• Deprecated Interfaces 
    Interface and Description
    This class is used to receive listeners that download completion events.

    This listener is registered in the DownloadManager object. After inheriting this interface, the user can customize the method after the download succeeds or fails.

  • Deprecated Fields 
    Field and Description
    Obsolete. Draws the 2P Circles in the editable layer.


    Press once with you finger to identify the location of the center, uplift your finger, press again to identify the radius, do not uplift your finger, glide to change the length of the radius, uplift to finish the drawing.

    Obsolete. Draws the lines in the editable layer.


    Press once with you finger to identify the location of the line, uplift your finger, press again to identify the radius, do not uplift your finger, glide to change the length of the radius, uplift to finish the drawing.

    Obsolete. Draws the rectangles in the editable layer.


    Press once with you finger to identify a vertex of the rectangle, uplift your finger, press again to identify the next vertex on the diagonal, do not uplift your finger, glide to change the length and direction of the diagonal, press with two fingers to finish the drawing.

    Obsolete, Cache replacement of SCI isRest. Read-only engine for image file, such as common image formats like BMP, JPG, TIFF, the SuperMap-defined SIT format, 2D map cache configuration file format SCI, etc.

    While loading 2D map caches, the engine type should be employed. Besides, it is needed to set the DatasourceConnectionInfo method of the setServer() class to the 2D map cache configuration file (SCI).

    Obsolete Tianditu services engine. It's a read only engine and can not be created.
    Obsolete. Use SELECT to replace. In the editing mode, click the selected object to edit the selected object.
    Obsolete. Selects features by drawing a circle. The default selection mode is that the feature whose inner points in the circle can be selected. Users can change the selection mode through the SelectionMode class.
    Obsolete. Selects features by drawing a rectangle. The default selection mode is that the feature whose inner points in the rectangle can be selected.
    Obsolete. Selects features by drawing a polygon. The default selection mode is that the feature whose inner points in the polygon can be selected. Users can change the selection mode through the SelectionMode class.