
Class Layer3DType

  • public class Layer3DType
    extends Enum
    This class defines type constant of the 3D layer.
    • Field Detail


        public static final Layer3DType IMAGEFILE
        The image type 3D layer.
      • KML

        public static final Layer3DType KML
        The KML type 3D layer.

        public static final Layer3DType VECTORFILE
        The vector file type 3D layer.
      • OSGBFILE

        public static final Layer3DType OSGBFILE
        The OSGB format file type 3D layer.
      • WMTS

        public static final Layer3DType WMTS
        Represents the WMTS (slice map network service) layer.
      • l3dBingMaps

        public static final Layer3DType l3dBingMaps
        Represents the BingMaps image layer.