Class CalibrationResult

  • java.lang.Object
  • Direct Known Subclasses:

    public class CalibrationResult
    extends java.lang.Object
    Calibration results Get the geographical position and azimuth when mobile phone starts AR scene through two-point positioning
    See Also:
    Calibration point, Correction type, Use examples by offset correction //Correct the scene if (arSceneLoader == null){ //If the scenario is not loaded arView.setDeviceLocation(result.getDeviceLocation()); arView.setAzimuth(result.getDeltaAzimuth()); //do sth.(initArScene(this)) }else { //If the scene is loaded, take out the node of the scene and set the position offset and rotation Angle arSceneLoader.getSceneElement().setPosition(offset); arSceneLoader.getSceneElement().setRotationAngleNoRepeat(new Quaternion(new Vector3(0,1,0),deltaAzimuth)); }
    • Method Detail

      • calculate

        public static CalibrationResult calculate(AREffectView arView,
                                                  boolean isChangeScale,
                                                  CalibrationPoint pointA,
                                                  CalibrationPoint pointB)
        The geographical location of the device is calculated by means of two corrections This method will calculate the offset before and after correction
        arView - AR view
        isChangeScale - Whether changing the scene scale is allowed
        pointA - Calibration point A
        pointB - Calibration point B
        CalibrationResult Calibration results
      • getOffset

        public Point3D getOffset()
        Gets the offset before and after correction
        See Also:
        this#calculate(AREffectView, boolean, CalibrationPoint, CalibrationPoint)
      • getDeviceLocation

        public Location getDeviceLocation()
        Gets the geographic coordinates when the AR scene is started
      • getDeltaAzimuth

        public float getDeltaAzimuth()
        Gets the azimuth of the AR scenario when it starts
      • getScale

        public float getScale()
      • getCalibrationPoints

        public java.util.List<CalibrationPoint> getCalibrationPoints()
        Gets the set of correction points