Interface Summary Interface Description AnchorOnClickListener AnchorOnClickListener classARControl.ARPlaneTrackingListener AR plane tracking monitoring.ARControl.AugmentedImageTrackingListener The monitoring callback method after image tracking returns the name of the image that is currently successfully tracked, and can track up to 20 images simultaneously.DownloadedListener Deprecated This class is used to receive listeners that download completion events.DownloadManager.DownloadManagerListener Build a download progress listener.LoginCallBackListenner SuperMap Online login listener.SuperMap Online login listener.OnlineService3D.OnlineService3DCallBackListener Service callback listenerProgressListener Progress listener for downloading.SceneControl.OnUpdateListener SceneControlInitedCallBackListenner The listener of the scene control initial.StatusChangedListener A listener to to receive flying status changed event.StopArrivedListener A listener for receiving flight arrivals at the site.Tracked3DListener A listener interface of receiving the end event of interactive drawing of geometric objects on the tracking layer in a 3D scene window.Tracking3DListener A listener of receiving the end event of interactive drawing of geometric objects on the tracking layer in a 3D scene window. -
Class Summary Class Description Action3D This class defines the constants of the scene operation state type.ARControl 3D AR control.ARPlane AR plane classARPlanes AR plane collection classBoxClipPart This enumeration class defines the type constants for the specified clipping region when cropping analysisCamera The SuperMap 3D geographic information system controls objects displayed in the scene by theCamera
object.DownloadManager This class defines the offline download manager.Feature3D The Feature3D class.Feature3Ds The Feature3Ds class.Feature3DSearchOption This enumeration defines the constants representing the types of searching options.FlyingMode The enumeration defines the type constant of the flight mode, to set the way that flying to the specific location.FlyManager 3D scene flight management class.FlyStatus This enumeration class defines the constants representing the types of flying modes.GlobalImage Global basemap class.HypsometricSetting Hierarchical coloring class.HypsometricSettingDisplayMode This enumeration defines the display mode type constants for objects that are hierarchical.Layer3D 3D layer class.Layer3DDynamicObject Layer3DOSGBFile The 3D oblique photogrammetric cache (OSGB) layer class, inherited from the Layer3D class.Layer3Ds 3D layer collection class.Layer3DType This class defines type constant of the 3D layer.Layer3DVectorFileDataType Deprecated LightTypes LookAt The camera class LookAt This class is for determining the position of scene according to the position of the observation, the direction angle, the angle of pitch and the distance from the camera to the observation.MultiViewportMode The enumeration class defines a multi-viewport type constant.ObliquePhotogrammetry3DModel OLAccountManager SuperMap Online account manager class.OnlineService3D Online service 3DPixelToGlobeMode This class defines the intersect type object when convert screen point object to 3D point object.Route Route object class.Routes Route collection class.RouteStop Flying route stop class which is used for flying stopsRouteStops Route stop class.Scene 3D scene class.SceneControl 3D scene controls.SceneServicesList The Scene services set class.SceneType 3D TypeSelection3D The Selection3D class.Sightline 3D analysis class Sightline analysis.Skyline StatusChangedEvent The StatusChangedEvent.StopArrivedEvent Arrived at the site event.TerrainLayer The terrain layer class.TerrainLayers Topographic layer collection class.TINOperation Tracked3DEvent Tracked3DEvent class This class is mainly used to provide data for Tracked event from SceneControl class.Tracking3DEvent Tracking3DEvent class This class is mainly used to provide data for Tracking event from SceneControl class.TrackingLayer3D 3D tracking layer class.ViewType
Package com.supermap.realspace Description
Provide high-performance 3D scenario functions.