Interface Summary Interface Description OptimalPathAnalysis.FindPathListener Description: creates the callback function for accepting analysis resultsResponseCallback The response callback function. -
Class Summary Class Description DataDownloadService Data download class, used to download data from iServer to local host.DataUploadService Data upload class, used to upload local data to iServer.Feature The Feature class contains geometry and attribute information.FeatureSet The FeatureSet class.OptimalPathAnalysis Description: Optimal path analysisQueryMode This class defines constants of the query modes for iServer.QueryOption The enumeration class for the types of the query result.QueryService The QueryService class Users need to set related callback setResponseCallback, which can get the operation result and server response, etc.ServiceBase This class is the service base class of iServer.ServiceQueryParameter The Service QueryParameter of iServer.
Package com.supermap.services Description
The Services module. It helps access SuperMap GIS service products, and access public services by extension.