNodeIDs() - Method in class com.supermap.services.networkanalyst.AnalystParameter
Returns a list of obstacle node IDs.
- getBarrierNodes() - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.FacilityAnalystSetting
Gets the ID list of the barrier nodes.
- getBarrierNodes() - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.TransportationAnalystParameter
Gets the ID list of the barrier nodes.
- getBarrierNodes() - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.TransportationAnalystSetting
Gets the ID list of the barrier nodes.
- getBarrierNodes() - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst3d.FacilityAnalystSetting3D
Returns the ID list of the barrier nodes.
- getBarrierNodes() - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst3d.TransportationAnalystParameter3D
Returns the ID list of the barrier nodes.
- getBarrierNodes() - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst3d.TransportationAnalystSetting3D
Returns the ID list of the barrier nodes.
- getBarrierPoint() - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.spatialanalyst.VisibleResult
Returns the first obstacle from the observation point to the observed point if the two points are not visible to each other.
- getBarrierPoints() - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.TransportationAnalystParameter
Returns the coordinate list of the barrier nodes.
- getBarrierPoints() - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst3d.TransportationAnalystParameter3D
Returns the coordinates list of the barrier nodes.
- getBarrierPoints() - Method in class com.supermap.navi.Navigation2
Gets the barrier point collection.
- getBarSpacing() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.dyn.DynBarChart
Gets the columnar interval.
- getBaseColorFactor() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.gltfModel.PbrMetallicRoughness
Gets basic color parameters
- getBaseColorTexture() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.gltfModel.PbrMetallicRoughness
Gets the basic texture parameter
- getBasePlanePoints() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.EffectView
- getBaseValue() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeGraduatedSymbol
The size of each symbol is equal to PositiveStyle ( ZeroStyle or NegativeStyle).SymbolSize*value/basevalue.
- getBatch() - Method in class com.supermap.data.Recordset
Returns the objects for batch modification.
- getBearingAdjustment() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.arlayer.ARLayerView
Gets the deviation angle between the magnetic north of the sensor and north
- getBitmap() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.LegendItem
Get the legend sub-item corresponding to the bitmap.
- getBlinkAnimationReplaceColor() - Method in class com.supermap.plot.AnimationBlink
Gets the switched colors
- getBlinkAnimationStartColor() - Method in class com.supermap.plot.AnimationBlink
Gets the starting switched colors
- getBlinkInterval() - Method in class com.supermap.plot.AnimationBlink
Gets the blink interval
- getBlinkNumberofTimes() - Method in class com.supermap.plot.AnimationBlink
Gets the blink times in a specific time
- getBlinkStyle() - Method in class com.supermap.plot.AnimationBlink
Gets the blink types such as blink an animation according to times or intervals
- getBlockSize() - Method in class com.supermap.data.DatasetGrid
Returns the size of the block for storing with the specified pixels in grid dataset, and pixel is the unit.
- getBlockSize() - Method in class com.supermap.data.DatasetGridInfo
Returns the size of the block for storing with the specified pixels in grid dataset, and pixel is the unit.
- getBoolean(int) - Method in class com.supermap.data.Recordset
The value of the "Boolean" field in the current record from the attribute table of the dataset.
- getBoolean(String) - Method in class com.supermap.data.Recordset
The value of the "Boolean" field in the current record from the attribute table of the dataset.
- getBoolean(String) - Method in class com.supermap.services.FeatureSet
Used to return the field value of the current feature in boolean.
- getBottom() - Method in class com.supermap.data.mapGrid.MapGridParam
Get the min Y
- getBottom() - Method in class com.supermap.data.Rectangle2D
Returns the coordinate of the bottom edge of the Rectangle2D object.
- getBottomAltitude() - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoStyle3D
Gets the bottom altitude of the GeoStyle3D object.
- getBottomLeft() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.ArObject
Gets the bottom-left corner of ArObject
- getBottomMeshScreenPoint(ErrorCallback) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.excavator.Excavator
Gets the screen vertices transformed by the bottom
- getBottomRight() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.ArObject
Gets the bottom-right corner of ArObject
- getBottomSize() - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoBox
obtains or sets the size of the bottom of the cuboid, the default value is null.
- getBottomVertices() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.excavator.Excavator
Gets the set of vertices at the bottom of the dug hole
- getBounds() - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.PathGuideItem
Returns the range of this path guide item.
- getBounds() - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.spatialanalyst.GridAnalystSetting
Gets the geographic range of the result dataset.
- getBounds() - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.spatialanalyst.TerrainAnalystSetting
Gets the geographic range of the result dataset.
- getBounds() - Method in class com.supermap.data.Dataset
Gets the boundary rectangle that contains all geometric objects in this dataset.
- getBounds() - Method in class com.supermap.data.DatasetGridInfo
Returns the bounds of the grid dataset.
- getBounds() - Method in class com.supermap.data.Geometry
Returns the enclosing rectangle of the geometry object.
- getBounds() - Method in class com.supermap.data.mapGrid.MapGridParam
Get map grid boundaries
- getBounds() - Method in class com.supermap.data.mapGrid.MapGridRangeBound
- getBounds() - Method in class com.supermap.data.Recordset
Returns the boundary rectangle of the Recordset.
- getBounds() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.collector.CollectorElement
Obtains bounds of collected object.
- getBounds() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.dyn.DynamicElement
Gets the range of dynamic object.
- getBounds() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Map
Returns the spatial extent of this map.
- getBounds() - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Layer3D
Return the range of the layer.
- getBounds() - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.TerrainLayer
Returns the geographic bounds of the data in the terrain layer.
- getBoundsType() - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.spatialanalyst.GridAnalystSetting
Returns the types of the geographic range of the result dataset.
- getBoundsType() - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.spatialanalyst.TerrainAnalystSetting
Returns the types of the geographic range of the result dataset.
- getBrightness() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.LayerSettingGrid
Returns the brightness of the raster layer which ranges from -100 to 100.
- getBuffer() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.gltfModel.BufferViews
Gets gltf data buffer zone
- getBuffers() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.gltfModel.Gltf
Gets gltf data buffer zone
- getBufferView() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.gltfModel.Accessors
Gets tiles
- getBufferViews() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.gltfModel.Gltf
Gets tile set
- getBuildLOD() - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Layer3DDynamicObject
- getBuildVersion(Context) - Static method in class com.supermap.data.Environment
Gets compiled version information.
- getByCaption(String) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Layer
Gets the layer for the specified alias
- getByCaption(String) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Layers
Gets the layer for the specified alias
- getByte(int) - Method in class com.supermap.data.Recordset
The value of the "byte" field in the current record from the attribute table of the dataset.
- getByte(String) - Method in class com.supermap.data.Recordset
The value of the "byte" field in the current record from the attribute table of the dataset.
- getByte(String) - Method in class com.supermap.services.FeatureSet
Used to return the field value of the current feature in byte.
- getByteLength() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.gltfModel.Buffers
Gets the length of bytes
- getByteLength() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.gltfModel.BufferViews
Gets the length of bytes to be read
- getByteOffset() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.gltfModel.Accessors
Gets offsets
- getByteOffset() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.gltfModel.BufferViews
Gets the byte offset
- getByteStride() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.gltfModel.BufferViews
Gets the step size of bytes
- getCacheCapacity() - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Layer3DMap
- getCacheDirectory() - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Layer3DMap
- getCacheMaxSize() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.LayerSettingImage
Gets the maximum number of buffers for the layer
- getCalibrationModel() - Method in class com.supermap.videomap.VideoParameter
Get calibration model
- getCalibrationPoints() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.CalibrationResult
Gets the set of correction points
- getCallOut(String) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.MapView
Gets the marker control by name.
- getCallouts() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.MapView
Gets all callOut
- getCamera() - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Feature3D
Gets the camera object.
- getCamera() - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Feature3Ds
Gets the camera object.
- getCamera() - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.RouteStop
Gets the stop camera
- getCamera() - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Scene
Return the camera object of the current scene.
- getCameraIntrinsic() - Method in class com.supermap.videomap.CalibrationModel
get camera parameters
- getCameraLocation() - Method in class com.supermap.videomap.CalibrationModel
get Camera Location
- getCameraPitch() - Method in class com.supermap.videomap.CameraLocation
Get the camera pitch Angle
- getCameraPosition() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.EffectView
Gets the current camera position
- getCameraRoll() - Method in class com.supermap.videomap.CameraLocation
Get the camera roll Angle
- getCameraX() - Method in class com.supermap.videomap.CameraLocation
Get the X value of the center point
- getCameraY() - Method in class com.supermap.videomap.CameraLocation
Get the Y value of the center point
- getCameraYaw() - Method in class com.supermap.videomap.CameraLocation
Get the camera's azimuth
- getCameraZ() - Method in class com.supermap.videomap.CameraLocation
Get the camera height
- getCancel() - Method in class com.supermap.data.SteppedEvent
Returns the cancel status of the event.
- getCancel() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.GeometryEvent
Returns the value incidents whether to cancel the event.
- getCaption() - Method in class com.supermap.data.FieldInfo
Return the alias of the field.
- getCaption() - Method in class com.supermap.data.Workspace
Sets the display name of workspace, so that the user can identify this Workspace,and the caption of a Workspace can be modified.
- getCaption() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ColorLegendItem
Gets the color value legend subitem description.
- getCaption() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Layer
Returns the caption of this layer.
- getCaption() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.LegendItem
Get the legend subkey expression
- getCaption() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeGraphItem
Gets alias
- getCaption() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeGridRangeItem
Returns the name of the grid range map item.
- getCaption() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeLabelItem
Returns the caption of the label graph item.
- getCaption() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeRangeItem
Returns the name of the range map item.
- getCaption() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeUniqueItem
Returns whether the unique values map item is visible.
- getCaption() - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Layer3D
Returns the title of the 3D layer.
- getCaption() - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.TerrainLayer
Returns the caption of the terrain layer.
- getCarAngle() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.AR.ArControl2
Gets the guiding angle of AR cars
- getCarAngle() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.AR.ARMapDrawView
Gets the guiding angle of AR cars
- getCarAngle() - Method in class com.supermap.navi.Navigation
Gets the angle of the vehicle.
- getCarAngle() - Method in class com.supermap.navi.Navigation2
Gets the car angle.
- getCarAngle() - Method in class com.supermap.navi.Navigation3
Get the car angle
- getCarAngle() - Method in class com.supermap.navi.Navigation3D
Get the car angle
- getCarPosition() - Method in class com.supermap.navi.Navigation
Gets the vehicle position.
- getCarPosition() - Method in class com.supermap.navi.Navigation2
Gets the car position.
- getCarPosition() - Method in class com.supermap.navi.Navigation3
Get the car position
- getCarPosition() - Method in class com.supermap.navi.Navigation3D
Get the car position
- getCarUpFront() - Method in class com.supermap.navi.Navigation
Gets whether the car is up front.
- getCarUpFront() - Method in class com.supermap.navi.Navigation2
Gets whether the car is up front.
- getCarUpFront() - Method in class com.supermap.navi.Navigation3
Gets whether the car is up front.
- getCarUpFront() - Method in class com.supermap.navi.Navigation3D
Gets whether the car is up front.
- getCellHeight() - Method in class com.supermap.data.mapGrid.MapGridParam
Gets the cell Height
- getCellHeight() - Method in class com.supermap.data.mapGrid.MapGridRangeBound
- getCellLength() - Method in class com.supermap.data.mapGrid.MapGridParam
Gets the cell Length
- getCellSize() - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.spatialanalyst.GridAnalystSetting
Gets the resolution of the dataset
- getCellSize() - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.spatialanalyst.TerrainAnalystSetting
Gets the resolution of the dataset
- getCellSizeType() - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.spatialanalyst.GridAnalystSetting
Gets the resolution types of the dataset
- getCellSizeType() - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.spatialanalyst.TerrainAnalystSetting
Gets the resolution types of the dataset
- getCellWidth() - Method in class com.supermap.data.mapGrid.MapGridParam
Gets the cell width
- getCellWidth() - Method in class com.supermap.data.mapGrid.MapGridRangeBound
- getCenter() - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoArc
Returns the center of the arc.
- getCenter() - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoBox
obtains the center point of the cuboid geometry object, the default is null
- getCenter() - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoChord
Returns the center of the ellipse which the GeoChord object belongs to.
- getCenter() - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoCircle
Returns the center of the GeoCircle object.
- getCenter() - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoEllipse
Returns the center of the ellipse.
- getCenter() - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoEllipticArc
Returns the center of the ellipse which the GeoEllipticArc object belongs to.
- getCenter() - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoPie
Retruns the center of the ellipse which the GeoPie object belongs to.
- getCenter() - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoRectangle
Returns the center of the GeoRectangle object.
- getCenter() - Method in class com.supermap.data.Rectangle2D
Returns the center point of the Rectangle2D object.
- getCenter() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Map
Returns the center point of the view bounds of this map.
- getCenter() - Method in class com.supermap.onlineservices.WalkInfo
Gets the center point.
- getCenterHandle() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.MapEditStyle
Gets the center style.
- getCenterPoint() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.excavator.ExcavationParameter
Gets excavation center points
- getCenterPoint(List<Point3D>) - Static method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.PresetUtils
Gets the position of center from point set
- getCenterX() - Method in class com.supermap.videomap.CameraIntrinsic
Get the X value of the center point
- getCenterX() - Method in class com.supermap.videomap.VideoValidBounds
Gets the X value of the central coordinate
- getCenterY() - Method in class com.supermap.videomap.CameraIntrinsic
Get the Y value of the center point
- getCenterY() - Method in class com.supermap.videomap.VideoValidBounds
Get the Y value of the central coordinate
- getCentralMeridian() - Method in class com.supermap.data.PrjParameter
Returns the central meridian.
- getCentralParallel() - Method in class com.supermap.data.PrjParameter
Returns the latitude of the original point.
- getChannels() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.gltfModel.Animations
Gets channels
- getCharset() - Method in class com.supermap.data.DatasetVector
Gets the character set of the vector dataset
- getChartHeight() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.dyn.DynamicChart
Gets the chart height.
- getChartTile() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.dyn.DynamicChart
Gets the title.
- getChartTitle() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.imChart.ChartsView
Obtains chart title.
- getChartTitleSize() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.imChart.ChartsView
Obtains chart title text size, the unit is pixel.
- getChartWidth() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.dyn.DynamicChart
Gets the chart width.
- getChild(int) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.AREffectElement
Searches sub objects according to serial number
- getChild(String) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.AREffectElement
Gets the sub objects
- getChild(long) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.AREffectElement
Gets sub objects according to their id
- getChildCount() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.AREffectElement
Gets the number of sub objects
- getChildDataset() - Method in class com.supermap.data.DatasetVector
Gets the child dataset of the vector dataset.
- getChildGroups() - Method in class com.supermap.data.SymbolGroup
Returns the child groups of this SymbolGroup object.
- getChildren() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.gltfModel.Nodes
Gets the sub node
- getChildren() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.utils.XmlNode
Get Children
- getCity() - Method in class com.supermap.onlineservices.Address
Get the municipal address description.
- getCity() - Method in class com.supermap.onlineservices.POIQueryParameter
Get the city name.
- getCityCode() - Method in class com.supermap.onlineservices.Address
Get the municipal address code.
- getClipRegion() - Method in class com.supermap.data.DatasetGrid
Returns the display extent of the grid dataset.
- getClipRegion() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Map
Gets the face used for map cropping
- getCode() - Method in class com.supermap.data.SymbolLineBase
Returns the ASCII code of the character in the child line.
- getCode() - Method in class com.supermap.plot.GeoGraphicObject
Gets code corresponding to the symbol.
- getCollector() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.MapControl
Data collection
- getColor() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.BaseShape
Gets the color
- getColor() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.ShapeStyle
- getColor(double) - Method in class com.supermap.data.ColorDictionary
obtains colors presented by specified key in color dictionary table
- getColor() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ColorLegendItem
Gets the color value of the color value legend subitem.
- getColor() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.LegendItem
Gets LegendItem color
- getColor() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeGridRangeItem
Returns the style for each item of a grid ranges map.
- getColor() - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Skyline
Returns the color of the skyline.
- getColorDictionary() - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.HypsometricSetting
Get a color table.
- getColorId(Context, String) - Static method in class com.supermap.mapping.NavigationPlus.ResourceUtil
- getColorMode() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Map
Get the color mode of the map
- getColorRGBA() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.BaseShape
Gets the RGBA value of the color
- getColors() - Method in class com.supermap.data.ColorDictionary
obtains color dictionary table color array.
- getColors() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.imChart.ColorScheme
Gets the segment color value.
- getColorScheme() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.imChart.ChartView
Gets the color table for the legend.
- getColorset() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.LayerGridAggregation
Gets the color collection
- getColorset() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.LayerHeatmap
Gets the color collection
- getColorSpace() - Method in class com.supermap.data.DatasetImage
Returns the color display mode.
- getColorTable() - Method in class com.supermap.data.DatasetGrid
The color table when opening the dataset.
- getColumnBlockCount() - Method in class com.supermap.data.DatasetGrid
Returns the total count of columns which are gotten after the grid dataset has been divided into many blocks.
- getColumnCount() - Method in class com.supermap.data.mapGrid.MapGridRangeBound
- getColumnLineCount() - Method in class com.supermap.data.mapGrid.MapGridParam
Gets the number of grid columns
- getColumnWidth() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.imChart.LegendView
Obtains legend sub-item width, the unit is pixel
- getComponentType() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.gltfModel.Accessors
Gets data types
- getConfidence() - Method in class com.supermap.onlineservices.GeocodingData
Get the confidence of the matching results.
- getConfidence() - Method in class com.supermap.onlineservices.POIInfo
Get the confidence of the query result.
- getConfigFileDirectory() - Static method in class com.supermap.data.Environment
Deprecated.This interface is deprecated. Not provided any longer. Gets the path of the configuration file needed for storing SuperMap iMobile for Android.
- getConnectionInfo() - Method in class com.supermap.data.Datasource
Returns the connection information of the datasource, please refer to the
class. - getConnectionInfo() - Method in class com.supermap.data.Workspace
Returns the connection information of the workspace.
- getContext() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.loader.ArSceneLoader
Get context
- getContext() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.World
Gets context
- getContrast() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.LayerSettingGrid
Gets the brightness of the raster layer which ranges from -100 to 100.
- getControlPoints() - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoBSpline
Returns the control point set.
- getControlPoints() - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoCardinal
Returns the control point set.
- getControlPoints() - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoCurve
Returns the control point set.
- getCoordinatesArray() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.Point3D
Get the point coordinates, stored in the array in x, y, z order
- getCoordinateType() - Method in class com.supermap.onlineservices.POIQueryParameter
Get the type of the projected coordinate system.
- getCoordUnit() - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSys
Returns the unit of the geographic coordinate system.
- getCoordUnit() - Method in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSys
Returns the coordinate unit of the projected system.
- getCorressLocation() - Method in class com.supermap.onlineservices.PathInfo
Gets a cross coordinates of the next road.
- getCost() - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.FacilityAnalystResult
Returns the cost in the facility network analysis results.
- getCost() - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst3d.FacilityAnalystResult3D
Returns the ID array of edges passed by the result path.
- getCount() - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.PathGuide
Gets the count of the PathGuideItem objects in the PathGuide.
- getCount() - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.SupplyCenters
Gets the count of the SupplyCenters object.
- getCount() - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.WeightFieldInfos
Gets the count of the WeightFieldInfo in the given WeightFieldInfos.
- getCount() - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst3d.WeightFieldInfos3D
Gets the count of the WeightFieldInfo in the given WeightFieldInfos.
- getCount() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.gltfModel.Accessors
Gets the number of elements
- getCount() - Method in class com.supermap.data.ColorDictionary
Obtains the number of key value in table
- getCount() - Method in class com.supermap.data.Colors
Returns the number of the colors in the Colors object.
- getCount() - Method in class com.supermap.data.Datasets
Returns the count of the dataset in the Datasets.
- getCount() - Method in class com.supermap.data.Datasources
Gets the count of the datasources in this Datasources.
- getCount() - Method in class com.supermap.data.FieldInfos
Return the number of elements in the specified FieldInfos.
- getCount() - Method in class com.supermap.data.JoinItems
Returns the count of JoinItem objects in this JoinItems object.
- getCount() - Method in class com.supermap.data.Maps
Returns the count of maps in this Maps object.
- getCount() - Method in class com.supermap.data.Point2Ds
Returns the count of Point2D objects in this Point2Ds object.
- getCount() - Method in class com.supermap.data.Point3Ds
Returns the count of Point2D objects in this Point2Ds object.
- getCount() - Method in class com.supermap.data.PointMs
Returns the count of PointM objects in this PointMs object.
- getCount() - Method in class com.supermap.data.Scenes
Returns the count of the Scenes objects in the specified Scenes collection.
- getCount() - Method in class com.supermap.data.SymbolGroup
Returns the count of the Symbol objects of this SymbolGroup object.
- getCount() - Method in class com.supermap.data.SymbolGroups
Returns the count of the SymbolGroup objects contained by the SymbolGroups object. - getCount() - Method in class com.supermap.data.SymbolMarker
Returns the count of strokes of the SymbolMarker object.
- getCount() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.FinishEditedEvent
Gets the number of new result objects.
- getCount() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.LayerGroup
Returns the count of the layer objects in the specified layer collection.
- getCount() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Layers
Returns the count of the layer objects in this Layers.
- getCount() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ScreenLayer
Gets the count of objects in the screen layer.
- getCount() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Selection
Returns the number of geometric objects in the Selection.
- getCount() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeGraph
Gets the number of the items in the statistical thematic map.
- getCount() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeGridRange
Returns the count of the ranges in the grid ranges map.
- getCount() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeLabel
Returns the count of the ranges for the label map.
- getCount() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeRange
Returns the count of the ranges in the ranges map.
- getCount() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeUnique
Returns the count of the items in the unique values map.
- getCount() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.TrackingLayer
Returns the count of geometric objects in the tracking layer.
- getCount() - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.ARPlanes
Get the total number of AR plane sets.
- getCount() - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Feature3Ds
Gets the count of the objects in the Feature3Ds object.
- getCount() - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Layer3Ds
Returns the total number of 3D layer objects in the given 3D layer set.
- getCount() - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Routes
Returns the number of routes in the route collection.
- getCount() - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.RouteStops
Returns the number of stops in the flying route stop collection
- getCount() - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Selection3D
Gets the count of the objects in the Selection3D object.
- getCount() - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.TerrainLayers
Returns the total number of terrain layer objects in a given terrain layer collection.
- getCount() - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.TrackingLayer3D
Returns the number of geometric event objects in the 3D tracking layer.
- getCount() - Method in class com.supermap.videomap.VideoParameters
Get the number of parameters
- getCounty() - Method in class com.supermap.onlineservices.Address
Get the county address description (county, county city, district).
- getCountyCode() - Method in class com.supermap.onlineservices.Address
Get the county address code.
- getCreateLegend() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Map
Gets a legend
- getCreateSkirt() - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Scene
Get whether to create a terrain skirt.
- getCurGeometry() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.collector.Collector
Gets the current geometry object.
- getCurrentAngle() - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Tracking3DEvent
Gets the angle of the current line segment being drawn, and the unit is meter.
- getCurrentCameraAzimuth(AREffectBaseView) - Static method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.PresetUtils
Gets the angle between the current camera and the camera when it enables
- getCurrentClockwisePoints() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.ARDynamicGeometry
Gets the current set of points that are always clockwise
- getCurrentCount() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.ARDynamicGeometry
Gets the number of vertices for the current object
- getCurrentDevicePosition() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.highprecision.MeasureView
Gets the position in the current plane coordinate system
- getCurrentExcavationParameter() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.excavator.Excavator
Gets the excavation parameters at the current moment
- getCurrentFloorId() - Method in class com.supermap.indoor.FloorListView
Get the current floor ID
- getCurrentFloorId() - Method in class com.supermap.indoor3d.FloorListView3D
Get the current floor ID
- getCurrentGeometry() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.MapControl
Gets the current drawing object.
- getCurrentHeight() - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Tracking3DEvent
Gets the height of the current line segment being drawn, and the unit is meter.
- getCurrentLength() - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Tracking3DEvent
Gets the length of the current line segment being drawn, and the unit is meter.
- getCurrentLocation() - Method in interface com.supermap.ar.areffect.gnss.IPoseMixer
- getCurrentLocation() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.gnss.PoseMixer
- getCurrentObj(ARGeometry.ARGeometryType) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.ARDynamicGeometry
Gets an object of the currently specified type
- getCurrentPartID() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.excavator.Excavator
- getCurrentPlayerTick() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Map
Returns the playing frame number of the current map
- getCurrentPoint() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.component.PanGestureController
Gets the position of the left-top corner of the current view
- getCurrentPoseData() - Method in interface com.supermap.ar.areffect.gnss.IPoseMixer
- getCurrentPoseData() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.gnss.PoseMixer
- getCurrentPosition() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.BaseCatchManager
Gets instant positions.
- getCurrentPosition() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.VideoEffectView2
Set gets the current location
- getCurrentPosition() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.arlayer.ARLayerView
Gets the current position.
- getCurrentPostion() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.gather.ARGatherView
Gets the current position
- getCurrentPostion() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.gather.GatherView
Gets the current position.
- getCurrentRecordParameter() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.CameraRecordControl
Gets the current posture record parameters
- getCurrentRoute() - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Routes
Get the currently selected route.
- getCurrentRouteIndex() - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Routes
Returns the currently selected route index.
- getCurrentStatus() - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.StatusChangedEvent
Returns the FlyStatus object after the fly status changes.
- getCurrentStopIndex() - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.FlyManager
Return to the current stop of the flight.
- getCurrentTickEndTime() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Map
When playing the temporal data, gets the ending time of the current frame
- getCurrentTickStartTime() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Map
When playing the temporal data, gets the starting time of the current frame
- getCurRoadName() - Method in class com.supermap.navi.Navigation
Gets current road name.
- getCursorType() - Method in class com.supermap.data.QueryParameter
Returns the cursor type.
- getCustomInterval() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeLabel
Gets the custom range interval.
- getCustomInterval() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeRange
Gets the custom range interval.
- getCustomLocation() - Method in class com.supermap.track.Track
Gets whether to use the user-customized location point.
- getDataInfo(String, OnlineCallBack.CallBackString) - Static method in class com.supermap.onlineservices.OnlineService
Searches basic information of data according to ID
- getDataList(int, int, OnlineCallBack.CallBackString) - Static method in class com.supermap.onlineservices.OnlineService
Gets my data
- getDataName() - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Layer3D
Returns the name of the data used by the layer.
- getDatas(HashMap<String, String>) - Method in class com.supermap.services.iportalservices.IPortalService
Data resource (GET)
- getDataset() - Method in class com.supermap.data.Recordset
Returns the corresponding dataset of the Recordset.
- getDataset() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Layer
Returns the dataset object of this layer.
- getDataset() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Selection
Returns the dataset of the geometric objects belongs to in the Selection.
- getDataset() - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Layer3DDataset
- getDataset() - Method in class com.supermap.track.Track
Gets the trace dataset,
- getDatasetInfos(ArrayList<Integer>, ArrayList<Integer>) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Layer3DOSGBFile
Get multiple data source attribute information interface
- getDatasetName() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.AR.ArControl2
Gets the name of the POI dataset in a AR map
- getDatasets() - Method in class com.supermap.data.Datasource
Returns the Datasets object contained in the datasource.
- getDataSize() - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.DownloadManager
Deprecated.Get the size of the layer data that the DownloadManager object has loaded.
- getDatasource() - Method in class com.supermap.data.Dataset
Returns the datasource object that contains this dataset.
- getDatasources() - Method in class com.supermap.data.Workspace
Returns the Datasources object.
- getDateTime(int) - Method in class com.supermap.data.Recordset
The value of the "date" field in the current record from the attribute table of the dataset.
- getDateTime(String) - Method in class com.supermap.data.Recordset
The value of the "date" field in the current record from the attribute table of the dataset.
- getDateTime(String) - Method in class com.supermap.services.FeatureSet
Get the field value form the current feature in date.
- getDays() - Method in class com.supermap.data.TimeSpan
Returns the days part of the time interval represented by the TimeSpan object.
- getDeduplicateThreshold() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Layer
Gets the rarefied threshold value.
- getDeduplicateTolerance() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Layer
Gets the rarefied tolerance.
- getDefaultJsessionidCookie() - Static method in class com.supermap.onlineservices.OnlineService
Gets JsessionidCookie
- getDefaultMapEndTime() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Map
Traverses all enabling times and time fields of visible layers.
- getDefaultMapStartTime() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Map
Traverses all enabling times and time fields of visible layers.
- getDefaultStyle() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.MixedTextStyle
Returns the default style.
- getDefaultStyle() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeUnique
Returns the default style of unique values map.
- getDefaultStyle() - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Route
Get the style of the route object.
- getDefaultValue() - Method in class com.supermap.data.FieldInfo
Returns the default value of the field.
- getDeletedGeoAnimations() - Method in class com.supermap.plot.AnimationManager
Gets the name of animation to be removed
- getDeltaAngle() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.AR.ARMapDrawView
Gets the relative angle
- getDeltaAzimuth() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.CalibrationResult
Gets the azimuth of the AR scenario when it starts
- getDemandCount() - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.SupplyResult
Returns the count of demand points that the supply center serves for.
- getDemandResults() - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.LocationAnalystResult
Gets the array of the DemandResult objects.
- getDescription() - Method in class com.supermap.data.Dataset
Returns the additional information added for the dataset.
- getDescription() - Method in class com.supermap.data.Datasource
Returns the descriptive information about the datasource added by the user.
- getDescription() - Method in class com.supermap.data.Workspace
Returns the description about this Workspace object that added by the user.
- getDescription() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Layer
Returns the description of a layer.
- getDescription() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Map
Returns the description of the map.
- getDescription() - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Feature3D
Returns the description of the feature3D object.
- getDescription() - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Feature3Ds
Gets the description of the collection of the feature3D object.
- getDesktop() - Method in class com.supermap.videomap.VideoParameterData
- getDestCoordinateType() - Method in class com.supermap.onlineservices.CoordinateConvertParameter
Get the target coordinate type.
- getDestinationInfo() - Method in class com.supermap.onlineservices.SolutionItem
Get destination information.
- getDetectArrayToUse() - Method in class com.supermap.ai.AIDetectView
Gets the recognition classification array
- getDetectInterval() - Method in class com.supermap.ai.AIDetectView
Gets the recognized time interval
- getDeviceID() - Static method in class com.supermap.data.Environment
Gets the device number of the current equipment, used to apply for license.
- getDeviceID() - Static method in class com.supermap.messagequeue.Environment
Gets the device ID
- getDeviceLocation() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.CalibrationResult
Gets the geographic coordinates when the AR scene is started
- getDeviceLocation() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.EffectView
Get the geographical location of the device
- getDeviceLocation() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.scanner.ImageScanner
Gets the position of the camera at startup
- getDiffusivityX() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.ARParticleElement
Gets the diffusion coefficient of x-axis
- getDiffusivityY() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.ARParticleElement
Gets the diffusion coefficient of y-axis
- getDiffusivityZ() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.ARParticleElement
Gets the diffusion coefficient of z-axis
- getDirection() - Method in class com.supermap.data.NodeAnimation
Get the forward direction angle of the node animation, which is the angle between the forward direction and the north direction in the horizontal direction.
- getDirection() - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Skyline
- getDirectionAlignTrack(String) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Layer3DDynamicObject
- getDirectionField() - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.FacilityAnalystSetting
Gets the direction field.
- getDirectionField() - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst3d.FacilityAnalystSetting3D
Gets the direction field list.
- getDirectionType() - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.PathGuideItem
Returns the direction of the path guide item.
- getDisplayBandIndexes() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.LayerSettingImage
Gets the band index of the current image layer
- getDisplayColorSpace() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.LayerSettingImage
Gets the color display mode of the image layer
- getDisplayFilter() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Layer
Returns the specified filter condition for the layer display.
- getDisplayFilter() - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Layer3DDataset
- getDisplayMode() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.LayerSettingImage
Returns the image display mode
- getDisplayMode() - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.HypsometricSetting
Gets the display mode used when hierarchically formatting.
- getDistance() - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.PathGuideItem
Returns the distance from a stop to the network, and it is supported only when the path table item is the stop.
- getDistance(double, double, double, double) - Static method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.ConvertTool
Gets distance
- getDistance(Point3D, Point3D) - Static method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.ConvertTool
Gets distance
- getDistance(Vector3, Vector3) - Static method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.ConvertTool
Gets distance
- getDistance(Point, Point) - Static method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.ConvertTool
Gets distance
- getDistance(double, double, double, double) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.AR.ArControl2
Gets the distance between two points
- getDistance(double, double, double, double) - Static method in class com.supermap.mapping.TrackingMoveHelper
- getDistance() - Method in class com.supermap.onlineservices.LineItem
Get the current segment distance.
- getDistance() - Method in class com.supermap.onlineservices.StreetNumber
Get the gate number to the request coordinates (in meters)
- getDistanceAtM(double) - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoLineM
Returns the distance from the point object with the specified M value to the start point of the GeoLineM object.
- getDistanceAtM(double, boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoLineM
Returns the distance from the point object with the specified M value to the start point of the GeoLineM object.
- getDistanceAtM(double, int, boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoLineM
Returns the distance from the point object withc to the start point of the specified GeoLineM subobject.
- getDistanceFactor() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.ArView
Gets the distance factor of rendering objects
- getDistanceFromUser() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.ArObject
Gets the distance between ArObject and the user in meter
- getDistanceInterval() - Method in class com.supermap.track.Track
Gets the distance interval, the unit is meter, and the default is 5 meters.
- getDistanceUnit() - Method in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSys
Returns the distance unit.
- getDisToDestination() - Method in class com.supermap.navi.Navigation
Gets the distance from current place to destination.
- getDisToSwerve() - Method in class com.supermap.navi.Navigation
Gets the distance from current place to the next swerve.
- getDotExpression() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeDotDensity
Returns the field or field expression which is used for creating a point density thematic map
- getDottedLineLength() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.ARGeoDottedLine
- getDouble(int) - Method in class com.supermap.data.Recordset
The value of the "double-precision" field in the current record from the attribute table of the dataset.
- getDouble(String) - Method in class com.supermap.data.Recordset
The value of the "double-precision" field in the current record from the attribute table of the dataset.
- getDouble(String) - Method in class com.supermap.services.FeatureSet
Used to return the field value of the current feature in double.
- getDownloadedSize() - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.DownloadManager
Deprecated.Get the size of the downloaded layer data.
- getDownloadManager(Context) - Static method in class com.supermap.realspace.DownloadManager
Get the unique singleton object of DownloadManager.
- getDownLocation() - Method in class com.supermap.onlineservices.LineItem
Obtain the coordinates of the current sub - station terminus (subway) station latitude and longitude.
- getDpScale(Context) - Static method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.utils.ScreenPointTool
Gets the ratio of dp value to the real scale
- getDragSensitivity() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.AREffectView
Gets the sensitivity when dragging (when dragging 1dp on the screen, AR scene will move 0.002m)
- getDragSensitivity() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.EffectView
Get drag sensitivity (default: 1dp screen drag, 0.002m movement in AR scenario)
- getDrawableId(Context, String) - Static method in class com.supermap.mapping.NavigationPlus.ResourceUtil
- getDrawingCache() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.VideoEffectView
- getDrawingCacheSource() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.VideoEffectView2
Read only during object detection
- getDriver() - Method in class com.supermap.data.DatasourceConnectionInfo
Returns the driver name needed for the datasource connection.
- getDuration() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.ARAnimationParameter
Gets the circle paramters of AR animations
- getDuration() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.VideoEffectView2
Obtaining the Video Duration
- getDuration() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.dyn.Animator
Gets the animation duration.
- getDuration() - Method in class com.supermap.plot.AnimationGO
Gets time of animation.
- getDuration() - Method in class com.supermap.plot.AnimationGroup
Gets the lasting time
- getDuration() - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.FlyManager
Returns the total time required for this flight (that is, the current entire route), in seconds.
- getDuration() - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.RouteStop
Gets the interval between stops
- getDynamicPrjTransMethond() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Map
The projection algorithm used to get the map dynamic projection needs to be set in different ellipsoids.
- getDynamicPrjTransParameter() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Map
The conversion parameters used to get the map dynamic projection
- getDynamicResult() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.CameraWindowRenderer
- getEdgeFilter() - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.TransportationAnalystSetting
Gets the edge filter expression in the transportation analysis.
- getEdgeFilter() - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst3d.TransportationAnalystSetting3D
Returns edge filter expression.
- getEdgeIDField() - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.FacilityAnalystSetting
Returns the field that identifies the edge ID in the network dataset.
- getEdgeIDField() - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.TransportationAnalystSetting
Returns the field that identifies the edge ID in the network dataset.
- getEdgeIDField() - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst3d.FacilityAnalystSetting3D
Returns the field for the edge ID.
- getEdgeIDField() - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst3d.TransportationAnalystSetting3D
Returns the iD filed of the edge.
- getEdgeNameField() - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.TransportationAnalystSetting
Returns the field which stores the edge names.
- getEdgeNameField() - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst3d.TransportationAnalystSetting3D
Returns the Name field name of the edge.
- getEdges() - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.FacilityAnalystResult
Returns the edge ID array in the facility network analysis results.
- getEdges() - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.TransportationAnalystResult
Returns the edges dataset of the analysis result.
- getEdges() - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst3d.FacilityAnalystResult3D
Returns the ID array of edges passed by the result path.
- getEdges() - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst3d.TransportationAnalystResult3D
Returns the edges dataset of the analysis result.
- getEditLayer() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.MapControl
Gets the current editable layer.
- getEditNodeColor() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.collector.Collector
Gets the color of the currently editing node
- getEditNodeWidth() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.collector.Collector
Gets the width of the current editing node, unit:10mm.
- getEffectElement(String) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.EffectView
Gets the effect element by name
- getEffectView() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.excavator.Excavator
- getEffectViewRecorder() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.AREffectView
Gets the attitude view recorder Used to record posture video + parameter file
- getElement() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.collector.Collector
Gets the current collection object.
- getElementDistance(AREffectElement) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.EffectView
Gets the distance of the current effect element
- getElementList() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.FlowElement
Gets all elements of the class object
- getElementType() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.AREffectElement
Get the element type
- getEmissiveFactor() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.gltfModel.Materials
Gets the luminous source
- getEMPTY() - Static method in class com.supermap.data.Point2D
Returns an empty point object.
- getEMPTY() - Static method in class com.supermap.data.PointM
Returns a null
object. - getEMPTY() - Static method in class com.supermap.data.Rectangle2D
Returns an empty Rectangle2D, whose x-coordinate of left edge, y-coordinate of bottom edge,x-coordinate of the right edge and y-coordinate of the top edge are all -1.7976931348623157e+308.
- getEMPTY() - Static method in class com.supermap.data.Size2D
Represent a empty read-only Size2D object, that is the widh and height values are both -1.7976931348623157e+308.
- getEncodeType() - Method in class com.supermap.data.conversion.ImportSetting
- getEncodeType() - Method in class com.supermap.data.Dataset
Using a encoding for a dataset can reduce the space used to store this dataset, decrease the load of the net or the load of the server.
- getEncodeType() - Method in class com.supermap.data.DatasetGridInfo
Returns the encoding type of this dataset.
- getEncodeType() - Method in class com.supermap.data.DatasetVectorInfo
Returns the encoding type.
- getEncodeType(DatasetType) - Static method in class com.supermap.data.Toolkit
Returns the array of encode type which the specified dataset type support.
- getEnd() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeGridRangeItem
return the end value of the ThemeGridRangeItem object.
- getEnd() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeLabelItem
Returns the end range value for the label map item.
- getEnd() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeRangeItem
Returns the end value of the range map item.
- getEndAngle() - Method in class com.supermap.plot.AnimationRotate
Gets the ending rotation angle
- getEndLineColor() - Method in class com.supermap.plot.AnimationAttribute
Gets the ending line color
- getEndLineWidth() - Method in class com.supermap.plot.AnimationAttribute
Gets the ending line width
- getEndLocation() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.ARAnimationParameter
Gets the geographical position of the ending point
- getEndLocation() - Method in class com.supermap.plot.AnimationGrow
Gets the ending time node
- getEndPosition() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.ARAnimationParameter
Gets the ending point
- getEndScaleFactor() - Method in class com.supermap.plot.AnimationScale
Gets the ending scale
- getEndStopIndex() - Method in class com.supermap.onlineservices.LineItem
Get off the station compared to the full index.
- getEndStopName() - Method in class com.supermap.onlineservices.LineItem
Get the name of the current segment terminal (subway) station
- getEndSurroundLineColor() - Method in class com.supermap.plot.AnimationAttribute
Gets the color of the ending serif
- getEndSurroundLineWidth() - Method in class com.supermap.plot.AnimationAttribute
Gets the width of the ending serif
- getEndType() - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.BufferAnalystParameter
Returns the type of the end of the line buffer zone.
- getEngineType() - Method in class com.supermap.data.DatasourceConnectionInfo
Return the engine type of the datasource connection.
- getEnums(Class) - Static method in class com.supermap.data.Enum
Returns all the enumeration constants in the given enumeration class.
- getEnums(Class) - Static method in class com.supermap.messagequeue.Enum
Gets all enumeration object
- getErrorMessage() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.ErrorCallback.Error
- GetEvent(String) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.TrackingLayer
Gets the index of the geometric object with the specified label in this TrackingLayer.
- getExpectedSupplyCenterCount() - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.LocationAnalystParameter
Gets the number of the supply centers which will be used to build some establishments.
- getExpectRecordCount() - Method in class com.supermap.services.ServiceQueryParameter
Gets the query record number expected to return.
- getExpireDate() - Method in class com.supermap.data.LicenseStatus
Gets the end date of the license.
- getExpression() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeGraduatedSymbol
Returns the field or field expression which is used for creating a graduated symbol thematic map
- getExtendedHeight() - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoStyle3D
Gets the extended height of the geometry object in the scene.
- getExternalLocationListener() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.CameraRecordControl
Gets whether to output results using an external location alternative location
- getFalseEasting() - Method in class com.supermap.data.PrjParameter
Returns the false easting of the coordinates.
- getFalseNorthing() - Method in class com.supermap.data.PrjParameter
Returns the false northing of the coordinates.
- getFarClipPlane() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.EffectView
Gets the distance of the far clipping plane
- getFeatureArray(Feature3DSearchOption) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Feature3Ds
Returns the array of the Feature3D objects in this Feature3Ds object.
- getFeatureCount() - Method in class com.supermap.services.FeatureSet
Return the count of elements in the feature collection.
- getFeatures() - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Layer3D
Return the three-dimensional element collection object in the tree structure.
- getFeaturesArray(Feature3DSearchOption) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Feature3Ds
Returns an array of child objects in the Feature3D collection object, and the child object is also a Feature3D collection object.
- getFieldCount() - Method in class com.supermap.data.DatasetVector
Gets the number of the fields in the vector dataset.
- getFieldCount() - Method in class com.supermap.data.Recordset
Returns the number of the Field in the Recordset.
- getFieldCount() - Method in class com.supermap.services.FeatureSet
Returns the number of fields in the FieldInfos object of the feature collection.
- getFieldDouble(int, String) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.TrackingLayer
Gets the Double filed value of the specified field name of the specified ID in the tracking layer.
- getFieldInfo(String) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.TrackingLayer
Gets the field information of the specified field name in the tracking layer.
- getFieldInfos() - Method in class com.supermap.data.DatasetVector
Gets the FieldInfos object, that is, all fields information in attribute table.
- getFieldInfos() - Method in class com.supermap.data.Recordset
Returns the FieldInfos object of the Recordset.
- getFieldInfos() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.TrackingLayer
Gets the FieldInfos in the tracking layer.
- getFieldInfos() - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Layer3D
Return the attribute field information collection object of the 3D vector layer.
- getFieldInfos() - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Layer3DOSGBFile
Return the attribute table information.
- getFieldInfos() - Method in class com.supermap.services.FeatureSet
Gets the FieldInfos object in the FeatureSet.
- getFieldInt(int, String) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.TrackingLayer
Gets the Int filed value of the specified field name of the specified ID in the tracking layer.
- getFieldName(int) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.TrackingLayer
Gets the field name of the specified field ID crested by user in the tracking layer.
- getFieldNames() - Method in class com.supermap.services.Feature
Get attribute name array.
- getFieldString(int, String) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.TrackingLayer
Gets the String filed value of the specified field name of the specified ID in the tracking layer.
- getFieldValue(int) - Method in class com.supermap.data.Recordset
Returns the field value of the current record in attribute table according to the index of the field.
- getFieldValue(String) - Method in class com.supermap.data.Recordset
Returns the field value of the current record in attribute table according to the name of the field.
- getFieldValue(int) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Feature3D
Returns field value corresponding to the field index specified by the Feature3D object.
- getFieldValue(String) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Feature3D
Returns field value corresponding to the field name specified by the Feature3D object.
- getFieldValue(String) - Method in class com.supermap.services.FeatureSet
Return the value of this field in the current feature according to the given field name.
- getFieldValueOfSelectedObject(int) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Layer3DOSGBFile
Return the value of the specified ID field in the attribute data sheet of the selected object.
- getFieldValues() - Method in class com.supermap.services.Feature
Get attribute value array.
- getFilePath() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.gltfModel.Gltf
Gets the path of the gltf file
- getFillBackColor() - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoStyle
Returns the background color of the fill symbol.
- getFillBackOpaque() - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoStyle
Determines whether the background of the fill symbol is opaque.
- getFillForeColor() - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoStyle
Returns the foreground color of the fill symbol.
- getFillForeColor() - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoStyle3D
Returns the foreground color of the fill symbol.
- getFillGradientAngle() - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoStyle
Gets or sets the rotation angle of the marker symbol.
- getFillGradientMode() - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoStyle
Returns the gradient type for the gradient fill style.
- getFillGradientOffsetRatioX() - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoStyle
Returns the horizontal offset percentage of the gradient fill center relative to the center of the fill extent.
- getFillGradientOffsetRatioY() - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoStyle
Returns the vertical offset percentage of the fill center relative to the center of the fill extent.
- getFillLibrary() - Method in class com.supermap.data.Resources
Returns the SymbolFillLibraryobject in the Resources object.
- getFillOpaqueRate() - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoStyle
Returns the fill opacity.
- getFillSymbolID() - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoStyle
Returns the ID of the fill symbol.
- getFirstPersonCamera() - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Scene
Return the first-person camera parameters of the current scene.
- getFirstPointLongitude() - Method in class com.supermap.data.PrjParameter
Returns the longitude of the first point.
- getFirstRowIsField() - Method in class com.supermap.data.conversion.ImportSettingCSV
Gets whether the first line includes the field name
- getFixedDirection() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.excavator.ExcavationParameter
- getFlatten() - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoSpheroid
Returns the flattening of spheroid, which can be set when the type of GeoSpheroid is the user defined.
- getFlattenRegion(int) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Layer3DOSGBFile
Return the flattened area object of the specified index.
- getFlattenRegionCount() - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Layer3DOSGBFile
Returns the number of objects in the flattened area of the current scene.
- getFlattenRegionTag(int) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Layer3DOSGBFile
Returns the label of the flattened area object at the specified index.
- getFlyManager() - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Scene
Return the FlyManager object associated with the 3D scene.
- getFNodeIDField() - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.FacilityAnalystSetting
Returns the field that identifies the edge start node ID in the network dataset.
- getFNodeIDField() - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.TransportationAnalystSetting
Returns the field that identifies the edge start node ID in the network dataset.
- getFNodeIDField() - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst3d.FacilityAnalystSetting3D
Returns The name of the field identifying the from node ID of the edge.
- getFNodeIDField() - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst3d.TransportationAnalystSetting3D
Returns The name of the field identifying the from node ID of the edge.
- getFocalLength35mmEq() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.RecordParameter
Gets 35mm equivalent focal length of camera
- getFolderPath() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.record.EffectViewRecorder
Gets the folder path
- getFontHeight() - Method in class com.supermap.data.TextStyle
Returns the height of the text.
- getFontName() - Method in class com.supermap.data.TextStyle
Returns the name of the text font.
- getFontScale() - Method in class com.supermap.data.TextStyle
Get the scale ratio of the label font.
- getFontWidth() - Method in class com.supermap.data.TextStyle
Returns the width of the text.
- getForeColor() - Method in class com.supermap.data.TextStyle
Returns the foreground color of the text.
- getForegroundView() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.EffectView
Acquisition of foreground
- getForeignTable() - Method in class com.supermap.data.JoinItem
Returns the name of the external table.
- getFormatedAddress() - Method in class com.supermap.onlineservices.GeocodingData
Get the description of the geocoded address names that conforms to the geocoding specification.
- getFPS() - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Scene
Get the frame rate of the current scene, that is, frames per second.
- getFromPointIndex() - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.spatialanalyst.VisibleResult
Returns the index of the observation point of the visibility analysis
- getFTSingleWayRuleValues() - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.TransportationAnalystSetting
Returns the array of strings indicating the forward single way.
- getFTSingleWayRuleValues() - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst3d.TransportationAnalystSetting3D
Returns an array of strings that are used to represent forward lines, that is, when the value of the RuleField field is one of the values of the array, it represents a forward line.
- getFTWeightField() - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.WeightFieldInfo
Gets the positive weight filed.
- getFTWeightField() - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst3d.WeightFieldInfo3D
Returns the forward weight fields or expressions.
- getFuzzyDegree() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.LayerHeatmap
Returns the fuzzy extent of the color gradient in a heat map.
- getFX() - Method in class com.supermap.videomap.CameraIntrinsic
Get the horizontal focal length
- getFY() - Method in class com.supermap.videomap.CameraIntrinsic
Get the vertical focal length
- getG() - Method in class com.supermap.data.Color
Return a green component
- getGaussianStretchRatioFactor() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ImageStretchOption
Gaussian Tensile Coefficient (Tensile Ratio)
- getGenerator() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.gltfModel.Asset
Gets generation information
- getGeoCoordSys() - Method in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSys
Returns the GeoCoordSys object of the PrjCoordSys object.
- getGeoDatum() - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSys
Returns the GeoDatum object.
- getGeoLine() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.ARGeoLine
Gets the geographic line object
- getGeoLine() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.ARGeoVerticalRegion
Gets geographic regional objects
- getGeoLocation() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.CalibrationPoint
Get geographic coordinate points
- getGeometry() - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoPlacemark
Returns the Geometry object which is corresponding to the GeoPlacemark object.
- getGeometry() - Method in class com.supermap.data.Recordset
The geometric object of the current Recordset in attribute table.
- getGeometry() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.collector.CollectorElement
Obtains the Geometry of collected object.
- getGeometry() - Method in class com.supermap.plot.AnimationGO
Gets the geometric object id.
- getGeometry() - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Feature3D
Returns the 3D geometry that corresponds to the 3D feature.
- getGeometry() - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Tracked3DEvent
Gets the object tracked.
- getGeometry() - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Tracking3DEvent
Gets the object tracked.
- getGeometry() - Method in class com.supermap.services.Feature
Gets the geometric object.
- getGeometry() - Method in class com.supermap.services.FeatureSet
Get the geometry object in the current element.
- getGeometryID() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.GeometrySelectedEvent
Returns the ID of the selected object.
- getGeometryIDs() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.FinishEditedEvent
Gets the object ID array for the new result.
- getGeometryType() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.collector.CollectorElement
Obtains geometry object type of collected object.
- getGeometryType() - Method in class com.supermap.onlineservices.WalkInfo
Get the type of the geometry object.
- getGeoModel(int, int) - Method in class com.supermap.data.Geometry3D
Gets the GeoModel object through the numbers of slices and stacks.
- getGeoPoint() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.CalibrationPoint
Get geographic coordinate points
- getGeoPoint() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.ARGeoPoint
Gets a set of geographic points
- getGeoPoints() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.collector.CollectorElement
Obtains the point string of collected object.
- getGeoPoints() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.dyn.DynamicElement
Gets the tuples.
- getGeoPrimeMeridian() - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSys
Returns the PrimeMeridian object.
- getGeoRegion() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.ARGeoHorizontalRegion
Gets regional objects.
- getGeoRegion() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.ARGeoPrism
Gets GeoRegion
- getGeoRegion() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.ARGeoRegion2
Get face object
- getGeoSpatialRefType() - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSys
Returns the type of the spatial reference system.
- getGeoSpheroid() - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatum
Returns the spheroid object of the datum.
- getGestureDetector() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.dyn.DynamicView
Gets the gesture detector that users customize
- getGestureDetector() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.MapControl
Gets the gesture detector that users customize
- getGlobalImage() - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Scene
Return the global basemap object.
- getGltfElement(String) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.EffectView
- getGltfModel() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.ARGltfElement
Get the GLTF instance Only valid after
is set。 - getGPSPoint() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.collector.Collector
Get the current position.
- getGradientColorType() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.LayerGridAggregation
Gets a color gradient in a grid map
- getGradientColorType() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.LayerHeatmap
Gets the gradient mode in a heat map
- getGraduatedMode() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeGraduatedSymbol
display mode.
- getGraduatedMode() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeGraph
Gets the calculation mode
- getGraphExpression() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeGraphItem
Gets the field expression of a statistical thematic map
- getGraphTextFormat() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeGraph
Gets display formats of text of a statistical thematic map
- getGraphTextStyle() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeGraph
Gets text label styles of a diagram
- getGraphType() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeGraph
Gets the display types of a thematic map
- getGridAggregationType() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.LayerGridAggregation
Gets the grid types of a grid aggregation map.
- getGridCenter() - Method in class com.supermap.data.SpatialIndexInfo
Return the center point of the grid.
- getGridHeight() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.LayerGridAggregation
Gets the height of each border of a rectangle grid
- getGridLabelStyle() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.LayerGridAggregation
Gets the style of statistical values within grids
- getGridLineStyle() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.LayerGridAggregation
Gets the style of grid line
- getGridOutputNamePrefix() - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.spatialanalyst.GridAnalystSetting
Gets the name prefix of the raster dataset
- getGridOutputNamePrefix() - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.spatialanalyst.TerrainAnalystSetting
Gets the name prefix of the raster dataset
- getGridShape() - Method in class com.supermap.data.mapGrid.MapGridParam
- getGridSize() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.imChart.GridHotChart
obtains grid size
- getGridSize0() - Method in class com.supermap.data.SpatialIndexInfo
Returns the size of the first level grid.
- getGridSize1() - Method in class com.supermap.data.SpatialIndexInfo
Return the size of the second level grid.
- getGridSize2() - Method in class com.supermap.data.SpatialIndexInfo
Return the size of the third level grid.
- getGridStatisticsResult() - Method in class com.supermap.data.DatasetGrid
Returns the statistics result of raster dataset.
- getGridType() - Method in class com.supermap.data.mapGrid.MapGridParam
Get Grid Type
- getGridwidth() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.LayerGridAggregation
Gets the length of each border of a hexagonal grid or the width of each border of a rectangle grid.
- getGroupApply(String, int, int, GroupCheckStatus, OrderType, OnlineCallBack.CallBackString) - Static method in class com.supermap.onlineservices.OnlineService
Gets the application list information of the current group.
- getGroupApply(String, int, int, GroupCheckStatus, OrderType, OnResponseListener) - Method in class com.supermap.services.iportalservices.IPortalService
Gets the application list information of the current group Including application information, passed application information, and privileged audit.
- getGroupBy() - Method in class com.supermap.data.QueryParameter
Returns the field used to group the result records of the SQL query.
- getGroupBy() - Method in class com.supermap.services.ServiceQueryParameter
Obtains SQL query grouping conditional clause
- getGroupByIndex(int) - Method in class com.supermap.plot.AnimationManager
Gets animation groups according to sequence
- getGroupByName(String) - Method in class com.supermap.plot.AnimationManager
Gets animation groups according to their names
- getGroupCount() - Method in class com.supermap.plot.AnimationManager
Gets the number of the animation groups
- getGroupInfo(String, OnlineCallBack.CallBackString) - Static method in class com.supermap.onlineservices.OnlineService
Checks resource information of a group
- getGroupInfo(String, OnResponseListener) - Method in class com.supermap.services.iportalservices.IPortalService
Checks resource information of a group
- getGroupName() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.ARAnimationGroup
Gets the name of the animation group
- getGroupName() - Method in class com.supermap.plot.AnimationGroup
Gets the name of the animation group
- getGroupResources(String, int, int, String, ResourceOrderBy, OrderType, String, OnlineCallBack.CallBackString) - Static method in class com.supermap.onlineservices.OnlineService
Check data resource of a group Once members of a group get data ID, they can download data directly
- getGroupResources(String, int, int, String, ResourceOrderBy, OrderType, String, OnResponseListener) - Method in class com.supermap.services.iportalservices.IPortalService
Check data resource of a group Once members of a group get data ID, they can download data directly
- getGroupsInfo(int, int, GroupOrderBy, String, JoinTypes[], OrderType, OnlineCallBack.CallBackString) - Static method in class com.supermap.onlineservices.OnlineService
Gets the group list that the current user has permissions to check.
- getGroupsInfo(int, int, GroupOrderBy, String, JoinTypes, OrderType, OnResponseListener) - Method in class com.supermap.services.iportalservices.IPortalService
Gets the groups that the current user can check If you want to get a specific group information, you can use keyword of its name Search according to group types joinTypes including CREATE (you created), JOINED (you have joined), CANJOIN (you can join)
- getGuideEndDistance() - Method in class com.supermap.navi.Navigation2
Gets the navigation ending distance.
- getGuideEndDistance() - Method in class com.supermap.navi.Navigation3
Gets the distance to the destination when the navigation finished.
- getGuideLine() - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.PathGuideItem
Returns the corresponding path guide segment when the item is line ( is true).
- getHandleSelectedStyle() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.MapEditStyle
Gets the selected style of the control point.
- getHandleStyle() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.MapEditStyle
Gets the style of the control point.
- getHasGeometry() - Method in class com.supermap.data.QueryParameter
Returns whether the result of query has geometry.
- getHasPyramid() - Method in class com.supermap.data.DatasetGrid
Returns a value indicates that whether the grid dataset has built the pyramid.
- getHasPyramid() - Method in class com.supermap.data.DatasetImage
Gets a value indicates that whether the image dataset has built the pyramid.
- getHead() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.ArView
Gets the height of the current observation point
- getHeading() - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Camera
Returns the camera azimuth.
- getHeading() - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.LookAt
Gets the azimuth of the viewpoint that is the angle between the north and the point in the clockwise direction which ranges from 0 to 360 degree
- getHeading() - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.ProjectionImage
- getHeight() - Method in class com.supermap.ai.AISize
Gets the width
- getHeight() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.Location
Gets the width
- getHeight() - Method in class com.supermap.data.DatasetGrid
Returns the height of the grid of the DatasetGrid.
- getHeight() - Method in class com.supermap.data.DatasetGridInfo
Returns the height of the grid of the DatasetGrid.
- getHeight() - Method in class com.supermap.data.DatasetImage
Returns the height of the image in image dataset and the unit is pixel.
- getHeight() - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoBox
obtains or sets the height of the cuboid geometry object, that is the length in Z axis, the unit is meter, and the default is 0.0
- getHeight() - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoRectangle
Returns the height of the GeoRectangle object, that is the height before rotating.
- getHeight() - Method in class com.supermap.data.Rectangle2D
Returns the height of this Rectangle2D object, and the value of the height of the rectangle is the result of subtracting the y-coordinate of the bottom edge from the y-coordinate of the top edge.
- getHeight() - Method in class com.supermap.data.Size2D
Return the height of the Size2D.
- getHeight() - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Tracked3DEvent
Gets the height of the object tracked.
- getHintLineLength() - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.ProjectionImage
- getHintLineVisible() - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.ProjectionImage
- GetHitTestTolerance() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.dyn.DynamicView
Gets the tolerance selected by the dynamic object.
- getHorizontalFOV() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.RecordParameter
Gets the horizontal FOV of camera
- getHorizontalFov() - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.ProjectionImage
- getHours() - Method in class com.supermap.data.TimeSpan
Returns the hours part of the time interval represented by the TimeSpan object.
- getHypsometricSetting() - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Layer3DOSGBFile
Get the layered and colored object.
- getID() - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.DemandResult
Returns the ID of the demand nodes or the edge ID.
- getID() - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.PathGuideItem
Returns the ID of the path guide item.
- getID() - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.SupplyCenter
Gets the ID of the supply center.
- getID() - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.SupplyResult
Gets the ID of the supply center.
- getId() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.ARAnimationGroup
Gets id
- getId() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.AREffectElement
Gets id
- getId() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.ArObject
Gets ArObject ID
- getID() - Method in class com.supermap.data.Geometry
Returns the identifier of the geometry.
- getID() - Method in class com.supermap.data.Recordset
Returns the ID (SmID) of geometric object corresponding to the current record in the attribute table.
- getID() - Method in class com.supermap.data.Symbol
Returns the ID of the Symbol object.
- getID() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.collector.CollectorElement
Obtains the ID of collected object.
- getID() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.dyn.DynamicElement
Gets the ID of dynamic object.
- getID() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.GeometryEvent
Returns the ID of the geometric object to be edited currently.
- getId(Context, String) - Static method in class com.supermap.mapping.NavigationPlus.ResourceUtil
- getId() - Method in class com.supermap.onlineservices.WalkInfo
Get the ID of geometry.
- getID() - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Feature3D
Returns the ID of the Feature3D object.
- getID() - Method in class com.supermap.services.FeatureSet
Used to returns the ID of the geometry object of the current Feature (The value of SmID).
- getImages() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.gltfModel.Gltf
Gets images
- getImageSizeHeight() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Map
Returns the height of the image.
- getImageSizeWidth() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Map
Returns the width of the image.
- getImageStretchOption() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.LayerSettingImage
Get image stretch parameters If there is a color table, and the number of color table is not 0, will use the color table to display the image, then the drawing method does not work, If there is no color table or the number is 0, support the stretch display.
- getImageView() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.ImageEffectView
Get ImageView
- getIndex() - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.PathGuideItem
Returns the number of the path guide item.
- getIndex() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.gltfModel.BaseColorTexture
Gets indexes
- getIndex() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.dyn.DynamicView
Gets the index of the current dynamic layer.
- getIndex() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.LayerAddedEvent
Gets layer index.
- getIndex() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.LayerGroupAddedEvent
Returns the index of the added group layer.
- getIndex() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.LayerGroupRemovedEvent
Returns the index of the removed group layer.
- getIndex() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.LayerRemovedEvent
Returns the index of the layer to be removed.
- getIndices() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.gltfModel.Primitives
Gets indexes
- getIndoorDatasource() - Method in class com.supermap.indoor.FloorListView
Gets the current indoor datasource
- getIndoorDatasource() - Method in class com.supermap.indoor3d.FloorListView3D
Get the current indoor datasource
- getInfo() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.ArObject
Gets object description
- getInnerMargin() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.excavator.ExcavationParameter
Gets display padding
- getInnerPoint() - Method in class com.supermap.data.Geometry
Returns the inner point of the geometry object.
- getInnerPoint3D() - Method in class com.supermap.data.Geometry3D
Returns the inner point of the geometry object.
- getInput() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.gltfModel.Samplers
Gets the input value
- getInsights(HashMap<String, String>, OnResponseListener) - Method in class com.supermap.services.iportalservices.IPortalService
Gets insight resource
- getInstance() - Static method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.ARAnimationManager
Gets the current AnimationManager
- getInstance() - Static method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.CameraRecordControl.TaskManager
Gets the instance
- getInstance(Context) - Static method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.config.ResourceConfig
- getInstance() - Static method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.ExShapeGenerator
Gets instance
- getInstance() - Static method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.PrjCoordSysParameter
- getInstance(HmsAREffectView) - Static method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.scanner.HwImageScanner
- getInstance(AREffectView) - Static method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.scanner.ImageScanner
- getInstance(Context) - Static method in class com.supermap.data.CloudLicenseManager
Gets the instance of the license manager class.
- getInstance(Context) - Static method in class com.supermap.data.EduLicense
Gets the instance of the education license manager class.
- getInstance() - Static method in class com.supermap.data.PrivateCloudLicenseManager
Gets the instance of the private license manager class.
- getInstance(Context) - Static method in class com.supermap.data.RecycleLicenseManager
Gets the instance of the license manager class.
- getInstance() - Static method in class com.supermap.mapping.speech.SpeechControl
Gets an instance of the SpeechControl class
- getInstance(Context) - Static method in class com.supermap.mapping.speech.SpeechManager
Gets an instance of the SpeechManager class
- getInstance() - Static method in class com.supermap.plot.AnimationManager
Gets the instance of the class
- getInstance() - Static method in class com.supermap.plugin.SpeakPlugin
Gets the plug-in instance of the voice broadcast.
- getInstance(Context) - Static method in class com.supermap.realspace.OLAccountManager
Get instance of SuperMap Online.
- getInstance() - Static method in class com.supermap.services.iportalservices.IPortalService
Gets the only instance of IPortalService
- getInt16(int) - Method in class com.supermap.data.Recordset
The value of the "16 bit integer" field in the current record from the attribute table of the dataset.
- getInt16(String) - Method in class com.supermap.data.Recordset
The value of the "16 bit integer" field in the current record from the attribute table of the dataset.
- getInt16(String) - Method in class com.supermap.services.FeatureSet
Return the field value of the current feature in 16 integer.
- getInt32(int) - Method in class com.supermap.data.Recordset
The value of the "32 bit integer" field in the current record from the attribute table of the dataset.
- getInt32(String) - Method in class com.supermap.data.Recordset
The value of the "32 bit integer" field in the current record from the attribute table of the dataset.
- getInt32(String) - Method in class com.supermap.services.FeatureSet
Return the field value of the current feature in 32 integer.
- getInt64(int) - Method in class com.supermap.data.Recordset
The value of the "64 bit integer" field in the current record from the attribute table of the dataset.
- getInt64(String) - Method in class com.supermap.data.Recordset
The value of the "64 bit integer" field in the current record from the attribute table of the dataset.
- getInt64(String) - Method in class com.supermap.services.FeatureSet
Return the field value of the current feature in 64 integer.
- getIntensity() - Method in class com.supermap.data.PathSmoothTool
get filter strength
- getIntensity() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.LayerHeatmap
Returns the color ratio (ranging from 0 to 1) of high-density points
- getInterpolation() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.gltfModel.Samplers
Gets the interpolation
- getIntersectionPoint(int, int) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.ArView
Gets the center of screen to set the location of ArObject
- getInterval() - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.HypsometricSetting
Gets interval of contour line
- getIPortalServiceHost() - Method in class com.supermap.services.iportalservices.IPortalService
Gets ip of the host currently logged in
- getIsBlackWhiteInverse() - Method in class com.supermap.data.conversion.ImportSettingDWG
Whether black and white anti-color
- getIsBlackWhiteInverse() - Method in class com.supermap.data.conversion.ImportSettingDXF
Whether black and white anti-color
- getIsIntrinsic() - Method in class com.supermap.videomap.CameraIntrinsic
Gets the internal parameter state value
- getIsPOIOptimized() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Map
Whether to optimize POI display
- getIsSelected() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.speech.POIInfo
Gets whether it has been selected
- getIsShowGridLabel() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.LayerGridAggregation
Returns whether to display grid labels
- getIsSwipe() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Layer
Gets whether to enable the Swipe feature
- getItalic() - Method in class com.supermap.data.TextStyle
Returns whether the text is italic, and true represents italic.
- getItalicAngle() - Method in class com.supermap.data.TextStyle
Returns the angle of italics, which ranges from positive to negative degree.
- getItem(int) - Method in class com.supermap.data.Point2Ds
Returns the Point2D object at the specified index in this Point2Ds object.
- getItem(int) - Method in class com.supermap.data.Point3Ds
Returns the Point2D object at the specified index in this Point2Ds object.
- getItem(int) - Method in class com.supermap.data.PointMs
Returns the PointM object with the specified index from this PointMs object.
- getItem(int) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeGraph
Gets the sub items of the specified thematic map
- getItem(int) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeGridRange
Returns the grid ranges map item with the specified index in range thematic map.
- getItem(int) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeLabel
Returns the label map item with the specified index in the label map.
- getItem(int) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeRange
Returns the ranges map item with the specified index in range thematic map.
- getItem(int) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeUnique
Returns the ThemeUniqueItem object with the specified index.
- getItemMarginHorizontal() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.view.SymbolLibView
Gets horizontal margins
- getItemMarginVertical() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.view.SymbolLibView
Gets vertical margins
- getJoinFilter() - Method in class com.supermap.data.JoinItem
Returns the joint expression between the vector dataset and the foreign table, i.e., sets the related fields between the two tables.
- getJoinType() - Method in class com.supermap.data.JoinItem
Returns the join type of the two tables.
- getJsonStr() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.gltfModel.Gltf
Gets json string of gltf
- getKernelRadius() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.LayerHeatmap
The kernel radius
- getKeys() - Method in class com.supermap.data.ColorDictionary
obtains color dictionary table value array.
- getKeywords() - Method in class com.supermap.onlineservices.POIQueryParameter
Get the keywords.
- getLabelExpression() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeLabel
Returns the label field expression.
- getLabelRepeatInterval() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeLabel
Returns the interval of the repeated labels along the line.
- getLabelStyle() - Method in class com.supermap.data.mapGrid.MapGridParam
Get Label Style
- getLanguage() - Static method in class com.supermap.data.Environment
Gets the language.
- getLastLicense() - Method in class com.supermap.data.CloudLicenseManager
Gets the last license information
- getLatitude() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.Location
Gets the latitude
- getLatitude() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.GeoObject
Gets the latitude
- getLatitude() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.World
Gets the user's altitude
- getLatitude() - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Camera
Returns the camera latitude.The unit is degree.
- getLatitude() - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.LookAt
Gets the latitude of the viewpoint.
- getLayer() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.FinishEditedEvent
Gets the layer edited by the topology editor.
- getLayer() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.GeometryEvent
Returns the layer which the geometric object to be edited currently belongs to.
- getLayer() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.GeometrySelectedEvent
Returns the layer of the selected object.
- getLayer() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.LayerEvent
Returns the layer object.
- getLayerByName(String) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.LayerGroup
Finds Layer the its name
- getLayerName() - Method in class com.supermap.plot.AnimationGO
Gets layer name
- getLayers() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Map
Returns the layers object of this map.
- getLayers() - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Scene
Returns the 3D layer collection object.
- getLayerSettingVectorCache() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Layer
Gets the setting style of the vector layer.
- getLayoutId(Context, String) - Static method in class com.supermap.mapping.NavigationPlus.ResourceUtil
- getLeaderLineStyle() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeGraduatedSymbol
Gets the styles of restriction lines among objects
- getLeaderLineStyle() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeGraph
Gets the styles of restriction lines among objects
- getLeaderLineStyle() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeLabel
Returns the style of the leader line between the label and the object.
- getLeafObjectCount() - Method in class com.supermap.data.SpatialIndexInfo
Returns the count of leaf objects of R tree spatial index.
- getLeft() - Method in class com.supermap.data.mapGrid.MapGridParam
Get the min X
- getLeft() - Method in class com.supermap.data.Rectangle2D
Returns the coordinate of the left edge of the Rectangle2D object.
- getLeftDistance() - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.BufferAnalystParameter
Gets the (left) buffer distance.
- getLegend() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.imChart.ChartView
Gets the legend associated with the chart.
- getLegend() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Map
Gets the legend of the map.
- getLegendView() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.imChart.ChartsView
Obtains legend LegendView ?
- getLength() - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.PathGuideItem
Returns the corresponding line length when the path guide item is line (namely the
is true). - getLength() - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoArc
Returns the length of the circular arc.
- getLength() - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoBSpline
Returns the length of the GeoBSpline object.
- getLength() - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoCardinal
Returns the length of the 2D GeoCardinal object.
- getLength() - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoCurve
Returns the length of the GeoCurve object.
- getLength() - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoEllipticArc
Returns the length of the elliptic arc.
- getLength() - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoLine
Returns the length of the GeoLine object, it's the sum of the lengthes of all the subobjects.
- getLength() - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoLineM
Returns the length of the GeoLineM object and the unit is the same as that of the dataset.
- getLength() - Method in class com.supermap.data.NodeAnimation
Get the duration of the node animation run cycle in seconds.
- getLength() - Method in class com.supermap.navi.NaviPath
Gets the length of the navigation path.
- getLength() - Method in class com.supermap.navi.NaviStep
Gets the length of this road.
- getLength() - Method in class com.supermap.onlineservices.NavigationOnlineData
Gets the total length of the returned analysis results.
- getLength() - Method in class com.supermap.onlineservices.PathInfo
Gets the length of this road.
- getLength() - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Tracked3DEvent
Gets the length of the object tracked.
- getLevelEnable() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ScaleView
Returns whether it opens graduated scale mode
- getLibrary() - Method in class com.supermap.data.Symbol
Returns the SymbolLibrary object which the Symbol object belongs to.
- getLibrary() - Method in class com.supermap.data.SymbolGroup
Returns the SymbolLibrary object which is related with the SymbolGroup object.
- getLibraryID() - Method in class com.supermap.plot.GeoGraphicObject
Gets ID of symbol library where the symbol is.
- getLicenseInfos() - Method in class com.supermap.data.EduLicense
After activating the license, gets related information
- getLicensePath() - Static method in class com.supermap.data.Environment
Gets the path that stores the license file.
- getLicenseStatus() - Static method in class com.supermap.data.Environment
Gets the license status.
- getLicenseStatus() - Method in class com.supermap.data.RecycleLicenseManager
Gets the license status.
- getLimitWidthHeight() - Method in class com.supermap.plot.GeoGraphicObject
Gets 2D point symbol whether lock aspect ratio
- getLineChartType() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.dyn.DynLineChart
Gets the line chart type.
- getLineColor() - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoStyle
Returns the color of the line symbol or marker symbol.
- getLineColor() - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoStyle3D
Gets the outline line symbol color of the line or region geometric objects in the 3D scene.
- getLineColor() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.dyn.DynamicStyle
Gets the line color.
- getLineColorAttr() - Method in class com.supermap.plot.AnimationAttribute
Gets whether the color attribute is valid.
- getLineDirection() - Method in class com.supermap.onlineservices.LineItem
Get the direction of the segmented line.
- getLineItems() - Method in class com.supermap.onlineservices.LineItems
Gets the line information of the current transfer segment.
- getLineLibrary() - Method in class com.supermap.data.Resources
Returns the SymbolLineLibrary object in the Resources object.
- getLineName() - Method in class com.supermap.onlineservices.LineItem
Get the name of the bus (subway) line for the current segment.
- getLinesItems() - Method in class com.supermap.onlineservices.SolutionItem
Get specific traffic transfer lines information.
- getLineStyle() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.ARDynamicGeometry
- getLineSymbolID() - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoStyle
Return the ID of the line symbol.
- getLineTime() - Method in class com.supermap.onlineservices.LineItem
Get the morning and evening hours of the current bus (or subway).
- getLineType() - Method in class com.supermap.onlineservices.LineItem
Get the current line type.
- getLineWidth() - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoStyle
Returns the width of the line symbol, and the unit is millimeter and accurate to 0.1 millimeter.
- getLineWidthAttr() - Method in class com.supermap.plot.AnimationAttribute
Gets whether the width attribute of line is valid.
- getLocalFilePath() - Method in class com.supermap.mdatacollector.MDataCollector
Gets the path for storing local media files.
- getLocalScaleFactor() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.AREffectElement
Gets the scale of the object in the AR world
- getLocation() - Method in class com.supermap.onlineservices.DestinationInfo
Get the geographic coordinates of the destination.
- getLocation() - Method in class com.supermap.onlineservices.GeocodingData
Get the geographic coordinates of the matching input address description, Returns the data if it is forward.
- getLocation() - Method in class com.supermap.onlineservices.POIInfo
Get POI coordinates
- getLocation() - Method in class com.supermap.onlineservices.StartInfo
Get the start point coordinates.
- getLocations() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.FlowElement
get geographic location
- getLocationUpdateListener() - Method in interface com.supermap.ar.areffect.gnss.IPoseMixer
- getLocationUpdateListener() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.gnss.PoseMixer
- getLocationX() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.CallOut
Get the display coordinate x of the CallOut.
- getLocationY() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.CallOut
Get the display coordinate y of the CallOut.
- getLockedViewBounds() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Map
Returns the locked view bounds of the map control.
- getLODRangeScale() - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Layer3DOSGBFile
Returns the distance zoom factor for switching the LOD level.
- getLodRangeScale() - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.TerrainLayer
Get LOD range ratio in the 3D terrain layer.
- getLongBinary(int) - Method in class com.supermap.data.Recordset
The value of the "binary" field in the current record from the attribute table of the dataset.
- getLongBinary(String) - Method in class com.supermap.data.Recordset
The value of the "binary" field in the current record from the attribute table of the dataset.
- getLongitude() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.Location
Gets longitude
- getLongitude() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.GeoObject
Gets longitude
- getLongitude() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.World
Gets the user' longitude
- getLongitude() - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Camera
Returns the camera longitude.The unit is degree.
- getLongitude() - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.LookAt
Gets the longitude of the viewpoint relative to the prime meridian in degree.
- getLongitudeValue() - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoPrimeMeridian
Returns the prime meridian.
- getLookAt() - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Scene
Get the camera object of the current scene.
- getLookRotation(AREffectElement) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.EffectView
Gets when the element is pointed towards the camera Rotation Angle of the element
- getLookRotation(Vector3) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.EffectView
Gets the rotation Angle of the element at a position toward the camera
- getLookRotation(Point3D) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.EffectView
Gets the rotation Angle of the element at a position toward the camera
- getM() - Method in class com.supermap.data.PointM
Returns the measure value of the {
} structure object. - getMagFilter() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.gltfModel.Samplers
Gets mag filter
- getMagnifierCrossColor() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.MapControl
Return magnifying glass cross hair color
- getMagnifierRadius() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.MapControl
Get the radius of the magnifying glass
- getMajority() - Method in class com.supermap.data.StatisticsResult
Returns the majority mode of the cell values.
- getManager() - Static method in class com.supermap.realspace.DownloadManager
Deprecated.Replace with getDownloadManager(Context context). Used to get the DownloadManager class instance object.
- getMap() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.MapControl
Returns the map object that will be displayed in this MapControl.
- getMap() - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Layer3DMap
- getMapCacheService() - Method in class com.supermap.data.DatasetImage
Gets the map precache service.
- getMapControl() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.MapView
Gets the map control.
- getMapDashboards(HashMap<String, String>, OnResponseListener) - Method in class com.supermap.services.iportalservices.IPortalService
Gets dashboard resource
- getMapDownLoadThreadNum() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Map
Gets the number of network download threads Should be called before adding or opening a map
- getMapDPI() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Map
Gets the Map dpi.
- getMapEndTime() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Map
Returns the ending time of the time line displayed when playing the temporal data.
- getMapHeight() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.MapControl
The Map height.
- getMapLayersID() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.LayerSettingImage
Gets layer collection specified by map (for REST services).
- getMapLoadedListener() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Map
Get a listener which is used to receive the map add complete events.
- getMapName() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.EffectView
Gets map name
- getMaps() - Method in class com.supermap.data.Workspace
Returns the Maps object of this Workspace object.
- getMaps(HashMap<String, String>) - Method in class com.supermap.services.iportalservices.IPortalService
Map resource
- getMapScale() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.ARRealMap
Gets the scales of the map
- getMapStartTime() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Map
Returns the starting time of the time line displayed when playing the temporal data.
- getMapView() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.AR.ArControl2
Gets MapView
- getMapView() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Map
Gets map comtrol of Map
- getMapWidth() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.MapControl
Gets the Map width.
- getMarkerAngle() - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoStyle
Returns he rotation angle of the marker symbol.
- getMarkerColor() - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoStyle3D
Gets the color of the marker symbol of the marker geometric object in the 3D scene.
- getMarkerLayer() - Method in interface com.supermap.ar.areffect.MarkerItem
Gets marker layer
- getMarkerLibrary() - Method in class com.supermap.data.Resources
Returns the SymbolMarkerLibrary object in the Resources object.
- getMarkerSize() - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoStyle
Returns the size of the marker symbol.
- getMarkerSymbolID() - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoStyle
Return the ID of the point symbol.
- getMatchDatasets() - Method in class com.supermap.track.Track
Gets the matched road line dataset.
- getMAtDistance(double) - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoLineM
Returns the M value of the point object at the specified distance.
- getMAtDistance(double, boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoLineM
Returns the M value of the point object at the specified distance.
- getMAtDistance(double, int, boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoLineM
Returns the M value of the point object at the specified distance.
- getMaterial() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.gltfModel.Primitives
Gets the texture index
- getMaterials() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.gltfModel.Gltf
Gets material set
- getMAtPoint(Point2D, double, boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoLineM
Returns the M value of the specified point of the GeoLineM object.
- getMax() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.gltfModel.Accessors
Gets the maximum value
- getMaxColor() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.LayerGridAggregation
The color of highly dense points
- getMaxColor() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.LayerHeatmap
The color of highly dense points
- getMaxDistance() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.CameraWindowRenderer
Gets the furthest distance to render
- getMaxDistanceToRender() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.ArView
Gets the distance range that the objects within it will be displayed.
- getMaxEqualZeroPrecision() - Static method in class com.supermap.data.Environment
Returns the maximum equal-zero precision that is used to determine whether the float value and double value are zero.
- getMaxGraphSize() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeGraph
Returns a diagram displays the maximum value
- getMaxLabelLength() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeLabel
Returns the maximum label length displayed in each line.
- getMaxLength() - Method in class com.supermap.data.FieldInfo
Returns the maximum length of the field.
- getMaxM() - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoLineM
Gets the maximum measure value of the GeoLineM object.
- getMaxRecordCount() - Method in class com.supermap.data.Recordset.BatchEditor
Returns the maximum number of the records for submitting the result of batch edit automatically.
- getMaxScale() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Map
Returns the maximum scale of the map.
- getMaxSnappedCount() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.SnapSetting
Get the max count of snap.
- getMaxTextHeight() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeLabel
Returns the maximum text height in the label.
- getMaxTextWidth() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeLabel
Returns the maximum text width in the label.
- getMaxValue() - Method in class com.supermap.data.DatasetGrid
Returns the maximum value in the grid dataset.
- getMaxValue() - Method in class com.supermap.data.DatasetGridInfo
Returns the maximum in the grid ranks of raster dataset.
- getMaxValue() - Method in class com.supermap.data.StatisticsResult
Returns the maximum of the cell values.
- getMaxValue() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.LayerHeatmap
Gets the maximum value
- getMaxVisibleScale() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Layer
Returns the maximum visible scale of this layer.
- getMaxVisibleValue() - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.HypsometricSetting
Get the maximum visible value.
- getMaxVisibleVertex() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Map
Gets the maximum number of visible nodes
- getMaxWeight() - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.SupplyCenter
Returns the maximum cost (impedance) of the supply center.
- getMaxWeight() - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.SupplyResult
Returns the maximum cost (impedance) of the supply center.
- getMediaDataset() - Method in class com.supermap.mdatacollector.MDataCollector
Gets the dataset for media collection.
- getMedianValue() - Method in class com.supermap.data.StatisticsResult
Returns the medium of the cell values.
- getMediaPlayer() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.ARVideoElement
Gets the player
- getMediaPlayer() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.VideoEffectView
- getMediaPlayer() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.VideoEffectView2
Get the Media Player
- getMemoryData() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Theme
Returns the memory thematic map data.
- getMesh() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.gltfModel.Nodes
Gets the mesh
- getMeshes() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.gltfModel.Gltf
Gets mesh set
- getMessage() - Method in class com.supermap.data.SteppedEvent
Returns the information of the current operation.
- getMessage() - Method in class com.supermap.messagequeue.AMQPReturnMessage
Gets the message string
- getMessage() - Method in class com.supermap.messagequeue.MQTTReturnMessage
Gets message contents.
- getMetallic() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.BaseShape
Gets metallicity
- getMetallic() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.ShapeStyle
- getMetallicFactor() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.gltfModel.PbrMetallicRoughness
Gets the metallicity parameter
- getMin() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.gltfModel.Accessors
Gets the minimum value
- getMinArea() - Method in class com.supermap.data.RegularizeParameter
Gets the unit of the minimum area of the resulting set.
- getMinColor() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.LayerGridAggregation
The color of low dense points
- getMinColor() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.LayerHeatmap
The color of low dense points
- getMinEqualZeroPrecision() - Static method in class com.supermap.data.Environment
Returns the minimum equal-zero precision that is used to determine whether the float value and double value are zero.
- getMinFilter() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.gltfModel.Samplers
Gets min filter
- getMinGraphSize() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeGraph
Returns a diagram displays the minimum value
- getMinHoleArea() - Method in class com.supermap.data.RegularizeParameter
Gets the minimum area of hole.
- getMinM() - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoLineM
Gets the minimum measure value of the GeoLineM object.
- getMinority() - Method in class com.supermap.data.StatisticsResult
Returns the dilute value of the cell values.
- getMinScale() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Map
Returns the minimum scale of the map.
- getMinShowScale() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.dyn.DynamicElement
Gets the minimum display scale.
- getMinTextHeight() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeLabel
Returns the minimum text height in the label.
- getMinTextWidth() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeLabel
Returns the minimum text width in the label.
- getMinTimeStep() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Map
Calculates the default time step when playing the temporal data
- getMinutes() - Method in class com.supermap.data.TimeSpan
Returns the minutes part of the time interval represented by the TimeSpan object.
- getMinValue() - Method in class com.supermap.data.DatasetGrid
Returns the minimum value of the grid matrix in grid dataset.
- getMinValue() - Method in class com.supermap.data.DatasetGridInfo
Returns the minimum in the grid ranks of raster dataset.
- getMinValue() - Method in class com.supermap.data.StatisticsResult
Returns the minimum of the cell values.
- getMinValue() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.LayerHeatmap
Gets the minimum value
- getMinVisibleGeometrySize() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Layer
Returns the minimum display size of the geometry object, with the geometric object Bounds wide and the maximum height
- getMinVisibleScale() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Layer
Returns the minimum visible scale of this Layer.
- getMinVisibleValue() - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.HypsometricSetting
Get the minimum visible value.
- getMipmapId(Context, String) - Static method in class com.supermap.mapping.NavigationPlus.ResourceUtil
- getMode() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.gltfModel.Primitives
Gets the mode
- getMotionType(String) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Layer3DDynamicObject
- getMultiBandImportMode() - Method in class com.supermap.data.conversion.ImportSettingIMG
Get multi-band import mode
- getMultiBandImportMode() - Method in class com.supermap.data.conversion.ImportSettingTIF
Get multi-band import mode
- getMultiViewportMode() - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Scene
Get the multi-viewport mode of the current scene.
- getMyAccount(OnResponseListener) - Method in class com.supermap.services.iportalservices.IPortalService
Gets my account information
- getMyDataID(String, String, DataItemType, OnResponseListener) - Method in class com.supermap.services.iportalservices.IPortalService
Before uploading data, its ID needs to be requesting
- getMyDatas(HashMap<String, String>) - Method in class com.supermap.services.iportalservices.IPortalService
My data
- getMyGroupsInfo(int, int, GroupOrderBy, String, OrderType, OnlineCallBack.CallBackString) - Static method in class com.supermap.onlineservices.OnlineService
Gets the groups that the current user created
- getMyInsights(HashMap<String, String>, OnResponseListener) - Method in class com.supermap.services.iportalservices.IPortalService
Gets my insights
- getMyInvatation(int, int, InviteFeedbackStatus, OrderType, InviteOrderby, GroupInviteRole, OnlineCallBack.CallBackString) - Static method in class com.supermap.onlineservices.OnlineService
Gets the invitation list information related to the current user.
- getMyMapDashboards(HashMap<String, String>, OnResponseListener) - Method in class com.supermap.services.iportalservices.IPortalService
Gets My Dashboard
- getMyMaps(HashMap<String, String>) - Method in class com.supermap.services.iportalservices.IPortalService
My Map
- getMyScenes(HashMap<String, String>, OnResponseListener) - Method in class com.supermap.services.iportalservices.IPortalService
Gets my scene
- getMyServices(HashMap<String, String>, OnResponseListener) - Method in class com.supermap.services.iportalservices.IPortalService
Gets my service
- getName() - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.PathGuideItem
Returns the name of path guide item.
- getName() - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.WeightFieldInfo
Gets the name of WeightFieldInfo.
- getName() - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst3d.WeightFieldInfo3D
Gets the name of WeightFieldInfo.
- getName() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.gltfModel.Accessors
Gets the name
- getName() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.gltfModel.Animations
Gets the name
- getName() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.gltfModel.BufferViews
Gets the name
- getName() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.gltfModel.Materials
Gets the name
- getName() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.gltfModel.Meshes
Gets the name
- getName() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.gltfModel.Nodes
Gets the name
- getName() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.gltfModel.Textures
Gets the name
- getName() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.utils.XmlNode
Gets Name
- getName() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.ArObject
Gets the name of ArObject
- getName() - Method in class com.supermap.data.Dataset
Returns the name of this dataset.
- getName() - Method in class com.supermap.data.DatasetGridInfo
Returns the name of the DatasetGridInfo class.
- getName() - Method in class com.supermap.data.DatasetVectorInfo
Returns the name of the vector dataset.
- getName() - Method in class com.supermap.data.FieldInfo
Returns the name of the field.
- getName() - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSys
Returns the name of the geoCoordSys object.
- getName() - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatum
Returns the name of the GeoDatum object.
- getName() - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoModel
Get the name of the 3D model geometry object.
- getName() - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoPlacemark
Returns the name of the GeoPlacemark object.
- getName() - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoPrimeMeridian
Returns the name of the PrimeMeridian object.
- getName() - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoSpheroid
Returns the name of the earth ellipsoid object, which can be set when the type of GeoSpheroid is the user defined.
- getName() - Method in class com.supermap.data.JoinItem
Returns the name of the JoinItem object.
- getName() - Method in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSys
Returns the name of the object projected coordinate system.
- getName() - Method in class com.supermap.data.Projection
Gets the name of the Projection object.
- getName() - Method in class com.supermap.data.Symbol
Returns the name of the Symbol object.
- getName() - Method in class com.supermap.data.SymbolGroup
Returns the name of the SymbolGroup object.
- getName() - Method in class com.supermap.data.WorkspaceConnectionInfo
Returns the name of the workspace in the database.
- getName() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.collector.CollectorElement
Obtains collected object name.
- getName() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.dyn.DynamicElement
Gets the name of the dynamic object, and the default problem null.
- getName() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Layer
Returns the name of the layer.
- getName() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.LayerRemovedEvent
Returns the name of the removed layer.
- getName() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Map
Returns the name of the current map.
- getName() - Method in class com.supermap.navi.NaviStep
Gets the road name.
- getName() - Method in class com.supermap.onlineservices.DestinationInfo
Get the destination name.
- getName() - Method in class com.supermap.onlineservices.GeocodingData
Get the record name of matching data.
- getName() - Method in class com.supermap.onlineservices.POIInfo
Get POI name.
- getName() - Method in class com.supermap.onlineservices.StartInfo
Get the start name.
- getName() - Method in class com.supermap.plot.AnimationGO
Gets the animation name
- getName() - Method in class com.supermap.plot.AnimationPlayBeginEvent
Gets the name
- getName() - Method in class com.supermap.plot.AnimationPlayFinishEvent
Gets the name
- getName() - Method in class com.supermap.plot.GeoGraphicObject
Gets the name of the symbol in the symbol library.
- getName() - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Feature3D
Gets the name of the feature3D object.
- getName() - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Feature3Ds
Gets the name of the collection of the feature3D object.
- getName() - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Layer3D
Returns the name of the 3D layer.
- getName() - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Route
Returns the name of the flight route.
- getName() - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.RouteStop
Gets the stop name
- getName() - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Scene
Get the current 3D scene name.
- getName() - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.TerrainLayer
Returns the name of the terrain layer.
- getNameByValue(Class, int) - Static method in class com.supermap.data.Enum
Returns the name of the corresponding enumeration constant based on the enumeration value.
- getNameByValue(Class, int) - Static method in class com.supermap.messagequeue.Enum
Gets the enumeration name according to the value
- getNameColor() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.dyn.DynamicElement
Gets the name font color.
- getNameOffsetX() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.dyn.DynamicElement
- getNameOffsetY() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.dyn.DynamicElement
Gets the Y offset of the name text.
- getNamePosition() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.dyn.DynamicElement
Gets the location coordinates of the name text, and if the user does not have the setting, the object center point is adopted by default.
- getNames(Class) - Static method in class com.supermap.data.Enum
Returns the name collection of all the enumeration constants in specific enumeration class.
- getNames(Class) - Static method in class com.supermap.messagequeue.Enum
Gets the collection of names for the enumeration class.
- getNameSize() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.dyn.DynamicElement
Gets the name font size.
- getNameStyle() - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoPlacemark
Returns the text style of the name of the GeoPlacemark object when displaying in the 3D map window.
- getNameTextAlign() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.dyn.DynamicElement
Gets the name text to its method, the default center alignment.
- getNaviAction() - Method in class com.supermap.navi.Navigation
Gets navigation action.
- getNavigation() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.MapControl
Gets the navigation module.
- getNaviPath() - Method in class com.supermap.navi.Navigation
Gets the detailed information of the navigation path.
- getNaviPath() - Method in class com.supermap.navi.Navigation2
Gets the detailed information of the navigation path.
- getNaviPath() - Method in class com.supermap.navi.Navigation3
Get navigation path information
- getNaviPath() - Method in class com.supermap.navi.Navigation3D
Get navigation path information
- getNearClipPlane() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.EffectView
Gets the clipping plane distance
- getNegativeImage() - Method in class com.supermap.plot.GeoGraphicObject
Get point symbol nagative image
- getNegativeStyle() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeGraduatedSymbol
Gets the styles of thematic types of negative values
- getNetworkDataset() - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.FacilityAnalystSetting
Get the network dataset.
- getNetworkDataset() - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.TransportationAnalystSetting
Returns the network dataset to be analyzed.
- getNetworkDataset() - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst3d.FacilityAnalystSetting3D
Get the network dataset.
- getNetworkDataset() - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst3d.TransportationAnalystSetting3D
Get the network dataset.
- getNextDirection() - Method in class com.supermap.onlineservices.PathInfo
Get the turn direction of the nex road.
- getNextRoadName() - Method in class com.supermap.navi.Navigation
Gets the next road name.
- getNickName() - Method in class com.supermap.onlineservices.OnlineService
Returns the nick name Gets after logging in successfully
- getNickname() - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.OLAccountManager
Get the user's nickname in the login success callback event.
- getNode() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.gltfModel.Target
Gets nodes
- getNodeAnimation() - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoModel
Get the node animation of the 3D model object.
- getNodeColor() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.collector.Collector
Gets the node color.
- getNodeColor() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.MapControl
Gets the node color.
- getNodeDemandField() - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.LocationAnalystParameter
Gets the field representing the demand of the nodes which are regarded as the demand centers in the network dataset.
- getNodeErrorInfos() - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.TransportationAnalystCheckResult
Returns the node error information.
- getNodeErrorInfos() - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst3d.FacilityAnalystCheckResult3D
Returns the node error information.
- getNodeErrorInfos() - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst3d.TransportationAnalystCheckResult3D
Returns the node error information.
- getNodeIDField() - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.FacilityAnalystSetting
Returns the field that identifies the node ID in the network dataset.
- getNodeIDField() - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.TransportationAnalystSetting
Returns the field that identifies the node ID in the network dataset.
- getNodeIDField() - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst3d.FacilityAnalystSetting3D
Returns the ID filed of the node.
- getNodeIDField() - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst3d.TransportationAnalystSetting3D
Returns the ID filed of the node.
- getNodeInterval() - Method in class com.supermap.navi.Navigation2
Gets the selection tolerance of analyzed points.
- getNodeNameField() - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.TransportationAnalystSetting
Gets the name of the field which stores the node names.
- getNodeNameField() - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst3d.TransportationAnalystSetting3D
Returns the Name field name of the node.
- getNodes() - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.FacilityAnalystResult
Returns the node ID array in the facility network analysis results.
- getNodes() - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.TransportationAnalystParameter
Returns the set of the passed node IDs.
- getNodes() - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.TransportationAnalystResult
Returns the nodes dataset of the analysis result.
- getNodes() - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst3d.FacilityAnalystResult3D
Returns the ID array of nodes passed by the result path.
- getNodes() - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst3d.TransportationAnalystParameter3D
Returns the set of the passed node IDs.
- getNodes() - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst3d.TransportationAnalystResult3D
Returns the nodes dataset of the analysis result.
- getNodes() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.gltfModel.Gltf
Gets node set
- getNodes() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.gltfModel.Scenes
Gets node array
- getNodeSelectStyle() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.MapEditStyle
Gets the selected style of the node.
- getNodeSize() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.collector.Collector
Gets the node size.
- getNodeSize() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.MapControl
Gets the node size.
- getNodeStyle() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.MapEditStyle
Gets the style of the node.
- getNonRepeatPoints(List<Point3D>) - Static method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.PresetUtils
The same points before and after filtering
- getNORMAL() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.gltfModel.Attributes
Gets the value of NORMAL
- getNotes() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.collector.CollectorElement
Obtains remarks of collected object.
- getNoValue() - Method in class com.supermap.data.DatasetGrid
Returns the empty value of the grid dataset.
- getNoValue() - Method in class com.supermap.data.DatasetGridInfo
Returns the empty value of the grid dataset.
- getNumber() - Method in class com.supermap.onlineservices.StreetNumber
Get the street number.
- getNumericPrecision() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeLabel
Returns the accuracy of numbers in labels.
- getObj(int, ARGeometry.ARGeometryType) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.ARDynamicGeometry
Gets an object of the specified type and the specified index
- getObjectColor() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.MapControl
Gets the color of the object edit.
- getObjectsColor(int[], Color[]) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Layer3DOSGBFile
Get the color of the specified OSGB model ID queue.
- getObjectsColorCount() - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Layer3DOSGBFile
Returns the number of objects whose color is set.
- getObjectWidth() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.MapControl
Gets the width of the object edit.
- getOcclusionHelper() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.EffectView
Get occlusion assistant
- getOffset() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.CalibrationResult
Gets the offset before and after correction
- getOffset() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.excavator.ExcavationParameter
Gets the excavation depth
- getOffsetDistance() - Method in class com.supermap.data.RegularizeParameter
Gets the maximum distance that the borders can offset when regularizing them
- getOffsetDistanceUnit() - Method in class com.supermap.data.RegularizeParameter
Gets the maximum distance that the borders can offset when regularizing them
- getOffsetX() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.dyn.DynamicPoint
Gets the background image X offset.
- getOffsetX() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeGraduatedSymbol
Gets the false easting of the coordinates.
- getOffsetX() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeGraph
Gets the false easting of the coordinates.
- getOffsetX() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeLabel
Returns the false easting between the label text and the points in features in the label map.
- getOffsetX() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeRange
Returns the X offset.
- getOffsetX() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeUnique
Returns the False Easting that the objects in the ThemeUnique crested by point, line and region layers, is relative to original location The unit of the offset is depended on the isOffsetFixed() settings.
- getOffsetY() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.dyn.DynamicPoint
Gets the background image Y offset.
- getOffsetY() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeGraduatedSymbol
Gets the false northing
- getOffsetY() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeGraph
Gets the false northing
- getOffsetY() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeLabel
Returns the vertical offset between the label text and the points in features in the label map.
- getOffsetY() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeRange
Returns the Y offset.
- getOffsetY() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeUnique
Returns the False Northing that the objects in the ThemeUnique crested by point, line and region layers, is relative to original location The unit of the offset is depended on the isOffsetFixed() settings.
- getOnClickListenner() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.collector.CollectorElement
Obtains click listener.
- getOnDownAndUpListener() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.dyn.DynamicElement
Gets the listener OnDownAndUpListener of the object
- getOnLongPressListener() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.dyn.DynamicElement
Gets the long-click listening of this object
- getOnPointUpdateListener() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.ARDynamicGeometry
- getOnRenderableLoadCompleteListener() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.AREffectElement
Gets the listening event that the resource has completed loading
- getOpacity() - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.HypsometricSetting
Get opacity.
- getOpaqueRate() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.imChart.ChartView
The chart layer, which supports setting transparencies for layers.
- getOpaqueRate() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.LayerSettingGrid
Gets the opacity of the Grid layer which ranges from 0 to 100, and 0 means the layer is transparent, while 100 means the layer is opaque.
- getOperationRetainedFields() - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.spatialanalyst.OverlayAnalystParameter
Gets the field names of overlay dataset or the Recordset which are maintained in the output dataset when performing overlay analysis.
- getOrderBy() - Method in class com.supermap.data.QueryParameter
Returns the field used to sort the result records of the SQL query.
- getOrderBy() - Method in class com.supermap.services.ServiceQueryParameter
Obtains SQL query sort clause
- getOrigin() - Method in class com.supermap.data.SymbolMarker
Returns the origin location of the symbol.
- getOriginalControlPoints() - Method in class com.supermap.data.Transformation
Returns the selected control point of the layer to be registered.
- getOutLine() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.ARGeoPrism
Gets OutLine
- getOutLine() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.ARGeoVerticalRegion
Gets outlines
- getOutline() - Method in class com.supermap.data.TextStyle
Returns whether to outline and false indicates not to outline.
- getOutlineWidth() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.excavator.ExcavationParameter
Gets the outline width
- getOutput() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.gltfModel.Samplers
Gets the output value
- getOutputDatasource() - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.spatialanalyst.GridAnalystSetting
Gets the datasoure where the dataset is located in
- getOutputDatasource() - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.spatialanalyst.TerrainAnalystSetting
Gets the datasoure where the dataset is located in
- getOverlapDisplayedOptions() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Map
Gets or sets overlap options.
- getOverlappedSpaceSize() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.MapOverlapDisplayedOptions
- getOverLengthMode() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeLabel
Returns the overlength handling mode.
- getPageNumber() - Method in class com.supermap.onlineservices.POIQueryParameter
Get the page number.
- getPageSize() - Method in class com.supermap.onlineservices.POIQueryParameter
Get the record count of each page.
- getParameter(double) - Method in class com.supermap.videomap.VideoParameters
Gets the argument for the specified time
- getParent() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.utils.XmlNode
Access to the parent
- getParent() - Method in class com.supermap.data.SymbolGroup
Returns the parent group of this SymbolGroup object.
- getParent() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeLabel
Returns the thematic map to which the current label map belongs.
- getParent() - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Feature3D
Returns the Feature3Ds object which the Feature3D object belongs to.
- getParent() - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Feature3Ds
Gets the parent of the Feature3Ds object.
- getParentGroup() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Layer
Gets the group layer the layer belongs to.
- getParentGroup() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.LayerGroupAddedEvent
Returns the upper group layer of the added group layer and the group layer it belongs to.
- getParentGroup() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.LayerGroupRemovedEvent
Returns the upper group layer of the removed group layer and the group layer it belongs to.
- getPart(int) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.ARGeoHorizontalRegion
Returns the sub object with the specified index in the object in the form of an ordered point collection.
- getPart(int) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.ARGeoRegion2
Returns a child object of the specified ordinal number as a set of ordered points
- getPart(int) - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoCompound
Returns the subobject of the GeoCompound object with the specified index.
- getPart(int) - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoLine
Returns the subobject with the specified index in the GeoLine object, return the subobject in form of a ordered point collection.
- getPart(int) - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoLine3D
Returns the subobject with the specified index in the GeoLine object, return the subobject in form of a ordered point collection.
- getPart(int) - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoLineM
Returns the pointMs of the part at the specified index of the line object.
- getPart(int) - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoRegion
Returns the subobject with the specified index in the GeoLine object, return the subobject in form of a ordered point collection.
- getPart(int) - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoRegion3D
Returns the subobject with the specified index in the GeoLine object, return the subobject in form of a ordered point collection.
- getPart(int) - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoText
Deletes the parts of GeoText with the specified index.
- getPart(int) - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoText3D
Deletes the parts of GeoText with the specified index.
- getPart() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.collector.CollectorElement
Gets the point string group info (only for dynamic data created by Geomotry).
- getPart() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.dyn.DynamicElement
Gets the point string group info.
- getPartArea(int) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.ARGeoHorizontalRegion
Gets the area of the specified sub object.
- getPartArea(int) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.ARGeoRegion2
Gets the area of the child object of the specified index
- getPartArea(int) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.ARGeoVerticalRegion
Gets the area related to the index of the specified object
- getPartCenterPoint(int) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.ARGeoHorizontalRegion
Gets the geometric center of the specified sub object.
- getPartCenterPoint(int) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.ARGeoLine
Gets the center of the specified child object (not the center of a line segment)
- getPartCenterPoint(int, int) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.ARGeoLine
Gets the midpoint of the line between the index point of the child object of the specified index and the next point
- getPartCenterPoint(int) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.ARGeoPrism
Gets The Part of CenterPoint
- getPartCenterPoint(int) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.ARGeoRegion2
Gets the geometric center of the child object of the specified index
- getPartCenterPoint(int) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.ARGeoVerticalRegion
Gets the center of the specified sub object.
- getPartCount() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.ARGeoHorizontalRegion
Returns the number of the sub objects of the objects
- getPartCount() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.ARGeometry
Gets the number of child objects
- getPartCount() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.ARGeoPoint
- getPartCount() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.ARGeoRegion2
Returns the number of children of this object
- getPartCount() - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoCompound
Returns the count of the subobjects of the GeoCompound object.
- getPartCount() - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoLine
Returns the count of the subobjects of the GeoLine object.
- getPartCount() - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoLine3D
Returns the count of the parts of the GeoLine3D object.
- getPartCount() - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoLineM
Gets the count of the parts of the GeoLineM object.
- getPartCount() - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoRegion
Returns the count of parts of the GeoRegion object.
- getPartCount() - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoRegion3D
Returns the count of parts of the GeoRegion3D object.
- getPartCount() - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoText
Returns the count of parts of the GeoText object.
- getPartCount() - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoText3D
Returns the count of parts of the GeoText object.
- getParticleElement(String) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.EffectView
- getPartLength(int) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.ARGeoLine
Gets the total length of the specified child object
- getPartLength(int, int) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.ARGeoLine
Gets the total length of the specified child object
- getPartPoint2Ds(int) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.ARGeoHorizontalRegion
- getPartPoint2Ds(int) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.ARGeoLine
- getPartPoint2Ds(int) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.ARGeoPoint
- getPartPoint2Ds(int) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.ARGeoPrism
- getPartPoint2Ds(int) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.ARGeoVerticalRegion
- getPartPoint3D(int) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.ARGeoPoint
- getPartPoint3Ds(int) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.ARGeometry
Gets the AR coordinate point set for the child object of the specified index
- getPartShape(int) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.ARGeometry
Gets the AR Shape object for the child of the specified index
- getPartsNodeCount() - Method in class com.supermap.onlineservices.WalkInfo
Get the node count of all parts in geometry.
- getPartVolume(int) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.ARGeoPrism
Gets PartVolume
- getPassStopCount() - Method in class com.supermap.onlineservices.LineItem
Get the total number of stations.
- getPassword() - Method in class com.supermap.data.DatasourceConnectionInfo
Gets the password in connection info.
- getPassword() - Method in class com.supermap.data.WorkspaceConnectionInfo
Returns the password when logging on the database or connecting to the file.
- getPath() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.gltfModel.Target
Gets the path
- getPathEffect() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.dyn.DynamicStyle
Gets the style of a line.
- getPathGuides() - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.TransportationAnalystResult
Returns the path guides.
- getPathID() - Method in class com.supermap.navi.Navigation2
Gets the road ID where the car is.
- getPathID() - Method in class com.supermap.navi.Navigation3
Gets the road ID where the car is.
- getPathID() - Method in class com.supermap.navi.Navigation3D
Gets the road ID where the car is.
- getPathInfos() - Method in class com.supermap.onlineservices.NavigationOnlineData
Gets the set of boot information that returns the results of the analysis.
- getPathPtCount() - Method in class com.supermap.plot.AnimationWay
Gets the number of path points
- getPathRoadLevel() - Method in class com.supermap.navi.Navigation
Get the current road level.
- getPathTrackDir() - Method in class com.supermap.plot.AnimationWay
Gets whether to set the tangential line direction
- getPathType() - Method in class com.supermap.plot.AnimationWay
Gets path types
- getPbrMetallicRoughness() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.gltfModel.Materials
Gets PBR parameter
- getPercent() - Method in class com.supermap.data.SteppedEvent
Returns the percent of the completed the operation.
- getPerimeter() - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoChord
Returns the perimeter of the GeoChord object.
- getPerimeter() - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoCircle
Returns the perimeter of the GeoCircle object.
- getPerimeter() - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoEllipse
Returns the perimeter of the ellipse.
- getPerimeter() - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoPie
Returns the perimeter of the GeoPie object.
- getPerimeter() - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoRegion
Returns the perimeter of the GeoRegion object.
- getPitch() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.ARRecordParameter
- getPitch() - Method in class com.supermap.data.NodeAnimation
Get the tilt angle of the node animation, which is the angle between the tilt direction and the horizontal plane, and the orientation is positive.
- getPitch() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.AR.ARMapDrawView
Gets the pitch angle
- getPitch() - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.ProjectionImage
- getPitch() - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Skyline
- getPixel(int, int, int[]) - Method in class com.supermap.data.DatasetImage
Returns the color of the specified pixel by the column, the row, and the indexes of the pixel.
- getPixelFormat() - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.spatialanalyst.GridAnalystSetting
- getPixelFormat() - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.spatialanalyst.TerrainAnalystSetting
- getPixelFormat() - Method in class com.supermap.data.DatasetGrid
Returns the pixel format of the grid dataset.
- getPixelFormat() - Method in class com.supermap.data.DatasetGridInfo
Returns the pixel format of the grid dataset.
- getPixelFormat() - Method in class com.supermap.data.DatasetImage
Returns the pixel format of the image dataset.
- getPlaneHeight() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.CameraWindowRenderer
Gets the ground height, default -1.3 m
- getPlatformHeight() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.RecordParameter
Gets the height of the platform
- getPlayMode() - Method in class com.supermap.data.NodeAnimation
Get the playback mode of the node animation.
- getPlaySpeed() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.VideoEffectView
Gets the current playback speed
- getPlaySpeed() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.VideoEffectView2
Gets the current playback speed
- getPOIInfoCount() - Method in class com.supermap.onlineservices.POIQueryResult
The POI query total count.
- getPOIInfos() - Method in class com.supermap.onlineservices.POIQueryResult
The POI collection according to the POI query service.
- getPoiname() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.speech.POIInfo
Gets POIU names
- getPoint() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.imChart.ChartPoint
Gets the point coordinates, points on the map.
- getPoint() - Method in class com.supermap.navi.NaviStep
Gets the turn point.
- getPoint2D() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.speech.POIInfo
Returns POI coordinates
- getPoint2Ds() - Method in class com.supermap.onlineservices.CoordinateConvertParameter
Get the converted point2Ds.
- getPointAfterRotation(Point3D, Point3D, float) - Static method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.ConvertTool
Gets the coordinate system of the resulting point of B rotating around A in the XOY plane
- getPointAtDistance(double) - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoLineM
Returns the point object at the specified distance.
- getPointAtDistance(double, boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoLineM
Returns the point object at the specified distance.
- getPointAtM(double) - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoLineM
Returns the point object with the specified M value.
- getPointAtM(double, double, boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoLineM
Returns the point object with the specified M value.
- getPointByHitResult(List<HitResult>, HitTestMode) - Static method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.PresetUtils
Gets the coordinates of impact points according to the impact result of ARCore.
- getPointByScreenRayTest(AREffectBaseView, List<Point3D>, float, float) - Static method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.PresetUtils
Gets the intersection points of the rays that are generated from the screen coordinates and the plane composed of list point set.
- getPointColor() - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoStyle
Return the color of point.
- getPointColor() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.dyn.DynamicStyle
Return the color of point.
- getPointCount() - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Sightline
Get the number of the target points.
- getPoints() - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.TransportationAnalystParameter
Returns the set of the passed nodes.
- getPoints() - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst3d.TransportationAnalystParameter3D
Returns the set of the passed nodes.
- getPoints(int) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.ARCsvReader
Get the geographic coordinate points in CSV
- getPoints() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.ARCsvReader
Get Points
- getPoints() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.FlowElement
get ARcoordinate points
- getPoints() - Method in class com.supermap.onlineservices.WalkInfo
Get coordinate array of nodes in geometry.
- getPoints() - Method in class com.supermap.services.OptimalPathAnalysis
Description: returns passing points
- getPointStyle() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.ARDynamicGeometry
- getPolygonStyle() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.ARDynamicGeometry
- getPolymeriztionType() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.imChart.PolymerChart
Obtains the aggregation algorithm type.
- getPolySize() - Method in class com.supermap.ai.AIDetectView
Gets the width and height of each grid under the aggregation mode
- getPosition() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.AREffectElement
Gets the position of AR object on the AR scene
- getPosition() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.ARRecordParameter
Gets the position coordinates
- getPOSITION() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.gltfModel.Attributes
Gets the value of POSITION
- getPosition() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.gnss.PoseData
- getPosition() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.ArObject
Gets the position of ArObject
- getPosition() - Method in class com.supermap.data.Geometry3D
Returns the point coordinates e of the geometry object.
- getPosition() - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.ProjectionImage
- getPositionPoints() - Method in class com.supermap.plot.GeoGraphicObject
Get 2D position point array
- getPositionType() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.AREffectElement
Gets the display type of position
- getPositiveStyle() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeGraduatedSymbol
Gets the styles of thematic types of positive value
- getPostition() - Method in class com.supermap.data.NodeAnimation
Gets the spatial position of the node animation.
- getPrecision() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeRange
Returns the range precision for the ranges map.
- getPreStatus() - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.StatusChangedEvent
Returns the fly status before the fly status changes.
- getPreviewBitmap() - Method in class com.supermap.ai.AIDetectView
Gets the previewed picture
- getPrimitives() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.gltfModel.Meshes
Gets a basic graphic element
- getPrismHeightList() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.ARGeoPrism
Gets Prism Heigh tList
- getPrivateServiceList() - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.OLAccountManager
Get the list of urls for the private service in the login success callback event.
- getPrivateServiceNameList() - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.OLAccountManager
Get the list of name for the private service in the login success callback event.
- getPrjCoordSys() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.PrjCoordSysParameter
Gets projection conversion parameters
- getPrjCoordSys() - Method in class com.supermap.data.Dataset
Returns the projection information of the dataset.
- getPrjCoordSys() - Method in class com.supermap.data.Datasource
Returns the projection information of the datasource.
- getPrjCoordSys() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Map
Returns the projected coordinate system of the map.
- getPrjParameter() - Method in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSys
Returns the projection parameter of the projected coordinate system.
- getProfile() - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.spatialanalyst.ProfileResult
- getProgress(int) - Method in interface com.supermap.onlineservices.DownloadFile.DownLoadListener
Returns the downloading progress
- getProgress(int) - Method in interface com.supermap.onlineservices.DownloadResourceFile.DownloadListener
Returns the downloading progress
- getProgress(int) - Method in interface com.supermap.onlineservices.UpLoadFile.UpLoadListener
Returns the uploading progress
- getProgress() - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.FlyManager
Returns the current progress of this flight, in seconds.
- getProgress(int, int) - Method in interface com.supermap.services.iportalservices.DownloadListener
Returns the downloading progress
- getProgress(int, int) - Method in interface com.supermap.services.iportalservices.UploadListener
Returns the uploading progress
- getProhibitedWayRuleValues() - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.TransportationAnalystSetting
Returns the array of strings indicating the edge is prohibited way.
- getProhibitedWayRuleValues() - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst3d.TransportationAnalystSetting3D
Returns an array of strings that are used to represent forbidden lines, that is, when the value of the RuleField field is one of the values of the array, it represents a forbidden line.
- getProjection() - Method in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSys
Returns the projection type of the coordinate system, for example, Conformal Conic Projections and Azimuthal Equidistant Projections etc.
- getProvince() - Method in class com.supermap.onlineservices.Address
Return the province address description(Province, Municipalitie, Provincial-level national autonomous region, special administrative regions).
- getProxyAddress() - Method in class com.supermap.data.DatasourceConnectionInfo
Gets the proxy server address and port.
- getProxyPort() - Method in class com.supermap.data.DatasourceConnectionInfo
Gets the proxy server address and port.
- getpublicServiceList() - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.OLAccountManager
Get the list of urls for the public service in the login success callback event.
- getpublicServiceNameList() - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.OLAccountManager
Get the list of name for the public service in the login success callback event.
- getPyramidFirstLevel() - Method in class com.supermap.data.DatasetImage
Gets the first level of a pyramid to be created. 2 is by default.
- getQuaternionByPoint3Ds(Point3D, Point3D, Point3D) - Static method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.PresetUtils
Gets the rotation quaternion of the plane composed of three points relative to horizontal plane
- getQuaternionByVector(Vector, Vector) - Static method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.PresetUtils
Gets the rotation quaternion of unit vector V0 rotated to unit vector V1
- getQuaternionByVector3(Vector3, Vector3) - Static method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.PresetUtils
Gets the rotation quaternion of unit vector V0 rotated to unit vector V1
- getQueryBounds() - Method in class com.supermap.services.ServiceQueryParameter
Gets query scope.
- getQueryDistance() - Method in class com.supermap.services.ServiceQueryParameter
Returns the query distance.
- getQueryGeomety() - Method in class com.supermap.services.ServiceQueryParameter
Returns the geometry object to query.
- getQueryLayerName() - Method in class com.supermap.services.ServiceQueryParameter
Gets the query layer name.
- getQueryMapName() - Method in class com.supermap.services.ServiceQueryParameter
Gets the map name of service query.
- getQueryOption() - Method in class com.supermap.services.ServiceQueryParameter
Returns content type of query result.
- getQueryParameter() - Method in class com.supermap.data.Recordset
Gets the query parameters of the current Recordset, and returns a copy.
- getQueryRecordStart() - Method in class com.supermap.services.ServiceQueryParameter
Gets the origin location of query records.
- getQueryServiceName() - Method in class com.supermap.services.ServiceQueryParameter
Gets the service name of service instance of current query.
- getQueue() - Method in class com.supermap.messagequeue.AMQPReturnMessage
Gets the queue name
- getR() - Method in class com.supermap.data.Color
Return a red component
- getRadius() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.BaseShape
- getRadius() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.ShapeStyle
- getRadius() - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoArc
Returns the radius of the arc.
- getRadius() - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoCircle
Returns the radius of the GeoCircle object.
- getRadius() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.dyn.DynamicCircle
Obtains radius
- getRadius() - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Skyline
- getRadiusUnit() - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.BufferAnalystParameter
Get the unit for buffer analysis radius.
- getRadiusX() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.excavator.ExcavationParameter
Get the radius length in the X direction
- getRadiusY() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.excavator.ExcavationParameter
Get the radius length in the Y direction
- getRange() - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.LookAt
Gets the distance between the camera and the viewpoint.
- getRangeExpression() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeLabel
Returns the field expression for ranging.
- getRangeExpression() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeRange
Returns the field expression.
- getRangeMode() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeGridRange
Gets the range mode of the current thematic map.
- getRangeMode() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeLabel
Returns the current range mode.
- getRangeMode() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeRange
Returns the current range mode.
- getRangeSetting() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeGraphItem
Range style settings of a statistical thematic map
- getRawId(Context, String) - Static method in class com.supermap.mapping.NavigationPlus.ResourceUtil
- getRealScaleFactor() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.ARMapElement
Gets the true scale of the AR scene
- getRecordCount() - Method in class com.supermap.data.Recordset
Returns the number of the records in the Recordset.
- getRecorderStatus() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.record.EffectViewRecorder
Gets recorder status
- getRecordName() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.record.EffectViewRecorder
- getRecordset(boolean, CursorType) - Method in class com.supermap.data.DatasetVector
Returns the Recordset which contains all the records or a empty recordset with the specified parameter.
- getRecordset() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.AR.ArControl2
Gets the record set
- getRect(int, int) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.AR.ArControl2
Gets a rectangle frame
- getRects() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.AR.ArControl2
Gets the rectangular fame collection
- getReflectance() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.BaseShape
Gets reflectance
- getReflectance() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.ShapeStyle
- getRefreshInterval() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.arlayer.ARLayerView
Gets the time interval of refreshing scene
- getRegularizeMethod() - Method in class com.supermap.data.RegularizeParameter
- getRelationalPoints() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.imChart.RelationalChartPoint
Get the relation point collection.
- getRelationName() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.imChart.RelationalChartPoint
Get the relation point name.
- getRelativePosition() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.AREffectElement
Gets the position of AR object relative to its parent node
- getRelativePosition() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.highprecision.MeasureView
Gets the relative position in the current plane coordinate system
- getRemainTime() - Method in class com.supermap.data.SteppedEvent
Returns the remained time to complete the current operation.
- getRemovedGroup() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.LayerGroupRemovedEvent
Returns the group layer to remove
- getRenderable() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.ARGltfElement
- getRenderHeight() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.ARGeoHorizontalRegion
Gets the rendering height
- getRenderHeight() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.ARGeoRegion2
Get render Height
- getRenderMode() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.OcclusionHelper
Get occlusion mode
- getRenderToGlobe() - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.ProjectionImage
- getRenderType() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.CameraWindowRenderer
Gets the current render type
- getRepeatCount() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.ARAnimationParameter
Gets the times of cycling an AR animation parameters
- getRepeatCount() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.FlowElement
Gets the number of cycles of the animation When -1, the animation loops indefinitely
- getRepeatMode() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.ARAnimationParameter
Gets the display of an animation. 1 means playing it from the start. 2 means reversing its playing direction. -1 means no time limitation.
- getReplaceStyle() - Method in class com.supermap.plot.AnimationBlink
Returns whether to switch colors or not
- getRequestHeader() - Method in class com.supermap.data.DatasourceConnectionInfo
Gets the custom request header that has been set
- getReSampleSize() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.OcclusionHelper
Gets the resampling size Value range[0.001,1]
- getResources() - Method in class com.supermap.data.Workspace
Returns the Resources object in the workspace.
- getResourceValue() - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.SupplyCenter
Gets the amount of the resource of the supply center.
- getResourceValue() - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.SupplyResult
Gets the amount of the resource of the supply center.
- getResponseCallback() - Method in class com.supermap.services.ServiceBase
Gets the response callback.
- getRestMaps(String, OnResponseListener) - Method in class com.supermap.services.iportalservices.IPortalService
Gets the rest map list (GET)
- getResultFields() - Method in class com.supermap.data.QueryParameter
Returns the result field collection of the query.
- getResultFields() - Method in class com.supermap.services.ServiceQueryParameter
Obtains the result field set of the query.
- getResultIndex() - Method in class com.supermap.navi.Navigation3
Gets the route where the car is located
- getRGB() - Method in class com.supermap.data.Color
Return a RGB color value
- getRGBA() - Method in class com.supermap.data.Color
Return a RGBA color value
- getRight() - Method in class com.supermap.data.mapGrid.MapGridParam
Get the max X
- getRight() - Method in class com.supermap.data.Rectangle2D
Returns the coordinate of the right edge of the Rectangle2D object.
- getRightDistance() - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.BufferAnalystParameter
Gets the (right) buffer distance.
- getRoadName() - Method in class com.supermap.onlineservices.PathInfo
Gets current road name.
- getRoll() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.ARRecordParameter
- getRoll() - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.ProjectionImage
- getRootGroup() - Method in class com.supermap.data.SymbolLibrary
Returns the root group of the symbol library.
- getRotate2D() - Method in class com.supermap.plot.GeoGraphicObject
Get 2D symbol rotation angle of vector mode
- getRotateDegree() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.dyn.RotateAnimator
The rotation angle to be obtained.
- GetRotateDirection() - Method in class com.supermap.plot.AnimationRotate
Gets the rotation direction
- getRotateHandleStyle() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.MapEditStyle
Gets the style of the rotate control point.
- getRotateX() - Method in class com.supermap.data.CoordSysTransParameter
Returns the rotation angle to the X axis, it is used to convert between different geodetic reference systems, the unit is radian.
- getRotateY() - Method in class com.supermap.data.CoordSysTransParameter
Returns the rotation angle to the Y axis, it is used to convert between different geodetic reference systems, the unit is radian.
- getRotateZ() - Method in class com.supermap.data.CoordSysTransParameter
Returns the rotation angle to the Z axis, it is used to convert between different geodetic reference systems, the unit is radian.
- getRotation() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.ARRecordParameter
Gets the rotation quaternion
- getRotation() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.gltfModel.Nodes
Gets the rotation array
- getRotation() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.gnss.PoseData
- getRotation() - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoChord
Returns the rotation angle of the GeoChord object.
- getRotation() - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoEllipse
Returns the rotation angle of the ellipse.
- getRotation() - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoEllipticArc
Returns the angle of the rotation of the elliptic arc.
- getRotation() - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoPie
Returns the start angle of ellipse arc which the GeoPie object belongs to.
- getRotation() - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoRectangle
Returns the rotation angle of the GeoRectangle object.
- getRotation() - Method in class com.supermap.data.TextPart
Returns the angle of rotation of the text, in degrees, and anticlockwise as the positive direction.
- getRotation() - Method in class com.supermap.data.TextStyle
Returns the rotation angle in degrees, with the rotation direction being anticlockwise.
- getRotationAngle() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.AREffectElement
Returns the rotation angle
- getRotationAxis() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.ARAnimationParameter
Gets the rotation axis
- getRotationAxis() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.AREffectElement
Returns rotating vector
- getRotationDuration() - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.RouteStop
Gets the flying time around a stop
- getRotationX() - Method in class com.supermap.data.Geometry3D
Returns the rotation angle of the 3D geometry object relative to X Axis.
- getRotationY() - Method in class com.supermap.data.Geometry3D
Returns the rotation angle of the 3D geometry object relative to Y Axis.
- getRotationZ() - Method in class com.supermap.data.Geometry3D
Returns the rotation angle of the 3D geometry object relative to Z Axis.
- getRoughness() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.BaseShape
Gets roughness
- getRoughness() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.ShapeStyle
- getRoughnessFactor() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.gltfModel.PbrMetallicRoughness
Gets the roughness parameter
- getRoute() - Method in class com.supermap.navi.Navigation
Gets the route analysis results.
- getRoute() - Method in class com.supermap.navi.Navigation2
Gets the route analysis results.
- getRoute() - Method in class com.supermap.navi.Navigation3
Get path analysis line
- getRoute() - Method in class com.supermap.onlineservices.NavigationOnlineData
Gets the set of points that return the analysis results
- getRoute() - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.StopArrivedEvent
Return to the flight path object.
- getRouteName(int) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Routes
Get the route name by subscript.
- getRoutes() - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.TransportationAnalystResult
Returns the routes dataset of the analysis result that is the dataset of the
object. - getRoutes() - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst3d.TransportationAnalystResult3D
Returns the routes dataset of the analysis result.
- getRoutes() - Method in class com.supermap.navi.Navigation3D
Get path analysis line
- getRoutes() - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.FlyManager
Return to the route collection.
- getRouteStop() - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.StopArrivedEvent
Return to the flight site object.
- getRowBlockCount() - Method in class com.supermap.data.DatasetGrid
Returns the total count of rows which are gotten after the grid dataset has been divided into many blocks.
- getRowCount() - Method in class com.supermap.data.mapGrid.MapGridRangeBound
- getRowLineCount() - Method in class com.supermap.data.mapGrid.MapGridParam
Gets the number of grid rows
- getRuleField() - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.TransportationAnalystSetting
Gets the field which represents the traffic rule of the corresponding edge in the network dataset.
- getRuleField() - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst3d.TransportationAnalystSetting3D
Returns the transportation rule filed name.
- getSampler() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.gltfModel.Channels
Gets sampler indexes
- getSampler() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.gltfModel.Textures
Gets sampler indexes
- getSamplers() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.gltfModel.Animations
Gets samplers
- getSamplers() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.gltfModel.Gltf
Gets samplers
- getScale() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.CalibrationResult
- getScale() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.component.PanGestureController
Gets the aspect ration of the current view
- getScale() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.gltfModel.Nodes
Gets the scale
- getScale() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.dyn.DynamicStyle
Gets the display scale.
- getScale() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Map
Returns the display scale of the current map.
- getScaleByMap() - Method in class com.supermap.plot.GeoGraphicObject
Gets point symbol whether zoomed with map
- getScaleDifference() - Method in class com.supermap.data.CoordSysTransParameter
Returns the projection scale difference.
- getScaleFactor() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.AREffectElement
Gets the ratio of object in ar world
- getScaleFactor() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.ARMapElement
- getScaleFactor() - Method in class com.supermap.data.PrjParameter
Returns the scale factor for the projection transformation.
- getScaleType() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ScaleView
Gets the text type on the scale control
- getScaleX() - Method in class com.supermap.data.Geometry3D
Returns the zoom scale of the 3D geometry object relative to X Axis.
- getScaleY() - Method in class com.supermap.data.Geometry3D
Returns the zoom scale of the 3D geometry object relative to Y Axis.
- getScaleZ() - Method in class com.supermap.data.Geometry3D
Returns the zoom scale of the 3D geometry object relative to Z Axis.
- getScene() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.gltfModel.Gltf
Gets Scene index
- getScene() - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.FlyManager
Returns the associated scene.
- getScene() - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.SceneControl
Return the scene object in the current scene control.
- getSceneDataPath() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.AREffectView
Gets the path of scene data
- getSceneDataPath() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.EffectView
Get the path of scenario data
- getSceneElement() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.loader.ArSceneLoader
Gets the scene node element
- getSceneName(int) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.SceneServicesList
Returns the scene object with specified index which starts from 0.
- getScenes() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.gltfModel.Gltf
Gets Scene set
- getScenes() - Method in class com.supermap.data.Workspace
Gets the Scene collection in the workspace.
- getScenes(HashMap<String, String>, OnResponseListener) - Method in class com.supermap.services.iportalservices.IPortalService
Gets scene resource
- getScenesUrl() - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.SceneServicesList
Gets the url of the current scene service.
- getSceneType() - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Scene
Get the scene type.
- getSceneView() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.EffectView
Get ArSceneView
- getSceneXML(int) - Method in class com.supermap.data.Scenes
Get the content of the scene with the specified index.
- getSceneXML(String) - Method in class com.supermap.data.Scenes
Get the content of the scene with the specified name.
- getScreenCapture() - Method in class com.supermap.ai.AIDetectView
AI capturing interface to save the current preview picture and recognition frame
- getScreenDensity(AREffectBaseView) - Static method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.utils.ScreenPointTool
Gets screen density
- getScreenDensityDPI(Context) - Static method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.utils.ScreenPointTool
Get the screen dpi
- getScreenHeight_DP(AREffectBaseView) - Static method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.utils.ScreenPointTool
Gets screen height Unit: dp
- getScreenHeightPixel(Context) - Static method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.utils.ScreenPointTool
Gets the phone screen height
- getScreenLayer() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Map
Get the screen layer.
- getScreenPoint(ErrorCallback) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.excavator.Excavator
gets screen point
- getScreenTouchNearPointIndex(Point, List<Point>) - Static method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.PresetUtils
- getScreenWidth_DP(AREffectBaseView) - Static method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.utils.ScreenPointTool
Gets screen width Unit: dp
- getScreenWidthPixel(Context) - Static method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.utils.ScreenPointTool
Gets the phone screen height
- getSecondaryAction() - Method in class com.supermap.navi.Navigation
Gets the navigation secondary action.
- getSecondPointLongitude() - Method in class com.supermap.data.PrjParameter
Returns the longitude of the second point.
- getSeconds() - Method in class com.supermap.data.TimeSpan
Returns the seconds part of the time interval represented by the TimeSpan object.
- getSegmentLable() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.imChart.ColorScheme
Gets the array of segmented labels.
- getSegmentValue() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.imChart.ColorScheme
Gets the array of segmented values.
- getSelectedColor() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.ShapeStyle
- getSelection() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Layer
Returns the selection object of this layer.
- getSelection() - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Layer3D
Return to the selection set of 3D layers.
- getSelectionColor() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.BaseShape
Gets the rendering object under the selection status
- getSelectionMode() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.MapControl
Returns the selection mode when selecting the feature.
- getSelectionTolerance() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.MapControl
Returns the selection tolerance.
- getSemicircleLineSegment() - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.BufferAnalystParameter
Gets the count of segments of the semicircle line, that is, how many segments are used to simulate the semicircle line, the value must be greater than four.
- getSemimajorAxis() - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoChord
Returns the semi-major axis of the ellipse which the GeoChord object belongs to.
- getSemimajorAxis() - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoEllipse
Returns the length of the semimajor of the ellipse.
- getSemimajorAxis() - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoEllipticArc
Returns the length of the semimajor of the ellipse where the elliptic arc lies.
- getSemimajorAxis() - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoPie
Returns the length of the semi-major axis of the ellipse which the GeoPie object belongs to.
- getSemiminorAxis() - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoChord
Returns the semi-minor axis of the ellipse which the GeoChord object belongs to.
- getSemiminorAxis() - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoEllipse
Returns the length of the semiminor of the ellipse.
- getSemiminorAxis() - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoEllipticArc
Returns the length of the semiminor of the ellipse where the elliptic arc lies.
- getSemiminorAxis() - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoPie
Returns the length of the semi-minor axis of the ellipse which the GeoPie object belongs to.
- getSenderMethodName() - Method in class com.supermap.data.SteppedEvent
Returns the name of the method invoked the current operation.
- getSensorLatitude() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.RecordParameter
Gets the latitude of the sensor
- getSensorLongitude() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.RecordParameter
Gets the longitude of the sensor
- getSeparator() - Method in class com.supermap.data.conversion.ImportSettingCSV
- getSeparator() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.MixedTextStyle
Returns the text separator, the style of which employs the default style.
- getServer() - Method in class com.supermap.data.DatasourceConnectionInfo
Returns the name of the database server or file.
- getServer() - Method in class com.supermap.data.WorkspaceConnectionInfo
Returns the file name.
- getServerUrl() - Method in class com.supermap.data.PrivateCloudLicenseManager
Gets the private cloud server address
- getServiceList(int, int, OnlineCallBack.CallBackString) - Static method in class com.supermap.onlineservices.OnlineService
Gets the service list All services are sorted in descending order by time
- getServiceRegions() - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.ServiceAreaResult
Gets the set of the service region objects.
- getServiceRouteCounts() - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.ServiceAreaResult
Returns the route count array of each service region in the ServiceAreaResult class.
- getServices(HashMap<String, String>, OnResponseListener) - Method in class com.supermap.services.iportalservices.IPortalService
Gets service resource
- getShadow() - Method in class com.supermap.data.TextStyle
Returns whether the text has shadow, true means add shadow to the text.
- getShapeMaterial() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.BaseShape
- getShapeStyle() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.BaseShape
Get style style
- getShowARDest() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.AR.ARMapDrawView
Gets whether to show AR target features
- getShowDistance() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.AR.ARMapDrawView
Gets the distance to show
- getShowEffect() - Method in class com.supermap.plot.AnimationShow
Gets the display result
- getShowState() - Method in class com.supermap.plot.AnimationShow
Gets the display status
- getShowText() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.AR.ARMapDrawView
Sets text to display
- getSideType() - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.PathGuideItem
Returns whether the stop is left side, right side or on the road when this path guide item is stop.
- getSingle(int) - Method in class com.supermap.data.Recordset
The value of the "single-precision" field in the current record from the attribute table of the dataset.
- getSingle(String) - Method in class com.supermap.data.Recordset
The value of the "single-precision" field in the current record from the attribute table of the dataset.
- getSingle(String) - Method in class com.supermap.services.FeatureSet
Used to return the field value of the current feature in float.
- getSize() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.dyn.DynamicStyle
Gets the point size or line width.
- getSize() - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.SceneServicesList
Returns the number of the scenes in the service set.
- getSlantAngle() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Map
Gets the rotation angle
- getSmoothness() - Method in class com.supermap.data.mapGrid.MapGridParam
Get smooth coefficient
- getSnapSetting() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.MapControl
Gets the capture settings for the map control
- getSolidLineLength() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.ARGeoDottedLine
- getSolutionItems() - Method in class com.supermap.onlineservices.TrafficTransferOnlineData
Get SolutionItems array.
- getSource() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.gltfModel.Textures
Gets the image data index
- getSourceFileCharset() - Method in class com.supermap.data.conversion.ImportSetting
Obtains file string type to be imported
- getSourceFilePath() - Method in class com.supermap.data.conversion.ImportSetting
Obtains path information of data to be imported
- getSourceFileType() - Method in class com.supermap.data.conversion.ImportSetting
Obtains data type to be imported
- getSourcePrjCoordSys() - Method in class com.supermap.data.conversion.ImportSetting
Obtains source data coordinate, only support TIF, SIT, IMG, SHP, MIF, TAB coordinate so far, and others are null
- getSourceRetainedFields() - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.spatialanalyst.OverlayAnalystParameter
Gets the field names of input dataset or the Recordset which are maintained in the output dataset when performing overlay analysis.
- getSpacingDistance() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.FlowElement
get Distance retur nnull
- getSpatialIndex() - Method in class com.supermap.data.conversion.ImportSettingCSV
Gets spatial index information
- getSpatialIndex() - Method in class com.supermap.data.conversion.ImportSettingDWG
Gets the spatial index type, which is valid when the isSpatialIndexAutoBuilt property is true
- getSpatialIndex() - Method in class com.supermap.data.conversion.ImportSettingDXF
Gets the spatial index type, which is valid when the isSpatialIndexAutoBuilt property is true
- getSpatialIndex() - Method in class com.supermap.data.conversion.ImportSettingSHP
Gets spatial index information
- getSpatialIndexType() - Method in class com.supermap.data.DatasetVector
Returns the current spatial index type
- getSpatialQueryMode() - Method in class com.supermap.data.QueryParameter
Gets the operation mode of the spatial query.
- getSpatialQueryMode() - Method in class com.supermap.services.ServiceQueryParameter
Gets the operation mode of the spatial query
- getSpeakSpeed() - Method in class com.supermap.plugin.SpeakPlugin
Gets the speed of the current voice broadcast.
- getSpeakVolum() - Method in class com.supermap.plugin.SpeakPlugin
Gets the quality of the current voice broadcast.
- getSpecialValue() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.LayerSettingGrid
Gst the special value of the grid layer.
- GetSpecialValue() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeGridRange
Return the given transparent value.
- getSpecialValueColor() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.LayerSettingGrid
Gets color corresponding to the special value of the grid layer.
- getSpeechModeType() - Static method in class com.supermap.mapping.speech.SpeechMode
Gets the speech mode
- getSpeed() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.ARAnimationTranslation2
Gets speed It is valid to displacement animations only Unit: m/s
- getSpeed() - Method in class com.supermap.navi.Navigation3
Gets the speed.
- getSpeed() - Method in class com.supermap.navi.NaviStep
Gets the speed of the road in 1 meter per second
- getSpeed() - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Route
Returns the speed of the flight route in meters per second.
- getSpeed() - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.RouteStop
Gets the stop speed
- getSplitIndexes() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.MixedTextStyle
Returns the split index values used to separate text.
- getSrcCoordinateType() - Method in class com.supermap.onlineservices.CoordinateConvertParameter
Get the source coordinate type.
- getStandardDeviationStretchFactor() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ImageStretchOption
Obtain the standard deviation of the tensile coefficient
- getStandardHistograms() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ImageStretchOption
Gets the standard histogram entered when performing histogram matching, that is, the histogram as a reference.
- getStandardParallel1() - Method in class com.supermap.data.PrjParameter
Returns the latitude of the first standard parallel.
- getStandardParallel2() - Method in class com.supermap.data.PrjParameter
Returns the latitude of the second standard parallel.
- getStart() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeGridRangeItem
return the start value of the ThemeGridRangeItem object.
- getStart() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeLabelItem
Returns the start range value for the label map item.
- getStart() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeRangeItem
Returns the start value of the range map item.
- getStartAngle() - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoArc
Returns the start angle of the arc, in degree.
- getStartAngle() - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoChord
Returns the start angle of the elliptical arc which the GeoChord object corresponds to.
- getStartAngle() - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoEllipticArc
Returns the start angle of the elliptic arc, with the accuracy being 0.1 degrees.
- getStartAngle() - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoPie
Returns the start angle of the elliptical arc which the GeoPie object corresponds to.
- getStartAngle() - Method in class com.supermap.plot.AnimationRotate
Gets the beginning rotation angle
- getStartDate() - Method in class com.supermap.data.LicenseStatus
Gets the start date of the license.
- getStartDelay() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.ARAnimationParameter
Gets the delayed time
- getStartIndex() - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.RouteStops
Gets the starting stop.
- getStartInfo() - Method in class com.supermap.onlineservices.SolutionItem
Get the start information.
- getStartLineColor() - Method in class com.supermap.plot.AnimationAttribute
Gets the starting line color
- getStartLineWidth() - Method in class com.supermap.plot.AnimationAttribute
Gets the starting line width
- getStartLocation() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.ARAnimationParameter
Gets the geographical position of the starting point
- getStartLocation() - Method in class com.supermap.plot.AnimationGrow
Gets the starting time node
- getStartPoints() - Method in class com.supermap.services.networkanalyst.MTSPathAnalystFromServer
Gets the set of starting points
- getStartPosition() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.ARAnimationParameter
Gets the starting point
- getStartScaleFactor() - Method in class com.supermap.plot.AnimationScale
Gets the beginning scale
- getStartStopIndex() - Method in class com.supermap.onlineservices.LineItem
Get the index on the whole station compared to the whole.
- getStartStopName() - Method in class com.supermap.onlineservices.LineItem
Get the name of the current segment starting bus (subway) station.
- getStartSurroundLineColor() - Method in class com.supermap.plot.AnimationAttribute
Gets the color of the starting serif
- getStartSurroundLineWidth() - Method in class com.supermap.plot.AnimationAttribute
Gets the width of the starting serif
- getStartTime() - Method in class com.supermap.plot.AnimationGO
Gets the starting time
- getStartTime() - Method in class com.supermap.plot.AnimationGroup
Gets the starting time
- getStatus() - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.FlyManager
Return to the current flight status (stopped, paused, in flight).
- getStdDeviation() - Method in class com.supermap.data.StatisticsResult
Returns the standard deviation of the cell values.
- getStep() - Method in class com.supermap.navi.NaviPath
Gets the road list in the navigation path, including every road information that you will go through.
- getStopIndexes() - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.TransportationAnalystResult
Returns the 2D array of the stop indexes which reflects the order of the stops after analysis.
- getStopIndexes() - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst3d.TransportationAnalystResult3D
Returns the 2D array of the stop indexes which reflects the order of the stops after analysis.
- getStopWeights() - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.TransportationAnalystResult
Returns the cost (weight) between the stops after sorting the stops according to the index.
- getStopWeights() - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst3d.TransportationAnalystResult3D
Returns the values of the weights passed by the analysis.
- getStreet() - Method in class com.supermap.onlineservices.StreetNumber
Get the street name.
- getStreetNumber() - Method in class com.supermap.onlineservices.Address
Get the street and door number information.
- getStretchType() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ImageStretchOption
Get the image stretch type
- getStrikeout() - Method in class com.supermap.data.TextStyle
Returns whether strikeout for the text, true means strikeout.
- getString(int) - Method in class com.supermap.data.Recordset
The value of the "text" field in the current record from the attribute table of the dataset.
- getString(String) - Method in class com.supermap.data.Recordset
The value of the "text" field in the current record from the attribute table of the dataset.
- getString(String) - Method in class com.supermap.services.FeatureSet
Used to return the field value of the current feature in text.
- getStringId(Context, String) - Static method in class com.supermap.mapping.NavigationPlus.ResourceUtil
- getStripeLinePoints() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.StripeLine
Gets the vertex set of lines
- getStripeLineRadius() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.ARGeoLine
Get strip fillet radius
- getStripeLineRadius() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.StripeLine
Gets the radius of the rounded angle of stripe lines
- getStripeLineWidth() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.ARGeoLine
Gets strip line width
- getStrokeColor() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.MapControl
Gets the stroke color of an object.
- getStrokeFillColor() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.MapControl
Gets the stroke fill color of an object.
- getStrokeWidth() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.MapControl
Gets the stroke width of an object.
- getStyle() - Method in class com.supermap.data.Geometry
Returns the GeoStyle of the geometry objectis.
- getStyle() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.CallOut
Get the justification of CallOut.
- getStyle() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.collector.Collector
Gets the drawing style of the drawing Style collection object.
- getStyle() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.dyn.DynamicElement
Gets the style.
- getStyle() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.LayerSettingVector
Gets the style of the vector layer.
- getStyle() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Selection
Returns the style of the geometric objects in the Selection.
- getStyle() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeDotDensity
Returns the style of points in a density thematic map
- getStyle() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeLabelItem
Returns the display style of the label map item.
- getStyle() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeRangeItem
Returns the style for each item of a ranges map.
- getStyle() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeUniqueItem
Returns the display style of each unique values map item.
- getStyle() - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Layer3DOSGBFile
Returns the style of OSGB cache layer.
- getStyle() - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.RouteStop
Gets the stop style
- getStyle() - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Selection3D
Returns the style of the objects in the Selection3D object.
- getStyle3D() - Method in class com.supermap.data.Geometry3D
Returns the 3D geometry style of the 3D geometry objects.
- getStyleId(Context, String) - Static method in class com.supermap.mapping.NavigationPlus.ResourceUtil
- getStyleMapFilePath() - Method in class com.supermap.data.conversion.ImportSettingDWG
Get the style control path
- getStyleMapFilePath() - Method in class com.supermap.data.conversion.ImportSettingDXF
Get the style control path
- getStyles() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.MixedTextStyle
Returns the text style collection.
- getSubCurveAtM(double, double) - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoLineM
Returns the line object corresponding to the GeoLineM object with the specified M range.
- getsubLayerIDs() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.LayerSettingVectorCache
obtains vector map layer name
- getSubLineMAtM(double, double) - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoLineM
Returns the corresponding GeoLineM object with the given start measure and end measure.
- getSubSymbols() - Method in class com.supermap.plot.GeoGraphicObject
Get subsymbol array
- getSupplyCenterID() - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.DemandResult
Returns the ID of the supply center.
- getSupplyCenters() - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.LocationAnalystParameter
Return the array of the supply center.
- getSupplyResults() - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.LocationAnalystResult
Gets the array of the SupplyResult objects.
- getSurroundLineColor() - Method in class com.supermap.plot.GeoGraphicObject
Gets 2D surround line color
- getSurroundLineColorAttr() - Method in class com.supermap.plot.AnimationAttribute
Gets whether the color attribute of serif is valid.
- getSurroundLineFlag() - Method in class com.supermap.plot.GeoGraphicObject
Get whether is surround line flag
- getSurroundLineType() - Method in class com.supermap.plot.GeoGraphicObject
Get surround line type
- getSurroundLineWidth2D() - Method in class com.supermap.plot.GeoGraphicObject
Gets 2D surround line width
- getSurroundLineWidthAttr() - Method in class com.supermap.plot.AnimationAttribute
Gets whether the width attribute of serif is valid.
- getSweepAngle() - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoArc
Returns the sweep angle in degrees.
- getSweepAngle() - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoChord
Returns the sweep angle in degrees of the elliptical arc which the GeoChord object corresponds to.
- getSweepAngle() - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoEllipticArc
Returns the sweep angle in degrees of the elliptical arc.
- getSweepAngle() - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoPie
Returns the sweep angle in degrees of the elliptical arc which the GeoPie object corresponds to.
- getSwipeRegion() - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Layer3D
Get the area where the shutter is opened
- getSymbol() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.imChart.ColorScheme
Gets the segmented display symbol.
- getSymbolRank() - Method in class com.supermap.plot.GeoGraphicObject
Get symbol level
- getSymbolRanks() - Method in class com.supermap.plot.GeoGraphicObject
Gets symbol including list of level
- getSymbolScale() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Layer
Return the display scale of symbols.
- getSymbolSize() - Method in class com.supermap.plot.GeoGraphicObject
Get symbol size
- getSymbolType() - Method in class com.supermap.plot.GeoGraphicObject
Get symbol type
- getTag() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.dyn.DynamicElement
Gets the label.
- getTag(int) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ScreenLayer
Gets the label of the feature object with the specified index number in the screen layer.
- getTag(int) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.TrackingLayer
Returns the tag of geometric object with the specified ID in this tracking layer.
- getTag(int) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.TrackingLayer3D
Gets the label of the geometric object of the specified sequence number in the 3D tracking layer.
- getTarget() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.gltfModel.BufferViews
Gets Target target can be a constant indicating data is used for the vertex property (34962 means ARRAY_BUFFER).
- getTarget() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.gltfModel.Channels
Gets Target
- getTargetControlPoints() - Method in class com.supermap.data.Transformation
Returns the selected control point of the reference layer.
- getTargetDatasetName() - Method in class com.supermap.data.conversion.ImportSetting
Obtains target dataset name
- getTargetDatasource() - Method in class com.supermap.data.conversion.ImportSetting
Obtains target datasource
- getTargetDatasourceConnectionInfo() - Method in class com.supermap.data.conversion.ImportSetting
Obtains connection information of datasource to be imported
- getTargetEncodeType() - Method in class com.supermap.data.conversion.ImportSetting
Sets dataset encoding type to be generated
- getTargetPoint(int) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Sightline
Return the specified target point position according to the index.
- getTargetPoints() - Method in class com.supermap.services.networkanalyst.MTSPathAnalystFromServer
Gets the collection of endpoints
- getTargetPrjCoordSys() - Method in class com.supermap.data.conversion.ImportSetting
Obtains target data coordinate after imported
- getTelephone() - Method in class com.supermap.onlineservices.POIInfo
Get contact information of POI.
- getTemporaryPath() - Static method in class com.supermap.data.Environment
Gets the path that stores the temporary file.
- getTerrainLayers() - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Scene
Return the terrain layer collection in the 3D scene.
- getTexCoord() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.gltfModel.BaseColorTexture
Gets components
- getTEXCOORD_0() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.gltfModel.Attributes
Gets the value of TEXCOORD_0
- getText() - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoText
Returns the content of the GeoText object.
- getText() - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoText3D
Returns the content of the GeoText object.
- getText() - Method in class com.supermap.data.TextPart
Returns the text content of the instance of this TextPart object.
- getText() - Method in class com.supermap.data.TextPart3D
Returns the text of the specified TextPart instance.
- getText() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.dyn.DynamicText
Gets the display text.
- getTextColor() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.dyn.DynamicStyle
Gets the text color.
- getTextContent() - Method in class com.supermap.plot.GeoGraphicObject
Get text content
- getTextExtentInflation() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeLabel
Returns the extent inflation of the text in the label in the positive direction in X and Y axes.
- getTextStyle() - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoText
Returns the text style of the GeoText object.
- getTextStyle() - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoText3D
Returns the text style of the GeoText3D object.
- getTextStyle2D() - Method in class com.supermap.plot.GeoGraphicObject
Get 2D text style
- getTexture() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.excavator.PitObject
gets texture
- getTextureMap() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.BaseShape
Gets the resource id of the texture map
- getTextureMap() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.ShapeStyle
- getTextures() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.gltfModel.Gltf
Gets textures
- getTFSingleWayRuleValues() - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.TransportationAnalystSetting
Returns the array of strings indicating the backward single way.
- getTFSingleWayRuleValues() - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst3d.TransportationAnalystSetting3D
Returns an array of strings that are used to represent backward lines, that is, when the value of the RuleField field is one of the values of the array, it represents a backward line.
- getTFWeightField() - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.WeightFieldInfo
Gets the negative weight filed.
- getTFWeightField() - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst3d.WeightFieldInfo3D
Returns the backward weight fields or expressions.
- GetTheme() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Layer
- getTheme() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Layer
Gets the thematic objects of the thematic layer.
- getThreshhold() - Method in class com.supermap.data.PathSmoothTool
get filter threshold
- getTile() - Method in class com.supermap.navi.Navigation3D
Get the angle of the camera when the path is booted
- getTileField() - Method in class com.supermap.data.SpatialIndexInfo
Returns the field of tile which applies to the tile spatial index.
- getTileHeight() - Method in class com.supermap.data.SpatialIndexInfo
Return the tile height of the spatial index.
- getTileName() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.AR.ArControl2
Returns the title name of POI text in a AR map
- getTileWidth() - Method in class com.supermap.data.SpatialIndexInfo
Return the tile width of the spatial index.
- getTilt() - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Camera
Returns the camera's tilt (the angle around the X axis).
- getTilt() - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.LookAt
Gets the angle between LookAt position and the surface normal which ranges from 0 to 90 degree.
- getTime() - Method in class com.supermap.navi.NaviPath
Gets the time to the destination.
- getTime() - Method in class com.supermap.navi.NaviStep
Gets the time cost for going through this road.
- getTime() - Method in class com.supermap.onlineservices.NavigationOnlineData
It takes time to get the navigation.
- getTimeEndField() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Layer
The temporal data must have time attributes to represent the observed starting time and ending time.
- getTimeFilterEnding() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Layer
Returns the ending time of the filter expression of the layer time.
- getTimeFilterStarting() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Layer
Returns the starting time of the filter expression of the layer time.
- getTimeFormat() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Map
When playing temporal data, if you set the window displays the time range of the current frame, the interface returns the time format.
- getTimeInterval() - Method in class com.supermap.plugin.LocationManagePlugin
Gets the time interval.
- getTimeInterval() - Method in class com.supermap.track.Track
Gets the time interval.
- getTimePosition() - Method in class com.supermap.data.NodeAnimation
The time at which the animation was taken, in seconds.
- getTimePosition() - Method in class com.supermap.data.TimePositionChangedEvent
Get current time position.
- getTimeSpan() - Method in class com.supermap.data.TimeSpan
Returns the milliseconds part of the time interval represented by the TimeSpan object.
- getTimeStamp() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.RecordParameter
Gets the time stamp
- getTimeStamp() - Method in class com.supermap.videomap.VideoParameter
Get timestamp
- getTimeStartField() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Layer
The temporal data must have time attributes to represent the observed starting time and ending time.
- getTimeStep() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Map
Returns the time step interval of the temporal data
- getTimeStepInterval() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Layer
Returns the time step interval of the temporal data
- getTimeToDestination(double) - Method in class com.supermap.navi.Navigation
Gets the rest time to destination.
- getTimeValue() - Method in class com.supermap.videomap.TimeStamp
Get Time Value
- getTimeWindow() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Map
Returns the time window
- getTitle() - Method in class com.supermap.data.SteppedEvent
Returns the title of the current operation.
- getTNodeIDField() - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.FacilityAnalystSetting
Returns the field that identifies the edge end node ID in the network dataset.
- getTNodeIDField() - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.TransportationAnalystSetting
Returns the field that identifies the edge end node ID in the network dataset.
- getTNodeIDField() - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst3d.FacilityAnalystSetting3D
Returns The name of the field identifying the end node ID of the edge.
- getTNodeIDField() - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst3d.TransportationAnalystSetting3D
Returns The name of the field identifying the end node ID of the edge.
- getToArTransformation() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.TransformCalibrationResult
The data registration class transformed from AR coordinates to geographic coordinates is obtained
- getToGeoTransformation() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.TransformCalibrationResult
The data registration class transformed from AR coordinates to geographic coordinates is obtained
- getTolerance() - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.FacilityAnalystSetting
Returns the distance tolerance from the point to the edge.
- getTolerance() - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.TransportationAnalystSetting
Returns the distance tolerance from the point to the edge.
- getTolerance() - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst3d.FacilityAnalystSetting3D
The distance tolerance between the point and the edge.
- getTolerance() - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst3d.TransportationAnalystSetting3D
The distance tolerance between the point and the edge.
- getTolerance() - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.spatialanalyst.OverlayAnalystParameter
Gets the tolerance of the overlay analysis.
- getTolerance() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.BaseCatchManager
Gets the capture tolerance.
- getTolerance() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.SnapSetting
Get the snap tolerance.
- getTop() - Method in class com.supermap.data.mapGrid.MapGridParam
Get the max Y
- getTop() - Method in class com.supermap.data.Rectangle2D
Returns the coordinate of the top edge of the Rectangle2D object.
- getTopic() - Method in class com.supermap.messagequeue.MQTTReturnMessage
Gets the topic.
- getTopLeft() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.ArObject
Gets the top-left corner of ArObject
- getToPointIndex() - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.spatialanalyst.VisibleResult
Returns the index of the observed point of the visibility analysis
- getTopRight() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.ArObject
Gets the top-right corner of ArObject
- getTopVertices() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.excavator.Excavator
Gets the set of vertices at the top of the dug hole
- getToSwerve() - Method in class com.supermap.navi.NaviStep
Gets the swerve type
- getTotalArea() - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Tracking3DEvent
Gets the area of the object tracked.
- getTotalHours() - Method in class com.supermap.data.TimeSpan
Returns the value of whole hours of the TimeSpan object
- getTotalLength() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.gather.ARGatherView
Gets the total length of all tracks on the scene.
- getTotalLength() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.gather.GatherView
Gets whether to display points in the point cloud mode
- getTotalLength() - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Tracking3DEvent
Gets the length of the current line being drawn, and the unit is meter.
- getTotalMinutes() - Method in class com.supermap.data.TimeSpan
Returns the value of whole minutes of the TimeSpan object
- getTotalPoints() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.highprecision.ARMeasureView
Gets all record points
- getTotalSeconds() - Method in class com.supermap.data.TimeSpan
Returns the value of whole seconds of the TimeSpan object
- getTotalWeights() - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.SupplyResult
Returns the total cost.
- getTouchNearPoint(Point3D, List<Point3D>) - Static method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.PresetUtils
To add a node, click the location to determine whether to add a node and where to add it
- getTouchNearPointIndex(Point3D, List<Point3D>) - Static method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.PresetUtils
Gets the closest point to a string of points
- getTrack() - Method in class com.supermap.data.NodeAnimation
Returns the motion trajectory of the node animation.
- getTrackedCount() - Method in class com.supermap.ai.AIDetectView
Gets the counting result
- getTrackingLayer() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Map
Gets the tracking layer of this map.
- getTrackingLayer() - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Scene
Returns the screen layer collection in the 3D scene.
- getTrackLineColor() - Method in class com.supermap.plot.AnimationWay
Gets the color of path line
- getTrackLineWidth() - Method in class com.supermap.plot.AnimationWay
Gets the width of path line
- getTransferCount() - Method in class com.supermap.onlineservices.SolutionItem
Get the transfer count of current solution.
- getTransformMode() - Method in class com.supermap.data.Transformation
Returns the registration mode.
- getTranslateX() - Method in class com.supermap.data.CoordSysTransParameter
Returns the offset along the X axis.
- getTranslateY() - Method in class com.supermap.data.CoordSysTransParameter
Returns the offset along the Y axis.
- getTranslateZ() - Method in class com.supermap.data.CoordSysTransParameter
Returns the offset along the Z axis.
- getTranslation() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.gltfModel.Nodes
Sets the offset position
- getTransparency() - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.GlobalImage
Returns the transparency of the global basemap.
- getTransparentColor() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.LayerSettingImage
Gets the transparent background color.
- getTransparentColorTolerance() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.LayerSettingImage
Gets the tolerance for transparent background color.
- getTransparentColorTolerance() - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Layer3DMap
- getTurnAngle() - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.PathGuideItem
Returns the next turning angle in the point when the path guide subitem is the point (
is false). - getTurnDataset() - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.TransportationAnalystSetting
Gets the turn table dataset.
- getTurnErrorInfos() - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.TransportationAnalystCheckResult
Returns the turn table error information.
- getTurnFEdgeIDField() - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.TransportationAnalystSetting
Gets the field of the start edge ID.
- getTurnNodeIDField() - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.TransportationAnalystSetting
Gets the field of the turn node ID.
- getTurnTEdgeIDField() - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.TransportationAnalystSetting
Gets the field of the end edge ID.
- getTurnTime() - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.RouteStop
Gets the time that a stop turning around spends
- getTurnType() - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.PathGuideItem
When the path guide item is returned to the point (
is false), get the nest turning direction of the point. - getTurnWeightField() - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.LocationAnalystParameter
Gets the turn cost field and this field must be in the collection of turn cost fields which is defined in the transportation network analysis environment settings.
- getTurnWeightField() - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.TransportationAnalystParameter
Returns the turn weight filed.
- getTurnWeightField() - Method in class com.supermap.services.networkanalyst.AnalystParameter
Gets the name of the steering weight field
- getTurnWeightFields() - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.TransportationAnalystSetting
Returns the turn weight filed set.
- getTwoWayRuleValues() - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.TransportationAnalystSetting
Returns the array of strings indicating the two-way line.
- getTwoWayRuleValues() - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst3d.TransportationAnalystSetting3D
Returns an array of strings that are used to represent two-way lines, that is, when the value of the RuleField field is one of the values of the array, it represents a two-way line.
- getType() - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.SupplyCenter
Gets the type of SupplyCenter.
- getType() - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.SupplyResult
Returns the type of the supply center.
- getType() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.excavator.ExcavationParameter
Gets excavation type
- getType() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.gltfModel.Accessors
Gets the property type
- getType() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.ARGeometry
Returns the type of the AR geometry object
- getType() - Method in class com.supermap.data.Dataset
Return the type of the dataset.
- getType() - Method in class com.supermap.data.DatasetVectorInfo
Returns the DatasetVector class.
- getType() - Method in class com.supermap.data.FieldInfo
The type of the field returned.
- getType() - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSys
Returns the type of the geographic coordinate system.
- getType() - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatum
Returns the type of the GeoDatum object.
- getType() - Method in class com.supermap.data.Geometry
Returns the type of the geometry object.
- getType() - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoPrimeMeridian
Returns the type of the PrimeMeridian object.
- getType() - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoSpheroid
Returns the GeoSpheroidType object.
- getType() - Method in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSys
Returns the PrjCoordSys type.
- getType() - Method in class com.supermap.data.Projection
Returns the specified type of projection.
- getType() - Method in class com.supermap.data.SpatialIndexInfo
Return spatial index type.
- getType() - Method in class com.supermap.data.Symbol
Returns the type of Symbol object.There are three types: marker symbol, line symbol, and fill symbol.
- getType() - Method in class com.supermap.data.SymbolFill
Returns the SymbolFill object.
- getType() - Method in class com.supermap.data.SymbolLine
Returns the SymbolLine object.
- getType() - Method in class com.supermap.data.SymbolMarker
Returns the SymbolMarker object.
- getType() - Method in class com.supermap.data.SymbolMarkerStroke
Returns the type of stroke.
- getType() - Method in class com.supermap.data.WebParams
Get service type.
- getType() - Method in class com.supermap.data.WebRestParams
- getType() - Method in class com.supermap.data.WorkspaceConnectionInfo
Returns the workspace type.
- getType() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.collector.CollectorElement
Obtains the type of collected object.
- getType() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.dyn.DynamicElement
Gets the type.
- getType() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.LayerSetting
For vector dataset, use
layer to return the type of layer. - getType() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.LayerSettingGrid
Gets the type of the layer, inherited and overwritten based on
method. - getType() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.LayerSettingImage
Gets the type of the layer, inherited and overwritten based on
method. - getType() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.LayerSettingVector
Gets or sets the type of the layers.
- getType() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.LayerSettingVectorCache
- getType() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Theme
Returns the type of the thematic map.
- getType() - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Layer3D
Returns the type of 3D layer.
- getUAVLayers() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.EffectView
Get the drone layer
- getUIWorking() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.AR.ArControl2
Gets whether it is the UI working status
- getUndergroundBackColor() - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.GlobalImage
Gets the background color of the underground area.
- getUnderline() - Method in class com.supermap.data.TextStyle
Returns whether underline the text, true means underline.
- getUnifiedDuration() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.FlowElement
get the uniform cycle
- getUnifiedSpeed() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.FlowElement
get the uniform speed, m/s
- getUnifiedStyleCorner() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.dyn.DynamicStyle
Sets the radian of uniform style
- getUnifiedStyleHeight() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.dyn.DynamicStyle
Gets the height of rectangle of uniform style
- getUnifiedStyleRadius() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.dyn.DynamicStyle
Gets the radius of circle of uniform style
- getUnifiedStyleType() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.dyn.DynamicStyle
Gets the uniform style
- getUnifiedStyleWidth() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.dyn.DynamicStyle
Gets the width of rectangle of uniform style
- getUniformMixedStyle() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeLabel
Returns the uniform composite text style for the label map.
- getUniformStyle() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeGraphItem
Gets sub items' styles of a statistical thematic map
- getUniformStyle() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeLabel
Returns the uniform text style.
- getUnique() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeUniqueItem
Returns the value for unique values map item.
- getUniqueExpression() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeUnique
Returns the field expression of the unique value map, which is used to set the field or field expression used to create unique values map.
- getUniqueIdentifier() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.RecordParameter
Gets the unique identifier
- getUniqueName(String, List<String>) - Static method in class com.supermap.data.mapGrid.StringUtils
Get available names
- getUniqueNameIgnoreCase(String, List<String>) - Static method in class com.supermap.data.mapGrid.StringUtils
Gets the available name, ignoring case
- getUpdateInterval() - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Layer3DDynamicObject
- getUpLocation() - Method in class com.supermap.onlineservices.LineItem
Get the coordinates of the current sub-station starting bus (subway) station latitude and longitude.
- getUri() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.gltfModel.Buffers
Sets uri
- getUri() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.gltfModel.Images
Gets the image path
- getUrl() - Method in class com.supermap.data.EduLicense
Gets the education license address
- getUrl() - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Scene
Return the 3D service url path associated with the 3D scene.
- getUrl() - Method in class com.supermap.services.OptimalPathAnalysis
Description: returns service address string
- getUrl() - Method in class com.supermap.services.ServiceBase
Gets the url corresponding to the service.
- getUseNoValue() - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.spatialanalyst.GridAnalystSetting
- getUseNoValue() - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.spatialanalyst.TerrainAnalystSetting
- getUser() - Method in class com.supermap.data.DatasourceConnectionInfo
Returns the user name when logging on the database.
- getUser() - Method in class com.supermap.data.WorkspaceConnectionInfo
Returns the user name when logging on the database.
- getUserAction() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.MapControl
Gets the user action.
- getUserData() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.collector.CollectorElement
Gets the user data.
- getUserData() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.dyn.DynamicElement
Gets the user data.
- getUserEditBounds() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Map
Gets the user editing bound.
- getUserGroupsInfo(int, int, GroupOrderBy, String, OrderType, OnResponseListener) - Method in class com.supermap.services.iportalservices.IPortalService
Gets the groups that the current user created
- getUserName() - Method in class com.supermap.onlineservices.OnlineService
Returns the username Gets after logging in successfully
- getUserName() - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.OLAccountManager
Get account registration email in the login success callback event.
- getValidBounds() - Method in class com.supermap.videomap.VideoParameter
Get the video valid boundary
- getValidRegion() - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.spatialanalyst.GridAnalystSetting
Gets the valid area of the dataset
- getValidRegion() - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.spatialanalyst.TerrainAnalystSetting
Gets the valid area of the dataset
- getValue() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.utils.XmlNode
Get Value
- getValue(int, int) - Method in class com.supermap.data.DatasetGrid
Returns the grid value of the grid dataset with the specific row number and column number.
- getValue() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeDotDensity
Returns values denoted by each point in a thematic map
- getValueByName(Class, String) - Static method in class com.supermap.data.Enum
Returns the enumeration value based on the enumeration constant name.
- getValueByName(Class, String) - Static method in class com.supermap.messagequeue.Enum
Gets the value according to the enumeration name
- getValues(Class) - Static method in class com.supermap.data.Enum
Returns the enumeration value collection in the given enumeration class.
- getValues(Class) - Static method in class com.supermap.messagequeue.Enum
Gets the value set of enumeration type
- getVariance() - Method in class com.supermap.data.StatisticsResult
Returns the variance of the cell values.
- getVectorOutputNamePrefix() - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.spatialanalyst.GridAnalystSetting
Gets the name prefix of the vector dataset
- getVectorOutputNamePrefix() - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.spatialanalyst.TerrainAnalystSetting
Gets the name prefix of the vector dataset
- getVersion() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.gltfModel.Asset
Gets version information
- getVersion() - Method in class com.supermap.data.LicenseStatus
Gets the iMobile version supported by the current trial license.
- getVersion() - Method in class com.supermap.data.WorkspaceConnectionInfo
Returns the version of the workspace.
- getVerticalFOV() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.RecordParameter
Gets the vertical FOV of camera
- getVerticalFov() - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.ProjectionImage
- getVertices() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.CameraWindowRenderer
Gets vertex set degree
- getVideoBackGroundView() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.config.ResourceConfig
Gets the background layout of video projection
- getVideoElement(String) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.EffectView
- getVideoFilePath() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.VideoEffectView
Gets the video file path
- getVideoFilePath() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.VideoEffectView2
Get Video File Path
- getVideoMaterialKey() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.config.ResourceConfig
Gets the texture file of video projection
- getVideoParameter() - Method in class com.supermap.videomap.VideoParameters
Get the video parameter
- getVideoParameters() - Method in class com.supermap.videomap.Desktop
- getVideoView() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.VideoEffectView
- getView() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.ARViewElement
Gets the view
- getView() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.BaseCatchManager
Gets the view
- getView(ArObject, View, ViewGroup) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.ArViewAdapter
Sets layout
- getViewAlpha() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.dyn.DynamicView
Returns the object transparency of the dynamic layer.
- getViewBounds() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Map
Returns the view bounds of this map, and the view bounds are also called display extent.
- getViewElement(String) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.EffectView
- getViewerPosition() - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Skyline
- getViewHeight() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.imChart.LegendView
Obtains legend height, the unit is pixel
- getViewPoint() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.AR.ArControl2
Gets the center of view
- getViewWidth() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.imChart.LegendView
Obtains legend width, the unit is pixel
- getVisible() - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.spatialanalyst.VisibleResult
Returns whether it is visible from the point with the index FromPointIndex to the point with index ToPointIndex
- getVisible() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.imChart.ChartLegend
Gets whether to display the legend.
- getVisible() - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.ARPlane
Get the visibility of the AR plane.
- getVisibleDistance() - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Feature3D
Deprecated.This method is obsolete. Related functions have been replaced by the get / setMaxObjectVisibleDistance () method in the Layer3D class. The visible distance of feature 3D
- getVisibleInViewport(int) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Layer3D
Get the visibility of the current 3D layer in the specified viewport.
- getVisibleScales() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Map
Get a fixed scale array, which is a scale that can be displayed when a fixed scale is displayed
- getVisibleSubLayers() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.LayerSettingImage
Gets the collection of all visible layers and return the string array.
- getVolume() - Method in class com.supermap.data.Geometry3D
Returns the volume of the GeoPicture3D object, in cubic meters.
- getvViewerPosition() - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Sightline
Gets the Viewer Position
- getWaitTime() - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.RouteStop
Gets the waiting time of stop
- getWalkDistance() - Method in class com.supermap.onlineservices.DestinationInfo
Get the distance from the bus station walk to distination.
- getWalkDistance() - Method in class com.supermap.onlineservices.LineItem
Get the walking distance from the starting point to the bus (metro) starting point.
- getWalkDistance() - Method in class com.supermap.onlineservices.StartInfo
Get the walking distance from the start point to the bus stop.
- getWalkDistance() - Method in class com.supermap.onlineservices.WalkInfo
Get the walking distance.
- getWalkInfos() - Method in class com.supermap.onlineservices.SolutionItem
Get the walking lines during transfer.
- getWayPointTolerance(double) - Method in class com.supermap.navi.Navigation3
Sets the tolerance of passing points during a navigation
- getWebBBox() - Method in class com.supermap.data.DatasourceConnectionInfo
Gets the map extent of WMS service.
- getWebCacheDirectory() - Static method in class com.supermap.data.Environment
Gets the path that stores the network map cache.
- getWebCoordinate() - Method in class com.supermap.data.DatasourceConnectionInfo
Gets the coordinate reference system for Web service type (Rest/OGC) datasource.
- getWebExtendParam() - Method in class com.supermap.data.DatasourceConnectionInfo
Gets the extending parameter of WMS service.
- getWebFormat() - Method in class com.supermap.data.DatasourceConnectionInfo
Gets the WMS service picture format.
- getWebMap(int, OnResponseListener) - Method in class com.supermap.services.iportalservices.IPortalService
WebMap resource is content resource of maps GET: gets content of the specified map
- getWebTransparent() - Method in class com.supermap.data.DatasourceConnectionInfo
Gets whether tiles requested by WMS service are transparent
- getWebUri() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.ARWebViewElement
Gets the website of the starting page
- getWebVersion() - Method in class com.supermap.data.DatasourceConnectionInfo
Gets the WMS service version.
- getWebViewElement(String) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.EffectView
- getWebVisibleLayers() - Method in class com.supermap.data.DatasourceConnectionInfo
Gets the visible layer set of WMS service.
- getWeight() - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.PathGuideItem
Returns the weight of a path guide sub item, i.e., the cost of the path guide subitem.
- getWeight() - Method in class com.supermap.data.TextStyle
Returns the The value ranges from 0 and 900.
- getWeighted() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.imChart.ChartPoint
Gets weight
- getWeightField() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.LayerGridAggregation
Returns the weighted field
- getWeightField() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.LayerHeatmap
Returns the weighted field
- getWeightFieldInfos() - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.FacilityAnalystSetting
Returns the object of weight field information collection.
- getWeightFieldInfos() - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.TransportationAnalystSetting
Returns the object of weight field information collection.
- getWeightFieldInfos() - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst3d.FacilityAnalystSetting3D
Returns weight information collection object, the type is WeightFieldInfos, which is for supporting multi threads in the analysis.
- getWeightFieldInfos() - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst3d.TransportationAnalystSetting3D
Returns weight information set object, the type is WeightFieldInfos, which is for supporting multi threads in the anaylysis.
- getWeightFieldName() - Method in class com.supermap.services.networkanalyst.AnalystParameter
Returns the type of weight field information
- getWeightName() - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.LocationAnalystParameter
Returns the name of the weight field information, i.e., the value of the
method of a certainWeightFieldInfo
object of theWeightFieldInfos
object specified by the TransportationAnalystSetting class. - getWeightName() - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.TransportationAnalystParameter
Gets the name of WeightFieldInfo.
- getWeightName() - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst3d.TransportationAnalystParameter3D
Returns the name of the weight field information.
- getWeights() - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.TransportationAnalystResult
Returns the weight array represented the cost.
- getWeights() - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst3d.TransportationAnalystResult3D
Returns the weight array represented the cost.
- getWGSCoordinates() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.AREffectElement
Gets geographical position of model
- getWidth() - Method in class com.supermap.ai.AISize
Gets width
- getWidth() - Method in class com.supermap.data.DatasetGrid
Returns the width of the image dataset.
- getWidth() - Method in class com.supermap.data.DatasetGridInfo
Returns the width of the grid data.
- getWidth() - Method in class com.supermap.data.DatasetImage
Returns the width of the image in image dataset and the unit is pixel.
- getWidth() - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoRectangle
Returns the width of the GeoRectangle object, that is the width before rotating.
- getWidth() - Method in class com.supermap.data.Rectangle2D
Returns the width of the Rectangle2D object, it's the result of subtracting the x-coordinate of the left edge from the x-coordinate of the right edge.
- getWidth() - Method in class com.supermap.data.Size2D
Return the width of the Size2D.
- getWorkspace() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.ARRealMap
Gets the workspace
- getWorkspace() - Method in class com.supermap.data.Datasource
Gets the workspace object contained the current datasource.
- getWorkspace() - Method in class com.supermap.data.Resources
Returns the Workspace object which is linked to the Resources object.
- getWorkspace() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Map
Returns the workspace that the current map is associated with.
- getWorkspace() - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Scene
Return the workspace associated with the 3D scene.
- getWorld() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.ArView
Gets AR scene
- getWrapS() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.gltfModel.Samplers
Gets wrapS decorator
- getWrapT() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.gltfModel.Samplers
Gets wrapT decorator
- getX() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.Vector
Gets the x coordinate
- getX() - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoPoint
Returns the X-coordinate of the GeoPoint object.
- getX() - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoPoint3D
Returns the X-coordinate of the GeoPoint object.
- getX() - Method in class com.supermap.data.Point
Gets the x of the pixel coordinate.
- getX() - Method in class com.supermap.data.Point2D
Returns the X-coordinate of the Point2D object.
- getX() - Method in class com.supermap.data.Point3D
Returns the X-coordinate of the Point2D object.
- getX() - Method in class com.supermap.data.PointM
Returns the X coordinate of the {
} structure object. - getX() - Method in class com.supermap.data.TextPart
Sets the x-coordinate of the anchor point of the TextPart object.
- getX() - Method in class com.supermap.data.TextPart3D
Sets the X coordinate of the child text object anchor object.
- getX() - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Tracking3DEvent
Gets the current x coordinate.
- getXmlns() - Method in class com.supermap.videomap.Desktop
- getXTitle() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.dyn.DynBarChart
Gets the X coordinate title.
- getXTitle() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.dyn.DynLineChart
Gets the X coordinate title.
- getXYCoordinate() - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.spatialanalyst.ProfileResult
- getY() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.Vector
Gets the y coordinate
- getY() - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoPoint
Returns the Y-coordinate of the GeoPoint object.
- getY() - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoPoint3D
Returns the Y-coordinate of the GeoPoint object.
- getY() - Method in class com.supermap.data.Point
Gets the y of the pixel coordinate.
- getY() - Method in class com.supermap.data.Point2D
Returns the Y-coordinate of the Point2D object.
- getY() - Method in class com.supermap.data.Point3D
Returns the Y-coordinate of the Point2D object.
- getY() - Method in class com.supermap.data.PointM
Returns the Y coordinate of the {
} structure object. - getY() - Method in class com.supermap.data.TextPart
Sets the y-coordinate of the anchor point of the TextPart object.
- getY() - Method in class com.supermap.data.TextPart3D
Sets the Y coordinate of the child text object anchor object.
- getY() - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Tracking3DEvent
Gets the current y coordinate.
- getYaw() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.ARRecordParameter
- getYTitle() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.dyn.DynBarChart
Gets the Y coordinate title.
- getYTitle() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.dyn.DynLineChart
Gets the Y coordinate title.
- getZ() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.Vector
Gets the z coordinate
- getZ() - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoPoint3D
Returns the Z-coordinate of the GeoPoint object.
- getZ() - Method in class com.supermap.data.Point3D
Returns the Z-coordinate of the Point2D object.
- getZ() - Method in class com.supermap.data.TextPart3D
Gets the Z coordinate of the anchor point of the TextPart3D object.
- getZ() - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Tracking3DEvent
Gets the current z coordinate.
- getZeroStyle() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeGraduatedSymbol
Gets the styles of thematic types of 0
- GIF - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.ImageFormatType
GIF format.
- GlobalImage - Class in com.supermap.realspace
Global basemap class.
- GlobalImage() - Constructor for class com.supermap.realspace.GlobalImage
- globeToPixel(Point3D) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Scene
Convert 3D point objects into screen point objects.
- Gltf - Class in com.supermap.ar.areffect.gltfModel
Gltf model class
- Gltf() - Constructor for class com.supermap.ar.areffect.gltfModel.Gltf
The constructor.
- Gltf(String) - Constructor for class com.supermap.ar.areffect.gltfModel.Gltf
The constructor.
- GoogleMaps - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.EngineType
GoogleMaps engine.
- GPSData() - Constructor for class com.supermap.plugin.LocationManagePlugin.GPSData
- GraduatedMode - Class in com.supermap.mapping
Show the calculation mode
- GraphAxesTextDisplayMode - Class in com.supermap.mapping
Formats of Text in the coordinate axises
- GraphicObjectType - Class in com.supermap.plot
The GeoGraphic Object class
- GRAY - Static variable in class com.supermap.mapping.MapColorMode
Gray color mode.
- GREEK - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.Charset
Greek character set.
- GREENBLACK - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.ColorGradientType
Green, black gradient color.
- GREENBLUE - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.ColorGradientType
Green, blue gradient color .
- GREENORANGEVIOLET - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.ColorGradientType
Green, orange, purple gradient color.
- GREENRED - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.ColorGradientType
Green, red gradient color.
- GREENWHITE - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.ColorGradientType
Green, white gradient color.
- GRID - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.DatasetType
The grid dataset is mostly used to do some analysis based on raster, so the value of a cell represents certain attribute of a geographic feature, such as elevation, rainfall, etc.
- GRID - Static variable in class com.supermap.mapping.LayerSettingType
The grid layer settings.
- GridAnalystSetting - Class in com.supermap.analyst.spatialanalyst
The raster analysis setting class
- GridAnalystSetting() - Constructor for class com.supermap.analyst.spatialanalyst.GridAnalystSetting
- GridAnalystSetting(GridAnalystSetting) - Constructor for class com.supermap.analyst.spatialanalyst.GridAnalystSetting
- GridHotChart - Class in com.supermap.mapping.imChart
Grid hot chart, display segment color in squares
- GridHotChart(Context, MapView) - Constructor for class com.supermap.mapping.imChart.GridHotChart
The constructor.
- GridHotChart(Context) - Constructor for class com.supermap.mapping.imChart.GridHotChart
The constructor.
- GridHotChart(Context, AttributeSet) - Constructor for class com.supermap.mapping.imChart.GridHotChart
The constructor.
- GridIndexOnline - Class in com.supermap.distributeanalystservices
grid index
- GridIndexOnline() - Constructor for class com.supermap.distributeanalystservices.GridIndexOnline
The constructor.
- GridIndexOnline.IndexConfigMode - Enum in com.supermap.distributeanalystservices
Index configuration mode enumeration class PARAM_CONFIG parameter configuration INDEX_FILE exist index file configuration
- gridToXY(Point) - Method in class com.supermap.data.DatasetGrid
This method is used to transform the grid with the specified row and column to the point which is x-coordinate and y-coordinate in geographical coordinates system.
- GroundExcavator - Class in com.supermap.ar.areffect.excavator
- GroundExcavator(ARGeoPrism) - Constructor for class com.supermap.ar.areffect.excavator.GroundExcavator
- GroupCheckStatus - Enum in com.supermap.onlineservices.utils
The checking status
- GroupDeleteListener - Interface in com.supermap.onlineservices.utils
Group deletion callback Note: all interfaces of network callback are in the sub threads.
- GroupInviteRole - Enum in com.supermap.onlineservices.utils
Invites user
- GroupOrderBy - Enum in com.supermap.onlineservices.utils
Function: the sorting orders
- GroupRole - Enum in com.supermap.onlineservices.utils
Function: the group role (the resource sharer)
- GrowAnimation - Static variable in class com.supermap.plot.AnimationDefine.AnimationType
Grown animation
- HANGEUL - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.Charset
Another common spelling of the Korean character.
- hasCommonLine(Geometry, Geometry) - Static method in class com.supermap.data.Geometrist
Determines whether the search geometry object has the common lines with the searched geometry object.
- hasCommonPoint(Geometry, Geometry) - Static method in class com.supermap.data.Geometrist
Determines whether the search geometry object has the common points with the searched geometry object.
- hasCross(Geometry, Geometry) - Static method in class com.supermap.data.Geometrist
Determines whether the search geometry object crosses the searched geometry object or not.
- hashCode() - Method in class com.supermap.data.Enum
Returns the hash code of the enumeration constant.
- hashCode() - Method in class com.supermap.data.Point2D
Gets the hash code of this Point2D object.
- hashCode() - Method in class com.supermap.data.PointM
Gets the hash code of this PointM.
- hashCode() - Method in class com.supermap.data.Rectangle2D
The equals method is overwritten, so hashcode must be overwritten, otherwise, the contains method in key-value will occur errors. .
- hashCode() - Method in class com.supermap.data.Size2D
Returns the hash code of this Size2D.
- hashCode() - Method in class com.supermap.data.TimeSpan
- hashCode() - Method in class com.supermap.messagequeue.Enum
The equals method is overwritten, so hashcode must be overwritten
- hasHollow(Geometry) - Static method in class com.supermap.data.Geometrist
Determines whether there is a Hollow type subobject in the specified region object.
- hasIntersection(Geometry, Geometry) - Static method in class com.supermap.data.Geometrist
Determines whether the search geometry object and the searched geometry object are intersected or not.
- hasIntersection(Rectangle2D) - Method in class com.supermap.data.Rectangle2D
Determines whether this rectangle intersects with another rectangle, When this rectangle and the specified rectangle have the common point or common line, they are considered to have intersections.
- hasOverlap(Geometry, Geometry) - Static method in class com.supermap.data.Geometrist
Determines whether the search geometry object and the searched geometry object are overlap with each other.
- hasTouch(Geometry, Geometry) - Static method in class com.supermap.data.Geometrist
Determines whether the boundary of the searched geometry object and the search geometry object touch each other or not.
- HeatMap - Class in com.supermap.mapping.imChart
heat map, display segment color in circle.
- HeatMap(Context, MapView) - Constructor for class com.supermap.mapping.imChart.HeatMap
- HeatMap(Context) - Constructor for class com.supermap.mapping.imChart.HeatMap
- HeatMap(Context, AttributeSet) - Constructor for class com.supermap.mapping.imChart.HeatMap
- HEBREW - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.Charset
Hebrew character set.
- HEXAGON - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.mapGrid.MapGridShape
- HEXAGON - Static variable in class com.supermap.mapping.LayerGridAggregationType
- hideCamera() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.AR.ArControl2
Hide the camera
- HISTOGRAMEQUALIZATION - Static variable in class com.supermap.mapping.ImageStretchType
Histogram equalization The histogram equalization is the non-linear stretching of the image, reallocating the image pixel values, so that the number of pixels within a certain gray scale range is roughly equal, so that the original histogram in the middle of the peak part of the contrast is enhanced and both sides The bottom part of the contrast is reduced, so that the histogram of the output image is a relatively flat segment histogram; if the output image data segmentation value is small, it will produce a rough classification of visual effects.
- HISTOGRAMSPECIFICATION - Static variable in class com.supermap.mapping.ImageStretchType
Histogram match Histogram matching is the mathematical transformation of the image lookup table so that the histogram of an image is similar to the histogram of another image.
- hitTest(Point2D, double) - Method in class com.supermap.data.Geometry
Tests in the given tolerence, whether the given point is in the geometry object.
- hitTest(Point2D, double) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Layer
Returns the selected objects.
- hitTest(Point2D, double) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.TrackingLayer
Returns the ID of the geometric objects that meet the condition.
- hitTest(Point) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.TrackingLayer3D
Returns the ID of the 3D geometry object corresponding to the selected screen pixel.
- hitTestAll(Point2D, double) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.TrackingLayer
Returns all ids of geometry objects that meet the criteria.
- hitTestEx(Point, int) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Layer
Returns the selected objects.
- hitTestEx(Point, int) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.TrackingLayer
Returns the ID of the geometric objects that meet the condition.
- hitTestExAll(Point, int) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.TrackingLayer
Returns all ids of geometry objects that meet the criteria.
- HmsAREffectView - Class in com.supermap.ar.areffect
- HmsAREffectView(Context) - Constructor for class com.supermap.ar.areffect.HmsAREffectView
- HmsAREffectView(Context, AttributeSet) - Constructor for class com.supermap.ar.areffect.HmsAREffectView
The constructor
- HmsAREffectView(Context, AttributeSet, int) - Constructor for class com.supermap.ar.areffect.HmsAREffectView
The constructor
- HmsAREffectView(Context, AttributeSet, int, int) - Constructor for class com.supermap.ar.areffect.HmsAREffectView
The constructor
- HSB - Static variable in class com.supermap.mapping.ColorType
- HwImageScanner - Class in com.supermap.ar.areffect.scanner
Image scanning create by tanyunxiu 2020/12/22
- HwImageScanner.ImageListener - Interface in com.supermap.ar.areffect.scanner
Image Listener
- HypsometricSetting - Class in com.supermap.realspace
Hierarchical coloring class.
- HypsometricSetting() - Constructor for class com.supermap.realspace.HypsometricSetting
Constructs a new HypsometricSetting object.
- HypsometricSettingDisplayMode - Class in com.supermap.realspace
This enumeration defines the display mode type constants for objects that are hierarchical.
- HypsometricSettingDisplayModeFace - Static variable in class com.supermap.realspace.HypsometricSettingDisplayMode
In the form of filling the surface of the layered expression.
- HypsometricSettingDisplayModeNone - Static variable in class com.supermap.realspace.HypsometricSettingDisplayMode
Do not set the layered color.
- ICapture - Interface in com.supermap.ar.areffect
Capture interface SampleCode:
- Icon(Bitmap, int, int) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.TrackingMoveHelper
Sets the icon and icon size
- IconType - Variable in class com.supermap.navi.NaviInfo
The turn icon types Icon type: Go straight 0 Turn left front 1 Turn right front 2 Turns left 3 Turns right 4 Turn left back 5 Turn right back 6 Turn around 7 Turn right until on the left 8 Turn right on the right angle 9 Roadabout 10 Out of the island 11 destination 12 Lift up 13 Elevator down 14 Lift up 15 Escalator down 16 Stairs up 17 Escalator down 18 Point of arrival 19
- id - Variable in class com.supermap.data.license.LicenseInfo
License id.
- id - Variable in class com.supermap.data.PrivateCloudLicenseManager.privateCloudLicInfo
License module id
- identity(DatasetVector, DatasetVector, DatasetVector, OverlayAnalystParameter) - Static method in class com.supermap.analyst.spatialanalyst.OverlayAnalyst
For the data set in the same way the superposition of the analysis, the results of the data set to keep the same operation of the data set of all objects and the same operation of the data set with the same operation for the intersection of the data set of objects.
- identity(Recordset, Recordset, DatasetVector, OverlayAnalystParameter) - Static method in class com.supermap.analyst.spatialanalyst.OverlayAnalyst
For the superposition of the same set of records, the results of the data set to keep the unified operation of the records of all the objects and the same operation of the recordset and the same operation used to record the intersection of the set of objects.
- identity(DatasetVector, Geometry[], DatasetVector, OverlayAnalystParameter) - Static method in class com.supermap.analyst.spatialanalyst.OverlayAnalyst
For the data set in the same way the superposition of the analysis, the results of the data set to keep the same operation of the data set of all objects and the same operation of the data set with the same operation for the intersection of geometric object array object.
- identity(Geometry, Geometry) - Static method in class com.supermap.data.Geometrist
Performs the identity operation on the operated geometry object, that is, the returned geometry object contains the shape of the operate geometry object.
- IDENTITY - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.SpatialQueryMode
Identity mode.
- IDisposable - Interface in com.supermap.data
Title: Description: Copyright: Copyright (c) 2007 Company: SuperMap GIS Technologies Inc.
- IMAGE - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.DatasetType
The image dataset belongs to the raster dataset, such as image map, multi-wave image and photo.
- IMAGE - Static variable in class com.supermap.mapping.LayerSettingType
The image layer settings.
- ImageDisplayMode - Class in com.supermap.mapping
Image display mode, currently supports both combination mode and stretch mode.
- ImageEffectView - Class in com.supermap.ar.areffect
Image Background Effects View 1
- ImageEffectView(Context) - Constructor for class com.supermap.ar.areffect.ImageEffectView
The constructor
- ImageEffectView(Context, AttributeSet) - Constructor for class com.supermap.ar.areffect.ImageEffectView
- ImageEffectView(Context, AttributeSet, int) - Constructor for class com.supermap.ar.areffect.ImageEffectView
- ImageEffectView(Context, AttributeSet, int, int) - Constructor for class com.supermap.ar.areffect.ImageEffectView
- IMAGEFILE - Static variable in class com.supermap.realspace.Layer3DType
The image type 3D layer.
- ImageFormatType - Class in com.supermap.data
This enumeration defines the formatting type of the slice (Tile) file for the cache tile when the third-party service is added, that is, the format of the slice file corresponding to the * .sci, *.
- IMAGEPLUGINS - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.EngineType
Deprecated.Obsolete, Cache replacement of SCI is
. Read-only engine for image file, such as common image formats like BMP, JPG, TIFF, the SuperMap-defined SIT format, 2D map cache configuration file format SCI, etc.While loading 2D map caches, the engine type should be employed. Besides, it is needed to set the
method of thesetServer()
class to the 2D map cache configuration file (SCI). - Images - Class in com.supermap.ar.areffect.gltfModel
- Images() - Constructor for class com.supermap.ar.areffect.gltfModel.Images
- ImageScanner - Class in com.supermap.ar.areffect.scanner
Image scanning create by tanyunxiu 2020/12/22
- ImageScanner.DeviceInfo - Class in com.supermap.ar.areffect.scanner
Equipment information Contains parameters for camera startup Through the picture recognition, reverse correction scene startup position, azimuth example.
- ImageScanner.ImageListener - Interface in com.supermap.ar.areffect.scanner
Image Listener
- ImageStretchOption - Class in com.supermap.mapping
Image stretching class, used to set the image layer stretching method and tensile parameters; such as standard deviation stretch, Gauss stretch and so on.
- ImageStretchOption() - Constructor for class com.supermap.mapping.ImageStretchOption
Construct a new image stretch class
- ImageStretchOption(ImageStretchOption) - Constructor for class com.supermap.mapping.ImageStretchOption
According to the development of the image stretching object to construct a new image with its consistent image stretching.
- ImageStretchType - Class in com.supermap.mapping
Image stretch type, currently supports no stretch, standard differential stretch and the maximum value of three.
- IMG - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.conversion.FileType
The Erdas Image file,Import results can be multi-band or single-band.
- importDWG(String, Datasource, boolean) - Static method in class com.supermap.data.DataConversion
import dwg file into datasource, and save as CAD dataset
- importDWG(String, Datasource, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class com.supermap.data.DataConversion
import dwg file into datasource, and save as CAD composite dataset or multiple simple dataset
- importDWG(ImportSettingDWG) - Static method in class com.supermap.data.DataConversion
import DWG data according to import parameters
- importDXF(String, Datasource, boolean) - Static method in class com.supermap.data.DataConversion
import dxf file into datasource, and save as CAD dataset
- importDXF(String, Datasource, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class com.supermap.data.DataConversion
import dxf file into datasource, and save as CAD composite dataset or multiple simple dataset
- importDXF(ImportSettingDXF) - Static method in class com.supermap.data.DataConversion
import DXF data according to imported parameters
- importGPX(String, Datasource, String) - Static method in class com.supermap.data.DataConversion
import GPX file
- importIMG(String, Datasource) - Static method in class com.supermap.data.DataConversion
import IMG image into datasource as multiband.Image does not support single band 8 bit.
- importIMG(String, Datasource, String) - Static method in class com.supermap.data.DataConversion
import IMG image into datasource.Image does not support single band 8 bit.
- importIMG(ImportSettingIMG) - Static method in class com.supermap.data.DataConversion
import IMG data according to IMG imported parameters.Image does not support single band 8 bit.
- importKML(String, Datasource, String, boolean) - Static method in class com.supermap.data.DataConversion
import kml file
- importKMZ(String, Datasource, String, boolean) - Static method in class com.supermap.data.DataConversion
import kmz file
- importMIF(String, Datasource) - Static method in class com.supermap.data.DataConversion
Import the MIF file.
- ImportSetting - Class in com.supermap.data.conversion
import setting parameter class
- ImportSetting() - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.conversion.ImportSetting
- ImportSettingCSV - Class in com.supermap.data.conversion
- ImportSettingCSV() - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.conversion.ImportSettingCSV
The default constructor creates a new ImportSettingCVS object
- ImportSettingCSV(ImportSettingCSV) - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.conversion.ImportSettingCSV
Copy the constructor, and return an ImportSettingCVS object with the same set of information
- ImportSettingCSV(String, Datasource) - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.conversion.ImportSettingCSV
- ImportSettingCSV(String, DatasourceConnectionInfo) - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.conversion.ImportSettingCSV
Constructs an ImportSettingCVS object by specifying the source file
- ImportSettingDWG - Class in com.supermap.data.conversion
DWG file import parameter class
- ImportSettingDWG() - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.conversion.ImportSettingDWG
The default constructor creates a new ImportSettingDWG object
- ImportSettingDWG(ImportSettingDWG) - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.conversion.ImportSettingDWG
Copy the constructor, and return an ImportSettingDWG object with the same set of information
- ImportSettingDWG(String, DatasourceConnectionInfo) - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.conversion.ImportSettingDWG
Constructs an ImportSettingDWG object by specifying the source file
- ImportSettingDWG(String, Datasource) - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.conversion.ImportSettingDWG
Constructors that construct a new ImportSettingDWG object from the specified source file
- ImportSettingDXF - Class in com.supermap.data.conversion
DXF file import parameter class.
- ImportSettingDXF() - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.conversion.ImportSettingDXF
The default constructor creates a new ImportSettingDXF object.
- ImportSettingDXF(ImportSettingDXF) - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.conversion.ImportSettingDXF
Copy the constructor, and return an ImportSettingDXF object with the same set of information.
- ImportSettingDXF(String, DatasourceConnectionInfo) - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.conversion.ImportSettingDXF
Constructs an ImportSettingDXF object by specifying the source file.
- ImportSettingDXF(String, Datasource) - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.conversion.ImportSettingDXF
Constructs an ImportSettingDXF object by specifying the source file.
- ImportSettingIMG - Class in com.supermap.data.conversion
- ImportSettingIMG() - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.conversion.ImportSettingIMG
The default constructor creates a new ImportSettingPNG object
- ImportSettingIMG(ImportSettingIMG) - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.conversion.ImportSettingIMG
Copy the constructor, and return an ImportSettingIMG object with the same set of information
- ImportSettingIMG(String, DatasourceConnectionInfo) - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.conversion.ImportSettingIMG
Constructs an ImportSettingIMG object by specifying the source file
- ImportSettingIMG(String, Datasource) - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.conversion.ImportSettingIMG
The constructor.
- ImportSettingSHP - Class in com.supermap.data.conversion
- ImportSettingSHP() - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.conversion.ImportSettingSHP
The default constructor creates a new ImportSettingMIF object
- ImportSettingSHP(ImportSettingSHP) - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.conversion.ImportSettingSHP
Copy the constructor, and return an ImportSettingMIF object with the same set of information
- ImportSettingSHP(String, Datasource) - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.conversion.ImportSettingSHP
- ImportSettingSHP(String, DatasourceConnectionInfo) - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.conversion.ImportSettingSHP
Constructs an ImportSettingSHP object by specifying the source file
- ImportSettingTIF - Class in com.supermap.data.conversion
TIF file import parameter class
- ImportSettingTIF() - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.conversion.ImportSettingTIF
The default constructor creates a new ImportSettingTIF object
- ImportSettingTIF(ImportSettingTIF) - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.conversion.ImportSettingTIF
Copy the constructor, and return an ImportSettingTIF object with the same set of information
- ImportSettingTIF(String, DatasourceConnectionInfo) - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.conversion.ImportSettingTIF
Constructs an ImportSettingTIF object by specifying the source file
- ImportSettingTIF(String, Datasource) - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.conversion.ImportSettingTIF
Create import parameter objects based on the import file path and the imported data source
- importSHP(String, Datasource) - Static method in class com.supermap.data.DataConversion
Import the SHP file.
- importTIF(String, Datasource) - Static method in class com.supermap.data.DataConversion
import tif/tiff image data file into datasource, and save as image dataset
- importTIF(String, Datasource, String, boolean) - Static method in class com.supermap.data.DataConversion
import tif image into datasource, and it could be set that whether save as raster dataset
- importTIF(ImportSettingTIF) - Static method in class com.supermap.data.DataConversion
import TIF data according to import parameters
- Inch - Static variable in class com.supermap.analyst.BufferRadiusUnit
- INCH - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.Unit
- indexOf(String) - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.WeightFieldInfos
Gets the index of the WeightFieldInfo according to the given name.
- indexOf(String) - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst3d.WeightFieldInfos3D
Returns the index of the specified WeightFieldInfo3D.Name object in the WeightFieldInfos3D object.
- indexOf(String) - Method in class com.supermap.data.Datasets
Returns the index of dataset in the dataset collection according to its name.
- indexOf(String) - Method in class com.supermap.data.Datasources
Gets the index number of the datasource of the specified alias in this Datasources.
- indexOf(String) - Method in class com.supermap.data.FieldInfos
Gets the index number of the specified FieldInfo object in current FieldInfos.
- indexOf(Point3Ds) - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoLine3D
Returns the index of the specified 3D point collection in the 3D line object.
- indexOf(PointMs) - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoLineM
Returns the index number of the part of the GeoLineM, and the part is represented by the specified set of pointMs.
- indexOf(Point3Ds) - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoRegion3D
Gets the index of the specified part of the GeoRegion3D.
- indexOf(TextPart3D) - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoText3D
Returns the index of the specified child object in the text object.
- indexOf(String) - Method in class com.supermap.data.Maps
Returns the index of the map with the specified name in this Maps object.
- indexOf(String) - Method in class com.supermap.data.Scenes
Gets the index of 3d scene with the specified name.
- indexOf(int) - Method in class com.supermap.data.SymbolGroup
Returns the index of the Symbol object in the SymbolGroup object with the specified ID.
- indexOf(String) - Method in class com.supermap.data.SymbolGroups
Returns the index of the SymbolGroup object with the specified name in the SymbolGroups object.
- indexOf(Layer) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.LayerGroup
Returns the index that the specified is in the current group layer.
- indexOf(String) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Layers
Returns the index of the layer object with the specified name in this layers object.
- indexOf(String) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeGraph
Gets the position of sub item according to the field expression
- indexOf(double) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeGridRange
Returns the index of the ranges map item with the specified field value in the item list.
- indexOf(double) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeLabel
Returns the index number of the themeLabel object in the themeLabel list with the specified value of the field.
- indexOf(double) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeRange
Returns the index of the ranges map item with the specified field value in the item list.
- indexOf(String) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeUnique
Returns the index number of the Theme3DUniqueItem object in the Theme3DUniqueItem list with the specified unique value.
- indexOf(String) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.TrackingLayer
Returns the ID of the first geometric object which is identical with the specified tag.
- indexOf(String) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Layer3Ds
Returns the index of the 3D layer with the specified name in this 3D layer collection.
- indexOf(String) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.RouteStops
Gets the index of the specifies stop name
- indexOf(String) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.TrackingLayer3D
Returns the ID of the 3D geometry object in the selected tracking layer.
- indexOfByCaption(String) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Layers
Gets the layer index through the layer alias
- indexOfFlattenRegion(String) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Layer3DOSGBFile
Obtain the index number of the flattened area through the label.
- indexOfName(String) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Routes
Get the index of the route with the specified name.
- Indoor_Navigation_Dev - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.Module
Indoor navigation development module
- Indoor_Navigation_Runtime - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.Module
Indoor navigation operation module
- IndoorMapChangedListener - Interface in com.supermap.indoor
Indoor navigation map change listener, when the map shows a building interior map, it will callback.
- Industry_Navigation_Dev - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.Module
Industry navigation development module
- Industry_Navigation_Runtime - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.Module
Industry navigation operation module
- inertiaFinish() - Method in interface com.supermap.mapping.MapInertiaListener
Inertia finished.
- inertiaStart() - Method in interface com.supermap.mapping.MapInertiaListener
Inertia starts.
- INFINITE - Static variable in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.ARAnimationRepeatMode
It means playing animation infinitely
- inflate(double, double) - Method in class com.supermap.data.Rectangle2D
This method zoom in/out the rectangle in the horizontal and vertical direction.
- init() - Method in class com.supermap.ai.AIDetectView
- init(int) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.ARParticleElement
Initialize: generating particle collection Generating multiple AR special effect objects.
- init() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.OcclusionHelper
- init(float) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.OcclusionHelper
- init() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.scanner.HwImageScanner
- init() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.scanner.ImageScanner
- init(Context) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.AR.ArControl2
AR map initialization function
- init(Context) - Static method in class com.supermap.mapping.speech.SpeechManager
Initializes the speech SDK component (which only can be called in the host process), so calling it once when starting the applocation program is enough.
- init(Context) - Static method in class com.supermap.onlineservices.OnlineService
The constructor.
- InitCallback - Interface in com.supermap.ai
AI plug flow status callback
- initialCurrentPosition() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.highprecision.MeasureView
Initializes the current position
- initialization(Context) - Static method in class com.supermap.data.Environment
Initializing environment.
- initialization(Context) - Static method in class com.supermap.messagequeue.Environment
Initialize the environment.
- initializeLibrary() - Static method in class com.supermap.messagequeue.STOMPManager
Initialization library Initialize the library before using, close the library after finished
- initModelAnimation() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.FlowElement
Load the model's own animation To be asynchronous Model Renderable is null,throw NullPointerException
- INNERJOIN - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.JoinType
Inner join.
- inputSize - Variable in class com.supermap.ai.AIDetectViewInfo
Input size
- insert(int, Color) - Method in class com.supermap.data.Colors
Inserts a specified color value at a specified position.
- insert(int, JoinItem) - Method in class com.supermap.data.JoinItems
Adds the specified JoinItem object to the specified index in this JoinItems object.
- insert(int, Point2D) - Method in class com.supermap.data.Point2Ds
Adds the specified Point2D object to the specified index in this Point2Ds object.
- insert(int, Point3D) - Method in class com.supermap.data.Point3Ds
Adds the specified Point2D object to the specified index in this Point2Ds object.
- insert(int, PointM) - Method in class com.supermap.data.PointMs
Adds the specified PointM object to the specified index in this PointMs object.
- insert(int, String, String) - Method in class com.supermap.data.Scenes
Take the passed name by users to the scene name.
- insert(int, Layer) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.LayerGroup
Insert the new layer to the current group layer.
- insert(int, Dataset) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Layers
Inserts a dataset to display it as a common layer in this layers object.
- insert(int, Layer) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Layers
Inserts a layer to the layer group.
- insert(int, String) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Layers
Inserts a layer
- insert(int, ThemeGraphItem) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeGraph
Inserts sub items of a statistical thematic map
- insert(int, ThemeUniqueItem) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeUnique
Inserts the given item into the position at which is the specified index.
- insert(int, Feature3Ds) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Feature3Ds
Inserts the specified Feature3Ds object at the specified index.
- insert(int, Feature3D) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Feature3Ds
Inserts the specified Feature3D object at the specified index.
- insert(int, RouteStop) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.RouteStops
Inserts stops
- insertAnimation(int, ARAnimation) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.ARAnimationGroup
Insert animations
- insertChartDataset(ArrayList<ChartPoint>, String, int) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.imChart.ChartView
Insert the statistics table.
- insertGroup(int, String) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.LayerGroup
Adds a new group layer to current group layer in specified index position, that is, a nested group layer.
- insertGroup(int, String) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Layers
Add a group layer to the layer set.
- insertPart(int, Geometry) - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoCompound
Insert a subobject at the location of the specified serial number in the GeoCompound object.
- insertPart(int, Point2Ds) - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoLine
Inserts a subobject to the GeoLine object at specified place.
- insertPart(int, Point3Ds) - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoLine3D
Inserts a subobject to the GeoLine object at specified place.
- insertPart(int, PointMs) - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoLineM
Inserts a part to the GeoLineM object at specified place.
- insertPart(int, Point2Ds) - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoRegion
Inserts a subobject to the GeoRegion object at specified place.
- insertPart(int, TextPart) - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoText
Inserts a TextPart object in the GeoText object at the specified index.
- insertPart(int, TextPart3D) - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoText3D
Inserts a TextPart object in the GeoText object at the specified index.
- insertPathPt(int, Point3D) - Method in class com.supermap.plot.AnimationWay
Inserts path points
- insertRange(int, JoinItem[]) - Method in class com.supermap.data.JoinItems
Adds the specified multiple JoinItem object to this JoinItems object starting from the specified index.
- insertRange(int, Point2D[]) - Method in class com.supermap.data.Point2Ds
Adds the specified multiple Point2D object to this Point2Ds object starting from the specified index.
- insertRange(int, Point3D[]) - Method in class com.supermap.data.Point3Ds
Adds the specified multiple Point2D object to this Point2Ds object starting from the specified index.
- insertRange(int, PointM[]) - Method in class com.supermap.data.PointMs
Adds the specified multiple PointM object to this PointMs object starting from the specified index.
- InstrumentChart - Class in com.supermap.mapping.imChart
instrument chart class
- InstrumentChart(Context) - Constructor for class com.supermap.mapping.imChart.InstrumentChart
constructor, extend View.
- InstrumentChart(Context, AttributeSet) - Constructor for class com.supermap.mapping.imChart.InstrumentChart
constructor, extend View.
- InstrumentChart(Context, AttributeSet, int) - Constructor for class com.supermap.mapping.imChart.InstrumentChart
constructor, extend View.
- INT16 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.EncodeType
Double-byte encoding.
- INT16 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.FieldType
The Short type.
- INT24 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.EncodeType
Three-byte encoding.
- INT32 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.EncodeType
Four-byte encoding.
- INT32 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.FieldType
The Short type.
- INT64 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.FieldType
The Short type.
- integrate(DatasetVector, double, Unit) - Static method in class com.supermap.analyst.spatialanalyst.Generalization
- IntelligentSpeechListener - Interface in com.supermap.mapping.speech
An interface of IntelligentSpeechListener: through implementing this interface, gets the current status and results
- InternalHandle - Class in com.supermap.data
Title: Description: Copyright: Copyright (c) 2007 Company: SuperMap GIS Technologies Inc.
- InternalHandle - Class in com.supermap.messagequeue
Title: Description: Copyright: Copyright (c) 2007 Company: SuperMap GIS Technologies Inc.
- InternalHandleDisposable - Class in com.supermap.data
Title: Description: Copyright: Copyright (c) 2007 Company: SuperMap GIS Technologies Inc.
- interpolateM(Point2D, Point2D, double, double, double, CalibrateMode) - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoLineM
Interpolates the GeoLineM at the INTERVAL position to get M values.
- intersect(DatasetVector, DatasetVector, DatasetVector, OverlayAnalystParameter) - Static method in class com.supermap.analyst.spatialanalyst.OverlayAnalyst
The superposition analysis of the intersection mode is performed, and the data sets to be subjected to the intersection superposition analysis are not included in the data set for the data set used to intersect the superimposition analysis to be cut and deleted.
- intersect(Recordset, Recordset, DatasetVector, OverlayAnalystParameter) - Static method in class com.supermap.analyst.spatialanalyst.OverlayAnalyst
The superposition analysis of the intersecting mode is performed, and the set of records to be subjected to the intersection superposition analysis is not included in the object set in the recording set for intersecting the superimposition analysis to be cut and deleted.
- intersect(DatasetVector, Geometry[], DatasetVector, OverlayAnalystParameter) - Static method in class com.supermap.analyst.spatialanalyst.OverlayAnalyst
The superposition analysis of the intersection mode is performed, and the data set to be subjected to the intersection superposition analysis is not included in the object cut-out and deleted by the array of face objects used to intersect the superimposition analysis.
- intersect(Geometry, Geometry) - Static method in class com.supermap.data.Geometrist
Gets the intersection of the two geometry objects.
- intersect(Rectangle2D) - Method in class com.supermap.data.Rectangle2D
Replace the rectangle with the intersection of this rectangle and the specified rectangle.
- INTERSECT - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.SpatialQueryMode
Intersect mode.
- INTERSECT - Static variable in class com.supermap.mapping.SelectionMode
Selects the feature that intersects the selected region.
- INTERSECT_REGION - Static variable in class com.supermap.mapping.Action
overlay of polygons, Set the polygon layer is editable, set Action, select two objects in succession, submit, view results
- INTERSECTION - Static variable in class com.supermap.analyst.spatialanalyst.BoundsType
Inputs a raster dataset bounds intersection.
- intersectLine(Point2D, Point2D, Point2D, Point2D, boolean) - Static method in class com.supermap.data.Geometrist
Returns the intersection of the two sections(lines).
- intersectPolyLine(Point2Ds, Point2Ds) - Static method in class com.supermap.data.Geometrist
Returns the points of intersection of the two PolyLine objects.
- INTERVAL - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.WhereToCalibrate
Only calibrate the M value of the point at the INTERVAL position.
- INTERVALANDAFTER - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.WhereToCalibrate
Only calibrate the M values of the points at the INTERVAL and AFTER positions.
- inverse(Point2Ds, PrjCoordSys) - Static method in class com.supermap.data.CoordSysTranslator
This method is used to transform projected (planar) coordinates of the specified point2Ds into geographic coordinates with the specified parameters in the same projected coordinate system.
- InVisiblePart - Static variable in class com.supermap.realspace.ViewType
- InviteFeedbackStatus - Enum in com.supermap.onlineservices.utils
The inviting feedback status
- InviteOrderby - Enum in com.supermap.onlineservices.utils
Inviting order
- inviteUsersToGroup(String, String, List<String>, OnlineCallBack.CallBackString) - Static method in class com.supermap.onlineservices.OnlineService
Invites users to join a specified group in bulk.
- inviteUsersToGroup(String, String, List<String>, OnResponseListener) - Method in class com.supermap.services.iportalservices.IPortalService
Invites other member which doesn't belong to the group Supports inviting members in bulk Only has the creator of the group the privilege.
- IPortalService - Class in com.supermap.services.iportalservices
Docking iPortal service class such as: http://host:port/iportal/web Portal resource is the root node of each REST service provided by SuperMap iPortal and the entrance to access each portal.
- IPortalService() - Constructor for class com.supermap.services.iportalservices.IPortalService
- IPoseMixer - Interface in com.supermap.ar.areffect.gnss
- isActivated() - Method in class com.supermap.data.LicenseStatus
Whether the license is activated, for the return of the license to determine whether the current has been activated
- isAllDirectionsOverlappedAvoided() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeGraph
Whether the automatic avoiding in every direction is enabled.
- isAllDirectionsOverlappedAvoided() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeLabel
Returns whether to avoid overlap at all directions.
- isAllNamesVisible() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.dyn.DynamicView
Obtains whether display all names of objects.
- isAlongLine() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeLabel
Returns whether to display labels along line, with true representing to label along line and false representing not to label along line.
- isAltitudeFixed() - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Route
Returns whether the route object locks the elevation.
- isAngleFixed() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeLabel
Whether to fix the angle of text when the label is displaying along the line.
- isAnimating() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.dyn.Animator
Determines whether the animation is finished.
- isAntialias() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Map
Returns a boolean value indicating whether to anti-alias this map.
- isAotuReRouteEnable() - Method in class com.supermap.navi.Navigation3
Gets whether to re-plan routes when the user did not follow the original navigation.
- IsArmap() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Map
Whether it is an Ar map
- isAsyncRefresh() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.TrackingLayer
Returns whether to render the tracing layer instantly
- isAttributeIgnored() - Method in class com.supermap.data.conversion.ImportSettingDWG
Gets whether or not to ignore the attribute
- isAttributeIgnored() - Method in class com.supermap.data.conversion.ImportSettingDXF
Gets whether or not to ignore the attribute
- isAttributeIgnored() - Method in class com.supermap.data.conversion.ImportSettingSHP
Gets whether or not to ignore the attribute
- isAutoSort() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.dyn.DynamicView
Whether to sort
- isAvailableDatasetName(String) - Method in class com.supermap.data.Datasets
Determines whether the name of the dataset passed in is valid.
- isAxesDisplayed() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeGraph
Whether to display the coordinate axises.
- isAxesGridDisplayed() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeGraph
Whether to display the grid coordinate.
- isBackgroundtransparent() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.dyn.DynamicStyle
Gets whether set the transparency of fill while drawing polygon
- isBackgroundTransparent() - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Layer3DMap
- isBackOpaque() - Method in class com.supermap.data.TextStyle
Returns whether the annotation background is transparent.
- isBOF() - Method in class com.supermap.data.Recordset
Indicates whether the current record is positioned before the first record in the recordset.
- isBOF() - Method in class com.supermap.services.FeatureSet
Returns whether the current element is in front of the first element in the collection.
- isBold() - Method in class com.supermap.data.TextStyle
Returns whether the annotation is bold.
- isCacheAutoCleared() - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Layer3DMap
- isCacheEnabled() - Method in class com.supermap.data.WebRestParams
Get whether to request caches from the server directly
- isCacheEnabled() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.dyn.DynamicView
Returns whether to enable the cache mode
- isCacheEnabled() - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Layer3DMap
- isCalloutRotateEnable() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.MapView
Gets whether callout rotates along the map
- isChartElementClickable() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.dyn.DynPieChart
Gets whether the chart can be clicked.
- isChildEmpty() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.utils.XmlNode
Determines whether the subset is empty
- IsClipRegionEnabled() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Map
Gets whether the map clipping took effect
- isClockwiseAroundZ(ArrayList<Point3D>, boolean) - Static method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.PresetUtils
Determine whether the set of points rotates clockwise
- isClosed() - Method in class com.supermap.data.Recordset
Determines whether the Recordset is closed or not.
- isCompassVisible() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.NaviViewOptions
Whether to display the compass
- isDecimal(String) - Static method in class com.supermap.data.mapGrid.StringUtils
whether it is string
- isDeduplicateEnabled() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Layer
Gets whether to rarefy
- isDefaultStyleVisible() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeUnique
Returns whether the style of the unique values map item is visible.
- isDefined(Class, int) - Static method in class com.supermap.data.Enum
Whether the enumeration type defined the enumeration constant corresponding to the given enumeration value.
- isDefined(Class, String) - Static method in class com.supermap.data.Enum
Whether the enumeration type defined the enumeration constant with the given enumeration name.
- isDefined(Class, int) - Static method in class com.supermap.messagequeue.Enum
Whether to define the enumeration field of the specified value
- isDefined(Class, String) - Static method in class com.supermap.messagequeue.Enum
Whether to define the enumeration field of the specified name in the enumeration definition
- isDetect() - Method in class com.supermap.ai.AIDetectView
The status of the recognition mode
- isDirty() - Method in class com.supermap.data.StatisticsResult
- isDisjointed(Geometry, Geometry) - Static method in class com.supermap.data.Geometrist
Determines whether the search geometry object and the searched geometry object are disjointed.
- isDisposed() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Layer
Returns whether the object is disposed.
- isDragNodeEnable() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.collector.Collector
Gets whether the last note is movable.
- isDrawCADTextAsPOI() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Map
Gets whether CAD text is drawn in POI mode
- isDrawConfidence - Variable in class com.supermap.ai.AIDetectStyle
Whether to draw detection confidence coefficient
- isDrawTitle - Variable in class com.supermap.ai.AIDetectStyle
Whether to draw targets' names
- isDrivingModeEnable() - Method in class com.supermap.navi.Navigation3
Sets whether it is the indoor driving mode
- isDynamicProjection() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Map
Returns whether to allow dynamic projection while displaying the map.
- isEdge() - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.DemandResult
Gets whether the demand result is edge.
- isEdge() - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.PathGuideItem
Returns whether the path guide item is a line or point.
- isEdgesReturn() - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.TransportationAnalystParameter
Returns whether the set of the edges passed by is contained in the analysis result.
- isEdgesReturn() - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst3d.TransportationAnalystParameter3D
Returns whether the analysis result includes the passed edges set.
- isEdit() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.ARGeometry
- isEditable() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Layer
Returns a value indicating whether this layer is editable.
- isElementAvoid() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.dyn.DynamicView
Whether to enable the avoiding effect
- isEmpty() - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoCardinal
Returns whether the 2D Cardinal spline is null.
- isEmpty() - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoCompound
Returns a value indicating whether the count of the subobjects of this GeoCompound object is zero.
- isEmpty() - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoCurve
Returns whether the GeoCurve object is null.
- isEmpty() - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoLine
Returns a value indicating whether the count of the subobjects of this GeoLine object is zero.
- isEmpty() - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoLine3D
Returns a value indicating whether the count of the subobjects of this GeoLine object is zero.
- isEmpty() - Method in class com.supermap.data.Geometry
Determines whether the geometry object is null.
- isEmpty() - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoPoint
Determines whether the current point geometry is null, that is both the X-coordinate and Y-coordinate are -1.7976931348623157e+308.
- isEmpty() - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoPoint3D
Determines whether the current point object is null or not.
- isEmpty() - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoRegion
Returns whether the GeoRegion object is empty, that is whether it has on subobjects.
- isEmpty() - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoRegion3D
Returns whether the GeoRegion object is empty, that is whether it has on subobjects.
- isEmpty() - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoText
Determines whether the GeoText3D object is empty, that is it has on subobjects.
- isEmpty() - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoText3D
Determines whether the GeoText3D object is empty, that is it has on subobjects.
- isEmpty() - Method in class com.supermap.data.Point2D
Gets a value that indicates whether both the x-coordinate and the y-coordinate of this Point2D object are -1.7976931348623157e+308.
- isEmpty() - Method in class com.supermap.data.PointM
Returns a Boolean value that indicates whether this PointM is empty or not.
- isEmpty() - Method in class com.supermap.data.Rectangle2D
Determines whether the rectangle is empty, that is the x-coordinate of left edge, y-coordinate of bottom edge, x-coordinate of the right edge and y-coordinate of the top edge are all -1.7976931348623157e+308.
- isEmpty() - Method in class com.supermap.data.Size2D
Determines whether the current Size2D object are empty, that is the width and height of it are both -1.7976931348623157e+308.
- isEnabled() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.CameraWindowRenderer
Get enabled status
- isEnabled() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.component.PanGestureController
Determines whether it is enabled
- isEnabled() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.OcclusionHelper
Checking whether to Enable
- isEnabled() - Method in class com.supermap.data.NodeAnimation
Gets whether the node animation is enabled. false indicates that the animation is paused at the current position, true to resume motion from the current position.
- isEnableSupport() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.highprecision.MeasureView
Gets whether to support the cross for auxiliary measurement.
- isEndNodeAssigned() - Method in class com.supermap.services.networkanalyst.AnalystParameter
Returns whether to specify the termination point
- isEOF() - Method in class com.supermap.data.Recordset
Indicates whether the current record is positioned after the last record in the recordset.
- isEOF() - Method in class com.supermap.services.FeatureSet
Determines whether the current element is behind the last element in the collection.
- isExcluded() - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.RouteStop
Whether a stop is exclusive
- isExtension() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.StripeLine
- isFastDrawEnabled() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Layer
Gets whether to use the quickly drawing mode.
- isFeaturePointVisible() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.arcartograph.ARCartographView
Gets whether the feature point is visible
- isFeaturePointVisible() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.gather.ARGatherView
Gets whether to display feature points.
- isFinishMeasure() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.arcartograph.ARCartographView
Whether the measurement is finished
- isFlowEnabled() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeGraduatedSymbol
Gets whether to allow the statistical thematic map to display objects flowing
- isFlowEnabled() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeGraph
Gets whether to allow the statistical thematic map to display objects flowing
- isFlowEnabled() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeLabel
Returns whether to allow labels for flow display.
- isFlyAlongTheRoute() - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Route
Returns whether the route object is flying along the line.
- isFlyingLoop() - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Route
Returns whether the route object is flying in a loop.
- isFromCenter() - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.LocationAnalystParameter
Gets whether to allocate resources from supply center.
- isFullScreenDrawModel() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Map
Gets whether or not to use full-screen drawing mode.
- isGaussian() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.ARParticleElement
Whether the model will use Gaussian distribution to produce new position
- isGaussianStretchMiddleFactor() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ImageStretchOption
Whether or not the intermediate value is used for Gaussian stretching.
- isGraphSizeFixed() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeGraph
Whether to fix
- isGraphTextDisplayed() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeGraph
Whether to display text labels of a diagram
- isGuiding() - Method in class com.supermap.navi.Navigation
Whether it is guiding.
- isGuiding() - Method in class com.supermap.navi.Navigation2
Determines whether it is guiding.
- isGuiding() - Method in class com.supermap.navi.Navigation3
Determines whether it is guiding.
- isGuiding() - Method in class com.supermap.navi.Navigation3D
Whether it is booting
- isHasLeastEdgeCount() - Method in class com.supermap.services.networkanalyst.AnalystParameter
Returns whether the number of arcs is the minimum in path analysis
- isHasLeastTotalCost() - Method in class com.supermap.services.networkanalyst.AnalystParameter
Returns whether the path analysis is the minimum cost
- isHeadingFixed() - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Route
Returns whether the route object locks the azimuth.
- isHighDefinitionMode() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Map
Gets whether the image display mode is high definition
- isHitTest() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.arcartograph.ARCartographView
Whether the center of the current screen hits the corresponding spatial point.
- isHomonymyPoints() - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.ProjectionImage
- isIdentical(Geometry, Geometry) - Static method in class com.supermap.data.Geometrist
Determines whether the search geometry object is identical to the searched geometry object, namely the two geometry objects can cover each other and the order of points in both objects are the same.
- isImportEmptyDataset() - Method in class com.supermap.data.conversion.ImportSettingCSV
Gets whether to import empty datasets
- isImportingAsCAD() - Method in class com.supermap.data.conversion.ImportSettingDWG
Gets whether the target dataset type is a CAD type and defaults to true
- isImportingAsCAD() - Method in class com.supermap.data.conversion.ImportSettingDXF
Gets whether the target dataset type is a CAD type and defaults to true
- isImportingAsCADWithGIS() - Method in class com.supermap.data.conversion.ImportSettingDXF
When importing a simple layer for CAD, whether it is style
- isImportingAsGrid() - Method in class com.supermap.data.conversion.ImportSettingTIF
Gets whether to import as a Grid dataset
- isImportingByLayer() - Method in class com.supermap.data.conversion.ImportSettingDXF
To obtain whether the CAD data in the source data is merged in the imported data, the CAD is stored in the layer information, The default is false, that is, all the layer information is merged into a CAD data set, or corresponding to the source data in each layer to generate a CAD data set.
- isImporttingAs3D() - Method in class com.supermap.data.conversion.ImportSettingSHP
Gets whether to import as a 3D dataset. false is by fault.
- isInitRandomDirection() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.ARParticleElement
The direction of a single particle is random when initializing it
- isInLine_XOY(Point3D, Point3D, Point3D, float) - Static method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.PolygonUtils
- isInLineSegment(Point3D, Point3D, Point3D) - Static method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.PresetUtils
Check whether SRC is on the AB line segment
- isInPolygon(Point, List<Point>) - Static method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.PresetUtils
Determines whether a point falls in a polygon in a plane
- isInPolygon(Point3D, List<Point3D>, float) - Static method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.PresetUtils
Determines whether a point in a space falls in a polygon in a plane of the space
- isInPolygon_XOY(Point3D, List<Point3D>) - Static method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.PolygonUtils
Is the point in a polygon (a polygon formed by a set of projection points on the XOY plane)
- isIntersect(Rect, Rect) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.AR.ArControl2
Determines whether there are intersections between two rectangles
- isInTheCorner() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.excavator.ExcavationParameter
- isLeaderLineDisplayed() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeGraduatedSymbol
Gets whether to show the leader line that connects the thematic map and the corresponding objects.
- isLeaderLineDisplayed() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeGraph
Whether to show the leader line that connects the thematic map and the corresponding objects.
- isLeaderLineDisplayed() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeLabel
Returns whether to show the leader line that connects label and the feature.
- isLicenseExsit() - Method in class com.supermap.data.LicenseStatus
Whether there is a license.
- isLicenseValid() - Method in class com.supermap.data.LicenseStatus
Whether the license is effective.
- isLinesVisible() - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Route
Returns whether the route object is visible.
- isListening() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.speech.SpeechControl
Gets whether the current SDK has a session via the function.
- isListening() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.speech.SpeechManager
Gets whether the current SDK has a session via the function.
- isLoaded() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.ARMapElement
Whether the map has been loaded
- isLocked() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.OcclusionHelper
Get lock status
is true, and setLocked(true) returns true - isLoopFlag() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.ARVideoElement
Gets the loop status
- isLooping() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.VideoEffectView
- isLooping() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.VideoEffectView2
Determine whether to play the video in a loop
- isMagnifierEnabled() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.MapControl
Whether magnifier is enabled.
- isMapFillBackTransparent() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.ARRealMap
Whether the background of 1:1 map is transparent
- isModified() - Method in class com.supermap.data.Datasource
Returns whether the datasource is modified.
- isModified() - Method in class com.supermap.data.Workspace
Whether the contents returned to the workspace are changed.
- isModified() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Map
Returns a boolean value indicating whether this map is modified.
- isModuleValid(int) - Method in class com.supermap.data.PrivateCloudLicenseManager
After activating a license, determines whether it is valid
- isNameVisible() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.dyn.DynamicElement
Gets whether the dynamic object name is visible, and the default false.
- isNavigationControlVisible() - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.SceneControl
Returns whether the navigation bar is visible.
- isNearestDoorMode() - Method in class com.supermap.navi.Navigation3
Determines whether it is the closest-door mode.
- isNegativeDisplayed() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeGraduatedSymbol
Whether to display the thematic types of negative values, True means yes
- isNegativeDisplayed() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeGraph
Whether to display a negative value
- isNegativeInteger(String) - Static method in class com.supermap.data.mapGrid.StringUtils
Check whether it is a negative integer
- isNodesReturn() - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.TransportationAnalystParameter
Whether to contain the passed node collection in the returned analyst result.
- isNodesReturn() - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst3d.TransportationAnalystParameter3D
Returns whether the analysis result includes the passed nodes set.
- isNorthStart() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.arlayer.ARLayerView
Gets whether enabling the true north when the user uses the navigation feature.
- isNullOrEmpty(String) - Static method in class com.supermap.data.mapGrid.StringUtils
Determines whether the string is empty or zero-length
- isNumber(String) - Static method in class com.supermap.data.mapGrid.StringUtils
whether it is a number
- isOffsetFixed() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeGraduatedSymbol
Returns whether the offsets of symbols in the current thematic map are fixed
- isOffsetFixed() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeGraph
Returns whether to fix the offsets.
- isOffsetFixed() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeLabel
Returns whether the offset of the label is fixed when the map zooms in or zooms out.
- isOffsetFixed() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeRange
Returns whether to fix the offsets.
- isOffsetFixed() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeUnique
Returns true or false.
- isOnClickEnabled() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.loader.ModelGroupScene
Determine the enabled status of the model click event
- isOpen() - Method in class com.supermap.data.Dataset
After the datasource that contains this dataset connects to data, that is, the datasource is opened, by default, the dataset is not opened.
- isOpened() - Method in class com.supermap.data.Datasource
Whether the datasource is open
- isOpenGLMode() - Static method in class com.supermap.data.Environment
Gets whether the current display mode is OpenGL.
- isOriginalPyramid() - Method in class com.supermap.data.DatasetImage
Gets whether to use the original pyramid levels
- isOverlapAvoided() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeGraph
Whether to avoid
- isOverlapAvoided() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeLabel
Returns whether to prevent the label from overlapping with each other automatically.
- isOverlapDisplayed() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Map
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to display objects when there are overlaps including text overlaps text and diagrams overlap diagrams.
- isPaintBackground() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Map
Returns a boolean value indicating whether the background of this map will be painted.
- isParallel(Point2D, Point2D, Point2D, Point2D) - Static method in class com.supermap.data.Geometrist
Judges whether the two sections are parallel.
- isPassedRouteHidden() - Method in class com.supermap.navi.Navigation2
Whether to hide all passed routes
- isPassedRouteHidden() - Method in class com.supermap.navi.Navigation3
Whether to hide all passed routes
- isPathGuidesReturn() - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.TransportationAnalystParameter
Returns whether the path guide collection is contained in the analysis result.
- isPerpendicular(Point2D, Point2D, Point2D, Point2D) - Static method in class com.supermap.data.Geometrist
Judges whether the two lines are perpendicular.
- isPlaying() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.VideoEffectView
- isPlaying() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.VideoEffectView2
Determine whether the system is playing
- isPointCloudEnable() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.gather.GatherView
Gets whether to display points in the point cloud mode
- isPointOnLine(Point2D, Point2D, Point2D, boolean) - Static method in class com.supermap.data.Geometrist
Judges whether the specified point is on the specified section(line), returns True if the point is on the specified section(line), otherwise returns False.
- isPolymerize() - Method in class com.supermap.ai.AIDetectView
Returns the aggregation mode.
- isPolymerize() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.dyn.DynamicView
Gets whether to open the aggregation function.
- isPolyWithRect() - Method in class com.supermap.ai.AIDetectView
Returns whether to draw the detection frame under the aggregation mode
- isPositiveInteger(String) - Static method in class com.supermap.data.mapGrid.StringUtils
Check whether it is a positive integer
- isPrjCoordSysIdentical(PrjCoordSys, PrjCoordSys) - Static method in class com.supermap.analyst.spatialanalyst.Generalization
- isQUANTIZED - Variable in class com.supermap.ai.AIDetectViewInfo
Whether to quantify
- isRandomSize() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.ARParticleElement
Whether the size of the current model is random
- isReadOnly() - Method in class com.supermap.data.Dataset
Returns whether the current dataset is readOnly.
- isReadOnly() - Method in class com.supermap.data.Datasource
Returns a value that indicates that whether the datasource is opened in read-only mode.
- isReadOnly() - Method in class com.supermap.data.DatasourceConnectionInfo
Returns whether to open the datasource readOnly.
- isReadOnly() - Method in class com.supermap.data.Recordset
Returns whether the Recordset is read only or not.
- isReadOnly() - Method in class com.supermap.services.FeatureSet
Returns whether the FeatureSet is read only or not.
- isRealMode() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.ARMapElement
Determine if it is true mode (1:1 map)
- isRectContain(Rect, int, int) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.AR.ArControl2
Determines whether a rectangle is included
- isRectContain(Rect) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.AR.ArControl2
Determines whether a rectangle is within another rectangle.
- isReleaseWhenInvisible() - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Layer3D
Return whether the layer is released when it is hidden
- isRenderable() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.BaseShape
Renderable or not default true
- isRenderingWithMultiResolution() - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Layer3DMap
- isRepeatedLabelAvoided() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeLabel
Returns whether to avoid repeated labels.
- isRepeatIntervalFixed() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeLabel
Returns whether the interval of the repeated label along the line is fixed.
- isRequired() - Method in class com.supermap.data.FieldInfo
Returns a value which specifies when the field is required.
- isReturnEdgeFeatures() - Method in class com.supermap.services.networkanalyst.AnalystParameter
Returns whether the analysis result contains the feature set of passing arcs.
- isReturnEdgeGeometry() - Method in class com.supermap.services.networkanalyst.AnalystParameter
Returns whether the analysis result contains the geometric object collection of the passing arc.
- isReturnEdgeIDs() - Method in class com.supermap.services.networkanalyst.AnalystParameter
Returns whether the analysis result contains the set of arcs passed.
- isReturnNodeFeatures() - Method in class com.supermap.services.networkanalyst.AnalystParameter
Returns whether the analysis result contains a collection of node features
- isReturnNodeGeometry() - Method in class com.supermap.services.networkanalyst.AnalystParameter
Returns whether the analysis result contains a collection of node geometry objects
- isReturnNodeIDs() - Method in class com.supermap.services.networkanalyst.AnalystParameter
Returns whether the analysis result contains a collection of passing nodes.
- isReturnPathGuides() - Method in class com.supermap.services.networkanalyst.AnalystParameter
Returns whether the analysis result contains driving guidance collection.
- isReturnRoutes() - Method in class com.supermap.services.networkanalyst.AnalystParameter
Returns whether the analysis result contains a collection of routing objects.
- isRoot() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.utils.XmlNode
Check whether it is the root node
- isRoutesReturn() - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.TransportationAnalystParameter
Returns whether the returned analysis result includes the route(
) object set. - isRoutesReturn() - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst3d.TransportationAnalystParameter3D
Returns whether the returned analysis result includes the route(
) object set. - isSame(PrjCoordSys) - Method in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSys
Whether the left sides are the same
- isSameColor - Variable in class com.supermap.ai.AIDetectStyle
Sets whether to uniform colors
- isSelectable() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Layer
Returns whether the objects in the specified layer are selectable.
- isSelectable() - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Layer3D
Returns whether the objects in the 3D layer can be selected. true means that the mouse can be used to select the object in the corresponding 3D layer, false means the object in the 3D layer is not selectable.
- isSelected() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.BaseShape
Determines whether it is selected
- isSelfIntersect(Geometry) - Static method in class com.supermap.data.Geometrist
Determines whether the specified Geometry is self-intersected or not.
- isSelfIntersect() - Method in interface com.supermap.mapping.MeasureStateListener
Area Measurements Add Node Invalid (self-intersecting)
- isSeparatorEnabled() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.MixedTextStyle
Returns whether the text delimiter is valid or not.
- isShadowCaster() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.AREffectElement
Determines whether the element can cast shadows in the scene
- isShadowCaster() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.ARGltfElement
Whether it can produce shadows
- isShadowCaster() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.BaseShape
Whether the rendered shape can generate shadow
- isShadowCaster() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.ShapeStyle
- isShadowReceiver() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.AREffectElement
Determines whether this element can accept shadows from other elements in the scene
- isShadowReceiver() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.ARGltfElement
Can accept shadows
- isShadowReceiver() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.BaseShape
Whether the rendered shape accepts shadow
- isShadowReceiver() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.ShapeStyle
- isShowGrid() - Method in class com.supermap.data.mapGrid.MapGridParam
- isShowGridX() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.dyn.DynamicChart
Gets whether to display the grid X.
- isShowGridY() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.dyn.DynamicChart
Gets whether to display the grid Y.
- IsShowLocation() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.AR.ArControl2
Gets whether to display the current position
- isShowMajorDivision() - Method in class com.supermap.data.mapGrid.MapGridParam
IS Displays the main dividing line?
- isShowPathTrack() - Method in class com.supermap.plot.AnimationWay
Sets whether to display paths.
- isShowProgress() - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.spatialanalyst.GridAnalystSetting
Whether to display the progress bar
- isShowProgress() - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.spatialanalyst.TerrainAnalystSetting
Whether to display the progress bar
- isShowTime() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Map
Returns whether the window displays the text of the time range of the current frame.
- IsSingleTapEnable() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.collector.Collector
Sets whether or not to use gestures.
- isSizeFixed() - Method in class com.supermap.data.TextStyle
Returns whether the size of the text is fixed.
- isSlowTurning() - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.RouteStop
Whether to turn in a slow speed in a stop
- isSmallGeometryLabeled() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeLabel
Returns whether to display a label if the label is longer than the object it labels.
- isSnapable() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Layer
Get if the layer is catchable.
- isSnapCreatPointEnable() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.MapControl
Gets whether a point is added only when snapping a node
- isSpatialIndexDirty() - Method in class com.supermap.data.DatasetVector
Returns whether the spatial index of the vector dataset needs to be rebuilt.
- isSpatialIndexTypeSupported(SpatialIndexType) - Method in class com.supermap.data.DatasetVector
Determines whether the current dataset supports the spatial index of the specified type
- isSpecialValueTransparent() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.LayerSettingGrid
Gets whether the special value for the grid layer will display in transparent.
- isSpecialValueTransparent() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeGridRange
Return whether to display the grid map with given transparent value.
- isSpeedDirectionEnable() - Method in class com.supermap.track.Track
Gets whether it uses speed and azimuth mode
- isStatusBarVisible() - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.SceneControl
Return whether the status bar is visible.
- isStop() - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.PathGuideItem
Returns whether the path guide item is a stop, or the corresponding point added to the network.
- isStopIndexesReturn() - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.TransportationAnalystParameter
Gets or sets whether it keeps the stop indexes in the analyst result or not.
- isStopIndexesReturn() - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst3d.TransportationAnalystParameter3D
Gets or sets whether it keeps the stop indexes in the analyst result or not.
- isStopsVisible() - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Route
Returns whether the route site is visible.
- isSwipeEnable() - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Layer3D
Get whether to open the shutter function
- isSymbolScalable() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Layer
Returns whether to allow scaling symbols with layer zoom.
- isSymbolScalable() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.TrackingLayer
Returns whether the size of the symbol in the tracking layer changes with the map zoom.
- isSystemField() - Method in class com.supermap.data.FieldInfo
Returns a value indicates whether this field is a SuperMap system field, SuperMap system fields use SM as prefix, except SMUserID.
- isTiltFixed() - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Route
Returns whether the route object locks the pitch angle.
- isTimeEnable() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Map
Returns whether the map enables the feature Play Temporal Data
- IsTimeFilterEnable() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Layer
Returns whether to enable the time filter of the layer .
- isTrailLicense() - Method in class com.supermap.data.LicenseStatus
Whether is it a trial license.
- isTransformable() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.AREffectElement
- isTransparent() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.LayerSettingImage
Whether the background color of the image layer is transparently displayed or not.
- isTransparent() - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Layer3DMap
- isUnifiedStyle() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.dyn.DynamicStyle
Whether to set to uniform styles (available for points only)
- isUseExternalLocation() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.CameraRecordControl
Determines whether to output results using an external location alternative
- isUserExperienceEnable() - Static method in class com.supermap.data.Environment
Gets whether to open user experience
- isUserPosition() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.arlayer.ARLayerView
Gets whether to accept the third-part coordinates
- isUseSystemDPI() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Map
Get whether to use system DPI. setDPI is valid when it is false.
- isValid() - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.LookAt
Determines whether it is visible
- isVideo() - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.ProjectionImage
- isViewBoundsLocked() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Map
Returns a boolean value used to specify whether to lock the visible extent of the map in the map control.
- isViewVisible() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.NaviViewOptions
Whether to display the navigation interface UI
- isVisible(DatasetGrid, Point3D, Point3D) - Static method in class com.supermap.analyst.spatialanalyst.VisibilityAnalyst
Whether it is visible from one point to another point
- isVisible(DatasetGrid, Point3Ds, Point3Ds) - Static method in class com.supermap.analyst.spatialanalyst.VisibilityAnalyst
Whether they are visible from multiple points to multiple points
- isVisible() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.AREffectElement
Gets whether it is visible
- isVisible() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.ArObject
Returns whether to display objects
- isVisible() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.ArObjectList
whether ArObject is visible in the list
- isVisible() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.dyn.DynamicView
Returns whether the dynamic layer is visibility
- isVisible() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Layer
Returns whether this layer is visible.
- isVisible() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ScreenLayer
Gets whether the screen layer is visible or not.
- isVisible() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeGridRangeItem
Returns whether the grid ranges map item is visible.
- isVisible() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeLabelItem
Returns whether the label map item is visible.
- isVisible() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeRangeItem
Returns whether the ranges map item is visible.
- isVisible() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeUniqueItem
Whether the unique values map item is visible.
- isVisible() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.TrackingLayer
Returns whether the tracking layer is visible, with true indicating visible and false indicating not visible.
- isVisible() - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Feature3D
Returns whether the Feature3D object is visible or not.
- isVisible() - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Feature3Ds
Sets whether the Feature3Ds object is visible or not, which means all the Feature3D objects in the Feature3Ds object are visible or not.
- isVisible() - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Layer3D
Return whether the 3D layer can be displayed.
- isVisible() - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.ProjectionImage
- isVisible() - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.TerrainLayer
Returns whether the terrain layer is visible.
- isVisible() - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.TrackingLayer3D
Returns whether the 3D tracking layer is visible.
- isVisibleScale(double) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Layer
Returns a value indicating whether the specified scale is a visible scale.
- isVisibleScalesEnabled() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Map
Whether to use a fixed scale to display the map
- isWithin(Geometry, Geometry) - Static method in class com.supermap.data.Geometrist
Determines whether the search geometry object is inside the searched geometry object or not.
- isZero(double) - Static method in class com.supermap.data.Toolkit
Determines whether value is 0, use the tolerance set in
. - isZero(double, double) - Static method in class com.supermap.data.Toolkit
Determines whether the given value is 0, use precision as the determine precision.
- isZero(double, double, double) - Static method in class com.supermap.data.Toolkit
Determines whether the specified value is zero with the minPrecision and the maxPrecision as the tolerance.
- isZeroDisplayed() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeGraduatedSymbol
Returns whether to display the thematic types of 0, True means yes
- isZeroLengthAllowed() - Method in class com.supermap.data.FieldInfo
Returns a value indicates whether the field allows a length of zero.
- isZoomFlyPitching() - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Scene
Get whether the tilt operation is performed when the scene is zoomed to the ground.
- JOHAB - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.Charset
Korean character set.
- JoinItem - Class in com.supermap.data
The connection information class.
- JoinItem() - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.JoinItem
Constructs a new JoinItem object.
- JoinItems - Class in com.supermap.data
The connection information class.
- JoinItems() - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.JoinItems
Constructs a new JoinItems object.
- JoinItems(JoinItem[]) - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.JoinItems
Creates a new JoinItems object according to the specified arguments.
- JoinItems(JoinItems) - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.JoinItems
Constructs a new object identical to the given JoinItems object.
- joint(GeoLineM) - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoLineM
Joint two GeoLineM objects, the end node of the current GeoLineM object joint with the start point of another GeoLineM object.
- JoinType - Class in com.supermap.data
This class defines the the connection type constant between two tables.
- JoinTypes - Enum in com.supermap.onlineservices.utils
The group type
- JPG - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.ImageFormatType
JPG format.
- JPG_PNG - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.ImageFormatType
JPG_PNG mixed format.
- kalmanFilterPath(List<Point2D>) - Method in class com.supermap.data.PathSmoothTool
Trace smoothing
- kalmanFilterPoint(Point2D, Point2D) - Method in class com.supermap.data.PathSmoothTool
Single point wave filtering
- KANGKANG - Static variable in class com.supermap.plugin.Speaker
KANGKANG, male, adult, Cantonese speaking.
- KiloMeter - Static variable in class com.supermap.analyst.BufferRadiusUnit
- KILOMETER - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.Unit
- KM_GRID - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.mapGrid.MapGridType
- KML - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.conversion.FileType
The Google Earth KML swap file, Import results can be multiple different types of vector data.
- KML - Static variable in class com.supermap.realspace.Layer3DType
The KML type 3D layer.
- KMZ - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.conversion.FileType
The Google Earth KMZ swap file, Import results can be multiple different types of vector data.
- KOREAN - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.Charset
Korean character set.
- l3dBingMaps - Static variable in class com.supermap.realspace.Layer3DType
Represents the BingMaps image layer.
- LABEL - Static variable in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeType
The label map.
- LabelBackShape - Class in com.supermap.mapping
This class defines the constants representing the label back shapes of the label map.
- labelMoveBottom(String) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.TrackingLayer
Brings the field of the specified name in tracking layer to the bottom.
- labelMoveDown(String) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.TrackingLayer
Brings the field of the specified name in tracking layer down.
- labelMoveTop(String) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.TrackingLayer
Brings the field of the specified name in tracking layer to the top.
- labelMoveUp(String) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.TrackingLayer
Brings the field of the specified name in tracking layer up.
- lableFile - Variable in class com.supermap.ai.AIDetectViewInfo
Paths of label files
- LastLicenseInfo() - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.CloudLicenseManager.LastLicenseInfo
- laugchPlugin() - Method in class com.supermap.plugin.SpeakPlugin
Starts the voice plug-in.
- Layer - Class in com.supermap.mapping
Layer class.
- Layer3D - Class in com.supermap.realspace
3D layer class.
- Layer3D() - Constructor for class com.supermap.realspace.Layer3D
- Layer3DDataset - Class in com.supermap.realspace
- Layer3DDynamicObject - Class in com.supermap.realspace
- Layer3DMap - Class in com.supermap.realspace
- Layer3DOSGBFile - Class in com.supermap.realspace
The 3D oblique photogrammetric cache (OSGB) layer class, inherited from the Layer3D class.
- Layer3Ds - Class in com.supermap.realspace
3D layer collection class.
- Layer3Ds() - Constructor for class com.supermap.realspace.Layer3Ds
- Layer3DType - Class in com.supermap.realspace
This class defines type constant of the 3D layer.
- Layer3DVectorFileDataType - Class in com.supermap.realspace
- layerAdded(LayerAddedEvent) - Method in interface com.supermap.mapping.LayerAddedListener
It will be triggered after a layer is added.
- layerAdded(Layer) - Method in interface com.supermap.mapping.LayersStateListener
Adds a new layer.
- LayerAddedEvent - Class in com.supermap.mapping
The LayerAddedEvent event.
- LayerAddedEvent(Object, Layer) - Constructor for class com.supermap.mapping.LayerAddedEvent
Constructs an object of the LayerAddedEvent class according to specified parameters.
- LayerAddedEvent(Object, Layer, int) - Constructor for class com.supermap.mapping.LayerAddedEvent
Constructs an object of the LayerAddedEvent class according to specified parameters.
- LayerAddedListener - Interface in com.supermap.mapping
The listener used to receive the
event. - layerCaptionChanged(Layer, String, String) - Method in interface com.supermap.mapping.LayersStateListener
Changes the layer alias.
- layerEditableChanged(Layer, boolean) - Method in interface com.supermap.mapping.LayersStateListener
The editable changed event.
- LayerEvent - Class in com.supermap.mapping
The LayerEvent class.
- LayerEvent(Object, Layer) - Constructor for class com.supermap.mapping.LayerEvent
Constructs an object of the LayerEvent class according to specified parameters.
- LayerGridAggregation - Class in com.supermap.mapping
Grid map's layers
- LayerGridAggregationType - Class in com.supermap.mapping
Grid types
- LayerGroup - Class in com.supermap.mapping
Layer class.
- layerGroupAdded(LayerGroupAddedEvent) - Method in interface com.supermap.mapping.LayerGroupAddedListener
Calls this method when adding layer to the group layer finished.
- LayerGroupAddedEvent - Class in com.supermap.mapping
Indicates the event of LayerGroupAddedEvent.
- LayerGroupAddedEvent(Object, LayerGroup, LayerGroup, int) - Constructor for class com.supermap.mapping.LayerGroupAddedEvent
Constructs an object of the LayerAddedEvent class according to specified parameters.
- LayerGroupAddedListener - Interface in com.supermap.mapping
a listener for receiving the
. - layerGroupRemoved(LayerGroupRemovedEvent) - Method in interface com.supermap.mapping.LayerGroupRemovedListener
Calls this method when it removes layer from the group layer.
- LayerGroupRemovedEvent - Class in com.supermap.mapping
Indicates the event of LayerGroupRemovedEvent.
- LayerGroupRemovedEvent(Object, LayerGroup, LayerGroup, int) - Constructor for class com.supermap.mapping.LayerGroupRemovedEvent
Constructs a new LayerGroupRemovedEvent object according to given parameters.
- LayerGroupRemovedListener - Interface in com.supermap.mapping
A listener for
. - LayerHeatmap - Class in com.supermap.mapping
The heat map layer
- LayerHeatmap() - Constructor for class com.supermap.mapping.LayerHeatmap
- LayerListView - Class in com.supermap.mapping.view
Layer management control class.
- LayerListView(Context) - Constructor for class com.supermap.mapping.view.LayerListView
Constructs a layer management control class.
- LayerListView(Context, AttributeSet) - Constructor for class com.supermap.mapping.view.LayerListView
Constructs a layer management control class.
- layerRemoved(LayerRemovedEvent) - Method in interface com.supermap.mapping.LayerRemovedListener
This event will be triggered after the layer is removed.
- layerRemoved(Layer) - Method in interface com.supermap.mapping.LayersStateListener
Removes a layer.
- LayerRemovedEvent - Class in com.supermap.mapping
The LayerRemovedEvent class.
- LayerRemovedEvent(Object, Layer, String, int) - Constructor for class com.supermap.mapping.LayerRemovedEvent
Initializes a new instance of the LayerRemovedEvent class with the specified parameters.
- LayerRemovedListener - Interface in com.supermap.mapping
A listener used to receive
. - Layers - Class in com.supermap.mapping
The Layers class is a collection of the Layer objects.
- LayerSetting - Class in com.supermap.mapping
Layer Sets the base class.
- LayerSettingGrid - Class in com.supermap.mapping
- LayerSettingGrid() - Constructor for class com.supermap.mapping.LayerSettingGrid
Initializes a new instance of this LayerSettingGrid class.
- LayerSettingGrid(LayerSettingGrid) - Constructor for class com.supermap.mapping.LayerSettingGrid
- LayerSettingImage - Class in com.supermap.mapping
- LayerSettingImage() - Constructor for class com.supermap.mapping.LayerSettingImage
Initializes a new instance of this LayerSettingImage class.
- LayerSettingImage(LayerSettingImage) - Constructor for class com.supermap.mapping.LayerSettingImage
- LayerSettingType - Class in com.supermap.mapping
This class defines the constants for layer setting types.
- LayerSettingVector - Class in com.supermap.mapping
The LayerSettingVector class.
- LayerSettingVector() - Constructor for class com.supermap.mapping.LayerSettingVector
The default constructor constructs a new object
. - LayerSettingVector(LayerSettingVector) - Constructor for class com.supermap.mapping.LayerSettingVector
Copy constructor, initializes a new instance of the class which is identical with the specified ImportSettingGML object.
- LayerSettingVectorCache - Class in com.supermap.mapping
layer setting vecor cache class
- LayerSettingVectorCache() - Constructor for class com.supermap.mapping.LayerSettingVectorCache
- LayersStateListener - Interface in com.supermap.mapping
This class is used for a event listener that receives adding layer, modifying layer name, changing edit status, modifying visibility of layer sets.
- layerVisiableChanged(Layer, boolean) - Method in interface com.supermap.mapping.LayersStateListener
The layer visible changed event.
- LEFT - Static variable in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.SideType
On the left side of the road.
- LEFT - Static variable in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.TurnType
Turns left.
- LEFT - Static variable in class com.supermap.mapping.arRender.Direction
Turn left
- LEFT - Static variable in class com.supermap.mapping.imChart.ChartLegend
Center Right
- Left - Static variable in class com.supermap.plot.MarkPos
- LEFT_BOTTOM_TO_RIGHT_TOP - Static variable in class com.supermap.mapping.AlongLineDirection
From bottom to top, and from left to right.
- LEFT_TOP_TO_RIGHT_BOTTOM - Static variable in class com.supermap.mapping.AlongLineDirection
From top to bottom, and from left to right.
- LeftDown - Static variable in class com.supermap.plot.MarkPos
- LEFTJOIN - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.JoinType
Left join.
- LeftUp - Static variable in class com.supermap.plot.MarkPos
- Legend - Class in com.supermap.mapping
The legend control class, which is used to represent display symbols of all spatial objects in the current bounds.
- Legend(Map) - Constructor for class com.supermap.mapping.Legend
The default constructor
- LegendChangedListener - Interface in com.supermap.mapping
The LegendChangedListener.
- LegendItem - Class in com.supermap.mapping
Legend subclasses.
- LegendItem() - Constructor for class com.supermap.mapping.LegendItem
Constructs a new legend subkey object.
- LegendView - Class in com.supermap.mapping.imChart
legend view class
- LegendView(Context) - Constructor for class com.supermap.mapping.imChart.LegendView
constructor, extend View
- LegendView(Context, AttributeSet) - Constructor for class com.supermap.mapping.imChart.LegendView
constructor, extend View
- LegendView(Context, AttributeSet, int) - Constructor for class com.supermap.mapping.imChart.LegendView
constructor, extend View
- LegendView - Class in com.supermap.mapping
Legend shows the control container class. This class is used to store legend controls.
- LegendView(Context) - Constructor for class com.supermap.mapping.LegendView
Constructs a new LegendView object.
- LegendView(Context, AttributeSet) - Constructor for class com.supermap.mapping.LegendView
Constructs a new LegendView object.
- length() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.Vector
- lengthMeasured(double, Point) - Method in interface com.supermap.mapping.MeasureListener
The length measure result.
- lengthSquared() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.Vector
- licenseCount - Variable in class com.supermap.data.license.QueryFormalLicenseResponse
The number of licenses Each account can have multiple licenses
- licenseID - Variable in class com.supermap.data.CloudLicenseManager.LastLicenseInfo
License id
- LicenseInfo - Class in com.supermap.data.license
License information
- LicenseInfo() - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.license.LicenseInfo
- licenses - Variable in class com.supermap.data.license.QueryFormalLicenseResponse
License information array
- LicenseStatus - Class in com.supermap.data
The license status class is used to mark the license status of the current device.
- LicenseStatus() - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.LicenseStatus
- LicenseType - Class in com.supermap.data
License type, returned license of offline and online are distinguished since 9D.
- LightTypes - Class in com.supermap.realspace
- LINE - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.DatasetType
The line dataset is used to store the line objects, like the distributing of rivers, roads and national boundaries.
- LINE - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.SymbolType
2D line symbol.
- LINE - Static variable in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeGraphType
Polyline diagram
- LINE - Static variable in class com.supermap.realspace.Layer3DVectorFileDataType
Deprecated.Line type.
- LINE3D - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.DatasetType
Line3D dataset.The Line3D dataset is mainly used to store the 3D line objects.
- LINE_SPLIT_BY_POINT - Static variable in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.NetworkSplitMode
Splits lines by points
- LINE_SPLIT_BY_POINT_AND_LINE - Static variable in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.NetworkSplitMode
Splits lines by lines together with points
- LINEAR - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.FillGradientMode
Linear gradient fill.
- LINEAR - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.TransformationMode
Linear registration
- linearCalculate(String, String) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.record.EffectViewRecorder
Use linear interpolation to optimize the parameters of CSV files and generate new CSV files
- linearDelDupCalculate(List<ARRecordParameter>) - Static method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.ARRecordParameter
De-reinterpolation calculation
- lineAttachRegion(GeoLine, GeoRegion, List<GeoRegion>, double, double, double, boolean) - Static method in class com.supermap.analyst.spatialanalyst.Generalization
Closes lines to regions.
- LineChart - Class in com.supermap.mapping.imChart
line chart class, used to display line chart
- LineChart(Context) - Constructor for class com.supermap.mapping.imChart.LineChart
constructor, extend View
- LineChart(Context, AttributeSet) - Constructor for class com.supermap.mapping.imChart.LineChart
constructor, extend View
- LineChart(Context, AttributeSet, int) - Constructor for class com.supermap.mapping.imChart.LineChart
constructor, extend View
- LineChartData - Class in com.supermap.mapping.imChart
line chart data class, build chart data for displaying line chart A number of values form a polyline
- LineChartData() - Constructor for class com.supermap.mapping.imChart.LineChartData
The constructor.
- LineItem - Class in com.supermap.onlineservices
Transfer segment class.
- LineItem() - Constructor for class com.supermap.onlineservices.LineItem
The default constructor constructs a new object
. - LineItems - Class in com.supermap.onlineservices
Specific bus transfer line information class
- LineItems() - Constructor for class com.supermap.onlineservices.LineItems
The default constructor constructs a new object
. - lineOfSight(DatasetGrid, Point3D, Point3D) - Static method in class com.supermap.analyst.spatialanalyst.VisibilityAnalyst
The sight line analysis
- LineStyle(Color, double) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.TrackingMoveHelper
Sets colors and widths of lines
- linkMapControl(MapControl) - Method in class com.supermap.indoor.FloorListView
Sets the associated MapControl
- linkScenepControl(SceneControl, Workspace) - Method in class com.supermap.indoor3d.FloorListView3D
Link SceneControl
- load() - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.FacilityAnalyst
Loads the facility network model according to the FacilityAnalystSetting settings.
- load() - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.TransportationAnalyst
Loads the network model.
- load() - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst3d.FacilityAnalyst3D
Loads the network model.
- load() - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst3d.TransportationAnalyst3D
Loads the network model according to the TransportationAnalyst3D settings.
- load() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.imChart.TimeLine
Add time slider
- load() - Method in class com.supermap.navi.Navigation2
Loads the network model.
- load(String) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.SceneServicesList
Loads the scene according to iServer service address name.
- loadData() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.AREffectView
Loads data
- loadData() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.EffectView
- loadMap(Map) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.view.LayerListView
Load the map
- loadModel(String, DatasetVector) - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.TransportationAnalyst
Loads the memory file.
- loadModel(String) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.ARGltfElement
Loads model Mobile phone local file path or online address
- loadModel(Gltf) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.ARGltfElement
Loads model Instance built by
- loadModel(int) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.ARGltfElement
Loads model Resources need to be placed in the resource/raw/ directory
- loadModel(MapView) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.ARMapElement
Resource to load
- loadModel(int) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.ARVideoElement
Loads videos by their ids.
- loadModel(String) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.ARVideoElement
by videos' uri Loads AR videos' elements
- loadModel(MediaPlayer) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.ARVideoElement
Loads AR videos' elements
- loadModel(int) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.ARVideoElement2
- loadModel(int) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.ARViewElement
Loads the view (2D model of view)
- loadModel(String) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.ARWebViewElement
Loads the view (2D model of view)
- loadModel(int) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.ARWebViewElement
Loads web view
- loadModel(String) - Method in class com.supermap.navi.Navigation2
Load the memory file.
- loadModelFolder(String, String, ErrorCallback) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.loader.ModelGroupScene
Batch loads the model for the specified folder
- loadRoute(ArrayList<Point3D>) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.gather.GatherView
Dispalys all saved lines
- loadSource(MediaPlayer) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.Skybox
- loadSource(Bitmap) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.Skybox
- loadSource(int) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.Skybox
- loadWithUrl(String, String, String) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.DownloadManager
Read layer file information based on the specified 3D service address, and the specified layer name and token.
- loadWithUrl(String, String) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.DownloadManager
Deprecated.Read resource file information such as symbols according to the specified 3D service address and the specified scene name.
- locateMap() - Method in class com.supermap.navi.Navigation
Make the vehicle as the center of the map during the navigation.
- locateMap() - Method in class com.supermap.navi.Navigation2
The car displays in the center of the screeen during navigation.
- locateMap() - Method in class com.supermap.navi.Navigation3
The car displays in the center of the screeen during navigation.
- locateMap() - Method in class com.supermap.navi.Navigation3D
The car displays in the center of the screeen during navigation.
- locateToShootingPosition() - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.ProjectionImage
- location - Variable in class com.supermap.ai.AIRecognition
recognize object location
- Location - Class in com.supermap.ar.areffect
Geographical position (WGS)
- Location(double, double, double) - Constructor for class com.supermap.ar.areffect.Location
The constructor.
- Location() - Constructor for class com.supermap.ar.areffect.Location
The constructor
- Location(Location) - Constructor for class com.supermap.ar.areffect.Location
The constructor
- LocationAnalystParameter - Class in com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst
The location-allocation analysis parameter class.
- LocationAnalystParameter() - Constructor for class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.LocationAnalystParameter
Initializes a new instance of the LocationAnalystParameter class.
- LocationAnalystParameter(LocationAnalystParameter) - Constructor for class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.LocationAnalystParameter
Initializes a new instance of the LocationAnalystParameter class which is identical with the specified LocationAnalystParameter.
- LocationAnalystResult - Class in com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst
The LocationAnalystResult class, which is used for the result of the location-allocation.
- locationChanged(LocationManagePlugin.GPSData, LocationManagePlugin.GPSData) - Method in interface com.supermap.plugin.LocationChangedListener
Position change callback position change callback
- locationChanged(LocationManagePlugin.GPSData, LocationManagePlugin.GPSData, boolean) - Method in interface com.supermap.plugin.LocationChangedListener
Position change callback position change callback
- locationChanged(LocationManagePlugin.GPSData, LocationManagePlugin.GPSData, boolean, List<LocationManagePlugin.Satellite>) - Method in interface com.supermap.plugin.LocationChangedListener
Position change callback position change callback
- LocationChangedListener - Interface in com.supermap.plugin
The listener of changes in location is used to return the latest location information.
- LocationManagePlugin - Class in com.supermap.plugin
The location management plug-in.
- LocationManagePlugin() - Constructor for class com.supermap.plugin.LocationManagePlugin
Constructs a new location management plug-in.
- LocationManagePlugin.GPSData - Class in com.supermap.plugin
This class is the inner class of
, which identifies the detailed information of the current GPS data, such as: longitude, latitude, azimuth and so on. - LocationManagePlugin.Satellite - Class in com.supermap.plugin
This class is the inter class of
, which identifies the satellites information used to locate, including location, azimuth, signal strength and so on. - LocationUpdateListener - Interface in com.supermap.ar.areffect.gnss
Position update monitor When external high-precision equipment is connected, the AR scene location is updated according to the latitude and longitude of the new location
- lockMacAddr - Variable in class com.supermap.data.license.LicenseInfo
Binds address Before activating the license, the value is null.
- lockSize() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.ImageEffectView
- LOGARITHM - Static variable in class com.supermap.mapping.GraduatedMode
Logarithmic grading
- LOGARITHM - Static variable in class com.supermap.mapping.RangeMode
The logarithm mode.
- login(String, String) - Method in class com.supermap.data.CloudLicenseManager
Login Cloud License
- login(String, String, String, String) - Method in class com.supermap.distributeanalystservices.DataFlowOnline
log in iServer
- login(String, String, String, String) - Method in class com.supermap.distributeanalystservices.DistributeAnalyst
log in iServer.
- login(String, String, String) - Method in class com.supermap.mdatacollector.MDataCollector
Log in iPortal.
- login(String, String, OnlineService.LoginCallback) - Static method in class com.supermap.onlineservices.OnlineService
For logging in online with an e-mail or a nickname
- login(String, int, String, String, String, boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.services.iportalservices.IPortalService
User logs in
- login(String, String, String, boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.services.iportalservices.IPortalService
User logs in
- loginAccount(boolean) - Method in interface com.supermap.data.CloudLicenseManager.LicenseLoginCallback
Login callback interface.
- loginByPhoneNumber(String, String, OnlineService.LoginCallback) - Static method in class com.supermap.onlineservices.OnlineService
For logging in online with a phone number
- LoginCallBackListenner - Interface in com.supermap.realspace
SuperMap Online login listener.SuperMap Online login listener.
- loginFailed(String) - Method in interface com.supermap.onlineservices.OnlineService.LoginCallback
Failed Login
- loginSuccess() - Method in interface com.supermap.onlineservices.OnlineService.LoginCallback
successful login
- loginWithUsernameComplete(String, String, LoginCallBackListenner) - Static method in class com.supermap.realspace.OLAccountManager
SuperMap Online login callback event.
- logout() - Method in class com.supermap.data.CloudLicenseManager
Log out
- logout() - Method in class com.supermap.mdatacollector.MDataCollector
Logout information.
- logout(OnlineCallBack.CallBackString) - Static method in class com.supermap.onlineservices.OnlineService
For logout online
- logout() - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.OLAccountManager
Write off SuperMap Online.
- logout() - Method in class com.supermap.services.iportalservices.IPortalService
User logs out
- logoutAccount(boolean) - Method in interface com.supermap.data.CloudLicenseManager.LicenseLoginCallback
Quits the online login callback interface
- LONGBINARY - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.FieldType
The Binary type.
- LONGITUDE_LATITUDE_GRID - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.mapGrid.MapGridType
- LookAt - Class in com.supermap.realspace
The camera class LookAt This class is for determining the position of scene according to the position of the observation, the direction angle, the angle of pitch and the distance from the camera to the observation.
- LookAt(double, double, double) - Constructor for class com.supermap.realspace.LookAt
Constructs a new LookAt object based on the longitude and latitude of the specified viewpoint and the distance from the specified camera.
- LookAt(double, double, double, AltitudeMode) - Constructor for class com.supermap.realspace.LookAt
Constructs a new LookAt object based on the longitude and latitude of the specified viewpoint and the distance from the specified camera.
- LookAt(double, double, double, AltitudeMode, double, double, double) - Constructor for class com.supermap.realspace.LookAt
Constructs a new LookAt object based on the longitude, latitude, angle of pitch, azimuth angle, distance and altitude mode of the specified viewpoint.
- LOOP - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.NodeAnimationPlayMode
Loop mode.
- lTime - Variable in class com.supermap.plugin.LocationManagePlugin.GPSData
The capture time of this GPSData.
- LZW - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.EncodeType
LZW is a widely used dictionary compression method, and from the very beginning it is used in the compression of text.
- MAC - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.Charset
Characters used by Macintosh.
- makeDefault(DatasetVector, String, GraduatedMode) - Static method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeGraduatedSymbol
Generates a symbol thematic map according to the given dataset, field expression, and display mode
- makeDefault(DatasetGrid, RangeMode, double, ColorGradientType) - Static method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeGridRange
Makes the default grid map with the given dataset, rangeMode, rangeParameter and colorGradientType.
- makeDefault(DatasetGrid, RangeMode, double) - Static method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeGridRange
Makes the default grid map with the given dataset, rangeMode, rangeParameter and colorGradientType.
- makeDefault(DatasetVector, String, RangeMode, double) - Static method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeLabel
Makes the default label map with the given vector dataset, range expression, range mode and range parameter.
- makeDefault(DatasetVector, String, RangeMode, double, ColorGradientType) - Static method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeLabel
Makes the default label map with the given dataset, rangeExpression, rangeMode, rangeParameter and colorGradientType.
- makeDefault(DatasetVector, String, RangeMode, double, ColorGradientType, JoinItems) - Static method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeLabel
Makes the default label map with the given dataset, rangeExpression, rangeMode, rangeParameter, colorGradientType and joinItems.
- makeDefault(DatasetVector, String, RangeMode, double) - Static method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeRange
Makes the default range map with the given dataset, rangeExpression, rangeMode and rangeParameter.
- makeDefault(DatasetVector, String, RangeMode, double, ColorGradientType) - Static method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeRange
Makes the default range map with the given dataset, rangeExpression, rangeMode, rangeParameter and colorGradientType.
- makeDefault(DatasetVector, String, RangeMode, double, ColorGradientType, JoinItems) - Static method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeRange
Makes the default range map with the given dataset, rangeExpression, rangeMode, rangeParameter, colorGradientType and joinItems.
- makeDefault(DatasetVector, String, RangeMode, double, ColorGradientType, JoinItems, double) - Static method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeRange
Makes the default range map with the given dataset, rangeExpression, rangeMode, rangeParameter, colorGradientType, joinItems, and rangePrecision.
- makeDefault(DatasetVector, String) - Static method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeUnique
Makes the default unique values map with the given dataset and the UniqueExpression.
- makeDefault(DatasetVector, String, ColorGradientType) - Static method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeUnique
Makes the default unique values map with the given dataset, UniqueExpression and colorGradientType.T
- makeDefault(DatasetVector, String, ColorGradientType, JoinItems) - Static method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeUnique
Makes the default unique values map with the given dataset, UniqueExpression, colorGradientType and joinItems.
- makeDefault(DatasetVector, String, Colors) - Static method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeUnique
Makes a default four-color unique values map with the specified region dataset, color fields, and colors.
- makeGradient(int, Color[]) - Static method in class com.supermap.data.Colors
Generates gradient colors with the specified gradient color count and the gradient colors.
- makeGradient(int, ColorGradientType, boolean) - Static method in class com.supermap.data.Colors
This method is used to generate gradient colors predefined by system.
- makeLineM(GeoLine, PointMs) - Static method in class com.supermap.data.GeoLineM
Create new GeoLineM object with the specified line object and PointMs.
- makeRandom(int) - Static method in class com.supermap.data.Colors
Generate a set of random colors.
- makeRandom(int, Color[]) - Method in class com.supermap.data.Colors
Generate a set of random colors.
- Map - Class in com.supermap.mapping
map class, responsible for the management of the map display environment. The map is a visualization of geographic data, usually consisting of one or more layers.
- Map() - Constructor for class com.supermap.mapping.Map
Initializes a new instance of the Map class.
- Map(Workspace) - Constructor for class com.supermap.mapping.Map
Initializes a new instance of the Map class, and associates this map with the specified workspace.
- MapCacheListener - Interface in com.supermap.data
MapCacheListener is a listener for receiving map precache event.
- MapCacheService() - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.DatasetImage.MapCacheService
Constructs a new MapCacheService object.
- mapClosed() - Method in interface com.supermap.mapping.MapOperateListener
Map closed.
- MapColorMode - Class in com.supermap.mapping
This class defines the constants representing the types of map color modes.
- MapControl - Class in com.supermap.mapping
The MapControl class.
- MapControl(Context) - Constructor for class com.supermap.mapping.MapControl
Constructs a new
object. - MapControl(Context, Workspace) - Constructor for class com.supermap.mapping.MapControl
Initializes a new instance of the
class, and associates theMap
object of this MapControl with the specified workspace. - MapControl(Context, AttributeSet) - Constructor for class com.supermap.mapping.MapControl
Initialize a new
object with the parameters specified. - MapControl(Context, AttributeSet, Workspace) - Constructor for class com.supermap.mapping.MapControl
Initialize a new
object with the parameters specified. - MapControl(Context, AttributeSet, int) - Constructor for class com.supermap.mapping.MapControl
Initialize a new
object with the parameters specified. - MapControl(Context, AttributeSet, int, Workspace) - Constructor for class com.supermap.mapping.MapControl
Initialize a new
object with the parameters specified. - MapEditStyle - Class in com.supermap.mapping
This class defines the map editing styles.
- MapEditStyle() - Constructor for class com.supermap.mapping.MapEditStyle
The default constructor constructs a new object
. - MapGrid - Class in com.supermap.data.mapGrid
- MapGrid(MapGridParam) - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.mapGrid.MapGrid
- MapGridParam - Class in com.supermap.data.mapGrid
- MapGridParam() - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.mapGrid.MapGridParam
- MapGridRangeBound - Class in com.supermap.data.mapGrid
- MapGridRangeBound() - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.mapGrid.MapGridRangeBound
- MapGridShape - Class in com.supermap.data.mapGrid
- MapGridType - Class in com.supermap.data.mapGrid
- MapInertiaListener - Interface in com.supermap.mapping
This class is a listener that receives map inertia event.
- MapLoadedListener - Interface in com.supermap.mapping
This class is a listener which is used to receive the map add complete events.
- mapOpened() - Method in interface com.supermap.mapping.MapOperateListener
Map opened.
- MapOperateListener - Interface in com.supermap.mapping
This class is a listener that receives map open and close events.
- MapOverlapDisplayedOptions - Class in com.supermap.mapping
Overlap options
- MapOverlapDisplayedOptions() - Constructor for class com.supermap.mapping.MapOverlapDisplayedOptions
- MapParameterChangedListener - Interface in com.supermap.mapping
The map parameter changed listener.
- mapRefresh() - Method in interface com.supermap.mapping.RefreshListener
MapControl refresh event
- Maps - Class in com.supermap.data
Map collection class.
- mapToPixel(Point2D) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Map
Converts the map coordinates of the specified point to the pixel coordinates.
- MapView - Class in com.supermap.mapping
The container for the display control.
- MapView(Context) - Constructor for class com.supermap.mapping.MapView
Initialize a new MapView object with the parameters specified.
- MapView(Context, AttributeSet) - Constructor for class com.supermap.mapping.MapView
Initialize a new MapView object with the parameters specified.
- MapViewAnimation - Class in com.supermap.mapping
Map drawing animation class Created by jk on 2020/8/20.
- MapViewAnimation(MapView) - Constructor for class com.supermap.mapping.MapViewAnimation
The constructor.
- MapViewGroup - Class in com.supermap.mapping
mapview group class
- MapViewGroup() - Constructor for class com.supermap.mapping.MapViewGroup
The constructor.
- MapWorldMaps - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.EngineType
Deprecated.Obsolete Tianditu services engine. It's a read only engine and can not be created.
- MARKER - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.SymbolType
2D point symbol.
- MARKER - Static variable in class com.supermap.mapping.LabelBackShape
The symbol background.
- MarkerItem - Interface in com.supermap.ar.areffect
Tagged item Uses with
implemented this interface - MarkerLayer - Interface in com.supermap.ar.areffect
label layer Uses with
implemented this interface - MarkPos - Class in com.supermap.plot
context and point symbol position
- Materials - Class in com.supermap.ar.areffect.gltfModel
- Materials() - Constructor for class com.supermap.ar.areffect.gltfModel.Materials
- MAX - Static variable in class com.supermap.analyst.spatialanalyst.CellSizeType
Inputs the maximum value of the cell of the raster dataset
- MAX - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.StatisticMode
Calculates the maximum value of the field.
- MAX - Static variable in class com.supermap.mapping.AggregationFunctionType
Maximum value
- maxDataValue - Variable in class com.supermap.realspace.Layer3DOSGBFile
Get the maximum height of the layer.
- MDataCollector - Class in com.supermap.mdatacollector
Multimedia data collection class Support the collection of photos, audio and video, while recording the location of the latitude and longitude coordinates, and can be uploaded to the specified iportal service, also supports downloading data from iportal
- MDataCollector(Context) - Constructor for class com.supermap.mdatacollector.MDataCollector
- MEASUREALTITUDE3D - Static variable in class com.supermap.realspace.Action3D
Measuring height
- MEASUREANGLE - Static variable in class com.supermap.mapping.Action
The measure angle Draw a angle through three points, and give the chronological rotating angle value from the first to the second edges.
- MEASUREAREA - Static variable in class com.supermap.mapping.Action
Measures area.
- MEASUREAREA3D - Static variable in class com.supermap.realspace.Action3D
Measurement area
- MEASUREDISTANCE3D - Static variable in class com.supermap.realspace.Action3D
Measuring distance
- MEASURELENGTH - Static variable in class com.supermap.mapping.Action
Measure length.
- MeasureListener - Interface in com.supermap.mapping
The measure listener.
- MeasureStateListener - Interface in com.supermap.mapping
Measure the state listener
- MeasureView - Class in com.supermap.ar.highprecision
AI measurement view class This class has the abilities to AI measurement and vision positioning AI measurement only can measure the horizontal plane of a house Vision positioning takes the current position as the base point
- MeasureView(Context) - Constructor for class com.supermap.ar.highprecision.MeasureView
- MeasureView.FlagType - Enum in com.supermap.ar.highprecision
the guiding style of measurement
- MediaService - Class in com.supermap.ai.mediaservice
- MediaService(Context) - Constructor for class com.supermap.ai.mediaservice.MediaService
- merge(int, int, Color, String) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeGridRange
Merges the specified counts of grid ranges map items from the specified index and assign the color and caption to the new item.
- merge(int, int, TextStyle, String) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeLabel
Merges the specified counts of Themelabel items from the specified index and assign the style and caption to the new item.
- merge(int, int, GeoStyle, String) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeRange
Merges the specified counts of ranges map items from the specified index and assign the style and caption to the new item.
- merge(String, String) - Method in class com.supermap.plot.AnimationManager
Merges two animation groups
- mergeBitmap(Bitmap, Bitmap) - Static method in class com.supermap.mapping.BitmapUtils
Overlay two bitmaps into a single bitmap based on the length and width of the underlying bitmap
- mergeDatasets(String, boolean, DatasetVector...) - Method in class com.supermap.data.Datasource
Merge data sets
- Meshes - Class in com.supermap.ar.areffect.gltfModel
Meshes The mesh structure represents a real geographical instance appeared on a scene
- Meshes() - Constructor for class com.supermap.ar.areffect.gltfModel.Meshes
- message - Variable in class com.supermap.data.EduLicense.EduLicenseInfos
The license activation information.
- Meter - Static variable in class com.supermap.analyst.BufferRadiusUnit
- METER - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.Unit
- MIDDLE - Static variable in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.SideType
On the road.
- Middle - Static variable in class com.supermap.plot.MarkPos
- MIDDLECENTER - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.TextAlignment
Middle center.
- MIDDLELEFT - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.TextAlignment
Middle left.
- MIDDLERIGHT - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.TextAlignment
Middle center.
- MIF - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.conversion.FileType
The MapInfo MIF swap file, Import results can be multiple different types of vector data.
- Mile - Static variable in class com.supermap.analyst.BufferRadiusUnit
- MILE - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.Unit
- MiliMeter - Static variable in class com.supermap.analyst.BufferRadiusUnit
- MILIMETER - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.Unit
- MIN - Static variable in class com.supermap.analyst.spatialanalyst.CellSizeType
Inputs the minimum value of the cell of the raster dataset
- MIN - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.StatisticMode
Calculates the minimum value of the selected field.
- MIN - Static variable in class com.supermap.mapping.AggregationFunctionType
Minimum value
- minDataValue - Variable in class com.supermap.realspace.Layer3DOSGBFile
Get the minimum height of the layer.
- MINIMUMMAXIMUM - Static variable in class com.supermap.mapping.ImageStretchType
Extreme stretch The maximum stretch is a linear stretch based on the maximum and minimum values of the pixels, using the maximum and minimum values as the two endpoints of the stretched histogram, for example: an image data using an 8-bit memory The pixel value and the range of the pixel values are distributed between 30 and 200.
- MINUTE - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.Unit
- mirror(Point2D, Point2D) - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoLineM
Gets geometry object symmetrical to the current GeoLineM object with respect to specific segment.
- MixedTextStyle - Class in com.supermap.mapping
The text composite style class.
- MixedTextStyle() - Constructor for class com.supermap.mapping.MixedTextStyle
The default constructor for constructing a new object.
- MixedTextStyle(TextStyle[], String) - Constructor for class com.supermap.mapping.MixedTextStyle
Initializes a new instance of the MixedTextStyle class according to the specified text styles and the separator.
- MixedTextStyle(TextStyle[], int[]) - Constructor for class com.supermap.mapping.MixedTextStyle
Initializes a new instance of the MixedTextStyle class according to the specified text styles and the split indexes.
- mode - Static variable in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.gnss.PoseMixerConfig
0: default mixer 2: dynamic weight mixer (dynamically generating weight according to displacement distance)
- MODE_POIMAP - Static variable in class com.supermap.ar.ARRendererInfoUtil
POI map mode
- MODE_PROJECTION - Static variable in class com.supermap.ar.ARRendererInfoUtil
Projection mode
- modeFile - Variable in class com.supermap.ai.AIDetectViewInfo
Paths of model files
- MODEL - Static variable in class com.supermap.realspace.Layer3DVectorFileDataType
Deprecated.Model type.
- ModelGroupScene - Class in com.supermap.ar.areffect.loader
Model group scenario often used to batch load models in a specified folder
- ModelGroupScene(EffectView) - Constructor for class com.supermap.ar.areffect.loader.ModelGroupScene
The constructor
- ModelGroupScene(AREffectElement) - Constructor for class com.supermap.ar.areffect.loader.ModelGroupScene
The constructor
- ModelGroupScene.OnClickListener - Interface in com.supermap.ar.areffect.loader
Click on the event
- modifyFeature(String, String, String, int, Feature) - Method in class com.supermap.services.DataUploadService
Edit object when the given ID.
- modifyFeature(String, int, Feature) - Method in class com.supermap.services.DataUploadService
Modifies the objects in the specified address.
- modifyNickname(String, OnlineCallBack.CallBackString) - Static method in class com.supermap.onlineservices.OnlineService
Modifies a nickname
- modifyPassword(String, String, OnlineCallBack.CallBackString) - Static method in class com.supermap.onlineservices.OnlineService
Modifies a password
- Module - Class in com.supermap.data
This class defines the module constants of SuperMap iMobile for Android.
- moduleNames - Variable in class com.supermap.data.license.LicenseInfo
License includes module names
- moduleType - Variable in class com.supermap.data.PrivateCloudLicenseManager.privateCloudLicInfo
Module type
- move(int) - Method in class com.supermap.data.Recordset
Moves the current record position specified count backward or forward and makes that record current.
- MOVE_COMMON_NODE - Static variable in class com.supermap.mapping.Action
Common point editing (coordinated editing)
- MOVE_GEOMETRY - Static variable in class com.supermap.mapping.Action
Pan object, Set the operation layer is editable, set Action, click one object, drag the object to pan
- moveBottom() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.dyn.DynamicView
Move the dynamic layer to the bottom
- moveDown() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.dyn.DynamicView
Move the dynamic layer down
- moveDown(int) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Layers
Moves the layer with the specified index backward to below the former lower layer.
- moveFirst() - Method in class com.supermap.data.Recordset
Moves the current record position to the first record in the Recordset and makes that record current.
- moveFirst() - Method in class com.supermap.services.FeatureSet
Used to remove the current feature to the first, make the first feature to be the current feature.
- moveLast() - Method in class com.supermap.data.Recordset
Moves the current record position to the last record in the Recordset and makes that record current.
- moveLast() - Method in class com.supermap.services.FeatureSet
Used to remove the current feature to the last, make the last feature to be the current feature.
- moveNext() - Method in class com.supermap.data.Recordset
Moves the current record position to next record in the Recordset and makes that record current.
- moveNext(int) - Method in class com.supermap.plot.AnimationManager
Moves the animation to the last
- moveNext() - Method in class com.supermap.services.FeatureSet
Remove the current feature to the next location, make the next feature to be the current feature.
- movePrev() - Method in class com.supermap.data.Recordset
Moves the current record position to previous record in the Recordset and makes that record current.
- movePrev(int) - Method in class com.supermap.plot.AnimationManager
Moves the animation to the top
- movePrev() - Method in class com.supermap.services.FeatureSet
Remove the current feature to the previous location, make the previous feature to be the current feature.
- moveTo(int) - Method in class com.supermap.data.Recordset
Moves the current position to the specified position and make that record current.
- moveTo(int, SymbolGroup) - Method in class com.supermap.data.SymbolLibrary
Moves the specified symbol object to the specified symbol group.
- moveTo(int) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.dyn.DynamicView
Moves the dynamic layer to the specified index.
- moveTo(int, int) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Layers
Moves the Layer with the specified index to the target index.
- moveToBottom(int) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Layers
Moves the layer with the specified index to the bottom in this layers.
- moveToCurrent() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.collector.Collector
Locate the map to the current location.
- moveTop() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.dyn.DynamicView
Move the dynamic layer to the top
- moveToTop(int) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Layers
Moves the layer with the specified index to the topmost position in this layers.
- moveToXY(MotionEvent, BubbleView, EffectView) - Static method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.utils.VideoEffectViewHelper
Move the bubble window near the XY value of the event
- moveUp() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.dyn.DynamicView
Move the dynamic layer up
- moveUp(int) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Layers
Moves the Layer with the specified index upward to above the former upper layer.
- MQTTClient - Class in com.supermap.messagequeue
The MQTT client class, based on message bus of MQTT protocol.
- MQTTClient() - Constructor for class com.supermap.messagequeue.MQTTClient
- MQTTReturnMessage - Class in com.supermap.messagequeue
MQTT return message class.
- MQTTReturnMessage() - Constructor for class com.supermap.messagequeue.MQTTReturnMessage
The constructor of MQTTReturnMessage.
- MTH_BURSA_WOLF - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.CoordSysTransMethod
- MTH_COORDINATE_FRAME - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.CoordSysTransMethod
Seven-parameter method.
- MTH_GEOCENTRIC_TRANSLATION - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.CoordSysTransMethod
Geocentric Translations.
- MTH_MOLODENSKY - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.CoordSysTransMethod
- MTH_MOLODENSKY_ABRIDGED - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.CoordSysTransMethod
Abridged Molodensky.
- MTH_POSITION_VECTOR - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.CoordSysTransMethod
Position vector.
- MTSPathAnalystFromServer - Class in com.supermap.services.networkanalyst
Multiple traveling salesman path analysis
- MTSPathAnalystFromServer() - Constructor for class com.supermap.services.networkanalyst.MTSPathAnalystFromServer
- MULTI_LEVEL_GRID - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.SpatialIndexType
Multi-level Grid Index Multi-tier grid index adopts advantages of both RTree index and QTree index.
- MULTI_SELECT - Static variable in class com.supermap.mapping.Action
Multiple selection
- MULTIBAND - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.conversion.MultiBandImportMode
import multi-band data as one multi-band dataset
- MultiBandImportMode - Class in com.supermap.data.conversion
multiband import mode of image data
- MultiViewportMode - Class in com.supermap.realspace
The enumeration class defines a multi-viewport type constant.
- muteLocalAudioStream(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.ai.mediaservice.MediaService
Whether to mute
- MyContentOderBy - Enum in com.supermap.onlineservices.utils
The ways of sorting my data
- MyContentType - Enum in com.supermap.services.iportalservices
My content root resources.
- name() - Method in class com.supermap.data.Enum
Returns the name of the enumeration constant.
- name - Variable in class com.supermap.data.PrivateCloudLicenseManager.privateCloudLicInfo
Module's Chinese name
- name() - Method in class com.supermap.messagequeue.Enum
Gets the name of the enumeration object
- nameEn - Variable in class com.supermap.data.PrivateCloudLicenseManager.privateCloudLicInfo
Module's English name
- Navigation - Class in com.supermap.navi
The navigation class.
- Navigation.SpeechParam - Class in com.supermap.navi
The parameter class for the guide information report during the navigation.
- Navigation2 - Class in com.supermap.navi
The industrial navigation class, used for path analysis and guide under topological road network.
- Navigation3 - Class in com.supermap.navi
Indoor navigation class Similar to industry navigation, it provides path analysis and guidance based on topology road network.
- Navigation3D - Class in com.supermap.navi
The navigation class.
- Navigation3D(Context) - Constructor for class com.supermap.navi.Navigation3D
- Navigation_Dev - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.Module
Traditional navigation development modules, including path planning, navigation and guidance
- Navigation_Runtime - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.Module
Traditional navigation operation modules, including path planning, navigation and guidance
- NavigationOnline - Class in com.supermap.onlineservices
Online path analysis class, providing online path analysis capabilities
- NavigationOnline() - Constructor for class com.supermap.onlineservices.NavigationOnline
The default constructor for constructing a new
object. - NavigationOnline.NavigationOnlineCallback - Interface in com.supermap.onlineservices
The path analysis callback.
- NavigationOnlineData - Class in com.supermap.onlineservices
Path analysis data class as an online path analysis result
- NavigationOnlineData() - Constructor for class com.supermap.onlineservices.NavigationOnlineData
The default constructor for constructing a new
object. - NavigationOnlineParameter - Class in com.supermap.onlineservices
The path analysis parameter class.
- NavigationOnlineParameter() - Constructor for class com.supermap.onlineservices.NavigationOnlineParameter
The default constructor for constructing a new
object. - NavigationParseUtils - Class in com.supermap.onlineservices
Navigation parsing tool class.
- NavigationParseUtils() - Constructor for class com.supermap.onlineservices.NavigationParseUtils
The default constructor constructs a new object
. - NavigationStatusListener - Interface in com.supermap.navi
The navigation status listener.
- NaviInfo - Class in com.supermap.navi
Navigation information.
- NaviInfo() - Constructor for class com.supermap.navi.NaviInfo
- NaviListener - Interface in com.supermap.navi
Navigation listener.
- NaviMapView2Plus - Class in com.supermap.mapping.NavigationPlus
- NaviMapView2Plus(Context, AttributeSet, int) - Constructor for class com.supermap.mapping.NavigationPlus.NaviMapView2Plus
- NaviMapView2Plus(Context, AttributeSet) - Constructor for class com.supermap.mapping.NavigationPlus.NaviMapView2Plus
- NaviMapView2Plus(Context) - Constructor for class com.supermap.mapping.NavigationPlus.NaviMapView2Plus
- NaviMapView3Plus - Class in com.supermap.mapping.NavigationPlus
- NaviMapView3Plus(Context, AttributeSet, int) - Constructor for class com.supermap.mapping.NavigationPlus.NaviMapView3Plus
- NaviMapView3Plus(Context, AttributeSet) - Constructor for class com.supermap.mapping.NavigationPlus.NaviMapView3Plus
- NaviMapView3Plus(Context) - Constructor for class com.supermap.mapping.NavigationPlus.NaviMapView3Plus
- NaviMapViewPlus - Class in com.supermap.mapping.NavigationPlus
- NaviMapViewPlus(Context, AttributeSet, int) - Constructor for class com.supermap.mapping.NavigationPlus.NaviMapViewPlus
- NaviMapViewPlus(Context, AttributeSet) - Constructor for class com.supermap.mapping.NavigationPlus.NaviMapViewPlus
- NaviMapViewPlus(Context) - Constructor for class com.supermap.mapping.NavigationPlus.NaviMapViewPlus
- NaviPath - Class in com.supermap.navi
The navigation path class, which includes the path length, the time cost to the destination, and every road information.
- NaviStep - Class in com.supermap.navi
The navigation road information class, including the road name, length, turn direction, time to the destination, etc.
- NaviStep() - Constructor for class com.supermap.navi.NaviStep
- NaviViewOptions - Class in com.supermap.mapping
Navigation view parameter class
- NaviViewOptions() - Constructor for class com.supermap.mapping.NaviViewOptions
- nAzimuth - Variable in class com.supermap.plugin.LocationManagePlugin.Satellite
The azimuth.
- nDay - Variable in class com.supermap.plugin.LocationManagePlugin.GPSData
- nEasting - Variable in class com.supermap.plugin.LocationManagePlugin.GPSData
The identifier of eastern and western hemispheres. 0 means the western Hemisphere, and 1 means the eastern Hemisphere.
- negated() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.Vector
Negates a Vector3
- nElevation - Variable in class com.supermap.plugin.LocationManagePlugin.Satellite
The elevation.
- NETWORK - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.DatasetType
The network dataset is used to store the dataset with topological relationship in network, such as the transportation network.
- NETWORK3D - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.DatasetType
3D network dataset.The dataset is mainly used to store the 3D network data, such as the building, pipe and so on.
- NetworkAccessMediaFileListener - Interface in com.supermap.mdatacollector
The network transmission listener, which is used to download and upload files on the users' own server side.
- NetworkBuilder - Class in com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst
Build a network dataset.
- NetworkBuilder() - Constructor for class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.NetworkBuilder
- NetworkErrorInfo - Class in com.supermap.onlineservices
Analyze the error message when online is requested on the network.
- NetworkErrorInfo() - Constructor for class com.supermap.onlineservices.NetworkErrorInfo
The default constructor for constructing a new
object. - NetworkSplitMode - Class in com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst
The network dataset split modes
- newInstance(int) - Static method in class com.supermap.data.EngineType
Returns the custom engine type.
- newInstance(int) - Static method in class com.supermap.data.GeometryType
Returns the custom geometry type.
- newInstance(int) - Static method in class com.supermap.data.ProjectionType
- NEWLINE - Static variable in class com.supermap.mapping.OverLengthLabelMode
Linefeed display. This mode displays a long line of characters that exceeds the maximum length of the specified label, that is, multiple lines are used to display the long label.
- newReceiver(String) - Method in class com.supermap.messagequeue.AMQPManager
Creates a receiver
- newReceiver(boolean, String, String) - Method in class com.supermap.messagequeue.STOMPManager
Creates a receiver
- newSender() - Method in class com.supermap.messagequeue.AMQPManager
Creates a sender
- newSender(boolean, String) - Method in class com.supermap.messagequeue.STOMPManager
Creates a sender
- NextRoadName - Variable in class com.supermap.navi.NaviInfo
Next road name.
- nFixMode - Variable in class com.supermap.plugin.LocationManagePlugin.GPSData
The identifier of location mode. 0 means that the GPS didn't locate and 1 means that the GPS located.
- nHour - Variable in class com.supermap.plugin.LocationManagePlugin.GPSData
- nMinute - Variable in class com.supermap.plugin.LocationManagePlugin.GPSData
- nMonth - Variable in class com.supermap.plugin.LocationManagePlugin.GPSData
- nNorthing - Variable in class com.supermap.plugin.LocationManagePlugin.GPSData
The identifier of southern and northern hemispheres. 0 means the Southern Hemisphere, and 1 means the Northern Hemisphere.
- NoColorReplace - Static variable in class com.supermap.plot.AnimationDefine.BlinkAnimationReplaceStyle
No color switching
- NodeAnimation - Class in com.supermap.data
Node animation class, you can set the model along the specified route movement, you can control its movement state.
- NodeAnimation() - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.NodeAnimation
- NodeAnimationPlayMode - Class in com.supermap.data
This enumeration defines the animation playback mode constant for selecting the playback mode when the movie is played.
- Nodes - Class in com.supermap.ar.areffect.gltfModel
Node information
- Nodes() - Constructor for class com.supermap.ar.areffect.gltfModel.Nodes
- NONE - Static variable in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.DirectionType
It means the node has no direction.
- NONE - Static variable in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.NetworkSplitMode
Does not split any object
- NONE - Static variable in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.SideType
The invalid value.
- NONE - Static variable in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.TurnType
The invalid value.
- NONE - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.EncodeType
Do not used encoding.
- NONE - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.FillGradientMode
No gradient.
- NONE - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.ImageFormatType
Unknown format.
- NONE - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.SpatialIndexType
No spatial index No spatial index is fit for the small size of data
- NONE - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.SpatialQueryMode
None spatial query.
- NONE - Static variable in class com.supermap.mapping.GraphAxesTextDisplayMode
Invisible both
- NONE - Static variable in class com.supermap.mapping.ImageStretchType
No stretch No stretch is done without any stretching of the image data, but this absolute non-stretch is actually only effective for image data of an unsigned integer 8-bit storage format.
- NONE - Static variable in class com.supermap.mapping.LabelBackShape
None background.
- NONE - Static variable in class com.supermap.mapping.OverLengthLabelMode
Do not process long tags. This is the default mode, that is, all of this line shows this long label.
- NONE - Static variable in class com.supermap.mapping.RangeMode
The None Range mode.
- NORTH - Static variable in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.DirectionType
- NOTTOCOMPUTE - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.WhereToCalibrate
Not to calibrate.
- nQualityIndicator - Variable in class com.supermap.plugin.LocationManagePlugin.GPSData
The identifier of the GPS status. 0 means that the GPS didn't locate and 1 means that the GPS located.
- nSatelliteID - Variable in class com.supermap.plugin.LocationManagePlugin.Satellite
The satellites ID.
- nSatellites - Variable in class com.supermap.plugin.LocationManagePlugin.GPSData
The number of the visible satellites.
- nSecond - Variable in class com.supermap.plugin.LocationManagePlugin.GPSData
- nSignal - Variable in class com.supermap.plugin.LocationManagePlugin.Satellite
The signal strength.
- NULL - Static variable in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.SupplyCenterType
NONE, which is employed by neither location analysis nor allocation analysis.
- NULL - Static variable in class com.supermap.mapping.Action
Performs no operation.
- NULL - Static variable in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeType
No thematic map.
- NULL - Static variable in class com.supermap.realspace.Action3D
No operation.
- NumberBlink - Static variable in class com.supermap.plot.AnimationDefine.BlinkAnimationBlinkStyle
- nYear - Variable in class com.supermap.plugin.LocationManagePlugin.GPSData
- ObliquePhotogrammetry3DModel - Class in com.supermap.realspace
- ObliquePhotogrammetry3DModel(Scene) - Constructor for class com.supermap.realspace.ObliquePhotogrammetry3DModel
- OcclusionHelper - Class in com.supermap.ar.areffect
Occlusion assistant Mostly used for local rendering of the picture, showing the rendering effect of virtual and real occlusion
- OcclusionHelper.RenderMode - Enum in com.supermap.ar.areffect
Rendering mode
- OEM - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.Charset
Extended ASCII character set.
- offset(double, double) - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoCompound
Offset geometry object.
- offset(double, double) - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoLineM
Moves this GeoLineM object by a specified amount.
- offset(double, double) - Method in class com.supermap.data.Geometry
Moves this Geometry by a specified amount.
- offset(double, double, double) - Method in class com.supermap.data.Geometry3D
Offsets this geometry object by the specified quantity.
- offset(double, double) - Method in class com.supermap.data.Point2D
Translates this Point2D object by the specified amount.
- offset(double, double) - Method in class com.supermap.data.Rectangle2D
Moves the Rectangle2D along both x-axis direction and y-axis direction.
- offset(double, double, double) - Method in class com.supermap.data.TextPart3D
Adjust the anchor point of the TextPart with a specified value.
- OFFSET - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.TransformationMode
Offset registration
- offset(int, double, double, double) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.TrackingLayer3D
The Geometry of the specified index in the 3D trace layer is offset in the x/y/z direction (only GeoModel offsets are supported).
- offsetMeasure(double) - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoLineM
Modify the M value of the GeoLineM object according to the offset of the M value.
- OGC - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.EngineType
The OGC engine type for Web datasource.
- OLAccountManager - Class in com.supermap.realspace
SuperMap Online account manager class.
- OLAccountManager() - Constructor for class com.supermap.realspace.OLAccountManager
- OMIT - Static variable in class com.supermap.mapping.OverLengthLabelMode
omit the overrides. This mode exposes the portion of the long label that exceeds the maximum length of the specified label (MaxLabelLength) with an ellipsis.
- onAarrivedDestination() - Method in interface com.supermap.navi.NaviListener
Callback when you arrive at destination.
- onAccuracyChanged(Sensor, int) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.OrientationListener
- onActivityResult(int, int, Intent) - Method in class com.supermap.mdatacollector.MDataCollector
The result process after photo, audio, or video is finished.
- onAdjustFailure() - Method in interface com.supermap.navi.NaviListener
Callback when failed to match the roads.
- onAISizeChanged(AISize) - Method in interface com.supermap.ai.AIDetectView.DetectListener
AIDetectView width and height changing listener
- onArObjClear(MotionEvent) - Method in interface com.supermap.ar.areffect.ARMapElement.OnMapUpdateListener
remove ArObj
- onArObjUpdate(Point3D[], Point, Point) - Method in interface com.supermap.ar.areffect.ARMapElement.OnMapUpdateListener
update ArObj
- onBeginOfSpeech() - Method in interface com.supermap.mapping.speech.IntelligentSpeechListener
Start to speak.
- onBeginOfSpeech() - Method in interface com.supermap.mapping.speech.SpeechControlListener
Start to speak.
- onCacheStatus(int, long) - Method in interface com.supermap.data.MapCacheListener
Detailed progress information, feedback to the user has downloaded the number of cache nDownLoadCout, the total number of accounts nTotalCount
- onCallback(int) - Method in interface com.supermap.ai.InitCallback
Returns status code
- ONCE - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.NodeAnimationPlayMode
Single play mode.
- onChecked() - Method in interface com.supermap.data.MapCacheListener
Triggered if consecutive 10 pictures are failed to download, in this case, you need to check the network, You can also define the number of consecutive 10 failure pictures.
- onClick(AREffectElement, TouchResult) - Method in interface com.supermap.ar.areffect.loader.ModelGroupScene.OnClickListener
- onClick(CollectorElement) - Method in interface com.supermap.mapping.collector.CollectorElement.OnClickListener
triggered when the object is tapped.
- onClick(DynamicElement) - Method in interface com.supermap.mapping.dyn.DynamicElement.OnClickListener
It triggers when clicking the dynamic element.
- onClick(Symbol) - Method in interface com.supermap.mapping.view.SymbolLibView.OnItemClickListener
- onClickArObject(ArrayList<ArObject>) - Method in interface com.supermap.ar.OnClickArObjectListener
Click ArObject to return the object list within the currently clicking range
- OnClickArObjectListener - Interface in com.supermap.ar
ArObject Click Listener class
- onComplete(int) - Method in interface com.supermap.data.MapCacheListener
Callback when precache completes.
- onComplete() - Method in interface com.supermap.onlineservices.DownloadFile.DownLoadListener
Downloaded successfully
- onComplete() - Method in interface com.supermap.onlineservices.DownloadResourceFile.DownloadListener
Downloaded successfully
- onComplete(String) - Method in interface com.supermap.onlineservices.utils.GroupDeleteListener
Successful responses
- onComplete(Response) - Method in interface com.supermap.services.iportalservices.OnResponseListener
Successful network response
- onCurrentLengthChanged(float) - Method in interface com.supermap.ar.highprecision.OnLengthChangedListener
The distance from the device to the horizontal plane
- onCurrentToLastPntDstChanged(float) - Method in interface com.supermap.ar.highprecision.OnLengthChangedListener
Measures the length of the line
- onDataFlowDidFailed(String) - Method in interface com.supermap.distributeanalystservices.DataFlowOnline.OnDataFlowListener
receive wrong information
- onDataFlowReceive(Geometry) - Method in interface com.supermap.distributeanalystservices.DataFlowOnline.OnDataFlowListener
receive geometry object
- onDataFlowReceiveGeoJson(String) - Method in interface com.supermap.distributeanalystservices.DataFlowOnline.OnDataFlowListener
receive GeoJSON
- onDectetComplete(Map<String, Integer>) - Method in interface com.supermap.ai.AIDetectView.DetectListener
Flow statistic listener
- onDestroy() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.arcartograph.ARCartographView
- onDestroy() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.AREffectView
Ruins the interface
- onDestroy() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.EffectView
- onDestroy() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.HmsAREffectView
- onDown(DynamicElement) - Method in interface com.supermap.mapping.dyn.DynamicElement.OnDownAndUpListener
Triggers the listener once pressing a dynamic feature
- onDownloadMediaFiles(String) - Method in interface com.supermap.mdatacollector.NetworkAccessMediaFileListener
Callback media file download completed.
- OnDraw(TrackingMoveHelper.onDraw) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.TrackingMoveHelper
Draws animation
- onDraw(Canvas) - Method in interface com.supermap.mapping.UserMapRender
rendering methods to achieve custom rendering content
- onDrawFrame(GL10) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.HmsAREffectView
- onDrawFrame(GL10) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.VideoEffectView
- onEndOfSpeech() - Method in interface com.supermap.mapping.speech.IntelligentSpeechListener
After the SDK detected the mute end, recall the function (if the application has called stopListening() initiative, the function will not be called.
- onEndOfSpeech() - Method in interface com.supermap.mapping.speech.SpeechControlListener
After the SDK detected the mute end, recall the function (if the application has called stopListening() initiative, the function will not be called.
- onError(ErrorCallback.Error) - Method in interface com.supermap.ar.areffect.ErrorCallback
- onError(String) - Method in interface com.supermap.mapping.speech.IntelligentSpeechListener
The function is called back means there are some errors in this session, and the session will be closed, and the record will be stopped
- onError(String) - Method in interface com.supermap.mapping.speech.SpeechControlListener
The function is called back means there are some errors in this session, and the session will be closed, and the record will be stopped
- onError() - Method in interface com.supermap.onlineservices.DownloadFile.DownLoadListener
Failed to download
- onError(String) - Method in class com.supermap.onlineservices.OnlineCallBack
- onError(String) - Method in interface com.supermap.onlineservices.utils.GroupDeleteListener
Failed request
- onError(Exception) - Method in interface com.supermap.services.iportalservices.OnResponseListener
Failed network request
- onExecuteFailed(String) - Method in interface com.supermap.distributeanalystservices.DistributeAnalystListener
callback when analysis failed and return error information
- onFailure() - Method in interface com.supermap.onlineservices.DownloadResourceFile.DownloadListener
Failed to download
- onFailure(String) - Method in interface com.supermap.realspace.LoginCallBackListenner
Login failed callback, telling the user to log in failed.
- onFailure(String) - Method in interface com.supermap.realspace.OnlineService3D.OnlineService3DCallBackListener
Callback failure event
- onFailure(String, int) - Method in interface com.supermap.services.iportalservices.DownloadListener
Failed to download
- onFailure(String, int) - Method in interface com.supermap.services.iportalservices.UploadListener
Failed uploading
- onFailure(String) - Method in interface com.supermap.services.networkanalyst.ResponseListener
Failed callback
- onFrameAvailable(SurfaceTexture) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.VideoEffectView
- OnLengthChangedListener - Interface in com.supermap.ar.highprecision
AI distance change listener
- OnlineCallBack<T> - Class in com.supermap.onlineservices
- OnlineCallBack() - Constructor for class com.supermap.onlineservices.OnlineCallBack
- OnlineCallBack.CallBackBitmap - Class in com.supermap.onlineservices
Returns images
- OnlineCallBack.CallBackString - Class in com.supermap.onlineservices
Returns string
- OnlineService - Class in com.supermap.onlineservices
The class OnlineService focuses on the login and logout
- OnlineService(Context) - Constructor for class com.supermap.onlineservices.OnlineService
The constructor.
- OnlineService.AccountInfoByTypeCallback - Interface in com.supermap.onlineservices
Gets the account information callback
- OnlineService.LoginCallback - Interface in com.supermap.onlineservices
The login callback interface for verifying users' login.
- OnlineService3D - Class in com.supermap.realspace
Online service 3D
- OnlineService3D(Context) - Constructor for class com.supermap.realspace.OnlineService3D
The constructor.
- OnlineService3D.OnlineService3DCallBackListener - Interface in com.supermap.realspace
Service callback listener
- OnlineService3D.OnlineService3DInfo - Class in com.supermap.realspace
- OnlineService3DInfo() - Constructor for class com.supermap.realspace.OnlineService3D.OnlineService3DInfo
- onLongPress(DynamicElement) - Method in interface com.supermap.mapping.dyn.DynamicElement.OnLongPressListener
It triggers when long-clicking the dynamic element.
- ONLY_BLACK_WHITE_REVERSE - Static variable in class com.supermap.mapping.MapColorMode
Black and white reverse.
- onMapClick(Point, Point) - Method in interface com.supermap.ar.areffect.ARMapElement.OnMapClickListener
Map click event
- onMapLoaded() - Method in interface com.supermap.mapping.MapLoadedListener
Triggers this event after the map is completely opened and rendered.
- onMapRefresh() - Method in interface com.supermap.ar.areffect.ARMapElement.MapRefreshListener
Listen when the base map is refreshed
- onMultiTouch(MotionEvent) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.MapControl
Returns a bool that specifies whether the current gesture is recieved by View control.
- onNaviInfoUpdate(NaviInfo) - Method in interface com.supermap.navi.NaviListener
Updates navigation information.
- onParseResponse(String, HttpResponse) - Method in class com.supermap.onlineservices.OnlineCallBack.CallBackString
- onPause() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.arcartograph.ARCartographView
- onPause() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.AREffectView
- onPause() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.EffectView
- onPause() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.HmsAREffectView
- onPause() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.arlayer.ARLayerView
- onPause() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.gather.ARGatherView
- onPause() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.gather.GatherView
- onPause() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.highprecision.ARMeasureView
- onPause() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.highprecision.MeasureView
- onPause() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.World
Pause the world scene
- onPeekTouch(HitTestResult, MotionEvent) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.AREffectView
- onPeekTouch(HitTestResult, MotionEvent) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.EffectView
- onPlayNaviMessage(String) - Method in interface com.supermap.navi.NaviListener
Play voice navigation.
- onPOIClick(ArrayList<POIInfo>, POIInfo, int) - Method in interface com.supermap.mapping.speech.SpeechControlListener
Calls back once clicking POI
- onPOIShow(ArrayList<POIInfo>) - Method in interface com.supermap.mapping.speech.SpeechControlListener
Calls back once entering POI display mode
- onPostExecute(boolean, ArrayList<String>) - Method in interface com.supermap.distributeanalystservices.DistributeAnalystListener
return analysis result after distribute analyst. the results is address list of REST map service.
- onProcessDetectResult(List<AIRecognition>) - Method in interface com.supermap.ai.AIDetectView.DetectListener
Picture recognition result listener
- onProgress(int) - Method in interface com.supermap.data.MapCacheListener
The step value ranges from 1 to 100.
- onQueryComplete(Vector<PrivateCloudLicenseManager.privateCloudLicInfo>) - Method in interface com.supermap.data.PrivateCloudLicenseManager.privateLicQueryCallback
Search result callback
- onRayTest(boolean) - Method in interface com.supermap.ar.areffect.CameraRecordControl.RayTestStatusListener
The status of ray detection
- onRefresh(Map) - Method in interface com.supermap.ar.areffect.CameraRecordControl.TaskManager.OnRefreshListener
- OnResponseListener - Interface in com.supermap.services.iportalservices
Network request callback
- onResult(String, boolean) - Method in interface com.supermap.mapping.speech.IntelligentSpeechListener
The result returned may be null, please add some judgments.
- onResult(String, boolean) - Method in interface com.supermap.mapping.speech.SpeechControlListener
The result returned may be null, please add some judgments.
- onResume() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.arcartograph.ARCartographView
- onResume() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.AREffectView
Wakes the ar interface.
- onResume() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.EffectView
Wake up
- onResume() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.HmsAREffectView
- onResume() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.arlayer.ARLayerView
- onResume() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.gather.ARGatherView
- onResume() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.gather.GatherView
Restart after reset
- onResume() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.highprecision.ARMeasureView
- onResume() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.highprecision.MeasureView
Run the measurement interface
- onResume() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.World
Evoke the world scene
- onSatelliteStatusChanged(List<LocationManagePlugin.Satellite>) - Method in interface com.supermap.plugin.SatelliteStatusListener
Satellite information changes callback
- onSelect(int, int) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.MapControl
The geometry select event.
- onSensorChanged(SensorEvent) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.OrientationListener
- onSpeechModeState(SpeechMode.SpeechModeType) - Method in interface com.supermap.mapping.speech.SpeechControlListener
Returns the current speech controlling mode: Normal, Editing Layers, calling back when entering the control command
- onStartNavi() - Method in interface com.supermap.navi.NaviListener
Callback when navigation starts.
- onStopNavi() - Method in interface com.supermap.navi.NaviListener
Callback when navigation stops.
- onSucceed(T) - Method in class com.supermap.onlineservices.OnlineCallBack
- onSuccess() - Method in interface com.supermap.realspace.AnchorOnClickListener
anchor clicks on the listener and it would be called back if hit successfully.
- onSuccess(String) - Method in interface com.supermap.realspace.LoginCallBackListenner
Login successful callback.
- onSuccess(OnlineService3D.OnlineService3DInfo) - Method in interface com.supermap.realspace.OnlineService3D.OnlineService3DCallBackListener
Callback success event
- onSuccess(String) - Method in interface com.supermap.realspace.SceneControlInitedCallBackListenner
The successful initialized callback event.
- onSuccess(String, Point2Ds[]) - Method in interface com.supermap.services.networkanalyst.ResponseListener
Successful callback interface
- onSurfaceChanged(GL10, int, int) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.HmsAREffectView
- onSurfaceChanged(GL10, int, int) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.VideoEffectView
- onSurfaceCreated(GL10, EGLConfig) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.HmsAREffectView
- onSurfaceCreated(GL10, EGLConfig) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.VideoEffectView
- OnTapArPlaneListener - Interface in com.supermap.ar.areffect
AR plane touch monitor
- onTotalLengthChanged(float) - Method in interface com.supermap.ar.highprecision.OnLengthChangedListener
The sum of lengths of all lines
- onTouch(View, MotionEvent) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.component.BubbleView
Add gesture touch listener
- onTouchEvent(MotionEvent) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.SceneControl
Returns whether the gesture in the current scene is received by the view.
- onTrackedCountChanged(int) - Method in interface com.supermap.ai.AIDetectView.DetectListener
Tracing count result listener
- onTranslationEnd(Animator) - Method in interface com.supermap.ar.areffect.ARAnimationTranslation2.TranslationUpdateListener
The displacement ends
- onTranslationStart(Animator) - Method in interface com.supermap.ar.areffect.ARAnimationTranslation2.TranslationUpdateListener
Starts the displacement
- onUp(DynamicElement) - Method in interface com.supermap.mapping.dyn.DynamicElement.OnDownAndUpListener
Triggers the listener once leaving a dynamic feature
- onUpdate(List<ARCatchObject>) - Method in interface com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.BaseCatchManager.OnUpdateListener
Calls back captured points and objects
- onUpdate() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.record.AREffectViewRecorder
Use linear interpolation to optimize the parameters of CSV files and generate new CSV files
- onUpdate() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.record.EffectViewRecorder
Frame-updating listener
- onUpdateSegment(Animator, int, List<Vector3>) - Method in interface com.supermap.ar.areffect.ARAnimationTranslation2.TranslationUpdateListener
Update arcs Performs once when displacing to the next arc.
- onUploadMediaFiles(String) - Method in interface com.supermap.mdatacollector.NetworkAccessMediaFileListener
Callback media file upload completed.
- onVideoSizeChanged(MediaPlayer, int, int) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.VideoEffectView
- onVideoSizeChanged(MediaPlayer, int, int) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.VideoEffectView2
MediaPlayer.OnVideoSizeChangedListener#onVideoSizeChanged(MediaPlayer, int, int)
- onVolumeChanged(int) - Method in interface com.supermap.mapping.speech.IntelligentSpeechListener
Once SDK detects that the sound frequency has some changes from starting to recognize to ending the record or SDK returning the last result, SDK will notice the application layer the current volume value through calling back the function.
- onVolumeChanged(int) - Method in interface com.supermap.mapping.speech.SpeechControlListener
Once SDK detects that the sound frequency has some changes from starting to recognize to ending the record or SDK returning the last result, SDK will notice the application layer the current volume value through calling back the function.
- open() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.component.ARTrackingStateDetector
Turn detector on
- open(String) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.ARRealMap
Opens a map according to its name
- open() - Method in class com.supermap.data.Dataset
Used to open dataset.
- open(DatasourceConnectionInfo) - Method in class com.supermap.data.Datasources
Open the existing datasource according to the connection information.
- open(DatasourceConnectionInfo, WebParams) - Method in class com.supermap.data.Datasources
Open the datasource and open it through the Web service parameters.
- open(WorkspaceConnectionInfo) - Method in class com.supermap.data.Workspace
Opens a existing workspace files.
- open(String) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Map
Opens the map with the specified name.
- open(String) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Scene
Open the 3D scene with the specified name in the workspace.
- open(String, String) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Scene
Open the 3D scene with the specified name in the 3D service published by iServer.
- open(String, String, String) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Scene
Open the offline 3D scene that has been downloaded from the 3D service published by iServer.
- openAll() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.SnapSetting
Enable all snap functions, 4 functions.
- openDefault() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.SnapSetting
Open the default snap function.
- openFollowingMode() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.AR.ArControl2
Open the tracing mode
- openGesture() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.AREffectView
Enables the gesture control (available for whole AR scene)
- openGesture() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.EffectView
- OpenGLCache - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.EngineType
GL tile, open GL tile data, this data is generated to GL tile cache data from vector map by GL tile generation tool.
- openGPS() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.collector.Collector
Open GPS
- openGPS() - Method in class com.supermap.mdatacollector.MDataCollector
Starts GPS function for positioning.
- openGpsDevice(LocationManager) - Method in class com.supermap.plugin.LocationManagePlugin
Starts the GPS device.
- openMap(String, Datasource) - Method in interface com.supermap.indoor.IndoorMapChangedListener
Open the map
- OpenMVTCache - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.EngineType
MVT data type.
- openPoseMixer() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.AREffectView
Create pose fusion
- openPoseMixer() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.HmsAREffectView
Create pose fusion
- openPrivateSceneWithUrl(String, String) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Scene
After logging in to SuperMap Online, open the 3D scene through the online data private service.
- OpenStreetMaps - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.EngineType
OpenStreetMaps engine is used to open the OpenStreetMaps datasource
- openTokenService(String, String, String) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Scene
Open the data service with token encryption authentication.
- OptimalPathAnalysis - Class in com.supermap.services
Description: Optimal path analysis
- OptimalPathAnalysis() - Constructor for class com.supermap.services.OptimalPathAnalysis
Description: creates the instance of optimal path analysis
- OptimalPathAnalysis.FindPathListener - Interface in com.supermap.services
Description: creates the callback function for accepting analysis results
- OPTIONALCENTER - Static variable in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.SupplyCenterType
OPTIONALCENTER, which is used for location analysis.
- OrderType - Enum in com.supermap.onlineservices.utils
Descending or ascending
- OrientationListener - Class in com.supermap.ar.areffect
Orientation listener
- OrientationListener(Context) - Constructor for class com.supermap.ar.areffect.OrientationListener
The constructor.
- OrientationListener.OnOrientationListener - Interface in com.supermap.ar.areffect
Listener interface class
- OSGBFILE - Static variable in class com.supermap.realspace.Layer3DType
The OSGB format file type 3D layer.
- otherError(String) - Method in interface com.supermap.data.CloudLicenseManager.LicenseLoginCallback
Error Information
- otherErrors(String) - Method in interface com.supermap.data.RecycleLicenseManager.RecycleLicenseCallback
Callback when an unknown error occurs.
- outputMap(Bitmap) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.MapControl
Draws current contents to a specified bitmap.
- outputMap(Bitmap, int, int) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.MapControl
Draws current contents to a specified bitmap.
- outputMapToDatasetImage(Datasource, String, double, Rectangle2D, EncodeType) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Map
Saves the current map as an image dataset
- outputSceneToBitmap() - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Scene
Export the 3D scene as a bitmap object.
- outputStreetFacade(String, GeoLine3D, double, double, double, double) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.ObliquePhotogrammetry3DModel
Generate elevation map
- OVERLAP - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.SpatialQueryMode
Overlap mode.
- OverlayAnalyst - Class in com.supermap.analyst.spatialanalyst
Overlay analysis class This class is used to perform various overlay operations on two input data sets or recordsets, such as clip, erase, union, identity, (XOR) and update (update). Overlay analysis is a very important spatial analysis function in GIS.
- OverlayAnalystOnline - Class in com.supermap.distributeanalystservices
online overlay analyst
- OverlayAnalystOnline() - Constructor for class com.supermap.distributeanalystservices.OverlayAnalystOnline
The constructor.
- OverlayAnalystParameter - Class in com.supermap.analyst.spatialanalyst
The OverlayAnalystParameter class.
- OverlayAnalystParameter() - Constructor for class com.supermap.analyst.spatialanalyst.OverlayAnalystParameter
The default no-arg constructor.
- OverlayAnalystParameter(OverlayAnalystParameter) - Constructor for class com.supermap.analyst.spatialanalyst.OverlayAnalystParameter
Initializes a instance of the OverlayAnalystParameter class which is identical with the specified OverlayAnalystParameter object.
- OverLengthLabelMode - Class in com.supermap.mapping
This class defines the constants representing how to handle overlong labels.
- paintCost(int) - Method in interface com.supermap.mapping.PaintProfileListener
The total time consumption of map rendering.
- PaintProfileListener - Interface in com.supermap.mapping
Draws time-consuming listener listener
- PAN - Static variable in class com.supermap.mapping.Action
Pans in the window.
- pan(double, double) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Map
Pans this map by the specified distance.
- pan(double, double) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Scene
Pan three-dimensional scene.
- PAN3D - Static variable in class com.supermap.realspace.Action3D
- PanGestureController - Class in com.supermap.ar.areffect.component
View panning controller
- PanGestureController(View) - Constructor for class com.supermap.ar.areffect.component.PanGestureController
The constructor.
- panOffset(double, double) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.MapViewGroup
Pans this map by the specified distance.
- PANSELECT3D - Static variable in class com.supermap.realspace.Action3D
Pan and select.
- panTo(Point2D, int) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.MapControl
Within specified time, pan the map to a specified place.
- panTo(Point2D, int) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.MapViewGroup
Within specified time, pan the map to a specified place.
- parse(File) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.utils.XmlNodeParser
Parsing XML files
- parse(String) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.utils.XmlNodeParser
Parsing XML strings
- parse(Class, int) - Static method in class com.supermap.data.Enum
Returns the enumeration constant based on the corresponding enumeration value.
- parse(Class, String) - Static method in class com.supermap.data.Enum
Returns the enumeration based on the enumeration constant name.
- parse(Class, int) - Static method in class com.supermap.messagequeue.Enum
Returns the corresponding enumeration according to the enum
- parse(Class, String) - Static method in class com.supermap.messagequeue.Enum
Parses the enumeration according to the name
- PATCH_HOLLOW_REGION - Static variable in class com.supermap.mapping.Action
Split island hole object (Supplement island hole), set Action, draw a line across the polygon on the island hole that needs to be split, submit, view result, island hole cut into two separate objects
- PATCH_POSOTIONAL_REGION - Static variable in class com.supermap.mapping.Action
Multi-object fill hole
- patchSelfIntersectRegion(GeoRegion) - Static method in class com.supermap.data.Geometrist
patch seltintersect region
- PathAnalystFromServer - Class in com.supermap.services.networkanalyst
Optimal path analysis
- PathAnalystFromServer() - Constructor for class com.supermap.services.networkanalyst.PathAnalystFromServer
- PathGuide - Class in com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst
The PathGuide class.
- PathGuideItem - Class in com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst
The path guide item class.
- PathInfo - Class in com.supermap.onlineservices
The road information class.
- PathInfo() - Constructor for class com.supermap.onlineservices.PathInfo
The default constructor for constructing a new object.
- pathOptimize(List<Point2D>) - Method in class com.supermap.data.PathSmoothTool
Trace smoothing optimization
- PathSmoothTool - Class in com.supermap.data
Trace optimization tool class Usages: PathSmoothTool pathSmoothTool = new PathSmoothTool(); pathSmoothTool.setIntensity(2); //Sets the filtering intensity. 3 is by default List outList = pathSmoothTool.pathOptimize(sourcePositionList);
- PathSmoothTool() - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.PathSmoothTool
- pause() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.ARAnimation
Pausing animation
- pause() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.ARAnimationTranslation2
- pause() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.ARVideoElement
- pause() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.VideoEffectView
- pause() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.VideoEffectView2
suspended play
- pause() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.TrackingMoveHelper
- pause() - Method in class com.supermap.plot.AnimationManager
- pause() - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.FlyManager
Pause the current flight and fly from the current stop next time.
- PAUSE - Static variable in class com.supermap.realspace.FlyStatus
The current flying status is Paused.
- pauseALL() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.ARAnimationManager
Pauses all animations
- pauseAnimation() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.dyn.DynamicView
pause animation (all elements)
- pauseAnimationGroups(int[]) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.ARAnimationManager
Stops playing the animation group according to the index array
- pauseDetect() - Method in class com.supermap.ai.AIDetectView
- pauseDownload(String, String) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.DownloadManager
Pause the download.
- pauseGuide() - Method in class com.supermap.navi.Navigation
Pauses guide.
- pauseGuide() - Method in class com.supermap.navi.Navigation2
Pauses guide.
- pauseGuide() - Method in class com.supermap.navi.Navigation3
Pauses guide.
- pauseGuide() - Method in class com.supermap.navi.Navigation3D
Pauses guide.
- pausePushRenderView() - Method in class com.supermap.ai.mediaservice.MediaService
Stops posting the camera view
- PauseState - Static variable in class com.supermap.plot.AnimationDefine.AnimationGroupPlayState
- PbrMetallicRoughness - Class in com.supermap.ar.areffect.gltfModel
PBR parameter
- PbrMetallicRoughness() - Constructor for class com.supermap.ar.areffect.gltfModel.PbrMetallicRoughness
- PCS_ADINDAN_UTM_37N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Adindan UTM Zone 37N.
- PCS_ADINDAN_UTM_38N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Adindan UTM Zone 38N.
- PCS_AFGOOYE_UTM_38N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Afgooye UTM Zone 38N.
- PCS_AFGOOYE_UTM_39N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Afgooye UTM Zone 39N.
- PCS_AGD_1966_AMG_48 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
AGD 1966 AMG Zone 48.
- PCS_AGD_1966_AMG_49 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
AGD 1966 AMG Zone 49.
- PCS_AGD_1966_AMG_50 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
AGD 1966 AMG Zone 50.
- PCS_AGD_1966_AMG_51 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
AGD 1966 AMG Zone 51.
- PCS_AGD_1966_AMG_52 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
AGD 1966 AMG Zone 52.
- PCS_AGD_1966_AMG_53 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
AGD 1966 AMG Zone 53.
- PCS_AGD_1966_AMG_54 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
AGD 1966 AMG Zone 54.
- PCS_AGD_1966_AMG_55 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
AGD 1966 AMG Zone 55.
- PCS_AGD_1966_AMG_56 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
AGD 1966 AMG Zone 56.
- PCS_AGD_1966_AMG_57 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
AGD 1966 AMG Zone 57.
- PCS_AGD_1966_AMG_58 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
AGD 1966 AMG Zone 58.
- PCS_AGD_1984_AMG_48 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
AGD 1984 AMG Zone 48.
- PCS_AGD_1984_AMG_49 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
AGD 1984 AMG Zone 49.
- PCS_AGD_1984_AMG_50 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
AGD 1984 AMG Zone 50.
- PCS_AGD_1984_AMG_51 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
AGD 1984 AMG Zone 51.
- PCS_AGD_1984_AMG_52 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
AGD 1984 AMG Zone 52.
- PCS_AGD_1984_AMG_53 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
AGD 1984 AMG Zone 53.
- PCS_AGD_1984_AMG_54 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
AGD 1984 AMG Zone 54.
- PCS_AGD_1984_AMG_55 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
AGD 1984 AMG Zone 55.
- PCS_AGD_1984_AMG_56 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
AGD 1984 AMG Zone 56.
- PCS_AGD_1984_AMG_57 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
AGD 1984 AMG Zone 57.
- PCS_AGD_1984_AMG_58 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
AGD 1984 AMG Zone 58.
- PCS_AIN_EL_ABD_BAHRAIN_GRID - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Bahrain State Grid.
- PCS_AIN_EL_ABD_UTM_37N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Ain el Abd 1970 UTM Zone 37N.
- PCS_AIN_EL_ABD_UTM_38N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Ain el Abd 1970 UTM Zone 38N.
- PCS_AIN_EL_ABD_UTM_39N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Ain el Abd 1970 UTM Zone 39N.
- PCS_ARATU_UTM_22S - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Aratu UTM Zone 22S.
- PCS_ARATU_UTM_23S - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Aratu UTM Zone 23S.
- PCS_ARATU_UTM_24S - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Aratu UTM Zone 24S.
- PCS_ATF_NORD_DE_GUERRE - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Nord de Guerre.
- PCS_ATS_1977_UTM_19N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
ATS 1977 UTM Zone 19N.
- PCS_ATS_1977_UTM_20N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
ATS 1977 UTM Zone 20N.
- PCS_BATAVIA_UTM_48S - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Batavia UTM Zone 48S.
- PCS_BATAVIA_UTM_49S - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Batavia UTM Zone 49S.
- PCS_BATAVIA_UTM_50S - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Batavia UTM Zone 50S.
- PCS_BEIJING_1954_3_DEGREE_GK_25 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Beijing 1954 3Degree GK Zone 25
- PCS_BEIJING_1954_3_DEGREE_GK_25N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Beijing 1954 3Degree GK Zone 25N
- PCS_BEIJING_1954_3_DEGREE_GK_26 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Beijing 1954 3Degree GK Zone 26
- PCS_BEIJING_1954_3_DEGREE_GK_26N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Beijing 1954 3Degree GK Zone 25N
- PCS_BEIJING_1954_3_DEGREE_GK_27 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Beijing 1954 3Degree GK Zone 27
- PCS_BEIJING_1954_3_DEGREE_GK_27N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Beijing 1954 3Degree GK Zone 25N
- PCS_BEIJING_1954_3_DEGREE_GK_28 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Beijing 1954 3Degree GK Zone 28
- PCS_BEIJING_1954_3_DEGREE_GK_28N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Beijing 1954 3Degree GK Zone 25N
- PCS_BEIJING_1954_3_DEGREE_GK_29 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Beijing 1954 3Degree GK Zone 29
- PCS_BEIJING_1954_3_DEGREE_GK_29N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Beijing 1954 3Degree GK Zone 25N
- PCS_BEIJING_1954_3_DEGREE_GK_30 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Beijing 1954 3Degree GK Zone 30
- PCS_BEIJING_1954_3_DEGREE_GK_30N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Beijing 1954 3Degree GK Zone 25N
- PCS_BEIJING_1954_3_DEGREE_GK_31 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Beijing 1954 3Degree GK Zone 31
- PCS_BEIJING_1954_3_DEGREE_GK_31N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Beijing 1954 3Degree GK Zone 25N
- PCS_BEIJING_1954_3_DEGREE_GK_32 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Beijing 1954 3Degree GK Zone 32
- PCS_BEIJING_1954_3_DEGREE_GK_32N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Beijing 1954 3Degree GK Zone 25N
- PCS_BEIJING_1954_3_DEGREE_GK_33 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Beijing 1954 3Degree GK Zone 33
- PCS_BEIJING_1954_3_DEGREE_GK_33N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Beijing 1954 3Degree GK Zone 25N
- PCS_BEIJING_1954_3_DEGREE_GK_34 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Beijing 1954 3Degree GK Zone 34
- PCS_BEIJING_1954_3_DEGREE_GK_34N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Beijing 1954 3Degree GK Zone 25N
- PCS_BEIJING_1954_3_DEGREE_GK_35 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Beijing 1954 3Degree GK Zone 35
- PCS_BEIJING_1954_3_DEGREE_GK_35N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Beijing 1954 3Degree GK Zone 25N
- PCS_BEIJING_1954_3_DEGREE_GK_36 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Beijing 1954 3Degree GK Zone 36
- PCS_BEIJING_1954_3_DEGREE_GK_36N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Beijing 1954 3Degree GK Zone 25N
- PCS_BEIJING_1954_3_DEGREE_GK_37 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Beijing 1954 3Degree GK Zone 37
- PCS_BEIJING_1954_3_DEGREE_GK_37N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Beijing 1954 3Degree GK Zone 25N
- PCS_BEIJING_1954_3_DEGREE_GK_38 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Beijing 1954 3Degree GK Zone 38
- PCS_BEIJING_1954_3_DEGREE_GK_38N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Beijing 1954 3Degree GK Zone 25N
- PCS_BEIJING_1954_3_DEGREE_GK_39 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Beijing 1954 3Degree GK Zone 39
- PCS_BEIJING_1954_3_DEGREE_GK_39N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Beijing 1954 3Degree GK Zone 25N
- PCS_BEIJING_1954_3_DEGREE_GK_40 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Beijing 1954 3Degree GK Zone 40
- PCS_BEIJING_1954_3_DEGREE_GK_40N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Beijing 1954 3Degree GK Zone 25N
- PCS_BEIJING_1954_3_DEGREE_GK_41 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Beijing 1954 3Degree GK Zone 41
- PCS_BEIJING_1954_3_DEGREE_GK_41N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Beijing 1954 3Degree GK Zone 25N
- PCS_BEIJING_1954_3_DEGREE_GK_42 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Beijing 1954 3Degree GK Zone 42
- PCS_BEIJING_1954_3_DEGREE_GK_42N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Beijing 1954 3Degree GK Zone 25N
- PCS_BEIJING_1954_3_DEGREE_GK_43 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Beijing 1954 3Degree GK Zone 43
- PCS_BEIJING_1954_3_DEGREE_GK_43N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Beijing 1954 3Degree GK Zone 25N
- PCS_BEIJING_1954_3_DEGREE_GK_44 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Beijing 1954 3Degree GK Zone 44
- PCS_BEIJING_1954_3_DEGREE_GK_44N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Beijing 1954 3Degree GK Zone 25N
- PCS_BEIJING_1954_3_DEGREE_GK_45 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Beijing 1954 3Degree GK Zone 45
- PCS_BEIJING_1954_3_DEGREE_GK_45N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Beijing 1954 3Degree GK Zone 25N
- PCS_BEIJING_1954_GK_13 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Beijing 1954 GK Zone 13N.
- PCS_BEIJING_1954_GK_13N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Beijing 1954 GK Zone 13N.
- PCS_BEIJING_1954_GK_14 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Beijing 1954 GK Zone 13N.
- PCS_BEIJING_1954_GK_14N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Beijing 1954 GK Zone 14N.
- PCS_BEIJING_1954_GK_15 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Beijing 1954 GK Zone 13N.
- PCS_BEIJING_1954_GK_15N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Beijing 1954 GK Zone 15N.
- PCS_BEIJING_1954_GK_16 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Beijing 1954 GK Zone 13N.
- PCS_BEIJING_1954_GK_16N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Beijing 1954 GK Zone 16N.
- PCS_BEIJING_1954_GK_17 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Beijing 1954 GK Zone 13N.
- PCS_BEIJING_1954_GK_17N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Beijing 1954 GK Zone 17N.
- PCS_BEIJING_1954_GK_18 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Beijing 1954 GK Zone 13N.
- PCS_BEIJING_1954_GK_18N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Beijing 1954 GK Zone 18N.
- PCS_BEIJING_1954_GK_19 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Beijing 1954 GK Zone 13N.
- PCS_BEIJING_1954_GK_19N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Beijing 1954 GK Zone 19N.
- PCS_BEIJING_1954_GK_20 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Beijing 1954 GK Zone 13N.
- PCS_BEIJING_1954_GK_20N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Beijing 1954 GK Zone 20N.
- PCS_BEIJING_1954_GK_21 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Beijing 1954 GK Zone 13N.
- PCS_BEIJING_1954_GK_21N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Beijing 1954 GK Zone 21N.
- PCS_BEIJING_1954_GK_22 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Beijing 1954 GK Zone 13N.
- PCS_BEIJING_1954_GK_22N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Beijing 1954 GK Zone 22N.
- PCS_BEIJING_1954_GK_23 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Beijing 1954 GK Zone 13N.
- PCS_BEIJING_1954_GK_23N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Beijing 1954 GK Zone 23N.
- PCS_BELGE_LAMBERT_1950 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Belge Lambert 1950.
- PCS_BOGOTA_COLOMBIA_BOGOTA - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Colombia Bogota Zone.
- PCS_BOGOTA_COLOMBIA_E_CENTRAL - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Colombia E Central Zone.
- PCS_BOGOTA_COLOMBIA_EAST - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Colombia East Zone.
- PCS_BOGOTA_COLOMBIA_WEST - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Colombia West Zone.
- PCS_BOGOTA_UTM_17N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Bogota UTM Zone 17N.
- PCS_BOGOTA_UTM_18N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Bogota UTM Zone 18N.
- PCS_C_INCHAUSARGENTINA_1 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Argentina Zone 1.
- PCS_C_INCHAUSARGENTINA_2 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Argentina Zone 2.
- PCS_C_INCHAUSARGENTINA_3 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Argentina Zone 3.
- PCS_C_INCHAUSARGENTINA_4 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Argentina Zone 4.
- PCS_C_INCHAUSARGENTINA_5 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Argentina Zone 5.
- PCS_C_INCHAUSARGENTINA_6 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Argentina Zone 6.
- PCS_C_INCHAUSARGENTINA_7 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Argentina Zone 7.
- PCS_CAMACUPA_UTM_32S - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Camacupa UTM Zone 32S.
- PCS_CAMACUPA_UTM_33S - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Camacupa UTM Zone 33S.
- PCS_CARTHAGE_NORD_TUNISIE - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Nord Tunisie.
- PCS_CARTHAGE_SUD_TUNISIE - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Sud Tunisie.
- PCS_CARTHAGE_UTM_32N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Carthage UTM Zone 32N.
- PCS_CHINA_2000_3_DEGREE_GK_25 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
CGCS 2000 GK Zone 25
- PCS_CHINA_2000_3_DEGREE_GK_25N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
CGCS 2000 GK Zone 13N
- PCS_CHINA_2000_3_DEGREE_GK_26 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
CGCS 2000 GK Zone 26
- PCS_CHINA_2000_3_DEGREE_GK_26N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
CGCS 2000 GK Zone 13N
- PCS_CHINA_2000_3_DEGREE_GK_27 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
CGCS 2000 GK Zone 27
- PCS_CHINA_2000_3_DEGREE_GK_27N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
CGCS 2000 GK Zone 13N
- PCS_CHINA_2000_3_DEGREE_GK_28 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
CGCS 2000 GK Zone 28
- PCS_CHINA_2000_3_DEGREE_GK_28N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
CGCS 2000 GK Zone 13N
- PCS_CHINA_2000_3_DEGREE_GK_29 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
CGCS 2000 GK Zone 29
- PCS_CHINA_2000_3_DEGREE_GK_29N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
CGCS 2000 GK Zone 13N
- PCS_CHINA_2000_3_DEGREE_GK_30 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
CGCS 2000 GK Zone 30
- PCS_CHINA_2000_3_DEGREE_GK_30N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
CGCS 2000 GK Zone 13N
- PCS_CHINA_2000_3_DEGREE_GK_31 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
CGCS 2000 GK Zone 31
- PCS_CHINA_2000_3_DEGREE_GK_31N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
CGCS 2000 GK Zone 13N
- PCS_CHINA_2000_3_DEGREE_GK_32 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
CGCS 2000 GK Zone 32
- PCS_CHINA_2000_3_DEGREE_GK_32N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
CGCS 2000 GK Zone 13N
- PCS_CHINA_2000_3_DEGREE_GK_33 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
CGCS 2000 GK Zone 33
- PCS_CHINA_2000_3_DEGREE_GK_33N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
CGCS 2000 GK Zone 13N
- PCS_CHINA_2000_3_DEGREE_GK_34 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
CGCS 2000 GK Zone 34
- PCS_CHINA_2000_3_DEGREE_GK_34N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
CGCS 2000 GK Zone 13N
- PCS_CHINA_2000_3_DEGREE_GK_35 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
CGCS 2000 GK Zone 35
- PCS_CHINA_2000_3_DEGREE_GK_35N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
CGCS 2000 GK Zone 13N
- PCS_CHINA_2000_3_DEGREE_GK_36 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
CGCS 2000 GK Zone 36
- PCS_CHINA_2000_3_DEGREE_GK_36N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
CGCS 2000 GK Zone 13N
- PCS_CHINA_2000_3_DEGREE_GK_37 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
CGCS 2000 GK Zone 37
- PCS_CHINA_2000_3_DEGREE_GK_37N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
CGCS 2000 GK Zone 13N
- PCS_CHINA_2000_3_DEGREE_GK_38 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
CGCS 2000 GK Zone 38
- PCS_CHINA_2000_3_DEGREE_GK_38N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
CGCS 2000 GK Zone 13N
- PCS_CHINA_2000_3_DEGREE_GK_39 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
CGCS 2000 GK Zone 39
- PCS_CHINA_2000_3_DEGREE_GK_39N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
CGCS 2000 GK Zone 13N
- PCS_CHINA_2000_3_DEGREE_GK_40 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
CGCS 2000 GK Zone 40
- PCS_CHINA_2000_3_DEGREE_GK_40N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
CGCS 2000 GK Zone 13N
- PCS_CHINA_2000_3_DEGREE_GK_41 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
CGCS 2000 GK Zone 41
- PCS_CHINA_2000_3_DEGREE_GK_41N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
CGCS 2000 GK Zone 13N
- PCS_CHINA_2000_3_DEGREE_GK_42 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
CGCS 2000 GK Zone 42
- PCS_CHINA_2000_3_DEGREE_GK_42N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
CGCS 2000 GK Zone 13N
- PCS_CHINA_2000_3_DEGREE_GK_43 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
CGCS 2000 GK Zone 43
- PCS_CHINA_2000_3_DEGREE_GK_43N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
CGCS 2000 GK Zone 13N
- PCS_CHINA_2000_3_DEGREE_GK_44 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
CGCS 2000 GK Zone 44
- PCS_CHINA_2000_3_DEGREE_GK_44N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
CGCS 2000 GK Zone 13N
- PCS_CHINA_2000_3_DEGREE_GK_45 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
CGCS 2000 GK Zone 45
- PCS_CHINA_2000_3_DEGREE_GK_45N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
CGCS 2000 GK Zone 13N
- PCS_CHINA_2000_GK_13 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
CGCS 2000 GK Zone 13
- PCS_CHINA_2000_GK_13N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
CGCS 2000 GK Zone 13N
- PCS_CHINA_2000_GK_14 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
CGCS 2000 GK Zone 14
- PCS_CHINA_2000_GK_14N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
CGCS 2000 GK Zone 13N
- PCS_CHINA_2000_GK_15 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
CGCS 2000 GK Zone 15
- PCS_CHINA_2000_GK_15N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
CGCS 2000 GK Zone 13N
- PCS_CHINA_2000_GK_16 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
CGCS 2000 GK Zone 16
- PCS_CHINA_2000_GK_16N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
CGCS 2000 GK Zone 13N
- PCS_CHINA_2000_GK_17 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
CGCS 2000 GK Zone 17
- PCS_CHINA_2000_GK_17N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
CGCS 2000 GK Zone 13N
- PCS_CHINA_2000_GK_18 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
CGCS 2000 GK Zone 18
- PCS_CHINA_2000_GK_18N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
CGCS 2000 GK Zone 13N
- PCS_CHINA_2000_GK_19 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
CGCS 2000 GK Zone 19
- PCS_CHINA_2000_GK_19N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
CGCS 2000 GK Zone 13N
- PCS_CHINA_2000_GK_20 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
CGCS 2000 GK Zone 20
- PCS_CHINA_2000_GK_20N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
CGCS 2000 GK Zone 13N
- PCS_CHINA_2000_GK_21 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
CGCS 2000 GK Zone 21
- PCS_CHINA_2000_GK_21N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
CGCS 2000 GK Zone 13N
- PCS_CHINA_2000_GK_22 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
CGCS 2000 GK Zone 22
- PCS_CHINA_2000_GK_22N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
CGCS 2000 GK Zone 13N
- PCS_CHINA_2000_GK_23 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
CGCS 2000 GK Zone 23
- PCS_CHINA_2000_GK_23N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
CGCS 2000 GK Zone 13N
- PCS_CORREGO_ALEGRE_UTM_23S - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Corrego Alegre UTM Zone 23S.
- PCS_CORREGO_ALEGRE_UTM_24S - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Corrego Alegre UTM Zone 24S.
- PCS_DATUM_73_UTM_ZONE_29N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Datum 73 UTM Zone 29N.
- PCS_DEALUL_PISCULUI_1933_STEREO_33 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Stereo 1933.
- PCS_DEALUL_PISCULUI_1970_STEREO_EALUL_PISCULUI_1970_STEREO_70 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Stereo 1970.
- PCS_DHDN_GERMANY_1 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Germany Zone 1.
- PCS_DHDN_GERMANY_2 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Germany Zone 2.
- PCS_DHDN_GERMANY_3 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Germany Zone 3.
- PCS_DHDN_GERMANY_4 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Germany Zone 4.
- PCS_DHDN_GERMANY_5 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Germany Zone 5.
- PCS_DOUALA_UTM_32N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Douala UTM Zone 32N.
- PCS_EARTH_LONGITUDE_LATITUDE - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
The geographic longitude and latitude coordinates.
- PCS_ED_1950_UTM_28N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
European Datum 1950 UTM Zone 28N.
- PCS_ED_1950_UTM_29N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
European Datum 1950 UTM Zone 29N.
- PCS_ED_1950_UTM_30N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
European Datum 1950 UTM Zone 30N.
- PCS_ED_1950_UTM_31N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
European Datum 1950 UTM Zone 31N.
- PCS_ED_1950_UTM_32N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
European Datum 1950 UTM Zone 32N.
- PCS_ED_1950_UTM_33N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
European Datum 1950 UTM Zone 33N.
- PCS_ED_1950_UTM_34N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
European Datum 1950 UTM Zone 34N.
- PCS_ED_1950_UTM_35N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
European Datum 1950 UTM Zone 35N.
- PCS_ED_1950_UTM_36N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
European Datum 1950 UTM Zone 36N.
- PCS_ED_1950_UTM_37N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
European Datum 1950 UTM Zone 37N.
- PCS_ED_1950_UTM_38N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
European Datum 1950 UTM Zone 38N.
- PCS_EGYPT_EXT_PURPLE_BELT - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Egypt Extended Purple Belt.
- PCS_EGYPT_PURPLE_BELT - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Egypt Purple Belt.
- PCS_EGYPT_RED_BELT - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Egypt Red Belt.
- PCS_ETRS_1989_UTM_28N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
ETRS 1989 UTM Zone 28N.
- PCS_ETRS_1989_UTM_29N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
ETRS 1989 UTM Zone 29N.
- PCS_ETRS_1989_UTM_30N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
ETRS 1989 UTM Zone 30N.
- PCS_ETRS_1989_UTM_31N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
ETRS 1989 UTM Zone 31N.
- PCS_ETRS_1989_UTM_32N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
ETRS 1989 UTM Zone 32N.
- PCS_ETRS_1989_UTM_33N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
ETRS 1989 UTM Zone 33N.
- PCS_ETRS_1989_UTM_34N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
ETRS 1989 UTM Zone 34N.
- PCS_ETRS_1989_UTM_35N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
ETRS 1989 UTM Zone 35N.
- PCS_ETRS_1989_UTM_36N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
ETRS 1989 UTM Zone 36N.
- PCS_ETRS_1989_UTM_37N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
ETRS 1989 UTM Zone 37N.
- PCS_ETRS_1989_UTM_38N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
ETRS 1989 UTM Zone 38N.
- PCS_FAHUD_UTM_39N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Fahud UTM Zone 39N.
- PCS_FAHUD_UTM_40N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Fahud UTM Zone 40N.
- PCS_GAROUA_UTM_33N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Garoua UTM Zone 33N.
- PCS_GDA_1994_MGA_48 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
GDA 1994 MGA Zone 48.
- PCS_GDA_1994_MGA_49 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
GDA 1994 MGA Zone 49.
- PCS_GDA_1994_MGA_50 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
GDA 1994 MGA Zone 50.
- PCS_GDA_1994_MGA_51 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
GDA 1994 MGA Zone 51.
- PCS_GDA_1994_MGA_52 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
GDA 1994 MGA Zone 52.
- PCS_GDA_1994_MGA_53 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
GDA 1994 MGA Zone 53.
- PCS_GDA_1994_MGA_54 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
GDA 1994 MGA Zone 54.
- PCS_GDA_1994_MGA_55 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
GDA 1994 MGA Zone 55.
- PCS_GDA_1994_MGA_56 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
GDA 1994 MGA Zone 56.
- PCS_GDA_1994_MGA_57 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
GDA 1994 MGA Zone 57.
- PCS_GDA_1994_MGA_58 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
GDA 1994 MGA Zone 58.
- PCS_GGRS_1987_GREEK_GRID - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Greek Grid.
- PCS_ID_1974_UTM_46N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Indonesia 1974 UTM Zone 46N.
- PCS_ID_1974_UTM_46S - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Indonesia 1974 UTM Zone 46S.
- PCS_ID_1974_UTM_47N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Indonesia 1974 UTM Zone 47N.
- PCS_ID_1974_UTM_47S - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Indonesia 1974 UTM Zone 47S.
- PCS_ID_1974_UTM_48N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Indonesia 1974 UTM Zone 48N.
- PCS_ID_1974_UTM_48S - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Indonesia 1974 UTM Zone 48S.
- PCS_ID_1974_UTM_49N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Indonesia 1974 UTM Zone 49N.
- PCS_ID_1974_UTM_49S - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Indonesia 1974 UTM Zone 49S.
- PCS_ID_1974_UTM_50N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Indonesia 1974 UTM Zone 50N.
- PCS_ID_1974_UTM_50S - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Indonesia 1974 UTM Zone 50S.
- PCS_ID_1974_UTM_51N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Indonesia 1974 UTM Zone 51N.
- PCS_ID_1974_UTM_51S - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Indonesia 1974 UTM Zone 51S.
- PCS_ID_1974_UTM_52N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Indonesia 1974 UTM Zone 52N.
- PCS_ID_1974_UTM_52S - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Indonesia 1974 UTM Zone 52S.
- PCS_ID_1974_UTM_53N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Indonesia 1974 UTM Zone 53N.
- PCS_ID_1974_UTM_53S - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Indonesia 1974 UTM Zone 53S.
- PCS_ID_1974_UTM_54S - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Indonesia 1974 UTM Zone 54S.
- PCS_INDIAN_1954_UTM_47N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Indian 1954 UTM Zone 47N.
- PCS_INDIAN_1954_UTM_48N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Indian 1954 UTM Zone 48N.
- PCS_INDIAN_1975_UTM_47N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Indian 1975 UTM Zone 47N.
- PCS_INDIAN_1975_UTM_48N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Indian 1975 UTM Zone 48N.
- PCS_JAD_1969_JAMAICA_GRID - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Jamaica Grid.
- PCS_JAMAICA_1875_OLD_GRID - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Jamaica 1875 Old Grid.
- PCS_JAPAN_PLATE_ZONE_I - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Japanese Zone I.
- PCS_JAPAN_PLATE_ZONE_II - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Japanese Zone II.
- PCS_JAPAN_PLATE_ZONE_III - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Japanese Zone III.
- PCS_JAPAN_PLATE_ZONE_IV - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Japanese Zone IV.
- PCS_JAPAN_PLATE_ZONE_IX - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Japanese Zone IX.
- PCS_JAPAN_PLATE_ZONE_V - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Japanese Zone V.
- PCS_JAPAN_PLATE_ZONE_VI - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Japanese Zone VI.
- PCS_JAPAN_PLATE_ZONE_VII - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Japanese Zone VII.
- PCS_JAPAN_PLATE_ZONE_VIII - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Japanese Zone VIII.
- PCS_JAPAN_PLATE_ZONE_X - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Japanese Zone X.
- PCS_JAPAN_PLATE_ZONE_XI - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Japanese Zone XI.
- PCS_JAPAN_PLATE_ZONE_XII - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Japanese Zone XII.
- PCS_JAPAN_PLATE_ZONE_XIII - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Japanese Zone XIII.
- PCS_JAPAN_PLATE_ZONE_XIV - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Japanese Zone XIV.
- PCS_JAPAN_PLATE_ZONE_XIX - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Japanese Zone XIX.
- PCS_JAPAN_PLATE_ZONE_XV - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Japanese Zone XV.
- PCS_JAPAN_PLATE_ZONE_XVI - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Japanese Zone XVI.
- PCS_JAPAN_PLATE_ZONE_XVII - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Japanese Zone XVII.
- PCS_JAPAN_PLATE_ZONE_XVIII - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Japanese Zone XVIII.
- PCS_JAPAN_UTM_51 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Japanese geodetic system 2000, UTM projected system 51.
- PCS_JAPAN_UTM_52 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Japanese geodetic system 2000, UTM projected system 52.
- PCS_JAPAN_UTM_53 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Japanese geodetic system 2000, UTM projected system 53.
- PCS_JAPAN_UTM_54 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Japanese geodetic system 2000, UTM projected system 54.
- PCS_JAPAN_UTM_55 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Japanese geodetic system 2000, UTM projected system 55.
- PCS_JAPAN_UTM_56 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Japanese geodetic system 2000, UTM projected system 56.
- PCS_KALIANPUR_INDIA_0 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
India Zone 0.
- PCS_KALIANPUR_INDIA_I - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
India Zone I.
- PCS_KALIANPUR_INDIA_IIA - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
India Zone IIa.
- PCS_KALIANPUR_INDIA_IIB - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
India Zone IIb.
- PCS_KALIANPUR_INDIA_IIIA - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
India Zone IIIa.
- PCS_KALIANPUR_INDIA_IIIB - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
India Zone IIIb.
- PCS_KALIANPUR_INDIA_IVA - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
India Zone IVa.
- PCS_KALIANPUR_INDIA_IVB - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
India Zone IVb.
- PCS_KERTAU_MALAYA_METERS - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Kertau Malaya Meters.
- PCS_KERTAU_UTM_47N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Kertau UTM Zone 47N.
- PCS_KERTAU_UTM_48N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Kertau UTM Zone 48N.
- PCS_KKJ_FINLAND_1 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Finland Zone 1.
- PCS_KKJ_FINLAND_2 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Finland Zone 2.
- PCS_KKJ_FINLAND_3 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Finland Zone 3.
- PCS_KKJ_FINLAND_4 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Finland Zone 4.
- PCS_KOC_LAMBERT - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Kuwait Oil Co - Lambert.
- PCS_KUDAMS_KTM - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Kuwait Utility KTM.
- PCS_LA_CANOA_UTM_20N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
La Canoa UTM Zone 20N.
- PCS_LA_CANOA_UTM_21N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
La Canoa UTM Zone 21N.
- PCS_LEIGON_GHANA_GRID - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Ghana Metre Grid.
- PCS_LISBON_PORTUGUESE_GRID - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Portuguese National Grid.
- PCS_LOME_UTM_31N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Lome UTM Zone 31N.
- PCS_LUZON_PHILIPPINES_I - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Philippines Zone I.
- PCS_LUZON_PHILIPPINES_II - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Philippines Zone II.
- PCS_LUZON_PHILIPPINES_III - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Philippines Zone III.
- PCS_LUZON_PHILIPPINES_IV - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Philippines Zone IV.
- PCS_LUZON_PHILIPPINES_V - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Philippines Zone V.
- PCS_MALONGO_1987_UTM_32S - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Malongo 1987 UTM Zone 32S .
- PCS_MASSAWA_UTM_37N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Massawa UTM Zone 37N.
- PCS_MERCHICH_NORD_MAROC - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Nord Maroc.
- PCS_MERCHICH_SAHARA - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
- PCS_MERCHICH_SUD_MAROC - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Sud Maroc.
- PCS_MGI_FERRO_AUSTRIA_CENTRAL - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Austria (Ferro) Cent.
- PCS_MGI_FERRO_AUSTRIA_EAST - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Austria (Ferro) East Zone.
- PCS_MGI_FERRO_AUSTRIA_WEST - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Austria (Ferro) West Zone.
- PCS_MHAST_UTM_32S - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Mhast UTM Zone 32S.
- PCS_MINNA_NIGERIA_EAST_BELT - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Nigeria East Belt.
- PCS_MINNA_NIGERIA_MID_BELT - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Nigeria Mid Belt.
- PCS_MINNA_NIGERIA_WEST_BELT - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Nigeria West Belt.
- PCS_MINNA_UTM_31N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Minna UTM Zone 31N.
- PCS_MINNA_UTM_32N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Minna UTM Zone 32N.
- PCS_MONTE_MARIO_ROME_ITALY_1 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Monte Mario (Rome) Italy 1.
- PCS_MONTE_MARIO_ROME_ITALY_2 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Monte Mario (Rome) Italy 2.
- PCS_MPORALOKO_UTM_32N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
M'poraloko UTM Zone 32N.
- PCS_MPORALOKO_UTM_32S - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
M'poraloko UTM Zone 32S.
- PCS_NAD_1927_AK_1 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1927 SPCS Zone Alaska 1.
- PCS_NAD_1927_AK_10 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1927 SPCS Zone Alaska 10.
- PCS_NAD_1927_AK_2 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1927 SPCS Zone Alaska 2.
- PCS_NAD_1927_AK_3 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1927 SPCS Zone Alaska 3.
- PCS_NAD_1927_AK_4 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1927 SPCS Zone Alaska 4.
- PCS_NAD_1927_AK_5 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1927 SPCS Zone Alaska 5.
- PCS_NAD_1927_AK_6 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1927 SPCS Zone Alaska 6.
- PCS_NAD_1927_AK_7 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1927 SPCS Zone Alaska 7.
- PCS_NAD_1927_AK_8 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1927 SPCS Zone Alaska 8.
- PCS_NAD_1927_AK_9 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1927 SPCS Zone Alaska 9.
- PCS_NAD_1927_AL_E - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1927 SPCS Zone Alabama East.
- PCS_NAD_1927_AL_W - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1927 SPCS Zone Alabama West.
- PCS_NAD_1927_AR_N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1927 SPCS Zone Arkansas North.
- PCS_NAD_1927_AR_S - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1927 SPCS Zone Arkansas South.
- PCS_NAD_1927_AZ_C - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1927 SPCS Zone Arizona Central.
- PCS_NAD_1927_AZ_E - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1927 SPCS Zone Arizona East.
- PCS_NAD_1927_AZ_W - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1927 SPCS Zone Arizona West.
- PCS_NAD_1927_BLM_14N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1927 BLM Zone 14N.
- PCS_NAD_1927_BLM_15N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1927 BLM Zone 15N.
- PCS_NAD_1927_BLM_16N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1927 BLM Zone 16N.
- PCS_NAD_1927_BLM_17N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1927 BLM Zone 17N.
- PCS_NAD_1927_CA_I - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1927 SPCS Zone California I.
- PCS_NAD_1927_CA_II - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1927 SPCS Zone California II.
- PCS_NAD_1927_CA_III - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1927 SPCS Zone California II.
- PCS_NAD_1927_CA_IV - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1927 SPCS Zone California IV.
- PCS_NAD_1927_CA_V - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1927 SPCS Zone California V.
- PCS_NAD_1927_CA_VI - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1927 SPCS Zone California VI.
- PCS_NAD_1927_CA_VII - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1927 SPCS Zone California VII.
- PCS_NAD_1927_CO_C - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1927 SPCS Zone Colorado Central.
- PCS_NAD_1927_CO_N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1927 SPCS Zone Colorado North.
- PCS_NAD_1927_CO_S - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1927 SPCS Zone Colorado South.
- PCS_NAD_1927_CT - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1927 SPCS Zone Connecticut.
- PCS_NAD_1927_DE - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1927 SPCS Zone Delaware.
- PCS_NAD_1927_FL_E - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1927 SPCS Zone Florida East.
- PCS_NAD_1927_FL_N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1927 SPCS Zone Florida North.
- PCS_NAD_1927_FL_W - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1927 SPCS Zone Florida West.
- PCS_NAD_1927_GA_E - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1927 SPCS Zone Georgia East.
- PCS_NAD_1927_GA_W - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1927 SPCS Zone Georgia West.
- PCS_NAD_1927_GU - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1927 SPCS Zone Guam.
- PCS_NAD_1927_HI_1 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1927 SPCS Zone Hawaii 1.
- PCS_NAD_1927_HI_2 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1927 SPCS Zone Hawaii 2.
- PCS_NAD_1927_HI_3 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1927 SPCS Zone Hawaii 3.
- PCS_NAD_1927_HI_4 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1927 SPCS Zone Hawaii 4.
- PCS_NAD_1927_HI_5 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1927 SPCS Zone Hawaii 5.
- PCS_NAD_1927_IA_N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1927 SPCS Zone Iowa North.
- PCS_NAD_1927_IA_S - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1927 SPCS Zone Iowa South.
- PCS_NAD_1927_ID_C - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1927 SPCS Zone Idaho Central.
- PCS_NAD_1927_ID_E - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1927 SPCS Zone Idaho East.
- PCS_NAD_1927_ID_W - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1927 SPCS Zone Idaho West.
- PCS_NAD_1927_IL_E - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1927 SPCS Zone Illinois East.
- PCS_NAD_1927_IL_W - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1927 SPCS Zone Illinois West.
- PCS_NAD_1927_IN_E - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1927 SPCS Zone Indiana East.
- PCS_NAD_1927_IN_W - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1927 SPCS Zone Indiana West.
- PCS_NAD_1927_KS_N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1927 SPCS Zone Kansas North.
- PCS_NAD_1927_KS_S - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1927 SPCS Zone Kansas South.
- PCS_NAD_1927_KY_N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1927 SPCS Zone Kentucky North.
- PCS_NAD_1927_KY_S - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1927 SPCS Zone Kentucky South.
- PCS_NAD_1927_LA_N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1927 SPCS Zone Louisiana North.
- PCS_NAD_1927_LA_S - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1927 SPCS Zone Louisiana South.
- PCS_NAD_1927_MA_I - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1927 SPCS Zone Mass.
- PCS_NAD_1927_MA_M - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1927 SPCS Zone Mass.
- PCS_NAD_1927_MD - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1927 SPCS Zone Maryland.
- PCS_NAD_1927_ME_E - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1927 SPCS Zone Maine East.
- PCS_NAD_1927_ME_W - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1927 SPCS Zone Maine West.
- PCS_NAD_1927_MI_C - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1927 SPCS Zone Michigan Central.
- PCS_NAD_1927_MI_N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1927 SPCS Zone Michigan North.
- PCS_NAD_1927_MI_S - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1927 SPCS Zone Michigan South.
- PCS_NAD_1927_MN_C - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1927 SPCS Zone Minnesota Central.
- PCS_NAD_1927_MN_N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1927 SPCS Zone Minnesota North.
- PCS_NAD_1927_MN_S - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1927 SPCS Zone Minnesota South.
- PCS_NAD_1927_MO_C - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1927 SPCS Zone Missouri Central.
- PCS_NAD_1927_MO_E - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1927 SPCS Zone Missouri East.
- PCS_NAD_1927_MO_W - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1927 SPCS Zone Missouri West.
- PCS_NAD_1927_MS_E - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1927 SPCS Zone Mississippi East.
- PCS_NAD_1927_MS_W - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1927 SPCS Zone Mississippi West.
- PCS_NAD_1927_MT_C - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1927 SPCS Zone Montana Central.
- PCS_NAD_1927_MT_N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1927 SPCS Zone Montana North.
- PCS_NAD_1927_MT_S - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1927 SPCS Zone Montana South.
- PCS_NAD_1927_NC - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1927 SPCS Zone North Carolina.
- PCS_NAD_1927_ND_N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1927 SPCS Zone North Dakota N.
- PCS_NAD_1927_ND_S - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1927 SPCS Zone North Dakota S.
- PCS_NAD_1927_NE_N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1927 SPCS Zone Nebraska North.
- PCS_NAD_1927_NE_S - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1927 SPCS Zone Nebraska South.
- PCS_NAD_1927_NH - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1927 SPCS Zone New Hampshire.
- PCS_NAD_1927_NJ - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1927 SPCS Zone New Jersey.
- PCS_NAD_1927_NM_C - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1927 SPCS Zone New Mexico Cent..
- PCS_NAD_1927_NM_E - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1927 SPCS Zone New Mexico East.
- PCS_NAD_1927_NM_W - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1927 SPCS Zone New Mexico West.
- PCS_NAD_1927_NV_C - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1927 SPCS Zone Nevada Central.
- PCS_NAD_1927_NV_E - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1927 SPCS Zone Nevada East.
- PCS_NAD_1927_NV_W - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1927 SPCS Zone Nevada West.
- PCS_NAD_1927_NY_C - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1927 SPCS Zone New York Central.
- PCS_NAD_1927_NY_E - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1927 SPCS Zone New York East.
- PCS_NAD_1927_NY_LI - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1927 SPCS Zone NY Long Island.
- PCS_NAD_1927_NY_W - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1927 SPCS Zone New York West.
- PCS_NAD_1927_OH_N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1927 SPCS Zone Ohio North.
- PCS_NAD_1927_OH_S - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1927 SPCS Zone Ohio South.
- PCS_NAD_1927_OK_N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1927 SPCS Zone Oklahoma North.
- PCS_NAD_1927_OK_S - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1927 SPCS Zone Oklahoma South.
- PCS_NAD_1927_OR_N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1927 SPCS Zone Oregon North.
- PCS_NAD_1927_OR_S - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1927 SPCS Zone Oregon South.
- PCS_NAD_1927_PA_N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1927 SPCS Zone Pennsylvania N.
- PCS_NAD_1927_PA_S - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1927 SPCS Zone Pennsylvania S.
- PCS_NAD_1927_PR - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1927 SPCS Zone Puerto Rico.
- PCS_NAD_1927_RI - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1927 SPCS Zone Rhode Island.
- PCS_NAD_1927_SC_N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1927 SPCS Zone South Carolina N.
- PCS_NAD_1927_SC_S - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1927 SPCS Zone South Carolina S.
- PCS_NAD_1927_SD_N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1927 SPCS Zone South Dakota N.
- PCS_NAD_1927_SD_S - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1927 SPCS Zone South Dakota S.
- PCS_NAD_1927_TN - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1927 SPCS Zone Tennessee.
- PCS_NAD_1927_TX_C - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1927 SPCS Zone Texas Central.
- PCS_NAD_1927_TX_N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1927 SPCS Zone Texas North.
- PCS_NAD_1927_TX_NC - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1927 SPCS Zone Texas North Cent..
- PCS_NAD_1927_TX_S - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1927 SPCS Zone Texas South.
- PCS_NAD_1927_TX_SC - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1927 SPCS Zone Texas South Cent..
- PCS_NAD_1927_UT_C - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1927 SPCS Zone Utah Central.
- PCS_NAD_1927_UT_N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1927 SPCS Zone Utah North.
- PCS_NAD_1927_UT_S - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1927 SPCS Zone Utah South.
- PCS_NAD_1927_UTM_10N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1927 UTM Zone 10N.
- PCS_NAD_1927_UTM_11N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1927 UTM Zone 11N.
- PCS_NAD_1927_UTM_12N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1927 UTM Zone 12N.
- PCS_NAD_1927_UTM_13N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1927 UTM Zone 13N.
- PCS_NAD_1927_UTM_14N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1927 UTM Zone 14N.
- PCS_NAD_1927_UTM_15N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1927 UTM Zone 15N.
- PCS_NAD_1927_UTM_16N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1927 UTM Zone 16N.
- PCS_NAD_1927_UTM_17N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1927 UTM Zone 17N.
- PCS_NAD_1927_UTM_18N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1927 UTM Zone 18N.
- PCS_NAD_1927_UTM_19N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1927 UTM Zone 19N.
- PCS_NAD_1927_UTM_20N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1927 UTM Zone 20N.
- PCS_NAD_1927_UTM_21N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1927 UTM Zone 21N.
- PCS_NAD_1927_UTM_22N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1927 UTM Zone 22N.
- PCS_NAD_1927_UTM_3N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1927 UTM Zone 3N.
- PCS_NAD_1927_UTM_4N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1927 UTM Zone 4N.
- PCS_NAD_1927_UTM_5N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1927 UTM Zone 5N.
- PCS_NAD_1927_UTM_6N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1927 UTM Zone 6N.
- PCS_NAD_1927_UTM_7N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1927 UTM Zone 7N.
- PCS_NAD_1927_UTM_8N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1927 UTM Zone 8N.
- PCS_NAD_1927_UTM_9N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1927 UTM Zone 9N.
- PCS_NAD_1927_VA_N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1927 SPCS Zone Virginia North.
- PCS_NAD_1927_VA_S - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1927 SPCS Zone Virginia South.
- PCS_NAD_1927_VI - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1927 SPCS Zone St.
- PCS_NAD_1927_VT - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1927 SPCS Zone Vermont.
- PCS_NAD_1927_WA_N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1927 SPCS Zone Washington North.
- PCS_NAD_1927_WA_S - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1927 SPCS Zone Washington South.
- PCS_NAD_1927_WI_C - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1927 SPCS Zone Wisconsin Central.
- PCS_NAD_1927_WI_N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1927 SPCS Zone Wisconsin North.
- PCS_NAD_1927_WI_S - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1927 SPCS Zone Wisconsin South.
- PCS_NAD_1927_WV_N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1927 SPCS Zone West Virginia N.
- PCS_NAD_1927_WV_S - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1927 SPCS Zone West Virginia S.
- PCS_NAD_1927_WY_E - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1927 SPCS Zone Wyoming I East.
- PCS_NAD_1927_WY_EC - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1927 SPCS Zone Wyoming II EC.
- PCS_NAD_1927_WY_W - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1927 SPCS Zone Wyoming IV West.
- PCS_NAD_1927_WY_WC - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1927 SPCS Zone Wyoming III WC.
- PCS_NAD_1983_AK_1 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1983 SPCS Zone Alaska 1.
- PCS_NAD_1983_AK_10 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1983 SPCS Zone Alaska 10.
- PCS_NAD_1983_AK_2 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1983 SPCS Zone Alaska 2.
- PCS_NAD_1983_AK_3 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1983 SPCS Zone Alaska 3.
- PCS_NAD_1983_AK_4 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1983 SPCS Zone Alaska 4.
- PCS_NAD_1983_AK_5 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1983 SPCS Zone Alaska 5.
- PCS_NAD_1983_AK_6 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1983 SPCS Zone Alaska 6.
- PCS_NAD_1983_AK_7 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1983 SPCS Zone Alaska 7.
- PCS_NAD_1983_AK_8 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1983 SPCS Zone Alaska 8.
- PCS_NAD_1983_AK_9 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1983 SPCS Zone Alaska 9.
- PCS_NAD_1983_AL_E - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1983 SPCS Zone Alabama East.
- PCS_NAD_1983_AL_W - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1983 SPCS Zone Alabama West.
- PCS_NAD_1983_AR_N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1983 SPCS Zone Arkansas North.
- PCS_NAD_1983_AR_S - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1983 SPCS Zone Arkansas South.
- PCS_NAD_1983_AZ_C - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1983 SPCS Zone Arizona Central.
- PCS_NAD_1983_AZ_E - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1983 SPCS Zone Arizona East.
- PCS_NAD_1983_AZ_W - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1983 SPCS Zone Arizona West.
- PCS_NAD_1983_CA_I - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1983 SPCS Zone California I.
- PCS_NAD_1983_CA_II - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1983 SPCS Zone California II.
- PCS_NAD_1983_CA_III - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1983 SPCS Zone California III.
- PCS_NAD_1983_CA_IV - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1983 SPCS Zone California IV.
- PCS_NAD_1983_CA_V - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1983 SPCS Zone California V.
- PCS_NAD_1983_CA_VI - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1983 SPCS Zone California VI.
- PCS_NAD_1983_CO_C - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1983 SPCS Zone Colorado Central.
- PCS_NAD_1983_CO_N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1983 SPCS Zone Colorado North.
- PCS_NAD_1983_CO_S - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1983 SPCS Zone Colorado South.
- PCS_NAD_1983_CT - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1983 SPCS Zone Connecticut.
- PCS_NAD_1983_DE - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1983 SPCS Zone Delaware.
- PCS_NAD_1983_FL_E - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1983 SPCS Zone Florida East.
- PCS_NAD_1983_FL_N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1983 SPCS Zone Florida North.
- PCS_NAD_1983_FL_W - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1983 SPCS Zone Florida West.
- PCS_NAD_1983_GA_E - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1983 SPCS Zone Georgia East.
- PCS_NAD_1983_GA_W - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1983 SPCS Zone Georgia West.
- PCS_NAD_1983_GU - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1983 SPCS Zone Guam.
- PCS_NAD_1983_HI_1 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1983 SPCS Zone Hawaii Zone 1.
- PCS_NAD_1983_HI_2 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1983 SPCS Zone Hawaii Zone 2.
- PCS_NAD_1983_HI_3 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1983 SPCS Zone Hawaii Zone 3.
- PCS_NAD_1983_HI_4 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1983 SPCS Zone Hawaii Zone 4.
- PCS_NAD_1983_HI_5 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1983 SPCS Zone Hawaii Zone 5.
- PCS_NAD_1983_IA_N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1983 SPCS Zone Iowa North.
- PCS_NAD_1983_IA_S - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1983 SPCS Zone Iowa South.
- PCS_NAD_1983_ID_C - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1983 SPCS Zone Idaho Central.
- PCS_NAD_1983_ID_E - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1983 SPCS Zone Idaho East.
- PCS_NAD_1983_ID_W - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1983 SPCS Zone Idaho West.
- PCS_NAD_1983_IL_E - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1983 SPCS Zone Illinois East.
- PCS_NAD_1983_IL_W - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1983 SPCS Zone Illinois West.
- PCS_NAD_1983_IN_E - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1983 SPCS Zone Indiana East.
- PCS_NAD_1983_IN_W - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1983 SPCS Zone Indiana West.
- PCS_NAD_1983_KS_N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1983 SPCS Zone Kansas North.
- PCS_NAD_1983_KS_S - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1983 SPCS Zone Kansas South.
- PCS_NAD_1983_KY_N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1983 SPCS Zone Kentucky North.
- PCS_NAD_1983_KY_S - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1983 SPCS Zone Kentucky South.
- PCS_NAD_1983_LA_N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1983 SPCS Zone Louisiana North.
- PCS_NAD_1983_LA_S - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1983 SPCS Zone Louisiana South.
- PCS_NAD_1983_MA_I - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1983 SPCS Zone Mass.
- PCS_NAD_1983_MA_M - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1983 SPCS Zone Mass.
- PCS_NAD_1983_MD - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1983 SPCS Zone Maryland.
- PCS_NAD_1983_ME_E - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1983 SPCS Zone Maine East.
- PCS_NAD_1983_ME_W - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1983 SPCS Zone Maine West.
- PCS_NAD_1983_MI_C - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1983 SPCS Zone Michigan Central.
- PCS_NAD_1983_MI_N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1983 SPCS Zone Michigan North.
- PCS_NAD_1983_MI_S - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1983 SPCS Zone Michigan South.
- PCS_NAD_1983_MN_C - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1983 SPCS Zone Minnesota Central.
- PCS_NAD_1983_MN_N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1983 SPCS Zone Minnesota North.
- PCS_NAD_1983_MN_S - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1983 SPCS Zone Minnesota South.
- PCS_NAD_1983_MO_C - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1983 SPCS Zone Missouri Central.
- PCS_NAD_1983_MO_E - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1983 SPCS Zone Missouri East.
- PCS_NAD_1983_MO_W - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1983 SPCS Zone Missouri West.
- PCS_NAD_1983_MS_E - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1983 SPCS Zone Mississippi East.
- PCS_NAD_1983_MS_W - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1983 SPCS Zone Mississippi West.
- PCS_NAD_1983_MT - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1983 SPCS Zone Montana.
- PCS_NAD_1983_NC - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1983 SPCS Zone North Carolina.
- PCS_NAD_1983_ND_N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1983 SPCS Zone North Dakota N.
- PCS_NAD_1983_ND_S - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1983 SPCS Zone North Dakota S.
- PCS_NAD_1983_NE - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1983 SPCS Zone Nebraska.
- PCS_NAD_1983_NH - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1983 SPCS Zone New Hampshire.
- PCS_NAD_1983_NJ - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1983 SPCS Zone New Jersey.
- PCS_NAD_1983_NM_C - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1983 SPCS Zone New Mexico Cent..
- PCS_NAD_1983_NM_E - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1983 SPCS Zone New Mexico East.
- PCS_NAD_1983_NM_W - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1983 SPCS Zone New Mexico West.
- PCS_NAD_1983_NV_C - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1983 SPCS Zone Nevada Central.
- PCS_NAD_1983_NV_E - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1983 SPCS Zone Nevada East.
- PCS_NAD_1983_NV_W - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1983 SPCS Zone Nevada West.
- PCS_NAD_1983_NY_C - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1983 SPCS Zone New York Central.
- PCS_NAD_1983_NY_E - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1983 SPCS Zone New York East.
- PCS_NAD_1983_NY_LI - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1983 SPCS Zone NY Long Island.
- PCS_NAD_1983_NY_W - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1983 SPCS Zone New York West.
- PCS_NAD_1983_OH_N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1983 SPCS Zone Ohio North.
- PCS_NAD_1983_OH_S - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1983 SPCS Zone Ohio South.
- PCS_NAD_1983_OK_N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1983 SPCS Zone Oklahoma North.
- PCS_NAD_1983_OK_S - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1983 SPCS Zone Oklahoma South.
- PCS_NAD_1983_OR_N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1983 SPCS Zone Oregon North.
- PCS_NAD_1983_OR_S - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1983 SPCS Zone Oregon South.
- PCS_NAD_1983_PA_N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1983 SPCS Zone Pennsylvania N.
- PCS_NAD_1983_PA_S - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1983 SPCS Zone Pennsylvania S.
- PCS_NAD_1983_PR_VI - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1983 SPCS Zone PR & St.
- PCS_NAD_1983_RI - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1983 SPCS Zone Rhode Island.
- PCS_NAD_1983_SC - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1983 SPCS Zone South Carolina.
- PCS_NAD_1983_SD_N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1983 SPCS Zone South Dakota N.
- PCS_NAD_1983_SD_S - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1983 SPCS Zone South Dakota S.
- PCS_NAD_1983_TN - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1983 SPCS Zone Tennessee.
- PCS_NAD_1983_TX_C - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1983 SPCS Zone Texas Central.
- PCS_NAD_1983_TX_N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1983 SPCS Zone Texas North.
- PCS_NAD_1983_TX_NC - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1983 SPCS Zone Texas North Cent..
- PCS_NAD_1983_TX_S - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1983 SPCS Zone Texas South.
- PCS_NAD_1983_TX_SC - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1983 SPCS Zone Texas South Cent..
- PCS_NAD_1983_UT_C - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1983 SPCS Zone Utah Central.
- PCS_NAD_1983_UT_N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1983 SPCS Zone Utah North.
- PCS_NAD_1983_UT_S - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1983 SPCS Zone Utah South.
- PCS_NAD_1983_UTM_10N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1983 UTM Zone 10N.
- PCS_NAD_1983_UTM_11N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1983 UTM Zone 11N.
- PCS_NAD_1983_UTM_12N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1983 UTM Zone 12N.
- PCS_NAD_1983_UTM_13N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1983 UTM Zone 13N.
- PCS_NAD_1983_UTM_14N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1983 UTM Zone 14N.
- PCS_NAD_1983_UTM_15N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1983 UTM Zone 15N.
- PCS_NAD_1983_UTM_16N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1983 UTM Zone 16N.
- PCS_NAD_1983_UTM_17N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1983 UTM Zone 17N.
- PCS_NAD_1983_UTM_18N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1983 UTM Zone 18N.
- PCS_NAD_1983_UTM_19N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1983 UTM Zone 19N.
- PCS_NAD_1983_UTM_20N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1983 UTM Zone 20N.
- PCS_NAD_1983_UTM_21N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1983 UTM Zone 21N.
- PCS_NAD_1983_UTM_22N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1983 UTM Zone 22N.
- PCS_NAD_1983_UTM_23N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1983 UTM Zone 23N.
- PCS_NAD_1983_UTM_3N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1983 UTM Zone 3N.
- PCS_NAD_1983_UTM_4N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1983 UTM Zone 4N.
- PCS_NAD_1983_UTM_5N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1983 UTM Zone 5N.
- PCS_NAD_1983_UTM_6N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1983 UTM Zone 6N.
- PCS_NAD_1983_UTM_7N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1983 UTM Zone 7N.
- PCS_NAD_1983_UTM_8N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1983 UTM Zone 8N.
- PCS_NAD_1983_UTM_9N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1983 UTM Zone 9N.
- PCS_NAD_1983_VA_N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1983 SPCS Zone Virginia North.
- PCS_NAD_1983_VA_S - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1983 SPCS Zone Virginia South.
- PCS_NAD_1983_VT - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1983 SPCS Zone Vermont.
- PCS_NAD_1983_WA_N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1983 SPCS Zone Washington North.
- PCS_NAD_1983_WA_S - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1983 SPCS Zone Washington South.
- PCS_NAD_1983_WI_C - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1983 SPCS Zone Wisconsin Central.
- PCS_NAD_1983_WI_N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1983 SPCS Zone Wisconsin North.
- PCS_NAD_1983_WI_S - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1983 SPCS Zone Wisconsin South.
- PCS_NAD_1983_WV_N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1983 SPCS Zone West Virginia N.
- PCS_NAD_1983_WV_S - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1983 SPCS Zone West Virginia S.
- PCS_NAD_1983_WY_E - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1983 SPCS Zone Wyoming I East.
- PCS_NAD_1983_WY_EC - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1983 SPCS Zone Wyoming II EC.
- PCS_NAD_1983_WY_W - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1983 SPCS Zone Wyoming IV West.
- PCS_NAD_1983_WY_WC - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NAD 1983 SPCS Zone Wyoming III WC.
- PCS_NAHRWAN_1967_UTM_38N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Nahrwan 1967 UTM Zone 38N.
- PCS_NAHRWAN_1967_UTM_39N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Nahrwan 1967 UTM Zone 39N.
- PCS_NAHRWAN_1967_UTM_40N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Nahrwan 1967 UTM Zone 40N.
- PCS_NAPARIMA_1972_UTM_20N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Naparima 1972 UTM Zone 20N.
- PCS_NGN_UTM_38N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NGN UTM Zone 38N.
- PCS_NGN_UTM_39N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
NGN UTM Zone 39N.
- PCS_NON_EARTH - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Planar coordinate system.
- PCS_NORD_SAHARA_UTM_29N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Nord Sahara 1959 UTM Zone 29N.
- PCS_NORD_SAHARA_UTM_30N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Nord Sahara 1959 UTM Zone 30N.
- PCS_NORD_SAHARA_UTM_31N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Nord Sahara 1959 UTM Zone 31N.
- PCS_NORD_SAHARA_UTM_32N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Nord Sahara 1959 UTM Zone 32N.
- PCS_NTF_CENTRE_FRANCE - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Centre France.
- PCS_NTF_CORSE - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
- PCS_NTF_FRANCE_I - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
France I.
- PCS_NTF_FRANCE_II - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
France II.
- PCS_NTF_FRANCE_III - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
France III.
- PCS_NTF_FRANCE_IV - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
France IV.
- PCS_NTF_NORD_FRANCE - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Nord France.
- PCS_NTF_SUD_FRANCE - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Sud France.
- PCS_NZGD_1949_NORTH_ISLAND - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
New Zealand North Island.
- PCS_NZGD_1949_SOUTH_ISLAND - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
New Zealand South Island.
- PCS_OSGB_1936_BRITISH_GRID - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
British National Grid.
- PCS_POINTE_NOIRE_UTM_32S - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Pointe Noire UTM Zone 32S.
- PCS_PSAD_1956_PERU_CENTRAL - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Peru Central Zone.
- PCS_PSAD_1956_PERU_EAST - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Peru East Zone.
- PCS_PSAD_1956_PERU_WEST - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Peru West Zone.
- PCS_PSAD_1956_UTM_17S - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
- PCS_PSAD_1956_UTM_18N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
- PCS_PSAD_1956_UTM_18S - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
- PCS_PSAD_1956_UTM_19N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
- PCS_PSAD_1956_UTM_19S - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
- PCS_PSAD_1956_UTM_20N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
- PCS_PSAD_1956_UTM_20S - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
- PCS_PSAD_1956_UTM_21N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
- PCS_PULKOVO_1942_GK_10 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Pulkovo 1942 GK Zone 4N.
- PCS_PULKOVO_1942_GK_10N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Pulkovo 1942 GK Zone 10N.
- PCS_PULKOVO_1942_GK_11 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Pulkovo 1942 GK Zone 4N.
- PCS_PULKOVO_1942_GK_11N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Pulkovo 1942 GK Zone 11N.
- PCS_PULKOVO_1942_GK_12 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Pulkovo 1942 GK Zone 4N.
- PCS_PULKOVO_1942_GK_12N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Pulkovo 1942 GK Zone 12N.
- PCS_PULKOVO_1942_GK_13 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Pulkovo 1942 GK Zone 4N.
- PCS_PULKOVO_1942_GK_13N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Pulkovo 1942 GK Zone 13N.
- PCS_PULKOVO_1942_GK_14 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Pulkovo 1942 GK Zone 4N.
- PCS_PULKOVO_1942_GK_14N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Pulkovo 1942 GK Zone 14N.
- PCS_PULKOVO_1942_GK_15 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Pulkovo 1942 GK Zone 4N.
- PCS_PULKOVO_1942_GK_15N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Pulkovo 1942 GK Zone 15N.
- PCS_PULKOVO_1942_GK_16 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Pulkovo 1942 GK Zone 4N.
- PCS_PULKOVO_1942_GK_16N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Pulkovo 1942 GK Zone 16N.
- PCS_PULKOVO_1942_GK_17 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Pulkovo 1942 GK Zone 4N.
- PCS_PULKOVO_1942_GK_17N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Pulkovo 1942 GK Zone 17N.
- PCS_PULKOVO_1942_GK_18 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Pulkovo 1942 GK Zone 4N.
- PCS_PULKOVO_1942_GK_18N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Pulkovo 1942 GK Zone 18N.
- PCS_PULKOVO_1942_GK_19 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Pulkovo 1942 GK Zone 4N.
- PCS_PULKOVO_1942_GK_19N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Pulkovo 1942 GK Zone 19N.
- PCS_PULKOVO_1942_GK_20 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Pulkovo 1942 GK Zone 4N.
- PCS_PULKOVO_1942_GK_20N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Pulkovo 1942 GK Zone 20N.
- PCS_PULKOVO_1942_GK_21 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Pulkovo 1942 GK Zone 4N.
- PCS_PULKOVO_1942_GK_21N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Pulkovo 1942 GK Zone 21N.
- PCS_PULKOVO_1942_GK_22 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Pulkovo 1942 GK Zone 4N.
- PCS_PULKOVO_1942_GK_22N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Pulkovo 1942 GK Zone 22N.
- PCS_PULKOVO_1942_GK_23 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Pulkovo 1942 GK Zone 4N.
- PCS_PULKOVO_1942_GK_23N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Pulkovo 1942 GK Zone 23N.
- PCS_PULKOVO_1942_GK_24 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Pulkovo 1942 GK Zone 4N.
- PCS_PULKOVO_1942_GK_24N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Pulkovo 1942 GK Zone 24N.
- PCS_PULKOVO_1942_GK_25 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Pulkovo 1942 GK Zone 4N.
- PCS_PULKOVO_1942_GK_25N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Pulkovo 1942 GK Zone 25N.
- PCS_PULKOVO_1942_GK_26 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Pulkovo 1942 GK Zone 4N.
- PCS_PULKOVO_1942_GK_26N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Pulkovo 1942 GK Zone 26N.
- PCS_PULKOVO_1942_GK_27 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Pulkovo 1942 GK Zone 4N.
- PCS_PULKOVO_1942_GK_27N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Pulkovo 1942 GK Zone 27N.
- PCS_PULKOVO_1942_GK_28 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Pulkovo 1942 GK Zone 4N.
- PCS_PULKOVO_1942_GK_28N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Pulkovo 1942 GK Zone 28N.
- PCS_PULKOVO_1942_GK_29 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Pulkovo 1942 GK Zone 4N.
- PCS_PULKOVO_1942_GK_29N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Pulkovo 1942 GK Zone 29N.
- PCS_PULKOVO_1942_GK_30 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Pulkovo 1942 GK Zone 4N.
- PCS_PULKOVO_1942_GK_30N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Pulkovo 1942 GK Zone 30N.
- PCS_PULKOVO_1942_GK_31 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Pulkovo 1942 GK Zone 4N.
- PCS_PULKOVO_1942_GK_31N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Pulkovo 1942 GK Zone 31N.
- PCS_PULKOVO_1942_GK_32 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Pulkovo 1942 GK Zone 4N.
- PCS_PULKOVO_1942_GK_32N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Pulkovo 1942 GK Zone 32N.
- PCS_PULKOVO_1942_GK_4 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Pulkovo 1942 GK Zone 4N.
- PCS_PULKOVO_1942_GK_4N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Pulkovo 1942 GK Zone 4N.
- PCS_PULKOVO_1942_GK_5 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Pulkovo 1942 GK Zone 4N.
- PCS_PULKOVO_1942_GK_5N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Pulkovo 1942 GK Zone 5N.
- PCS_PULKOVO_1942_GK_6 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Pulkovo 1942 GK Zone 4N.
- PCS_PULKOVO_1942_GK_6N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Pulkovo 1942 GK Zone 6N.
- PCS_PULKOVO_1942_GK_7 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Pulkovo 1942 GK Zone 4N.
- PCS_PULKOVO_1942_GK_7N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Pulkovo 1942 GK Zone 7N.
- PCS_PULKOVO_1942_GK_8 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Pulkovo 1942 GK Zone 4N.
- PCS_PULKOVO_1942_GK_8N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Pulkovo 1942 GK Zone 8N.
- PCS_PULKOVO_1942_GK_9 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Pulkovo 1942 GK Zone 4N.
- PCS_PULKOVO_1942_GK_9N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Pulkovo 1942 GK Zone 9N.
- PCS_PULKOVO_1995_GK_10 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Pulkovo 1995 GK Zone 10.
- PCS_PULKOVO_1995_GK_10N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Pulkovo 1995 GK Zone 10N.
- PCS_PULKOVO_1995_GK_11 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Pulkovo 1995 GK Zone 11.
- PCS_PULKOVO_1995_GK_11N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Pulkovo 1995 GK Zone 11N.
- PCS_PULKOVO_1995_GK_12 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Pulkovo 1995 GK Zone 12.
- PCS_PULKOVO_1995_GK_12N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Pulkovo 1995 GK Zone 12N.
- PCS_PULKOVO_1995_GK_13 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Pulkovo 1995 GK Zone 13.
- PCS_PULKOVO_1995_GK_13N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Pulkovo 1995 GK Zone 13N.
- PCS_PULKOVO_1995_GK_14 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Pulkovo 1995 GK Zone 14.
- PCS_PULKOVO_1995_GK_14N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Pulkovo 1995 GK Zone 14N.
- PCS_PULKOVO_1995_GK_15 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Pulkovo 1995 GK Zone 15.
- PCS_PULKOVO_1995_GK_15N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Pulkovo 1995 GK Zone 15N.
- PCS_PULKOVO_1995_GK_16 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Pulkovo 1995 GK Zone 16.
- PCS_PULKOVO_1995_GK_16N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Pulkovo 1995 GK Zone 16N.
- PCS_PULKOVO_1995_GK_17 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Pulkovo 1995 GK Zone 17.
- PCS_PULKOVO_1995_GK_17N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Pulkovo 1995 GK Zone 17N.
- PCS_PULKOVO_1995_GK_18 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Pulkovo 1995 GK Zone 18.
- PCS_PULKOVO_1995_GK_18N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Pulkovo 1995 GK Zone 18N.
- PCS_PULKOVO_1995_GK_19 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Pulkovo 1995 GK Zone 19.
- PCS_PULKOVO_1995_GK_19N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Pulkovo 1995 GK Zone 19N.
- PCS_PULKOVO_1995_GK_20 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Pulkovo 1995 GK Zone 20.
- PCS_PULKOVO_1995_GK_20N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Pulkovo 1995 GK Zone 20N.
- PCS_PULKOVO_1995_GK_21 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Pulkovo 1995 GK Zone 21.
- PCS_PULKOVO_1995_GK_21N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Pulkovo 1995 GK Zone 21N.
- PCS_PULKOVO_1995_GK_22 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Pulkovo 1995 GK Zone 22.
- PCS_PULKOVO_1995_GK_22N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Pulkovo 1995 GK Zone 22N.
- PCS_PULKOVO_1995_GK_23 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Pulkovo 1995 GK Zone 23.
- PCS_PULKOVO_1995_GK_23N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Pulkovo 1995 GK Zone 23N.
- PCS_PULKOVO_1995_GK_24 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Pulkovo 1995 GK Zone 24.
- PCS_PULKOVO_1995_GK_24N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Pulkovo 1995 GK Zone 24N.
- PCS_PULKOVO_1995_GK_25 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Pulkovo 1995 GK Zone 25.
- PCS_PULKOVO_1995_GK_25N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Pulkovo 1995 GK Zone 25N.
- PCS_PULKOVO_1995_GK_26 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Pulkovo 1995 GK Zone 26.
- PCS_PULKOVO_1995_GK_26N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Pulkovo 1995 GK Zone 26N.
- PCS_PULKOVO_1995_GK_27 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Pulkovo 1995 GK Zone 27.
- PCS_PULKOVO_1995_GK_27N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Pulkovo 1995 GK Zone 27N.
- PCS_PULKOVO_1995_GK_28 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Pulkovo 1995 GK Zone 28.
- PCS_PULKOVO_1995_GK_28N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Pulkovo 1995 GK Zone 28N.
- PCS_PULKOVO_1995_GK_29 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Pulkovo 1995 GK Zone 29.
- PCS_PULKOVO_1995_GK_29N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Pulkovo 1995 GK Zone 29N.
- PCS_PULKOVO_1995_GK_30 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Pulkovo 1995 GK Zone 30.
- PCS_PULKOVO_1995_GK_30N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Pulkovo 1995 GK Zone 30N.
- PCS_PULKOVO_1995_GK_31 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Pulkovo 1995 GK Zone 31.
- PCS_PULKOVO_1995_GK_31N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Pulkovo 1995 GK Zone 31N.
- PCS_PULKOVO_1995_GK_32 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Pulkovo 1995 GK Zone 32.
- PCS_PULKOVO_1995_GK_32N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Pulkovo 1995 GK Zone 32N.
- PCS_PULKOVO_1995_GK_4 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Pulkovo 1995 GK Zone 4.
- PCS_PULKOVO_1995_GK_4N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Pulkovo 1995 GK Zone 4N.
- PCS_PULKOVO_1995_GK_5 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Pulkovo 1995 GK Zone 5.
- PCS_PULKOVO_1995_GK_5N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Pulkovo 1995 GK Zone 5N.
- PCS_PULKOVO_1995_GK_6 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Pulkovo 1995 GK Zone 6.
- PCS_PULKOVO_1995_GK_6N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Pulkovo 1995 GK Zone 6N.
- PCS_PULKOVO_1995_GK_7 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Pulkovo 1995 GK Zone 7.
- PCS_PULKOVO_1995_GK_7N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Pulkovo 1995 GK Zone 7N.
- PCS_PULKOVO_1995_GK_8 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Pulkovo 1995 GK Zone 8.
- PCS_PULKOVO_1995_GK_8N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Pulkovo 1995 GK Zone 8N.
- PCS_PULKOVO_1995_GK_9 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Pulkovo 1995 GK Zone 9.
- PCS_PULKOVO_1995_GK_9N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Pulkovo 1995 GK Zone 9N.
- PCS_QATAR_GRID - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Qatar National Grid.
- PCS_RT38_STOCKHOLM_SWEDISH_GRID - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Swedish National Grid.
- PCS_SAD_1969_UTM_17S - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
South American 1969 UTM Zone 17S.
- PCS_SAD_1969_UTM_18N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
South American 1969 UTM Zone 18N.
- PCS_SAD_1969_UTM_18S - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
South American 1969 UTM Zone 18S.
- PCS_SAD_1969_UTM_19N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
South American 1969 UTM Zone 19N.
- PCS_SAD_1969_UTM_19S - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
South American 1969 UTM Zone 19S.
- PCS_SAD_1969_UTM_20N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
South American 1969 UTM Zone 20N.
- PCS_SAD_1969_UTM_20S - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
South American 1969 UTM Zone 20S.
- PCS_SAD_1969_UTM_21N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
South American 1969 UTM Zone 21N.
- PCS_SAD_1969_UTM_21S - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
South American 1969 UTM Zone 21S.
- PCS_SAD_1969_UTM_22N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
South American 1969 UTM Zone 22N.
- PCS_SAD_1969_UTM_22S - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
South American 1969 UTM Zone 22S.
- PCS_SAD_1969_UTM_23S - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
South American 1969 UTM Zone 23S.
- PCS_SAD_1969_UTM_24S - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
South American 1969 UTM Zone 24S.
- PCS_SAD_1969_UTM_25S - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
South American 1969 UTM Zone 25S.
- PCS_SAPPER_HILL_UTM_20S - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Sapper Hill 1943 UTM Zone 20S.
- PCS_SAPPER_HILL_UTM_21S - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Sapper Hill 1943 UTM Zone 21S.
- PCS_SCHWARZECK_UTM_33S - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Schwarzeck UTM Zone 33S.
- PCS_SPHERE_BEHRMANN - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
- PCS_SPHERE_BONNE - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
- PCS_SPHERE_CASSINI - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
- PCS_SPHERE_ECKERT_I - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Eckert I.
- PCS_SPHERE_ECKERT_II - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Eckert II.
- PCS_SPHERE_ECKERT_III - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Eckert III.
- PCS_SPHERE_ECKERT_IV - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Eckert IV.
- PCS_SPHERE_ECKERT_V - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Eckert V.
- PCS_SPHERE_ECKERT_VI - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Eckert VI.
- PCS_SPHERE_EQUIDISTANT_CONIC - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Equidistant Conic.
- PCS_SPHERE_EQUIDISTANT_CYLINDRICAL - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Equidistant Cylindrical.
- PCS_SPHERE_GALL_STEREOGRAPHIC - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Gall Stereographic.
- PCS_SPHERE_LOXIMUTHAL - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
- PCS_SPHERE_MERCATOR - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
- PCS_SPHERE_MILLER_CYLINDRICAL - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Miller Cylindrical.
- PCS_SPHERE_MOLLWEIDE - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
- PCS_SPHERE_PLATE_CARREE - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Plate Carree.
- PCS_SPHERE_POLYCONIC - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
- PCS_SPHERE_QUARTIC_AUTHALIC - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Quartic Authalic.
- PCS_SPHERE_ROBINSON - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
- PCS_SPHERE_SINUSOIDAL - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
- PCS_SPHERE_STEREOGRAPHIC - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
- PCS_SPHERE_TWO_POINT_EQUIDISTANT - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Two-Point Equidistant.
- PCS_SPHERE_VAN_DER_GRINTEN_I - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Van der Grinten I.
- PCS_SPHERE_WINKEL_I - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Winkel I.
- PCS_SPHERE_WINKEL_II - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Winkel II.
- PCS_SUDAN_UTM_35N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Sudan UTM Zone 35N.
- PCS_SUDAN_UTM_36N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Sudan UTM Zone 36N.
- PCS_TANANARIVE_UTM_38S - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Tananarive 1925 UTM Zone 38S.
- PCS_TANANARIVE_UTM_39S - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Tananarive 1925 UTM Zone 39S.
- PCS_TC_1948_UTM_39N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Trucial Coast 1948 UTM Zone 39N.
- PCS_TC_1948_UTM_40N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Trucial Coast 1948 UTM Zone 40N.
- PCS_TIMBALAI_1948_RSO_BORNEO - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Timbalai 1948 RSO Borneo.
- PCS_TIMBALAI_1948_UTM_49N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Timbalai 1948 UTM Zone 49N.
- PCS_TIMBALAI_1948_UTM_50N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Timbalai 1948 UTM Zone 50N.
- PCS_TM65_IRISH_GRID - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Irish National Grid.
- PCS_TOKYO_PLATE_ZONE_I - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Japanese Zone I.
- PCS_TOKYO_PLATE_ZONE_II - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Japanese Zone II.
- PCS_TOKYO_PLATE_ZONE_III - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Japanese Zone III.
- PCS_TOKYO_PLATE_ZONE_IV - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Japanese Zone IV.
- PCS_TOKYO_PLATE_ZONE_IX - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Japanese Zone IX.
- PCS_TOKYO_PLATE_ZONE_V - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Japanese Zone V.
- PCS_TOKYO_PLATE_ZONE_VI - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Japanese Zone VI.
- PCS_TOKYO_PLATE_ZONE_VII - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Japanese Zone VII.
- PCS_TOKYO_PLATE_ZONE_VIII - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Japanese Zone VIII.
- PCS_TOKYO_PLATE_ZONE_X - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Japanese Zone X.
- PCS_TOKYO_PLATE_ZONE_XI - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Japanese Zone XI.
- PCS_TOKYO_PLATE_ZONE_XII - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Japanese Zone XII.
- PCS_TOKYO_PLATE_ZONE_XIII - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Japanese Zone XIII.
- PCS_TOKYO_PLATE_ZONE_XIV - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Japanese Zone XIV.
- PCS_TOKYO_PLATE_ZONE_XIX - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Japanese Zone XIX.
- PCS_TOKYO_PLATE_ZONE_XV - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Japanese Zone XV.
- PCS_TOKYO_PLATE_ZONE_XVI - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Japanese Zone XVI.
- PCS_TOKYO_PLATE_ZONE_XVII - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Japanese Zone XVII.
- PCS_TOKYO_PLATE_ZONE_XVIII - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Japanese Zone XVIII.
- PCS_TOKYO_UTM_51 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Japanese Tokyo geodetic system, UTM projected system 51.
- PCS_TOKYO_UTM_52 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Japanese Tokyo geodetic system, UTM projected system 52.
- PCS_TOKYO_UTM_53 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Japanese Tokyo geodetic system, UTM projected system 53.
- PCS_TOKYO_UTM_54 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Japanese Tokyo geodetic system, UTM projected system 54.
- PCS_TOKYO_UTM_55 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Japanese Tokyo geodetic system, UTM projected system 55.
- PCS_TOKYO_UTM_56 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Japanese Tokyo geodetic system, UTM projected system 56.
- PCS_USER_DEFINED - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
The custom coordinate system.
- PCS_VOIROL_N_ALGERIE_ANCIENNE - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Nord Algerie ancienne.
- PCS_VOIROL_S_ALGERIE_ANCIENNE - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Nord Algerie ancienne.
- PCS_VOIROL_UNIFIE_N_ALGERIE - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Nord Algerie.
- PCS_VOIROL_UNIFIE_S_ALGERIE - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Nord Algerie.
- PCS_WGS_1972_UTM_10N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
WGS 1972 UTM Zone 10N.
- PCS_WGS_1972_UTM_10S - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
WGS 1972 UTM Zone 10S.
- PCS_WGS_1972_UTM_11N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
WGS 1972 UTM Zone 11N.
- PCS_WGS_1972_UTM_11S - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
WGS 1972 UTM Zone 11S.
- PCS_WGS_1972_UTM_12N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
WGS 1972 UTM Zone 12N.
- PCS_WGS_1972_UTM_12S - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
WGS 1972 UTM Zone 12S.
- PCS_WGS_1972_UTM_13N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
WGS 1972 UTM Zone 13N.
- PCS_WGS_1972_UTM_13S - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
WGS 1972 UTM Zone 13S.
- PCS_WGS_1972_UTM_14N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
WGS 1972 UTM Zone 14N.
- PCS_WGS_1972_UTM_14S - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
WGS 1972 UTM Zone 14S.
- PCS_WGS_1972_UTM_15N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
WGS 1972 UTM Zone 15N.
- PCS_WGS_1972_UTM_15S - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
WGS 1972 UTM Zone 15S.
- PCS_WGS_1972_UTM_16N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
WGS 1972 UTM Zone 16N.
- PCS_WGS_1972_UTM_16S - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
WGS 1972 UTM Zone 16S.
- PCS_WGS_1972_UTM_17N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
WGS 1972 UTM Zone 17N.
- PCS_WGS_1972_UTM_17S - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
WGS 1972 UTM Zone 17S.
- PCS_WGS_1972_UTM_18N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
WGS 1972 UTM Zone 18N.
- PCS_WGS_1972_UTM_18S - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
WGS 1972 UTM Zone 18S.
- PCS_WGS_1972_UTM_19N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
WGS 1972 UTM Zone 19N.
- PCS_WGS_1972_UTM_19S - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
WGS 1972 UTM Zone 19S.
- PCS_WGS_1972_UTM_1N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
WGS 1972 UTM Zone 1N.
- PCS_WGS_1972_UTM_1S - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
WGS 1972 UTM Zone 1S.
- PCS_WGS_1972_UTM_20N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
WGS 1972 UTM Zone 20N.
- PCS_WGS_1972_UTM_20S - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
WGS 1972 UTM Zone 20S.
- PCS_WGS_1972_UTM_21N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
WGS 1972 UTM Zone 21N.
- PCS_WGS_1972_UTM_21S - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
WGS 1972 UTM Zone 21S.
- PCS_WGS_1972_UTM_22N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
WGS 1972 UTM Zone 22N.
- PCS_WGS_1972_UTM_22S - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
WGS 1972 UTM Zone 22S.
- PCS_WGS_1972_UTM_23N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
WGS 1972 UTM Zone 23N.
- PCS_WGS_1972_UTM_23S - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
WGS 1972 UTM Zone 23S.
- PCS_WGS_1972_UTM_24N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
WGS 1972 UTM Zone 24N.
- PCS_WGS_1972_UTM_24S - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
WGS 1972 UTM Zone 24S.
- PCS_WGS_1972_UTM_25N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
WGS 1972 UTM Zone 25N.
- PCS_WGS_1972_UTM_25S - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
WGS 1972 UTM Zone 25S.
- PCS_WGS_1972_UTM_26N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
WGS 1972 UTM Zone 26N.
- PCS_WGS_1972_UTM_26S - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
WGS 1972 UTM Zone 26S.
- PCS_WGS_1972_UTM_27N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
WGS 1972 UTM Zone 27N.
- PCS_WGS_1972_UTM_27S - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
WGS 1972 UTM Zone 27S.
- PCS_WGS_1972_UTM_28N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
WGS 1972 UTM Zone 28N.
- PCS_WGS_1972_UTM_28S - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
WGS 1972 UTM Zone 28S.
- PCS_WGS_1972_UTM_29N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
WGS 1972 UTM Zone 29N.
- PCS_WGS_1972_UTM_29S - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
WGS 1972 UTM Zone 29S.
- PCS_WGS_1972_UTM_2N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
WGS 1972 UTM Zone 2N.
- PCS_WGS_1972_UTM_2S - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
WGS 1972 UTM Zone 2S.
- PCS_WGS_1972_UTM_30N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
WGS 1972 UTM Zone 30N.
- PCS_WGS_1972_UTM_30S - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
WGS 1972 UTM Zone 30S.
- PCS_WGS_1972_UTM_31N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
WGS 1972 UTM Zone 31N.
- PCS_WGS_1972_UTM_31S - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
WGS 1972 UTM Zone 31S.
- PCS_WGS_1972_UTM_32N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
WGS 1972 UTM Zone 32N.
- PCS_WGS_1972_UTM_32S - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
WGS 1972 UTM Zone 32S.
- PCS_WGS_1972_UTM_33N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
WGS 1972 UTM Zone 33N.
- PCS_WGS_1972_UTM_33S - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
WGS 1972 UTM Zone 33S.
- PCS_WGS_1972_UTM_34N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
WGS 1972 UTM Zone 34N.
- PCS_WGS_1972_UTM_34S - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
WGS 1972 UTM Zone 34S.
- PCS_WGS_1972_UTM_35N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
WGS 1972 UTM Zone 35N.
- PCS_WGS_1972_UTM_35S - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
WGS 1972 UTM Zone 35S.
- PCS_WGS_1972_UTM_36N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
WGS 1972 UTM Zone 36N.
- PCS_WGS_1972_UTM_36S - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
WGS 1972 UTM Zone 36S.
- PCS_WGS_1972_UTM_37N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
WGS 1972 UTM Zone 37N.
- PCS_WGS_1972_UTM_37S - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
WGS 1972 UTM Zone 37S.
- PCS_WGS_1972_UTM_38N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
WGS 1972 UTM Zone 38N.
- PCS_WGS_1972_UTM_38S - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
WGS 1972 UTM Zone 38S.
- PCS_WGS_1972_UTM_39N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
WGS 1972 UTM Zone 39N.
- PCS_WGS_1972_UTM_39S - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
WGS 1972 UTM Zone 39S.
- PCS_WGS_1972_UTM_3N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
WGS 1972 UTM Zone 3N.
- PCS_WGS_1972_UTM_3S - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
WGS 1972 UTM Zone 3S.
- PCS_WGS_1972_UTM_40N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
WGS 1972 UTM Zone 40N.
- PCS_WGS_1972_UTM_40S - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
WGS 1972 UTM Zone 40S.
- PCS_WGS_1972_UTM_41N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
WGS 1972 UTM Zone 41N.
- PCS_WGS_1972_UTM_41S - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
WGS 1972 UTM Zone 41S.
- PCS_WGS_1972_UTM_42N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
WGS 1972 UTM Zone 42N.
- PCS_WGS_1972_UTM_42S - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
WGS 1972 UTM Zone 42S.
- PCS_WGS_1972_UTM_43N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
WGS 1972 UTM Zone 43N.
- PCS_WGS_1972_UTM_43S - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
WGS 1972 UTM Zone 43S.
- PCS_WGS_1972_UTM_44N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
WGS 1972 UTM Zone 44N.
- PCS_WGS_1972_UTM_44S - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
WGS 1972 UTM Zone 44S.
- PCS_WGS_1972_UTM_45N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
WGS 1972 UTM Zone 45N.
- PCS_WGS_1972_UTM_45S - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
WGS 1972 UTM Zone 45S.
- PCS_WGS_1972_UTM_46N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
WGS 1972 UTM Zone 46N.
- PCS_WGS_1972_UTM_46S - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
WGS 1972 UTM Zone 46S.
- PCS_WGS_1972_UTM_47N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
WGS 1972 UTM Zone 47N.
- PCS_WGS_1972_UTM_47S - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
WGS 1972 UTM Zone 47S.
- PCS_WGS_1972_UTM_48N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
WGS 1972 UTM Zone 48N.
- PCS_WGS_1972_UTM_48S - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
WGS 1972 UTM Zone 48S.
- PCS_WGS_1972_UTM_49N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
WGS 1972 UTM Zone 49N.
- PCS_WGS_1972_UTM_49S - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
WGS 1972 UTM Zone 49S.
- PCS_WGS_1972_UTM_4N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
WGS 1972 UTM Zone 4N.
- PCS_WGS_1972_UTM_4S - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
WGS 1972 UTM Zone 4S.
- PCS_WGS_1972_UTM_50N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
WGS 1972 UTM Zone 50N.
- PCS_WGS_1972_UTM_50S - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
WGS 1972 UTM Zone 50S.
- PCS_WGS_1972_UTM_51N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
WGS 1972 UTM Zone 51N.
- PCS_WGS_1972_UTM_51S - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
WGS 1972 UTM Zone 51S.
- PCS_WGS_1972_UTM_52N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
WGS 1972 UTM Zone 52N.
- PCS_WGS_1972_UTM_52S - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
WGS 1972 UTM Zone 52S.
- PCS_WGS_1972_UTM_53N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
WGS 1972 UTM Zone 53N.
- PCS_WGS_1972_UTM_53S - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
WGS 1972 UTM Zone 53S.
- PCS_WGS_1972_UTM_54N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
WGS 1972 UTM Zone 54N.
- PCS_WGS_1972_UTM_54S - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
WGS 1972 UTM Zone 54S.
- PCS_WGS_1972_UTM_55N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
WGS 1972 UTM Zone 55N.
- PCS_WGS_1972_UTM_55S - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
WGS 1972 UTM Zone 55S.
- PCS_WGS_1972_UTM_56N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
WGS 1972 UTM Zone 56N.
- PCS_WGS_1972_UTM_56S - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
WGS 1972 UTM Zone 56S.
- PCS_WGS_1972_UTM_57N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
WGS 1972 UTM Zone 57N.
- PCS_WGS_1972_UTM_57S - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
WGS 1972 UTM Zone 57S.
- PCS_WGS_1972_UTM_58N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
WGS 1972 UTM Zone 58N.
- PCS_WGS_1972_UTM_58S - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
WGS 1972 UTM Zone 58S.
- PCS_WGS_1972_UTM_59N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
WGS 1972 UTM Zone 59N.
- PCS_WGS_1972_UTM_59S - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
WGS 1972 UTM Zone 59S.
- PCS_WGS_1972_UTM_5N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
WGS 1972 UTM Zone 5N.
- PCS_WGS_1972_UTM_5S - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
WGS 1972 UTM Zone 5S.
- PCS_WGS_1972_UTM_60N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
WGS 1972 UTM Zone 60N.
- PCS_WGS_1972_UTM_60S - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
WGS 1972 UTM Zone 60S.
- PCS_WGS_1972_UTM_6N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
WGS 1972 UTM Zone 6N.
- PCS_WGS_1972_UTM_6S - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
WGS 1972 UTM Zone 6S.
- PCS_WGS_1972_UTM_7N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
WGS 1972 UTM Zone 7N.
- PCS_WGS_1972_UTM_7S - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
WGS 1972 UTM Zone 7S.
- PCS_WGS_1972_UTM_8N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
WGS 1972 UTM Zone 8N.
- PCS_WGS_1972_UTM_8S - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
WGS 1972 UTM Zone 8S.
- PCS_WGS_1972_UTM_9N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
WGS 1972 UTM Zone 9N.
- PCS_WGS_1972_UTM_9S - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
WGS 1972 UTM Zone 9S.
- PCS_WGS_1984_UTM_10N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
WGS 1984 UTM Zone 10N.
- PCS_WGS_1984_UTM_10S - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
WGS 1984 UTM Zone 10S.
- PCS_WGS_1984_UTM_11N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
WGS 1984 UTM Zone 11N.
- PCS_WGS_1984_UTM_11S - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
WGS 1984 UTM Zone 11S.
- PCS_WGS_1984_UTM_12N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
WGS 1984 UTM Zone 12N.
- PCS_WGS_1984_UTM_12S - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
WGS 1984 UTM Zone 12S.
- PCS_WGS_1984_UTM_13N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
WGS 1984 UTM Zone 13N.
- PCS_WGS_1984_UTM_13S - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
WGS 1984 UTM Zone 13S.
- PCS_WGS_1984_UTM_14N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
WGS 1984 UTM Zone 14N.
- PCS_WGS_1984_UTM_14S - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
WGS 1984 UTM Zone 14S.
- PCS_WGS_1984_UTM_15N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
WGS 1984 UTM Zone 15N.
- PCS_WGS_1984_UTM_15S - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
WGS 1984 UTM Zone 15S.
- PCS_WGS_1984_UTM_16N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
WGS 1984 UTM Zone 16N.
- PCS_WGS_1984_UTM_16S - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
WGS 1984 UTM Zone 16S.
- PCS_WGS_1984_UTM_17N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
WGS 1984 UTM Zone 17N.
- PCS_WGS_1984_UTM_17S - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
WGS 1984 UTM Zone 17S.
- PCS_WGS_1984_UTM_18N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
WGS 1984 UTM Zone 18N.
- PCS_WGS_1984_UTM_18S - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
WGS 1984 UTM Zone 18S.
- PCS_WGS_1984_UTM_19N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
WGS 1984 UTM Zone 19N.
- PCS_WGS_1984_UTM_19S - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
WGS 1984 UTM Zone 19S.
- PCS_WGS_1984_UTM_1N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
WGS 1984 UTM Zone 1N.
- PCS_WGS_1984_UTM_1S - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
WGS 1984 UTM Zone 1S.
- PCS_WGS_1984_UTM_20N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
WGS 1984 UTM Zone 20N.
- PCS_WGS_1984_UTM_20S - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
WGS 1984 UTM Zone 20S.
- PCS_WGS_1984_UTM_21N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
WGS 1984 UTM Zone 21N.
- PCS_WGS_1984_UTM_21S - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
WGS 1984 UTM Zone 21S.
- PCS_WGS_1984_UTM_22N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
WGS 1984 UTM Zone 22N.
- PCS_WGS_1984_UTM_22S - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
WGS 1984 UTM Zone 22S.
- PCS_WGS_1984_UTM_23N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
WGS 1984 UTM Zone 23N.
- PCS_WGS_1984_UTM_23S - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
WGS 1984 UTM Zone 23S.
- PCS_WGS_1984_UTM_24N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
WGS 1984 UTM Zone 24N.
- PCS_WGS_1984_UTM_24S - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
WGS 1984 UTM Zone 24S.
- PCS_WGS_1984_UTM_25N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
WGS 1984 UTM Zone 25N.
- PCS_WGS_1984_UTM_25S - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
WGS 1984 UTM Zone 25S.
- PCS_WGS_1984_UTM_26N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
WGS 1984 UTM Zone 26N.
- PCS_WGS_1984_UTM_26S - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
WGS 1984 UTM Zone 26S.
- PCS_WGS_1984_UTM_27N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
WGS 1984 UTM Zone 27N.
- PCS_WGS_1984_UTM_27S - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
WGS 1984 UTM Zone 27S.
- PCS_WGS_1984_UTM_28N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
WGS 1984 UTM Zone 28N.
- PCS_WGS_1984_UTM_28S - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
WGS 1984 UTM Zone 28S.
- PCS_WGS_1984_UTM_29N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
WGS 1984 UTM Zone 29N.
- PCS_WGS_1984_UTM_29S - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
WGS 1984 UTM Zone 29S.
- PCS_WGS_1984_UTM_2N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
WGS 1984 UTM Zone 2N.
- PCS_WGS_1984_UTM_2S - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
WGS 1984 UTM Zone 2S.
- PCS_WGS_1984_UTM_30N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
WGS 1984 UTM Zone 30N.
- PCS_WGS_1984_UTM_30S - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
WGS 1984 UTM Zone 30S.
- PCS_WGS_1984_UTM_31N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
WGS 1984 UTM Zone 31N.
- PCS_WGS_1984_UTM_31S - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
WGS 1984 UTM Zone 31S.
- PCS_WGS_1984_UTM_32N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
WGS 1984 UTM Zone 32N.
- PCS_WGS_1984_UTM_32S - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
WGS 1984 UTM Zone 32S.
- PCS_WGS_1984_UTM_33N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
WGS 1984 UTM Zone 33N.
- PCS_WGS_1984_UTM_33S - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
WGS 1984 UTM Zone 33S.
- PCS_WGS_1984_UTM_34N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
WGS 1984 UTM Zone 34N.
- PCS_WGS_1984_UTM_34S - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
WGS 1984 UTM Zone 34S.
- PCS_WGS_1984_UTM_35N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
WGS 1984 UTM Zone 35N.
- PCS_WGS_1984_UTM_35S - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
WGS 1984 UTM Zone 35S.
- PCS_WGS_1984_UTM_36N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
WGS 1984 UTM Zone 36N.
- PCS_WGS_1984_UTM_36S - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
WGS 1984 UTM Zone 36S.
- PCS_WGS_1984_UTM_37N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
WGS 1984 UTM Zone 37N.
- PCS_WGS_1984_UTM_37S - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
WGS 1984 UTM Zone 37S.
- PCS_WGS_1984_UTM_38N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
WGS 1984 UTM Zone 38N.
- PCS_WGS_1984_UTM_38S - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
WGS 1984 UTM Zone 38S.
- PCS_WGS_1984_UTM_39N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
WGS 1984 UTM Zone 39N.
- PCS_WGS_1984_UTM_39S - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
WGS 1984 UTM Zone 39S.
- PCS_WGS_1984_UTM_3N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
WGS 1984 UTM Zone 3N.
- PCS_WGS_1984_UTM_3S - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
WGS 1984 UTM Zone 3S.
- PCS_WGS_1984_UTM_40N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
WGS 1984 UTM Zone 40N.
- PCS_WGS_1984_UTM_40S - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
WGS 1984 UTM Zone 40S.
- PCS_WGS_1984_UTM_41N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
WGS 1984 UTM Zone 41N.
- PCS_WGS_1984_UTM_41S - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
WGS 1984 UTM Zone 41S.
- PCS_WGS_1984_UTM_42N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
WGS 1984 UTM Zone 42N.
- PCS_WGS_1984_UTM_42S - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
WGS 1984 UTM Zone 42S.
- PCS_WGS_1984_UTM_43N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
WGS 1984 UTM Zone 43N.
- PCS_WGS_1984_UTM_43S - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
WGS 1984 UTM Zone 43S.
- PCS_WGS_1984_UTM_44N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
WGS 1984 UTM Zone 44N.
- PCS_WGS_1984_UTM_44S - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
WGS 1984 UTM Zone 44S.
- PCS_WGS_1984_UTM_45N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
WGS 1984 UTM Zone 45N.
- PCS_WGS_1984_UTM_45S - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
WGS 1984 UTM Zone 45S.
- PCS_WGS_1984_UTM_46N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
WGS 1984 UTM Zone 46N.
- PCS_WGS_1984_UTM_46S - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
WGS 1984 UTM Zone 46S.
- PCS_WGS_1984_UTM_47N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
WGS 1984 UTM Zone 47N.
- PCS_WGS_1984_UTM_47S - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
WGS 1984 UTM Zone 47S.
- PCS_WGS_1984_UTM_48N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
WGS 1984 UTM Zone 48N.
- PCS_WGS_1984_UTM_48S - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
WGS 1984 UTM Zone 48S.
- PCS_WGS_1984_UTM_49N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
WGS 1984 UTM Zone 49N.
- PCS_WGS_1984_UTM_49S - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
WGS 1984 UTM Zone 49S.
- PCS_WGS_1984_UTM_4N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
WGS 1984 UTM Zone 4N.
- PCS_WGS_1984_UTM_4S - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
WGS 1984 UTM Zone 4S.
- PCS_WGS_1984_UTM_50N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
WGS 1984 UTM Zone 50N.
- PCS_WGS_1984_UTM_50S - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
WGS 1984 UTM Zone 50S.
- PCS_WGS_1984_UTM_51N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
WGS 1984 UTM Zone 51N.
- PCS_WGS_1984_UTM_51S - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
WGS 1984 UTM Zone 51S.
- PCS_WGS_1984_UTM_52N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
WGS 1984 UTM Zone 52N.
- PCS_WGS_1984_UTM_52S - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
WGS 1984 UTM Zone 52S.
- PCS_WGS_1984_UTM_53N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
WGS 1984 UTM Zone 53N.
- PCS_WGS_1984_UTM_53S - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
WGS 1984 UTM Zone 53S.
- PCS_WGS_1984_UTM_54N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
WGS 1984 UTM Zone 54N.
- PCS_WGS_1984_UTM_54S - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
WGS 1984 UTM Zone 54S.
- PCS_WGS_1984_UTM_55N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
WGS 1984 UTM Zone 55N.
- PCS_WGS_1984_UTM_55S - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
WGS 1984 UTM Zone 55S.
- PCS_WGS_1984_UTM_56N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
WGS 1984 UTM Zone 56N.
- PCS_WGS_1984_UTM_56S - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
WGS 1984 UTM Zone 56S.
- PCS_WGS_1984_UTM_57N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
WGS 1984 UTM Zone 57N.
- PCS_WGS_1984_UTM_57S - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
WGS 1984 UTM Zone 57S.
- PCS_WGS_1984_UTM_58N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
WGS 1984 UTM Zone 58N.
- PCS_WGS_1984_UTM_58S - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
WGS 1984 UTM Zone 58S.
- PCS_WGS_1984_UTM_59N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
WGS 1984 UTM Zone 59N.
- PCS_WGS_1984_UTM_59S - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
WGS 1984 UTM Zone 59S.
- PCS_WGS_1984_UTM_5N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
WGS 1984 UTM Zone 5N.
- PCS_WGS_1984_UTM_5S - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
WGS 1984 UTM Zone 5S.
- PCS_WGS_1984_UTM_60N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
WGS 1984 UTM Zone 60N.
- PCS_WGS_1984_UTM_60S - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
WGS 1984 UTM Zone 60S.
- PCS_WGS_1984_UTM_6N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
WGS 1984 UTM Zone 6N.
- PCS_WGS_1984_UTM_6S - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
WGS 1984 UTM Zone 6S.
- PCS_WGS_1984_UTM_7N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
WGS 1984 UTM Zone 7N.
- PCS_WGS_1984_UTM_7S - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
WGS 1984 UTM Zone 7S.
- PCS_WGS_1984_UTM_8N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
WGS 1984 UTM Zone 8N.
- PCS_WGS_1984_UTM_8S - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
WGS 1984 UTM Zone 8S.
- PCS_WGS_1984_UTM_9N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
WGS 1984 UTM Zone 9N.
- PCS_WGS_1984_UTM_9S - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
WGS 1984 UTM Zone 9S.
- PCS_WORLD_BEHRMANN - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
- PCS_WORLD_BONNE - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
- PCS_WORLD_CASSINI - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
- PCS_WORLD_ECKERT_I - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Eckert I.
- PCS_WORLD_ECKERT_II - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Eckert II.
- PCS_WORLD_ECKERT_III - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Eckert III.
- PCS_WORLD_ECKERT_IV - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Eckert IV.
- PCS_WORLD_ECKERT_V - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Eckert V.
- PCS_WORLD_ECKERT_VI - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Eckert VI.
- PCS_WORLD_EQUIDISTANT_CONIC - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Equidistant Conic.
- PCS_WORLD_EQUIDISTANT_CYLINDRICAL - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Equidistant Equidistant Cylindrical.
- PCS_WORLD_GALL_STEREOGRAPHIC - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Gall Stereographic.
- PCS_WORLD_HOTINE - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
- PCS_WORLD_LOXIMUTHAL - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
- PCS_WORLD_MERCATOR - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
- PCS_WORLD_MILLER_CYLINDRICAL - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Miller Cylindrical.
- PCS_WORLD_MOLLWEIDE - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
- PCS_WORLD_PLATE_CARREE - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Plate Carree.
- PCS_WORLD_POLYCONIC - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
- PCS_WORLD_QUARTIC_AUTHALIC - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Quartic Authalic.
- PCS_WORLD_ROBINSON - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
- PCS_WORLD_SINUSOIDAL - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
- PCS_WORLD_STEREOGRAPHIC - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
- PCS_WORLD_TWO_POINT_EQUIDISTANT - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Two-Point Equidistant.
- PCS_WORLD_VAN_DER_GRINTEN_I - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Van der Grinten I.
- PCS_WORLD_WINKEL_I - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Winkel I.
- PCS_WORLD_WINKEL_II - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Winkel II.
- PCS_XIAN_1980_3_DEGREE_GK_25 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Xi'an 1980 GK Zone 25
- PCS_XIAN_1980_3_DEGREE_GK_25N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Xi'an 1980 GK Zone 23N
- PCS_XIAN_1980_3_DEGREE_GK_26 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Xi'an 1980 GK Zone 26
- PCS_XIAN_1980_3_DEGREE_GK_26N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Xi'an 1980 GK Zone 23N
- PCS_XIAN_1980_3_DEGREE_GK_27 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Xi'an 1980 GK Zone 27
- PCS_XIAN_1980_3_DEGREE_GK_27N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Xi'an 1980 GK Zone 23N
- PCS_XIAN_1980_3_DEGREE_GK_28 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Xi'an 1980 GK Zone 28
- PCS_XIAN_1980_3_DEGREE_GK_28N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Xi'an 1980 GK Zone 23N
- PCS_XIAN_1980_3_DEGREE_GK_29 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Xi'an 1980 GK Zone 29
- PCS_XIAN_1980_3_DEGREE_GK_29N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Xi'an 1980 GK Zone 23N
- PCS_XIAN_1980_3_DEGREE_GK_30 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Xi'an 1980 GK Zone 30
- PCS_XIAN_1980_3_DEGREE_GK_30N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Xi'an 1980 GK Zone 23N
- PCS_XIAN_1980_3_DEGREE_GK_31 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Xi'an 1980 GK Zone 31
- PCS_XIAN_1980_3_DEGREE_GK_31N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Xi'an 1980 GK Zone 23N
- PCS_XIAN_1980_3_DEGREE_GK_32 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Xi'an 1980 GK Zone 32
- PCS_XIAN_1980_3_DEGREE_GK_32N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Xi'an 1980 GK Zone 23N
- PCS_XIAN_1980_3_DEGREE_GK_33 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Xi'an 1980 GK Zone 33
- PCS_XIAN_1980_3_DEGREE_GK_33N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Xi'an 1980 GK Zone 23N
- PCS_XIAN_1980_3_DEGREE_GK_34 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Xi'an 1980 GK Zone 34
- PCS_XIAN_1980_3_DEGREE_GK_34N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Xi'an 1980 GK Zone 23N
- PCS_XIAN_1980_3_DEGREE_GK_35 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Xi'an 1980 GK Zone 35
- PCS_XIAN_1980_3_DEGREE_GK_35N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Xi'an 1980 GK Zone 23N
- PCS_XIAN_1980_3_DEGREE_GK_36 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Xi'an 1980 GK Zone 36
- PCS_XIAN_1980_3_DEGREE_GK_36N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Xi'an 1980 GK Zone 23N
- PCS_XIAN_1980_3_DEGREE_GK_37 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Xi'an 1980 GK Zone 37
- PCS_XIAN_1980_3_DEGREE_GK_37N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Xi'an 1980 GK Zone 23N
- PCS_XIAN_1980_3_DEGREE_GK_38 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Xi'an 1980 GK Zone 38
- PCS_XIAN_1980_3_DEGREE_GK_38N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Xi'an 1980 GK Zone 23N
- PCS_XIAN_1980_3_DEGREE_GK_39 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Xi'an 1980 GK Zone 39
- PCS_XIAN_1980_3_DEGREE_GK_39N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Xi'an 1980 GK Zone 23N
- PCS_XIAN_1980_3_DEGREE_GK_40 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Xi'an 1980 GK Zone 40
- PCS_XIAN_1980_3_DEGREE_GK_40N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Xi'an 1980 GK Zone 23N
- PCS_XIAN_1980_3_DEGREE_GK_41 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Xi'an 1980 GK Zone 41
- PCS_XIAN_1980_3_DEGREE_GK_41N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Xi'an 1980 GK Zone 23N
- PCS_XIAN_1980_3_DEGREE_GK_42 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Xi'an 1980 GK Zone 42
- PCS_XIAN_1980_3_DEGREE_GK_42N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Xi'an 1980 GK Zone 23N
- PCS_XIAN_1980_3_DEGREE_GK_43 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Xi'an 1980 GK Zone 43
- PCS_XIAN_1980_3_DEGREE_GK_43N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Xi'an 1980 GK Zone 23N
- PCS_XIAN_1980_3_DEGREE_GK_44 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Xi'an 1980 GK Zone 44
- PCS_XIAN_1980_3_DEGREE_GK_44N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Xi'an 1980 GK Zone 23N
- PCS_XIAN_1980_3_DEGREE_GK_45 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Xi'an 1980 GK Zone 45
- PCS_XIAN_1980_3_DEGREE_GK_45N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Xi'an 1980 GK Zone 23N
- PCS_XIAN_1980_GK_13 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Xi'an 1980 GK Zone 13
- PCS_XIAN_1980_GK_13N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Xi'an 1980 GK Zone 23N
- PCS_XIAN_1980_GK_14 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Xi'an 1980 GK Zone 14
- PCS_XIAN_1980_GK_14N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Xi'an 1980 GK Zone 23N
- PCS_XIAN_1980_GK_15 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Xi'an 1980 GK Zone 15
- PCS_XIAN_1980_GK_15N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Xi'an 1980 GK Zone 23N
- PCS_XIAN_1980_GK_16 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Xi'an 1980 GK Zone 16
- PCS_XIAN_1980_GK_16N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Xi'an 1980 GK Zone 23N
- PCS_XIAN_1980_GK_17 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Xi'an 1980 GK Zone 17
- PCS_XIAN_1980_GK_17N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Xi'an 1980 GK Zone 23N
- PCS_XIAN_1980_GK_18 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Xi'an 1980 GK Zone 18
- PCS_XIAN_1980_GK_18N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Xi'an 1980 GK Zone 23N
- PCS_XIAN_1980_GK_19 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Xi'an 1980 GK Zone 19
- PCS_XIAN_1980_GK_19N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Xi'an 1980 GK Zone 23N
- PCS_XIAN_1980_GK_20 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Xi'an 1980 GK Zone 20
- PCS_XIAN_1980_GK_20N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Xi'an 1980 GK Zone 23N
- PCS_XIAN_1980_GK_21 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Xi'an 1980 GK Zone 21
- PCS_XIAN_1980_GK_21N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Xi'an 1980 GK Zone 23N
- PCS_XIAN_1980_GK_22 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Xi'an 1980 GK Zone 22
- PCS_XIAN_1980_GK_22N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Xi'an 1980 GK Zone 23N
- PCS_XIAN_1980_GK_23 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Xi'an 1980 GK Zone 23
- PCS_XIAN_1980_GK_23N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Xi'an 1980 GK Zone 23N
- PCS_YOFF_1972_UTM_28N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Yoff 1972 UTM Zone 28N.
- PCS_ZANDERIJ_1972_UTM_21N - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSysType
Zanderij 1972 UTM Zone 21N.
- PERCENT - Static variable in class com.supermap.analyst.spatialanalyst.SlopeType
Take percent as the unit to express the slope.
- PERCENT - Static variable in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeGraphTextFormat
- permanent - Variable in class com.supermap.data.license.LicenseInfo
Whether it can be used permanently
- PIE - Static variable in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeGraphType
Pie chart
- PIE3D - Static variable in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeGraphType
3D pie chart
- PieChart - Class in com.supermap.mapping.imChart
Pie chart class, used to display pie chart
- PieChart(Context) - Constructor for class com.supermap.mapping.imChart.PieChart
The constructor.
- PieChart(Context, AttributeSet) - Constructor for class com.supermap.mapping.imChart.PieChart
The constructor.
- PieChart(Context, AttributeSet, int) - Constructor for class com.supermap.mapping.imChart.PieChart
The constructor.
- PieChartData - Class in com.supermap.mapping.imChart
Pie chart data class, build chart data for displaying pie chart Each value corresponds to a label and color and is scaled to a sector
- PieChartData() - Constructor for class com.supermap.mapping.imChart.PieChartData
The constructor.
- PINKBLACK - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.ColorGradientType
Pink, black gradient color .
- PINKBLUE - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.ColorGradientType
Pink red, blue gradient color.
- PINKRED - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.ColorGradientType
Pink red, red gradient color.
- PINKWHITE - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.ColorGradientType
Pink, white gradient color.
- PitObject - Class in com.supermap.ar.areffect.excavator
Pothole object For rendering excavation results SampleCode:
//Occlusion settings occlusionHelper = arView.getOcclusionHelper(); occlusionHelper.init(0.36f) .setRenderMode(OcclusionHelper.RenderMode.NORMAL); //Using ARGeoPrism to build a "detection wall" ListroomBounds = Arrays.asList( new Point3D(-1, -1, -2), new Point3D(-1, 6, -2), new Point3D(6, 6, -2), new Point3D(6, -1, -2), new Point3D(-1, -1, -2) ); ARGeoPrism geoVerticalRegion = new ARGeoPrism(); geoVerticalRegion.setParentNode(arView); geoVerticalRegion.setRenderable(false);//Not rendered, only used for ray detection geoVerticalRegion.addPart(roomBounds,6.0f); //Creates an excavation tool, before that, you need to confirm that AREffectView has enabled the occlusion setting // Excavator
All subclasses use the same method excavatorWall = new WallExcavator(geoVerticalRegion); //pothole texture Bitmap bitmap=null; Bitmap bitmap2=null; try { InputStream is = getApplicationContext().getAssets() .open("brown_mud_dry2.png"); bitmap= BitmapFactory.decodeStream(is); InputStream is2 = getApplicationContext().getAssets() .open("wall_texture.png"); bitmap2= BitmapFactory.decodeStream(is2); is.close(); is2.close(); } catch (IOException e) { } //Creates a Pothole Render Object pitWall = new PitObject(excavatorWall) .setTexture(bitmap,bitmap2); //Called every frame refresh (usually used {@link EffectView#addOnUpdateListener(EffectView. - PitObject(Excavator) - Constructor for class com.supermap.ar.areffect.excavator.PitObject
- PixelFormat - Class in com.supermap.data
Defines constants for pixel format types for grid and image data storage.
- pixelToGlobe(Point) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Scene
Convert the screen point object into a three-dimensional point object, which contains latitude, longitude and altitude information.
- pixelToGlobe(Point, PixelToGlobeMode) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Scene
Convert screen point objects into 3D point objects.
- PixelToGlobeMode - Class in com.supermap.realspace
This class defines the intersect type object when convert screen point object to 3D point object.
- pixelToMap(Point) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Map
Converts the pixel coordinates of the specified point to the map coordinates.
- play() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.ARAnimation
Playing animation
- play() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.ARAnimationTranslation2
- play() - Method in class com.supermap.plot.AnimationManager
- play() - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.FlyManager
Start the flight according to the route specified by the returned route collection (
), or continue the interrupted flight. - PLAY - Static variable in class com.supermap.realspace.FlyStatus
Is flying.
- playAll() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.ARAnimationManager
Plays all animations
- playAnimationGroups(int[]) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.ARAnimationManager
Starts to play the animation group according to the index array
- playBegin(AnimationPlayBeginEvent) - Method in interface com.supermap.plot.AnimationPlayBeginListener
Begins to play
- playFinish(AnimationPlayFinishEvent) - Method in interface com.supermap.plot.AnimationPlayFinishListener
- PlayingState - Static variable in class com.supermap.plot.AnimationDefine.AnimationGroupPlayState
- playSound(String) - Method in class com.supermap.plugin.SpeakPlugin
Broadcast the voice.
- Plot3D_Dev - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.Module
Dimensional drawing development module
- Plot3D_Runtime - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.Module
Dimensional plotting operation module
- Plot_Dev - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.Module
Dimensional drawing development module
- Plot_Runtime - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.Module
Two-dimensional plotting operation module
- PNG - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.ImageFormatType
PNG format.
- POIInfo - Class in com.supermap.mapping.speech
POI information
- POIInfo(String, Point2D) - Constructor for class com.supermap.mapping.speech.POIInfo
- POIInfo - Class in com.supermap.onlineservices
POI information class.
- POIInfo() - Constructor for class com.supermap.onlineservices.POIInfo
The default constructor for constructing a new object.
- POINT - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.DatasetType
The point dataset is used to store the point objects, such as distributing of the disperse points in this figure.
- Point - Class in com.supermap.data
The pixel point class.
- Point(int, int) - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.Point
The pixel coordinates (x,y) of the input point.
- Point() - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.Point
The default pixel coordinates is (0,0)
- POINT - Static variable in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeGraphType
Dot chart
- POINT - Static variable in class com.supermap.realspace.Layer3DVectorFileDataType
Deprecated.Point type.
- Point2D - Class in com.supermap.data
The instance of the point class is the point object, which is used to represent the point with double coordinate values ranging from 5.0*1e-324 to 卤1.7*1e308, with 15-16 effective digits.
- Point2D() - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.Point2D
Constructs a new Point2D object.
- Point2D(double, double) - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.Point2D
Creates a new Point2D object according to the specified arguments.
- Point2D(Point2D) - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.Point2D
Constructs a new object identical to the given Point2D object.
- Point2Ds - Class in com.supermap.data
The Point2Ds calss.
- Point2Ds() - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.Point2Ds
Constructs a new Point2Ds object.
- Point2Ds(Point2D[]) - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.Point2Ds
Creates a new Point2Ds object according to the specified arguments.
- Point2Ds(Point2Ds) - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.Point2Ds
Constructs a new object identical to the given Point2Ds object.
- Point3D - Class in com.supermap.ar
AR scene 3D point
- Point3D(float, float, float) - Constructor for class com.supermap.ar.Point3D
create a 3D point
- Point3D(Point3D) - Constructor for class com.supermap.ar.Point3D
create a 3D point
- Point3D() - Constructor for class com.supermap.ar.Point3D
Construction method
- POINT3D - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.DatasetType
Point3D dataset.The Point3D dataset is mainly used to store the 3D point objects.
- Point3D - Class in com.supermap.data
The Point3D class.
- Point3D() - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.Point3D
Constructs a new Point3D object.
- Point3D(double, double, double) - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.Point3D
Creates a new Point3D object according to the specified arguments.
- Point3D(Point3D) - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.Point3D
Constructs a new object identical to the given Point3D object.
- Point3Ds - Class in com.supermap.data
Point3Ds object.
- Point3Ds() - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.Point3Ds
Constructs a new Point3Ds object.
- Point3Ds(Point3Ds) - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.Point3Ds
Constructs a new object identical to the given Point3Ds object.
- Point3Ds(Point3D[]) - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.Point3Ds
Creates a new Point3Ds object according to the specified arguments.
- POINT_DRAG_LINE - Static variable in class com.supermap.mapping.SnapMode
Snap along the line
- POINT_LIGHT - Static variable in class com.supermap.realspace.LightTypes
- POINT_ON_ENDPOINT - Static variable in class com.supermap.mapping.SnapMode
End point snap
- POINT_ON_LINE - Static variable in class com.supermap.mapping.SnapMode
Snap point on the line
- POINT_ON_POINT - Static variable in class com.supermap.mapping.SnapMode
Node snap
- PointDensityChart - Class in com.supermap.mapping.imChart
Point desity chart class
- PointDensityChart(Context, MapView) - Constructor for class com.supermap.mapping.imChart.PointDensityChart
The constructor.
- PointDensityChart(Context) - Constructor for class com.supermap.mapping.imChart.PointDensityChart
The constructor.
- PointDensityChart(Context, AttributeSet) - Constructor for class com.supermap.mapping.imChart.PointDensityChart
The constructor.
- PointM - Class in com.supermap.data
The PointM class.
- PointM() - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.PointM
Constructs a new PointM object.
- PointM(double, double, double) - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.PointM
Creates a new PointM object according to the specified arguments.
- PointM(PointM) - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.PointM
Constructs a new object identical to the given PointM object.
- PointMs - Class in com.supermap.data
The PointMs class.
- PointMs() - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.PointMs
Constructs a new PointMs object.
- PointMs(PointM[]) - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.PointMs
Creates a new PointMsobject according to the specified arguments.
- PointMs(PointMs) - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.PointMs
Constructs a new object identical to the given PointMs object.
- PointOnLine(Point3D, Point3D, Point3D, float) - Static method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.PolygonUtils
- POIQuery - Class in com.supermap.onlineservices
POI query service class.
- POIQuery(Context) - Constructor for class com.supermap.onlineservices.POIQuery
- POIQuery.POIQueryCallback - Interface in com.supermap.onlineservices
POI query callback.
- POIQueryParameter - Class in com.supermap.onlineservices
The query parameter class.
- POIQueryParameter() - Constructor for class com.supermap.onlineservices.POIQueryParameter
The default constructor for constructing a new
object. - POIQueryResult - Class in com.supermap.onlineservices
The POI query result class.
- POIQueryResult() - Constructor for class com.supermap.onlineservices.POIQueryResult
The default constructor for constructing a new
object. - PolygonUtils - Class in com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset
Polygon tools & mathematical calculations
- PolygonUtils() - Constructor for class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.PolygonUtils
- POLYLINE - Static variable in class com.supermap.plot.AnimationDefine.PathType
Broken lines
- PolymerChart - Class in com.supermap.mapping.imChart
polymer chart class.
- PolymerChart(Context, MapView) - Constructor for class com.supermap.mapping.imChart.PolymerChart
- PolymerChart(Context) - Constructor for class com.supermap.mapping.imChart.PolymerChart
- PolymerChart(Context, AttributeSet) - Constructor for class com.supermap.mapping.imChart.PolymerChart
- PoseData - Class in com.supermap.ar.areffect.gnss
- PoseData(Vector3, Quaternion) - Constructor for class com.supermap.ar.areffect.gnss.PoseData
- PoseMixer - Class in com.supermap.ar.areffect.gnss
Attitude mixer
- PoseMixer(EffectView) - Constructor for class com.supermap.ar.areffect.gnss.PoseMixer
- PoseMixer0 - Class in com.supermap.ar.areffect.gnss
Attitude mixer Features: Calibration of AR position at intervals, breakpoints are more obvious (smoother than PoseMixer)
- PoseMixer0(EffectView) - Constructor for class com.supermap.ar.areffect.gnss.PoseMixer0
The constructor
- PoseMixer1 - Class in com.supermap.ar.areffect.gnss
Cumulative calculation fusion Features: a small number of breakpoints, AR combined with GPS, a step-by-step correction process
- PoseMixer1(EffectView) - Constructor for class com.supermap.ar.areffect.gnss.PoseMixer1
The constructor
- PoseMixer2 - Class in com.supermap.ar.areffect.gnss
Pose fusion
- PoseMixer2(EffectView) - Constructor for class com.supermap.ar.areffect.gnss.PoseMixer2
- PoseMixer3 - Class in com.supermap.ar.areffect.gnss
Attitude fender3.0 todo
- PoseMixer3(EffectView) - Constructor for class com.supermap.ar.areffect.gnss.PoseMixer3
The constructor
- PoseMixer4 - Class in com.supermap.ar.areffect.gnss
Attitude fusion 4 -- weight fusion
- PoseMixer4(EffectView) - Constructor for class com.supermap.ar.areffect.gnss.PoseMixer4
The constructor
- PoseMixerConfig - Class in com.supermap.ar.areffect.gnss
Attitude mixer configuration
- PoseMixerConfig() - Constructor for class com.supermap.ar.areffect.gnss.PoseMixerConfig
- PoseUtils - Class in com.supermap.ar.areffect.utils
Pose tool Quaternion, Euler Angle, rotation matrix conversion
- PoseUtils() - Constructor for class com.supermap.ar.areffect.utils.PoseUtils
- postRunnable(Runnable) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.SceneControl
Add a task to the rendering thread.
- Precision(double) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.TrackingMoveHelper
Animation interval
- prepare() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.record.AREffectViewRecorder
Recording preparation Each preparation action will generate a new video name based on the timestamp, After the start->stop command is executed next time, the recording result is saved to the same name.
- prepare() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.record.EffectViewRecorder
Prepare to record The function will generate a new video name according to the time stamp for each preparation After executing start -> stop next time, saves the records as the name
- PresetUtils - Class in com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset
Predefined tool class Main function: Inserts points between two points (or a point set).
- PresetUtils() - Constructor for class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.PresetUtils
- PRIMEMERIDIAN_ATHENS - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoPrimeMeridianType
23掳42'58".815 E.
- PRIMEMERIDIAN_BERN - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoPrimeMeridianType
7掳26'22".5 E.
- PRIMEMERIDIAN_BOGOTA - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoPrimeMeridianType
74掳04'51".3 W.
- PRIMEMERIDIAN_BRUSSELS - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoPrimeMeridianType
4掳22'04".71 E.
- PRIMEMERIDIAN_FERRO - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoPrimeMeridianType
17掳40'00" W.
- PRIMEMERIDIAN_GREENWICH - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoPrimeMeridianType
Greenwich prime meridian.
- PRIMEMERIDIAN_JAKARTA - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoPrimeMeridianType
106掳48'27".79 E.
- PRIMEMERIDIAN_LISBON - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoPrimeMeridianType
9掳07'54".862 W
- PRIMEMERIDIAN_MADRID - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoPrimeMeridianType
3掳41'16".58 W.
- PRIMEMERIDIAN_PARIS - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoPrimeMeridianType
2掳20'14".025 E.
- PRIMEMERIDIAN_ROME - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoPrimeMeridianType
12掳27'08".4 E.
- PRIMEMERIDIAN_STOCKHOLM - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoPrimeMeridianType
18掳03'29".8 E.
- PRIMEMERIDIAN_USER_DEFINED - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoPrimeMeridianType
- Primitives - Class in com.supermap.ar.areffect.gltfModel
Basic graphic element information
- Primitives() - Constructor for class com.supermap.ar.areffect.gltfModel.Primitives
- PrivateCloudLicenseManager - Class in com.supermap.data
The private cloud license manager class.Used to manage the online license information for the current device.
- PrivateCloudLicenseManager() - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.PrivateCloudLicenseManager
- PrivateCloudLicenseManager.privateCloudLicInfo - Class in com.supermap.data
Private cloud official license information class
- PrivateCloudLicenseManager.privateLicQueryCallback - Interface in com.supermap.data
Search private cloud license callback listener
- privateCloudLicInfo() - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.PrivateCloudLicenseManager.privateCloudLicInfo
- privateServiceWithCompletion(OnlineService3D.OnlineService3DCallBackListener) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.OnlineService3D
Return 3D service collection information in parameters of successful callback
- PRJ_ALBERS - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.ProjectionType
- PRJ_BEHRMANN - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.ProjectionType
- PRJ_BONNE - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.ProjectionType
- PRJ_BONNE_SOUTH_ORIENTATED - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.ProjectionType
Bonne South Oriented.
- PRJ_CASSINI - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.ProjectionType
- PRJ_CHINA_AZIMUTHAL - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.ProjectionType
China azimuthal.
- PRJ_CONFORMAL_AZIMUTHAL - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.ProjectionType
Conformal azimuthal.
- PRJ_ECKERT_I - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.ProjectionType
Eckert I.
- PRJ_ECKERT_II - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.ProjectionType
Eckert II.
- PRJ_ECKERT_III - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.ProjectionType
Eckert III.
- PRJ_ECKERT_IV - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.ProjectionType
Eckert IV.
- PRJ_ECKERT_V - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.ProjectionType
Eckert V.
- PRJ_ECKERT_VI - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.ProjectionType
Eckert VI.
- PRJ_EQUALAREA_CYLINDRICAL - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.ProjectionType
EqualArea Cylindrical.
- PRJ_EQUIDISTANT_AZIMUTHAL - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.ProjectionType
Equidistant Azimuthal.
- PRJ_EQUIDISTANT_CONIC - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.ProjectionType
PRJ_EQUIDISTANT_CYLINDRICAL - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.ProjectionType
Equidistant Cylindrical.
- PRJ_GALL_STEREOGRAPHIC - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.ProjectionType
Gall Stereographic.
- PRJ_GAUSS_KRUGER - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.ProjectionType
Gauss-Kruger projection.
- PRJ_GNOMONIC - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.ProjectionType
- PRJ_HOTINE - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.ProjectionType
- PRJ_HOTINE_AZIMUTH_NATORIGIN - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.ProjectionType
Hotine Azimuth Natorigin.
- PRJ_HOTINE_OBLIQUE_MERCATOR - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.ProjectionType
Hotine Oblique Mercator
- PRJ_LAMBERT_AZIMUTHAL_EQUAL_AREA - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.ProjectionType
Lambert Azimuthal Equal Area.
- PRJ_LAMBERT_CONFORMAL_CONIC - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.ProjectionType
Lambert Conformal Conic.
- PRJ_LOXIMUTHAL - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.ProjectionType
- PRJ_MERCATOR - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.ProjectionType
Mercator projection is the cylindrical projection.
- PRJ_MILLER_CYLINDRICAL - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.ProjectionType
Miller Cylindrical This projection is similar to the Mercator projection except that the polar regions are not as alreally distorted.
- PRJ_MOLLWEIDE - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.ProjectionType
Mollweide projection.
- PRJ_NONPROJECTION - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.ProjectionType
- PRJ_OBLIQUE_MERCATOR - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.ProjectionType
Oblique Mercator.
- PRJ_OBLIQUE_STEREOGRAPHIC - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.ProjectionType
Oblique Stereographic.
- PRJ_ORTHO_GRAPHIC - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.ProjectionType
- PRJ_PLATE_CARREE - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.ProjectionType
Plate Carree.
- PRJ_POLYCONIC - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.ProjectionType
PRJ_QUARTIC_AUTHALIC - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.ProjectionType
Quartic Authalic.
- PRJ_ROBINSON - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.ProjectionType
- PRJ_SANSON - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.ProjectionType
Sanson projection.
- PRJ_SINUSOIDAL - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.ProjectionType
- PRJ_SPHERE_MERCATOR - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.ProjectionType
Sphere Mercator.
- PRJ_STEREOGRAPHIC - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.ProjectionType
- PRJ_TRANSVERSE_MERCATOR - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.ProjectionType
Transverse Mercator.
- PRJ_TWO_POINT_EQUIDISTANT - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.ProjectionType
Two-Point Equidistant.
- PRJ_VAN_DER_GRINTEN_I - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.ProjectionType
- PRJ_WINKEL_I - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.ProjectionType
Winkel I.
- PRJ_WINKEL_II - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.ProjectionType
Winkel II.
- PrjCoordSys - Class in com.supermap.data
The projected coordinate system class.
- PrjCoordSys() - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSys
Constructs a new PrjCoordSys object.
- PrjCoordSys(PrjCoordSysType) - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSys
Creates a new PrjCoordSys object according to the specified arguments.
- PrjCoordSys(GeoCoordSys, Projection, PrjParameter, String) - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSys
Creates a new PrjCoordSys object according to the specified arguments.
- PrjCoordSys(PrjCoordSys) - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSys
Constructs a new object identical to the given PrjCoordSys object.
- PrjCoordSysParameter - Class in com.supermap.ar.areffect
Projection conversion parameter
- PrjCoordSysParameter() - Constructor for class com.supermap.ar.areffect.PrjCoordSysParameter
- PrjCoordSysTranslatorListener - Interface in com.supermap.mapping
The custom projection transformation class.
- PrjCoordSysType - Class in com.supermap.data
Defines geographic coordinate system types.
- PrjFileType - Class in com.supermap.data
Defines the Projection file types.
- PrjFileVersion - Class in com.supermap.data
Defines the projections file version constants.
- PrjParameter - Class in com.supermap.data
The projection parameter class.
- PrjParameter() - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.PrjParameter
Constructs a new PrjParameter object.
- PrjParameter(PrjParameter) - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.PrjParameter
Constructs a new object identical to the given PrjParameter object.
- processMyInvatation(List<Integer>, InviteFeedbackStatus, String, OnlineCallBack.CallBackString) - Static method in class com.supermap.onlineservices.OnlineService
Accepts or refuses the invitation (updating invitation status of multiple groups)
- ProfileResult - Class in com.supermap.analyst.spatialanalyst
The profile analysis result
- progress(double, double) - Method in interface com.supermap.realspace.ProgressListener
Downloading progress callback.
- ProgressListener - Interface in com.supermap.realspace
Progress listener for downloading.
- ProgressRequestBody - Class in com.supermap.services.iportalservices
Customizes RequestBody what supports to response the uploading progress
- ProgressRequestBody() - Constructor for class com.supermap.services.iportalservices.ProgressRequestBody
- ProgressRequestBody.ProgressListener - Interface in com.supermap.services.iportalservices
The callback listener
- ProgressResponseBody - Class in com.supermap.services.iportalservices
Customizes ResponseBody what supports to response the downloading progress
- ProgressResponseBody() - Constructor for class com.supermap.services.iportalservices.ProgressResponseBody
- ProgressResponseBody.ProgressListener - Interface in com.supermap.services.iportalservices
The callback listener
- Projection - Class in com.supermap.data
The projected coordinate system projection class.
- Projection() - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.Projection
Construct a new Projection object.
- Projection(ProjectionType) - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.Projection
Creates a new Projection object according to the specified arguments.
- Projection(Projection) - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.Projection
Constructs a new object identical to the given Projection object.
- projectionFromXML(String) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.ProjectionImage
- ProjectionImage - Class in com.supermap.realspace
- ProjectionImage(Scene) - Constructor for class com.supermap.realspace.ProjectionImage
- projectionToXML(String) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.ProjectionImage
- ProjectionType - Class in com.supermap.data
Defines the type of the projection of the projected coordinate system.
- publicServiceWithCompletion(LoginCallBackListenner) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.OLAccountManager
Public service callback event.
- publicServiceWithCompletion(OnlineService3D.OnlineService3DCallBackListener) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.OnlineService3D
Return 3D service collection information in parameters of successful callback Get the online public service callback event.
- publishService(String, EnumServiceType, OnlineCallBack.CallBackString) - Static method in class com.supermap.onlineservices.OnlineService
Publishes service
- QTREE - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.SpatialIndexType
Quadtree Index Quadtree index is an effective 2D spatial index, and its basic idea is: the entire working space is encoded to 0, with horizontal and vertical lines divided into four parts, which are encoded to 00, 01, 02 and 03 as the order, the upper left corner is 00, the lower right corner is 03; the same way to divide each grid, e.g., the grid 00 is divided into 000, 001, 002 and 003.
- QUADRANGLE - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.mapGrid.MapGridShape
- QUADRANGLE - Static variable in class com.supermap.mapping.LayerGridAggregationType
- QUANTILE - Static variable in class com.supermap.mapping.RangeMode
Equal Count.
- query(QueryParameter) - Method in class com.supermap.data.DatasetVector
Queries records through setting query parameters.
- query(int[], CursorType) - Method in class com.supermap.data.DatasetVector
Query by ID.
- query(Rectangle2D, String, CursorType) - Method in class com.supermap.data.DatasetVector
Used to query the records that falls in certain extent and meet the conditions.
- query(Rectangle2D, CursorType) - Method in class com.supermap.data.DatasetVector
Query records which locate in the given space bounds.
- query(String, CursorType) - Method in class com.supermap.data.DatasetVector
Queries vector dataset with the query filter.This method is used to query the spatial data and the attribute data.
- query(Geometry, double, CursorType) - Method in class com.supermap.data.DatasetVector
Queries the records in the buffer zone of the specified Geometry object.
- query(Geometry, double, String, CursorType) - Method in class com.supermap.data.DatasetVector
Query records which locate in the buffer zone of the specified Geometry object and satisfy certain condition at the same time.
- query(String) - Method in class com.supermap.data.RecycleLicenseManager
Query available modules, and return the result by callback.
- query(Rectangle2D) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.dyn.DynamicView
Queries the data in quadtree by bounds.
- query(int[]) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.dyn.DynamicView
Queries the data in quadtree by ID array.
- query(int) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.dyn.DynamicView
Gets the dynamic data by the given ID.
- query(POIQueryParameter) - Method in class com.supermap.onlineservices.POIQuery
POI query
- query(ServiceQueryParameter, QueryMode) - Method in class com.supermap.services.QueryService
Query Rest service.
- query(String, ServiceQueryParameter, QueryMode) - Method in class com.supermap.services.QueryService
Query Rest map service.
- queryARGeoLine(String, int) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.AR.ArControl2
Search AR geometrical lines
- queryARName(String, int, String) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.AR.ArControl2
Searches the name relative to spot id
- queryARRecordsetData(String, ArrayList<String>, ArrayList<Double>, ArrayList<Double>) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.AR.ArControl2
Searches all data of AR spots including name, x-coordinate, y-coordinate
- queryByFilter(String, Geometry, int) - Method in class com.supermap.data.DatasetVector
Spatial query, query the recordset which meets the field condition within specified spatial range The way to get the results:
DatasetVector.setQueryListener(QueryListener listener)
- queryByKeyword(String, String, Geometry, int) - Method in class com.supermap.data.DatasetVector
Attributes query.
- queryByTag(String) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.dyn.DynamicView
According to the label query dynamic object, return the dynamic object list containing the same label.
- queryFailed(String) - Method in interface com.supermap.onlineservices.POIQuery.POIQueryCallback
Failed to query
- queryFormalLicense(PrivateCloudLicenseManager.privateLicQueryCallback) - Method in class com.supermap.data.PrivateCloudLicenseManager
Search private cloud official license.
- QueryFormalLicenseResponse - Class in com.supermap.data.license
License search information class
- QueryFormalLicenseResponse() - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.license.QueryFormalLicenseResponse
- queryLicense(QueryFormalLicenseResponse) - Method in interface com.supermap.data.CloudLicenseManager.LicenseLoginCallback
Search license
- queryLicense() - Method in class com.supermap.data.CloudLicenseManager
Search license
- queryLicenseCount(String) - Method in class com.supermap.data.RecycleLicenseManager
Search the number of licenses
- queryLicenseCount(JSONArray) - Method in interface com.supermap.data.RecycleLicenseManager.RecycleLicenseCallback
Returns the number of licenses
- QueryListener - Interface in com.supermap.data
Query listener, when querying with
DatasetVector.queryByFilter(String, Geometry, int)
orDatasetVector.queryByFilter(String, Geometry, int)
, Because they are asynchronous queries, it is needed to use this listener to obtain the results of the query, - QueryMode - Class in com.supermap.services
This class defines constants of the query modes for iServer.
- QueryOnline - Class in com.supermap.distributeanalystservices
one object query class.
- QueryOnline() - Constructor for class com.supermap.distributeanalystservices.QueryOnline
- QueryOnline.QueryType - Enum in com.supermap.distributeanalystservices
query type: DATASET_QUERY query object dataset GEOMETRY_QUERY query geometry object
- QueryOption - Class in com.supermap.services
The enumeration class for the types of the query result.
- QueryParameter - Class in com.supermap.data
The query parameter class.
- QueryParameter() - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.QueryParameter
Constructs a new QueryParameter object.
- QueryParameter(QueryParameter) - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.QueryParameter
Constructs a new object identical to the given QueryParameter object.
- queryResult(Dataset, String, Vector<Integer>) - Method in interface com.supermap.data.QueryListener
Spatial query, query the recordset which meets the field condition within specified spatial range
- queryResult(ArrayList<Module>) - Method in interface com.supermap.data.RecycleLicenseManager.RecycleLicenseCallback
Callback when successfully query, and return available modules under this license
- QueryService - Class in com.supermap.services
The QueryService class Users need to set related callback setResponseCallback, which can get the operation result and server response, etc.
- QueryService(String) - Constructor for class com.supermap.services.QueryService
Constructs a query service by URL.
- querySuccess(POIQueryResult) - Method in interface com.supermap.onlineservices.POIQuery.POIQueryCallback
Successful query
- queryUserByName(String, OnResponseListener) - Method in class com.supermap.services.iportalservices.IPortalService
Searches the user according to its nickname or user name
- quitEditMode() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.speech.SpeechControl
Exits the layer edit pattern and enter into the speech control pattern
- RADIAL - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.FillGradientMode
A radial gradient.
- RADIAN - Static variable in class com.supermap.analyst.spatialanalyst.SlopeType
Takes the arc as the unit to express the slope
- RADIAN - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.Unit
- RAINBOW - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.ColorGradientType
Rainbow gradient color.
- RANGE - Static variable in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeType
The ranges map.
- RangeMode - Class in com.supermap.mapping
This class specifies the constants that define the methods used to create ranges.
- RasterClip - Class in com.supermap.analyst.spatialanalyst
Raster clip class.
- RasterClipFileType - Class in com.supermap.analyst.spatialanalyst
This class defines the raster clip file type.
- readCsv(String) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.utils.VideoDatasetVectorHelper
Read the CSV file from the SD card path
- readFileFromAssets(String) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.ARCsvReader
Read files from \assets by filename
- readFileFromSdCard(String) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.ARCsvReader
Read CSV files from the SD card
- readVideo(String) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.utils.VideoDatasetVectorHelper
Set the width and height of the video
- readVideoParameters(byte[]) - Static method in class com.supermap.videomap.VideoMapUtils
Read video parameters
- readVideoParameters(DatasetVector) - Static method in class com.supermap.videomap.VideoMapUtils
Read the video parameters in the video data set
- Realspace_Analyst_Dev - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.Module
Dimensional analysis development module
- Realspace_Analyst_Runtime - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.Module
Three-dimensional analysis of the running module
- Realspace_Dev - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.Module
3D scene development module
- Realspace_Effect_Dev - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.Module
Three - dimensional effects development module
- Realspace_Effect_Runtime - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.Module
Three - dimensional effects running module
- Realspace_Runtime - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.Module
3D scene running module
- RealspaceMultiViewportModeHorizontal - Static variable in class com.supermap.realspace.MultiViewportMode
Horizontal-multi-view mode.
- RealspaceMultiViewportModeNone - Static variable in class com.supermap.realspace.MultiViewportMode
Non-multi-view mode, means only one view.
- RealspaceMultiViewportModeQuad - Static variable in class com.supermap.realspace.MultiViewportMode
Four-view mode.
- RealspaceMultiViewportModeTriple - Static variable in class com.supermap.realspace.MultiViewportMode
Three-view mode.
- RealspaceMultiViewportModeVertical - Static variable in class com.supermap.realspace.MultiViewportMode
Vertical-multi-view mode.
- reBuildSpatialIndex() - Method in class com.supermap.data.DatasetVector
In the original spatial index based on the reconstruction, if the original spatial index is destroyed, then the reconstruction can continue to use after the success.
- receive() - Method in class com.supermap.messagequeue.STOMPReceiver
Receive message It's needed to perform the operation in sub thread
- receiveDataComplete(String) - Method in interface com.supermap.ai.AIOnline.AIOnlineListener
Data-receiving result listener
- receiveMessage() - Method in class com.supermap.messagequeue.AMQPReceiver
Receive message It's needed to perform the operation in sub thread.
- receiveMessage() - Method in class com.supermap.messagequeue.MQTTClient
Receive the message You need to perform this operation on a child thread
- receiveResponse(FeatureSet) - Method in interface com.supermap.services.ResponseCallback
Callback when received the response result from the server.
- RecorderStatus - Enum in com.supermap.ar.areffect.record
Status of recording Records views and instant postures
- RecordParameter - Class in com.supermap.ar.areffect
record parameters Direct sub class: UAV parameters
AR parametersARRecordParameter
- RecordParameter() - Constructor for class com.supermap.ar.areffect.RecordParameter
The constructor.
- Recordset - Class in com.supermap.data
The recordset class.
- Recordset.BatchEditor - Class in com.supermap.data
This class is the nested class of the Recordset class which provides the batch edit of the records.
- RECT - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.TransformationMode
Rectangle registration
- RECT - Static variable in class com.supermap.mapping.LabelBackShape
Rectangle background.
- Rectangle2D - Class in com.supermap.data
The Rectangle2D class.
- Rectangle2D() - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.Rectangle2D
Constructs a new Rectangle2D object, its coordinate value is -1.7976931348623157e+308.
- Rectangle2D(Rectangle2D) - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.Rectangle2D
Constructs a new object identical to the given Rectangle2D object.
- Rectangle2D(Point2D, double, double) - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.Rectangle2D
Creates a new Rectangle2D object according to the specified arguments.
- Rectangle2D(Point2D, Point2D) - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.Rectangle2D
Creates a new Rectangle2D object according to the specified arguments.
- Rectangle2D(double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.Rectangle2D
Creates a new Rectangle2D object according to the specified arguments.
- Rectangle2D(Point2D, Size2D) - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.Rectangle2D
Creates a new Rectangle2D object according to the specified arguments.
- recycleLicense(int) - Method in interface com.supermap.data.CloudLicenseManager.LicenseLoginCallback
Returns license.
- recycleLicense(String, String) - Method in class com.supermap.data.CloudLicenseManager
Returns license
- recycleLicense(String) - Method in class com.supermap.data.RecycleLicenseManager
Return license.
- recycleLicenseFailed(String) - Method in interface com.supermap.data.RecycleLicenseManager.RecycleLicenseCallback
Trigger when license is failed to return
- RecycleLicenseManager - Class in com.supermap.data
The license recycle manager class.
- RecycleLicenseManager() - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.RecycleLicenseManager
- RecycleLicenseManager.RecycleLicenseCallback - Interface in com.supermap.data
The recycle license activation callback interface
- REDBLACK - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.ColorGradientType
Red, black gradient color .
- redo() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.collector.Collector
- redo() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.MapControl
Redoes the last map operation that was undone by the undo method as well as if the CanRedo property is true.
- reDrawByArPoint() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.ARGeoLine
- reDrawByArPoint() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.ARGeoPoint
- reDrawByArPoint() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.ARGeoPrism
- reDrawByGeoPoint() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.ARGeoLine
- reDrawByGeoPoint() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.ARGeoPoint
Redraw (height does not change)
- reDrawByGeoPoint() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.ARGeoPrism
- reDrawByNewHeight(List<Float>) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.ARGeoPrism
- reducerVerticalThreshold(List<Point2D>) - Method in class com.supermap.data.PathSmoothTool
Rarefies traces
- REDWHITE - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.ColorGradientType
Red, white gradient color.
- refresh(long) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.CameraWindowRenderer
- refresh() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.CameraWindowRenderer
- refresh() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.OcclusionHelper
- refresh() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.ARDynamicGeometry
- refresh() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.ARRealMap
- refresh() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.dyn.DynamicView
Refreshes the dynamic layer.
- refresh() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Map
Redraws the current map.
- refresh() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.MapView
Refreshes the map.
- refresh() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.MapViewGroup
Redraw the current map and refresh the current map window.
- refresh(double, Rectangle2D) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.MapViewGroup
Redraw the current map and refresh the current map with the specified scale in the specified extent.
- refresh() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.UserMapView
refresh surface
- refresh() - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Scene
Refresh the 3D map scene.
- RefreshListener - Interface in com.supermap.mapping
Map refresh listener
- REGION - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.DatasetType
Polygon dataset is used to store region objects, like the distributing of residential areas and administrative area.
- REGION - Static variable in class com.supermap.realspace.Layer3DVectorFileDataType
Deprecated.Region type.
- REGION3D - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.DatasetType
Region3D dataset.The Region3D dataset is mainly used to store the 3D region objects.
- regionToCenterLine(Recordset, Datasource, String) - Static method in class com.supermap.analyst.spatialanalyst.Generalization
Extracts center lines from regions
- regionToCenterLine(GeoRegion, Point2D, Point2D) - Static method in class com.supermap.analyst.spatialanalyst.Generalization
Extracts center lines from regions
- regionToCenterLine(GeoRegion) - Static method in class com.supermap.analyst.spatialanalyst.Generalization
Extracts center lines from regions
- registerListener() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.OrientationListener
Registers acceleration and geomagnetic field sensor listener Calls in onResume
- registerWithEmail(String, String, String, OnlineCallBack.CallBackString) - Static method in class com.supermap.onlineservices.OnlineService
E-mail registration
- registerWithPhone(String, String, String, String, OnlineCallBack.CallBackString) - Static method in class com.supermap.onlineservices.OnlineService
Registers with a phone number
- regularizeBuildingFootprint(DatasetVector, Datasource, String, RegularizeParameter, boolean) - Static method in class com.supermap.analyst.spatialanalyst.Generalization
Regularizes buildings
- regularizeBuildingFootprint(Geometry, RegularizeParameter, PrjCoordSys) - Static method in class com.supermap.data.Geometrist
- RegularizeMethod - Class in com.supermap.data
- RegularizeParameter - Class in com.supermap.data
- RegularizeParameter() - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.RegularizeParameter
- RelationalChartPoint - Class in com.supermap.mapping.imChart
Relation chart point class
- RelationalChartPoint() - Constructor for class com.supermap.mapping.imChart.RelationalChartPoint
The default constructor.
- RelationalChartPoint(Point2D, float) - Constructor for class com.supermap.mapping.imChart.RelationalChartPoint
The constructor.
- RelationPointChart - Class in com.supermap.mapping.imChart
relation point chart class
- RelationPointChart(Context) - Constructor for class com.supermap.mapping.imChart.RelationPointChart
The constructor.
- RelationPointChart(Context, AttributeSet) - Constructor for class com.supermap.mapping.imChart.RelationPointChart
The constructor.
- RelationPointChart(Context, MapView) - Constructor for class com.supermap.mapping.imChart.RelationPointChart
The constructor.
- RELATIVE_TO_GROUND - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.AltitudeMode
- reLayout() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.imChart.ChartsView
This method needs to be called to re-layout after modifying the layout, such as legend position, size, width and column number etc.
- release() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.VideoEffectView2
The release of MediaPlayer
- reload() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.view.LayerListView
Reload the map
- reLoadModel() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.ARGltfElement
Loads models again
- reloadView() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.view.SymbolLibView
Reloads data
- remainCpuQuota - Variable in class com.supermap.data.PrivateCloudLicenseManager.privateCloudLicInfo
The available CPU quota
- remainDays - Variable in class com.supermap.data.license.LicenseInfo
The rest days of license. 0 means permanent
- remainNum - Variable in class com.supermap.data.PrivateCloudLicenseManager.privateCloudLicInfo
The number of available licenses
- remarks - Variable in class com.supermap.data.license.LicenseInfo
- remove(int) - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.SupplyCenters
Removes the SupplyCenter object with the specified index.
- remove(String) - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.WeightFieldInfos
Removes the WeightFieldInfo object from the WeightFieldInfos according to the specified name.
- remove(int) - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.WeightFieldInfos
Removes the WeightFieldInfo object from the WeightFieldInfos according to the specified index.
- remove(String) - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst3d.WeightFieldInfos3D
Removes the WeightFieldInfo3D object that has been specified the name from the WeightFieldInfos3D object.
- remove(int) - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst3d.WeightFieldInfos3D
Removes the WeightFieldInfo3D object that has been indexed from the WeightFieldInfos3D object.
- remove(ArObject) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.World
Removes arObject from a scene
- remove(int) - Method in class com.supermap.data.Colors
Removes one color starting at a specified index in the collection.
- remove(int) - Method in class com.supermap.data.FieldInfos
Removes the elements with the specified index number from current FeildInfos.
- remove(String) - Method in class com.supermap.data.FieldInfos
Removes the FieldInfo object with the specified name from current FieldInfos.
- remove(int) - Method in class com.supermap.data.JoinItems
Removes the JoinItem object with the specified index from this JoinItems object.
- remove(int) - Method in class com.supermap.data.Maps
Delete the map of the specified serial number in this map collection object.
- remove(String) - Method in class com.supermap.data.Maps
Delete the map of the specified name in this map collection object.
- remove(int) - Method in class com.supermap.data.Point2Ds
Removes the Point2D object with the specified index from this Point2Ds object.
- remove(int) - Method in class com.supermap.data.Point3Ds
Removes the Point2D object with the specified index from this Point2Ds object.
- remove(int) - Method in class com.supermap.data.PointMs
Removes the PointM object with the specified index from this PointMs object.
- remove(int) - Method in class com.supermap.data.Scenes
Deletes a saved scene with the specified index in the workspace.
- remove(String) - Method in class com.supermap.data.Scenes
Deletes a saved scene with the specified name in the workspace.
- remove(String, boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.data.SymbolGroups
Removes the SymbolGroup object with the specified name in the collection.
- remove(String) - Method in class com.supermap.data.SymbolGroups
Removes the specified group.
- remove(int) - Method in class com.supermap.data.SymbolLibrary
Removes the Symbol object with the specified ID in the SymbolLibrary object.
- remove(int) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.imChart.BarChart
Removes a set of data of the specified sequence number, that is, the data corresponding to the x-axis coordinates.
- remove(int) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.imChart.BarChartData
Removed a data, include its value, color and label.
- remove(int) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.imChart.LegendView
Removes the specified items.
- remove(int) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.imChart.LineChart
Removes the specified line
- remove(int) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.imChart.PieChart
remove data with specified position
- remove(Layer) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.LayerGroup
Removes the specified layer from the group layer.
- remove(int) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Layers
Deletes a layer with the specified index in this layers.True, if the layer has been deleted successfully.
- remove(String) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Layers
Deletes a layer with the specified name in this layers.
- remove(Layer) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Layers
Removes the specified layer from the layer set.
- remove(int) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ScreenLayer
Removes the geometric object of the screen layer with the specified index.
- remove(String) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ScreenLayer
Deletes the object of specified tag, which may contain more than one object
- remove(int) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Selection
Removes a specified geometric object from the Selection and makes it unselected.
- remove(int) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeGraph
Removes the specified item.
- remove(int) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeUnique
Removes the item of the unique values map with the specified index.
- remove(int) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.TrackingLayer
Deletes the geometric object with the given index in the current TrackingLayer.
- remove(int) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Feature3Ds
Removes the specified Feature3D object according its ID.
- remove(Feature3D) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Feature3Ds
Removes the specified Feature3D object.
- remove(Feature3Ds) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Feature3Ds
Removes the specified subobject of the Feature3Ds class which is in the Feature3Ds object.
- remove() - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Routes
Removes the route object at the given index value from the route collection.
- remove(int) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.RouteStops
Removes the stop according to the index.
- remove(String) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.RouteStops
Removes the stop of the specified name
- remove(int) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Selection3D
Removes a specified object from the Selection and makes it unselected.
- remove(int) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.TrackingLayer3D
Remove the geometry event object from the 3D tracking layer.
- remove(double) - Method in class com.supermap.videomap.VideoParameters
Removes the specified time parameter
- removeActionChangedListener(ActionChangedListener) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.MapControl
A listener that the remove action changed.
- RemoveAllAnimationByGeometry(int, String, String) - Method in class com.supermap.plot.AnimationGroup
Removes all animation corresponding with the specified geometry object
- removeAllAnimations() - Method in class com.supermap.plot.AnimationGroup
Removes all animation objects
- removeAllCallOut() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.MapView
Remove all marker controls.
- removeAllData() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.imChart.ChartView
Empty all the data.
- removeAllDynamicView() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.MapView
Remove all dynamic layers.
- removeAllObject(String) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Layer3DDynamicObject
- removeAllObjsOffset() - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Layer3DOSGBFile
Clear all object offsets
- removeAllPathPt() - Method in class com.supermap.plot.AnimationWay
Removes all path points
- removeAllTargetPoints() - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Sightline
Removes the target point of all indexes.
- removeAnimation(int) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.ARAnimationGroup
Removes animations according to indexes
- removeAnimation(String) - Method in class com.supermap.plot.AnimationGroup
Removes animation objects
- removeAnimationGroup(int) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.ARAnimationManager
Removes animation groups according to indexes
- removeAnimationGroup(long) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.ARAnimationManager
Removes animation groups according to id
- removeAnimationPlayBeginListener(AnimationPlayBeginListener) - Method in class com.supermap.plot.AnimationManager
Removes the listener of playing an animation
- removeAnimationPlayFinishListener(AnimationPlayFinishListener) - Method in class com.supermap.plot.AnimationManager
Removes the listener of ending an animation
- removeAt(int) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Feature3Ds
Removes the object with the specified index.
- removeByTag(String) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.dyn.DynamicView
Removes the dynamic object according to the label and returns the object number.
- removeCache() - Method in class com.supermap.data.DatasetImage.MapCacheService
Delete all the local cache, in order to re-obtain data from the server, you can achieve real-time refresh service data.
- removeCache(double, Rectangle2D) - Method in class com.supermap.data.DatasetImage.MapCacheService
Delete the cache for the specified scale and range.
- removeCache() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Layer
Clear the current display cache and refresh again
- removeCallOut(String) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.MapView
Remove marker control by name.
- removeChart(ChartView) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.imChart.TimeLine
Remove related chart.
- removeChartData(String) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.imChart.ChartView
Delete the statistics table for the specified label.
- removeChild(int) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.AREffectElement
Deletes sub objects
- removeChild(long) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.AREffectElement
Deletes sub objects
- removeChild(String) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.AREffectElement
Deletes sub objects
- removeChild(AREffectElement) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.AREffectElement
Removes child node elements
- removeColorLegendItem(int, ColorLegendItem) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Legend
Delete the color values of the specified type.
- removeConfigurationChangedListener(ConfigurationChangedListener) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.MapControl
Removes the listener on the screen rotation event.
- removeDynamicView(DynamicView) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.MapView
Remove a dynamic layer.
- removeEditStatusListener(EditStatusListener) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.MapControl
Removes the edit status listener.
- removeElement(AREffectElement) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.EffectView
Remove elements from the scene
- removeElement(ARParticleElement) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.EffectView
- removeElement(ARGltfElement) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.EffectView
- removeElement(ARViewElement) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.EffectView
- removeElement(ARVideoElement) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.EffectView
- removeElement(ARWebViewElement) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.EffectView
- removeElement(DynamicElement) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.dyn.DynamicView
Removes the dynamic object.
- removeElement(int) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.dyn.DynamicView
Removes the dynamic object.
- removeFlattenRegion(int) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Layer3DOSGBFile
Remove the flattened area of the specified index.
- removeGeometryAddedListener(GeometryAddedListener) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.MapControl
Removes geometry added listener.
- removeGeometryDeletedListener(GeometryDeletedListener) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.MapControl
Removes geometry deleted listener.
- removeGeometryDeletingListener(GeometryDeletingListener) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.MapControl
Removes geometry deleting listener.
- removeGeometryIsSelectedListener(GeometryIsSelectedListener) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.MapControl
Deletes whether to select the listener.
- removeGeometryModifiedListener(GeometryModifiedListener) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.MapControl
Removes geometry modified listener.
- removeGeometryModifyingListener(GeometryModifyingListener) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.MapControl
Removes geometry modifying listener.
- removeGeometrySelectedListener(GeometrySelectedListener) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.MapControl
Removes geometry selected listener.
- removeGroup(LayerGroup) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.LayerGroup
Removes a specified group layer from current group layer.
- removeGroup(LayerGroup) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Layers
Removes the specified group layer from the layer set.
- removeImageListener() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.scanner.HwImageScanner
Remove the listener from the AR scenario Note: Not null
- removeImageListener() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.scanner.ImageScanner
Remove listening from AR scenarios Note: Not null
- removeItem(MarkerItem) - Method in interface com.supermap.ar.areffect.MarkerLayer
removes object
- removeKey(double) - Method in class com.supermap.data.ColorDictionary
Removes the specified items.
- removeLabel(String) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.TrackingLayer
Removes the field displayed in current tracking layer.
- removeLastPoint3D() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.ARGeoPoint
- removeLayerAddedListener(LayerAddedListener) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.LayerGroup
A listener used to receive
- removeLayerAddedListener(LayerAddedListener) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Layers
Removes a listener used to receive
. - removeLayerGroupAddedListener(LayerGroupAddedListener) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Layers
Removes a listener used to receive
. - removeLayerGroupRemovedListener(LayerGroupRemovedListener) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Layers
Removes a listener used to receive
. - removeLayerRemovedListener(LayerRemovedListener) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.LayerGroup
A listener used to receive
- removeLayerRemovedListener(LayerRemovedListener) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Layers
Removes a listener used to receive
. - removeLayersStateListener(LayersStateListener) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Layers
Removes a listener to receive layer adding, modifying, editing events.
- removeLayerWithIndex(int) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Layer3Ds
Used to delete a 3D layer with a specified index from the 3D layer collection.
- removeLayerWithName(String) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Layer3Ds
It is used to delete a 3D layer with a specified name from the 3D layer collection.
- removeLayerWithName(String) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.TerrainLayers
- removeListener(BaseCatchManager.OnUpdateListener) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.BaseCatchManager
Removing listener
- removeListener(MapCacheListener) - Method in class com.supermap.data.DatasetImage.MapCacheService
Removes the precache listener.
- removeLocationChangedListener(LocationChangedListener) - Method in class com.supermap.plugin.LocationManagePlugin
Removes the change listener with the specified location.
- removeMapInertiaListener(MapInertiaListener) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.MapControl
Removes the map inertia listener.
- removeMapParamChangedListener(MapParameterChangedListener) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.MapControl
Removes the map parameter changed listener.
- removeMapView(MapView) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.MapViewGroup
Delete the specified MapView
- removeMeasureListener(MeasureListener) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.MapControl
Removes the measure listener.
- removeMeasureStateListener(MeasureStateListener) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.MapControl
Remove the metric listener
- removeMediaFilesWithBounds(Rectangle2D) - Method in class com.supermap.mdatacollector.MDataCollector
Deletes the collected media data according to the given map bounds.
- removeMediaFilesWithID(int) - Method in class com.supermap.mdatacollector.MDataCollector
Deletes the collected media data according to SMID
- removeNetworkAccessMediaFileListener(NetworkAccessMediaFileListener) - Method in class com.supermap.mdatacollector.MDataCollector
Removes network transmission listener.
- removeNoisePoint(List<Point2D>) - Method in class com.supermap.data.PathSmoothTool
Denoises traces to delete the point that vertical distance is bigger than 20m.
- removeObject(int) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.BaseCatchManager
Removes the captured objects
- removeObject(String, int[]) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Layer3DDynamicObject
- removeObjectsColor(int[]) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Layer3DOSGBFile
Remove the color of the specified ID queue model.
- removeOnTapListener() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.AREffectElement
Removes the click listener
- removeOnTouchListener() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.AREffectElement
Removes the touch listener
- removeOnUpdateListener(EffectView.OnUpdateListener) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.EffectView
Removes the specified update listener
- removeOverlayMap(MapControl) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.MapView
Removes overlaid maps
- removePart(int) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.ARGeoLine
Removes the child object of the corresponding index
- removePart(int) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.ARGeoPoint
Removes the specified ordinal child object from a point set
- removePart(int) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.ARGeoPrism
Remove Part
- removePart(int) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.ARGeoVerticalRegion
Removes the specified object
- removePart(int) - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoCompound
Removes the subobject of the GeoCompound object with the specified index.
- removePart(int) - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoLine
Removes the subobject of the GeoLine object with the specified index.
- removePart(int) - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoLine3D
Removes the subobject of the GeoLine object with the specified index.
- removePart(int) - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoLineM
Removes the part of the GeoLineM object with a specified index.
- removePart(int) - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoRegion
Removes the subobject of the GeoRegion object with the specified index.
- removePart(int) - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoText
Removes the parts of GeoText with the specified index.
- removePart(int) - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoText3D
Removes the parts of GeoText with the specified index.
- removePathPtAt(int) - Method in class com.supermap.plot.AnimationWay
Removes the path point with specified sequence number
- removePlotLibrary(long) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.MapControl
Removes the plot library according to the library ID.
- removePrjCoordSysTransListener(PrjCoordSysTranslatorListener) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Map
Remove the custom projection conversion algorithm interface class
- removePyramid() - Method in class com.supermap.data.DatasetGrid
Removes the pyramid of the grid dataset.
- removePyramid() - Method in class com.supermap.data.DatasetImage
Removes the pyramid of the grid dataset.
- removeRange(int, int) - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.SupplyCenters
Removes the specified count of the SupplyCenter objects starting from the specified index.
- removeRange(int, int) - Method in class com.supermap.data.JoinItems
Removes the specified count of JoinItem objects starting from the specified the index.
- removeRange(int, int) - Method in class com.supermap.data.Point2Ds
Removes the specified count of Point2D objects starting from the specified the index.
- removeRange(int, int) - Method in class com.supermap.data.Point3Ds
Removes the specified count of Point2D objects starting from the specified the index.
- removeRange(int, int) - Method in class com.supermap.data.PointMs
Removes the specified count of PointM objects starting from the specified index.
- removeRange(int, int) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Layers
Deletes the specified count of layers in this layers from the specified index and returns the count of the layer objects that have been deleted.
- removeRange(int, int) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Selection
Removes the specified geometric objects from the Selection and makes them unselected.
- removeRange(int, int) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Selection3D
Removes multiple objects with the start index and the count.
- removeSatelliteStatusListener(SatelliteStatusListener) - Method in class com.supermap.plugin.LocationManagePlugin
Removes the specified satellite status listener.
- removeStatusChangedListener(StatusChangedListener) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.FlyManager
Remove a listener for receiving flight status change events (
). - removeSteppedListener(SteppedListener) - Static method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.NetworkBuilder
Removes the progress bar listener
- removeSteppedListener(SteppedListener) - Static method in class com.supermap.analyst.spatialanalyst.Generalization
- removeSteppedListener(SteppedListener) - Static method in class com.supermap.analyst.spatialanalyst.RasterClip
Remove a listener of the progress.
- removeSteppedListener(SteppedListener) - Static method in class com.supermap.analyst.spatialanalyst.VisibilityAnalyst
Remove the time listener of the progress bar
- removeSteppedListener(SteppedListener) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Layer3DDataset
- removeStopArrivedListener(StopArrivedListener) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.FlyManager
Remove a listener for receiving flight arrival events (
). - removeTargetPoint(int) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Sightline
Removes the target point according to the index.
- removeTimePositionChangedListener(TimePositionChangedListener) - Method in class com.supermap.data.NodeAnimation
Removes a listener for receiving node animation time position change events (
). - removeTrackedListener(Tracked3DListener) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.SceneControl
Remove the tracking end event listener.
- removeTrackingListener(Tracking3DListener) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.SceneControl
Remove tracking event listener.
- removeUndoStateChangeListener(UndoStateChangeListener) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.MapControl
Removes the Undo listener.
- removeUserDefinedLegendItem(LegendItem) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Legend
Delete the user-defined legend subkey.
- removeValue(int) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.imChart.LineChartData
remove value with specified position
- removeWayPoint() - Method in class com.supermap.navi.Navigation2
Remove all passing points
- RenameDatasource(String, String) - Method in class com.supermap.data.Datasource
change the Datasourc name
- requestFailed(String) - Method in interface com.supermap.services.ResponseCallback
Calls back when it is failed to request the server.
- requestServer() - Method in class com.supermap.services.networkanalyst.AnalystFromServer
Method of requesting path analysis of iServer
- requestServer() - Method in class com.supermap.services.networkanalyst.MTSPathAnalystFromServer
Execute path analysis requesting iServer
- requestServer() - Method in class com.supermap.services.networkanalyst.PathAnalystFromServer
Execute path analysis requesting iServer
- requestServer() - Method in class com.supermap.services.networkanalyst.TSPathAnalystFromServer
Executes path analysis requesting iServer
- requestSuccess() - Method in interface com.supermap.services.ResponseCallback
Callback when request the server successfully.
- resample(Geometry, ResampleType, double) - Static method in class com.supermap.data.Geometrist
Resample for the geometry object.
- ResampleType - Class in com.supermap.data
This class defines the vector data resampling type constant.
- reset() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.component.BubbleView
Restores the size of the target view.
- reset() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.record.AREffectViewRecorder
reset Enter INITIAL directly in PREPARED or RECORDING state
- reset() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.record.EffectViewRecorder
Re-set Turns the status from PREPARED or RECORDING to INITIAL directly
- reset() - Method in class com.supermap.plot.AnimationManager
- resetCellHeight() - Method in class com.supermap.data.mapGrid.MapGridRangeBound
- resetCellWidth() - Method in class com.supermap.data.mapGrid.MapGridRangeBound
- resetColumnCount() - Method in class com.supermap.data.mapGrid.MapGridRangeBound
- resetGeometry() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.ARGeoHorizontalRegion
- resetGeometry() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.ARGeoLine
- resetGeometry() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.ARGeometry
Resetting geometry objects
- resetRowCount() - Method in class com.supermap.data.mapGrid.MapGridRangeBound
- ResetState - Static variable in class com.supermap.plot.AnimationDefine.AnimationGroupPlayState
- resetTrackedCount() - Method in class com.supermap.ai.AIDetectView
Set the tracing result to 0
- resize(Rectangle2D) - Method in class com.supermap.data.Geometry
Resizes the Geometry object to let the bounds equal the specified Rectangle2D.
- ResourceConfig - Class in com.supermap.ar.areffect.config
Static resource configuration
- ResourceOrderBy - Enum in com.supermap.onlineservices.utils
The group resource types
- Resources - Class in com.supermap.data
The Resources class.
- Resources() - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.Resources
Constructs a new Resources object.
- ResourceUtil - Class in com.supermap.mapping.NavigationPlus
External resource acquisition tool Obtains the corresponding ResourceId by resource name
- ResourceUtil() - Constructor for class com.supermap.mapping.NavigationPlus.ResourceUtil
- ResponseCallback - Interface in com.supermap.services
The response callback function.
- ResponseListener - Interface in com.supermap.services.networkanalyst
The interface returned by the network request
- Rest - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.EngineType
REST map services engine.
- REST - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.WebParamsType
REST web service parameter class
- RESTART - Static variable in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.ARAnimationRepeatMode
It denotes playing an animation from the start
- reStart() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.TrackingMoveHelper
Starts the animation again
- result(Point2Ds) - Method in interface com.supermap.services.OptimalPathAnalysis.FindPathListener
If results are generated, calls the function and inputs analysis results
- resume() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.ARAnimation
Restoring animation
- resume() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.ARAnimationTranslation2
- resume() - Method in class com.supermap.messagequeue.MQTTClient
- resumeALL() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.ARAnimationManager
Restores all animations
- resumeAnimationGroups(int[]) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.ARAnimationManager
Restores playing the animation group according to the index array
- resumeDetect() - Method in class com.supermap.ai.AIDetectView
- resumeGuide() - Method in class com.supermap.navi.Navigation
Continues to guide.
- resumeGuide() - Method in class com.supermap.navi.Navigation2
Continues to guide.
- resumeGuide() - Method in class com.supermap.navi.Navigation3
Continues to guide.
- resumeGuide() - Method in class com.supermap.navi.Navigation3D
Continues to guide.
- retrievePassword(String, String, boolean, OnlineCallBack.CallBackString) - Static method in class com.supermap.onlineservices.OnlineService
The first step for resetting your password: entering the security code in the image and an account
- retrievePasswordFourth(String, OnlineCallBack.CallBackString) - Static method in class com.supermap.onlineservices.OnlineService
The fourth step for resetting your password: modifying your password
- retrievePasswordSecond(OnlineCallBack.CallBackString) - Static method in class com.supermap.onlineservices.OnlineService
The second step for resetting your password: sending a security code
- retrievePasswordThird(String, OnlineCallBack.CallBackString) - Static method in class com.supermap.onlineservices.OnlineService
The third step for resetting your password: entering a security code
- returnID - Variable in class com.supermap.data.CloudLicenseManager.LastLicenseInfo
Returning id
- REVERSE - Static variable in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.ARAnimationRepeatMode
It demotes reversing the playing direction of an animation when playing it.
- reverse() - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoLineM
Changes the direction of the part of the GeoLine, namely, reverses the sequence of set of points that form each part of the GeoLine.
- reverseColor() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeGridRange
Displays the ThemeRange object with the reverse style in the label map.
- reverseGeocodeSuccess(GeocodingData) - Method in interface com.supermap.onlineservices.Geocoding.GeocodingCallback
Callback when the reverse geocoding successful.
- reverseGeocoding(Point2D) - Method in class com.supermap.onlineservices.Geocoding
Reverse geocoding.
- reverseMOrder() - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoLineM
Arrange the M value of the GeoLineM objectin inverted order.
- reverseStyle() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeLabel
Displays the ThemeLabel object with the reverse style in the label map.
- reverseStyle() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeRange
Displays the ThemeRangeItem object with the reverse style in the ranges map.
- reverseStyle() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeUnique
Displays the itemin the ThemeUnique object with the reverse style in unique values map.
- RGB - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.ColorSpaceType
This type is mainly used in the display system.
- RGB - Static variable in class com.supermap.mapping.ColorType
- RGBA - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.ColorSpaceType
Mainly used in the display system.
- RIGHT - Static variable in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.SideType
The right of the road.
- RIGHT - Static variable in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.TurnType
Turns right.
- RIGHT - Static variable in class com.supermap.mapping.arRender.Direction
Turn right
- RIGHT - Static variable in class com.supermap.mapping.imChart.ChartLegend
Center Left
- Right - Static variable in class com.supermap.plot.MarkPos
- RIGHT_BOTTOM_TO_LEFT_TOP - Static variable in class com.supermap.mapping.AlongLineDirection
From bottom to top, and from right to left.
- RIGHT_TOP_TO_LEFT_BOTTOM - Static variable in class com.supermap.mapping.AlongLineDirection
From top to bottom, and from right to left.
- RIGHTANGLES - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.RegularizeMethod
Right angle
- RIGHTANGLESANDDIAGONALS - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.RegularizeMethod
Right angle and diagonal
- RightDown - Static variable in class com.supermap.plot.MarkPos
- RightUp - Static variable in class com.supermap.plot.MarkPos
- RING - Static variable in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeGraphType
Circular chart
- ROB - Static variable in class com.supermap.plugin.Speaker
ROB, male, child.
- ROSE - Static variable in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeGraphType
Rose chart
- ROSE3D - Static variable in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeGraphType
3D rose chart
- rotate(Point2D, double) - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoCompound
Rotate geometry object.
- rotate(Point2D, double) - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoLine
Rotate geometry object.
- rotate(Point2D, double) - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoLineM
Rotate the rotate object by specific degree with the specific base point, anticlockwise is the positive direction, in degree.
- rotate(Point2D, double) - Method in class com.supermap.data.Geometry
Rotate the geometry object by specific degree with the specific base point, anticlockwise is the positive direction, in degree.
- RotateAnimation - Static variable in class com.supermap.plot.AnimationDefine.AnimationType
Rotate animation
- RotateAnimator - Class in com.supermap.mapping.dyn
Rotate animator class.
- RotateAnimator(float, int) - Constructor for class com.supermap.mapping.dyn.RotateAnimator
Constructor of rotate animator.
- RotateAnimator(RotateAnimator) - Constructor for class com.supermap.mapping.dyn.RotateAnimator
Create a new RotateAnimator object that is the same with the given RotateAnimator object.
- ROUND - Static variable in class com.supermap.analyst.BufferEndType
Round Creates Round buffer, the end of a line will be in the shape of a half circle.
- round(Point2D) - Static method in class com.supermap.data.Point2D
Returns a new Point2D object.
- round(Rectangle2D) - Static method in class com.supermap.data.Rectangle2D
To round up or down the x-coordinate of left edge, y-coordinate of bottom edge, x-coordinate of the right edge and y-coordinate of the top edge to construct a new Rectangle2D object, then return the object.
- round(Size2D) - Static method in class com.supermap.data.Size2D
Returns a new Size2D object, whose width and height is the value got by round off the corresponding value of the given Size2D object, for example, if the given object is Size2D(2.3,6.8), the created object will be Size2D(2,7).
- ROUNDRECT - Static variable in class com.supermap.mapping.LabelBackShape
Rounded rectangle background.
- Route - Class in com.supermap.realspace
Route object class.
- Route() - Constructor for class com.supermap.realspace.Route
Construct a new Route object
- Route(Route) - Constructor for class com.supermap.realspace.Route
Constructs a new object identical to the given Route object.
- routeAnalyst(int) - Method in class com.supermap.navi.Navigation
Executes path analysis.
- routeAnalyst() - Method in class com.supermap.navi.Navigation2
Optimal path analysis.
- routeAnalyst() - Method in class com.supermap.navi.Navigation3
Best path analysis
- routeAnalyst() - Method in class com.supermap.navi.Navigation3D
Best path analysis
- routeAnalyst(NavigationOnlineParameter) - Method in class com.supermap.onlineservices.NavigationOnline
Path analysis.
- RouteRemainDis - Variable in class com.supermap.navi.NaviInfo
The remain distance.
- RouteRemainTime - Variable in class com.supermap.navi.NaviInfo
The remain time.
- Routes - Class in com.supermap.realspace
Route collection class.
- Routes() - Constructor for class com.supermap.realspace.Routes
- RouteStop - Class in com.supermap.realspace
Flying route stop class which is used for flying stops
- RouteStop() - Constructor for class com.supermap.realspace.RouteStop
Constructs a new RouteStop object.
- RouteStop(RouteStop) - Constructor for class com.supermap.realspace.RouteStop
Constructs a new object identical to the given RouteStop object.
- RouteStops - Class in com.supermap.realspace
Route stop class.
- RouteType - Enum in com.supermap.onlineservices
The route analysis type.
- RTBEND - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.ResampleType
Resampling with the diaphragm algorithm.
- RTGENERAL - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.ResampleType
Resampling with the douglas algorithm.
- RTREE - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.SpatialIndexType
RTree index R-tree is an index structure based on disk, which is an natural extension to the B-tree (one dimension) in the multi-dimension space.
- run() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.CameraRecordControl.TaskManager
- RUSSIAN - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.Charset
Russian character set.
- Samplers - Class in com.supermap.ar.areffect.gltfModel
- Samplers() - Constructor for class com.supermap.ar.areffect.gltfModel.Samplers
- Satellite() - Constructor for class com.supermap.plugin.LocationManagePlugin.Satellite
- SatelliteStatusListener - Interface in com.supermap.plugin
The listener of changes in location is used to return the latest satellite information.
- SatelliteView - Class in com.supermap.mapping
Satellite control class.
- SatelliteView(Context) - Constructor for class com.supermap.mapping.SatelliteView
Constructs a satellite control object
- SatelliteView(Context, AttributeSet) - Constructor for class com.supermap.mapping.SatelliteView
Constructs a satellite control object
- SatelliteView(Context, AttributeSet, int) - Constructor for class com.supermap.mapping.SatelliteView
Constructs a satellite control object
- save() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.AREffectView
Saves the model
- save() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.EffectView
- save() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.gltfModel.Gltf
Saves the model
- save() - Method in class com.supermap.data.Workspace
Save workspace.
- save() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Map
Save current map to the workspace.
- save(String) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Map
Save the map with a specified name, but the name cannot be the same with the name of the maps in currentl workspace.
- saveAllRoutes(ArrayList<Point3D>) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.gather.GatherView
Saves collection points into memory
- saveAnimationToXML(String) - Method in class com.supermap.plot.AnimationManager
Converts an animation to a xml
- saveARRendererMode(Context, int) - Static method in class com.supermap.ar.ARRendererInfoUtil
Saves AR renderer modes
- saveAs(String) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Map
Save current map as a map with specified name.
- saveCurrentObj() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.ARDynamicGeometry
Save the current object
- saveCurrentRoute(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.gather.ARGatherView
Whether to save track points that collected after enabling startNewRoute().
- saveCurrentRoute(ArrayList<Point3D>) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.gather.GatherView
Saves the collection points as lines into memory
- saveDatasource() - Method in class com.supermap.data.Datasource
save datasource
- saveEdit() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.speech.SpeechControl
Saves layer edit
- ScaleAnimation - Static variable in class com.supermap.plot.AnimationDefine.AnimationType
Scale animation
- scaleChanged(double) - Method in interface com.supermap.mapping.MapParameterChangedListener
Listens to the scale change.
- scaled(float) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.Vector
Uniformly scales a Vector3
- ScaleType - Enum in com.supermap.mapping
Text type in the scale control
- ScaleView - Class in com.supermap.mapping
Scale view class It can display the fixed scale or any other scale.
- ScaleView(Context) - Constructor for class com.supermap.mapping.ScaleView
Creates a new object
- ScaleView(Context, AttributeSet) - Constructor for class com.supermap.mapping.ScaleView
Creates a new object
- ScaleView(Context, AttributeSet, int) - Constructor for class com.supermap.mapping.ScaleView
Creates a new object
- scaleWithWH(Bitmap, double, double) - Static method in class com.supermap.mapping.BitmapUtils
Picture zooming
- ScatterChart - Class in com.supermap.mapping.imChart
Scatter chart class
- ScatterChart(Context) - Constructor for class com.supermap.mapping.imChart.ScatterChart
The constructor.
- ScatterChart(Context, MapView) - Constructor for class com.supermap.mapping.imChart.ScatterChart
The constructor.
- ScatterChart(Context, AttributeSet) - Constructor for class com.supermap.mapping.imChart.ScatterChart
The constructor.
- Scene - Class in com.supermap.realspace
3D scene class.
- Scene() - Constructor for class com.supermap.realspace.Scene
- SceneControl - Class in com.supermap.realspace
3D scene controls.
- SceneControl(Context) - Constructor for class com.supermap.realspace.SceneControl
Construct a 3D scene control according to the context of the current view.
- SceneControl(Context, AttributeSet) - Constructor for class com.supermap.realspace.SceneControl
Construct a new 3D scene control object according to the specified parameters.
- SceneControl(Context, SceneType) - Constructor for class com.supermap.realspace.SceneControl
Constructor, construct a SceneControl object according to the context and SceneType.
- SceneControlInitedCallBackListenner - Interface in com.supermap.realspace
The listener of the scene control initial.
- sceneControlInitedComplete(SceneControlInitedCallBackListenner) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.SceneControl
Scene control initialization callback listener.
- SceneDepthCallBack(float) - Method in interface com.supermap.ar.arcartograph.ARCartographView.SceneDepthListener
DOF listener
- sceneName - Variable in class com.supermap.realspace.OnlineService3D.OnlineService3DInfo
scene collection
- sceneReset() - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Scene
Scene reset.
- Scenes - Class in com.supermap.ar.areffect.gltfModel
Scene of gltf model
- Scenes() - Constructor for class com.supermap.ar.areffect.gltfModel.Scenes
- Scenes - Class in com.supermap.data
The 3D scene class.
- Scenes() - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.Scenes
- SceneServicesList - Class in com.supermap.realspace
The Scene services set class.
- SceneServicesList() - Constructor for class com.supermap.realspace.SceneServicesList
The default constructor.
- SceneType - Class in com.supermap.realspace
3D Type
- ScreenLayer - Class in com.supermap.mapping
The ScreenLayer class.
- ScreenLayer() - Constructor for class com.supermap.mapping.ScreenLayer
- ScreenPointTool - Class in com.supermap.ar.areffect.utils
Screen coordinate conversion tool AR coordinates => screen coordinates
- ScreenPointTool() - Constructor for class com.supermap.ar.areffect.utils.ScreenPointTool
- screenPointToRay(AREffectBaseView, int, int) - Static method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.utils.ScreenPointTool
Converts screen coordinates to ray
- screenShot() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.dyn.DynamicView
- SECOND - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.Unit
- seekID(int) - Method in class com.supermap.data.Recordset
Searches the record with specific ID and make the record current.
- SegRemainDis - Variable in class com.supermap.navi.NaviInfo
The remain distance in current segment.
- select() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.ARGeometry
- select() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.ARGeoVerticalRegion
- select() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.BaseShape
- SELECT - Static variable in class com.supermap.mapping.Action
Selects features by clicking on the feature.
- SELECT2 - Static variable in class com.supermap.mapping.Action
Deprecated.Obsolete. Use SELECT to replace. In the editing mode, click the selected object to edit the selected object.
- SELECT_BY_RECTANGLE - Static variable in class com.supermap.mapping.Action
Frame selection operation
- SELECTCIRCLE - Static variable in class com.supermap.mapping.Action
Deprecated.Obsolete. Selects features by drawing a circle. The default selection mode is that the feature whose inner points in the circle can be selected. Users can change the selection mode through the
class. - Selection - Class in com.supermap.mapping
The Selection class.
- Selection(DatasetVector) - Constructor for class com.supermap.mapping.Selection
Initializes a new instance of the
class with the specified parameters. - Selection(Selection) - Constructor for class com.supermap.mapping.Selection
Copy constructor, initializes a new instance of the class which is identical with the specified ImportSettingGML object.
- Selection() - Constructor for class com.supermap.mapping.Selection
The default constructor for constructing a new
object. - Selection3D - Class in com.supermap.realspace
The Selection3D class.
- Selection3D() - Constructor for class com.supermap.realspace.Selection3D
- SelectionMode - Class in com.supermap.mapping
This class defines the available selection mode types constants when selecting objects.
- SELECTLINE - Static variable in class com.supermap.mapping.Action
Deprecated.Obsolete. Selects features by drawing a rectangle. The default selection mode is that the feature whose inner points in the rectangle can be selected.
- SELECTREGION - Static variable in class com.supermap.mapping.Action
Deprecated.Obsolete. Selects features by drawing a polygon. The default selection mode is that the feature whose inner points in the polygon can be selected. Users can change the selection mode through the
class. - sendData(String) - Method in class com.supermap.ai.AIOnline
Sends data
- sendDataComplete(boolean) - Method in interface com.supermap.ai.AIOnline.AIOnlineListener
Data-sending result listener
- sendMessage(String, String, String) - Method in class com.supermap.messagequeue.AMQPSender
Send information
- sendMessage(String, String) - Method in class com.supermap.messagequeue.MQTTClient
Send a message
- sendMessage(String) - Method in class com.supermap.messagequeue.STOMPSender
Send information
- sendSMSVerifyCodeWithPhoneNumber(String, OnlineCallBack.CallBackString) - Static method in class com.supermap.onlineservices.OnlineService
Gets a cell phone verification code
- sendVerficationCode(String, OnlineCallBack.CallBackString) - Static method in class com.supermap.onlineservices.OnlineService
Sends a verification code when binding a phone number
- ServiceAreaResult - Class in com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst
The result of the service area analysis.
- ServiceBase - Class in com.supermap.services
This class is the service base class of iServer.
- ServiceBase(String) - Constructor for class com.supermap.services.ServiceBase
Constructs a service base class with the url parameter.
- ServiceListOderBy - Enum in com.supermap.onlineservices.utils
The ways of sorting services
- ServiceQueryParameter - Class in com.supermap.services
The Service QueryParameter of iServer.
- ServiceQueryParameter() - Constructor for class com.supermap.services.ServiceQueryParameter
The default constructor for constructing a new
object. - set(int, SupplyCenter) - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.SupplyCenters
Sets the specified index of the SupplyCenter object from the SupplyCenters.
- set(float, float, float) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.Point3D
set point coordinate
- set(int, Color) - Method in class com.supermap.data.Colors
Sets the a single color from the Colors with the specified index.
- set(int, JoinItem) - Method in class com.supermap.data.JoinItems
Sets the JoinItem object at the specified index in this JoinItems object.
- set(int, Geometry) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ScreenLayer
Replaces the geometric object with the specified index in the ScreenLayer object with the given geometric object.
- set(SnapMode, boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.SnapSetting
Set a snap mode whether to start
- set(int, Geometry) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.TrackingLayer
Replaces the geometric object at the specified index in the TrackingLayer with the specified geometric object and removes the original geometric object.
- set(String, RouteStop) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.RouteStops
Sets the name of stop.
- set(int, RouteStop) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.RouteStops
Sets the index of stop
- set(int, Geometry) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.TrackingLayer3D
Replaces the geometric object corresponding to the specified index in the 3D tracking layer with the specified geometric object.
- setAbsolutePath(String) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.loader.ArSceneLoader
set path
- setAccessors(List<Accessors>) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.gltfModel.Gltf
Sets accessor
- setAccuracyThreshold(float) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.gnss.PoseMixer4
set the AccuracyThreshold
- setAction(Action) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.MapControl
Sets the current operation state of the map in this MapControl.
- setAction(Action3D) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.SceneControl
Set 3D scene operation status
- setActionType(ARMapElement.ActionType) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.ARMapElement
Sets the gesture action type
- setActionType(BaseCatchManager.ActionType) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.BaseCatchManager
Sets the operation types
- setActivateCallback(RecycleLicenseManager.RecycleLicenseCallback) - Method in class com.supermap.data.RecycleLicenseManager
Set the online verification callback.
- setAdditionalSetting(LayerSetting) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Layer
Sets the style setting of a common layer.
- setAddress(String) - Method in class com.supermap.distributeanalystservices.DataFlowOnline
set ws address
- setAggregateType(String) - Method in class com.supermap.distributeanalystservices.AggregatePointsOnline
Sets aggregate type.
- setAggregationFun(AggregationFunctionType) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.LayerGridAggregation
Sets the aggregation function applied to the aggregation fields of a grid map.
- setAggregationFun(AggregationFunctionType) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.LayerHeatmap
Sets the aggregation function applied to the aggregation fields of a heat map.
- setAIDetectStyle(AIDetectStyle) - Method in class com.supermap.ai.AIDetectView
Sets AI drawing style
- setAIOnlineListener(AIOnline.AIOnlineListener) - Method in class com.supermap.ai.AIOnline
Sets Netty-accessing-service result listener
- setAlias(String) - Method in class com.supermap.data.DatasourceConnectionInfo
Returns the alias of the datasource.
- setAlignment(TextAlignment) - Method in class com.supermap.data.TextStyle
Sets the text alignment.
- setAlignment(DynamicAlignment) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.dyn.DynamicPoint
Sets the alignment
- setAlignment(DynamicAlignment) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.dyn.DynamicText
Sets the alignment
- setAlignment(int) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.imChart.ChartLegend
Sets the alignment of the legend relative to the chart.
- setAllDirectionsOverlappedAvoided(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeGraph
Sets whether the automatic avoiding in every direction is enabled.
- setAllDirectionsOverlappedAvoided(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeLabel
Sets whether to allow avoiding overlap from all directions.
- setAllNamesVisible(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.dyn.DynamicView
Sets whether display all names of dynamic objects.
- setAllowPointOverlap(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.MapOverlapDisplayedOptions
Sets whether to allow points to overlap points
- setAllowPointWithTextDisplay(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.MapOverlapDisplayedOptions
Sets whether the points and text can be visible
- setAllowTextAndPointOverlap(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.MapOverlapDisplayedOptions
Sets whether to allow text to overlap point or vice verse
- setAllowTextOverlap(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.MapOverlapDisplayedOptions
Sets whether to allow text to overlap text
- setAllowThemeGraduatedSymbolOverlap(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.MapOverlapDisplayedOptions
Sets the gradient symbol overlaps in thematic maps
- setAllowThemeGraphOverlap(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.MapOverlapDisplayedOptions
The settings of thematic map overlaps
- setAlongLine(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeLabel
Sets whether to display label along line, with true representing to label along line and false representing not to label along line.
- setAlongLineDirection(AlongLineDirection) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeLabel
Sets the along line direction of the label.
- setAlongLineSpaceRatio(double) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeLabel
Sets the space ratio of the alongline text.
- setAlpha(int) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.dyn.DynamicStyle
Sets the opacity.
- setAlphaMode(String) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.gltfModel.Materials
Sets Alpha channel information
- setAltitude(double) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Camera
Sets the camera altitude.
- setAltitude(double) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.LookAt
Sets the altitude of the viewpoint
- setAltitudeFixed(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Route
Sets whether the route object locks the elevation.
- setAltitudeMode(AltitudeMode) - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoStyle3D
Sets the altitude mode of the geometric object in the 3D scene.
- setAltitudeMode(AltitudeMode) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Camera
Sets the height mode.
- setAltitudeMode(AltitudeMode) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.LookAt
Sets the altitude mode of the viewpoint.
- setAnalystMethod(int) - Method in class com.supermap.distributeanalystservices.DensityAnalystOnline
Sets analyst method of density analysis.
- setAnalystMode(String) - Method in class com.supermap.distributeanalystservices.OverlayAnalystOnline
sets overlay analyst mode (required)
- setAnalystMode(String) - Method in class com.supermap.distributeanalystservices.VectorClipAnalystOnline
Sets clip analyst mode.
- setAnalystPoints(Point2Ds) - Method in class com.supermap.services.networkanalyst.PathAnalystFromServer
Sets the set of points for path analysis
- setAnalystPoints(Point2Ds) - Method in class com.supermap.services.networkanalyst.TSPathAnalystFromServer
Sets a collection of points for analysis
- setAnalystSetting(FacilityAnalystSetting) - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.FacilityAnalyst
Sets the environment settings of the facility analysis.
- setAnalystSetting(TransportationAnalystSetting) - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.TransportationAnalyst
Sets the TransportationAnalystSetting object.
- setAnalystSetting(FacilityAnalystSetting3D) - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst3d.FacilityAnalyst3D
Sets the analysis environment settings object.
- setAnalystSetting(TransportationAnalystSetting3D) - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst3d.TransportationAnalyst3D
Sets the environmental settings of the 3D transportation network analysis.
- setAnalystSetting(TerrainAnalystSetting) - Static method in class com.supermap.analyst.spatialanalyst.CalculationTerrain
The settings of terrain analyses
- setAnalystSetting(GridAnalystSetting) - Static method in class com.supermap.analyst.spatialanalyst.VisibilityAnalyst
Sets the raster analysis settings
- setAnchorOnClickListener(AnchorOnClickListener) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.ARControl
Click the monitor on the anchor point to return the ID of the identified plane.
- setAnchorPoint(Point2D) - Method in class com.supermap.data.TextPart
Sets the anchor point of the TextPart object, the type is {
}. - setAnchorPoint(Point3D) - Method in class com.supermap.data.TextPart3D
Sets the anchor point of the TextPart instance.
- setAngle(float, float, float) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.ArObject
Sets angles
- setAngle(Point3D) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.ArObject
Sets angles
- setAngle(float) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.dyn.DynamicStyle
Sets the angle.
- setAngle(double) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Map
Sets the rotation angle of this map.
- setAngle(double) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.MapViewGroup
Sets the rotation angle of the map.
- setAngleFixed(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeLabel
Whether to fix the angle of text when the label is displaying along the line.
- setAngularSpeed(double) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.RouteStop
Sets the angle speed flying around a stop
- setAnimationImage(Bitmap) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.imChart.RelationPointChart
Sets the dynamic effect Image, which is the graphic that moves along the relationship line
- setAnimations(List<Animations>) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.gltfModel.Gltf
Sets animation set
- setAnnotationPosition(MarkPos) - Method in class com.supermap.plot.GeoGraphicObject
Set annotation position
- setAntialias(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Map
Sets a boolean value indicating whether to anti-alias this map.
- setAntialiasing(Boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.imChart.InstrumentChart
Set whether anti-aliasing display.
- setAotuReRouteEnable(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.navi.Navigation3
Sets whether to re-plan routes when the user did not follow the original navigation.
- setArAction(ARAction) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.HmsAREffectView
Set AR Operation type
- setARAnimatorListener(ARAnimation.ARAnimatorListener) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.ARAnimation
Set animation Listening
- setARBitmap(Bitmap) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.AR.ArControl2
Sets the bit map
- setARBitmap(Bitmap) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.AR.ARMapDrawView
Sets the AR bitmap
- setARBitmap_Car(Bitmap) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.AR.ArControl2
Sets the bit map of AR cars
- setARBitmap_Car(Bitmap) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.AR.ARMapDrawView
Sets the bitmap of AR cars
- setARCenter(Point2D) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.AR.ArControl2
Sets the center of AR drawing
- setARControl(ArControl2) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.AR.ARMapDrawView
Sets the AR map form
- setAreaUnit(String) - Method in class com.supermap.distributeanalystservices.DensityAnalystOnline
Sets area unit.
- setARMapType(int) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Map
Sets different ARMap types
- setARMode(ARMode) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.AR.ArControl2
Sets AR map types
- setARPlaneState(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.ARControl
Sets whether to display AR planes
- setARPlaneTrackingListener(ARControl.ARPlaneTrackingListener) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.ARControl
Set up AR plane tracking monitoring.
- setArPoint(Point3D) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.CalibrationPoint
Set the geographic coordinates
- setARRendererContext(Context) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.ArView
AR rendering.
- setARRulerCallBack(ArRulerCallBack) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.arcartograph.ARCartographView
Sets the listener on measurement status
- setArScale(double) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.AR.ArControl2
Sets AR map scale
- setArSession(ARSession) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.HmsAREffectView
Get ArSession
- setARState(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.AR.ArControl2
Sets AR status
- setARstate(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.ARControl
Set AR status.
- setArViewAdapter(ArViewAdapter) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.ArView
Sets an adapter to draw view on the top of AR view
- setAsset(Asset) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.gltfModel.Gltf
Sets Asset
- setAsyncRefresh(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.TrackingLayer
Sets whether to render the tracing layer instantly
- setAtmosphereVisible(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Scene
Set the visibility of the atmospheric state, and the realism of the 3D scene can be enhanced by setting the atmospheric simulation.
- setAttributeFeatureJoin(boolean, String, String) - Method in class com.supermap.distributeanalystservices.FeatureJoinOnline
Set property feature join
- setAttributeFilter(String) - Method in class com.supermap.data.QueryParameter
Sets the SQL 'where' clause when querying by SQL.
- setAttributeFilter(String) - Method in class com.supermap.services.ServiceQueryParameter
Sets SQL conditional statement to be queried
- setAttributeIgnored(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.data.conversion.ImportSettingDWG
Sets whether or not to ignore attributes
- setAttributeIgnored(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.data.conversion.ImportSettingDXF
Sets whether or not to ignore attributes
- setAttributeIgnored(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.data.conversion.ImportSettingSHP
Sets whether or not to ignore attributes
- setAttributes(Attributes) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.gltfModel.Primitives
Sets attributes
- setAudioPath(String) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.speech.SpeechManager
Sets the audio storage path: (the supported format is wav) With the parameter, an audio file will be saved in local after completing the recognization It is not required Default: null (no audio files are saved) Value range: valid file paths (absolute or relative path with the file name) For example: Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory() + "/msc/speech.wav"
- setAugmentedImageTrackingListener(ARControl.AugmentedImageTrackingListener) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.ARControl
Set up image tracking monitoring.
- setAugmentedImageTrackState(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.ARControl
Set whether to enable enhanced image tracking.
- setAutoLockOffset(Point3D) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Scene
Sets the offset of the camera relative to the locked object, which can be used when locking the target object Changes the offset of the x, y, and z axes of the camera object in meters
- setAutoSort(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.dyn.DynamicView
Allow the dynamic layer object to sort according to the size.
- setAxesColor(int) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.dyn.DynamicChart
Sets the color of coordinate axis.
- setAxesColor(Color) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeGraph
Sets the color of coordinate axis.
- setAxesDisplayed(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeGraph
Sets whether to display the coordinate axises.
- setAxesGridDisplayed(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeGraph
Sets whether to display the grid coordinate.
- setAxis(double) - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoSpheroid
Sets the major axis of the earth spheroid.
- setAxisTextColor(int) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.imChart.BarChart
Sets the axis label color.
- setAxisTextColor(int) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.imChart.LineChart
Sets the axis label color
- setAxisTextSize(float) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.imChart.BarChart
Sets the axis label size.
- setAxisTextSize(float) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.imChart.LineChart
Sets the axis label size
- setAzimuth(float) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.EffectView
Set the device azimuth
- setAzimuth(double) - Method in class com.supermap.data.PrjParameter
Sets the azimuth, mainly used in oblique projection.
- setAzimuth(double) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.arRender.ARDrawView
set azimuth
- setAzimuthChangeListener(AzimuthChangeListener) - Method in class com.supermap.navi.Navigation2
Set the azimuth change listener
- setAzimuthChangeListener(AzimuthChangeListener) - Method in class com.supermap.navi.Navigation3
Set the azimuth change listener
- setAzimuthChangeListener(AzimuthChangeListener) - Method in class com.supermap.navi.Navigation3D
Set the azimuth change listener
- setBackColor(Color) - Method in class com.supermap.data.TextStyle
Sets the background color of the text.
- setBackColor(int) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.dyn.DynamicStyle
Sets the background color.
- setBackground(int, int) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.CallOut
Set the background color of the CallOut.
- setBackground(Bitmap) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.dyn.DynamicStyle
Sets the background image.
- setBackGroundColor(int) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.imChart.ChartLegend
Sets the legend background color.
- setBackgroundColor(Color) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.view.SymbolLibView
Sets backgrounds for each symbol library.
- setBackgroundStyle(GeoStyle) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Map
Sets the background style of this map.
- setBackgroundtransparent(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.dyn.DynamicStyle
Sets whether the fill is transparent while drawing polygon
- setBackgroundTransparent(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Layer3DMap
- setBackGroundView(int) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.ARVideoElement
Loads the background view in combination with setMediaPlayer() For example: MediaPlayer mediaPlayer = MediaPlayer.create(this,R.raw.huawei3); videoElement = new ARVideoElement(this); videoElement.setBackGroundView(R.layout.ar_video_key_1920x1080); videoElement.loadModel(mediaPlayer); videoElement.setParentNode(parentElement);
- setBackOpaque(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.data.TextStyle
Sets the text background is opaque.
- setBackShape(LabelBackShape) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeLabel
Sets the label background shape for the label map.
- setBackStyle(GeoStyle) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeLabel
Sets the label background style for the label map.
- setBackTransparency(int) - Method in class com.supermap.data.TextStyle
Sets the transparent of the background.
- setBackwardImage(Bitmap) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.imChart.TimeLine
Set backward image
- setBarrierEdgeIDs(int[]) - Method in class com.supermap.services.networkanalyst.AnalystParameter
Sets the list of obstacle arc IDs. optional.
- setBarrierEdges(int[]) - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.FacilityAnalystSetting
Sets the ID list of the barrier edges, and it is optional.
- setBarrierEdges(int[]) - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.TransportationAnalystParameter
Sets the ID list of the obstacle edges.
- setBarrierEdges(int[]) - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.TransportationAnalystSetting
Sets the ID list of the barrier edges, and it is optional.
- setBarrierEdges(int[]) - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst3d.FacilityAnalystSetting3D
Sets the ID list of barrier edges.
- setBarrierEdges(int[]) - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst3d.TransportationAnalystParameter3D
Sets the ID list of the obstacle edges.
- setBarrierEdges(int[]) - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst3d.TransportationAnalystSetting3D
Sets the ID list of barrier edges.
- setBarrierEdges(int[]) - Method in class com.supermap.navi.Navigation2
Sets barrier edges.
- setBarrierNodeIDs(int[]) - Method in class com.supermap.services.networkanalyst.AnalystParameter
Sets the list of obstacle node IDs. optional.
- setBarrierNodes(int[]) - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.FacilityAnalystSetting
Sets the ID list of the barrier nodes, and it is optional.
- setBarrierNodes(int[]) - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.TransportationAnalystParameter
Sets the ID list of the obstacle nodes.
- setBarrierNodes(int[]) - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.TransportationAnalystSetting
Sets the ID list of the barrier nodes, and it is optional.
- setBarrierNodes(int[]) - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst3d.FacilityAnalystSetting3D
Sets the ID list of the barrier nodes.
- setBarrierNodes(int[]) - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst3d.TransportationAnalystParameter3D
Sets the ID list of the obstacle nodes.
- setBarrierNodes(int[]) - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst3d.TransportationAnalystSetting3D
Sets the ID list of the barrier nodes.
- setBarrierNodes(int[]) - Method in class com.supermap.navi.Navigation2
Sets barrier nodes.
- setBarrierPoints(Point2Ds) - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.TransportationAnalystParameter
Sets the coordinate list of the barrier nodes.
- setBarrierPoints(Point3Ds) - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst3d.TransportationAnalystParameter3D
Sets the coordinate list of the obstacle points.
- setBarrierPoints(Point2Ds) - Method in class com.supermap.navi.Navigation2
Sets barrier points.
- setBarSpacing(float) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.dyn.DynBarChart
Sets the columnar interval.
- setBaseColorFactor(Float[]) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.gltfModel.PbrMetallicRoughness
Sets basic color parameters
- setBaseColorTexture(BaseColorTexture) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.gltfModel.PbrMetallicRoughness
Sets the basic texture parameter
- setBasePlaneHeight(float) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.EffectView
Set the height of the base plane Lower than the height of the camera, is negative, eg: AR ground height is -1.6 meters
- setBaseValue(double) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeGraduatedSymbol
The size of each symbol is equal to PositiveStyle ( ZeroStyle or NegativeStyle).SymbolSize*value/basevalue.
- setBearingAdjustment(int) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.arlayer.ARLayerView
Sets the deviation of the magnetic north of the sensor and the true north
- setBitmap(Bitmap) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.LegendItem
Set the legend sub-bitmap for custom legend (the default legend does not set bitmap information)
- setBlinkAnimationReplaceColor(Color) - Method in class com.supermap.plot.AnimationBlink
Sets the switched colors
- setBlinkAnimationStartColor(Color) - Method in class com.supermap.plot.AnimationBlink
Sets the starting switched colors
- setBlinkInterval(double) - Method in class com.supermap.plot.AnimationBlink
Sets the blink interval
- setBlinkNumberofTimes(int) - Method in class com.supermap.plot.AnimationBlink
Sets the blink times in a specific time
- setBlinkStyle(AnimationDefine.BlinkAnimationBlinkStyle) - Method in class com.supermap.plot.AnimationBlink
Sets the blink types such as blink an animation according to times or intervals
- setBlockSize(int) - Method in class com.supermap.data.DatasetGridInfo
Sets the size of the block for storing with the specified pixels in grid dataset, and pixel is the unit.
- setBold(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.data.TextStyle
Sets whether the text is bold.
- setBoolean(int, boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.data.Recordset
Sets the value for a field in a recordset.
- setBoolean(String, boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.data.Recordset
Sets the value for a field in a recordset.
- setBoolean(String, boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.services.FeatureSet
Sets the value for a field in a FeatureSet.
- setBottom(double) - Method in class com.supermap.data.Rectangle2D
Sets the y-coordinate of the bottom edge of this Rectangle2D structure.
- setBottomAltitude(double) - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoStyle3D
Sets the bottom altitude of the GeoStyle3D object.
- setBottomSize(Size2D) - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoBox
obtains or sets the size of the bottom of the cuboid
- setBounds(Rectangle2D) - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.spatialanalyst.GridAnalystSetting
Sets the geographic range of the result dataset.
- setBounds(Rectangle2D) - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.spatialanalyst.TerrainAnalystSetting
Sets the geographic range of the result dataset.
- setBounds(Rectangle2D) - Method in class com.supermap.data.DatasetGridInfo
Sets the bounds of the grid dataset.
- setBounds(Rectangle2D) - Method in class com.supermap.data.mapGrid.MapGridParam
Set map grid boundaries
- setBounds(Rectangle2D) - Method in class com.supermap.data.mapGrid.MapGridRangeBound
- setBounds(Rectangle2D) - Method in class com.supermap.distributeanalystservices.AggregatePointsOnline
sets analyst range.
- setBounds(Rectangle2D) - Method in class com.supermap.distributeanalystservices.BufferAnalystOnline
sets analyst range.
- setBounds(Rectangle2D) - Method in class com.supermap.distributeanalystservices.DensityAnalystOnline
sets analyst range.
- setBounds(Rectangle2D) - Method in class com.supermap.distributeanalystservices.GridIndexOnline
Sets calculation bounds
- setBounds(Rectangle2D) - Method in class com.supermap.distributeanalystservices.SummaryRegionOnline
sets analyst range.
- setBoundsType(BoundsType) - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.spatialanalyst.GridAnalystSetting
Sets the types of the geographic range of the result dataset.
- setBoundsType(BoundsType) - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.spatialanalyst.TerrainAnalystSetting
Sets the types of the geographic range of the result dataset.
- setBrightness(int) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.LayerSettingGrid
Sets the brightness of the raster layer which ranges from -100 to 100.
- setBuffer(Integer) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.gltfModel.BufferViews
Sets gltf data buffer zone
- setBuffers(List<Buffers>) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.gltfModel.Gltf
Sets gltf data buffer zone
- setBufferView(Integer) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.gltfModel.Accessors
Sets tiles
- setBufferViews(List<BufferViews>) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.gltfModel.Gltf
Sets tile set
- setBuildLOD(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Layer3DDynamicObject
- setByte(int, byte) - Method in class com.supermap.data.Recordset
Sets the value of a field for the current record int he recordset.
- setByte(String, byte) - Method in class com.supermap.data.Recordset
Sets the value of a field for the current record int he recordset.
- setByte(String, byte) - Method in class com.supermap.services.FeatureSet
Sets the value of a field for the current record int he FeatureSet.
- setByteLength(Integer) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.gltfModel.Buffers
Sets the length of bytes
- setByteLength(Integer) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.gltfModel.BufferViews
Sets the length of bytes to be read
- setByteOffset(Integer) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.gltfModel.Accessors
Sets offsets
- setByteOffset(Integer) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.gltfModel.BufferViews
Sets the byte offset
- setByteStride(Integer) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.gltfModel.BufferViews
Sets the step size of bytes
- setCacheAutoCleared(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Layer3DMap
- setCacheCapacity(long) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Layer3DMap
- setCacheDirectory(String) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Layer3DMap
- setCacheEnable(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.data.WebRestParams
Set whether to request caches from the server directly
- setCacheEnabled(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.dyn.DynamicView
Sets whether to enable the cache mode to improve the display efficiency of dynamic layer in big data
- setCacheEnabled(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Layer3DMap
- setCacheMaxSize(int) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.LayerSettingImage
Sets the maximum number of buffers for the layer
- setCalibrationModel(CalibrationModel) - Method in class com.supermap.videomap.VideoParameter
Set calibration model
- setCalloutRotateEnable(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.MapView
Sets whether callout rotates along the map
- setCamera(Camera) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Feature3D
Sets the camera object.
- setCamera(Camera) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Feature3Ds
Sets the camera object.
- setCamera(Camera) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.RouteStop
Gets the stop camera
- setCamera(Camera) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Scene
Set the camera object of the current scene.
- setCameraIntrinsic(CameraIntrinsic) - Method in class com.supermap.videomap.CalibrationModel
set camera parameters
- setCameraLocation(CameraLocation) - Method in class com.supermap.videomap.CalibrationModel
set Camera Location
- setCameraPitch(Double) - Method in class com.supermap.videomap.CameraLocation
Set the camera pitch Angle
- setCameraRoll(Double) - Method in class com.supermap.videomap.CameraLocation
Set the camera roll Angle
- setCameraViewLayoutParams(ViewGroup.LayoutParams) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.gather.ARGatherView
Sets camera picture layout parameters
- setCameraViewLayoutParams(ViewGroup.LayoutParams) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.gather.GatherView
Changes the layout of camera
- setCameraX(Double) - Method in class com.supermap.videomap.CameraLocation
Set the X value of the center point
- setCameraY(Double) - Method in class com.supermap.videomap.CameraLocation
Set the Y value of the center point
- setCameraYaw(Double) - Method in class com.supermap.videomap.CameraLocation
Set the camera's azimuth
- setCameraZ(Double) - Method in class com.supermap.videomap.CameraLocation
Set the camera height
- setCancel(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.data.SteppedEvent
Sets the cancel status of the event.
- setCancel(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.GeometryEvent
Sets the value incidents whether to cancel the event.
- setCaption(String) - Method in class com.supermap.data.FieldInfo
Set the alias of the field.
- setCaption(String) - Method in class com.supermap.data.Workspace
Sets the display name of workspace, so that the user can identify this Workspace,and the caption of a Workspace can be modified.
- setCaption(String) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ColorLegendItem
Sets the color value legend subitem description.
- setCaption(String) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Layer
Sets the caption of this layer.
- setCaption(String) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.LegendItem
Set the legend subkey representation
- setCaption(String) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeGraphItem
Sets alias
- setCaption(String) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeGridRangeItem
Set the name of the grid range map item.
- setCaption(String) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeLabelItem
Sets the caption of the label graph item.
- setCaption(String) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeRangeItem
Sets the name of the range map item.
- setCaption(String) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeUniqueItem
Sets the name of each unique values map item.
- setCarAngle(float) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.AR.ArControl2
Sets the guiding angle of AR cars
- setCarAngle(float) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.AR.ARMapDrawView
Sets the guiding angle of AR cars
- setCarPicture(Bitmap) - Method in class com.supermap.navi.Navigation2
Sets the car picture.
- setCarPicture(Bitmap) - Method in class com.supermap.navi.Navigation3
Set the car icon
- setCarSize(float, float) - Method in class com.supermap.navi.Navigation2
Sets the car icon size.
- setCarSize(float, float) - Method in class com.supermap.navi.Navigation3
Sets the car icon size.
- setCarUpFront(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.navi.Navigation
Sets whether the car is up front.
- setCarUpFront(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.navi.Navigation2
Sets whether the car is up front.
- setCarUpFront(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.navi.Navigation3
Sets whether the car is up front.
- setCarUpFront(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.navi.Navigation3D
Set the car head up
- setCellHeight(Double) - Method in class com.supermap.data.mapGrid.MapGridParam
Sets the cell Height
- setCellHeight(double) - Method in class com.supermap.data.mapGrid.MapGridRangeBound
- setCellSize(double) - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.spatialanalyst.GridAnalystSetting
Sets the resolution of the dataset
- setCellSize(double) - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.spatialanalyst.TerrainAnalystSetting
Sets the resolution of the dataset
- setCellSizeType(CellSizeType) - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.spatialanalyst.GridAnalystSetting
Sets the resolution types of the dataset
- setCellSizeType(CellSizeType) - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.spatialanalyst.TerrainAnalystSetting
Sets the resolution types of the dataset
- setCellWidth(Double) - Method in class com.supermap.data.mapGrid.MapGridParam
Sets the cell width
- setCellWidth(double) - Method in class com.supermap.data.mapGrid.MapGridRangeBound
- setCenter(Point2D) - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoArc
Sets the center of the arc.
- setCenter(Point2D) - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoChord
Sets the center of the ellipse which the GeoChord object belongs to.
- setCenter(Point2D) - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoCircle
Sets the center of the GeoCircle object.
- setCenter(Point2D) - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoEllipse
Sets the center of the GeoEllipse object.
- setCenter(Point2D) - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoEllipticArc
Sets the center of the ellipse where the elliptic arc lies.
- setCenter(Point2D) - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoPie
Sets the center of the ellipse which the GeoPie object belongs to.
- setCenter(Point2D) - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoRectangle
Sets the center point of the GeoLegend object.
- setCenter(Point2D) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Map
Sets the center point of the view bounds of this map.
- setCenter(Point2D) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.MapViewGroup
Sets the center point of the view bounds of this map.
- setCenterHandle(Bitmap) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.MapEditStyle
Sets the center style.
- setCenterPoint(Point3D) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.excavator.ExcavationParameter.Builder
Sets the excavation center
- setCenterX(Double) - Method in class com.supermap.videomap.CameraIntrinsic
Set the X value of the center point
- setCenterY(Double) - Method in class com.supermap.videomap.CameraIntrinsic
Set the Y value of the center point
- setCentralMeridian(double) - Method in class com.supermap.data.PrjParameter
Sets the central meridian value.
- setCentralParallel(double) - Method in class com.supermap.data.PrjParameter
The the latitude of the original point.
- setChannels(List<Channels>) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.gltfModel.Animations
Sets channels
- setChartElementClickable(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.dyn.DynPieChart
Sets whether the chart can be clicked.
- setChartSize(int, int) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.dyn.DynamicChart
Sets the chart size.
- setChartTile(String, int, float) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.dyn.DynamicChart
Sets the chart title, color and font size.
- setChartTitle(String) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.imChart.ChartsView
Sets chart title, title displayed at the top of chart.
- setChartTitle(String) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.imChart.InstrumentChart
- setChartTitleSize(float) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.imChart.ChartsView
Sets chart title text size, the unit is pixel.
- setChartTitleTextSize(int) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.imChart.InstrumentChart
Sets text size of instrument chart name.
- setChildPointSize(float) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.imChart.RelationPointChart
Sets child relationship point size, the default is 0.5, unit is dp
- setChildRelationalPointColor(Color) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.imChart.RelationPointChart
Sets the child relationship point color
- setChildren(Integer[]) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.gltfModel.Nodes
Sets the sub node
- setChildren(ArrayList<XmlNode>) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.utils.XmlNode
Set Children
- setChromaKeyColor(Color) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.ARVideoElement2
must call before
- setCity(String) - Method in class com.supermap.onlineservices.GeocodingParameter
Set the geocoding to analyze the Urban range, Must set the parameters.
- setCity(String) - Method in class com.supermap.onlineservices.POIQueryParameter
Set the POI query range.
- setClimbChangeListener(ClimbChangeListener) - Method in class com.supermap.navi.Navigation2
Sets the climb change listener to the destination.
- setClipLineColor(Color) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Layer3D
Set the cutting edge color.
- setClipRegion(GeoRegion) - Method in class com.supermap.data.DatasetGrid
Sets the display extent of the grid dataset.
- setClipRegion(GeoRegion) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Map
Sets the face used for map cropping
- setClipRegionEnabled(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Map
Sets whether the map clipping takes effect
- setClipType(VectorClipAnalystOnline.ClipType) - Method in class com.supermap.distributeanalystservices.VectorClipAnalystOnline
Sets clip object type, corresponding clip analysis worked only after set this interface
- setClockwise(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.ARAnimationParameter
Sets the rotation direction (whether to rotate an animation clockwise. false is by default ) Only is it used for rotating animations
- setCode(int) - Method in class com.supermap.data.SymbolLineBase
Sets the ASCII code of the character in the child line.
- setCode(int) - Method in class com.supermap.plot.SubSymbol
Sets subsymbol code
- setCollectionChangedListener(CollectionChangedListener) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.collector.Collector
Sets positioning change listening.
- setColor(String) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.BaseShape
Sets the color
- setColor(Color) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.BaseShape
Sets the color
- setColor(float, float, float, float) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.BaseShape
Sets the color through its RGBA value
- setColor(Color) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.ShapeStyle
- setColor(float, float, float, float) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.ShapeStyle
- setColor(double, Color) - Method in class com.supermap.data.ColorDictionary
add color into table
- setColor(int) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ColorLegendItem
Sets the color value of the color value legend subitem.
- setColor(int) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.imChart.BarChartData
- setColor(int) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.imChart.ChartData
Sets chart sub-object color
- setColor(int) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.LegendItem
Sets LegendItem color
- setColor(Color) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeGridRangeItem
Set the style for each item of a grid ranges map.
- setColor(Color) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Skyline
Set the skyline color.
- setColorDictionary(ColorDictionary) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.HypsometricSetting
Set the color table.
- setColorMode(MapColorMode) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Map
Set the color mode of the map
- setColors(Color[]) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.imChart.ColorScheme
Sets the segment color value.
- setColorScheme(ColorScheme) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.imChart.ChartView
Sets the color table for the legend.
- setColorset(Colors) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.LayerGridAggregation
Sets the color collection
- setColorset(Colors) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.LayerHeatmap
Sets the color collection
- setColorTable(Colors) - Method in class com.supermap.data.DatasetGrid
Sets the color table.
- setCols(int) - Method in class com.supermap.distributeanalystservices.GridIndexOnline
Sets the number of index column
- setColumnCount(int) - Method in class com.supermap.data.mapGrid.MapGridRangeBound
- setColumnLineCount(int) - Method in class com.supermap.data.mapGrid.MapGridParam
Sets the number of grid columns
- setColumnWidth(int) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.imChart.LegendView
Sets legend sub-item width, the unit is pixel; the default is 6 times the text size
- setCompassVisible(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.NaviViewOptions
Sets whether to display the compass
- setComponentType(Integer) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.gltfModel.Accessors
Sets data types Such as 512 is float
- setConfigFileDirectory(String) - Static method in class com.supermap.data.Environment
Deprecated.This interface is deprecated. Not provided any longer. Sets the path of the configuration file, used to store the configuration file needed for SuperMap iMobile for Android.
- setConfigMode(GridIndexOnline.IndexConfigMode) - Method in class com.supermap.distributeanalystservices.GridIndexOnline
Sets index configuration mode
- setConfigurationChangedListener(ConfigurationChangedListener) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.MapControl
Sets the listener on the screen rotation event.
- setContentView(View) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.CallOut
Set the display content.
- setContext(Context) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.speech.SpeechControl
Sets the required context
- setContrast(int) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.LayerSettingGrid
Gets the brightness of the raster layer which ranges from -100 to 100.
- setControl(MapControl) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.imChart.ChartsView
Set the MapControl associated with the chart data to achieve linkage between the chart display and the map
- setControlPoints(Point2Ds) - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoBSpline
Sets the control point set.
- setControlPoints(Point2Ds) - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoCardinal
Sets the control point set.
- setControlPoints(Point2Ds) - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoCurve
Sets the control point set.
- setConvertCallback(CoordinateConvert.ConvertCallback) - Method in class com.supermap.onlineservices.CoordinateConvert
Set coordinate conversion callback
- setConvertCharset(Charset) - Static method in class com.supermap.data.DataConversion
Sets the imported or exported file the original character set type.
- setCoordinateType(CoordinateType) - Method in class com.supermap.onlineservices.GeocodingParameter
Set the output result coordinate type, the default value is 910101.
- setCoordinateType(CoordinateType) - Method in class com.supermap.onlineservices.NavigationOnlineParameter
Set the coordinate type.
- setCoordinateType(CoordinateType) - Method in class com.supermap.onlineservices.POIQueryParameter
Set the output coordinate system type.
- setCoordinateType(CoordinateType) - Method in class com.supermap.onlineservices.TrafficTransferParameter
Set the coordinate type.
- setCoordUnit(Unit) - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSys
Sets the units of the geographic coordinate system.
- setCoordUnit(Unit) - Method in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSys
Sets the coordinate unit of the projected system.
- setCount(Integer) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.gltfModel.Accessors
Sets the number of elements
- setCreateSkirt(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Scene
Set whether to create a terrain skirt.
- setCurrentFloorId(String) - Method in class com.supermap.indoor.FloorListView
Sets the current floor
- setCurrentFloorId(String) - Method in class com.supermap.indoor3d.FloorListView3D
Sets the current floor
- setCurrentFloorId(String) - Method in class com.supermap.navi.Navigation3
Sets the currently displayed floor ID
- setCurrentFloorId(String) - Method in class com.supermap.navi.Navigation3D
Sets the currently displayed floor ID
- setCurrentPartID(Integer[]) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.excavator.Excavator
Sets the current index ID
- setCurrentPlayerTick(int) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Map
Sets the playing frame number of the current map
- setCurrentPoint(Point) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.component.PanGestureController
Sets the position of the left-top corner
- setCurrentPosition(Point3D) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.BaseCatchManager
Sets instant positions
- setCurrentPosition(Point2D) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.arlayer.ARLayerView
Sets the current position
- setCurrentRouteIndex(int) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Routes
Set the currently selected route index value.
- setCursorType(CursorType) - Method in class com.supermap.data.QueryParameter
Sets the cursor type.
- setCustomClipCross(Point3D, Point2D, double, double, double, double) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Layer3D
Corss cutting analysis, according to the center point, the width and height of the cutting area, the rotation angle of the cutting surface around the X axis, the rotation angle of the cutting surface around the Y axis, the rotation angle of the cutting surface around the Z axis, and the stretching distance of the center point of the cutting area.
- setCustomClipPlane(Point3D, Point3D, Point3D) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Layer3D
Trimming plane analysis, set the positions of the three vertices in order, the result of trimming plane analysis means that only the part of the normal direction of the plane is displayed.
- setCustomize(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.CallOut
Sets whether to customize the background.
- setCustomLocation(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.track.Track
Sets whether to use the user-customized location point. and the default is true.
- setDataset(String) - Method in class com.supermap.distributeanalystservices.QueryOnline
Sets query object dataset
- setDataset(String) - Method in class com.supermap.distributeanalystservices.VectorClipAnalystOnline
Sets clip object dataset.
- setDataset(Dataset) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.collector.Collector
Sets the dataset used to store the collected data.
- setDataset(Dataset) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Layer
Sets the dataset associated with the layer.
- setDataset(DatasetVector) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Selection
Sets the dataset of the geometric objects belongs to in the Selection.
- setDataset(Dataset) - Method in class com.supermap.track.Track
Sets the trace dataset, Firstly creates the trace dataset, then sets it.
- setDatasetFeatureJoin(String) - Method in class com.supermap.distributeanalystservices.FeatureJoinOnline
Sets join dataset
- setDatasetName(String) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.AR.ArControl2
Gets the POI dataset in a AR map
- setDatasetName(String) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.speech.SpeechControl
Sets the corresponding dataset alias
- setDatasetOverlay(String) - Method in class com.supermap.distributeanalystservices.OverlayAnalystOnline
set overlay dataset (required)
- setDatasetPoint(DatasetVector) - Method in class com.supermap.navi.Navigation2
Sets the elevation point dataset.
- setDatasetSource(String) - Method in class com.supermap.distributeanalystservices.AggregatePointsOnline
set imported source dataset (required).
- setDatasetSource(String) - Method in class com.supermap.distributeanalystservices.BufferAnalystOnline
set imported source dataset (required).
- setDatasetSource(String) - Method in class com.supermap.distributeanalystservices.DensityAnalystOnline
set imported source dataset (required).
- setDatasetSource(String) - Method in class com.supermap.distributeanalystservices.FeatureJoinOnline
set source dataset (required).
- setDatasetSource(String) - Method in class com.supermap.distributeanalystservices.GridIndexOnline
set imported source dataset (required).
- setDatasetSource(String) - Method in class com.supermap.distributeanalystservices.OverlayAnalystOnline
set imported source dataset (required).
- setDatasetSource(String) - Method in class com.supermap.distributeanalystservices.QueryOnline
Sets source dataset.
- setDatasetSource(String) - Method in class com.supermap.distributeanalystservices.SummaryRegionOnline
set imported source dataset (required).
- setDatasetSource(String) - Method in class com.supermap.distributeanalystservices.TopologyValidatorOnline
set imported source dataset (required).
- setDatasetSource(String) - Method in class com.supermap.distributeanalystservices.VectorClipAnalystOnline
Sets source dataset.
- setDatasetTopology(String) - Method in class com.supermap.distributeanalystservices.TopologyValidatorOnline
Sets topology check dataset
- setDatasetVector(DatasetVector) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.VideoEffectView
Set the video dataset
- setDatasetVector(DatasetVector) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.VideoEffectView2
Set up the video dataset
- setDataSource(String) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.VideoEffectView
- setDataSource(String) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.VideoEffectView2
Set the file path or URL
- setDatasource(Datasource) - Method in class com.supermap.navi.Navigation3
Set the data source where the indoor map is located.
- setDatasource(Datasource) - Method in class com.supermap.navi.Navigation3D
Set the data source where the indoor map is located. required.
- setDatasourceName(String) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.speech.SpeechControl
Sets the corresponding datasource alias
- setDateTime(int, Date) - Method in class com.supermap.data.Recordset
Sets the value for a field in a recordset.
- setDateTime(String, Date) - Method in class com.supermap.data.Recordset
Sets the value for a field in a recordset.
- setDateTime(String, Date) - Method in class com.supermap.services.FeatureSet
Sets the value for a field in a FeatureSet.
- setDebugMode(boolean) - Static method in class com.supermap.data.Environment
Sets the debug mode.
- setDebugMode(boolean) - Static method in class com.supermap.messagequeue.Environment
Sets the debug mode It is suggested to use in the debug mode.
- setDeduplicateEnabled(Boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Layer
Sets whether to rarefy
- setDeduplicateThreshold(int) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Layer
Sets the rarefied threshold value.
- setDeduplicateTolerance(double) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Layer
Sets the rarefied tolerance.
- setDefaultStyle(TextStyle) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.MixedTextStyle
Sets the default style.
- setDefaultStyle(GeoStyle) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeUnique
Sets the default style of unique values map.
- setDefaultStyle(GeoStyle3D) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Route
Set the style of the route object.
- setDefaultStyleVisible(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeUnique
Sets whether the default style of the unique values map is visible.
- setDefaultValue(String) - Method in class com.supermap.data.FieldInfo
Sets the default value of the field.
- setDeltaAngle(float) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.AR.ARMapDrawView
Sets the relative angle
- setDescription(String) - Method in class com.supermap.data.Dataset
Sets the description about this dataset added by the user.
- setDescription(String) - Method in class com.supermap.data.Datasource
Sets the descriptive information about the datasource added by the user.
- setDescription(String) - Method in class com.supermap.data.Workspace
Sets the description about this Workspace object that added by the user.
- setDescription(String) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Layer
Sets the description of this layer.
- setDescription(String) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Map
Sets the description of the map.
- setDescription(String) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Feature3D
Sets the description of the feature3D object.
- setDescription(String) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Feature3Ds
Sets or sets the description of the Featuren3Ds object.
- setDesktop(Desktop) - Method in class com.supermap.videomap.VideoParameterData
- setDestCoordinateType(CoordinateType) - Method in class com.supermap.onlineservices.CoordinateConvertParameter
Must set parameters The target coordinate type of the conversion.
- setDestinationName(String) - Method in class com.supermap.onlineservices.TrafficTransferParameter
Set destination name.
- setDestinationPoint(double, double) - Method in class com.supermap.navi.Navigation
Sets the destination point.
- setDestinationPoint(double, double) - Method in class com.supermap.navi.Navigation2
Sets the destination point.
- setDestinationPoint(double, double, String) - Method in class com.supermap.navi.Navigation3
Set destination and floor ID
- setDestinationPoint(double, double, String) - Method in class com.supermap.navi.Navigation3D
Set destination and floor ID
- setDestinationPoint(double, double, double) - Method in class com.supermap.navi.Navigation3D
Set the destination
- setDestPointDrawable(int) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.speech.SpeechControl
Sets the ending icon of navigation
- setDetectArrayToUse(Vector<String>) - Method in class com.supermap.ai.AIDetectView
Sets the selection classification array
- setDetectedListener(AIDetectView.DetectListener) - Method in class com.supermap.ai.AIDetectView
Registers AI recognition listener
- setDetectInfo(AIDetectViewInfo) - Method in class com.supermap.ai.AIDetectView
Before starting, you need to set related parameters.
- setDetectInterval(int) - Method in class com.supermap.ai.AIDetectView
Sets the recognized time interval
- setDeviateTolerance(double) - Method in class com.supermap.navi.Navigation2
Adds the deviation tolerance.
- setDeviateTolerance(double) - Method in class com.supermap.navi.Navigation3
Adds the deviation tolerance.
- setDeviateTolerance(double) - Method in class com.supermap.navi.Navigation3D
Adds the deviation tolerance.
- setDeviceLocation(Location) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.EffectView
Set the geographical location of the device
- setDiffusivityX(float) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.ARParticleElement
Sets the diffusion coefficient of x-axis Controls the diffusion extent of particle flow.
- setDiffusivityY(float) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.ARParticleElement
Sets the diffusion coefficient of y-axis Controls the diffusion extent of particle flow.
- setDiffusivityZ(float) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.ARParticleElement
Sets the diffusion coefficient of z-axis Controls the diffusion extent of particle flow.
- setDirection(Direction) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.arRender.ARDrawView
Set the direction of the drawing arrow. 0turn right 1go straight 2turn left
- setDirection(double) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Skyline
- setDirectionAlignTrack(String, boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Layer3DDynamicObject
- setDirectionByPoint(Point3D) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.ProjectionImage
- setDirectionField(String) - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.FacilityAnalystSetting
Sets the direction field.
- setDirectionField(String) - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst3d.FacilityAnalystSetting3D
Sets the direction field list.
- setDisplayBandIndexes(int[]) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.LayerSettingImage
Sets the band index displayed by current image layer.
- setDisplayColorSpace(ColorSpaceType) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.LayerSettingImage
Sets the color display mode for the image layer.
- setDisplayFilter(QueryParameter) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Layer
Sets the specified filter condition for the layer display.
- setDisplayFilter(QueryParameter) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Layer3DDataset
- setDisplayMode(ImageDisplayMode) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.LayerSettingImage
Set the image display mode
- setDisplayMode(HypsometricSettingDisplayMode) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.HypsometricSetting
Sets the display mode to be used when hierarchical coloring is set.
- setDissolveField(String) - Method in class com.supermap.distributeanalystservices.BufferAnalystOnline
set dissolved field
- setDistance(int) - Method in class com.supermap.distributeanalystservices.BufferAnalystOnline
set buffer distance
- setDistanceFactor(float) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.ArView
Sets the distance factor rendering objects.
- setDistanceField(String) - Method in class com.supermap.distributeanalystservices.BufferAnalystOnline
set buffer distance field
- setDistanceFromUser(double) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.ArObject
Sets the distance between ArObject and the user in meter
- setDistanceInterval(double) - Method in class com.supermap.track.Track
Sets the distance interval, the unit is meter.
- setDistanceUnit(Unit) - Method in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSys
Sets the distance units.
- setDistanceUnit(String) - Method in class com.supermap.distributeanalystservices.BufferAnalystOnline
set buffer distance unit
- setDotExpression(String) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeDotDensity
Sets the field or field expression which is used for creating a point density thematic map
- setDottedLineLength(float) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.ARGeoDottedLine
- setDouble(int, double) - Method in class com.supermap.data.Recordset
Sets the value for a field in a recordset.
- setDouble(String, double) - Method in class com.supermap.data.Recordset
Sets the value for a field in a recordset.
- setDouble(String, double) - Method in class com.supermap.services.FeatureSet
Sets the value for a field in a FeatureSet.
- setDownloadManagerListener(DownloadManager.DownloadManagerListener) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.DownloadManager
Set the download progress listener.
- setDragNodeEnable(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.collector.Collector
Sets whether the last note is movable.
- setDragSensitivity(float) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.AREffectView
Sets the sensitivity when dragging Default value is 0.002.
- setDragSensitivity(float) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.EffectView
Set drag sensitivity Default value is 0.002
- setDrawCADTextAsPOI(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Map
Sets whether CAD text is drawn in POI mode
- setDrawingCacheEnabled(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.VideoEffectView
- setDrawLabelEnable(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.imChart.PieChart
Sets whether to draw the label of the chart data, the default is true
- setDrawValueEnable(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.imChart.PieChart
Sets whether to draw the value of the chart data, the default is true
- setDriver(String) - Method in class com.supermap.data.DatasourceConnectionInfo
Sets the driver name needed for the datasource connection.
- setDrivingModeEnable(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.navi.Navigation3
Sets whether it is the indoor driving mode
- setDuration(Long) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.ARAnimationParameter
Sets the circle of playing animations
- setDuration(int) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.dyn.Animator
Sets the animation duration.
- setDuration(double) - Method in class com.supermap.plot.AnimationGO
Sets time of animation.
- setDuration(double) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.RouteStop
Sets the interval between stops
- setDynamicPrjTransMethond(CoordSysTransMethod) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Map
The algorithm used to convert the geographic coordinate system when dynamic projection is set, does not support the extended algorithm, ie锛欳oordSysTransMethod.MTH_EXTENTION
- setDynamicPrjTransParameter(CoordSysTransParameter) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Map
Sets the conversion parameters used when the map is dynamically projected
- setDynamicProjection(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Map
Sets whether to allow dynamic projection while displaying the map.
- setDynamicProjection(boolean, PrjCoordSys) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Map
Set whether the map is dynamically projected, and the projected coordinate system of the map
- setDynamicResult(DynamicPolygon) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.CameraWindowRenderer
Sets dynamic objects for dynamic layer rendering
- setEdgeFilter(String) - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.TransportationAnalystSetting
Sets the edge filter expression in the transportation analysis.
- setEdgeFilter(String) - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst3d.TransportationAnalystSetting3D
Sets edge filter expression.
- setEdgeIDField(String) - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.FacilityAnalystSetting
Sets the field that identifies the arc ID in the network dataset.
- setEdgeIDField(String) - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.TransportationAnalystSetting
Sets the field that identifies the edge ID in the network dataset.
- setEdgeIDField(String) - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst3d.FacilityAnalystSetting3D
Sets the field for the edge ID.
- setEdgeIDField(String) - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst3d.TransportationAnalystSetting3D
Sets the iD filed of the edge.
- setEdgeNameField(String) - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.TransportationAnalystSetting
Sets the field of the edge name.
- setEdgeNameField(String) - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst3d.TransportationAnalystSetting3D
Sets the Name field name of the edge.
- setEdgesReturn(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.TransportationAnalystParameter
Sets whether to contain the edge collection in the returned analyst result.
- setEdgesReturn(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst3d.TransportationAnalystParameter3D
Sets whether to contain the edge collection in the returned analyst result.
- setEdit(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.ARGeometry
- setEditable(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Layer
Sets a value indicating whether this layer is editable.
- setEditBulk(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.TrackingLayer
Starts the bulk update in the current tracking layer.
- setEditNodeColor(int) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.collector.Collector
Sets the color of the currently editing node
- setEditNodeColor(Color) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.collector.Collector
Sets the color of the currently editing node
- setEditNodeWidth(double) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.collector.Collector
Sets the width of the current editing node, unit:10mm.
- setEditStatusListener(EditStatusListener) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.MapControl
Sets the edit status listener.
- setEduLicenseApplyListener(EduLicense.EduLicenseApplyListener) - Method in class com.supermap.data.EduLicense
Sets the license listener class
- setElementAvoid(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.dyn.DynamicView
Enables Avoid
- setElementName(String) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.AREffectElement
Gets object's name
- setEmissiveFactor(Float[]) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.gltfModel.Materials
Sets the luminous source
- setEmpty() - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoCardinal
Clear 2D Cardinal spline.
- setEmpty() - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoCompound
Empty the geometry object.
- setEmpty() - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoCurve
Set the GeoCurve object as empty.
- setEmpty() - Method in class com.supermap.data.Geometry
Clears the spatial data from this geometric object., whereas styles and ID of this geometric object remains unchanged.
- setEmpty() - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoText3D
Set the content of the current GeoText3D object to be null.
- setEnable(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.arRender.ARDrawView
Set whether to draw
- setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.CameraWindowRenderer
Setting the Enable Status
- setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.component.PanGestureController
Sets the enabled status
- setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.excavator.PitObject
sets enable state
- setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.OcclusionHelper
Setting the Enable Status
- setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.data.NodeAnimation
Set whether the node animation is enabled. false indicates that the animation is paused at the current position, true to resume motion from the current position.
- setEncodeType(EncodeType) - Method in class com.supermap.data.conversion.ImportSetting
- setEncodeType(EncodeType) - Method in class com.supermap.data.DatasetGridInfo
Sets the encoding type of this dataset.
- setEncodeType(EncodeType) - Method in class com.supermap.data.DatasetVectorInfo
Sets the encoding type.
- setEncryption(Encryption) - Method in class com.supermap.navi.Navigation
Sets encryption.
- setEncryption(Encryption) - Method in class com.supermap.navi.Navigation3
Sets encryption.
- setEncryption(Encryption) - Method in class com.supermap.navi.Navigation3D
Sets encryption.
- setEnd(double) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeGridRangeItem
Set the end value of the ThemeGridRangeItem object.
- setEnd(double) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeLabelItem
Sets the end range value for the label map item.
- setEnd(double) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeRangeItem
Sets the end value of the range map item.
- setEndAngle(int) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.imChart.InstrumentChart
Sets the instrument end angle
- setEndAngle(Point3D) - Method in class com.supermap.plot.AnimationRotate
Sets the ending rotation angle
- setEndLineColor(Color) - Method in class com.supermap.plot.AnimationAttribute
Sets the ending line color
- setEndLineWidth(double) - Method in class com.supermap.plot.AnimationAttribute
Sets the ending line width
- setEndLocation(Location) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.ARAnimationParameter
Sets the geographical position of the ending point of animation
- setEndLocation(double) - Method in class com.supermap.plot.AnimationGrow
Sets the ending time node
- setEndNodeAssigned(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.services.networkanalyst.AnalystParameter
Sets whether to specify the termination point.
- setEndPoint(Point2D) - Method in class com.supermap.onlineservices.NavigationOnlineParameter
Sets the destination point.
- setEndPointColor(Color) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.imChart.RelationPointChart
Sets the relationship line end color
- setEndPosition(Point3D) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.ARAnimationParameter
Sets the ending point
- setEndScaleFactor(double) - Method in class com.supermap.plot.AnimationScale
Sets the ending scale
- setEndSurroundLineColor(Color) - Method in class com.supermap.plot.AnimationAttribute
Sets the color of the ending serif
- setEndSurroundLineWidth(double) - Method in class com.supermap.plot.AnimationAttribute
Sets the width of the ending serif
- setEndType(BufferEndType) - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.BufferAnalystParameter
Sets the type of the end of the line buffer zone.
- setEndType(String) - Method in class com.supermap.distributeanalystservices.QueryOnline
Sets end types of the buffer.
- setEndType(String) - Method in class com.supermap.distributeanalystservices.VectorClipAnalystOnline
Sets end types of the buffer.
- setEngineType(EngineType) - Method in class com.supermap.data.DatasourceConnectionInfo
Sets the engine type of the datasource connection.
- setExcluded(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.RouteStop
Sets whether a stop is exclusive
- setExpectedSupplyCenterCount(int) - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.LocationAnalystParameter
Sets the number of the supply centers which will be used to build some establishments.
- setExpectRecordCount(int) - Method in class com.supermap.services.ServiceQueryParameter
Sets the query record number expected to return.
- setExpression(String) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeGraduatedSymbol
Sets the field or field expression which is used for creating a graduated symbol thematic map
- setExtendedHeight(double) - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoStyle3D
Sets the extended height of the geometric object in the 3D scene.
- setExtension(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.StripeLine
- setFalseEasting(double) - Method in class com.supermap.data.PrjParameter
Sets the false easting of the coordinates.
- setFalseNorthing(double) - Method in class com.supermap.data.PrjParameter
Sets the false northing of the coordinates.
- setFarClipPlane(float) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.EffectView
Set the distance of the far clipping plane
- setFastDrawDataModefied(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Layer
When data changes in the quickly drawing mode, call the interface to refresh layer data.
- setFastDrawEnabled(Boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Layer
Sets whether to use the quickly drawing mode.
- setFeaturePointVisible(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.arcartograph.ARCartographView
Sets whether the feature point is visible
- setFeaturePointVisible(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.gather.ARGatherView
Sets whether to display images' feature points.
- setFieldDouble(String, double) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.TrackingLayer
Sets the Double value of the specified name field of the newly added point object in this tracking layer.
- setFieldDoubleEx(String, double, int) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.TrackingLayer
Sets the Double value of the specified field of the specified record in the tracking layer.
- setFieldInt(String, int) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.TrackingLayer
Sets the Int value of the specified name field of the newly added point object in this tracking layer.
- setFieldIntEx(String, int, int) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.TrackingLayer
Sets the Int value of the specified field of the specified record in the tracking layer.
- setFieldString(String, String) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.TrackingLayer
Sets the String value of the specified name field of the newly added point object in this tracking layer.
- setFieldStringEx(String, String, int) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.TrackingLayer
Sets the String value of the specified field of the specified record in the tracking layer.
- setFieldValue(int, Object) - Method in class com.supermap.data.Recordset
Sets value for a field specified by the field index.
- setFieldValue(String, Object) - Method in class com.supermap.data.Recordset
Sets value for a field specified by the field name.
- setFieldValue(String, Object) - Method in class com.supermap.services.FeatureSet
Sets value for a field specified by the field name.
- setFieldValueNull(int) - Method in class com.supermap.data.Recordset
Sets the values of a field in the Recordset to null according to the specified field index.
- setFieldValueNull(String) - Method in class com.supermap.data.Recordset
Sets the values of a field in the Recordset to null according to the specified field name.
- setFilePath(String) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.gltfModel.Gltf
Sets the path of the gltf file
- setFillBackColor(Color) - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoStyle
Sets the background color of the fill symbol.
- setFillBackOpaque(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoStyle
Sets whether the background of the fill symbol is opaque.
- setFillForeColor(Color) - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoStyle
Sets the foreground color of the fill symbol.
- setFillForeColor(Color) - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoStyle3D
Sets the foreground color of the fill symbol.
- setFillGradientAngle(double) - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoStyle
The rotation direction is anticlockwise and the unit is degree.The rotation angle is accurate to 0.1 degree.
- setFillGradientMode(FillGradientMode) - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoStyle
Sets the gradient type for the gradient fill style.
- setFillGradientOffsetRatioX(double) - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoStyle
Sets the horizontal offset percentage of the gradient fill center relative to the center of the fill extent.
- setFillGradientOffsetRatioY(double) - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoStyle
Sets the vertical offset percentage of the fill center relative to the center of the fill extent.
- setFillOpaqueRate(int) - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoStyle
Sets the fill opacity.
- setFillSymbolID(int) - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoStyle
Sets the ID of the fill symbol.
- setFirstPersonCamera(Camera) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Scene
Set the first-person view camera parameters of the current scene.
- setFirstPointLongitude(double) - Method in class com.supermap.data.PrjParameter
Sets the longitude of the first point.
- setFirstRowIsField(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.data.conversion.ImportSettingCSV
Sets whether the first line includes the field name
- setFixedDirection(Vector3) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.excavator.ExcavationParameter.Builder
sets fixed orientation Used to define the direction of ceiling and ground rectangular excavation
- setFixedPoint(Point2D) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.highprecision.MeasureView
Sets a calibration points of vision positioning (the current position)
- setFlagType(ARMeasureView.FlagType) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.highprecision.ARMeasureView
Sets the style of guiding mark when performing a measurement
- setFlagType(MeasureView.FlagType) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.highprecision.MeasureView
Switches the guiding style of measurement
- setFlatten(double) - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoSpheroid
Sets the flattening of spheroid, which can be set when the type of GeoSpheroid is the user defined.
- setFlattenRegionTag(int, String) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Layer3DOSGBFile
Set the label of the flattened area object of the specified index.
- setFloorChangeListener(FloorChangeListener) - Method in class com.supermap.indoor.FloorListView
Sets the floor change listener.
- setFloorChangeListener(FloorChangeListener) - Method in class com.supermap.navi.Navigation3
Add floor change listener
- setFloorChangeListener(FloorChangeListener) - Method in class com.supermap.navi.Navigation3D
Add floor change listener
- setFlowEnabled(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeGraduatedSymbol
Sets whether to allow the statistical thematic map to display objects flowing
- setFlowEnabled(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeGraph
Gets whether to allow the statistical thematic map to display objects flowing
- setFlowEnabled(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeLabel
Sets whether to allow labels for flow display.
- setFlyAlongTheRoute(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Route
Set whether the route object is flying along the line.
- setFlyingLoop(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Route
Set whether the route object is flying in a loop.
- setFNodeIDField(String) - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.FacilityAnalystSetting
Sets the field that identifies the start node ID in the network dataset.
- setFNodeIDField(String) - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.TransportationAnalystSetting
Sets the field that identifies the start node ID in the network dataset.
- setFNodeIDField(String) - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst3d.FacilityAnalystSetting3D
Sets The name of the field identifying the from node ID of the edge.
- setFNodeIDField(String) - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst3d.TransportationAnalystSetting3D
Sets The name of the field identifying the from node ID of the edge.
- setFocalLength35mmEq(float) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.RecordParameter
Sets 35mm equivalent focal length of camera
- setFoldColor(Color) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.imChart.PolymerChart
Sets the color of the merged aggregation point.
- setFolderPath(String) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.record.AREffectViewRecorder.Builder
Folder path
- setFolderPath(String) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.record.EffectViewRecorder.Builder
The folder path.
- setFonsPath3D() - Static method in class com.supermap.data.Environment
Sets the 3D font path.
- setFontColor(int) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.imChart.ChartLegend
Sets the legend font color.
- setFontHeight(double) - Method in class com.supermap.data.TextStyle
Sets the height of the text.
- setFontName(String) - Method in class com.supermap.data.TextStyle
Sets the name of the text font.
- setFontScale(double) - Method in class com.supermap.data.TextStyle
Set the scale ratio of the label font.
- setFontSize(int) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.imChart.ChartLegend
Sets the legend font size.
- setFontsPath(String) - Static method in class com.supermap.data.Environment
Sets the fonts path.
- setFontWidth(double) - Method in class com.supermap.data.TextStyle
Sets the width of the text.
- setForeColor(Color) - Method in class com.supermap.data.TextStyle
Sets the foreground color of the text.
- setForeignTable(String) - Method in class com.supermap.data.JoinItem
Sets the name of the external table.
- setForwardsImage(Bitmap) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.imChart.TimeLine
Set forward image
- setFromCenter(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.LocationAnalystParameter
Sets whether to allocate resources from supply center.
- setFrustumDist(double, double) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.ARControl
Set the near and far cropping plane of the AR camera.
- setFTSingleWayRuleValues(String[]) - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.TransportationAnalystSetting
Sets the string array which represents the from-to oneway line.
- setFTSingleWayRuleValues(String[]) - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst3d.TransportationAnalystSetting3D
Sets an array of strings that are used to represent forward lines, that is, when the value of the RuleField field is one of the values of the array, it represents a forward line.
- setFTWeightField(String) - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.WeightFieldInfo
Sets the positive weight filed.
- setFTWeightField(String) - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst3d.WeightFieldInfo3D
Sets the forward weight fields or expressions.
- setFullScreenDrawModel(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Map
Sets whether drawing in the full screen.
- setFuzzyDegree(double) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.LayerHeatmap
Sets the fuzzy extent of the color gradient in a heat map
- setFX(Double) - Method in class com.supermap.videomap.CameraIntrinsic
Set the horizontal focal length
- setFY(Double) - Method in class com.supermap.videomap.CameraIntrinsic
Set the vertical focal length
- setGaussian(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.ARParticleElement
Sets whether to use Gaussian distribution to produce new position
- setGaussianStretchMiddleFactor(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ImageStretchOption
Sets whether or not to use intermediate values when setting up Gaussian stretching.
- setGaussianStretchRatioFactor(double) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ImageStretchOption
Set Gaussian Tensile Factor (Tensile Ratio)
- setGenerator(String) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.gltfModel.Asset
Sets generation information
- setGeocodingCallback(Geocoding.GeocodingCallback) - Method in class com.supermap.onlineservices.Geocoding
Set geocoding callback.
- setGeoCoordSys(GeoCoordSys) - Method in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSys
Set the GeoCoordSys object of the PrjCoordSys object.
- setGeoDatum(GeoDatum) - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSys
Sets the GeoDatum object.
- setGeoID(int) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.imChart.ChartData
Sets the geometry object SmID associated with the chart sub-object, which corresponds to the layer dataset associated with the chart
- setGeoLocation(Location) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.CalibrationPoint
Set the geographic coordinates
- setGeometry(Geometry) - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoPlacemark
Sets the Geometry object which is corresponding to the GeoPlacemark object.
- setGeometry(Geometry) - Method in class com.supermap.data.Recordset
Modifies the current geometric object in the Recordset and overwrite the old one.
- setGeometry(GeoGraphicObject, long, String) - Method in class com.supermap.plot.AnimationGO
Sets animation objects
- setGeometry(Geometry3D) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Feature3D
Sets the 3D geometry that corresponds to the 3D feature.
- setGeometryClip(String, boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.distributeanalystservices.VectorClipAnalystOnline
Sets geometry clip object and whether generate buffer
- setGeometryQuery(String, boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.distributeanalystservices.QueryOnline
Sets geometry query object and whether generate buffer
- setGeometryShape(long, long, Point2Ds) - Method in class com.supermap.plot.GeoGraphicObject
Set the type and coordinates of the plot object, to create specific plot object
- setGeoPoint(Point2D) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.CalibrationPoint
Set the geographic coordinates
- setGeoPosition(double, double) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.GeoObject
Sets the geometry object position
- setGeoPosition(double, double, double) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.GeoObject
Sets the geometry object position
- setGeoPosition(double, double, double) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.World
Sets the user position
- setGeoPrimeMeridian(GeoPrimeMeridian) - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSys
Sets the PrimeMeridian object.
- setGeoReference(Rectangle2D) - Method in class com.supermap.data.DatasetGrid
Sets the bound of grid dataset to the geographical coordinates.
- setGeoSpatialRefType(GeoSpatialRefType) - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSys
Sets the type of the spatial reference system.
- setGeoSpheroid(GeoSpheroid) - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatum
Sets the spheroid object of the datum.
- setGestureDetector(GestureDetector) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.dyn.DynamicView
Sets the gesture detector.
- setGestureDetector(GestureDetector) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.MapControl
Sets the gesture detector.
- setGestureDetector(GestureDetector) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.SceneControl
Set up user gesture recognizer.
- setGltfModel(Gltf) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.ARGltfElement
Set up the GLTF instance
- setGpsData(Point2D) - Method in class com.supermap.ai.AIDetectView
Sets GPS coordinates.
- setGPSData(Point2D) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.speech.SpeechControl
Sets the coordinates of the current position
- setGPSData(LocationManagePlugin.GPSData) - Method in class com.supermap.mdatacollector.MDataCollector
Sets GPS data.
- setGPSData(LocationManagePlugin.GPSData) - Method in class com.supermap.navi.Navigation
Sets GPS data.
- setGPSData(LocationManagePlugin.GPSData) - Method in class com.supermap.navi.Navigation2
Sets GPS data.
- setGPSData(LocationManagePlugin.GPSData) - Method in class com.supermap.navi.Navigation3
Set up GPS data
- setGPSData(LocationManagePlugin.GPSData) - Method in class com.supermap.navi.Navigation3D
Set up GPS data
- setGPSData(LocationManagePlugin.GPSData) - Method in class com.supermap.track.Track
Sets GPSData data.
- setGradientColorType(ColorType) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.LayerGridAggregation
Sets a color gradient in a grid map
- setGradientColorType(ColorType) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.LayerHeatmap
Sets the gradient mode in a heat map
- setGraduatedMode(GraduatedMode) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeGraduatedSymbol
display mode.
- setGraduatedMode(GraduatedMode) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeGraph
Sets the calculation mode
- setGraphExpression(String) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeGraphItem
Sets the field expression of a statistical thematic map
- setGraphSizeFixed(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeGraph
Sets the symbol fixed
- setGraphTextDisplayed(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeGraph
Sets whether to display text labels of a diagram
- setGraphTextFormat(ThemeGraphTextFormat) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeGraph
Sets display formats of text of a statistical thematic map
- setGraphTextStyle(TextStyle) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeGraph
Sets text label styles of a diagram
- setGraphType(ThemeGraphType) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeGraph
Sets the display types of a thematic map
- setGridAggregationType(LayerGridAggregationType) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.LayerGridAggregation
Sets the grid types of a grid aggregation map.
- setGridCenter(Point2D) - Method in class com.supermap.data.SpatialIndexInfo
Set the center point of the grid.
- setGridHeight(int) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.LayerGridAggregation
Sets the height of each border of a rectangle grid
- setGridLabelStyle(TextStyle) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.LayerGridAggregation
Sets the style of statistical values within grids
- setGridLineStyle(GeoStyle) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.LayerGridAggregation
Sets the style of grid line
- setGridOutputNamePrefix(String) - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.spatialanalyst.GridAnalystSetting
Sets the name prefix of the raster dataset
- setGridOutputNamePrefix(String) - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.spatialanalyst.TerrainAnalystSetting
Sets the name prefix of the raster dataset
- setGridShape(MapGridShape) - Method in class com.supermap.data.mapGrid.MapGridParam
- setGridSize(float) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.imChart.GridHotChart
Sets grid size, geographic range. the default is 5 KM, the unit is meter
- setGridSize0(double) - Method in class com.supermap.data.SpatialIndexInfo
Sets the size of the first level grid.
- setGridSize1(double) - Method in class com.supermap.data.SpatialIndexInfo
Set the size of the second level grid.
- setGridSize2(double) - Method in class com.supermap.data.SpatialIndexInfo
Set the size of the third level grid.
- setGridType(MapGridType) - Method in class com.supermap.data.mapGrid.MapGridParam
Set Grid Type
- setGridWidth(int) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.LayerGridAggregation
Sets the length of each border of a hexagonal grid or the width of each border of a rectangle grid
- setGroupBy(String[]) - Method in class com.supermap.data.QueryParameter
Sets the field used to group the result records of the SQL query.
- setGroupBy(String[]) - Method in class com.supermap.services.ServiceQueryParameter
Sets SQL query grouping conditional clause
- setGroupName(String) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.ARAnimationGroup
Sets the name of the animation group
- setGroupName(String) - Method in class com.supermap.plot.AnimationGroup
Sets the name of the animation group
- setGuideEndDistance(double) - Method in class com.supermap.navi.Navigation2
Sets the navigation ending distance (status=0).
- setGuideEndDistance(double) - Method in class com.supermap.navi.Navigation3
Sets the distance to the destination when the navigation finished.
- setGuideLineStyle(GeoStyle) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.TrackingLayer
Sets the style of the guide line.
- setHandleSelectedStyle(Bitmap) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.MapEditStyle
Sets the selected style of the control point.
- setHandleStyle(Bitmap) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.MapEditStyle
Sets the style of the control point.
- setHasGeometry(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.data.QueryParameter
Sets whether the result of query has geometry.
- setHasLeastEdgeCount(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.services.networkanalyst.AnalystParameter
Sets whether the number of arcs is minimum in path analysis
- setHasLeastTotalCost(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.services.networkanalyst.AnalystParameter
Sets whether the minimum cost in path analysis
- setHead(float) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.ArView
Sets the height parameter of observation point. 0 is by default.
- setHeading(double) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Camera
Sets the camera azimuth.
- setHeading(double) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.LookAt
Sets the azimuth of the viewpoint that is the angle between the north and the point in the clockwise direction which ranges from 0 to 360 degree
- setHeading(double) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.ProjectionImage
- setHeadingFixed(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Route
Sets whether the route object locks the azimuth.
- setHeight(int) - Method in class com.supermap.ai.AISize
Sets the height
- setHeight(double) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.Location
Sets the height
- setHeight(int) - Method in class com.supermap.data.DatasetGridInfo
Sets the height of the grid in grid dataset and the unit is pixel.
- setHeight(double) - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoBox
obtains or sets the height of the cuboid geometry object, that is the length in Z axis, the unit is meter
- setHeight(double) - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoRectangle
Sets the height of the GeoRectangle object, that is the height before rotating.
- setHeight(double) - Method in class com.supermap.data.Size2D
Sets the height of the Size2D.
- setHeight(double) - Method in class com.supermap.navi.Navigation3D
Sets the camera height when the path is booted
- setHighDefinitionMode(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Map
Sets the high definition image display mode Calls before adding or opening a map
- setHighLightColor(Color) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.view.SymbolLibView
Sets the color (with transparency) of highlighting item.
- setHighLigtItem(int) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.imChart.BarChart
- setHighLigtItem(int) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.imChart.ChartsView
Set the chart sub-items that need to be highlighted.
- setHighLigtItem(int) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.imChart.LineChart
- setHighLigtItem(int) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.imChart.PieChart
- setHintLineLength(double) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.ProjectionImage
- setHintLineVisible(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.ProjectionImage
- setHintRouteStyle(GeoStyle) - Method in class com.supermap.navi.Navigation3
Sets the style of the other floor boot paths
- setHintRouteStyle(GeoStyle) - Method in class com.supermap.navi.Navigation3D
Sets the style of the other floor boot paths
- setHitTestTolerance(float) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.dyn.DynamicView
Sets the tolerance selected by the dynamic object.
- setHomonymyPoints(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.ProjectionImage
- setHomonymyPoints(HashMap<Point2D, Point3D>) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.ProjectionImage
- setHorizontalAlignment(ViewRenderable.HorizontalAlignment) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.ARViewElement
Set the horizontal center position.
- setHorizontalFOV(float) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.RecordParameter
Sets the horizontal FOV of camera
- setHorizontalFov(double) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.ProjectionImage
- setHostnameVerifier(X509HostnameVerifier) - Method in class com.supermap.onlineservices.CoordinateConvert
Set the host name validator Used to verify host names when accessing https addresses
- setHostnameVerifier(X509HostnameVerifier) - Method in class com.supermap.onlineservices.OnlineService
Set the host name validator Used to verify host names when accessing https addresses
- setHypsometricSetting(HypsometricSetting) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Layer3DOSGBFile
Set the layered and colored objects.
- setID(int) - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.SupplyCenter
Sets the ID of SupplyCenter.
- setImage(Bitmap) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.ProjectionImage
- setImages(List<Images>) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.gltfModel.Gltf
Sets images
- setImageSize(int) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.view.SymbolLibView
Sets the size of an image
- setImageStretchOption(ImageStretchOption) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.LayerSettingImage
Set stretching way for the multi-band image of the layer
- setImportEmptyDataset(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.data.conversion.ImportSetting
Sets whether it is null dataset. the default is not imported, if the imported data is null, return false when import.
- setImportEmptyDataset(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.data.conversion.ImportSettingCSV
Sets whether to import empty datasets. false is by default
- setImportEmptyDataset(boolean) - Static method in class com.supermap.data.DataConversion
Sets whether it is null dataset. the default is not imported, if the imported data is null, return false when import.
- setImportingAsCAD(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.data.conversion.ImportSettingDWG
Set the import mode, that is, the target data set type, that is, into the CAD data set, otherwise the data corresponding to the type of simple vector data set
- setImportingAsCAD(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.data.conversion.ImportSettingDXF
Set the import mode, that is, the target data set type, that is, into the CAD data set, otherwise the data corresponding to the type of simple vector data set
- setImportingAsCADWithGIS(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.data.conversion.ImportSettingDXF
When importing a simple layer for CAD, whether it is style
- setImportingAsGrid(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.data.conversion.ImportSettingTIF
Set whether to import as a Grid dataset
- setImportingByLayer(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.data.conversion.ImportSettingDXF
Set whether to import layers, true for each layer to generate a CAD dataset, false to merge to generate a CAD dataset
- setImporttingAs3D(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.data.conversion.ImportSettingSHP
- setIndex(Integer) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.gltfModel.BaseColorTexture
Sets indexes
- setIndexFile(String) - Method in class com.supermap.distributeanalystservices.GridIndexOnline
Sets index file path
- setIndices(Integer) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.gltfModel.Primitives
Sets indexes
- setIndoorMapChangeListener(IndoorMapChangedListener) - Method in class com.supermap.indoor.FloorListView
Sets the indoor map change listener.
- setInfo(String) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.ArObject
Sets object information
- setInitRandomDirection(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.ARParticleElement
Whether the direction of a single particle is random when initializing it
- setInnerMargin(float) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.excavator.ExcavationParameter.Builder
sets padding Affects the actual range of the obtained screen coordinates
- setInnerPadding(int) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.view.SymbolLibView
Sets the spacing between words and the image
- setInput(Integer) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.gltfModel.Samplers
Sets the input value
- setInt16(int, short) - Method in class com.supermap.data.Recordset
Sets the value of a field as a "16 bit integer" for the current record in the recordset.
- setInt16(String, short) - Method in class com.supermap.data.Recordset
Sets the value of a field as a "16 bit integer" for the current record in the recordset.
- setInt16(String, short) - Method in class com.supermap.services.FeatureSet
Sets the value of a field as a "16 bit integer" for the current record in the FeatureSet.
- setInt32(int, int) - Method in class com.supermap.data.Recordset
Sets the value for a field in a recordset.
- setInt32(String, int) - Method in class com.supermap.data.Recordset
Sets the value for a field in a recordset.
- setInt32(String, int) - Method in class com.supermap.services.FeatureSet
Sets the value for a field in a FeatureSet.
- setInt64(int, long) - Method in class com.supermap.data.Recordset
Sets the value for a field in a recordset.
- setInt64(String, long) - Method in class com.supermap.data.Recordset
Sets the value for a field in a recordset.
- setInt64(String, long) - Method in class com.supermap.services.FeatureSet
Sets the value for a field in a FeatureSet.
- setIntensity(int) - Method in class com.supermap.data.PathSmoothTool
set filter strength
- setIntensity(double) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.LayerHeatmap
Sets the color ratio of high-density points
- setInterpolation(String) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.gltfModel.Samplers
Sets the interpolation
- setInterval(int) - Method in class com.supermap.distributeanalystservices.GridIndexOnline
Set tolerance
- setInterval(double) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.HypsometricSetting
Set the interval for contours.
- setIsAnimation(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.imChart.RelationPointChart
Sets whether to enable animation effect, default false
- setIsArmap(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Map
Set to an Ar map
- setIsAutoNavi(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.navi.Navigation2
Sets whether to automatically collect GPS data.
- setIsAutoNavi(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.navi.Navigation3
Sets whether to automatically collect GPS Auto collection is by default
- setIsAutoNavi(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.navi.Navigation3D
Set whether to automatically collect GPS.
- setIsBlackWhiteInverse(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.data.conversion.ImportSettingDWG
Set whether black and white anti-color
- setIsBlackWhiteInverse(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.data.conversion.ImportSettingDXF
Set whether black and white anti-color
- setIsCadBatchRender(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Map
Sets whether to enable bulk drawing mode for CAD layer.
- setIsEncryptGPS(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.navi.Navigation2
Set whether to encrypt GPS data, the default encryption
- setIsEncryptGPS(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.navi.Navigation3
Set whether to encrypt GPS data, the default encryption
- setIsEncryptGPS(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.navi.Navigation3D
Set whether to encrypt GPS data, the default encryption
- setIsHorizontal(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.imChart.TimeLine
Set whether to place time slider horizontal.
- setIsIntrinsic(Boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.videomap.CameraIntrinsic
Sets the internal parameter state value
- setIsLoopPlay(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.imChart.ChartView
Whether to loop, the default off.
- setIsPOIOptimized(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Map
Whether to optimize POI display
- setIsPunctuation(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.speech.SpeechManager
Sets whether to return punctuations, true means Yes and False means no
- setIsShowGridLabel(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.LayerGridAggregation
Sets whether to display grid labels
- setIsShowTime(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Map
Sets whether the window displays the text of the time range of the current frame.
- setIsSwipe(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Layer
Sets whether to enable the Swipe feature
- setIsVisible(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.ProjectionImage
- setIsVisibleScalesEnabled(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.MapViewGroup
Sets a fixed scale to display the map
- setItalic(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.data.TextStyle
Sets whether the text is italic, and true represents italic.
- setItalicAngle(double) - Method in class com.supermap.data.TextStyle
Sets the angle of italics, which ranges from positive to negative degree.
- setItem(int, Point2D) - Method in class com.supermap.data.Point2Ds
Sets the Point2D object at the specified index in this Point2Ds object.
- setItem(int, Point3D) - Method in class com.supermap.data.Point3Ds
Sets the Point2D object at the specified index in this Point2Ds object.
- setItem(int, PointM) - Method in class com.supermap.data.PointMs
Sets the PointM object at the specified index in this PointMs object.
- setItem(int, ThemeGraphItem) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeGraph
Sets the sub items of the specified thematic map
- setItemMarginHorizontal(int) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.view.SymbolLibView
Sets horizontal margins
- setItemMarginVertical(int) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.view.SymbolLibView
Sets vertical margins
- setItemPadding(int) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.view.SymbolLibView
Sets padding in each item
- setJoinFields(String) - Method in class com.supermap.distributeanalystservices.FeatureJoinOnline
Sets join field
- setJoinFilter(String) - Method in class com.supermap.data.JoinItem
Sets the joint expression between the vector dataset and the foreign table, i.e., sets the related fields between the two tables.
- setJoinOperation(String) - Method in class com.supermap.distributeanalystservices.FeatureJoinOnline
Sets join operation
- setJoinType(JoinType) - Method in class com.supermap.data.JoinItem
Sets the join type of the two tables.
- setJsonStr(String) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.gltfModel.Gltf
Sets json string of gltf
- setKernelRadius(int) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.LayerHeatmap
The kernel radius
- setKey(String) - Method in class com.supermap.onlineservices.CoordinateConvertParameter
Must set the parameters, apply the key (set the authorization code).
- setKey(String) - Method in class com.supermap.onlineservices.Geocoding
Set the authorization code.
- setKey(String) - Method in class com.supermap.onlineservices.NavigationOnline
Set the key.
- setKey(String) - Method in class com.supermap.onlineservices.POIQueryParameter
Set the authorized key (required).
- setKey(String) - Method in class com.supermap.onlineservices.TrafficTransferOnline
Set the key.
- setKeywords(String) - Method in class com.supermap.onlineservices.POIQueryParameter
- setLabel(String) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.imChart.BarChartData
- setLabel(String) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.imChart.ChartData
Sets chart sub-object label
- setLabelCaption(String, String) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.TrackingLayer
Sets the label alias of the specified name in tracking layer.
- setLabelExpression(String) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeLabel
Sets label field expression.
- setLabelOffset(String, short, short) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.TrackingLayer
Sets the specified field offset of the specified name in the tracking layer.
- setLabelRepeatInterval(double) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeLabel
Sets the interval of the repeated labels along the line.
- setLabelsColor(int) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.imChart.InstrumentChart
Sets the instrument chart scale and instrument chart name color
- setLabelStyle(TextStyle) - Method in class com.supermap.data.mapGrid.MapGridParam
Set Label Style
- setLabelTextStyle(String, TextStyle) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.TrackingLayer
Sets the field label text style of the specified name as the specified style in this tracking layer.
- setLabelVisible(String, boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.TrackingLayer
Sets whether the field label of the specified name is visible in tracking layer.
- setLableSize(int) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.imChart.InstrumentChart
Sets text size of instrument chart scale.
- setLandmark(String) - Method in class com.supermap.onlineservices.GeocodingParameter
Set the geocoding analysis description, Must set the parameters.
- setLanguage(Environment.Language) - Static method in class com.supermap.data.Environment
Sets language
- setLatitude(double) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.Location
Sets latitude
- setLatitude(double) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Camera
Sets the camera latitude.The unit is degree.
- setLatitude(double) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.LookAt
Sets the latitude of the viewpoint.
- setLayer(Layer) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.imChart.ChartsView
Sets map layer associated by chart.
- setLayersStateListener(LayersStateListener) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Layers
Add a listener to receive layer adding, modifying, editing events.
- setLayoutVisibility(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.NavigationPlus.NaviMapView2Plus
- setLayoutVisibility(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.NavigationPlus.NaviMapView3Plus
- setLeaderLineDisplayed(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeGraduatedSymbol
Sets whether to show the leader line that connects the thematic map and the corresponding objects.
- setLeaderLineDisplayed(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeGraph
Sets whether to show the leader line that connects the thematic map and the corresponding objects.
- setLeaderLineDisplayed(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeLabel
Sets whether to show the leader line that connects label and the labeled feature.
- setLeaderLineStyle(GeoStyle) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeGraduatedSymbol
Sets the styles of restriction lines among objects
- setLeaderLineStyle(GeoStyle) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeGraph
Sets the styles of restriction lines among objects
- setLeaderLineStyle(GeoStyle) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeLabel
Sets the style of the leader line between the label and the object.
- setLeafObjectCount(int) - Method in class com.supermap.data.SpatialIndexInfo
Set the count of leaf objects of R tree spatial index.
- setLeft(double) - Method in class com.supermap.data.Rectangle2D
Sets the coordinate of the left edge of this Rectangle2D structure.
- setLeftDistance(Object) - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.BufferAnalystParameter
Sets the (left) buffer distance.
- setLeftDistance(int) - Method in class com.supermap.distributeanalystservices.QueryOnline
Sets left buffer distance
- setLeftDistance(int) - Method in class com.supermap.distributeanalystservices.VectorClipAnalystOnline
Sets left buffer distance
- setLegendViewPosition(ChartsView.LegendViewPosition) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.imChart.ChartsView
Sets the relative position of the legend in the chart.
- setLength(double) - Method in class com.supermap.data.NodeAnimation
Sets the duration of the node's animation run cycle, in seconds.
- setLength(double) - Method in class com.supermap.navi.NaviPath
Sets the length of the navigation path.
- setLength(double) - Method in class com.supermap.navi.NaviStep
Sets the length of this road.
- setLengthOrArea(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.distributeanalystservices.SummaryRegionOnline
Sets whether count length or area true means do, false means do not
- setLevelEnable(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ScaleView
Open/close graduated scale mode
- setLibID(int) - Method in class com.supermap.plot.SubSymbol
Sets subsymbol army symbol class ID
- setLicensePath(String) - Static method in class com.supermap.data.Environment
Sets the path that stores the license file.
- setLicenseType(LicenseType) - Static method in class com.supermap.data.Environment
Sets the license type.
- setLimitWidthHeight(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.plot.GeoGraphicObject
Sets 2D point symbol whether lock aspect ratio
- setLineChartType(DynLineChart.LineChartType) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.dyn.DynLineChart
Sets the line chart type.
- setLineColor(Color) - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoStyle
Sets the color of the line symbol or marker symbol.
- setLineColor(Color) - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoStyle3D
Sets or sets the outline line symbol color of the line or region geometric objects in the 3D scene.
- setLineColor(int) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.dyn.DynamicStyle
Sets the line color.
- setLineColorAttr(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.plot.AnimationAttribute
Sets whether the color attribute is valid.
- setLineStyle(ShapeStyle) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.ARDynamicGeometry
- setLinesVisible(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Route
Set whether the route object is visible.
- setLineSymbolID(int) - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoStyle
Set the ID of the line symbol.
- setLineSymbolID(int) - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoStyle3D
Sets numbers of line symbol of line objects in 3D scenes.
- setLineWidth(double) - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoStyle
Sets the width of the line symbol, and the unit is millimeter and accurate to 0.1 millimeter.
- setLineWidth(double) - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoStyle3D
Gets or sets the width of the line symbol of GeoLine object or the outline of GeoRegion object.
- setLineWidth(float) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.imChart.LineChartData
sets line width
- setLineWidth(float) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.imChart.RelationPointChart
Sets relationship line width, default 1.5, uinit dp
- setLineWidthAttr(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.plot.AnimationAttribute
Sets whether the width attribute of line is valid.
- setListener(MapCacheListener) - Method in class com.supermap.data.DatasetImage.MapCacheService
Sets the precache listener.
- setLocalFilePath(String) - Method in class com.supermap.mdatacollector.MDataCollector
Sets the path for storing local media files.
- setLocalScaleFactor(float[]) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.AREffectElement
Sets the scale of objects in the AR world
- setLocation(Location) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.Location
set Location
- setLocation(Location) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.GeoObject
Sets the geometry object position
- setLocation(double, double) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.CallOut
Set the icon to display of the CallOut.
- setLocationDrawable(int) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.speech.SpeechControl
Sets the currently positioning icon
- setLocations(Location, Location, float) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.FlowElement
set the position and spacing of two point Generate particles according to spacingDistance between two point of ab
- setLocations(List<Location>) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.FlowElement
set geographic location
- setLocked(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.OcclusionHelper
Set lock status It only works if
is true - setLockedViewBounds(Rectangle2D) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Map
Sets the locked view bounds of this MapControl.
- setLockedViewBounds(Rectangle2D) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.MapViewGroup
Sets the visible extent of the map locked in the map control.
- setLODRangeScale(double) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Layer3DOSGBFile
Set the zoom factor of LOD level switching distance.
- setLodRangeScale(double) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.TerrainLayer
Set LOD range scale of the 3D terrain layer.
- setLoginCallback(CloudLicenseManager.LicenseLoginCallback) - Method in class com.supermap.data.CloudLicenseManager
Sets Login Callback
- setLongBinary(int, byte[]) - Method in class com.supermap.data.Recordset
Sets the value for a field in a recordset.
- setLongBinary(String, byte[]) - Method in class com.supermap.data.Recordset
Sets the value for a field in a recordset.
- setLongitude(double) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.Location
Sets longitude
- setLongitude(double) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Camera
Sets the camera longitude.The unit is degree.
- setLongitudeValue(double) - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoPrimeMeridian
Sets the prime meridian.
- setLongtitude(double) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.LookAt
Sets the latitude of the viewpoint relative to the prime meridian in degree.
- setLookAt(LookAt) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Scene
Set the camera object of the current scene.
- setLoop(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.ARVideoElement2
must call before
- setLoopFlag(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.ARVideoElement
Sets whether to loop the animation
- setLooping(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.VideoEffectView2
Sets whether to play a video in a loop
- setM(double) - Method in class com.supermap.data.PointM
Sets the measure value of the {
} structure object. - setMagFilter(Integer) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.gltfModel.Samplers
Sets mag filter
- setMagnifierCrossColor(Color) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.MapControl
Set the magnifying glass cross hair color
- setMagnifierEnabled(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.MapControl
Sets whether to use magnifier which magnifies the area that you tap.
- setMagnifierEnabled(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.MapViewGroup
Set whether to enable the magnifier feature
- setMagnifierRadius(int) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.MapControl
Set the magnifying glass radius
- setMagnifierRadius(int) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.MapViewGroup
Set the magnifying glass radius
- setMainScaleValue(int) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.imChart.InstrumentChart
Sets the scale value of the main scale of the instrument chart.
- setMapControl(MapControl) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.collector.Collector
Sets the map control.
- setMapControl(MapControl) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.NavigationPlus.NaviMapView2Plus
- setMapControl(MapControl) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.NavigationPlus.NaviMapView3Plus
- setMapControl(MapControl) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.NavigationPlus.NaviMapViewPlus
- setMapDownLoadThreadNum(int) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Map
Set the number of network download threads Should be called before adding or opening a map
- setMapDPI(double) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Map
Sets the Map dpi.
- setMapDrawParams(boolean, float, float, String, String) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.AR.ArControl2
Shows the real information of near mode
- setMapDrawParams2(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.AR.ARMapDrawView
Whether to show the target feature
- setMapDrawParams3(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.AR.ARMapDrawView
Whether to show the target feature
- setMapDrawParams4(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.AR.ARMapDrawView
Whether to show the target feature
- setMapDrawParams5(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.AR.ARMapDrawView
Whether to show the target feature
- setMapDrawParams6(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.AR.ARMapDrawView
Whether to show the target feature
- setMapDrawParams7(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.AR.ARMapDrawView
Whether to show the target feature
- setMapDrawParams8(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.AR.ARMapDrawView
Whether to show the target feature
- setMapEndTime(Date) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Map
Sets the ending time of the time line displayed when playing the temporal data.
- setMapFillBackTransparent(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.ARRealMap
Sets whether the filling background of a map is transparent.
- setMapInertiaListener(MapInertiaListener) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.MapControl
Sets the map inertia listener.
- setMapLayersID(String) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.LayerSettingImage
Sets layer collection specified by map (for REST services).
- setMapLoadedListener(MapLoadedListener) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Map
Adds a listener which is used to receive the map add complete events.
- setMapName(String) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.EffectView
Sets map name
- setMapOperateListener(MapOperateListener) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Map
Adds a listener used to receive map open and closed events.
- setMapOverlay(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.MapControl
Sets whether the map is overlaid layer
- setMapParamChangedListener(MapParameterChangedListener) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.MapControl
Sets the map parameter changed listener.
- setMapRefreshListener(ARMapElement.MapRefreshListener) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.ARMapElement
Set the map refresh listener
- setMapStartTime(Date) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Map
Sets the starting time of the time line displayed when playing the temporal data.
- setMapView(MapView) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.collector.Collector
Sets the main control of the GPS GeometricObjectCollection Class association.
- setMapView(MapView) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.imChart.ChartView
Sets the MapView associated with the chart for displaying maps and charts.
- setMapView(MapView) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ScaleView
Sets the associated main form control for the scale control
- setMapView(MapView) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.speech.SpeechControl
Sets MapView that the SpeechControl needs bound with
- setMapXML(int, String) - Method in class com.supermap.data.Maps
Replaces the map with the specified index with the map that represented by the specified XML string.
- setMarkerAnchorPoint(Point2D) - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoStyle3D
Sets anchor point of landmark, and the anchor point location depends on the picture that used by this anchor point.
- setMarkerAngle(double) - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoStyle
Sets he rotation angle of the marker symbol.
- setMarkerColor(Color) - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoStyle3D
Sets the color of the marker symbol of the marker geometric object in the 3D scene.
- setMarkerFile(String) - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoStyle3D
Sets full path of point object icon files in 3D scenes, which means that the icon in png format is used to symbolize the point geometry object in the 3D scene.
- setMarkerScale(double) - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoStyle3D
Sets zoom ratio of icon files of point objects in 3D scenes.
- setMarkerSize(Size2D) - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoStyle
Sets the size of the marker symbol.
- setMarkerSize(int, int) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.imChart.LegendView
Sets the legend icon size, the legend icon is a small rectangle
- setMarkerSymbolID(int) - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoStyle
Set the ID of the point symbol.
- setMAsDistance(double) - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoLineM
Set the M values of the GeoLineM object according to the distance.
- setMAsDistance(double, double) - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoLineM
Set the M values of the GeoLineM object according to the distance.
- setMAsDistance(double, double, boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoLineM
Set the M values of the GeoLineM object according to the distance.
- setMatchDatasets(Datasets) - Method in class com.supermap.track.Track
Sets the matched road line dataset.
- setMaterial(Integer) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.gltfModel.Primitives
Sets the texture index
- setMaterials(List<Materials>) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.gltfModel.Gltf
Sets material set
- setMAtPoint(Point2D, double) - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoLineM
Sets the M value of the specified point of the GeoLineM object.
- setMAtPoint(Point2D, double, double, WhereToCalibrate) - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoLineM
Sets the M value of the specified point of the GeoLineM object.
- setMax(List<Double>) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.gltfModel.Accessors
Sets the maximum value
- setMaxColor(Color) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.LayerGridAggregation
Sets the color of highly dense points
- setMaxColor(Color) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.LayerHeatmap
Sets the color of highly dense points
- setMaxDistance(float) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.CameraWindowRenderer
Sets the maximum render distance, less than or equal to the far clipping plane distance, default is 5
- setMaxDistanceToRender(float) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.ArView
Sets the distance range that the objects within it will be displayed.
- setMaxEms(int) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.view.SymbolLibView
Sets how many words will be displayed at most
- setMaxGraphSize(double) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeGraph
Sets a diagram displays the maximum value
- setMaxLabelLength(int) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeLabel
Sets the maximum length of the label.
- setMaxLength(int) - Method in class com.supermap.data.FieldInfo
Specifies the maximum length of the field.
- setMaxObjectVisibleDistance(double) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Layer3D
Set the maximum visible distance of vector objects in the current layer.
- setMaxRadius(float) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.imChart.PolymerChart
Set the aggregation point to display the maximum radius, default is 60, minimum is 20.
- setMaxRadius(float) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.imChart.RelationPointChart
Set the maximum radius of the relationship point to display, default is 40, minimum is 20, unit is dp.
- setMaxRecordCount(int) - Method in class com.supermap.data.Recordset.BatchEditor
Sets the maximum number of the records for submitting the result of batch edit.
- setMaxResult(int) - Method in class com.supermap.onlineservices.GeocodingParameter
Sets the maximum number of return results, with a default of 1.
- setMaxScale(double) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Map
Sets the maximum display scale of the map.
- setMaxScale(double) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.MapViewGroup
Sets the maximum scale of the map
- setMaxSnappedCount(int) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.SnapSetting
Set the max count of snap.
- setMaxTextHeight(int) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeLabel
Sets the maximum text height in the label.
- setMaxTextWidth(int) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeLabel
Sets the maximum text width in the label.
- setMaxValue(double) - Method in class com.supermap.data.DatasetGridInfo
Sets the maximum in the grid ranks of raster dataset.
- setMaxValue(int) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.imChart.InstrumentChart
Sets the maximum value of instrument chart.
- setMaxValue(double) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.LayerHeatmap
Sets the maximum value
- setMaxVisibleScale(double) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Layer
Returns the maximum visible scale of this layer.
- setMaxVisibleValue(double) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.HypsometricSetting
Set the maximum visible value.
- setMaxVisibleValueCount(int) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.imChart.BarChart
Sets the maximum number of data displayed in the chart.
- setMaxVisibleValueCount(int) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.imChart.LineChart
Sets the maximum number of data displayed in the chart
- setMaxVisibleVertex(int) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Map
Sets the maximum number of visible nodes
- setMaxWeight(double) - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.SupplyCenter
Sets the maximum cost (impedance) of the supply center.
- setMeasreMode(ARCartographView.MeasureMode) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.arcartograph.ARCartographView
Sets the measurement mode
- setMediaDataset(Datasource, String) - Method in class com.supermap.mdatacollector.MDataCollector
Sets the dataset for media collection.
- setMediaPath(String) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.VideoEffectView
- setMediaPlayer(MediaPlayer) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.VideoEffectView
- setMemoryData(Map<String, String>) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Theme
Sets the memory thematic map data.
- setMesh(Integer) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.gltfModel.Nodes
Sets the mesh
- setMeshes(List<Meshes>) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.gltfModel.Gltf
Sets mesh set
- setMeshSizeUnit(String) - Method in class com.supermap.distributeanalystservices.AggregatePointsOnline
Sets mesh unit mesh unit: Meter (the default), Kilometer, Yard, Foot, Mile
- setMeshSizeUnit(String) - Method in class com.supermap.distributeanalystservices.DensityAnalystOnline
Sets mesh size unit.
- setMeshSizeUnit(String) - Method in class com.supermap.distributeanalystservices.SummaryRegionOnline
Sets mesh unit mesh size unit: Meter (the default), Kilometer, Yard, Foot, Mile
- setMeshType(int) - Method in class com.supermap.distributeanalystservices.AggregatePointsOnline
Sets mesh type.
- setMeshType(int) - Method in class com.supermap.distributeanalystservices.DensityAnalystOnline
Sets mesh type.
- setMeshType(int) - Method in class com.supermap.distributeanalystservices.SummaryRegionOnline
Sets mesh type 0: Quadrilateral grid, 1: hexagonal grid
- setMetallic(float) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.BaseShape
Sets metallicity
- setMetallic(float) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.ShapeStyle
- setMetallicFactor(Float) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.gltfModel.PbrMetallicRoughness
Sets the metallicity parameter
- setMin(List<Double>) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.gltfModel.Accessors
Sets the minimum value
- setMinArea(double) - Method in class com.supermap.data.RegularizeParameter
Sets the unit of the minimum area of the resulting set.
- setMinColor(Color) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.LayerGridAggregation
Sets the color of low dense points
- setMinColor(Color) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.LayerHeatmap
Sets the color of low dense points
- setMinFilter(Integer) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.gltfModel.Samplers
Sets min filter
- setMinGraphSize(double) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeGraph
Sets a diagram displays the minimum value
- setMinHoleArea(double) - Method in class com.supermap.data.RegularizeParameter
Sets the minimum area of hole.
- setMinScale(double) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Map
Sets the minimum display scale of the map.
- setMinScale(double) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.MapViewGroup
Sets the minimum scale of the map.
- setMinShowScale(double) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.dyn.DynamicElement
Sets the minimum display scale.
- setMinTextHeight(int) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeLabel
Sets the minimum text height in the label.
- setMinTextWidth(int) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeLabel
Sets the minimum text width in the label.
- setMinValue(double) - Method in class com.supermap.data.DatasetGridInfo
Sets the minimum in the grid ranks of raster dataset.
- setMinValue(int) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.imChart.InstrumentChart
Sets the minimum value of instrument chart.
- setMinValue(double) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.LayerHeatmap
Sets the minimum value
- setMinVisibleGeometrySize(double) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Layer
Set the minimum display size of the geometric object to the geometric object Bounds wide and high the maximum value
- setMinVisibleScale(double) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Layer
Sets the minimum visible scale of this Layer.
- setMinVisibleValue(double) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.HypsometricSetting
Set the minimum visible value.
- setMode(Integer) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.gltfModel.Primitives
Sets the mode
- setModified(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Map
Sets whether the map has been edited.
- setMotionType(String, MotionType) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Layer3DDynamicObject
- setMultiBandImportMode(MultiBandImportMode) - Method in class com.supermap.data.conversion.ImportSettingIMG
Set the multi-band import mode
- setMultiBandImportMode(MultiBandImportMode) - Method in class com.supermap.data.conversion.ImportSettingTIF
Set the multi-band import mode
- setMultiViewportMode(MultiViewportMode) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Scene
Set the multi-viewport mode type of the current scene.
- setName(String) - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.WeightFieldInfo
Sets the name of the WeightFieldInfo object.
- setName(String) - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst3d.WeightFieldInfo3D
Sets the name of the weight field information.
- setName(String) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.gltfModel.Accessors
Sets a name
- setName(String) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.gltfModel.Animations
Sets a name
- setName(String) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.gltfModel.BufferViews
Sets a name
- setName(String) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.gltfModel.Materials
Sets a name
- setName(String) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.gltfModel.Meshes
Sets a name
- setName(String) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.gltfModel.Nodes
Sets a name
- setName(String) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.gltfModel.Textures
Sets a name
- setName(String) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.utils.XmlNode
Set Name
- setName(String) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.ArObject
Sets the name of ArObject
- setName(String) - Method in class com.supermap.data.Dataset
set the Dataset name
- setName(String) - Method in class com.supermap.data.DatasetGridInfo
Sets the name of the DatasetGridInfo.
- setName(String) - Method in class com.supermap.data.DatasetVectorInfo
Sets the name of the vector dataset.
- setName(String) - Method in class com.supermap.data.FieldInfo
Returns the name of the field.
- setName(String) - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSys
Sets the name of the geographic coordinate system.
- setName(String) - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatum
Sets the name of the GeoDatum.
- setName(String) - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoModel
Set the name of the 3D model geometry object.
- setName(String) - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoPlacemark
Sets the name of the GeoPlacemark object.
- setName(String) - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoPrimeMeridian
Sets the name of the PrimeMeridian object.
- setName(String) - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoSpheroid
Sets the name of the earth ellipsoid object, which can be set when the type of GeoSpheroid is the user defined.
- setName(String) - Method in class com.supermap.data.JoinItem
Sets the name of this JoinItem object.
- setName(String) - Method in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSys
Sets the name of the projected coordinate system.
- setName(String) - Method in class com.supermap.data.SymbolGroup
Sets a name
- setName(String) - Method in class com.supermap.data.WorkspaceConnectionInfo
Sets the name of the workspace in the database.
- setName(String) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.collector.CollectorElement
Sets collected object name.
- setName(String) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.dyn.DynamicElement
Sets the name of a dynamic object.
- setName(String) - Method in class com.supermap.navi.NaviStep
Sets the road name.
- setName(String) - Method in class com.supermap.plot.AnimationGO
Sets the animation name
- setName(String) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Feature3D
Sets the name of the feature3D object.
- setName(String) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Feature3Ds
Sets or sets the name of the Featuren3Ds object.
- setName(String) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Route
Set the name of the flight route.
- setName(String) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.RouteStop
Sets the stop name
- setNameColor(int) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.dyn.DynamicElement
Sets name font color, default black
- setNameOffsetX(float) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.dyn.DynamicElement
Sets the X offset of the name text.
- setNameOffsetY(float) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.dyn.DynamicElement
Sets the Y offset of the name text.
- setNamePosition(Point2D) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.dyn.DynamicElement
Sets the location of the name text.
- setNameSize(float) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.dyn.DynamicElement
Sets name font size default 16pixel.
- setNameStyle(TextStyle) - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoPlacemark
Sets the text style of the name of the GeoPlacemark object when displaying in the 3D map window.
- setNameTextAlign(DynamicAlignment) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.dyn.DynamicElement
Sets the name text to its method, the default center alignment.
- setNameVisible(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.dyn.DynamicElement
Sets whether the dynamic object name is visible, and is not visible by default.
- setNavigationControlVisible(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.SceneControl
Set whether the navigation bar is visible.
- setNavigationOnlineCallback(NavigationOnline.NavigationOnlineCallback) - Method in class com.supermap.onlineservices.NavigationOnline
Sets the path analysis callback.
- setNaviViewOptions(NaviViewOptions) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.MapView
Sets the navigation view parameters
- setNaviViewOptions(NaviViewOptions) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.NavigationPlus.NaviMapView2Plus
Sets the navigation view parameters
- setNaviViewOptions(NaviViewOptions) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.NavigationPlus.NaviMapView3Plus
Sets the navigation view parameters
- setNaviViewOptions(NaviViewOptions) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.NavigationPlus.NaviMapViewPlus
Set the navigation view parameters
- setNearClipPlane(float) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.EffectView
Set the distance between the clipping plane
- setNearestDoorMode(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.navi.Navigation3
Sets the closest-door mode.
- setNegativeDisplayed(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeGraduatedSymbol
Sets whether to display the thematic types of negative values, True means yes
- setNegativeDisplayed(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeGraph
Sets whether to display a negative value
- setNegativeImage(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.plot.GeoGraphicObject
Set symbol negative image
- setNegativeStyle(GeoStyle) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeGraduatedSymbol
Sets the styles of thematic types of negative values
- setNetworkDataset(DatasetVector) - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.FacilityAnalystSetting
Sets the network dataset, required.
- setNetworkDataset(DatasetVector) - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.TransportationAnalystSetting
Sets the network dataset to be analyzed.
- setNetworkDataset(DatasetVector) - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst3d.FacilityAnalystSetting3D
Set the network dataset.
- setNetworkDataset(DatasetVector) - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst3d.TransportationAnalystSetting3D
Set the network dataset.
- setNetworkDataset(DatasetVector) - Method in class com.supermap.navi.Navigation2
Sets the network dataset to be analyzed.
- setNetworkNode(CloudLicenseManager.NetworkNodeType) - Method in class com.supermap.data.CloudLicenseManager
Sets a network node
- setNode(Integer) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.gltfModel.Target
Sets nodes
- setNodeColor(Color) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.collector.Collector
Sets the node color.
- setNodeColor(int) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.collector.Collector
Sets the node color.
- setNodeColor(int) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.imChart.LineChartData
Sets node color
- setNodeColor(int) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.MapControl
Sets the node color.
- setNodeDemandField(String) - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.LocationAnalystParameter
Sets the field representing the demand of the nodes which are regarded as the demand centers in the network dataset.
- setNodeIDField(String) - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.FacilityAnalystSetting
Sets the field that identifies the node ID in the network dataset.
- setNodeIDField(String) - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.TransportationAnalystSetting
Sets the field that identifies the node ID in the network dataset.
- setNodeIDField(String) - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst3d.FacilityAnalystSetting3D
Sets the ID filed of the node.
- setNodeIDField(String) - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst3d.TransportationAnalystSetting3D
Sets the ID filed of the node.
- setNodeInterval(double) - Method in class com.supermap.navi.Navigation2
Adds the selection tolerance of analyzed points.
- setNodeNameField(String) - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.TransportationAnalystSetting
Sets or sets the name of the field which stores the node names.
- setNodeNameField(String) - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst3d.TransportationAnalystSetting3D
Sets the Name field name of the node.
- setNodeRadius(float) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.imChart.LineChartData
Sets node radius
- setNodes(int[]) - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.TransportationAnalystParameter
Sets the node ID dataset passed by the analysis.
- setNodes(int[]) - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst3d.TransportationAnalystParameter3D
Sets the node ID dataset passed by the analysis.
- setNodes(List<Nodes>) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.gltfModel.Gltf
Sets node set
- setNodes(Integer[]) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.gltfModel.Scenes
Sets node array
- setNodeSelectStyle(Bitmap) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.MapEditStyle
Sets the selected style of the node.
- setNodeSize(double) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.collector.Collector
Sets the node size.
- setNodeSize(double) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.MapControl
Sets the node size.
- setNodesReturn(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.TransportationAnalystParameter
Sets whether to contain the node ID collection in the returned analyst result.
- setNodesReturn(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst3d.TransportationAnalystParameter3D
Sets whether to contain the passed node collection in the analyst result.
- setNodeStyle(GeoStyle) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.MapControl
Sets the node styles.
- setNodeStyle(Bitmap) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.MapEditStyle
Sets the style of the node.
- setNoiseThreshhold(float) - Method in class com.supermap.data.PathSmoothTool
set noise reduction threshold
- setNORMAL(Integer) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.gltfModel.Attributes
Sets the value of NORMAL
- setNorthStart(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.arlayer.ARLayerView
Sets whether to enable from the true north when the user uses the navigation feature.
- setNotes(String) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.collector.CollectorElement
Sets remarks of collected object.
- setNoValue(double) - Method in class com.supermap.data.DatasetGrid
Sets the empty value of the grid dataset.
- setNoValue(double) - Method in class com.supermap.data.DatasetGridInfo
Sets the empty value of the grid dataset.
- setNumColumns(int) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.imChart.LegendView
Sets legend sub-item column number
- setNumericPrecision(int) - Method in class com.supermap.distributeanalystservices.AggregatePointsOnline
Sets numeric precision
- setNumericPrecision(int) - Method in class com.supermap.distributeanalystservices.FeatureJoinOnline
Sets numeric precision (the default is 1)
- setNumericPrecision(int) - Method in class com.supermap.distributeanalystservices.SummaryRegionOnline
Sets numeric precision
- setNumericPrecision(int) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeLabel
Sets the accuracy of numbers in labels.
- setObjectColor(int) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.MapControl
Sets the color of the object edit.
- setObjectsColor(int[], Color) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Layer3DOSGBFile
Set the model color of the specified OSGB model ID queue.
- setObjectsVisible(int[], boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Layer3DOSGBFile
Set whether the model of the specified OSGB model ID queue is visible, and has a mutually exclusive and visible relationship with the model.
- setObjectWidth(double) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.MapControl
Sets the width of the object edit.
- setOffset(float) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.excavator.ExcavationParameter.Builder
Sets the excavation depth
- setOffsetDistance(double) - Method in class com.supermap.data.RegularizeParameter
Sets the maximum distance that the borders can offset when regularizing them
- setOffsetDistanceUnit(Unit) - Method in class com.supermap.data.RegularizeParameter
Sets the unit of the maximum distance that the borders can offset when regularizing them
- setOffsetFixed(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeGraduatedSymbol
Sets whether the offsets of symbols in the current thematic map are fixed
- setOffsetFixed(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeGraph
Sets whether to fix the offsets.
- setOffsetFixed(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeLabel
Sets whether the offset of the label is fixed when the map zooms in or zooms out.
- setOffsetFixed(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeRange
Sets whether to fix the offsets.
- setOffsetFixed(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeUnique
True indicates to employ the device unit; while false indicates to employ the geographic coordinate unit.
- setOffsetX(float) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.dyn.DynamicPoint
Sets the background image X offset.
- setOffsetX(String) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeGraduatedSymbol
Sets the false easting
- setOffsetX(String) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeGraph
Sets the false easting
- setOffsetX(String) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeLabel
Sets the horizontal offset between the label text and the points in features in the label map.
- setOffsetX(String) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeRange
Sets the X offset.
- setOffsetX(String) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeUnique
Sets the False Easting that the objects in the ThemeUnique crested by point, line and region layers, is relative to original location The unit of the offset is depended on the isOffsetFixed() settings.
- setOffsetY(float) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.dyn.DynamicPoint
Sets the background image Y offset.
- setOffsetY(String) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeGraduatedSymbol
Sets the false northing
- setOffsetY(String) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeGraph
Sets the false northing
- setOffsetY(String) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeLabel
Sets the vertical offset between the label text and the points in features in the label map.
- setOffsetY(String) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeRange
Sets the Y offset.
- setOffsetY(String) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeUnique
Sets the False Northing that the objects in the ThemeUnique crested by point, line and region layers, is relative to original location The unit of the offset is depended on the isOffsetFixed() settings.
- setOnClickArObjectListener(OnClickArObjectListener) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.ArView
Sets ArObject clicking listener
- setOnClickEnabled(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.loader.ModelGroupScene
Sets the enabled state of the model click event
- setOnClickListener(ModelGroupScene.OnClickListener) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.loader.ModelGroupScene
Set the click-listen event
- setOnClickListenner(CollectorElement.OnClickListener) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.collector.CollectorElement
Sets the clicking listener.
- setOnClickListenner(DynamicElement.OnClickListener) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.dyn.DynamicElement
Sets the clicking listener.
- setOnDataFlowListener(DataFlowOnline.OnDataFlowListener) - Method in class com.supermap.distributeanalystservices.DataFlowOnline
set monitor callback listener
- setOnDownAndUpListener(DynamicElement.OnDownAndUpListener) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.dyn.DynamicElement
Sets the listeners as fingers press down or leave dynamic objects.
- setOnItemClickListener(SymbolLibView.OnItemClickListener) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.view.SymbolLibView
Sets the clicking listener.
- setOnLengthChangedListener(OnLengthChangedListener) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.highprecision.ARMeasureView
Sets the listener on distance changes
- setOnLengthChangedListener(OnLengthChangedListener) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.highprecision.MeasureView
Sets the distance change listener
- setOnLongPressListener(DynamicElement.OnLongPressListener) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.dyn.DynamicElement
Sets the long-click listener.
- setOnlyObjectsVisible(int[], boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Layer3DOSGBFile
Set whether the model of the specified OSGB model ID queue is visible (manual setting).
- setOnMapClickListener(ARMapElement.OnMapClickListener) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.ARMapElement
Set the map click to listen
- setOnOrientationListener(OrientationListener.OnOrientationListener) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.OrientationListener
Sets the listener
- setOnPointUpdateListener(ARDynamicGeometry.OnPointUpdateListener) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.ARDynamicGeometry
Setting point adds listening events
- setOnRefreshListener(CameraRecordControl.TaskManager.OnRefreshListener) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.CameraRecordControl.TaskManager
Set refresh listening
- setOnRenderableLoadCompleteListener(AREffectElement.onRenderableLoadCompleteListener) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.AREffectElement
Set the listening event for the completion of resource loading Support elements:
Often used to listen for loading of Android View and Gltf models - setOnSceneTouchListener(EffectView.OnSceneTouchListener) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.EffectView
Set the scene touch listener If the element in the AR scene is not clicked when used, NullPointerException
- setOnSceneTouchListener(com.supermap.ar.areffect.AREffectView.OnSceneTouchListener) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.HmsAREffectView
- setOnTapPlaneListener(EffectView.OnTapPlaneListener) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.HmsAREffectView
- setOnTouchListener(View.OnTouchListener) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.SceneControl
Set up the touch monitor.
- setOnUpdateListener(ARMapElement.OnMapUpdateListener) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.ARMapElement
Set AR map update listener
- setOpacity(double) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.HypsometricSetting
Set opacity in the range 0-100, where 0 is completely transparent and 100 is completely opaque.
- setOpaqueRate(int) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.imChart.ChartView
The chart layer, which supports setting transparencies for layers.
- setOpaqueRate(int) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Layer
Sets the opacity of the layer.
- setOpaqueRate(int) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.LayerSettingGrid
Sets the opacity of the Grid layer which ranges from 0 to 100, and 0 means the layer is transparent, while 100 means the layer is opaque.
- setOpenGLMode(boolean) - Static method in class com.supermap.data.Environment
Sets the display mode to OpenGL mode.
- setOperationRetainedFields(String[]) - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.spatialanalyst.OverlayAnalystParameter
Sets the field names of overlay dataset or the Recordset which are maintained in the output dataset when performing overlay analysis.
- setOrderBy(String[]) - Method in class com.supermap.data.QueryParameter
Sets the field used to sort the result records of the SQL query.
- setOrderBy(String[]) - Method in class com.supermap.services.ServiceQueryParameter
Sets SQL query sort clause
- setOrient(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.imChart.ChartLegend
Sets whether or not to arrange the legend vertically.
- setOrientation(int) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.LegendView
Sets arrangements
- setOrigin(Point) - Method in class com.supermap.data.SymbolMarker
Sets the origin location of the symbol returned.
- setOriginalControlPoints(Point2Ds) - Method in class com.supermap.data.Transformation
Sets the selected control point in the layer to be registered.
- setOriginalPyramid(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.data.DatasetImage
Sets whether to use the original pyramid levels
- setOutLine(BaseShape) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.ARGeoPrism
Sets OutLine
- setOutLine(BaseShape) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.ARGeoVerticalRegion
Sets outlines
- setOutline(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.data.TextStyle
Sets whether to use outline and false indicates not to outline.
- setOutlineWidth(float) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.excavator.ExcavationParameter.Builder
Sets the outline width
- setOutput(Integer) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.gltfModel.Samplers
Sets the output value
- setOutputDatasource(Datasource) - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.spatialanalyst.GridAnalystSetting
Sets the datasoure where the dataset is located in
- setOutputDatasource(Datasource) - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.spatialanalyst.TerrainAnalystSetting
Sets the datasoure where the dataset is located in
- setOutputHDFSAddress(String) - Method in class com.supermap.distributeanalystservices.GridIndexOnline
Sets path export to HDFS
- setOverlapAvoided(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeGraph
Sets whether to avoid
- setOverlapAvoided(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeLabel
Whether to prevent the label from overlapping with each other automatically.
- setOverlapDisplayed(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Map
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to display objects when there are overlaps including text overlaps text and diagrams overlap diagrams.
- SetOverlapDisplayed(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Scene
Whether to display when setting the cover.
- setOverlapDisplayedOptions(MapOverlapDisplayedOptions) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Map
Gets or sets the overlap item.
- setOverlappedSpaceSize(Size2D) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.MapOverlapDisplayedOptions
- setOverLengthMode(OverLengthLabelMode) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeLabel
Sets the overlength handling mode.
- setPageNumber(int) - Method in class com.supermap.onlineservices.POIQueryParameter
Set the page number.
- setPageSize(int) - Method in class com.supermap.onlineservices.POIQueryParameter
Set the record count of each page.
- setPaintBackground(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Map
Sets a boolean value indicating whether the background of this map will be painted.
- setPaintProfileListener(PaintProfileListener) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.MapControl
Set to draw time-consuming listener, the map rendering once completed when the callback, the unit is ms.
- setParameter(AnalystParameter) - Method in class com.supermap.services.networkanalyst.AnalystFromServer
Sets the parameters of the request, starting and ending points, obstacle points, etc.
- setParentNode(EffectView) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.AREffectElement
Absolute layout.
- setParentNode(EffectElement) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.AREffectElement
Relative layout.
- setParentNode(EffectView, Node) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.AREffectElement
Binds elements to other nodes in the view
- setParentNode(AREffectElement) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.FlowElement
- setParentNode(EffectView) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.FlowElement
- setPart(int, Geometry) - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoCompound
Replaces the subobject at the specified ordinal in the GeoCompound object with the specified geometric object.
- setPart(int, Point2Ds) - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoLine
Modify the subobject with the given index of the GeoLine object.
- setPart(int, Point3Ds) - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoLine3D
Modify the subobject with the given index of the GeoLine3D object.
- setPart(int, PointMs) - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoLineM
Modify the GeoLine parts at the given place, return true if succeed.
- setPart(int, Point2Ds) - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoRegion
Modify the subobject with the given index of the GeoRegion object.
- setPart(int, TextPart) - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoText
Modify the part of the GeoText object with the specified index, that is replace the original part with new part.
- setPart(int, TextPart3D) - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoText3D
Modify the part of the GeoText object with the specified index, that is replace the original part with new part.
- setPassedRouteHidden(Map, boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.navi.Navigation2
Sets whether to hide the passed routes.
- setPassedRouteHidden(Map, boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.navi.Navigation3
Sets whether to hide the passed routes.
- setPassPoints(Point2Ds) - Method in class com.supermap.onlineservices.NavigationOnlineParameter
Set the path to the route.
- setPassword(String) - Method in class com.supermap.data.DatasourceConnectionInfo
Sets the password in the connection info.
- setPassword(String, DatasourceEncrytionType) - Method in class com.supermap.data.DatasourceConnectionInfo
Sets the password in the connection info.
- setPassword(String) - Method in class com.supermap.data.WorkspaceConnectionInfo
Sets the password when logging on the database or connecting to the file.
- setPath(String) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.gltfModel.Target
Sets the path
- setPathEffect(PathEffect) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.dyn.DynamicStyle
Sets the style of a line,Can be set to a dotted line, PathEffect See the documentation for Android.
- setPathGuidesReturn(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.TransportationAnalystParameter
Sets whether the path guide collection is contained in the analysis result.
- setPathPt(int, Point3D) - Method in class com.supermap.plot.AnimationWay
Sets the path point with specified sequence number
- setPathTrackDir(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.plot.AnimationWay
Whether to set the tangential line direction
- setPathType(AnimationDefine.PathType) - Method in class com.supermap.plot.AnimationWay
Sets path types
- setPathVisible(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.navi.Navigation
Sets whether to highlight the path.
- setPathVisible(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.navi.Navigation2
Set whether the analysis path is visible
- setPathVisible(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.navi.Navigation3
Set whether the analysis path is visible
- setPathVisible(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.navi.Navigation3D
Set whether the analysis path is visible
- setPausePlayImage(Bitmap) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.imChart.TimeLine
Set pause image
- setPbrMetallicRoughness(PbrMetallicRoughness) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.gltfModel.Materials
Sets PBR parameter
- setPitch(float) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.ARRecordParameter
- setPitch(float) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.AR.ARMapDrawView
Sets the pitch angle
- setPitch(double) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.ProjectionImage
- setPitch(double) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Scene
Observe the three-dimensional scene obliquely at a certain angle.
- setPitch(double) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Skyline
- setPixelFormat(PixelFormat) - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.spatialanalyst.GridAnalystSetting
- setPixelFormat(PixelFormat) - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.spatialanalyst.TerrainAnalystSetting
- setPixelFormat(PixelFormat) - Method in class com.supermap.data.DatasetGridInfo
Sets the pixel format of the grid dataset.
- setPlaneHeight(float) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.CameraWindowRenderer
Set ground height
- setPlatformHeight(float) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.RecordParameter
Sets the height of the platform
- setPlayerService(String) - Method in class com.supermap.ai.mediaservice.MediaService
Sets the pull-flow address
- setPlayImage(Bitmap) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.imChart.TimeLine
Set play image
- setPlayIndex(int) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.imChart.ChartView
Sets the serial number of the start rendering data collection.
- setPlayInterval(float) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.imChart.ChartView
Render spatiotemporal data, time interval unit sec, default 2s.
- setPlayMode(NodeAnimationPlayMode) - Method in class com.supermap.data.NodeAnimation
Sets the playback mode of the node animation.
- setPlaySpeed(float) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.VideoEffectView
Set the playback speed The SDK needs to be greater than 23
- setPlaySpeed(float) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.VideoEffectView2
Setting the playback speed The sdk needs to be greater than 23
- setPlayTimePercent(float) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.imChart.ChartView
Renders spatio-temporal data, percentage of time to jump.
- setPlotSymbol(long, long) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.MapControl
Sets the plot symbol.
- setPOIDrawable(int) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.speech.SpeechControl
Sets the showing icon
- setPoiname(String) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.speech.POIInfo
Sets POI names
- setPOIName(String) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.speech.SpeechControl
Sets the POI field name to search
- setPoint(Point2D) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.dyn.DynamicCircle
sets point
- setPoint(Point2D) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.dyn.DynamicPoint
Sets point
- setPoint(Point2D) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.imChart.ChartPoint
Sets the point coordinates, points on the map.
- setPoint(String, int) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.imChart.InstrumentChart
Initialize the instrument chart pointer.
- SetPoint(Point2D) - Method in class com.supermap.navi.NaviStep
Sets the turn point.
- setPoint2D(Point2D) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.speech.POIInfo
Sets POI coordinates
- setPoint2Ds(Point2Ds) - Method in class com.supermap.onlineservices.CoordinateConvertParameter
Must set parameters Pre-convert coordinates, support batch conversion.
- setPointCloudEnable(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.gather.GatherView
Sets whether to display points in the point cloud mode
- setPointColor(Color) - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoStyle
Sets the color of point.
- setPointColor(int) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.dyn.DynamicStyle
Sets the color of point.
- setPointColor(int) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.imChart.InstrumentChart
Sets instrument chart pointer color (must be initialized).
- setPoints(Point2Ds) - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.TransportationAnalystParameter
Sets the passed nodes set in the analysis.
- setPoints(Point3Ds) - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst3d.TransportationAnalystParameter3D
Sets the passed nodes set in the analysis.
- setPoints(Point3D, Point3D, float) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.FlowElement
set the position and spacing of two point Generate particles according to spacingDistance between two point of ab
- setPoints(List<Point3D>) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.FlowElement
set ARcoordinate points
- setPoints(Point2Ds) - Method in class com.supermap.services.OptimalPathAnalysis
Description: sets passing points for a path analysis
- setPointStyle(ShapeStyle) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.ARDynamicGeometry
- setPOIQueryCallback(POIQuery.POIQueryCallback) - Method in class com.supermap.onlineservices.POIQuery
Set the POI query callback.
- setPOIRange(int, int, int) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.speech.SpeechControl
Sets the range of searching POI (unit: meter)
- setPOISelectedDrawable(int) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.speech.SpeechControl
Sets the selected icon
- setPOIType(String) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.speech.SpeechControl
Sets the poi type to search
- setPolyColorAlpha(int) - Method in class com.supermap.ai.AIDetectView
Sets the transparency of colors in the aggregation mode which ranges from 0 to 255. 0 means transparent. 255 denotes opacity.
- setPolyColorArray(Vector<Integer>) - Method in class com.supermap.ai.AIDetectView
Sets the ribbon of aggregation mode
- setPolygonStyle(ShapeStyle) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.ARDynamicGeometry
- setPolymerize(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.ai.AIDetectView
Sets the aggregation mode.
- setPolymerize(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.dyn.DynamicView
Sets whether to open the aggregation function.
- setPolymerizeThreshold(int, int) - Method in class com.supermap.ai.AIDetectView
Sets the threshold value of aggregation mode
- setPolymeriztionType(int) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.imChart.PolymerChart
Sets the aggregation algorithm type.
- setPolySize(Camera.Size) - Method in class com.supermap.ai.AIDetectView
Sets the width and height of each grid under the aggregation mode
- setPolyWithRect(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.ai.AIDetectView
Sets whether to draw the detection frame under the aggregation mode
- setPosition(Point3D) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.AREffectElement
Sets the position of AR object on the AR scene
- setPosition(Point3D) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.ARRecordParameter
Gets the coordinates of AR scene.
- setPOSITION(Integer) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.gltfModel.Attributes
Sets the value of POSITION
- setPosition(Point3D) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.ArObject
Sets the position of ArObject
- setPosition(float, float, float) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.ArObject
Sets the position of ArObject
- setPosition(Point3D) - Method in class com.supermap.data.Geometry3D
Sets the point coordinates of the geometry object.
- setPosition(Point3D) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.ProjectionImage
- setPositionPoints(Point2Ds) - Method in class com.supermap.plot.GeoGraphicObject
Set 2D position point array
- setPositiveStyle(GeoStyle) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeGraduatedSymbol
Sets the styles of thematic types of positive value
- setPrecision(double) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeRange
Sets the range precision for the ranges map.
- setPrimitives(List<Primitives>) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.gltfModel.Meshes
Sets a basic graphic element
- setPrjCoordSys(PrjCoordSys) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.PrjCoordSysParameter
Sets projection conversion parameters
- setPrjCoordSys(PrjCoordSys) - Method in class com.supermap.data.Dataset
Sets the projection information of the dataset.
- setPrjCoordSys(PrjCoordSys) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Map
Sets the projected coordinate system of the map.
- setPrjCoordSysTransListener(PrjCoordSysTranslatorListener, PrjCoordSys, PrjCoordSys) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Map
Set the custom projection conversion algorithm interface class
- setPrjParameter(PrjParameter) - Method in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSys
Sets the projection parameters.
- setProhibitedWayRuleValues(String[]) - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.TransportationAnalystSetting
Sets the string array which represents the forbidden line.
- setProhibitedWayRuleValues(String[]) - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst3d.TransportationAnalystSetting3D
Sets an array of strings that are used to represent forbidden lines, that is, when the value of the RuleField field is one of the values of the array, it represents a forbidden line.
- setProjection(Projection) - Method in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSys
Sets the projection type of the coordinate system, for example, Conformal Conic Projections, Azimuthal Equidistant Projections, and etc.
- setProxy(String, String) - Method in class com.supermap.data.DatasourceConnectionInfo
Sets the proxy server address and port.
- setPushService(String, String, String, InitCallback) - Method in class com.supermap.ai.mediaservice.MediaService
Sets the push-flow service address
- setPyramidFirstLevel(int) - Method in class com.supermap.data.DatasetImage
Sets the first level of a pyramid to be created. 2 is by default.
- setQueryBounds(Rectangle2D) - Method in class com.supermap.services.ServiceQueryParameter
Sets the query range.
- setQueryCity(String) - Method in class com.supermap.onlineservices.TrafficTransferParameter
Set traffic transfer service query range.
- setQueryDistance(double) - Method in class com.supermap.services.ServiceQueryParameter
Sets the query distance.
- setQueryGeomety(Geometry) - Method in class com.supermap.services.ServiceQueryParameter
Sets the geometry object to query.
- setQueryLayerName(String) - Method in class com.supermap.services.ServiceQueryParameter
Sets the layer name of current query.
- setQueryListener(QueryListener) - Method in class com.supermap.data.DatasetVector
Sets the asynchronous callback function, which is used in
DatasetVector.queryByFilter(String, Geometry, int)
andDatasetVector.queryByKeyword(String, String, Geometry, int)
- setQueryMapName(String) - Method in class com.supermap.services.ServiceQueryParameter
Sets the map name of query map.
- setQueryMode(String) - Method in class com.supermap.distributeanalystservices.QueryOnline
- setQueryOption(QueryOption) - Method in class com.supermap.services.ServiceQueryParameter
Sets the content type of query result.
- setQueryRecordStart(int) - Method in class com.supermap.services.ServiceQueryParameter
Sets the origin location of query records.
- setQueryServiceName(String) - Method in class com.supermap.services.ServiceQueryParameter
Sets the service name of service instance of current query.
- setQueryType(QueryOnline.QueryType) - Method in class com.supermap.distributeanalystservices.QueryOnline
Sets query object type, corresponding query analysis worked only after set this interface
- setRadious(float) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.imChart.HeatMap
Sets heat map dot radius, the unit is dp, default is 20.
- setRadious(float) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.imChart.PointDensityChart
Set the original radius in pixels.
- setRadious(float) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.imChart.ScatterChart
Set the scatter chart radius, in dp, and the default is 10.
- setRadius(float) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.excavator.ExcavationParameter.Builder
Sets the excavation radius Contains X and Y directions
- setRadius(float) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.BaseShape
- setRadius(float) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.ShapeStyle
- setRadius(double) - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoArc
Sets the radius of the arc.
- setRadius(double) - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoCircle
Sets the radius of the circle.
- setRadius(double) - Method in class com.supermap.distributeanalystservices.DensityAnalystOnline
Sets point radius of density map.
- setRadius(double) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.dyn.DynamicCircle
Sets radius of circle
- setRadius(double) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Skyline
- setRadiusUnit(BufferRadiusUnit) - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.BufferAnalystParameter
Sets the unit for buffer analysis radius.
- setRadiusUnit(String) - Method in class com.supermap.distributeanalystservices.DensityAnalystOnline
Set search radius unit.
- setRadiusUnit(String) - Method in class com.supermap.distributeanalystservices.QueryOnline
Sets buffer radius unit
- setRadiusUnit(String) - Method in class com.supermap.distributeanalystservices.VectorClipAnalystOnline
Sets buffer radius unit
- setRadiusX(float) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.excavator.ExcavationParameter.Builder
Sets the excavation radius in the X direction
- setRadiusY(float) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.excavator.ExcavationParameter.Builder
Sets the excavation radius in the y direction
- setRandomSize(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.ARParticleElement
Sets whether you want the size of the current model is random
- setRange(double) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.LookAt
Sets the distance between the camera and the viewpoint.
- setRangeExpression(String) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeLabel
Sets the field expression for ranging.
- setRangeExpression(String) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeRange
Sets the range field expression.
- setRangeSetting(ThemeRange) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeGraphItem
Range style settings of a thematic map
- setRayTestStatusListener(CameraRecordControl.RayTestStatusListener) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.CameraRecordControl
Sets the listening event for ray detection
- setReadOnly(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.data.Dataset
Sets whether the data set is read-only.
- setReadOnly(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.data.DatasourceConnectionInfo
Sets whether to open the datasource in readonly manner.
- setRealMode(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.ARMapElement
Set true mode (with 1:1 map enabled or not)
- setRecordName(String) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.record.EffectViewRecorder
Sets the prefix of the video name
- setRecordset(Recordset) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.AR.ArControl2
Sets the record set
- setRect(int, Rect) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.AR.ArControl2
Sets a rectangle
- setRect(Rect, Rect) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.AR.ArControl2
Updates the current rectangle
- setRects(ArrayList<Rect>) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.AR.ArControl2
Sets the rectangular fame collection
- setReflectance(float) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.BaseShape
Sets reflectance
- setReflectance(float) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.ShapeStyle
- setRefreshInterval(int) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.arlayer.ARLayerView
Sets the time interval of refreshing scene
- setRefreshListener(RefreshListener) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.MapControl
Sets the refresh listener.
- setRegionDataset(String) - Method in class com.supermap.distributeanalystservices.AggregatePointsOnline
Sets aggregate region dataset.
- setRegionDataset(String) - Method in class com.supermap.distributeanalystservices.SummaryRegionOnline
Sets the summary dataset when the summary type is polygon summary
- setRegularizeMethod(RegularizeMethod) - Method in class com.supermap.data.RegularizeParameter
- setRelationalPoints(ArrayList<RelationalChartPoint>) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.imChart.RelationalChartPoint
Set the relation point collection.
- setRelationName(String) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.imChart.RelationalChartPoint
Set the relation point name.
- setRelativePosition(Point3D) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.AREffectElement
Sets the position of AR object relative to its parent node
- setRelativePosition(Vector3) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.AREffectElement
Sets the position of the AR object relative to the parent node * @param position
- setReleaseWhenInvisible(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Layer3D
Set whether to release the memory when the layer is hidden.
- setRenderable(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.BaseShape
Sets whether the object is renderable Defaults to true, when set to false, the object drawn will not be rendered in the scene
- setRenderHeight(float) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.ARGeoHorizontalRegion
Sets the rendering height
- setRenderHeight(float) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.ARGeoRegion2
Set render Height
- setRenderingWithMultiResolution(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Layer3DMap
- setRenderInnerShape(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.ARGeoVerticalRegion
Whether to draw region For setOutLine(...)
- setRenderMode(OcclusionHelper.RenderMode) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.OcclusionHelper
Set occlusion rendering mode
- setRenderToGlobe(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.ProjectionImage
- setRepeatCount(int) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.ARAnimationParameter
Sets how many times an animation cycles
- setRepeatCount(int) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.FlowElement
Sets the number of cycles for the animation If the value is less than 0, go to -1 -1, the animation loop is infinite
- setRepeatedLabelAvoided(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeLabel
Sets whether to avoid repeat labeling.
- setRepeatIntervalFixed(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeLabel
Sets whether the interval of the repeated label along the line is fixed.
- setRepeatMode(ARAnimationRepeatMode) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.ARAnimationParameter
Sets the playing modes of animations.
- setReplaceStyle(AnimationDefine.BlinkAnimationReplaceStyle) - Method in class com.supermap.plot.AnimationBlink
Sets whether to switch colors or not
- setRequestHeader(String) - Method in class com.supermap.data.DatasourceConnectionInfo
Set the request header The current version only works with REST map services
- setRequired(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.data.FieldInfo
Sets whether the field is required.
- setResolution(double) - Method in class com.supermap.distributeanalystservices.AggregatePointsOnline
Sets mesh size.
- setResolution(double) - Method in class com.supermap.distributeanalystservices.DensityAnalystOnline
Sets mesh size.
- setResolution(int) - Method in class com.supermap.distributeanalystservices.SummaryRegionOnline
Sets mesh size.
- setResourceValue(double) - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.SupplyCenter
Sets the amount of the resource of the supply center.
- setResponseCallback(ResponseCallback) - Method in class com.supermap.services.ServiceBase
Sets the response callback.
- setResponseListener(ResponseListener) - Method in class com.supermap.services.networkanalyst.AnalystFromServer
Sets the return result monitoring interface
- setResultCount(int) - Method in class com.supermap.onlineservices.TrafficTransferParameter
Set the max transfer solution count.
- setResultFields(String[]) - Method in class com.supermap.data.QueryParameter
Sets the result field collection of the query.
- setResultFields(String[]) - Method in class com.supermap.services.ServiceQueryParameter
Sets the result filed set of the query. if it is null, query all field.
- setReturnEdgeFeatures(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.services.networkanalyst.AnalystParameter
Sets whether to include the feature set of passing arcs in the analysis result.
- setReturnEdgeGeometry(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.services.networkanalyst.AnalystParameter
Sets whether to include the collection of passing arc geometric objects in the analysis result.
- setReturnEdgeIDs(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.services.networkanalyst.AnalystParameter
Sets whether to include the set of passing arcs in the analysis result.
- setReturnNodeFeatures(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.services.networkanalyst.AnalystParameter
Sets whether to include the node feature set in the analysis result
- setReturnNodeGeometry(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.services.networkanalyst.AnalystParameter
Sets whether to include node geometry object collection in the analysis result
- setReturnNodeIDs(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.services.networkanalyst.AnalystParameter
Sets whether to include the set of passing nodes in the analysis result.
- setReturnPathGuides(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.services.networkanalyst.AnalystParameter
Sets whether to include the driving guidance set in the analysis result.
- setReturnPathInfos(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.onlineservices.NavigationOnlineParameter
Set whether to return route guidance information.
- setReturnPathPoints(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.onlineservices.NavigationOnlineParameter
Set whether to return the path.
- setReturnRoutes(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.services.networkanalyst.AnalystParameter
Sets whether to include a collection of routing objects in the analysis results.
- setRight(double) - Method in class com.supermap.data.Rectangle2D
Sets the coordinate of the right edge of this Rectangle2D structure.
- setRightDistance(Object) - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.BufferAnalystParameter
Sets the (right) buffer distance.
- setRightDistance(int) - Method in class com.supermap.distributeanalystservices.QueryOnline
Sets right buffer distance
- setRightDistance(int) - Method in class com.supermap.distributeanalystservices.VectorClipAnalystOnline
Sets right buffer distance
- setRoadInfoVisibie(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.navi.Navigation2
Set whether to display the road information bar.
- setRoll(float) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.ARRecordParameter
- setRoll(double) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.ProjectionImage
- setRollEye(double) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Scene
The 3D scene rotates a certain angle around the viewpoint.
- setRotate2D(Point2D) - Method in class com.supermap.plot.GeoGraphicObject
Set 2D symbol rotation angle of vector mode
- setRotateAlwaysToCamera(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.AREffectElement
Sets whether the attitude of the element is always relative to the camera position
- setRotateDegree(float) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.dyn.RotateAnimator
Sets the rotation angle.
- setRotateDirection(AnimationDefine.RotateDirection) - Method in class com.supermap.plot.AnimationRotate
Sets the rotation direction
- setRotateHandleStyle(Bitmap) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.MapEditStyle
Sets the style of the rotate control point.
- setRotateToCameraType(Node.RotateToCameraType) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.AREffectElement
Set the position of the node relative to the camera : Horizontal, Vertical, Horizontal_Vertical
- setRotateX(double) - Method in class com.supermap.data.CoordSysTransParameter
Sets the rotation angle to the X axis, it is used to convert between different geodetic reference systems, the unit is radian.
- setRotateY(double) - Method in class com.supermap.data.CoordSysTransParameter
Sets the rotation angle to the Y axis, it is used to convert between different geodetic reference systems, the unit is radian.
- setRotateZ(double) - Method in class com.supermap.data.CoordSysTransParameter
Sets the rotation angle to the Z axis, it is used to convert between different geodetic reference systems, the unit is radian.
- setRotation(Quaternion) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.ARRecordParameter
Sets the rotation quaternion
- setRotation(Float[]) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.gltfModel.Nodes
Sets the rotation array
- setRotation(double) - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoChord
Sets the rotation angle of the GeoChord object.
- setRotation(double) - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoEllipse
Sets the rotation angle of the ellipse.
- setRotation(double) - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoEllipticArc
Sets the angle of the rotation of the elliptic arc.
- setRotation(double) - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoPie
Sets the start angle of ellipse arc which the GeoPie object belongs to.
- setRotation(double) - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoRectangle
Sets the rotation angle of the GeoRectangle object.
- setRotation(double) - Method in class com.supermap.data.TextPart
Sets the rotation angle of the instance of the TextPart class, in degrees.
- setRotation(double) - Method in class com.supermap.data.TextStyle
Sets the rotation angle of text in the thematic map in degrees, with the rotation direction being anticlockwise.
- setRotation(int, double, double, double) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.TrackingLayer3D
The Geometry of the specified index in the 3D trace layer is rotated in the x/y/z direction (only GeoModel rotation is supported).
- setRotationAngle(float) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.ARAnimationRotation
- setRotationAngle(Vector, float) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.AREffectElement
Sets the rotation angle
- setRotationAngle(Vector, float) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.FlowElement
Set rotation posture
- setRotationAxis(Vector) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.ARAnimationParameter
Sets a rotation axis.
- setRotationDirection(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.FlowElement
The rotation direction true,clockwise false,counterclockwise
- setRotationX(double) - Method in class com.supermap.data.Geometry3D
Sets the rotation angle of the 3D geometry object relative to X Axis.
- setRotationY(double) - Method in class com.supermap.data.Geometry3D
Sets The rotation angle of the 3D geometry object relative to Y Axis.
- setRotationZ(double) - Method in class com.supermap.data.Geometry3D
The rotation angle of the 3D geometry object relative to Z Axis.
- setRoughness(float) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.BaseShape
Sets roughness
- setRoughness(float) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.ShapeStyle
- setRoughnessFactor(Float) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.gltfModel.PbrMetallicRoughness
Sets the roughness parameter
- setRoutesReturn(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.TransportationAnalystParameter
Sets whether the returned analysis result includes the route(
) object set. - setRoutesReturn(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst3d.TransportationAnalystParameter3D
Sets whether the returned analysis result includes the route(
) object set. - setRouteStyle(GeoStyle) - Method in class com.supermap.navi.Navigation
Sets the route style.
- setRouteStyle(GeoStyle) - Method in class com.supermap.navi.Navigation2
Sets the route style.
- setRouteStyle(GeoStyle) - Method in class com.supermap.navi.Navigation3
Sets the style of the current floor boot path
- setRouteStyle(GeoStyle) - Method in class com.supermap.navi.Navigation3D
Sets the style of the current floor boot path
- setRouteType(RouteType) - Method in class com.supermap.onlineservices.NavigationOnlineParameter
Set the navigation plan mode, the default is
- setRowCount(int) - Method in class com.supermap.data.mapGrid.MapGridRangeBound
- setRowHeight(int) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.LegendView
Sets row height.
- setRowLineCount(int) - Method in class com.supermap.data.mapGrid.MapGridParam
Sets the number of grid rows
- setRowOrCol(int) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.view.SymbolLibView
Sets the number of rows or columns with a limitation that the maximum number is 6
- setRows(int) - Method in class com.supermap.distributeanalystservices.GridIndexOnline
Sets the number of index row
- setRowWidth(int) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.LegendView
Sets row width.
- setRule(TopologyValidatorOnline.RuleType) - Method in class com.supermap.distributeanalystservices.TopologyValidatorOnline
Sets topology check rule
- setRuleField(String) - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.TransportationAnalystSetting
Sets the traffic rule field of the network edge in the network dataset.
- setRuleField(String) - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst3d.TransportationAnalystSetting3D
Sets the transportation rule filed name.
- setSampler(Integer) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.gltfModel.Channels
Sets sampler indexes
- setSampler(Integer) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.gltfModel.Textures
Sets sampler indexes
- setSamplers(List<Samplers>) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.gltfModel.Animations
Sets samplers
- setSamplers(List<Samplers>) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.gltfModel.Gltf
Sets samplers
- setScale(float) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.component.BubbleView
Sets the ratio to zoom. 1.0 is by default and least.
- setScale(int) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.component.BubbleView2
The default value is 1 and must be greater than or equal to 1
- setScale(float) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.component.PanGestureController
Sets scale
- setScale(Float[]) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.gltfModel.Nodes
Sets the scale
- setScale(float) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.dyn.DynamicStyle
Sets the display scale.
- setScale(double) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Map
Sets the display scale of the current map.
- setScale(double) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.MapViewGroup
Sets the display scale of the current map.
- setScale(int, double) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.TrackingLayer3D
The Geometry of the specified index in the 3D tracking layer is scaled in the x/y/z direction (only GeoModel scaling is supported).
- setScaleByMap(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.plot.GeoGraphicObject
Sets point symbol whether zoomed with map
- setScaleDifference(double) - Method in class com.supermap.data.CoordSysTransParameter
Sets the projection scale difference.
- setScaleFactor(float[]) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.AREffectElement
Sets the ratio of object in ar world
- setScaleFactor(float[]) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.ARMapElement
- setScaleFactor(float, float, float) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.FlowElement
Set the proportion
- setScaleFactor(float[]) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.FlowElement
Set the proportion
- setScaleFactor(double) - Method in class com.supermap.data.PrjParameter
Sets the scale factor for the projection transformation.
- setScaleType(ScaleType) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ScaleView
Sets the text type on the scale control
- setScaleX(double) - Method in class com.supermap.data.Geometry3D
Sets the zoom scale of the 3D geometry object relative to X Axis.
- setScaleY(double) - Method in class com.supermap.data.Geometry3D
Sets the zoom scale of the 3D geometry object relative to Y Axis.
- setScaleZ(double) - Method in class com.supermap.data.Geometry3D
Sets the zoom scale of the 3D geometry object relative to Z Axis.
- setScene(Integer) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.gltfModel.Gltf
Sets Scene index
- setScene(Scene) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.FlyManager
Set the associated scene.
- setSceneCenter(Point3D) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.AREffectView
Sets the AR scene change center (the zooming and rotation of an AR scene take "center" as a the center)
- setSceneCenter(Point3D) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.EffectView
- setSceneControl(SceneControl) - Method in class com.supermap.navi.Navigation3D
Set up three scene controls
- setSceneDataPath(String) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.AREffectView
Sets the path of scene data
- setSceneDataPath(String) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.EffectView
Set the path of scenario data
- setSceneDepthListener(ARCartographView.SceneDepthListener) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.arcartograph.ARCartographView
Sets the DOF changing listener
- setSceneRotation(double, double, double) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.ARControl
Set the rotation of the scene.
- setScenes(List<Scenes>) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.gltfModel.Gltf
Sets Scene set
- setSceneScale(double, double, double) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.ARControl
Set the zoom of the scene.
- setSceneTransLation(double, double, double) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.ARControl
Set the translation of the scene.
- setSceneXML(int, String) - Method in class com.supermap.data.Scenes
Adds the scene inputted by user to the Scene collection.
- setSceneXML(String, String) - Method in class com.supermap.data.Scenes
Modify the content of the scene with the specified name, without any modification on the name of the scene.
- setScrollDirection(SymbolLibView.Orientation) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.view.SymbolLibView
Sets the direction to vertical or horizontal
- setSecondPointLongitude(double) - Method in class com.supermap.data.PrjParameter
Sets the longitude of the second point.
- setSegmentLable(String[]) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.imChart.ColorScheme
Sets the array of segmented labels.
- setSegmentValue(float[]) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.imChart.ColorScheme
Sets the array of segmented values.
- setSelectable(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Layer
Sets whether the objects in the specified layer are selectable.
- setSelectable(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Layer3D
Returns whether the objects in the 3D layer can be selected. true means that the mouse can be used to select the object in the corresponding 3D layer, false means the object in the 3D layer is not selectable.
- setSelected(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.speech.POIInfo
Sets whether to select
- setSelectedColor(Color) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.ShapeStyle
- setSelectedTranslate(double, double, double) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Layer3DOSGBFile
Set the offset position of the selected object
- setSelectionColor(Color) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.ARGeometry
- setSelectionColor(Color) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.ARGeoVerticalRegion
- setSelectionColor(Color) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.BaseShape
Sets the color of the rendering object under the selection status
- setSelectionMode(SelectionMode) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.MapControl
Sets the selection mode when selecting the feature.
- setSelectionTolerance(double) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.MapControl
Sets the selection tolerance.
- setSemicircleLineSegment(int) - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.BufferAnalystParameter
Sets the count of segments of the semicircle line, that is, how many segments are used to simulate the semicircle line, the value must be greater than four.
- setSemicircleLineSegment(int) - Method in class com.supermap.distributeanalystservices.QueryOnline
Sets the number of semicircle line segment (optional)
- setSemicircleLineSegment(int) - Method in class com.supermap.distributeanalystservices.VectorClipAnalystOnline
Sets the count of the semicircle line segment.
- setSemimajorAxis(double) - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoChord
Sets the semi-major axis of the ellipse which the GeoChord object belongs to.
- setSemimajorAxis(double) - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoEllipse
Sets the length of the semimajor of the ellipse.
- setSemimajorAxis(double) - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoEllipticArc
Sets the length of the semimajor of the ellipse where the elliptic arc lies.
- setSemimajorAxis(double) - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoPie
Sets the length of the semi-major axis of the ellipse which the GeoPie object belongs to.
- setSemiminorAxis(double) - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoChord
Sets the semi-minor axis of the ellipse which the GeoChord object belongs to.
- setSemiminorAxis(double) - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoEllipse
Sets the length of the semiminor of the ellipse.
- setSemiminorAxis(double) - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoEllipticArc
Sets the length of the semiminor of the ellipse where the elliptic arc lies.
- setSemiminorAxis(double) - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoPie
Sets the length of the semi-minor axis of the ellipse which the GeoPie object belongs to.
- setSensorLatitude(double) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.RecordParameter
Sets the latitude of the sensor
- setSensorLongitude(double) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.RecordParameter
Sets the longitude of the sensor
- setSeparator(String) - Method in class com.supermap.data.conversion.ImportSettingCSV
- setSeparator(String) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.MixedTextStyle
Sets the text separator, the style of which employs the default style.
- setSeparatorEnabled(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.MixedTextStyle
Sets whether the text delimiter is valid or not.
- setServer(String) - Method in class com.supermap.data.DatasourceConnectionInfo
Sets the path name of the database server or file.
- setServer(String) - Method in class com.supermap.data.WorkspaceConnectionInfo
Sets the file name.
- setServerName(String) - Method in class com.supermap.services.ServiceBase
Sets the service name, such as: "iserver" in "http:
- setServerUrl(String) - Method in class com.supermap.data.PrivateCloudLicenseManager
Sets the private cloud server address
- setShadow(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.data.TextStyle
Sets whether the text has shadow, true means add shadow to the text.
- setShadowCaster(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.AREffectElement
Sets whether shadows can be cast in the scene
- setShadowCaster(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.ARGltfElement
Sets whether shadows can be cast in the scene
- setShadowCaster(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.ARVideoElement2
must call before
- setShadowCaster(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.BaseShape
Sets whether to generate the shadow effect
- setShadowCaster(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.ShapeStyle
- setShadowReceiver(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.AREffectElement
Sets whether shadows from other objects can be accepted in the scene
- setShadowReceiver(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.ARGltfElement
Sets whether shadows cast on this instance by other elements can be rendered
- setShadowReceiver(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.ARVideoElement2
must call before
- setShadowReceiver(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.BaseShape
Sets the effect after accepting shadow
- setShadowReceiver(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.ShapeStyle
- setShapeStyle(ShapeStyle) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.BaseShape
Set style style
- setShowARDest(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.AR.ARMapDrawView
Sets whether to show AR target features
- setShowDistance(String) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.AR.ARMapDrawView
Sets the distance to show
- setShowEffect(int) - Method in class com.supermap.plot.AnimationShow
Sets the display result
- setShowGrid(Boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.data.mapGrid.MapGridParam
- setShowGrid(boolean, boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.dyn.DynamicChart
Sets whether to display the grid.
- setShowGuideLine(boolean, GeoLineM[], Point2D, Point2D) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.TrackingLayer
Sets whether to display the guide lines of the starting point and the ending point
- setShowLocation(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.AR.ArControl2
Sets whether to display the current position
- setShowMajorDivision(Boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.data.mapGrid.MapGridParam
Set Displays the main dividing line
- setShowProgress(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.spatialanalyst.GridAnalystSetting
Sets whether to display the progress bar
- setShowProgress(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.spatialanalyst.TerrainAnalystSetting
Sets whether to display the progress bar
- setShowState(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.plot.AnimationShow
Sets the display status
- setShowText(String) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.AR.ARMapDrawView
Sets text to display
- setSimulationInterval(int) - Method in class com.supermap.navi.Navigation
Sets the simulation navigation interval, in milliseconds.
- setSimulationInterval(int) - Method in class com.supermap.navi.Navigation2
Sets the simulation navigation interval, in milliseconds.
- setSimulationInterval(int) - Method in class com.supermap.navi.Navigation3
Sets the simulation navigation interval, in milliseconds.
- setSimulationInterval(int) - Method in class com.supermap.navi.Navigation3D
Sets the simulation navigation interval, in milliseconds.
- setSimulationSpeed(double) - Method in class com.supermap.navi.Navigation
Set the analog navigation speed, so that the car in accordance with the set speed (unit m / s)
- setSimulationSpeed(double) - Method in class com.supermap.navi.Navigation2
Set the analog navigation speed (in m / s)
- setSimulationSpeed(double) - Method in class com.supermap.navi.Navigation3
Set the analog navigation speed (in m / s)
- setSimulationSpeed(double) - Method in class com.supermap.navi.Navigation3D
Set the analog navigation speed (in m / s)
- setSingle(int, float) - Method in class com.supermap.data.Recordset
Sets the value for a field in a recordset.
- setSingle(String, float) - Method in class com.supermap.data.Recordset
Sets the value for a field in a recordset.
- setSingle(String, float) - Method in class com.supermap.services.FeatureSet
Sets the value for a field in a FeatureSet.
- setSingleTapEnable(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.collector.Collector
Sets whether or not to use gestures.
- setSize(int, int) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.ImageEffectView
- setSize(Context, VideoEffectView, float) - Static method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.utils.VideoEffectViewHelper
- setSize(View, float) - Static method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.utils.VideoEffectViewHelper
Sets the width and height of the effect view based on the width and height ratio Ensure that video is maximized in the interface
- setSize(View, float, int, int) - Static method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.utils.VideoEffectViewHelper
Sets the width and height of the effect view based on the width and height ratio Ensure that video is maximized in the interface
- setSize(float) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.dyn.DynamicStyle
Sets the point size or line width.
- setSize(int, int) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.view.SymbolLibView
Sets the layer size
- setSizeByMediaPlayer(View, MediaPlayer) - Static method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.utils.VideoEffectViewHelper
Sets Size By MediaPlayer
- setSizeFixed(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.data.TextStyle
Sets whether the size of the text is fixed.
- setSlantAngle(double) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Map
Sets the rotation angle
- setSliderImage(Bitmap) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.imChart.TimeLine
Set slider image
- setSliderSelectedImage(Bitmap) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.imChart.TimeLine
Set selected slider style
- setSliderSize(float) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.imChart.TimeLine
Set slider size.
- setSliderTextColor(int) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.imChart.TimeLine
Set slider text color
- setSliderTextSize(float) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.imChart.TimeLine
Set slider text size.
- setSlowTurning(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.RouteStop
Sets whether to turn in a slow speed in a stop
- setSmallGeometryLabeled(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeLabel
Sets whether to display a label if the label is longer than the object it labels.
- setSmoothness(int) - Method in class com.supermap.data.mapGrid.MapGridParam
Set smooth coefficient
- setSmoothTransColor(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.imChart.HeatMap
Set whether to use a gradient display, that is, a smooth transition when different segment colors are displayed.
- setSnapable(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Layer
Set whether the layer can be captured.
- setSnapCreatPointEnable(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.MapControl
When the Snap is in open status, true means adding a point only when a point is snapped.
- setSnapSetting(SnapSetting) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.MapControl
Set the snap control settings for the map control
- setSolidLineLength(float) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.ARGeoDottedLine
- setSource(Integer) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.gltfModel.Textures
Sets the image data index
- setSourceFileCharset(Charset) - Method in class com.supermap.data.conversion.ImportSetting
sets file string type to be imported
- setSourceFilePath(String) - Method in class com.supermap.data.conversion.ImportSetting
Sets path information of data to be imported
- setSourceRetainedFields(String[]) - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.spatialanalyst.OverlayAnalystParameter
Sets the field names of input dataset or the Recordset which are maintained in the output dataset when performing overlay analysis.
- setSpatialFeatureJoin(boolean, String, String) - Method in class com.supermap.distributeanalystservices.FeatureJoinOnline
Sets spatial feature join
- setSpatialIndex(SpatialIndexInfo) - Method in class com.supermap.data.conversion.ImportSettingCSV
- setSpatialIndex(SpatialIndexInfo) - Method in class com.supermap.data.conversion.ImportSettingDWG
Set the spatial index type
- setSpatialIndex(SpatialIndexInfo) - Method in class com.supermap.data.conversion.ImportSettingDXF
Set the spatial index type
- setSpatialIndex(SpatialIndexInfo) - Method in class com.supermap.data.conversion.ImportSettingSHP
- setSpatialNearDistance(int) - Method in class com.supermap.distributeanalystservices.FeatureJoinOnline
Sets spatial distance (optional)
- setSpatialQueryMode(SpatialQueryMode) - Method in class com.supermap.data.QueryParameter
Sets the operation mode of the spatial query.
- setSpatialQueryMode(SpatialQueryMode) - Method in class com.supermap.services.ServiceQueryParameter
Sets the operation mode of the spatial query
- setSpatialQueryObject(Object) - Method in class com.supermap.data.QueryParameter
Sets the search object in spatial query, which can be type of
锛寋@link GeoLine GeoLine}锛寋@link GeoRegion GeoRegion}锛寋@link DatasetVector DatasetVector}锛寋@link Recordset Recordset}. - setSpeaker(Speaker) - Method in class com.supermap.plugin.SpeakPlugin
Set the speaker.
- setSpeakSpeed(int) - Method in class com.supermap.plugin.SpeakPlugin
Set the speed of voice broadcast.
- setSpeakVolum(int) - Method in class com.supermap.plugin.SpeakPlugin
Sets the quality of voice broadcast.
- setSpecialValue(double) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.LayerSettingGrid
Sets the special value of the grid layer.
- setSpecialValue(int) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeGridRange
Set the given transparent value.
- setSpecialValueColor(Color) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.LayerSettingGrid
Sets color corresponding to the special value of the grid layer.
- setSpecialValueTransparent(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.LayerSettingGrid
Sets whether cells corresponding to the specified special value will display in transparent or not.
- setSpecialValueTransparent(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeGridRange
Set whether to display the grid map with given transparent value.
- setSpeechManager(SpeechManager) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.speech.SpeechControl
Sets the class SpeechManager
- setSpeechModeType(SpeechMode.SpeechModeType) - Static method in class com.supermap.mapping.speech.SpeechMode
Sets the speech mode
- setSpeechParam(Navigation.SpeechParam) - Method in class com.supermap.navi.Navigation
Sets the guide information management to determine whether the guide information reports or not during navigation.
- setSpeed(float) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.ARAnimationTranslation2
Sets speed It is valid to displacement animations only Unit: m/s
- setSpeed(double) - Method in class com.supermap.navi.Navigation3
Set the travel speed in m / s
- setSpeed(double) - Method in class com.supermap.navi.NaviStep
Set the road speed, in m / s
- setSpeed(double) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Route
Set the speed of the flight route in meters per second.
- setSpeed(double) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.RouteStop
Sets the stop speed
- setSpeedDirectionEnable(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.track.Track
Sets the speed and azimuth mode, which supports increasing or decreasing the trace points in the turning, high speed, low speed.
- setSpeedField(String) - Method in class com.supermap.navi.Navigation2
Sets the maximum speed field.
- setSplitIndexes(int[]) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.MixedTextStyle
Sets the split index values used to separate text.
- setSrcCoordinateType(CoordinateType) - Method in class com.supermap.onlineservices.CoordinateConvertParameter
Must set parameters Enter the coordinate type of Point2D.
- setSrcFields(String) - Method in class com.supermap.distributeanalystservices.OverlayAnalystOnline
set source dataset reserved field
- setStandardDeviationStretchFactor(double) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ImageStretchOption
Set the standard deviation stretch factor
- setStandardFields(String, String) - Method in class com.supermap.distributeanalystservices.SummaryRegionOnline
Sets standard property field count statistic field number should as same as statistic mode number, the optional statistic mode include max, min, average, sum, variance, stdDeviation
- setStandardHistograms(ArrayList<ArrayList<Integer>>) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ImageStretchOption
Sets the standard histogram entered when a histogram match is made, that is, a histogram as a reference.
- setStandardParallel1(double) - Method in class com.supermap.data.PrjParameter
Sets the latitude of the first standard parallel.
- setStandardParallel2(double) - Method in class com.supermap.data.PrjParameter
Sets the second standard parallel.
- setStart(double) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeGridRangeItem
Set the start value of the ThemeGridRangeItem object.
- setStart(double) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeLabelItem
Sets the start range value for the label map item.
- setStart(double) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeRangeItem
Sets the start value of the range map item.
- setStartAngle(float) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.ARAnimationRotation
- setStartAngle(double) - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoArc
Sets the start angle of the arc, in degree.
- setStartAngle(double) - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoChord
Sets the start angle of the elliptical arc which the GeoChord object corresponds to.
- setStartAngle(double) - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoEllipticArc
Sets the start angle of the elliptic arc, with the accuracy being 0.1 degrees.
- setStartAngle(double) - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoPie
Sets the start angle of the elliptical arc which the GeoPie object corresponds to.
- setStartAngle(Point3D) - Method in class com.supermap.plot.AnimationRotate
Sets the beginning rotation angle
- setStartDelay(long) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.ARAnimationParameter
Startup delay
- setStartIndex(int) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.RouteStops
Sets the starting stop.
- setStartLineColor(Color) - Method in class com.supermap.plot.AnimationAttribute
Sets the starting line color
- setStartLineWidth(double) - Method in class com.supermap.plot.AnimationAttribute
Sets the starting line width
- setStartLocation(Location) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.ARAnimationParameter
Sets the geographical position of the starting point
- setStartLocation(double) - Method in class com.supermap.plot.AnimationGrow
Sets the starting time node
- setStartName(String) - Method in class com.supermap.onlineservices.TrafficTransferParameter
Set the start name.
- setStartPoint(double, double) - Method in class com.supermap.navi.Navigation
Sets the start point.
- setStartPoint(double, double) - Method in class com.supermap.navi.Navigation2
Sets the start point.
- setStartPoint(double, double, String) - Method in class com.supermap.navi.Navigation3
Set the start and floor ID
- setStartPoint(double, double, String) - Method in class com.supermap.navi.Navigation3D
Set the start and floor ID
- setStartPoint(double, double, double) - Method in class com.supermap.navi.Navigation3D
Set the start point.
- setStartPoint(Point2D) - Method in class com.supermap.onlineservices.NavigationOnlineParameter
Sets the start point.
- setStartPointDrawable(int) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.speech.SpeechControl
Sets the starting icon of navigation
- setStartPoints(Point2Ds) - Method in class com.supermap.services.networkanalyst.MTSPathAnalystFromServer
Sets the set of starting points
- setStartPosition(Point3D) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.ARAnimationParameter
Sets the starting point.
- setStartScaleFactor(double) - Method in class com.supermap.plot.AnimationScale
Sets the beginning scales
- setStartSurroundLineColor(Color) - Method in class com.supermap.plot.AnimationAttribute
Sets the color of the starting serif
- setStartSurroundLineWidth(double) - Method in class com.supermap.plot.AnimationAttribute
Sets the width of the starting serif
- setStartTime(double) - Method in class com.supermap.plot.AnimationGO
Sets the starting time
- setStartTime(double) - Method in class com.supermap.plot.AnimationGroup
Sets the starting time
- setStaticGeometrySelectedListener(GeometrySelectedListener) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.MapControl
Set the static object to select the monitor, synchronize the response object selection operation
- setStatisticModes(String) - Method in class com.supermap.distributeanalystservices.AggregatePointsOnline
Sets statistic mode.
- setStatusBarVisible(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.SceneControl
Set whether the status bar is visible.
- setStep(ArrayList<NaviStep>) - Method in class com.supermap.navi.NaviPath
Sets road information list in the navigation path.
- setStopIndexesReturn(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.TransportationAnalystParameter
Sets whether keep the stop indexes in the analyst result or not.
- setStopIndexesReturn(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst3d.TransportationAnalystParameter3D
Sets whether keep the stop indexes in the analyst result or not.
- setStops(RouteStops) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Route
Set the site collection for this route object.
- setStopsVisible(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Route
Set whether the route site is visible.
- setStratAngle(int) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.imChart.InstrumentChart
Sets the instrument start angle
- setStretchType(ImageStretchType) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ImageStretchOption
Set the image stretch type
- setStrikeout(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.data.TextStyle
Sets whether strikeout for the text, true means strikeout.
- setString(int, String) - Method in class com.supermap.data.Recordset
Sets the value for a field in a recordset.
- setString(String, String) - Method in class com.supermap.data.Recordset
Sets the value for a field in a recordset.
- setString(String, String) - Method in class com.supermap.services.FeatureSet
Sets the value for a field in a FeatureSet.
- setStripeLineRadius(float) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.ARGeoLine
Set strip fillet radius
- setStripeLineRadius(float) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.StripeLine
Sets the radius of the rounded angle of stripe lines (equal to or bigger than the line width)
- setStripeLineWidth(float) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.ARGeoLine
Sets strip line width
- setStrokeColor(int) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.MapControl
Sets the stroke color of an object.
- setStrokeFillColor(int) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.MapControl
Sets the stroke fill color of an object.
- setStrokeWidth(double) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.MapControl
Sets the stroke width.
- setStyle(GeoStyle) - Method in class com.supermap.data.Geometry
Sets the GeoStyle of the geometry object.
- setStyle(CalloutAlignment) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.CallOut
Set the justification of CallOut.
- setStyle(GeoStyle) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.collector.Collector
Sets the drawing style of the collection object.
- setStyle(DynamicStyle) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.dyn.DynamicElement
Sets the style.
- setStyle(GeoStyle) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.LayerSettingVector
Sets the vector layer style.
- setStyle(GeoStyle) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Selection
Sets the style of the geometric objects in the Selection.
- setStyle(GeoStyle) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeDotDensity
Sets the style of points in a density thematic map
- setStyle(TextStyle) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeLabelItem
Sets the display style of the label map item.
- setStyle(GeoStyle) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeRangeItem
Sets the style for the item of the ranges map.
- setStyle(GeoStyle) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeUniqueItem
Sets the display style of each unique values map item.
- setStyle(GeoStyle3D) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Layer3DOSGBFile
Set the style of OSGB cache layer.
- setStyle(GeoStyle3D) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.RouteStop
Sets the stop style
- setStyle(GeoStyle3D) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Selection3D
Sets the style of the objects in the Selection3D object.
- setStyle3D(GeoStyle3D) - Method in class com.supermap.data.Geometry3D
Sets the GeoStyle of the geometry object.
- setStyleMapFilePath(String) - Method in class com.supermap.data.conversion.ImportSettingDWG
Set the style control path
- setStyleMapFilePath(String) - Method in class com.supermap.data.conversion.ImportSettingDXF
Set the style control path
- setStyles(TextStyle[]) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.MixedTextStyle
Sets the text style collection.
- setSubLayerStyle(String, GeoStyle) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.LayerSettingVectorCache
Sets the vector layer style
- setSubLayerTextStyle(String, TextStyle) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.LayerSettingVectorCache
Sets the vector layer text style
- setSubLayerVisual(String, Boolean, int, int) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.LayerSettingVectorCache
sets whether is visible and visible level
- setSubScaleValue(int) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.imChart.InstrumentChart
Sets the scale value of the sub-scale of the instrument chart.
- setSubSymbols(int, SubSymbol) - Method in class com.supermap.plot.GeoGraphicObject
Set subsymbol array
- setSummaryFields(String) - Method in class com.supermap.distributeanalystservices.FeatureJoinOnline
Sets property summary field
- setSummaryMode(String) - Method in class com.supermap.distributeanalystservices.FeatureJoinOnline
Sets property summary mode
- setSummaryType(String) - Method in class com.supermap.distributeanalystservices.SummaryRegionOnline
- setSupplyCenters(SupplyCenters) - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.LocationAnalystParameter
Sets the resource supply center collection.
- setSurroundLineColor(Color) - Method in class com.supermap.plot.GeoGraphicObject
Sets surround line color
- setSurroundLineColorAttr(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.plot.AnimationAttribute
Sets whether the color attribute of serif is valid.
- setSurroundLineFlag(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.plot.GeoGraphicObject
Set whether is surround line flag
- setSurroundLineType(SurroundLineType) - Method in class com.supermap.plot.GeoGraphicObject
Set surround line type
- setSurroundLineWidth2D(double) - Method in class com.supermap.plot.GeoGraphicObject
Set surround line width
- setSurroundLineWidthAttr(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.plot.AnimationAttribute
Sets whether the width attribute of serif is valid.
- setSweepAngle(double) - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoArc
Sets the sweep angle in degrees.
- setSweepAngle(double) - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoChord
Sets the sweep angle in degrees of the elliptical arc which the GeoChord object corresponds to.
- setSweepAngle(double) - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoEllipticArc
Sets the sweep angle in degrees of the elliptical arc.
- setSweepAngle(double) - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoPie
Sets the sweep angle in degrees of the elliptical arc which the GeoPie object corresponds to.
- setSwipeEnable(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Layer3D
Set whether to turn on the shutter function
- setSwipeRegion(Rectangle2D) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Layer3D
Set the area to open the shutter
- setSymbol(Bitmap[]) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.imChart.ColorScheme
Sets the array of segmented symbols.
- setSymbolOffset(short, short) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.TrackingLayer
Sets the specified offset of geometry object in the tracking layer.
- setSymbolRank(int) - Method in class com.supermap.plot.GeoGraphicObject
Set symbol level
- setSymbolScalable(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Layer
Sets whether to allow scaling symbols with layer zoom.
- setSymbolScale(double) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Layer
Return the display scale of symbols.
- setSymbolSize(Size2D) - Method in class com.supermap.plot.GeoGraphicObject
Set symbol size
- setSymbolStyle(GeoStyle) - Method in class com.supermap.data.Symbol
Set symbol style.
- setTag(String) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.dyn.DynamicElement
Sets the label.
- setTag(int, String) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.TrackingLayer
Sets the tag of geometric object with the specified ID in this tracking layer.
- setTag(int, String) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.TrackingLayer3D
Sets the label of the geometric object of the specified sequence number in the 3D tracking layer.
- setTarget(Integer) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.gltfModel.BufferViews
Sets Target
- setTarget(Target) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.gltfModel.Channels
Sets Target
- setTargetControlPoints(Point2Ds) - Method in class com.supermap.data.Transformation
Sets the selected control point in the reference layer.
- setTargetDatasetName(String) - Method in class com.supermap.data.conversion.ImportSetting
sets the name of the target dataset.
- setTargetDatasource(Datasource) - Method in class com.supermap.data.conversion.ImportSetting
sets target datasource
- setTargetDatasourceConnectionInfo(DatasourceConnectionInfo) - Method in class com.supermap.data.conversion.ImportSetting
Sets connection information of datasource to be imported
- setTargetEncodeType(EncodeType) - Method in class com.supermap.data.conversion.ImportSetting
Sets dataset encoding type to be generated
- setTargetPoint(Point3D, int) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Sightline
Adds the target point in specified index position.
- setTargetPoints(Point2Ds) - Method in class com.supermap.services.networkanalyst.MTSPathAnalystFromServer
Sets the collection of endpoints
- setTargetPrjCoordSys(PrjCoordSys) - Method in class com.supermap.data.conversion.ImportSetting
Sets target data coordinate after imported
- setTemporalFeatureJoin(boolean, String, String, String, String) - Method in class com.supermap.distributeanalystservices.FeatureJoinOnline
Sets temporal feature join
- setTemporalNearDistance(int) - Method in class com.supermap.distributeanalystservices.FeatureJoinOnline
Sets temporal distance (optional)
- setTemporaryPath(String) - Static method in class com.supermap.data.Environment
Sets the path that stores the temporary file.
- setTexCoord(Integer) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.gltfModel.BaseColorTexture
Sets components
- setTEXCOORD_0(Integer) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.gltfModel.Attributes
Sets the value of TEXCOORD_0
- setText(String) - Method in class com.supermap.data.TextPart
Sets the text content of the instance of this TextPart object.
- setText(String) - Method in class com.supermap.data.TextPart3D
Sets the text of the specified TextPart instance.
- setText(String) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.dyn.DynamicText
Sets the display text.
- setText(String) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.view.SymbolLibView
Sets the default font
- setTextColor(int) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.dyn.DynamicStyle
Sets the text color.
- setTextColor(int) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.imChart.LegendView
Sets text color
- setTextColor(int) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.imChart.PieChart
Sets text color on chart
- setTextColor(int) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.LegendView
Sets legend text color.
- setTextColor(Color) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.view.SymbolLibView
Sets the font color
- setTextContent(String) - Method in class com.supermap.plot.GeoGraphicObject
Set text content
- setTextExtentInflation(Size2D) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeLabel
Sets the extent inflation of the text in the label in the positive direction in X and Y axes.
- setTextSize(float) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.imChart.LegendView
Sets text size, the unit is pixel
- setTextSize(float) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.imChart.PieChart
Sets text size on chart
- setTextSize(int) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.LegendView
Sets legend text size.
- setTextSize(int) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.view.SymbolLibView
Sets the font size
- setTextStyle(TextStyle) - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoText
Sets the text style of the GeoText object.
- setTextStyle(TextStyle) - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoText3D
Sets the text style of the GeoText object.
- setTextStyle2D(TextStyle) - Method in class com.supermap.plot.GeoGraphicObject
Set 2D text style
- setTexture(Bitmap, Bitmap, Bitmap) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.excavator.PitObject
Sets the texture
- setTexture(Bitmap, Bitmap) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.excavator.PitObject
Sets the texture
- setTexture(Bitmap) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.excavator.PitObject
Sets the texture
- setTextureMap(int) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.BaseShape
Sets images
- setTextureMap(int) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.ShapeStyle
- setTextureMap(Bitmap) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.Skybox
Setting the texture map
- setTextures(List<Textures>) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.gltfModel.Gltf
Sets texture
- setTFSingleWayRuleValues(String[]) - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.TransportationAnalystSetting
Sets the string array which represents the to-from oneway line.
- setTFSingleWayRuleValues(String[]) - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst3d.TransportationAnalystSetting3D
Sets an array of strings that are used to represent backward lines, that is, when the value of the RuleField field is one of the values of the array, it represents a backward line.
- setTFWeightField(String) - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.WeightFieldInfo
Sets the negative weight filed.
- setTFWeightField(String) - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst3d.WeightFieldInfo3D
Sets the backward weight fields or expressions.
- setThreshhold(float) - Method in class com.supermap.data.PathSmoothTool
set filter threshold
- setTile(double) - Method in class com.supermap.navi.Navigation3D
Sets the camera tilt angle when the path is booted
- setTileField(String) - Method in class com.supermap.data.SpatialIndexInfo
Sets the field of tile which applies to the tile spatial index.
- setTileHeight(double) - Method in class com.supermap.data.SpatialIndexInfo
Set the tile height of the spatial index.
- setTileName(String) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.AR.ArControl2
Sets the title name of POI text in a AR map
- setTileWidth(double) - Method in class com.supermap.data.SpatialIndexInfo
Set the tile width of the spatial index.
- setTilt(double) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Camera
Sets the camera's tilt (the angle around the X axis).
- setTilt(double) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.LookAt
Sets the angle between LookAt position and the surface normal which ranges from 0 to 90 degree.
- setTiltFixed(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Route
Sets whether the route object locks the pitch angle.
- setTime(double) - Method in class com.supermap.navi.NaviPath
Sets the time to the destination.
- setTime(double) - Method in class com.supermap.navi.NaviStep
Sets the time cost for going through this road.
- setTimeEnable(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Map
Sets whether the map enables the feature Play Temporal Data
- setTimeEndField(String) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Layer
The temporal data must have time attributes to represent the observed starting time and ending time.
- setTimeFilterEnable(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Layer
Sets whether to enable the time filter of the layer .
- setTimeFilterEnding(Date) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Layer
Sets the ending time of the filter expression of the layer time.
- setTimeFilterStarting(Date) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Layer
Sets the starting time of the filter expression of the layer time.
- setTimeFormat(String) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Map
When playing temporal data, if you set the window displays the time range of the current frame, the interface sets the time format.
- setTimeInterval(long) - Method in class com.supermap.plugin.LocationManagePlugin
Sets time interval.
- setTimeInterval(int) - Method in class com.supermap.track.Track
Sets the time interval, the unit is second.
- setTimeLineColor(int) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.imChart.TimeLine
Set time slider color'
- setTimePosition(double) - Method in class com.supermap.data.NodeAnimation
Sets the time position of the animation, in seconds.
- setTimeSpan(long) - Method in class com.supermap.data.TimeSpan
Sets the milliseconds part of.the time interval represented by the TimeSpan object.
- setTimeStamp(long) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.RecordParameter
Sets the time stamp
- setTimeStamp(TimeStamp) - Method in class com.supermap.videomap.VideoParameter
Set timestamp
- setTimeStartField(String) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Layer
The temporal data must have time attributes to represent the observed starting time and ending time.
- setTimeStep(TimeSpan) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Map
Sets the time step interval of the temporal data
- setTimeStepInterval(TimeSpan) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Layer
Sets the time step interval of the temporal data
- setTimeValue(double) - Method in class com.supermap.videomap.TimeStamp
Set Time Value
- setTimeWindow(TimeSpan) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Map
Sets the time window
- setTitle(String) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.imChart.ChartView
Gets the title of the chart
- setTitleSize(float) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.imChart.ChartView
Sets the font size of the title.
- setTNodeIDField(String) - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.FacilityAnalystSetting
Sets the field that identifies the end node ID in the network dataset.
- setTNodeIDField(String) - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.TransportationAnalystSetting
Sets the field that identifies the end node ID in the network dataset.
- setTNodeIDField(String) - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst3d.FacilityAnalystSetting3D
Sets The name of the field identifying the end node ID of the edge.
- setTNodeIDField(String) - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst3d.TransportationAnalystSetting3D
Sets The name of the field identifying the end node ID of the edge.
- setTolerance(double) - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.FacilityAnalystSetting
Sets the distance tolerance from the point to the edge.
- setTolerance(double) - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.TransportationAnalystSetting
Sets the distance tolerance from the point to the edge.
- setTolerance(double) - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst3d.FacilityAnalystSetting3D
Sets the distance tolerance between the point and the edge.
- setTolerance(double) - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst3d.TransportationAnalystSetting3D
Sets the distance tolerance between the point and the edge.
- setTolerance(double) - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.spatialanalyst.OverlayAnalystParameter
Sets the tolerance of the overlay analysis.
- setTolerance(float) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.BaseCatchManager
Sets snap tolerance
- setTolerance(int) - Method in class com.supermap.distributeanalystservices.FeatureJoinOnline
Set tolarance
- setTolerance(double) - Method in class com.supermap.distributeanalystservices.TopologyValidatorOnline
Set tolarance
- setTolerance(int) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.SnapSetting
Set snap tolerance
- setTop(double) - Method in class com.supermap.data.Rectangle2D
Sets the y-coordinate of the top edge of this Rectangle2D structure.
- setToSwerve(int) - Method in class com.supermap.navi.NaviStep
Sets the swerve type
- setTrack(Geometry3D) - Method in class com.supermap.data.NodeAnimation
Set the motion of the node animation trajectory, currently only accept the type of GeoLine3D parameters, other types are invalid.
- SetTrackingObjectInfo(String, int, boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Layer3DDynamicObject
Sets or cancels the current camera tracking dynamic layer model object
- setTrackLineColor(Color) - Method in class com.supermap.plot.AnimationWay
Sets the color of path line
- setTrackLineWidth(Double) - Method in class com.supermap.plot.AnimationWay
Sets the width of path line
- setTrafficType(int) - Method in class com.supermap.onlineservices.TrafficTransferParameter
Set traffic transfer type.
- setTransferCallback(TrafficTransferOnline.TransferCallback) - Method in class com.supermap.onlineservices.TrafficTransferOnline
Set the callback of traffic transfer query.
- setTransformable(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.AREffectElement
Sets the model status (whether users can zoom and rotate models with gestures)
- setTransformMode(TransformationMode) - Method in class com.supermap.data.Transformation
Sets the registration mode.
- setTranslateX(double) - Method in class com.supermap.data.CoordSysTransParameter
Sets the offset along the X axis.
- setTranslateY(double) - Method in class com.supermap.data.CoordSysTransParameter
Sets the offset along the Y axis.
- setTranslateZ(double) - Method in class com.supermap.data.CoordSysTransParameter
Sets the offset along the Z axis.
- setTranslation(Float[]) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.gltfModel.Nodes
Sets the offset position
- setTranslationUpdateListener(ARAnimationTranslation.TranslationUpdateListener) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.ARAnimationTranslation
Sets the position-update listener
- setTranslationUpdateListener(ARAnimationTranslation2.TranslationUpdateListener) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.ARAnimationTranslation2
Sets the position-update listener
- setTransparency(int) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.GlobalImage
Set the transparency of the global basemap.
- setTransparent(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.LayerSettingImage
Sets whether the background color of the image layer is transparently displayed or not.
- setTransparent(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Layer3DMap
- setTransparentColor(Color) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.LayerSettingImage
Sets whether the image layer needs to transparently display the background color or not.
- setTransparentColorTolerance(int) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.LayerSettingImage
Sets the tolerance of transparent background color.
- setTransparentColorTolerance(int) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Layer3DMap
- setTurnDataset(DatasetVector) - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.TransportationAnalystSetting
Sets the turn table dataset.
- setTurnDataset(DatasetVector) - Method in class com.supermap.navi.Navigation2
Sets the turn table dataset.
- setTurnFEdgeIDField(String) - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.TransportationAnalystSetting
Sets the field of the start turn edge ID.
- setTurnNodeIDField(String) - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.TransportationAnalystSetting
Sets the field of the turn node ID.
- setTurnTEdgeIDField(String) - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.TransportationAnalystSetting
Sets the field of the end turn edge ID.
- setTurnTime(double) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.RouteStop
Sets the time that a stop turning around spends
- setTurnWeightField(String) - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.LocationAnalystParameter
Sets or sets the turn cost field and this field must be in the collection of turn cost fields which is defined in the transportation network analysis environment settings.
- setTurnWeightField(String) - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.TransportationAnalystParameter
Sets the turn weight filed.
- setTurnWeightField(String) - Method in class com.supermap.services.networkanalyst.AnalystParameter
Sets the name of the steering weight field
- setTurnWeightFields(String[]) - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.TransportationAnalystSetting
Sets the turn weight filed set.
- setTwoWayRuleValues(String[]) - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.TransportationAnalystSetting
Sets the string array which represents the two-way line.
- setTwoWayRuleValues(String[]) - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst3d.TransportationAnalystSetting3D
Sets an array of strings that are used to represent two-way lines, that is, when the value of the RuleField field is one of the values of the array, it represents a two-way line.
- setType(SupplyCenterType) - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.SupplyCenter
Sets the type of SupplyCenter.
- setType(ExcavationParameter.ShapeType) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.excavator.ExcavationParameter.Builder
Sets the Excavation Shape
- setType(String) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.gltfModel.Accessors
Sets the property type type is used for indicating whether the data element is scale (SCALLAR), vector (VEC3), or matrix (MAT4)
- setType(DatasetType) - Method in class com.supermap.data.DatasetVectorInfo
Sets the DatasetVector class.
- setType(FieldType) - Method in class com.supermap.data.FieldInfo
Sets the type of the field.
- setType(GeoCoordSysType) - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSys
Sets the type of the geographic coordinate system.
- setType(GeoDatumType) - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatum
Sets the type of the datum.
- setType(GeoPrimeMeridianType) - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoPrimeMeridian
Sets the type of the PrimeMeridian object.
- setType(GeoSpheroidType) - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoSpheroid
Sets the GeoSpheroidType object.
- setType(PrjCoordSysType) - Method in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSys
Sets the projected coordinate system type.
- setType(ProjectionType) - Method in class com.supermap.data.Projection
Sets the specified type of projection.
- setType(SpatialIndexType) - Method in class com.supermap.data.SpatialIndexInfo
Set spatial index type.
- setType(WorkspaceType) - Method in class com.supermap.data.WorkspaceConnectionInfo
- setUIWorking(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.AR.ArControl2
Sets the status of UI
- setUndergroundBackColor(Color) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.GlobalImage
Set the background color of the underground area.
- setUnderline(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.data.TextStyle
Sets whether underline the text, true means underline.
- setUnfoldColor(Color) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.imChart.PolymerChart
Sets the color of the expanded aggregation point.
- setUnifiedDuration(long) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.FlowElement
set the uniform cycle m/s
- setUnifiedSpeed(float) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.FlowElement
set the uniform speed m/s
- setUnifiedStyle(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.dyn.DynamicStyle
Sets to uniform styles (available for points only)
- setUnifiedStyleCorner(float) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.dyn.DynamicStyle
Sets the radian of uniform style
- setUnifiedStyleHeight(float) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.dyn.DynamicStyle
Sets the height of rectangle of uniform style
- setUnifiedStyleRadius(float) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.dyn.DynamicStyle
Sets the radius of circle of uniform style
- setUnifiedStyleType(DynamicStyle.UnifiedStyleType) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.dyn.DynamicStyle
Sets the uniform style
- setUnifiedStyleWidth(float) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.dyn.DynamicStyle
Sets the width of rectangle of uniform style
- setUniformMixedStyle(MixedTextStyle) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeLabel
Sets the uniform composite text style for the label map.
- setUniformStyle(GeoStyle) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeGraphItem
Sets sub items' styles of a statistical thematic map
- setUniformStyle(TextStyle) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeLabel
Sets the uniform text style.
- setUnique(String) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeUniqueItem
Sets the value for unique values map item.
- setUniqueExpression(String) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeUnique
Sets the field expression of the unique value map, which is used to set the field or field expression used to create unique values map.
- setUniqueIdentifier(String) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.RecordParameter
Sets the unique identifier
- setUniquePointList(ArrayList<int[]>) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.OcclusionHelper
Sets a unique set of screen coordinate points
- setUpdataInterval(float) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.imChart.ChartView
Real-time data update interval, the default is not open.
- setUpdateAnchor(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.ARControl
Set whether to update the anchor status.
- setUpdateInterval(float) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Layer3DDynamicObject
- setUpdatePeriod(int) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.SatelliteView
Sets the update interval ,the unit is second. and the default is 3s.
- setUri(String) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.gltfModel.Buffers
Gets uri
- setUri(String) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.gltfModel.Images
Sets the image path
- setUrl(String) - Method in class com.supermap.data.EduLicense
Sets the service address
- setUrl(String) - Method in class com.supermap.services.OptimalPathAnalysis
Description: sets service address for a path analysis
- setUrl(String) - Method in class com.supermap.services.ServiceBase
Sets the url of the service.
- setUrlBase(String) - Method in class com.supermap.services.networkanalyst.AnalystFromServer
Sets the base path analysis URL For example: http://xxx:8090/iserver/services/transportationanalyst-sample/rest/networkanalyst/RoadNet@Changchun
- setUseExternalLocation(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.CameraRecordControl
Sets whether to output results using an external location alternative location
- setUseNoValue(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.spatialanalyst.GridAnalystSetting
- setUseNoValue(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.spatialanalyst.TerrainAnalystSetting
- setUser(String) - Method in class com.supermap.data.DatasourceConnectionInfo
Sets the user name when logging on the database.
- setUser(String) - Method in class com.supermap.data.WorkspaceConnectionInfo
Sets the user name when logging on the database.
- setUserData(Object) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.collector.CollectorElement
Sets the user data.
- setUserData(Object) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.dyn.DynamicElement
Sets the user data.
- setUserEditBounds(Rectangle2D) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Map
Sets the user editing bound.
- setUserExperienceEnable(boolean) - Static method in class com.supermap.data.Environment
Sets whether to open user experience
- setUserMapRender(UserMapRender) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.UserMapView
Set defined renderer
- setUserPosition(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.arlayer.ARLayerView
Sets whether to accept the third-part coordinates
- setUseSystemDPI(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Map
Set whether to use system DPI. setDPI is valid when it is false.
- setVAD_BOS_Time(int) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.speech.SpeechManager
Set the end before starting speaking: the over time, if users do not speak anything for the specified time, it will be taken as over time.
- setVAD_EOS_Time(int) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.speech.SpeechManager
Sets the finished end that is time using to stop recording when the user stops speaking for the specified time It is not required Default value: Write and listen: 1800, other: 700 Value range: [0, 10000]
- setValidBounds(VideoValidBounds) - Method in class com.supermap.videomap.VideoParameter
Set the video valid boundary
- setValidRegion(GeoRegion) - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.spatialanalyst.GridAnalystSetting
Sets the valid area of the dataset
- setValidRegion(GeoRegion) - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.spatialanalyst.TerrainAnalystSetting
Sets the valid area of the dataset
- setValue(String) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.utils.XmlNode
Set Value
- setValue(int, int, double) - Method in class com.supermap.data.DatasetGrid
Sets the grid value of the grid dataset with the specific row number and column number.
- setValue(double) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.imChart.PieChartData
Sets the value of the chart sub-item, each sub-item has only one value
- setValue(double) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeDotDensity
Sets values denoted by each point in a thematic map
- setValueAlongXAxis(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.imChart.BarChart
Sets whether value distributed along x axis.
- setValueTextColor(int) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.imChart.BarChart
Sets the color of the numeric label
- setValueTextColor(int) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.imChart.LineChart
Sets the color of the numeric label
- setValueTextSize(float) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.imChart.BarChart
Sets the size of the numeric label.
- setValueTextSize(float) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.imChart.LineChart
Sets the size of the numeric label
- setVectorOutputNamePrefix(String) - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.spatialanalyst.GridAnalystSetting
Sets the name prefix of the vector dataset
- setVectorOutputNamePrefix(String) - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.spatialanalyst.TerrainAnalystSetting
Sets the name prefix of the vector dataset
- setVersion(String) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.gltfModel.Asset
Sets version information
- setVersion(WorkspaceVersion) - Method in class com.supermap.data.WorkspaceConnectionInfo
Sets the version of the workspace.
- setVerticalAlignment(ViewRenderable.VerticalAlignment) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.ARViewElement
Set vertical center point position, default bottom
- setVerticalFOV(float) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.RecordParameter
Sets the vertical FOV of camera
- setVerticalFov(double) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.ProjectionImage
- setVertices(List<Point>) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.CameraWindowRenderer
43/5000 Set the vertex set of the window (in pixels px) A set of points that must be ordered end to end
- setVideo(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.ProjectionImage
- setVideoAlignment(VideoNode.VideoAlignment) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.ARVideoElement2
Setting alignment,must call before
- setVideoParameter(ArrayList<VideoParameter>) - Method in class com.supermap.videomap.VideoParameters
Set the video parameter
- setVideoParameters(VideoParameters) - Method in class com.supermap.videomap.Desktop
- setViewAlpha(int) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.dyn.DynamicView
Sets the object transparency of the dynamic layer. 0~255 is valid.
- setViewBounds(Rectangle2D) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Map
Sets the view bounds of this map, and the view bounds are also called display extent.
- setViewBounds(Rectangle2D) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.MapViewGroup
Set the visible extent (display extent) of the current map.
- setViewBoundsLocked(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Map
Sets a boolean value used to specify whether to lock the visible extent of the map in the map control.
- setViewBoundsLocked(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.MapViewGroup
Sets whether to lock the visible extent of the map in the map control.
- setViewerPosition(Point3D) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Sightline
Sets the Viewer Position
- setViewerPosition(Point3D) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Skyline
- setViewerVisible(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Skyline
- setViewMode(ViewMode) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.gather.ARGatherView
Sets the angle of camera for the control of the angle when drawing track points
- setViewMode(ViewMode) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.gather.GatherView
Sets the angle of view
- setViewPoint(Point2D) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.AR.ArControl2
Sets the center of view
- setViewSize(int, int) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.imChart.LegendView
Sets width and height of legend, the unit is pixel
- setViewSize(int, int) - Method in class com.supermap.navi.Navigation
Sets the view size for the auto-rotate screen.
- setViewVisible(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.NaviViewOptions
Sets whether to display the navigation interface UI
- setVisibility(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.ArObjectList
Sets whether ArObject is visible in the list
- setVisible(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.ArObject
Sets the visibility of ArObject.
- setVisible(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.dyn.DynamicView
Sets whether the dynamic layer is visibility
- setVisible(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.imChart.ChartLegend
Sets whether to display the legend.
- setVisible(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Layer
Sets whether this layer is visible.
- setVisible(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ScreenLayer
Sets whether the screen layer is visible or not.
- setVisible(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeGridRangeItem
Sets whether the grid ranges map item is visible.
- setVisible(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeLabelItem
Sets whether the label map item is visible.
- setVisible(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeRangeItem
Sets whether the ranges map item is visible.
- setVisible(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeUniqueItem
Sets whether the unique values map item is visible.
- setVisible(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.TrackingLayer
Sets whether the tracking layer is visible, with true indicating visible and false indicating not visible.
- setVisible(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.ARPlane
Set the visibility of the AR plane.
- setVisible(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Feature3D
Sets whether the Feature3D object is visible or not.
- setVisible(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Feature3Ds
Sets whether the Feature3Ds object is visible or not, which means all the Feature3D objects in the Feature3Ds object are visible or not.
- setVisible(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Layer3D
Set whether the 3D layer can be displayed. false means the 3D layer is invisible; true means visible.
- setVisible(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.TerrainLayer
Sets whether the terrain layer is visible.
- setVisible(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.TrackingLayer3D
Sets whether the 3D tracking layer is visible.
- setVisibleDistance(float) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.EffectView
Set viewing distance Between 0 meters and 100 meters
- setVisibleDistance(double) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Feature3D
Deprecated.This method is obsolete. Related functions have been replaced by the get / setMaxObjectVisibleDistance () method in the Layer3D class. Sets the visible distance of the feature3D object.
- setVisibleInViewport(int, boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Layer3D
Set the visibility of the current 3D layer in the specified viewport.
- setVisibleScales(double[]) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Map
Set the fixed scale array, that is, the scale that can be displayed when the fixed scale is displayed
- setVisibleScales(double[]) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.MapViewGroup
Set the fixed scale array, that is, the scale that can be displayed when the fixed scale is displayed
- setVisibleScalesEnabled(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Map
Sets whether to use a fixed scale to display the map
- setVisibleSubLayers(String[]) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.LayerSettingImage
Sets the collection of all visible layers.
- setVisiblity(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.AREffectElement
Sets whether it is visible.
- setVisiblity(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.loader.ModelGroupScene
Control scenarios are explicit and hidden
- setWaitTime(double) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.RouteStop
Sets the waiting time of stop
- setWayPointTolerance(double) - Method in class com.supermap.navi.Navigation3
Sets the tolerance of passing points during a navigation
- setWebBBox(Rectangle2D) - Method in class com.supermap.data.DatasourceConnectionInfo
Sets the map extent of WMS service.
- setWebCacheDirectory(String) - Static method in class com.supermap.data.Environment
Sets the path that stores the network map cache.
- setWebCoordinate(String) - Method in class com.supermap.data.DatasourceConnectionInfo
Sets the coordinate reference system for Web service type (Rest/OGC) datasource; The default is to get from the service.
- setWebExtendParam(String) - Method in class com.supermap.data.DatasourceConnectionInfo
Sets the extending parameter of WMS service.
- setWebFormat(String) - Method in class com.supermap.data.DatasourceConnectionInfo
Sets the WMS service picture format.
- setWebImageSize(int) - Method in class com.supermap.data.DatasourceConnectionInfo
Sets google map tile size ,only for http://maps.google.com.
- setWebTransparent(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.data.DatasourceConnectionInfo
Sets whether tiles requested by WMS service are transparent
- setWebUri(String) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.ARWebViewElement
Sets the website of the starting page
- setWebVersion(String) - Method in class com.supermap.data.DatasourceConnectionInfo
Sets the WMS service version.
- setWebVisibleLayers(String) - Method in class com.supermap.data.DatasourceConnectionInfo
Sets the visible layer set of WMS service.
- setWeight(int) - Method in class com.supermap.data.TextStyle
Sets the value ranges from 0 and 900.
- setWeight(String) - Method in class com.supermap.distributeanalystservices.AggregatePointsOnline
Sets weight.
- setWeight(String) - Method in class com.supermap.distributeanalystservices.DensityAnalystOnline
Sets weight.
- setWeighted(float) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.imChart.ChartPoint
Sets the weight value.
- setWeightedFields(String, String) - Method in class com.supermap.distributeanalystservices.SummaryRegionOnline
Sets weight field statistic statistic field number should as same as statistic mode number, the optional statistic mode include max, min, average, sum, variance, stdDeviation
- setWeightField(String) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.LayerGridAggregation
Sets the weighted field
- setWeightField(String) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.LayerHeatmap
Sets the weighted field
- setWeightFieldInfos(WeightFieldInfos) - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.FacilityAnalystSetting
The object of weight field information collection.
- setWeightFieldInfos(WeightFieldInfos) - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.TransportationAnalystSetting
The object of weight field information collection.
- setWeightFieldInfos(WeightFieldInfos3D) - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst3d.FacilityAnalystSetting3D
Sets weight information set object, the type is WeightFieldInfos, which is for supporting multi threads in the analysis.
- setWeightFieldInfos(WeightFieldInfos3D) - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst3d.TransportationAnalystSetting3D
Sets weight information set object, the type is WeightFieldInfos, which is for supporting multi threads in the analysis.
- setWeightFieldName(String) - Method in class com.supermap.services.networkanalyst.AnalystParameter
Sets the type of weight field information (please set the specific value according to the value of weightFieldName on the web page, please do not set it yourself)
- setWeightName(String) - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.LocationAnalystParameter
Sets the name of the weight field information, i.e., the value of the method of a certain object of the object specified by the TransportationAnalystSetting class.
- setWeightName(String) - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.TransportationAnalystParameter
Sets the name of the weight field information, i.e., the returned value of the
method of a certain WeightFieldInfo object(TransportationAnalystSetting
) of the WeightFieldInfos(TransportationAnalystSetting
) object specified by the TransportationAnalystSetting(TransportationAnalystSetting
) class. - setWeightName(String) - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst3d.TransportationAnalystParameter3D
Sets the name of the Weight field information.
- setWGSCoordinates(Location) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.AREffectElement
Sets model position using geographical coordinates
- setWidth(int) - Method in class com.supermap.ai.AISize
Sets the width
- setWidth(int) - Method in class com.supermap.data.DatasetGridInfo
Sets the width of the grid in grid dataset and the unit is pixel.
- setWidth(double) - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoRectangle
Sets the width of the GeoRectangle object, that is the width before rotating.
- setWidth(double) - Method in class com.supermap.data.Size2D
Sets the width of the Size2D.
- setWorkspace(Workspace) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.ARRealMap
Sets the workspace
- setWorkspace(Workspace) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Map
Sets the workspace that the current map is associated with.
- setWorkspace(Workspace) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Scene
Set the working space associated with the 3D scene.
- setWorld(World) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.ArView
AR scene to load ArObject
- setWrapS(Integer) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.gltfModel.Samplers
Sets wrapS decorator
- setWrapT(Integer) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.gltfModel.Samplers
Sets wrapT decorator
- setX(float) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.Vector
Sets the x coordinate
- setX(double) - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoPoint
Sets the X-coordinate of the GeoPoint object.
- setX(double) - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoPoint3D
Sets the X-coordinate of the GeoPoint object.
- setX(int) - Method in class com.supermap.data.Point
Sets the x of the pixel coordinate.
- setX(double) - Method in class com.supermap.data.Point2D
Sets the x-coordinate of this Point2D.
- setX(double) - Method in class com.supermap.data.Point3D
Sets the x-coordinate of this Point2D.
- setX(double) - Method in class com.supermap.data.PointM
Sets the X coordinate of the {
} structure object. - setX(double) - Method in class com.supermap.data.TextPart3D
Sets the X coordinate of the TextPart instance anchor object.
- setXAxisLabel(int, String) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.dyn.DynBarChart
Sets the X coordinate point label.
- setXAxisLabel(int, String) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.dyn.DynLineChart
Sets the X coordinate point label.
- setXmlns(String) - Method in class com.supermap.videomap.Desktop
- setXName(String) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.speech.SpeechControl
Sets the name of coordinate X corresponding with POI name field to search
- setXTitle(String) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.dyn.DynBarChart
Sets the X coordinate title.
- setXTitle(String) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.dyn.DynLineChart
Sets the X coordinate title.
- setY(float) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.Vector
Sets the y coordinate
- setY(double) - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoPoint
Sets the Y-coordinate of the GeoPoint object.
- setY(double) - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoPoint3D
Sets the Y-coordinate of the GeoPoint object.
- setY(int) - Method in class com.supermap.data.Point
Sets the y of the pixel coordinate.
- setY(double) - Method in class com.supermap.data.Point2D
Sets the y-coordinate of this Point2D.
- setY(double) - Method in class com.supermap.data.Point3D
Sets the y-coordinate of this Point2D.
- setY(double) - Method in class com.supermap.data.PointM
Sets the Y coordinate of the {
} structure object. - setY(double) - Method in class com.supermap.data.TextPart3D
Sets the Y coordinate of the TextPart instance anchor object.
- setYaw(float) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.ARRecordParameter
- setYAxisLabel(int, String) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.dyn.DynBarChart
Sets the Y coordinate point label.
- setYAxisLabel(int, String) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.dyn.DynLineChart
Sets the Y coordinate point label.
- setYAxisTitle(String) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.imChart.ChartsView
Sets y axis title.
- setYAxisTitleColor(int) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.imChart.ChartsView
Sets y axis title color.
- setYAxisTitleMarginBottom(int) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.imChart.ChartsView
Sets margin between y axis and chart bottom.
- setYAxisTitleSize(float) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.imChart.ChartsView
Sets y axis title size.
- setYAxisTitleVisible(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.imChart.ChartsView
Sets whether y axis title is visible.
- setYAxisTitleWidth(int) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.imChart.ChartsView
Sets y axis title width.
- setYName(String) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.speech.SpeechControl
Sets the name of coordinate Y corresponding with POI name field to search
- setYTitle(String) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.dyn.DynBarChart
Sets the Y coordinate title.
- setYTitle(String) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.dyn.DynLineChart
Sets the Y coordinate title.
- setZ(float) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.Vector
Sets the z coordinate
- setZ(double) - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoPoint3D
Sets the Z-coordinate of the GeoPoint object.
- setZ(double) - Method in class com.supermap.data.Point3D
Sets the Z-coordinate of this Point2D.
- setZ(double) - Method in class com.supermap.data.TextPart3D
Sets the Z coordinate of the anchor point of the TextPart3D object.
- setZ(double) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Tracking3DEvent
Sets the current z coordinate.
- setZeroDisplayed(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeGraduatedSymbol
Sets whether to display the thematic types of 0, True means yes
- setZeroLengthAllowed(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.data.FieldInfo
Sets whether the field allows a length of zero. available for text field only.
- setZeroStyle(GeoStyle) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeGraduatedSymbol
Sets the styles of thematic types of 0
- setZoomFlyPitching(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Scene
Set whether to turn on the tilt operation when the scene is zoomed to the ground.
- SFC60 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjFileVersion
SFC60 version of SuperMap projection file.
- SGL - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.EncodeType
SGL (SuperMap Grid LZW) is a compression format defined by SuperMap.
- Shape - Class in com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset
- Shape(BaseShape.MatType) - Constructor for class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.Shape
Construction method
- ShapeException - Exception in com.supermap.ar.areffect.exception
Shape exception
- ShapeException(String) - Constructor for exception com.supermap.ar.areffect.exception.ShapeException
- ShapeStyle - Class in com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset
shape Style
- ShapeStyle() - Constructor for class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.ShapeStyle
- shareDataToGroup(List<String>, String, OnlineCallBack.CallBackString) - Static method in class com.supermap.onlineservices.OnlineService
Shares private data to groups in bulk using data ID
- shareDataToGroup(List<String>, String, OnResponseListener) - Method in class com.supermap.services.iportalservices.IPortalService
Shares private data to groups in bulk using data ID
- SHIFTJIS - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.Charset
Japanese character set.
- show_AR_Btn(int, int, float, String, String, Button, Button) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.AR.ArControl2
Shows the spatial position of POI recognized.
- show_AR_End_Layout(boolean, int, int, float, String, String, RelativeLayout) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.AR.ArControl2
Shows the layout of top of AR
- ShowAnimation - Static variable in class com.supermap.plot.AnimationDefine.AnimationType
Show-Hide animation
- showCallOut() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.MapView
Display the marker control.
- showCamera() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.AR.ArControl2
Turn on the camera
- showInfo(String) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.collector.Collector
Display the prompt message.
- showLocation(Point2D, float) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.AR.ArControl2
Displays the current position.
- showMapView(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.AR.ArControl2
Whether to display the map control
- showNearResult_POI(Point2D, float, float, float) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.AR.ArControl2
Shows the resulting POI of near mode
- showPathTrack(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.plot.AnimationWay
Sets whether to display paths.
- showPrompt(boolean) - Method in interface com.supermap.ar.arcartograph.ArRulerCallBack
- showPrompt(boolean, String) - Method in interface com.supermap.ar.arcartograph.ArRulerCallBack
- showSymbolGroup(SymbolGroup) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.view.SymbolLibView
Displays SymbolGroup
- showSymbols(List<Symbol>) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.view.SymbolLibView
Displays the symbols list
- SHP - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.conversion.FileType
The ArcView Shape file,Import the result as a single vector dataset.
- shutdownLibrary() - Static method in class com.supermap.messagequeue.STOMPManager
Close library Close the library after finished
- SideType - Class in com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst
The SideType class.
- Sightline - Class in com.supermap.realspace
3D analysis class Sightline analysis.
- Sightline(Scene) - Constructor for class com.supermap.realspace.Sightline
Constructs a new Sightline object based on the specified Scene object.
- SINGLE - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.FieldType
The Single type.
- SINGLE - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PixelFormat
Specifies that the format is 4 bytes per pixel.
- SINGLEBAND - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.conversion.MultiBandImportMode
import multi-band data as multiple single band dataset
- size() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.ArObjectList
Gets the number of ArObject
- Size2D - Class in com.supermap.data
Stores a pair of float values orderly.
- Size2D() - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.Size2D
Construct a new Size2D object, both the width and height of it are -1.7976931348623157e+308.
- Size2D(double, double) - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.Size2D
Creates a new Size2D object according to the specified arguments.
- Size2D(Size2D) - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.Size2D
Constructs a new object identical to the given Size2D object.
- sizeChanged(int, int) - Method in interface com.supermap.mapping.MapParameterChangedListener
Size change monitor
- Skybox - Class in com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset
Circular sky-surrounding box
- Skybox(MatType) - Constructor for class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.Skybox
Construction method
- Skybox.DataType - Enum in com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset
- Skyline - Class in com.supermap.realspace
- Skyline(Scene) - Constructor for class com.supermap.realspace.Skyline
- SlopeType - Class in com.supermap.analyst.spatialanalyst
The slope unit
- smooth(Point2Ds, int) - Static method in class com.supermap.data.Geometrist
Smooths the specified object.
- SMWU - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.WorkspaceType
SMWU workspace, file workspace.
- SnapMode - Class in com.supermap.mapping
Snap mode
- SnapSetting - Class in com.supermap.mapping
The snap settings of the map control The priority of snap mode is determined by the order of the snap mode in this object.
- SnapSetting() - Constructor for class com.supermap.mapping.SnapSetting
The constructor.
- SnapSetting(SnapSetting) - Constructor for class com.supermap.mapping.SnapSetting
The constructor.
- SolutionItem - Class in com.supermap.onlineservices
Traffic transfer solution class
- SolutionItem() - Constructor for class com.supermap.onlineservices.SolutionItem
The default constructor for constructing a new
object. - SOUTH - Static variable in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.DirectionType
- SpatialIndexInfo - Class in com.supermap.data
Spatial index information class The SpatialIndexInfo class.
- SpatialIndexInfo() - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.SpatialIndexInfo
Constructs a new SpatialIndexInfo object.
- SpatialIndexInfo(SpatialIndexType) - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.SpatialIndexInfo
Initializes a new SpatialIndexInfo object identical to the given SpatialIndexInfo object.
- SpatialIndexInfo(int) - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.SpatialIndexInfo
Initializes a new SpatialIndexInfo object identical to the given SpatialIndexInfo object.
- SpatialIndexInfo(String) - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.SpatialIndexInfo
Initializes a new SpatialIndexInfo object identical to the given SpatialIndexInfo object.
- SpatialIndexInfo(double, double) - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.SpatialIndexInfo
Initializes a new SpatialIndexInfo object identical to the given SpatialIndexInfo object.
- SpatialIndexInfo(Point2D, double, double, double) - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.SpatialIndexInfo
Initializes a new SpatialIndexInfo object identical to the given SpatialIndexInfo object.
- SpatialIndexInfo(SpatialIndexInfo) - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.SpatialIndexInfo
Initializes a new instance of the SpatialIndexInfo class which is a copy of the specified Route object.
- SpatialIndexType - Class in com.supermap.data
This class defines spatial index constant Spatial index is used to improve spatial query efficiency.
- SpatialQuery - Static variable in class com.supermap.services.QueryMode
Spatial Query
- SpatialQueryMode - Class in com.supermap.data
Defines the spatial query mode constant.
- SPATIALREF_EARTH_LONGITUDE_LATITUDE - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoSpatialRefType
The geographic coordinate system, also called the latitude and longitude coordinate system.
- SPATIALREF_EARTH_PROJECTION - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoSpatialRefType
The projected coordinate system.
- SPATIALREF_NONEARTH - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoSpatialRefType
The planar coordinate system.
- Speaker - Class in com.supermap.plugin
This class defines the field type constants of speech role.
- SpeakPlugin - Class in com.supermap.plugin
The plug-in class of voice broadcast.
- SpeakPlugin() - Constructor for class com.supermap.plugin.SpeakPlugin
- SPECTRUM - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.ColorGradientType
Spectrum gradient color.
- SpeechControl - Class in com.supermap.mapping.speech
The SpeechControl class
- SpeechControl() - Constructor for class com.supermap.mapping.speech.SpeechControl
- SpeechControlListener - Interface in com.supermap.mapping.speech
- SpeechManager - Class in com.supermap.mapping.speech
The SpeechManager class Doesn't support multi-threads.
- SpeechMode - Class in com.supermap.mapping.speech
Speech controls scenes
- SpeechMode() - Constructor for class com.supermap.mapping.speech.SpeechMode
- SpeechMode.SpeechModeType - Enum in com.supermap.mapping.speech
NORMAL: normal speech, EDIT: draws points, lines, polygons
- SpeechParam() - Constructor for class com.supermap.navi.Navigation.SpeechParam
- SPHEROID_AIRY_1830 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoSpheroidType
Airy 1830.
- SPHEROID_AIRY_MOD - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoSpheroidType
Airy modified.
- SPHEROID_ATS_1977 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoSpheroidType
Average Terrestrial System 1977.
- SPHEROID_AUSTRALIAN - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoSpheroidType
Australian National.
- SPHEROID_BESSEL_1841 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoSpheroidType
Bessel 1841.
- SPHEROID_BESSEL_MOD - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoSpheroidType
Bessel modified.
- SPHEROID_BESSEL_NAMIBIA - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoSpheroidType
Bessel Namibia.
- SPHEROID_CHINA_2000 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoSpheroidType
The spheroid of China latest standard projection: China 2000.
- SPHEROID_CLARKE_1858 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoSpheroidType
Clarke 1858.
- SPHEROID_CLARKE_1866 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoSpheroidType
Clarke 1866.
- SPHEROID_CLARKE_1866_MICH - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoSpheroidType
Clarke 1866 Michigan.
- SPHEROID_CLARKE_1880 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoSpheroidType
Clarke 1880.
- SPHEROID_CLARKE_1880_ARC - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoSpheroidType
Clarke 1880 (Arc).
- SPHEROID_CLARKE_1880_BENOIT - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoSpheroidType
Clarke 1880 (Benoit).
- SPHEROID_CLARKE_1880_IGN - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoSpheroidType
Clarke 1880 (IGN).
- SPHEROID_CLARKE_1880_RGS - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoSpheroidType
Clarke 1880 (RGS).
- SPHEROID_CLARKE_1880_SGA - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoSpheroidType
Clarke 1880 (SGA).
- SPHEROID_EVEREST_1830 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoSpheroidType
Everest 1830.
- SPHEROID_EVEREST_DEF_1967 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoSpheroidType
Everest (definition 1967).
- SPHEROID_EVEREST_DEF_1975 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoSpheroidType
Everest (definition 1975).
- SPHEROID_EVEREST_MOD - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoSpheroidType
Everest modified.
- SPHEROID_EVEREST_MOD_1969 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoSpheroidType
Everest modified 1969.
- SPHEROID_FISCHER_1960 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoSpheroidType
Fischer 1960.
- SPHEROID_FISCHER_1968 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoSpheroidType
Fischer 1968.
- SPHEROID_FISCHER_MOD - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoSpheroidType
Fischer modified.
- SPHEROID_GEM_10C - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoSpheroidType
GEM gravity potential model.
- SPHEROID_GRS_1967 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoSpheroidType
GRS 1967 = International 1967.
- SPHEROID_GRS_1980 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoSpheroidType
GRS 1980.
- SPHEROID_HELMERT_1906 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoSpheroidType
Helmert 1906.
- SPHEROID_HOUGH_1960 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoSpheroidType
Hough 1960.
- SPHEROID_INDONESIAN - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoSpheroidType
Indonesian National.
- SPHEROID_INTERNATIONAL_1924 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoSpheroidType
intersect = 1924.
- SPHEROID_INTERNATIONAL_1967 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoSpheroidType
intersect = 1967.
- SPHEROID_INTERNATIONAL_1975 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoSpheroidType
International 1975.
- SPHEROID_KRASOVSKY_1940 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoSpheroidType
Krasovsky 1940.
- SPHEROID_NWL_10D - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoSpheroidType
- SPHEROID_NWL_9D - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoSpheroidType
Transit precise ephemeris.
- SPHEROID_OSU_86F - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoSpheroidType
OSU 1986 geoidal model.
- SPHEROID_OSU_91A - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoSpheroidType
OSU 1991 geoidal model.
- SPHEROID_PLESSIS_1817 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoSpheroidType
Plessis 1817.
- SPHEROID_SPHERE - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoSpheroidType
Authalic sphere.
- SPHEROID_SPHERE_AI - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoSpheroidType
Authalic sphere (ARC/INFO).
- SPHEROID_STRUVE_1860 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoSpheroidType
Struve 1860.
- SPHEROID_USER_DEFINED - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoSpheroidType
- SPHEROID_WALBECK - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoSpheroidType
- SPHEROID_WAR_OFFICE - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoSpheroidType
War Office.
- SPHEROID_WGS_1966 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoSpheroidType
WGS 1966.
- SPHEROID_WGS_1972 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoSpheroidType
WGS 1972.
- SPHEROID_WGS_1984 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.GeoSpheroidType
WGS 1984.
- split(Dataset, GeoLine, Datasource, String, String) - Static method in class com.supermap.analyst.spatialanalyst.RasterClip
Raster split.
- split(Point2D, GeoLineM, GeoLineM) - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoLineM
Split the GeoLineM object based on the specific point object.
- split(int, double, Color, String, Color, String) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeGridRange
Splits a grid ranges map item with a specified index into items with separate colors and names.
- split(int, double, TextStyle, String, TextStyle, String) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeLabel
Splits a label map item with a specified index into items with separate styles and names.
- split(int, double, GeoStyle, String, GeoStyle, String) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeRange
Splits a ranges map item with a specified index into items with separate styles and names.
- split(String, int, String) - Method in class com.supermap.plot.AnimationManager
Splits the animation group
- SPLIT_BY_DRAWLINE - Static variable in class com.supermap.mapping.Action
polygon cut by polyline
- SPLIT_BY_DRAWREGION - Static variable in class com.supermap.mapping.Action
polygon cut by polygon
- SPLIT_BY_LINE - Static variable in class com.supermap.mapping.Action
polygon cut by polyline, set Action, draw a line across the polygon where it needs to be cut, submit, view results
- SPLIT_BY_REGION - Static variable in class com.supermap.mapping.Action
Using face segmentation
- splitLine(GeoLine, Geometry, double) - Static method in class com.supermap.data.Geometrist
Split line object with point, line or region object.
- splitRegion(GeoRegion, Geometry, GeoRegion, GeoRegion) - Static method in class com.supermap.data.Geometrist
Splits the geometrical by the line or region.
- SqlQuery - Static variable in class com.supermap.services.QueryMode
SQL query.
- SQUARE - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.FillGradientMode
A foursquare gradient.
- SQUARE - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.TransformationMode
Polynomial equations.
- SQUAREROOT - Static variable in class com.supermap.mapping.GraduatedMode
Square root grading
- SQUAREROOT - Static variable in class com.supermap.mapping.RangeMode
The square root mode.
- ST_ARC - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.StrokeType
- ST_BITMAP - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.StrokeType
- ST_CHORD - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.StrokeType
- ST_EARTH_SPHERICAL - Static variable in class com.supermap.realspace.SceneType
Spherical 3D
- ST_ELLIPSE - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.StrokeType
- ST_ICON - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.StrokeType
- ST_NONEARTH - Static variable in class com.supermap.realspace.SceneType
Plane 3D
- ST_PIE - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.StrokeType
- ST_POINT - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.StrokeType
- ST_POLYGON - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.StrokeType
- ST_POLYLINE - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.StrokeType
- ST_RECTANGLE - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.StrokeType
- ST_ROUNDRECT - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.StrokeType
Round rectangle.
- ST_TEXT - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.StrokeType
- STACK_BAR - Static variable in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeGraphType
stacked bar chart
- STACK_BAR3D - Static variable in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeGraphType
3D stacked bar chart
- STANDARDDEVIATION - Static variable in class com.supermap.mapping.ImageStretchType
Standard deviation stretch The standard deviation is described below by the histogram.
- starNoSpeechtListening(SpeechControlListener) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.speech.SpeechControl
Calls the function and sets the listener of entering file commands.
- start() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.ARVideoElement
Play the video
- start() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.ARVideoElement2
- start() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.record.AREffectViewRecorder
Start recording State entered RECORDING Start recording the video Note: If the video folder path is not set, return false If the video folder path is set, the file name is not set
- start() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.record.EffectViewRecorder
Starts recording.
- start() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.VideoEffectView
- start() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.VideoEffectView2
Start playing
- start() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.TrackingMoveHelper
Starts the animation.
- startAnimation() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.dyn.DynamicView
Starts the animation.
- startAssociate() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.MapView
Begins to associate.
- startCameraPreview() - Method in class com.supermap.ai.AIDetectView
Turns on camera preview
- startCaptureAudio() - Method in class com.supermap.mdatacollector.MDataCollector
Starts recording.
- startCountTrackedObjs() - Method in class com.supermap.ai.AIDetectView
Begins to trace and count
- startDownload(Rectangle2D) - Method in class com.supermap.data.DatasetImage.MapCacheService
- startDownload(double, double, Rectangle2D) - Method in class com.supermap.data.DatasetImage.MapCacheService
Precache interface, according to the user set the maximum and minimum scale, find the appropriate cache level cache.
- startGuide(int) - Method in class com.supermap.navi.Navigation
Starts navigating.
- startGuide(int) - Method in class com.supermap.navi.Navigation2
Starts guiding.
- startGuide(int) - Method in class com.supermap.navi.Navigation3
Start guidance
- startGuide(int) - Method in class com.supermap.navi.Navigation3D
Start guidance
- startGuide(int) - Method in interface com.supermap.navi.NavigationStatusListener
Starts navigation callback.
- StartInfo - Class in com.supermap.onlineservices
Traffic transfer start information class.
- StartInfo() - Constructor for class com.supermap.onlineservices.StartInfo
The default constructor for constructing a new
object. - startListening(SpeechControlListener) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.speech.SpeechControl
Calls the function to begin to the speech control listener Currently, the SDK does not support multi-processes, and so if the funciton is called to start a session, the function can not be called again until the session is finished.
- startListening(IntelligentSpeechListener) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.speech.SpeechManager
Calls the function to begin to speech Currently, the SDK does not support multi-processes, and so if the funciton is called to start a session, the function can not be called again until the session is finished.
- startMapDrawThread() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.AR.ARMapDrawView
Starts the AR drawing thread
- startMeasure() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.highprecision.ARMeasureView
Start to measure
- startNewRoute() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.gather.ARGatherView
Start to collect new tracks
- startPlay(String, TextureView) - Method in class com.supermap.ai.mediaservice.MediaService
Starts to pull flow
- startPlay() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.imChart.ChartView
Turn on rendering spatio-temporal data.
- startPushAIStream(String, String, String, int, int, int, InitCallback) - Method in class com.supermap.ai.AIDetectView
Begins to post video flow with AI detection result
- startPushCameraView() - Method in class com.supermap.ai.mediaservice.MediaService
Starts to post the camera view
- startPushCustom(Bitmap) - Method in class com.supermap.ai.mediaservice.MediaService
Begins to post custom content video flow
- startPushCustomStream(String, String, String, Bitmap, int, int, InitCallback) - Method in class com.supermap.ai.AIDetectView
Begins to post custom content video flow
- startTrack() - Method in class com.supermap.track.Track
Start tracking.
- startZoom() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.component.BubbleView
- STATIC - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.CursorType
Static cursor The static cursor is used to find the data and the static copy of the recordset of the report.
- statistic(int, StatisticMode) - Method in class com.supermap.data.Recordset
Performs statistic computing for the field specified by the field name.
- statistic(String, StatisticMode) - Method in class com.supermap.data.Recordset
Performs statistic computing for the field specified by the field name.
- StatisticMode - Class in com.supermap.data
Defines the field statistic method type constant.
- StatisticsResult - Class in com.supermap.data
- status - Variable in class com.supermap.data.license.LicenseInfo
License status. 1 means it has not been assigned. 2 means it has been assigned already
- statusChanged(StatusChangedEvent) - Method in interface com.supermap.realspace.StatusChangedListener
Called when the flying status is changed.
- StatusChangedEvent - Class in com.supermap.realspace
The StatusChangedEvent.
- StatusChangedEvent(Object, FlyStatus, FlyStatus) - Constructor for class com.supermap.realspace.StatusChangedEvent
Creates a new FlyStatusChangedEvent object according to the specified arguments.
- StatusChangedListener - Interface in com.supermap.realspace
A listener to to receive flying status changed event.
- STDDEVIATION - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.StatisticMode
Calculates the standard deviation of the selected field.
- STDDEVIATION - Static variable in class com.supermap.mapping.RangeMode
The standard deviation mdoe.
- STEP - Static variable in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeGraphType
Stairs diagram
- stepped(SteppedEvent) - Method in interface com.supermap.data.SteppedListener
Invoked when the rate of progress or the listener is changed.
- SteppedEvent - Class in com.supermap.data
The SteppedEvent.
- SteppedEvent(Object, int, long, String, String, String) - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.SteppedEvent
Creates a new SteppedEvent object using given parameters.
- SteppedEvent(Object, int, long, String, String, String, boolean) - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.SteppedEvent
Creates a new SteppedEvent object using given parameters.
- SteppedListener - Interface in com.supermap.data
a listener used to receive the progress bar event
. - STOMPManager - Class in com.supermap.messagequeue
STOMP manager class.
- STOMPManager() - Constructor for class com.supermap.messagequeue.STOMPManager
- STOMPReceiver - Class in com.supermap.messagequeue
STOMP receiver class Used to receive the message sent by STOMP service
- STOMPSender - Class in com.supermap.messagequeue
STOMP message sender Used to send the message of the STOMP service
- stop() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.ARAnimation
- stop() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.ARAnimationTranslation2
- stop() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.ARVideoElement
- stop() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.record.AREffectViewRecorder
stop Status Enter the ready state.
- stop() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.record.EffectViewRecorder
Stop recording Status turns into PREPARED
- stop() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.VideoEffectView
- stop() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.VideoEffectView2
Stop playing
- stop() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.TrackingMoveHelper
- stop() - Method in class com.supermap.plot.AnimationManager
- stop() - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.FlyManager
Stop the current flight and fly from the beginning of the route next time.
- STOP - Static variable in class com.supermap.realspace.FlyStatus
The current flying stopped.
- stopALL() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.ARAnimationManager
Stops playing all animations
- stopAnimation() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.dyn.Animator
Stops the animation.
- stopAnimation() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.dyn.DynamicView
stop animation (all elements)
- stopAnimationGroup(String) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.ARAnimationManager
Stop playing the animation group by indexing the array by name
- stopAnimationGroups(int[]) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.ARAnimationManager
Stops playing the animation group according to the index array
- stopAR() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.AR.ArControl2
Turn off AR map mode
- stopArrived(StopArrivedEvent) - Method in interface com.supermap.realspace.StopArrivedListener
During the flight, it is called when the flight arrives at the site.
- StopArrivedEvent - Class in com.supermap.realspace
Arrived at the site event.
- StopArrivedEvent(Object, Route, RouteStop) - Constructor for class com.supermap.realspace.StopArrivedEvent
Constructs a new object of StopArrivedEvent based on the specified parameters.
- StopArrivedListener - Interface in com.supermap.realspace
A listener for receiving flight arrivals at the site.
- stopAssociate() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.MapView
Cancel associating.
- stopCameraInteria() - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Scene
Stop camera inertia.
- stopCameraPreview() - Method in class com.supermap.ai.AIDetectView
Turns off camera preview
- stopCaptureAudio() - Method in class com.supermap.mdatacollector.MDataCollector
Stop recording, and save the audio file.
- stopCountTrackedObjs() - Method in class com.supermap.ai.AIDetectView
Stops to trace and count
- stopDownload() - Method in class com.supermap.data.DatasetImage.MapCacheService
Stop downloading.
- stopDownload() - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.DownloadManager
Deprecated.Stop downloading data.
- stopGuide() - Method in class com.supermap.navi.Navigation
Stops guiding.
- stopGuide() - Method in class com.supermap.navi.Navigation2
Stops guiding.
- stopGuide() - Method in class com.supermap.navi.Navigation3
Stop booting
- stopGuide() - Method in class com.supermap.navi.Navigation3D
Stop booting
- stopGuide(int) - Method in interface com.supermap.navi.NavigationStatusListener
Stop navigation callback.
- stopListening() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.speech.SpeechControl
Tells SDK with the function that all speech has been recorded.
- stopListening() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.speech.SpeechManager
Tells SDK with the function that all speech has been recorded.
- stopMeasure() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.highprecision.ARMeasureView
Stop measuring
- stopPlay() - Method in class com.supermap.ai.mediaservice.MediaService
Stops pulling flow
- stopPlay() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.imChart.ChartView
Stop rendering spatio-temporal data.
- stopPlay() - Method in class com.supermap.plugin.SpeakPlugin
Stops playing the current contents.
- stopPushAIStream() - Method in class com.supermap.ai.AIDetectView
Stops to push flow
- stopPushCustom() - Method in class com.supermap.ai.mediaservice.MediaService
Stops to push flow
- StopState - Static variable in class com.supermap.plot.AnimationDefine.AnimationGroupPlayState
- stopTrack() - Method in class com.supermap.track.Track
Close tracking.
- storeArObjectViewAndUri(View, ArObject) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.ArView
Sets the view relative to ArObject
- STRAIGHT - Static variable in class com.supermap.mapping.arRender.Direction
Go straight
- StreetNumber - Class in com.supermap.onlineservices
Street, door number information calss.
- StreetNumber() - Constructor for class com.supermap.onlineservices.StreetNumber
The default constructor for constructing a new
object. - STRETCHED - Static variable in class com.supermap.mapping.ImageDisplayMode
Stretch display mode The stretch mode supports all images (including single-band and multi-band) for multi-band images.
- StringUtils - Class in com.supermap.data.mapGrid
- StringUtils() - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.mapGrid.StringUtils
- StripeLine - Class in com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset
Stripe line
- StripeLine(BaseShape.MatType) - Constructor for class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.StripeLine
Construction method
- StrokeType - Class in com.supermap.data
Defines the stroke types for marker symbols.
- submit() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.collector.Collector
- submit() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.MapControl
The submit operation.
- subscribe(String, int) - Method in class com.supermap.messagequeue.MQTTClient
Subscribes a topic.
- SubSymbol - Class in com.supermap.plot
subsymbol class
- SubSymbol(int, int) - Constructor for class com.supermap.plot.SubSymbol
- subtract(Vector, Vector) - Static method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.Vector
Subtract two Vector3
- success(LicenseStatus) - Method in interface com.supermap.data.RecycleLicenseManager.RecycleLicenseCallback
Call this API if successfully activated, binded or recycled, and return current license status.
- SUM - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.StatisticMode
Decides the sum of the field.
- SUM - Static variable in class com.supermap.mapping.AggregationFunctionType
- SummaryRegionOnline - Class in com.supermap.distributeanalystservices
online region summary
- SummaryRegionOnline() - Constructor for class com.supermap.distributeanalystservices.SummaryRegionOnline
The constructor.
- SUN_LIGHT - Static variable in class com.supermap.realspace.LightTypes
- SUPERMAP - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjFileType
A projection file type used by SuperMap, it's a XML file.
- SuperMapCloud - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.EngineType
SuperMap Cloud Services.
- SupplyCenter - Class in com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst
The SupplyCenter class stores the supply center information including Supply Center ID, MaxWeight and Type.
- SupplyCenter() - Constructor for class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.SupplyCenter
Creates a new instance of the SupplyCenter.
- SupplyCenter(SupplyCenter) - Constructor for class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.SupplyCenter
Initializes a new instance according to the specified SupplyCenter object.
- SupplyCenters - Class in com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst
The resource supply center collection class.
- SupplyCenters() - Constructor for class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.SupplyCenters
Creates a new instance of the SupplyCenters.
- SupplyCenters(SupplyCenters) - Constructor for class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.SupplyCenters
Initializes a new instance according to the specified SupplyCenters object.
- SupplyCenterType - Class in com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst
The enum of the resources supply center type.
- SupplyResult - Class in com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst
The supply center point result class.
- surfaceChanged(SurfaceHolder, int, int, int) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.AR.ARMapDrawView
Reloaded SurfaceView surfaceChanged function
- surfaceChanged(SurfaceHolder, int, int, int) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.imChart.ChartView
Implement the interface
of for system call. - surfaceCreated(SurfaceHolder) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.AR.ARMapDrawView
Reloaded SurfaceView surfaceChanged function
- surfaceCreated(SurfaceHolder) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.imChart.ChartView
Implement the interface
of for system call. - surfaceDestroyed(SurfaceHolder) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.AR.ARMapDrawView
Reloaded SurfaceView surfaceChanged function
- surfaceDestroyed(SurfaceHolder) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.imChart.ChartView
Implement the interface
of for system call. - SURROUNDLINE_ALL - Static variable in class com.supermap.plot.SurroundLineType
- SURROUNDLINE_INNER - Static variable in class com.supermap.plot.SurroundLineType
- SURROUNDLINE_NONE - Static variable in class com.supermap.plot.SurroundLineType
- SURROUNDLINE_OUT - Static variable in class com.supermap.plot.SurroundLineType
- SurroundLineType - Class in com.supermap.plot
surround line type
- suspend() - Method in class com.supermap.messagequeue.MQTTClient
- SWIPE - Static variable in class com.supermap.mapping.Action
Rolling shutter status, currently only supports line, face, CAD and image layers
- switchCamera() - Method in class com.supermap.ai.mediaservice.CameraView
Switches front and rear cameras
- SXWU - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.WorkspaceType
SXWU workspace uses XML format, which can be edited by text editor such as Notepad, EditPlus,etc.
- SYMBOL - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.Charset
Symbol character set.
- Symbol - Class in com.supermap.data
The Symbol class.
- SYMBOL_ALGO - Static variable in class com.supermap.plot.GraphicObjectType
algo symbol
- SYMBOL_ANNOFRAME - Static variable in class com.supermap.plot.GraphicObjectType
- SYMBOL_ANNOLINE - Static variable in class com.supermap.plot.GraphicObjectType
- SYMBOL_ARBITRARYPOLYGON - Static variable in class com.supermap.plot.GraphicObjectType
arbitrary polygon symbol
- SYMBOL_ARC - Static variable in class com.supermap.plot.GraphicObjectType
arc symbol
- SYMBOL_BOX3D - Static variable in class com.supermap.plot.GraphicObjectType
3D box
- SYMBOL_BRACE - Static variable in class com.supermap.plot.GraphicObjectType
- SYMBOL_CHORD - Static variable in class com.supermap.plot.GraphicObjectType
chord symbol
- SYMBOL_CIRCLE - Static variable in class com.supermap.plot.GraphicObjectType
circle symbol
- SYMBOL_CONE3D - Static variable in class com.supermap.plot.GraphicObjectType
3D cone
- SYMBOL_CYLINDER3D - Static variable in class com.supermap.plot.GraphicObjectType
3D cylinder
- SYMBOL_DOT - Static variable in class com.supermap.plot.GraphicObjectType
dot symbol
- SYMBOL_ELLIPSE - Static variable in class com.supermap.plot.GraphicObjectType
- SYMBOL_KIDNEY - Static variable in class com.supermap.plot.GraphicObjectType
kidney symbol
- SYMBOL_LABEL - Static variable in class com.supermap.plot.GraphicObjectType
- SYMBOL_PARALLELLINE - Static variable in class com.supermap.plot.GraphicObjectType
- SYMBOL_PARALLELOGRAM - Static variable in class com.supermap.plot.GraphicObjectType
parallelogram symbol
- SYMBOL_PICTURE - Static variable in class com.supermap.plot.GraphicObjectType
picture symbol
- SYMBOL_PIE - Static variable in class com.supermap.plot.GraphicObjectType
pie symbol
- SYMBOL_POLYBEZIER - Static variable in class com.supermap.plot.GraphicObjectType
polyBezier symbol
- SYMBOL_POLYBEZIER_CLOSE - Static variable in class com.supermap.plot.GraphicObjectType
close polyBezier
- SYMBOL_POLYLINE - Static variable in class com.supermap.plot.GraphicObjectType
polyline symbol
- SYMBOL_PYRAMID3D - Static variable in class com.supermap.plot.GraphicObjectType
3D pryamid
- SYMBOL_RECTANGLE - Static variable in class com.supermap.plot.GraphicObjectType
rectangle symbol
- SYMBOL_REGULARPOLYGON - Static variable in class com.supermap.plot.GraphicObjectType
regularpolygon symbol
- SYMBOL_SPHERE3D - Static variable in class com.supermap.plot.GraphicObjectType
3D sphere
- SYMBOL_TRAPEZOID - Static variable in class com.supermap.plot.GraphicObjectType
- SYMBOL_UNKNOW - Static variable in class com.supermap.plot.GraphicObjectType
unknown type
- SymbolFill - Class in com.supermap.data
The SymbolFill class.
- SymbolFillLibrary - Class in com.supermap.data
The SymbolFillLibrary class.
- SymbolFillLibrary() - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.SymbolFillLibrary
- SymbolGroup - Class in com.supermap.data
The SymbolGroup class.
- SymbolGroups - Class in com.supermap.data
The SymbolGroups class.
- SymbolGroups() - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.SymbolGroups
- SymbolLibrary - Class in com.supermap.data
The SymbolLibrary class.
- SymbolLibView - Class in com.supermap.mapping.view
The symbol library control
- SymbolLibView(Context) - Constructor for class com.supermap.mapping.view.SymbolLibView
- SymbolLibView(Context, AttributeSet) - Constructor for class com.supermap.mapping.view.SymbolLibView
- SymbolLibView(Context, AttributeSet, int) - Constructor for class com.supermap.mapping.view.SymbolLibView
- SymbolLibView.OnItemClickListener - Interface in com.supermap.mapping.view
clicking callback
- SymbolLibView.Orientation - Enum in com.supermap.mapping.view
vertical or horizontal
- SymbolLine - Class in com.supermap.data
The SymbolLine class.
- SymbolLineBase - Class in com.supermap.data
The SymbolLineBase class.
- SymbolLineLibrary - Class in com.supermap.data
The SymbolLineLibrary class.
- SymbolMarker - Class in com.supermap.data
The SymbolMarker class.
- SymbolMarkerLibrary - Class in com.supermap.data
The SymbolMarkerLibrary class.
- SymbolMarkerStroke - Class in com.supermap.data
The SymbolMarkerStroke class.
- SymbolType - Class in com.supermap.data
Defines the symbol type constant.
- syncMap() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.MapView
Has a synchronous link to all maps
- SystemService(SensorManager) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.arRender.ARDrawView
set direction sensor
- TABULAR - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.DatasetType
The tabular dataset is mainly used to store and manage the pure attribute data that describe the information of the characters and shapes of the surface features, such as the length and width of the river.This dataset does not contain graphics data in it, namely the dataset can not be displayed in the map window as a layer.
- Target - Class in com.supermap.ar.areffect.gltfModel
Target point.
- Target() - Constructor for class com.supermap.ar.areffect.gltfModel.Target
- TaskManager() - Constructor for class com.supermap.ar.areffect.CameraRecordControl.TaskManager
- terminatePlugin() - Method in class com.supermap.plugin.SpeakPlugin
Ends this plug-in.
- TERRAIN - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.ColorGradientType
The terrain gradient color.
- TERRAIN - Static variable in class com.supermap.realspace.PixelToGlobeMode
Only intersect with the terrain.
- TerrainAnalystSetting - Class in com.supermap.analyst.spatialanalyst
The terrain analysis setting class
- TerrainAnalystSetting() - Constructor for class com.supermap.analyst.spatialanalyst.TerrainAnalystSetting
- TerrainAnalystSetting(TerrainAnalystSetting) - Constructor for class com.supermap.analyst.spatialanalyst.TerrainAnalystSetting
- TERRAINANDMODEL - Static variable in class com.supermap.realspace.PixelToGlobeMode
Terrain and model participate in the intersection, returns the nearest intersection to the view point.
- TerrainLayer - Class in com.supermap.realspace
The terrain layer class.
- TerrainLayer() - Constructor for class com.supermap.realspace.TerrainLayer
- TerrainLayers - Class in com.supermap.realspace
Topographic layer collection class.
- TerrainLayers() - Constructor for class com.supermap.realspace.TerrainLayers
- TEXT - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.DatasetType
The text dataset is used to store the text objects, such as the text of the annotation.
- TEXT - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.FieldType
The Text type.
- TEXT - Static variable in class com.supermap.realspace.Layer3DVectorFileDataType
Deprecated.Text type.
- TextAlignment - Class in com.supermap.data
This class defines the text alignment type constants.
- TextPart - Class in com.supermap.data
The TextPart class.
- TextPart() - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.TextPart
Constructs a new TextPart object.
- TextPart(TextPart) - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.TextPart
Constructs a new object identical to the given TextPart object.
- TextPart(String, Point2D) - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.TextPart
Creates a new TextPart object according to the specified arguments.
- TextPart(String, Point2D, double) - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.TextPart
Creates a new TextPart object according to the specified arguments.
- TextPart(String, double, double, double) - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.TextPart
Creates a new TextPart object according to the specified arguments.
- TextPart3D - Class in com.supermap.data
The TextPart3D class.
- TextPart3D() - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.TextPart3D
Initializes the object.
- TextPart3D(TextPart3D) - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.TextPart3D
Constructs a new object identical to the given TextPart object.
- TextPart3D(String, Point3D) - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.TextPart3D
Creates a new TextPart object according to the specified arguments.
- TextPart3D(String, double, double, double) - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.TextPart3D
Initializes a new instance with the parameters specified.
- TextStyle - Class in com.supermap.data
The text style class.
- TextStyle() - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.TextStyle
Constructs a new TextStyle object.
- TextStyle(TextStyle) - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.TextStyle
Constructs a new object identical to the given TextStyle object.
- Textures - Class in com.supermap.ar.areffect.gltfModel
- Textures() - Constructor for class com.supermap.ar.areffect.gltfModel.Textures
- THAI - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.Charset
Tai character set.
- Theme - Class in com.supermap.mapping
The Theme class.
- ThemeDotDensity - Class in com.supermap.mapping
Point density layer
- ThemeDotDensity() - Constructor for class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeDotDensity
Construction method
- ThemeDotDensity(ThemeDotDensity) - Constructor for class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeDotDensity
Construction method
- ThemeGraduatedSymbol - Class in com.supermap.mapping
The graduated symbol thematic map
- ThemeGraduatedSymbol() - Constructor for class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeGraduatedSymbol
Construction method
- ThemeGraduatedSymbol(ThemeGraduatedSymbol) - Constructor for class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeGraduatedSymbol
Construction method
- ThemeGraph - Class in com.supermap.mapping
Statistical thematic map
- ThemeGraph() - Constructor for class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeGraph
Construction method
- ThemeGraph(ThemeGraph) - Constructor for class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeGraph
Construction method
- ThemeGraphItem - Class in com.supermap.mapping
Sub items of a statistical thematic map
- ThemeGraphItem() - Constructor for class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeGraphItem
Construction method
- ThemeGraphItem(ThemeGraphItem) - Constructor for class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeGraphItem
Construction method
- ThemeGraphTextFormat - Class in com.supermap.mapping
Display formats of text of a statistical thematic map
- ThemeGraphType - Class in com.supermap.mapping
Thematic map types
- ThemeGridRange - Class in com.supermap.mapping
The grid ranges map.
- ThemeGridRange() - Constructor for class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeGridRange
The default constructor for constructing a new ThemeGridRange object.
- ThemeGridRange(ThemeGridRange) - Constructor for class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeGridRange
Constructs a new object identical to the given ThemeGridRange object.
- ThemeGridRangeItem - Class in com.supermap.mapping
The ThemeGridRangeItem class.
- ThemeGridRangeItem() - Constructor for class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeGridRangeItem
The default constructor for constructing a new ThemeGridRangeItem object.
- ThemeGridRangeItem(double, double, Color) - Constructor for class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeGridRangeItem
Initializes a new instance of the ThemeGridRangeItem class with the specified parameters.
- ThemeGridRangeItem(double, double, Color, String) - Constructor for class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeGridRangeItem
Initializes a new instance of the ThemeGridRangeItem class with the specified parameters.
- ThemeGridRangeItem(ThemeGridRangeItem) - Constructor for class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeGridRangeItem
Copy constructor, initializes a new instance of the class which is identical with the specified ThemeGridRangeItem object.
- ThemeLabel - Class in com.supermap.mapping
Class label map.
- ThemeLabel() - Constructor for class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeLabel
The default constructor for constructing a new object.
- ThemeLabel(ThemeLabel) - Constructor for class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeLabel
Copy constructor, initializes a new instance of the class which is identical with the specified ImportSettingGML object.
- ThemeLabelItem - Class in com.supermap.mapping
The ThemeLabelItem class.
- ThemeLabelItem() - Constructor for class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeLabelItem
Initializes a new instance of the ThemeLabelItem class.
- ThemeLabelItem(double, double, TextStyle) - Constructor for class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeLabelItem
Initializes a new instance of the ThemeLabelItem structure with the specified start value, end value and style of the ThemeLabelItem object.
- ThemeLabelItem(double, double, TextStyle, String) - Constructor for class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeLabelItem
Initializes a new instance of the ThemeLabelItem structure with the specified start value, end value, style and caption of the ThemeLabelItem object.
- ThemeLabelItem(ThemeLabelItem) - Constructor for class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeLabelItem
Copy constructor, initializes a new instance of the class which is identical with the specified ImportSettingGML object.
- ThemeRange - Class in com.supermap.mapping
The ThemeRange class.
- ThemeRange() - Constructor for class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeRange
The default constructor for constructing a new object.
- ThemeRange(ThemeRange) - Constructor for class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeRange
Copy constructor, initializes a new instance of the class which is identical with the specified ImportSettingGML object.
- ThemeRangeItem - Class in com.supermap.mapping
The ThemeRangeItem class.
- ThemeRangeItem() - Constructor for class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeRangeItem
Initializes a new instance of the ThemeRangeItem class.
- ThemeRangeItem(double, double, GeoStyle) - Constructor for class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeRangeItem
Initializes a new instance of the ThemeRangeItem structure with the specified start value, end value and style of the ThemeRangeItem object.
- ThemeRangeItem(double, double, GeoStyle, String) - Constructor for class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeRangeItem
Initializes a new instance of the ThemeRangeItem structure with the specified start value, end value, style and caption of the ThemeRangeItem object.
- ThemeRangeItem(ThemeRangeItem) - Constructor for class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeRangeItem
Initializes a new instance of the ThemeRangeItem structure which is identical with the specified ThemeRangeItem object.
- ThemeType - Class in com.supermap.mapping
This class defines the constants representing the thematic map tyeps.
- ThemeUnique - Class in com.supermap.mapping
The ThemUnique class.
- ThemeUnique() - Constructor for class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeUnique
The default constructor for constructing a new object.
- ThemeUnique(ThemeUnique) - Constructor for class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeUnique
Copy constructor, initializes a new instance of the class which is identical with the specified ImportSettingGML object.
- ThemeUniqueItem - Class in com.supermap.mapping
The ThemeUniqueItem class.
- ThemeUniqueItem() - Constructor for class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeUniqueItem
The default constructor for constructing a new object.
- ThemeUniqueItem(String, GeoStyle) - Constructor for class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeUniqueItem
Initializes a new instance of the
class with the specified parameters. - ThemeUniqueItem(String, String, GeoStyle) - Constructor for class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeUniqueItem
Initializes a new instance of the
class with the specified parameters. - ThemeUniqueItem(ThemeUniqueItem) - Constructor for class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeUniqueItem
Copy constructor, initializes a new instance of the class which is identical with the specified ImportSettingGML object.
- thumbnailurl - Variable in class com.supermap.realspace.OnlineService3D.OnlineService3DInfo
Thumbnail address collection
- TIF - Static variable in class com.supermap.analyst.spatialanalyst.RasterClipFileType
Output the clip result as TIF format.
- TIF - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.conversion.FileType
The Tiff/GeoTIFF file,Import results can be multi-band or single-band.
- TILE - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.SpatialIndexType
Tile Spatial Index In SuperMap SDX+, the spatial objects are classified according to one attribute field or a given range (sheet length and width).
- Time(double) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.TrackingMoveHelper
The ending time of the animation
- TimeLine - Class in com.supermap.mapping.imChart
The real time data time line class.
- TimeLine(FrameLayout, Context) - Constructor for class com.supermap.mapping.imChart.TimeLine
The constructor.
- timePositionChanged(TimePositionChangedEvent) - Method in interface com.supermap.data.TimePositionChangedListener
Call this method when the time of node animation changes.
- TimePositionChangedEvent - Class in com.supermap.data
Indicates the event that the time of animation changes.
- TimePositionChangedEvent(Object, double) - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.TimePositionChangedEvent
Create a new object of TimePositionChangedEvent according to the given parameter.
- TimePositionChangedListener - Interface in com.supermap.data
A listener that is used to receives a change event
for the time position of the node animation - TimeSpan - Class in com.supermap.data
The time interval class.
- TimeSpan() - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.TimeSpan
Constructs a new TimeSpan object
- TimeSpan(long) - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.TimeSpan
Initializes the TimeSpan object to a specified milliseconds.
- TimeSpan(int, int, int) - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.TimeSpan
Initializes the TimeSpan object to a specified hours, minutes, and seconds.
- TimeSpan(int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.TimeSpan
Initializes the TimeSpan object to a specified days, hours, minutes, and seconds.
- TimeStamp - Class in com.supermap.videomap
The time stamp
- TimeStamp() - Constructor for class com.supermap.videomap.TimeStamp
The constructor
- TINOperation - Class in com.supermap.realspace
- TINOperation() - Constructor for class com.supermap.realspace.TINOperation
- title - Variable in class com.supermap.ai.AIRecognition
recognize object title
- toArPoint(Point2Ds) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.TransformCalibrationResult
The geographical coordinates are converted into AR coordinate sets by correction results
- toArray() - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.SupplyCenters
Converts the current SupplyCenters object to a SupplyCenter array.
- toArray() - Method in class com.supermap.data.Colors
Converts current colors object to a color array.
- toArray() - Method in class com.supermap.data.JoinItems
Converts this JoinItems object to an array of the JoinItem objects.
- toArray() - Method in class com.supermap.data.Point2Ds
Converts this Point2Ds object to an array of the Point2D objects.
- toArray() - Method in class com.supermap.data.Point3Ds
Converts this Point2Ds object to an array of the Point2D objects.
- toArray() - Method in class com.supermap.data.PointMs
Converts this PointMs object to an array of the PointM objects.
- toColorString() - Method in class com.supermap.data.Color
Return RGB color value hexadecimal string.
- toCsvString() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.ARRecordParameter
Generates string in CSV format
- toDatasetVector(Datasource, String) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Layer3DDataset
- toEulerAngle(Quaternion) - Static method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.utils.PoseUtils
Quaternion to Euler Angle
- toEulerAngle(float[]) - Static method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.utils.PoseUtils
Quaternion to Euler Angle
- toFeature3D() - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Selection3D
Convert the selected objects in the 3D layer to 3D feature objects.
- toFieldString() - Static method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.ARRecordParameter
Outputs the string of field name
- toFile(String, PrjFileVersion) - Method in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSys
Exports the
object to a projection file according to the specified version. - toGeoJSON(boolean, int, int) - Method in class com.supermap.data.DatasetVector
Convert the objects with specified start and end SmID to GeoJSON string.
- toGeoJSON(File) - Method in class com.supermap.data.DatasetVector
Convert all the records in the current recordset to the GeoJSON string, and store in the specified file (txt).
- toGeoJSON() - Method in class com.supermap.data.Geometry
Converts Geometry into GeoJSON format string.
- toGeoJSON(boolean, int) - Method in class com.supermap.data.Recordset
Convert the specified number of records counting from the current record to GeoJSON string.
- toGeoJSON() - Method in class com.supermap.plot.GeoGraphicObject
change Geometry to string in GeoJSON style
- toGeoLine3D() - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Route
Output the route as a line object.
- toGeoPoint(List<Point3D>) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.TransformCalibrationResult
The AR coordinate point set is converted into geographic coordinates by correction results
- toHorizontalScreen() - Method in interface com.supermap.mapping.ConfigurationChangedListener
Change vertical screen to horizontal screen.
- toJson() - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoStyle
Converts data from geostyle into json
- toJson() - Method in class com.supermap.services.Feature
Convert objects to Json string.
- toJson() - Method in class com.supermap.services.ServiceQueryParameter
Converts the query parameter into JSON string.
- toKML() - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Feature3D
Returns an KML string indicating the description of the Feature3D object.
- toKML() - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Feature3Ds
Returns a KML string indicating the description of the Feature3D object.
- toKMLFile(String) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Feature3D
Exports the Feature3D object to a specified KML file.
- toKMLFile(String) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Feature3Ds
Exports the Feature3Ds object to a specified KML file.
- Toolkit - Class in com.supermap.data
The toolkit class.
- TOP - Static variable in class com.supermap.mapping.imChart.ChartLegend
Center Top
- TOPCENTER - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.TextAlignment
Top center.
- TOPFEATURESONLY - Static variable in class com.supermap.realspace.Feature3DSearchOption
Searches the top features only.
- TOPIC - Static variable in class com.supermap.messagequeue.AMQPExchangeType
Forward the message to all queues that concern routingkey in the specified topuc.
- TOPLEFT - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.TextAlignment
Top left.
- TOPLEFT - Static variable in class com.supermap.mapping.imChart.ChartLegend
Top Left
- TopoBuild - Class in com.supermap.analyst
Topo analysis class.
- topoBuildRegion(Dataset, Dataset) - Static method in class com.supermap.analyst.TopoBuild
Build region dataset from line dataset by topo.
- TOPOLOGY_PROCESSING - Static variable in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.NetworkSplitMode
Topologically processes geometry objects
- TopologyValidatorOnline - Class in com.supermap.distributeanalystservices
online topology validator
- TopologyValidatorOnline() - Constructor for class com.supermap.distributeanalystservices.TopologyValidatorOnline
The constructor.
- TopologyValidatorOnline.RuleType - Enum in com.supermap.distributeanalystservices
Topology check rule enumeration class
- TOPRIGHT - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.TextAlignment
Top right.
- TOPRIGHT - Static variable in class com.supermap.mapping.imChart.ChartLegend
Top Right
- toQuaternion(float, float, float) - Static method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.utils.PoseUtils
Euler Angle to quaternion Euler Angle is measured in degrees
- toQuaternion(float[]) - Static method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.utils.PoseUtils
Rotation matrix to quaternion
- toRecordset() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Selection
Converts the Selection to the Recordset, Where, the data in the Selection can be operated after converting.
- toRecordset(Recordset) - Method in class com.supermap.services.FeatureSet
Convert the current Featureset to Recordset
- toRotationMatrix(Quaternion) - Static method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.utils.PoseUtils
Quaternion rotation matrix
- toScreenPoint(List<Point3D>, ErrorCallback) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.excavator.Excavator
Converts to screen coordinates
- toString() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.ARRecordParameter
- toString() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.CalibrationPoint
- toString() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.Point3D
Get the point coordinates as a string, get in x, y, z order
- toString() - Method in class com.supermap.data.Colors
Returns a string that indicates the current Colors.
- toString() - Method in class com.supermap.data.DatasetGridInfo
Returns a string that indicates the current DatasetGridInfo in the format of {{Name=,Bounds={}, Width=,Height=,PixelFormat=,BlockSize=,EncodeType=,NoValue=,MinValue=,MaxValue=}.
- toString() - Method in class com.supermap.data.DatasetVectorInfo
Outputs the information of the vector dataset, including the name of the dataset, the type of the dataset, the encode type of the dataset and whether using the file cache.
- toString() - Method in class com.supermap.data.Enum
Returns the name of the enumeration constant.
- toString() - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoStyle
Returns a String that represents the current GeoStyle object.
- toString() - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoStyle3D
Exports each property of the current GeoStyle3D object.
- toString() - Method in class com.supermap.data.JoinItem
Outputs this JoinItem object to a readable string, the format is {Name="",ForeignTable="",JoinFilter="",JoinType=}.
- toString(double, int) - Method in class com.supermap.data.mapGrid.MapGrid
- toString() - Method in class com.supermap.data.Point2D
Creates a readable character string of this Point2D, for instance, Point2D(2,3), and the result string format is "{X=2.0,Y=3.0}".
- toString() - Method in class com.supermap.data.PointM
Creates a readable string indicates the structure object.
- toString() - Method in class com.supermap.data.QueryParameter
Outputs the parameter settings in this QueryParameter to a string.
- toString() - Method in class com.supermap.data.Rectangle2D
Retrieves a readable string that indicates the current Rectangle2D, and the format is {Left=,Bottom=,Right=,Top=}.
- toString() - Method in class com.supermap.data.Size2D
Retrieves a string that indicates the width and height of this Size2D, and the format is "Width=,Height=".
- toString() - Method in class com.supermap.data.SpatialIndexInfo
Output spatial index information to strings.
- toString() - Method in class com.supermap.data.Symbol
Returns the character string describing the Symbol object and its format is that {Name=,ID=}.
- toString() - Method in class com.supermap.data.TextStyle
Returns a formatted string that represents the current TextStyle object.
- toString() - Method in class com.supermap.data.WorkspaceConnectionInfo
Outputs this WorkspaceConnectionInfo object to a readable string, and the format is {Name="",Type="",Server="",Database="",Driver="",User="",Password="",Version=""}.
- toString() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.GeometryEvent
Returns the character string describing the object of the GeometryEventArgs class.
- toString() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.speech.POIInfo
- toString() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Theme
Outputs the formatted string for the thematic map.
- toString() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeDotDensity
Turns the point density layer into a xml file
- toString() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeGraduatedSymbol
Converts data to xml
- toString() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeGraph
Output the formatted string of the thematic map.
- toString() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeGraphItem
Output the formatted string of the sub item.
- toString() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeGridRange
- toString() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeGridRangeItem
Returns the readable strings of a grid ranges thematic map item with a specific format.
- toString() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeLabel
Outputs the formatted string for the labels thematic map.
- toString() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeLabelItem
Returns the readable strings of a lables thematic map item with a specific format.
- toString() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeRange
Outputs the formatted string for the ranges thematic map.
- toString() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeRangeItem
Returns the readable strings of a ranges thematic map item with a specific format.
- toString() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeUnique
Outputs the formatted string for the unique values thematic map.
- toString() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeUniqueItem
Returns a string that indicates the current ThemeUnique item.
- toString() - Method in class com.supermap.messagequeue.Enum
The enumeration string Output the enumeration name
- toString() - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Camera
Returns a character string to describe the Camera object, The format is {Altitude=,Heading=,Latitude=,Longitude=,Roll=,Tilt=,AltitudeMode=}.
- toString() - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.LookAt
Returns a string for describing the LookAt object
- toString() - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Tracked3DEvent
Returns the character string describing the Tracking3DEventArgs object.
- toString() - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Tracking3DEvent
Returns the character string describing the Tracking3DEventArgs object.
- toString() - Method in class com.supermap.services.networkanalyst.AnalystParameter
- totalCpuQuota - Variable in class com.supermap.data.PrivateCloudLicenseManager.privateCloudLicInfo
The total CPU quota
- totalNum - Variable in class com.supermap.data.PrivateCloudLicenseManager.privateCloudLicInfo
The total number of licenses
- TOUCH - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.SpatialQueryMode
Touch mode.
- toVerticalScreen() - Method in interface com.supermap.mapping.ConfigurationChangedListener
Change horizontal screen to vertical screen.
- toWGSCoordinatesFromGCJ(Location) - Static method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.ConvertTool
Converts from GCJ to WGS
- toXML() - Method in class com.supermap.data.CoordSysTransParameter
Export the CoordSysTransParameter object to XML string.
- toXML() - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoCoordSys
Exports the XML string represents the GeoCoordSys object.
- toXML() - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoDatum
Exports the XML string represents the GeoDatum object.
- toXML() - Method in class com.supermap.data.Geometry
Returns the XML string of the geometric object
- toXML() - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoPrimeMeridian
Returns the XML string represents the
object. - toXML() - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoSpheroid
Exports the object of this GeoSpheroid class to an XML string.
- toXML() - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoStyle
Exports the XML string represents the GeoStyle object.
- toXML() - Method in class com.supermap.data.PrjCoordSys
Exports the XML string represents the PrjCoordSys object.
- toXML() - Method in class com.supermap.data.PrjParameter
Returns an xml string that represents the PrjParameter object.
- toXML() - Method in class com.supermap.data.Projection
Returns an xml string that represents the projection object.
- toXML(String) - Method in class com.supermap.data.Resources
Converts data to xml
- toXML() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Layer
Turns into XML
- toXML() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Map
Returns the xml string representation of the map object.
- toXML() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Theme
Exports the thematic map to XML strings.
- toXml() - Method in class com.supermap.plot.AnimationGO
Converts to the xml object
- toXML() - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Route
Returns an XML description that represents the route object.
- toXML() - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.RouteStop
Outputs stops as xml string
- traceDownFromEdge(int, String, boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.FacilityAnalyst
According to the given arc ID, perform the tracing downstream.
- traceDownFromEdge(int, String, boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst3d.FacilityAnalyst3D
Finds all the passed edges by tracing the downstream of the specified node or edge.
- traceDownFromNode(int, String, boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.FacilityAnalyst
According to the given node ID, perform the tracing downstream.
- traceDownFromNode(int, String, boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst3d.FacilityAnalyst3D
Finds all the edges by tracing the downstream of the specified node.
- traceUpFromEdge(int, String, boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.FacilityAnalyst
According to the given arc ID, perform the tracing upstream.
- traceUpFromEdge(int, String, boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst3d.FacilityAnalyst3D
Finds all the edges by tracing the upstreams of the specified node.
- traceUpFromNode(int, String, boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.FacilityAnalyst
According to the given node ID, perform the tracing upstream.
- traceUpFromNode(int, String, boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst3d.FacilityAnalyst3D
Finds all the edges by tracing the upstreams of the specified node.
- Track - Class in com.supermap.track
Provides the function of the automatic recording track; the tracked records can be corrected according to the road, to ensure that the record points are on the road; it can set the record time interval or distance interval.
- Track(Context) - Constructor for class com.supermap.track.Track
- tracked(Tracked3DEvent) - Method in interface com.supermap.realspace.Tracked3DListener
Called when finish drawing geometric objects interactively on the tracking layer in a 3D scene window.
- Tracked3DEvent - Class in com.supermap.realspace
Tracked3DEvent class This class is mainly used to provide data for Tracked event from SceneControl class.
- Tracked3DEvent(Object, Geometry3D, double, double, double) - Constructor for class com.supermap.realspace.Tracked3DEvent
Constructs Tracked3DEvent instance.
- Tracked3DListener - Interface in com.supermap.realspace
A listener interface of receiving the end event of interactive drawing of geometric objects on the tracking layer in a 3D scene window.
- TrackedID - Variable in class com.supermap.ai.AIRecognition
Tracking object unique ID
- tracking(Tracking3DEvent) - Method in interface com.supermap.realspace.Tracking3DListener
Called when drawing geometric objects interactively on the tracking layer in a 3D scene window.
- Tracking3DEvent - Class in com.supermap.realspace
Tracking3DEvent class This class is mainly used to provide data for Tracking event from SceneControl class.
- Tracking3DEvent(Object, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, Geometry3D) - Constructor for class com.supermap.realspace.Tracking3DEvent
Constructs Tracking3DEvent instance.
- Tracking3DListener - Interface in com.supermap.realspace
A listener of receiving the end event of interactive drawing of geometric objects on the tracking layer in a 3D scene window.
- TrackingLayer - Class in com.supermap.mapping
The TrackingLayer class.
- TrackingLayer3D - Class in com.supermap.realspace
3D tracking layer class.
- TrackingLayer3D() - Constructor for class com.supermap.realspace.TrackingLayer3D
- TrackingMoveData - Class in com.supermap.mapping
Data class.
- TrackingMoveData(String, Point2D) - Constructor for class com.supermap.mapping.TrackingMoveData
- TrackingMoveHelper - Class in com.supermap.mapping
Trace drawing animation class Created by wangli on 2019/8/20.
- TrackingMoveHelper(Context, MapView, List<TrackingMoveData>) - Constructor for class com.supermap.mapping.TrackingMoveHelper
The constructor.
- TrackingMoveHelper.onDraw - Interface in com.supermap.mapping
Calls the interface after the whole animation
- trafficTransfer(Point2D, Point2D, TrafficTransferParameter) - Method in class com.supermap.onlineservices.TrafficTransferOnline
Traffic transfer query.
- TrafficTransferOnline - Class in com.supermap.onlineservices
Online traffic transfer class for querying the bus lines.
- TrafficTransferOnline() - Constructor for class com.supermap.onlineservices.TrafficTransferOnline
The default constructor for constructing a new
object. - TrafficTransferOnline.TransferCallback - Interface in com.supermap.onlineservices
Traffic transfer callback.
- TrafficTransferOnlineData - Class in com.supermap.onlineservices
Traffic transfer return data class
- TrafficTransferOnlineData() - Constructor for class com.supermap.onlineservices.TrafficTransferOnlineData
The default constructor for constructing a new
object. - TrafficTransferParameter - Class in com.supermap.onlineservices
Traffic transfer parameter class
- TrafficTransferParameter() - Constructor for class com.supermap.onlineservices.TrafficTransferParameter
The default constructor for constructing a new
object. - transferFailed(String) - Method in interface com.supermap.onlineservices.TrafficTransferOnline.TransferCallback
Callback when exceptionally querying the traffic transfer.
- transferred(long, long) - Method in interface com.supermap.services.iportalservices.ProgressRequestBody.ProgressListener
- transferSuccess(TrafficTransferOnlineData) - Method in interface com.supermap.onlineservices.TrafficTransferOnline.TransferCallback
Callback when successfully querying the traffic transfer.
- transform(Point2Ds) - Method in class com.supermap.data.Transformation
Registers the vector dataset.
- Transformation - Class in com.supermap.data
Data registration class.
- Transformation() - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.Transformation
Constructs a new Transformation object.
- Transformation(Transformation) - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.Transformation
Initializes a new instance according to the specified Transformation object.
- Transformation(Point2Ds, Point2Ds, TransformationMode) - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.Transformation
Initializes a new Transformation object according to the given arguments.
- TransformationMode - Class in com.supermap.data
Defines constants for data registration.
- TransformCalibrationResult - Class in com.supermap.ar.areffect
The calibration results of geographical registration were used Get the geographical position and azimuth when mobile phone starts AR scene through two-point positioning
- TranslateAnimator - Class in com.supermap.mapping.dyn
Displacement animation class.
- TranslateAnimator(Point2D, int) - Constructor for class com.supermap.mapping.dyn.TranslateAnimator
Constructor of displacement animation.
- TranslateAnimator(TranslateAnimator) - Constructor for class com.supermap.mapping.dyn.TranslateAnimator
Create a new TranslateAnimator object that is the same with the given TranslateAnimator object.
- translateCoordSys(boolean, Point2D[], Point3D[]) - Method in interface com.supermap.mapping.PrjCoordSysTranslatorListener
The interface of the projection coordinate transformation.
- TransportationAnalyst - Class in com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst
The transportation analyst class.
- TransportationAnalyst() - Constructor for class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.TransportationAnalyst
Initializes a new instance of the TransportationAnalyst class.
- TransportationAnalyst3D - Class in com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst3d
The TransportationAnalyst3D class is used to provide the transportation analyst function based on the 3D network dataset.
- TransportationAnalyst3D() - Constructor for class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst3d.TransportationAnalyst3D
Constructs a new TransportationAnalyst3D object.
- TransportationAnalystCheckResult - Class in com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst
The TransportationAnalystCheckResult class provides the check result of the network dataset and turn table of the transportation analysis, including the arc error information, node error information and turn table error information.
- TransportationAnalystCheckResult3D - Class in com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst3d
The data check result class of the 3D transportation network analysis.
- TransportationAnalystCheckResult3D() - Constructor for class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst3d.TransportationAnalystCheckResult3D
- TransportationAnalystParameter - Class in com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst
The TransportationAnalystParameter class.
- TransportationAnalystParameter() - Constructor for class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.TransportationAnalystParameter
Constructs a new TransportationAnalystParameter object.
- TransportationAnalystParameter(TransportationAnalystParameter) - Constructor for class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.TransportationAnalystParameter
Initializes a new instance of the TransportationAnalystParameter class which is identical with the specified TransportationAnalystParameter.
- TransportationAnalystParameter3D - Class in com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst3d
The parameter class of the 3D transportation network analysis.
- TransportationAnalystParameter3D() - Constructor for class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst3d.TransportationAnalystParameter3D
Constructs a new TransportationAnalystParameter3D object.
- TransportationAnalystParameter3D(TransportationAnalystParameter3D) - Constructor for class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst3d.TransportationAnalystParameter3D
Initializes a new instance of the TransportationAnalystParameter3D class which is identical with the specified TransportationAnalystParameter3D.
- TransportationAnalystResult - Class in com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst
The TransportationAnalystResult class.
- TransportationAnalystResult3D - Class in com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst3d
The results class of the 3D transportation network analysis.
- TransportationAnalystResult3D() - Constructor for class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst3d.TransportationAnalystResult3D
- TransportationAnalystSetting - Class in com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst
The transportation analyst environment setting.
- TransportationAnalystSetting() - Constructor for class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.TransportationAnalystSetting
Initializes a new instance of the TransportationAnalystSetting class.
- TransportationAnalystSetting(TransportationAnalystSetting) - Constructor for class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.TransportationAnalystSetting
Initializes a new instance of the TransportationAnalystSetting class which is identical with the specified TransportationAnalystSetting object.
- TransportationAnalystSetting3D - Class in com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst3d
The 3D transportation analyst environment setting.
- TransportationAnalystSetting3D() - Constructor for class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst3d.TransportationAnalystSetting3D
Constructs a new TransportationAnalystSetting3D object.
- TransportationAnalystSetting3D(TransportationAnalystSetting3D) - Constructor for class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst3d.TransportationAnalystSetting3D
Constructs a new object identical to the given TransportationAnalystSetting3D object.
- TRIANGLE - Static variable in class com.supermap.mapping.LabelBackShape
Rectangle background.
- TSPathAnalystFromServer - Class in com.supermap.services.networkanalyst
Traveling Salesman Analysis
- TSPathAnalystFromServer() - Constructor for class com.supermap.services.networkanalyst.TSPathAnalystFromServer
- TURKISH - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.Charset
Turkish character set.
- TurnType - Class in com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst
The TurnType type constant.
- UBIT1 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PixelFormat
Specifies that the format is 1 bit per pixel.
- UBIT24 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PixelFormat
Specifies that the format is 24 bits per pixel, namely, 3 bytes per pixel.
- UBIT32 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PixelFormat
Specifies that the format is 32 bits per pixel, that is, 4 bytes per pixel.
- UBIT4 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PixelFormat
Specifies that the format is 4 bits per pixel.
- UBIT8 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PixelFormat
Specifies that the format is 8 bits per pixel, namely, 1 byte per pixel.
- UDB - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.EngineType
The UDB engine type.
- UGC60 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.PrjFileVersion
UGC60 version of SuperMap projection file.
- UGC60 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.WorkspaceVersion
SuperMap UGC 6.0 workspace.
- UGC70 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.WorkspaceVersion
SuperMap UGC 7.0 workspace.
- unbindQueue(String, String, String) - Method in class com.supermap.messagequeue.AMQPManager
Remove the binding between queue and switch
- unCompress(String, String, String) - Static method in class com.supermap.data.Toolkit
Uncompresses the target file.
- undo() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.highprecision.ARMeasureView
Undo the last added record
- undo() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.highprecision.MeasureView
Undo the measurement
- undo() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.collector.Collector
- undo() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.MapControl
Undoes the last operation if the CanUndo property is true.
- undoStateChange(boolean, boolean) - Method in interface com.supermap.mapping.UndoStateChangeListener
Called when the undo status changes.
- UndoStateChangeListener - Interface in com.supermap.mapping
Undo listener class.
- ungroup() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.LayerGroup
Cancel group management in the current group layer.
- UNICODE - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.Charset
A computing industry standard for the consistent encoding, representing and handling of the text expressed in most of the world's writing systems.
- UNION - Static variable in class com.supermap.analyst.spatialanalyst.BoundsType
Inputs a raster dataset bounds union.
- union(DatasetVector, DatasetVector, DatasetVector, OverlayAnalystParameter) - Static method in class com.supermap.analyst.spatialanalyst.OverlayAnalyst
The result data is used to collect the data sets of the merged superimposed analysis and all the objects in the data set for merging the superimposed analysis, and the intersecting part is subjected to intersecting and segmentation operations.
- union(Recordset, Recordset, DatasetVector, OverlayAnalystParameter) - Static method in class com.supermap.analyst.spatialanalyst.OverlayAnalyst
The result data is used to collect the recordsets of the merged overlay analysis and all the objects in the set of records used to merge the superimposed analysis, and the intersecting parts are subjected to intersecting and segmentation operations.
- union(DatasetVector, Geometry[], DatasetVector, OverlayAnalystParameter) - Static method in class com.supermap.analyst.spatialanalyst.OverlayAnalyst
The data set is used to store the data set of the merged overlay analysis and all the objects in the array of face objects used to merge the superimposed analysis, and the intersecting part is subjected to intersecting and segmentation operations.
- union(GeoLineM, GeoLineM) - Static method in class com.supermap.data.GeoLineM
Union the two GeoLineM objects.
- union(Geometry, Geometry) - Static method in class com.supermap.data.Geometrist
Conducts the UNION operation using two objects.
- union(Rectangle2D) - Method in class com.supermap.data.Rectangle2D
Replaces this Rectangle2D with the union of this Rectangle2D structure and the specified Rectangle2D object.
- UNION_REGION - Static variable in class com.supermap.mapping.Action
polygon-to-polygon merger, Set the polygon layer is editable, set Action, select two objects in succession, submit, view results
- UNIQUE - Static variable in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeType
The unique values map.
- Unit - Class in com.supermap.data
This class defines the unit constant
- UNKNOW - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.ColorSpaceType
Mainly used in the display system.
- UnKnownState - Static variable in class com.supermap.plot.AnimationDefine.AnimationGroupPlayState
Undetermined status
- unLockSize() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.ImageEffectView
- unregisterListener() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.OrientationListener
Deleting listener Calls on onPause
- unSelect() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.ARGeometry
- unSelect() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.ARGeoVerticalRegion
- unSelect() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.BaseShape
Cancel the selected status
- unSelectAll() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.loader.ModelGroupScene
Uncheck all child elements
- unsubscribe(String) - Method in class com.supermap.messagequeue.MQTTClient
Cancels a topic of subscription.
- Up - Static variable in class com.supermap.plot.MarkPos
- updata() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.imChart.ChartLegend
Update the legend.
- updataData() - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Selection3D
Refresh the 3D selection set.
- update(DatasetVector, DatasetVector, DatasetVector, OverlayAnalystParameter) - Static method in class com.supermap.analyst.spatialanalyst.OverlayAnalyst
For the overlay analysis of the update of the two data sets, the part of the data set for updating is replaced with the updated data set, which is a process of first erasing and pasting.
- update(Recordset, Recordset, DatasetVector, OverlayAnalystParameter) - Static method in class com.supermap.analyst.spatialanalyst.OverlayAnalyst
The overlay analysis is used to update the two sets of recordsets.
- update(DatasetVector, Geometry[], DatasetVector, OverlayAnalystParameter) - Static method in class com.supermap.analyst.spatialanalyst.OverlayAnalyst
The overlay data set is updated by the overlay method of the face array, and the overlapped part of the array with the updated object is replaced with the updated array of face objects.
- update(float, float) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.component.BubbleView
Updates according to coordinates x and y
- update(MotionEvent) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.component.BubbleView
Updates according to the swiping event
- update(float, float) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.component.BubbleView2
Update bubble content
- update(double, double, double) - Method in interface com.supermap.ar.areffect.gnss.LocationUpdateListener
- update(DatasetGrid) - Method in class com.supermap.data.DatasetGrid
Updates according to the specified grid dataset.
- update(Geometry, Geometry) - Static method in class com.supermap.data.Geometrist
Updates the operated geometry object.
- update() - Method in class com.supermap.data.Recordset.BatchEditor
Submits the batch edit uniformly.
- update() - Method in class com.supermap.data.Recordset
Modifies the committed Recordset which contains add, edit record, modify field value operations.
- update() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.imChart.ChartView
Refresh the chart.
- update() - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.FlyManager
Update the flight site and flight route.
- update(long, long, boolean) - Method in interface com.supermap.services.iportalservices.ProgressResponseBody.ProgressListener
- updateArMap() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.ARMapElement
update ArMap
- updateData() - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Feature3D
Updates the data to be rendered.
- updateDataset(String, DatasetVector) - Method in class com.supermap.services.DataDownloadService
Update local dataset from the server (support point, line and region dataset), and there isn't a dataset with same name in local datasource.
- updateEdgeWeight(int, int, int, String, double) - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.TransportationAnalyst
This method is used to update the edge weight filed with specified parameters.
- updateEmail(String, OnResponseListener) - Method in class com.supermap.services.iportalservices.IPortalService
Modifies E-mail
- updateImage() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.ImageEffectView
- updateImage(Bitmap) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.ImageEffectView
- updateLegendResources(int, int[]) - Method in interface com.supermap.mapping.LegendChangedListener
The listener used to listen to the legend changes.
- updateM(Point2D, Point2D, double, double, double, WhereToCalibrate, CalibrateMode) - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoLineM
Update the M value of the GeoLineM object.
- updateM(int, int, double, double, WhereToCalibrate, CalibrateMode) - Method in class com.supermap.data.GeoLineM
Update the M value of the GeoLineM object.
- updateMaterial() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.BaseShape
Update texture
- updateMesh() - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.excavator.PitObject
updates grid Called after excavation calculation
- updateNickname(String, OnResponseListener) - Method in class com.supermap.services.iportalservices.IPortalService
Modifies a nickname
- updateObject(String, ArrayList<DynamicObjectState>) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Layer3DDynamicObject
- updateObject(GeoModel, ArrayList<DynamicObjectState>) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Layer3DDynamicObject
- updateObject(String, GeoModel3D) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Layer3DDynamicObject
- updatePassword(String, String, OnResponseListener) - Method in class com.supermap.services.iportalservices.IPortalService
Modifies a password
- updatePoint(int, Point2D) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.dyn.DynamicElement
Updates the point.
- updatePoint3D(int, int, Point3D) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.ARGeoHorizontalRegion
- updatePoint3D(int, int, Point3D) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.ARGeoLine
- updatePoint3D(int, int, Point3D) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.ARGeometry
- updatePoint3D(int, int, Point3D) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.ARGeoPoint
- updatePyramid(Rectangle2D) - Method in class com.supermap.data.DatasetGrid
Update the image pyramid in the specific extent.
- updatePyramid(Rectangle2D) - Method in class com.supermap.data.DatasetImage
Update the raster dataset image pyramid by the specified range.
- updateRibbon(String, ArrayList<DynamicObjectState>) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Layer3DDynamicObject
- updateScenePosition(Point3D) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.loader.ArSceneLoader
Sets the base parent node location
- updateSceneRotation(Quaternion) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.loader.ArSceneLoader
Setting the parent node
- updateSceneScale(float) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.loader.ArSceneLoader
Update scene ratio
- updateSecurityQuestion(String, String, OnResponseListener) - Method in class com.supermap.services.iportalservices.IPortalService
Modifies the security question
- updateTouchEvent(MotionEvent) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.component.PanGestureController
Updates the touching event
- updateTurnNodeWeight(int, int, int, String, double) - Method in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.TransportationAnalyst
This method is used to update the weight value of turn node with specified paramters.
- updateWebMap(int, String, OnResponseListener) - Method in class com.supermap.services.iportalservices.IPortalService
WebMap resource is content resource of maps PUT: modifies content of the specified map
- updateWebMap(int, JSONObject, OnResponseListener) - Method in class com.supermap.services.iportalservices.IPortalService
WebMap resource is content resource of maps PUT: modifies content of the specified map
- upgrade(String, String) - Method in class com.supermap.data.RecycleLicenseManager
Upgrade the license.
- upgradeFailed(String) - Method in interface com.supermap.data.RecycleLicenseManager.RecycleLicenseCallback
Trigger when failed to upgrade license
- uploadData(String, int, UploadListener) - Method in class com.supermap.services.iportalservices.IPortalService
When uploading data, its ID is required.
- uploadFile(String, String) - Static method in class com.supermap.onlineservices.OnlineService
Uploads files
- uploadFile(String, String, UpLoadFile.UpLoadListener) - Static method in class com.supermap.onlineservices.OnlineService
Uploads files
- uploadFile(String, String, String, String, DataType, UpLoadFile.UpLoadListener) - Static method in class com.supermap.onlineservices.OnlineService
Uploads files
- UpLoadFile - Class in com.supermap.onlineservices
- UpLoadFile() - Constructor for class com.supermap.onlineservices.UpLoadFile
- UpLoadFile.UpLoadListener - Interface in com.supermap.onlineservices
Uploading listener
- UploadListener - Interface in com.supermap.services.iportalservices
Uploading callback listener
- uploadMediaFile(String) - Method in interface com.supermap.mdatacollector.NetworkAccessMediaFileListener
Callback media file upload.
- uploadMediaFiles(Rectangle2D) - Method in class com.supermap.mdatacollector.MDataCollector
Uploads media files with specified scope.
- url - Variable in class com.supermap.realspace.OnlineService3D.OnlineService3DInfo
service url collection
- UserMapRender - Interface in com.supermap.mapping
User-defined map renderer
- UserMapView - Class in com.supermap.mapping
user-defined rendering renderer class, extends SurfaceView
- UserMapView(Context) - Constructor for class com.supermap.mapping.UserMapView
extends SurfaceView
- UserMapView(Context, AttributeSet) - Constructor for class com.supermap.mapping.UserMapView
extends SurfaceView
- UserMapView(Context, AttributeSet, int) - Constructor for class com.supermap.mapping.UserMapView
extends SurfaceView
- useStripeLine(boolean) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.ARGeoLine
Replace the original style with a striped style Note: Strip styles only work when parallel to the XOY plane
- UTF32 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.Charset
Unicode Transformation Format-32.
- UTF7 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.Charset
Unicode Transformation Format-7.
- UTF8 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.Charset
Unicode Transformation Format-8.
- UUID - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.LicenseType
UUID type is suitable for online license files.
- validateEmail(String, OnlineCallBack.CallBackString) - Static method in class com.supermap.onlineservices.OnlineService
Verifies the bound email
- validatePhoneNumber(String, OnlineCallBack.CallBackString) - Static method in class com.supermap.onlineservices.OnlineService
Verifies the bound phone number
- validity - Variable in class com.supermap.data.EduLicense.EduLicenseInfos
The valid date The date is the expired date of license
- validity - Variable in class com.supermap.data.PrivateCloudLicenseManager.privateCloudLicInfo
The expired date.
- value() - Method in class com.supermap.data.Enum
Returns the enumeration value.
- VALUE - Static variable in class com.supermap.mapping.ThemeGraphTextFormat
True value
- value() - Method in class com.supermap.messagequeue.Enum
Gets the value of enumeration
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.supermap.ai.AIDetectViewInfo.FileType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.supermap.ar.arcartograph.ARCartographView.MeasureMode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.supermap.ar.areffect.AREffectElement.PositionType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.supermap.ar.areffect.ARMapElement.ActionType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.supermap.ar.areffect.CameraWindowRenderer.RenderType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.supermap.ar.areffect.ElementType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.supermap.ar.areffect.excavator.ExcavationParameter.ShapeType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.supermap.ar.areffect.OcclusionHelper.RenderMode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.ARGeometry.ARGeometryType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.BaseCatchManager.ActionType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.BaseShape.MatType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.BaseShape.Mode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.Skybox.DataType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.supermap.ar.areffect.record.RecorderStatus
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.supermap.ar.areffect.utils.VideoEffectViewHelper.Setting
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.supermap.ar.gather.ViewMode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.supermap.ar.highprecision.ARMeasureView.FlagType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.supermap.ar.highprecision.MeasureView.FlagType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.supermap.data.CloudLicenseManager.NetworkNodeType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.supermap.data.Environment.Language
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.supermap.distributeanalystservices.GridIndexOnline.IndexConfigMode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.supermap.distributeanalystservices.QueryOnline.QueryType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.supermap.distributeanalystservices.TopologyValidatorOnline.RuleType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.supermap.distributeanalystservices.VectorClipAnalystOnline.ClipType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.supermap.mapping.CalloutAlignment
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.supermap.mapping.collector.CollectorElement.GPSElementType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.supermap.mapping.dyn.DynamicAlignment
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.supermap.mapping.dyn.DynamicElement.ElementType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.supermap.mapping.dyn.DynamicStyle.UnifiedStyleType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.supermap.mapping.dyn.DynLineChart.LineChartType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.supermap.mapping.dyn.DynLineChart.ValuePointStyle
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.supermap.mapping.imChart.ChartsView.LegendViewPosition
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.supermap.mapping.ScaleType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.supermap.mapping.speech.SpeechMode.SpeechModeType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.supermap.mapping.view.SymbolLibView.Orientation
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.supermap.onlineservices.CoordinateType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.supermap.onlineservices.DataType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.supermap.onlineservices.RouteType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.supermap.onlineservices.utils.AccountInfoType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.supermap.onlineservices.utils.EnumServiceType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.supermap.onlineservices.utils.GroupCheckStatus
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.supermap.onlineservices.utils.GroupInviteRole
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.supermap.onlineservices.utils.GroupOrderBy
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.supermap.onlineservices.utils.GroupRole
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.supermap.onlineservices.utils.InviteFeedbackStatus
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.supermap.onlineservices.utils.InviteOrderby
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.supermap.onlineservices.utils.JoinTypes
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.supermap.onlineservices.utils.MyContentOderBy
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.supermap.onlineservices.utils.OrderType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.supermap.onlineservices.utils.ResourceOrderBy
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.supermap.onlineservices.utils.ServiceListOderBy
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.supermap.services.iportalservices.DataItemType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.supermap.services.iportalservices.MyContentType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- values() - Static method in enum com.supermap.ai.AIDetectViewInfo.FileType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum com.supermap.ar.arcartograph.ARCartographView.MeasureMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum com.supermap.ar.areffect.AREffectElement.PositionType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum com.supermap.ar.areffect.ARMapElement.ActionType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum com.supermap.ar.areffect.CameraWindowRenderer.RenderType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum com.supermap.ar.areffect.ElementType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum com.supermap.ar.areffect.excavator.ExcavationParameter.ShapeType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum com.supermap.ar.areffect.OcclusionHelper.RenderMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.ARGeometry.ARGeometryType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.BaseCatchManager.ActionType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.BaseShape.MatType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.BaseShape.Mode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum com.supermap.ar.areffect.preset.Skybox.DataType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum com.supermap.ar.areffect.record.RecorderStatus
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum com.supermap.ar.areffect.utils.VideoEffectViewHelper.Setting
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum com.supermap.ar.gather.ViewMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum com.supermap.ar.highprecision.ARMeasureView.FlagType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum com.supermap.ar.highprecision.MeasureView.FlagType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum com.supermap.data.CloudLicenseManager.NetworkNodeType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum com.supermap.data.Environment.Language
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum com.supermap.distributeanalystservices.GridIndexOnline.IndexConfigMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum com.supermap.distributeanalystservices.QueryOnline.QueryType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum com.supermap.distributeanalystservices.TopologyValidatorOnline.RuleType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum com.supermap.distributeanalystservices.VectorClipAnalystOnline.ClipType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum com.supermap.mapping.CalloutAlignment
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum com.supermap.mapping.collector.CollectorElement.GPSElementType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum com.supermap.mapping.dyn.DynamicAlignment
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum com.supermap.mapping.dyn.DynamicElement.ElementType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum com.supermap.mapping.dyn.DynamicStyle.UnifiedStyleType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum com.supermap.mapping.dyn.DynLineChart.LineChartType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum com.supermap.mapping.dyn.DynLineChart.ValuePointStyle
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum com.supermap.mapping.imChart.ChartsView.LegendViewPosition
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum com.supermap.mapping.ScaleType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum com.supermap.mapping.speech.SpeechMode.SpeechModeType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum com.supermap.mapping.view.SymbolLibView.Orientation
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum com.supermap.onlineservices.CoordinateType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum com.supermap.onlineservices.DataType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum com.supermap.onlineservices.RouteType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum com.supermap.onlineservices.utils.AccountInfoType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum com.supermap.onlineservices.utils.EnumServiceType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum com.supermap.onlineservices.utils.GroupCheckStatus
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum com.supermap.onlineservices.utils.GroupInviteRole
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum com.supermap.onlineservices.utils.GroupOrderBy
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum com.supermap.onlineservices.utils.GroupRole
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum com.supermap.onlineservices.utils.InviteFeedbackStatus
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum com.supermap.onlineservices.utils.InviteOrderby
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum com.supermap.onlineservices.utils.JoinTypes
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum com.supermap.onlineservices.utils.MyContentOderBy
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum com.supermap.onlineservices.utils.OrderType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum com.supermap.onlineservices.utils.ResourceOrderBy
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum com.supermap.onlineservices.utils.ServiceListOderBy
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum com.supermap.services.iportalservices.DataItemType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum com.supermap.services.iportalservices.MyContentType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- VARIANCE - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.StatisticMode
Calculates the variance of the selected field.
- Vector - Class in com.supermap.ar.areffect
AR vector.
- Vector(float, float, float) - Constructor for class com.supermap.ar.areffect.Vector
Constructs an AR vector
- VECTOR - Static variable in class com.supermap.mapping.LayerSettingType
The vector layer settings.
- VECTORCACHE - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.DatasetType
vector cache dataset
- VectorClipAnalystOnline - Class in com.supermap.distributeanalystservices
vector clip analyst class.
- VectorClipAnalystOnline() - Constructor for class com.supermap.distributeanalystservices.VectorClipAnalystOnline
The constructor.
- VectorClipAnalystOnline.ClipType - Enum in com.supermap.distributeanalystservices
clip object: DATASET_VECTOR_CLIP dataset object GEOMETRY_CLIP geometry object
- VECTORFILE - Static variable in class com.supermap.realspace.Layer3DType
- verifyCodeImage(OnlineCallBack.CallBackBitmap) - Static method in class com.supermap.onlineservices.OnlineService
Finds the password and gets a verification picture
- verifyOldPassword(String, OnlineCallBack.CallBackString) - Static method in class com.supermap.onlineservices.OnlineService
Verifies a password
- version - Variable in class com.supermap.data.license.LicenseInfo
License version
- version - Variable in class com.supermap.data.PrivateCloudLicenseManager.privateCloudLicInfo
- VERTEXADD - Static variable in class com.supermap.mapping.Action
Adds the node of the objects in the editable layer.
- VERTEXDELETE - Static variable in class com.supermap.mapping.Action
Delete the node of the objects in the editable layer.
- VERTEXEDIT - Static variable in class com.supermap.mapping.Action
Edits the vertexes in the editable layer.
- VIDEO - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.DatasetType
VIDEO dataset
- VideoDatasetVectorHelper - Class in com.supermap.ar.areffect.utils
Video data set Assistant For converting CSV + MP4 into video data set SampleCode: // Create instance, parameters (context, Datasource) VideoDatasetVectorHelper videoDatasetVectorHelper = new VideoDatasetVectorHelper(this, datasources.get(0)); try { videoDatasetVectorHelper.readVideo(SD_CARD+"/UAVSurvey/Common/2022_05_16_15_51_51.mp4"); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } try { videoDatasetVectorHelper.readCsv(SD_CARD+"/UAVSurvey/Common/2022_05_16_15_51_51.csv"); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } DatasetVector datasetVector = videoDatasetVectorHelper.createDatasetVector("NewVideoDatasetVector");
- VideoDatasetVectorHelper(Context, Datasource) - Constructor for class com.supermap.ar.areffect.utils.VideoDatasetVectorHelper
The constructor The fields in CSV are /UniqueIdentifier/UnixTimeStamp/SensorLongitude/SensorLatitude /PlatformHeight/PlatformYaw/PlatformPitch/PlatformRoll /VerticalFOV/HorizontalFOV/FocalLength35mmEq /CameraRelativeYaw/CameraRelativePitch/CameraRelativeRoll/CameraRelativeHeight /Yaw/Pitch/Roll/Date/
- VideoDatasetVectorHelper(Context, Datasource, UAVCsvReader.OnReadUpdateListener) - Constructor for class com.supermap.ar.areffect.utils.VideoDatasetVectorHelper
Constructor The read CSV does not require the order of the fields public void onUpdate(UAVRecordParameter currentPara, String[] value) { try { currentPara.setUniqueIdentifier(String.valueOf(index++)); currentPara.setUnixTimeStamp(Long.parseLong(value[1])); //...
- VideoEffectView - Class in com.supermap.ar.areffect
Video scene view
- VideoEffectView(Context) - Constructor for class com.supermap.ar.areffect.VideoEffectView
The constructor
- VideoEffectView(Context, AttributeSet) - Constructor for class com.supermap.ar.areffect.VideoEffectView
- VideoEffectView(Context, AttributeSet, int) - Constructor for class com.supermap.ar.areffect.VideoEffectView
- VideoEffectView(Context, AttributeSet, int, int) - Constructor for class com.supermap.ar.areffect.VideoEffectView
- VideoEffectView2 - Class in com.supermap.ar.areffect
Video background effects view 2 VideoEffectView2 synchronizes videos better than the obsolete VideoEffectView build.gradle dependency: //You need to make sure that the ExSceneView class is in the dependency implementation files('libs/sceneform-sm-11.0.1.aar') def filament_version = '1.12.0' api "com.google.android.filament:filament-android:$filament_version" api "com.google.android.filament:gltfio-android:$filament_version" api "com.google.android.filament:filament-utils-android:$filament_version"
- VideoEffectView2(Context) - Constructor for class com.supermap.ar.areffect.VideoEffectView2
The constructor
- VideoEffectView2(Context, AttributeSet) - Constructor for class com.supermap.ar.areffect.VideoEffectView2
The constructor
- VideoEffectView2(Context, AttributeSet, int) - Constructor for class com.supermap.ar.areffect.VideoEffectView2
The constructor
- VideoEffectView2(Context, AttributeSet, int, int) - Constructor for class com.supermap.ar.areffect.VideoEffectView2
The constructor
- VideoEffectViewHelper - Class in com.supermap.ar.areffect.utils
Video effects View Assistant Used during initialization to set the view size
- VideoEffectViewHelper() - Constructor for class com.supermap.ar.areffect.utils.VideoEffectViewHelper
- VideoEffectViewHelper.Setting - Enum in com.supermap.ar.areffect.utils
Use the
VideoEffectViewHelper.setSize(View, float)
setting - VideoMapUtils - Class in com.supermap.videomap
Video map tool class Rely on:gson-2.1.jar、XML-json.jar
- VideoMapUtils() - Constructor for class com.supermap.videomap.VideoMapUtils
- VideoParameter - Class in com.supermap.videomap
Video parameters
- VideoParameter() - Constructor for class com.supermap.videomap.VideoParameter
The constructor
- VideoParameterData - Class in com.supermap.videomap
Video parameter data
- VideoParameterData() - Constructor for class com.supermap.videomap.VideoParameterData
- VideoParameters - Class in com.supermap.videomap
Video parameters
- VideoParameters() - Constructor for class com.supermap.videomap.VideoParameters
- VideoValidBounds - Class in com.supermap.videomap
Video effective boundary
- VideoValidBounds() - Constructor for class com.supermap.videomap.VideoValidBounds
The constructor
- VideoValidBounds(int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class com.supermap.videomap.VideoValidBounds
The constructor
- VIETNAMESE - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.Charset
Vietnamese character set.
- viewEntire() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Map
Displays the map in full extent.
- viewEntire() - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.MapViewGroup
Displays the map in full extent.
- viewEntire() - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Scene
The scene is displayed in full frame.
- ViewMode - Enum in com.supermap.ar.gather
High precision collection view class Collects data in different views
- viewshed(String, Point3D, LightTypes, double, double, double, Geometry) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.TINOperation
- ViewShedIntersect - Static variable in class com.supermap.analyst.spatialanalyst.ViewShedType
Performs the intersection on the viewshed results
- ViewShedType - Class in com.supermap.analyst.spatialanalyst
Viewshed types
- ViewShedUnion - Static variable in class com.supermap.analyst.spatialanalyst.ViewShedType
Performs the union on the viewshed results
- viewSnapshot(View) - Static method in class com.supermap.mapping.BitmapUtils
Take a screenshot of the View(excluding the SurfaceView)
- ViewType - Class in com.supermap.realspace
- VisibilityAnalyst - Class in com.supermap.analyst.spatialanalyst
Visibility analysis
- VisibilityAnalyst() - Constructor for class com.supermap.analyst.spatialanalyst.VisibilityAnalyst
- VisiblePart - Static variable in class com.supermap.realspace.ViewType
- VisibleResult - Class in com.supermap.analyst.spatialanalyst
The results of visible objects.
- VisibleResult() - Constructor for class com.supermap.analyst.spatialanalyst.VisibleResult
- voiceCommand(String) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.speech.SpeechControl
Entering file commands directly is equal to speech commands
- WalkInfo - Class in com.supermap.onlineservices
The walking lines during transfer.
- WalkInfo() - Constructor for class com.supermap.onlineservices.WalkInfo
The default constructor for constructing a new
object. - WallExcavator - Class in com.supermap.ar.areffect.excavator
- WallExcavator(ARGeoPrism) - Constructor for class com.supermap.ar.areffect.excavator.WallExcavator
- WayAnimation - Static variable in class com.supermap.plot.AnimationDefine.AnimationType
Path animation
- WCS - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.DatasetType
WCS dataset, which is used in image multispectral map
- WebParams - Class in com.supermap.data
Web service parameter class
- WebParamsType - Class in com.supermap.data
Web service type class
- WebRestParams - Class in com.supermap.data
REST web service parameter class
- WeightFieldInfo - Class in com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst
The WeightFieldInfo class.
- WeightFieldInfo() - Constructor for class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.WeightFieldInfo
Initializes a new instance of the WeightFieldInfo class.
- WeightFieldInfo(WeightFieldInfo) - Constructor for class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.WeightFieldInfo
Initializes a new instance of the WeightFieldInfo class which is identical with the specified WeightFieldInfo.
- WeightFieldInfo3D - Class in com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst3d
The WeightFieldInfo class.
- WeightFieldInfo3D() - Constructor for class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst3d.WeightFieldInfo3D
Initializes a new instance of WeightFieldInfo3D.
- WeightFieldInfo3D(WeightFieldInfo3D) - Constructor for class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst3d.WeightFieldInfo3D
Constructs a new object identical to the given WeightFieldInfo3D object.
- WeightFieldInfos - Class in com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst
The WeightFieldInfo class is the collection of the weight field information objects(
), which is used to manage the weight field information such as Add, Delete, getting the weight filed information of the specified name and index. - WeightFieldInfos() - Constructor for class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.WeightFieldInfos
Initializes a new instance of WeightFieldInfos.
- WeightFieldInfos(WeightFieldInfos) - Constructor for class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.WeightFieldInfos
Constructs a new object identical to the given WeightFieldInfos object.
- WeightFieldInfos3D - Class in com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst3d
The WeightFieldInfos3D class.
- WeightFieldInfos3D() - Constructor for class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst3d.WeightFieldInfos3D
Creates a new WeightFieldInfos3D object.
- WeightFieldInfos3D(WeightFieldInfos3D) - Constructor for class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst3d.WeightFieldInfos3D
Constructs a new object identical to the given WeightFieldInfos3D object.
- WEST - Static variable in class com.supermap.analyst.networkanalyst.DirectionType
- WFS - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.DatasetType
WFS dataset.
- WhereToCalibrate - Class in com.supermap.data
Defines position types for M value calibration.
- wildcardMatch(String, String) - Static method in class com.supermap.data.mapGrid.StringUtils
Matches the wildcard
- WINDOWS1252 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.Charset
A character encoding of the Latin alphabet, used by the default in the legacy components of Microsoft Windows in English and some other western languages.
- WITHIN - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.SpatialQueryMode
The within spatial query mode.
- WMS - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.DatasetType
WMS dataset, which is used in online real map
- WMTS - Static variable in class com.supermap.realspace.Layer3DType
Represents the WMTS (slice map network service) layer.
- Workspace - Class in com.supermap.data
The Workspace.
- Workspace() - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.Workspace
Constructs a new Workspace object.
- WorkspaceConnectionInfo - Class in com.supermap.data
The WorkspaceConnectionInfo class.
- WorkspaceConnectionInfo(String) - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.WorkspaceConnectionInfo
Creates a new instance of the WorkspaceConnectionInfo object according to the given arguments.
- WorkspaceConnectionInfo() - Constructor for class com.supermap.data.WorkspaceConnectionInfo
Construct a new WorkspaceConnectionInfo object, the default type is the default workspace, that is:
. - WorkspaceType - Class in com.supermap.data
Defines workspace types.
- WorkspaceVersion - Class in com.supermap.data
Defines the constants for workspace versions.
- World - Class in com.supermap.ar
AR scene class A container of all objects rendered in an AR scene
- World(Context) - Constructor for class com.supermap.ar.World
Constructor for creating AR scene instance
- worldToScreenPoint(Point3D) - Method in class com.supermap.ar.areffect.EffectView
Real world points are converted to on-screen points
- WTEXT - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.FieldType
The Wide Text type.
- XIA5 - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.Charset
- XIA5GERMAN - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.Charset
IA5 (German).
- XIA5NORWEGIAN - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.Charset
IA5 (Norwegian).
- XIA5SWEDISH - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.Charset
IA5 (Swedish).
- XmlNode - Class in com.supermap.ar.areffect.utils
XML element node 与
for parsing XMLL SampleCode: - XmlNode(XmlNode) - Constructor for class com.supermap.ar.areffect.utils.XmlNode
The constructor
- XmlNodeParser - Class in com.supermap.ar.areffect.utils
The XML parser Used to parse XML SampleCode: XmlNode xmlNode = new XmlNodeParser().parse(file); ArrayList
xmlNodeList = xmlNode.getXmlNode("sml:MapBounds"); - XmlNodeParser() - Constructor for class com.supermap.ar.areffect.utils.XmlNodeParser
The constructor
- xOR(DatasetVector, DatasetVector, DatasetVector, OverlayAnalystParameter) - Static method in class com.supermap.analyst.spatialanalyst.OverlayAnalyst
Symmetric difference operation is performed on two surface datasets.
- xOR(Recordset, Recordset, DatasetVector, OverlayAnalystParameter) - Static method in class com.supermap.analyst.spatialanalyst.OverlayAnalyst
Symmetric difference analysis is performed on two sets of records.
- xOR(DatasetVector, Geometry[], DatasetVector, OverlayAnalystParameter) - Static method in class com.supermap.analyst.spatialanalyst.OverlayAnalyst
The opposite data set uses the surface object array to perform the symmetry difference analysis operation, that is, the intersection negation operation.
- xOR(Geometry, Geometry) - Static method in class com.supermap.data.Geometrist
Performs the symmetric difference operation on the two objects.
- xyToGrid(Point2D) - Method in class com.supermap.data.DatasetGrid
This method is used to transform the x-coordinate and y-coordinate in geographical coordinates system to grid point in grid dataset.
- XYZTILE - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.EngineType
Customizes XYZ service
- Yard - Static variable in class com.supermap.analyst.BufferRadiusUnit
- YARD - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.Unit
- YATOU - Static variable in class com.supermap.plugin.Speaker
YATOU,female, adult, Cantonese speaking.
- YAXES - Static variable in class com.supermap.mapping.GraphAxesTextDisplayMode
Text in axis y
- YCC - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.ColorSpaceType
This type is mainly used in JPEG image format.
- YELLOWBLACK - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.ColorGradientType
Yellow, black gradient color .
- YELLOWBLUE - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.ColorGradientType
Yellow, blue gradient color.
- YELLOWGREEN - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.ColorGradientType
Yellow, green gradient color.
- YELLOWRED - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.ColorGradientType
Yellow, red gradient color.
- YELLOWWHITE - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.ColorGradientType
Yellow, white gradient color.
- YIQ - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.ColorSpaceType
This type is mainly used in NTSC system.
- YUNXIA - Static variable in class com.supermap.plugin.Speaker
YUNXIA, female, adult.
- YUV - Static variable in class com.supermap.data.ColorSpaceType
This type is mainly used in PAL system.
- zoom(double) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.Map
The specified ratio by which to zoom the map.
- zoom(double) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.MapViewGroup
Zoom in or zoom out the map to a specified zoom percentage The scale of the map after zooming equals to the original scale multiplied by ratio, where, the ratio should be a positive value.
- zoom(double) - Method in class com.supermap.realspace.Scene
Perform zoom operations on the 3D map scene according to the given zoom ratio.
- ZoomAnimator - Class in com.supermap.mapping.dyn
Zoom animation class.
- ZoomAnimator(float, int) - Constructor for class com.supermap.mapping.dyn.ZoomAnimator
Constructor of zoom animation.
- ZoomAnimator(ZoomAnimator) - Constructor for class com.supermap.mapping.dyn.ZoomAnimator
Create a new GeoArc object that is the same with the given ZoomAnimator object.
- zoomTo(double, int) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.MapControl
Within specified time, zoom the map into a specified scale.
- zoomTo(double, int) - Method in class com.supermap.mapping.MapViewGroup
Within specified time, zoom the map into the specified scale.