
Class Layer3DOSGBFile

  • public class Layer3DOSGBFile
    extends Layer3D
    The 3D oblique photogrammetric cache (OSGB) layer class, inherited from the Layer3D class.

    OSGB cache is a data storage format that has the advantages of larger data visibility, high loading efficiency, smooth level switching, and lower memory and CPU usage. Oblique photogrammetric model, BIM, pipeline, precision model data, vector buffer data can all be stored in this format.

    • Field Detail

      • maxDataValue

        public double maxDataValue
        Get the maximum height of the layer.
      • minDataValue

        public double minDataValue
        Get the minimum height of the layer.
    • Method Detail

      • getLODRangeScale

        public double getLODRangeScale()
        Returns the distance zoom factor for switching the LOD level.

        OSGB cache controls the display of a certain level of LOD level within a certain distance range by setting the LOD switching distance. Assuming that the LOD switching distance is 200 meters, the model within 200 meters from the camera will display LOD level 0 (the finest level); the model with 200-400 meters will display the first level (sub-fine level), and so on.

        The LOD switching distance value cannot be changed directly after the OSGB cache is generated, but the LOD switching distance can be changed by changing the LOD level switching distance scaling factor, namely:

        New LOD switching distance = original LOD switching distance * LOD switching distance zoom factor

        The distance zoom factor for LOD level switching.
      • setLODRangeScale

        public void setLODRangeScale(double value)
        Set the zoom factor of LOD level switching distance.

        OSGB cache controls the display of a certain level of LOD level within a certain distance range by setting the LOD switching distance. Assuming that the LOD switching distance is 200 meters, the model within 200 meters from the camera will display LOD level 0 (the finest level); the model with 200-400 meters will display the first level (sub-fine level), and so on.

        The LOD switching distance value cannot be changed directly after the OSGB cache is generated, but the LOD switching distance can be changed by changing the LOD level switching distance scaling factor, namely:

        New LOD switching distance = original LOD switching distance * LOD switching distance zoom factor

        value - The distance scaling factor for switching LOD levels.
      • getStyle

        public GeoStyle3D getStyle()
        Returns the style of OSGB cache layer.
        Layer style.
      • setStyle

        public void setStyle(GeoStyle3D geoStyle3D)
        Set the style of OSGB cache layer.
        geoStyle3D - specifies the layer style.
      • setOnlyObjectsVisible

        public void setOnlyObjectsVisible(int[] ids,
                                          boolean value)
        Set whether the model of the specified OSGB model ID queue is visible (manual setting).
        ids - specifies the model ID queue.
        value - visibility.
      • setObjectsVisible

        public void setObjectsVisible(int[] ids,
                                      boolean value)
        Set whether the model of the specified OSGB model ID queue is visible, and has a mutually exclusive and visible relationship with the model.
        ids - specifies the model ID queue.
        value - visibility.
      • setObjectsColor

        public void setObjectsColor(int[] ids,
                                    Color value)
        Set the model color of the specified OSGB model ID queue.
        ids - specifies the model ID queue. The color specified by @param value.
      • getObjectsColor

        public void getObjectsColor(int[] ids,
                                    Color[] colors)
        Get the color of the specified OSGB model ID queue.
        ids - specifies the model ID queue.
        colors - color array.
      • getObjectsColorCount

        public int getObjectsColorCount()
        Returns the number of objects whose color is set.
        Set the number of color objects.
      • removeObjectsColor

        public void removeObjectsColor(int[] ids)
        Remove the color of the specified ID queue model.
        ids - The ID queue of the color to be removed.
      • clearObjectsColor

        public void clearObjectsColor()
        Clear the color of all objects.
      • getFlattenRegionCount

        public int getFlattenRegionCount()
        Returns the number of objects in the flattened area of the current scene.
        The number of objects in the flattened area.
      • addFlattenRegion

        public int addFlattenRegion(Geometry geometry,
                                    java.lang.String tag)
        Add a flattening area to flatten the current osgb model.
        geometry - The flattening area to be added.
        tag - The label of the flattened area to be added.
        The index number of the current flattening area.
      • clearFlattenRegion

        public void clearFlattenRegion()
        Clear all flattened area objects and restore the initial state of the OSGB model.
      • getFlattenRegion

        public Geometry getFlattenRegion(int index)
        Return the flattened area object of the specified index. The index number specified by @param index.
        Flatten the area object.
      • getFlattenRegionTag

        public java.lang.String getFlattenRegionTag(int index)
        Returns the label of the flattened area object at the specified index. The index specified by @param index.
        Flatten the area object label.
      • indexOfFlattenRegion

        public int indexOfFlattenRegion(java.lang.String tag)
        Obtain the index number of the flattened area through the label.
        tag - The specified tag.
        The index number of the flattened area.
      • removeFlattenRegion

        public boolean removeFlattenRegion(int index)
        Remove the flattened area of the specified index.
        index - The index of the flattened object to be removed.
        Whether the removal was successful.
      • setFlattenRegionTag

        public boolean setFlattenRegionTag(int index,
                                           java.lang.String tag)
        Set the label of the flattened area object of the specified index.
        index - The index value of the geometric object whose label is to be set.
        tag - The specified tag.
        Whether the setting is successful.
      • getFieldInfos

        public FieldInfos getFieldInfos()
        Return the attribute table information.
        getFieldInfos in class Layer3D
        field information collection.
      • getFieldValueOfSelectedObject

        public java.lang.Object getFieldValueOfSelectedObject(int index)
        Return the value of the specified ID field in the attribute data sheet of the selected object. The ID of the field specified by @param index.
        attribute value.
      • setHypsometricSetting

        public void setHypsometricSetting(HypsometricSetting HypsometricSetting)
        Set the layered and colored objects.
        HypsometricSetting - specifies the hierarchical coloring object.
      • getHypsometricSetting

        public HypsometricSetting getHypsometricSetting()
        Get the layered and colored object.
        Layered and colored objects.
      • getAllFieldValueOfLastSelectedObject

        public java.lang.Object[] getAllFieldValueOfLastSelectedObject()
        Get all the attribute field information selected last time.
        attribute field information.
      • getDatasetInfos

        public java.util.ArrayList<java.lang.String> getDatasetInfos(java.util.ArrayList<java.lang.Integer> startid,
                                                                     java.util.ArrayList<java.lang.Integer> endid)
        Get multiple data source attribute information interface
        startid - The starting ID of the current data set
        endid - The end ID of the current data set
        The name of the current data set
      • setSelectedTranslate

        public void setSelectedTranslate(double translateX,
                                         double translateY,
                                         double translateZ)
        Set the offset position of the selected object
        translateX -
        translateY -
        translateZ -
      • removeAllObjsOffset

        public void removeAllObjsOffset()
        Clear all object offsets
      • setDistanceVisible

        public void setDistanceVisible(double distance)
        AR sets the visible distance
        distance -