Class DataConversion

  • java.lang.Object

  • public class DataConversion
    extends java.lang.Object

    The data conversion class.

    Provide data importing and exporting function. It can import the SHP, MIF, DWG, DXF, tif/tiff, KML, KMZ, GPX data to datasource in mobile to display and edit, also can export data from mobile as SHP, MIF, DWG, DXF, tif/tiff, KML, KMZ, GPX data, which is used to data interaction in server or other ends.

    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor and Description
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Static Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method and Description
      static boolean exportDWG(java.lang.String filepath, Dataset dataset)
      export specified dataset as dwg file
      static boolean exportDXF(java.lang.String filepath, Dataset dataset)
      export specified dataset as dxf file
      static boolean exportGPX(java.lang.String filepath, DatasetVector dataset)
      export GPX file, if the file is existed, then fail
      static boolean exportKML(java.lang.String filepath, Dataset dataset)
      export kml file KML only support to export as vector dataset the projection dataset must be geographic coordinate WGC-1984
      static boolean exportKMZ(java.lang.String filepath, Dataset dataset)
      export kmz file KMZ only support to export as vector dataset the projection dataset must be geographic coordinate WGC-1984
      static boolean exportMIF(java.lang.String filepath, Dataset dataset)
      Export the MIF file.
      static boolean exportSHP(java.lang.String filepath, Dataset dataset)
      Export the SHP file.
      static boolean exportTIF(java.lang.String filepath, Dataset dataset)
      export dataset as tif/tiff image data file.
      static boolean importDWG(ImportSettingDWG setting)
      import DWG data according to import parameters
      static boolean importDWG(java.lang.String filepath, Datasource datasource, boolean inverseBlackWhite)
      import dwg file into datasource, and save as CAD dataset
      static boolean importDWG(java.lang.String filepath, Datasource datasource, boolean inverseBlackWhite, boolean importAsCAD)
      import dwg file into datasource, and save as CAD composite dataset or multiple simple dataset
      static boolean importDXF(ImportSettingDXF setting)
      import DXF data according to imported parameters
      static boolean importDXF(java.lang.String filepath, Datasource datasource, boolean inverseBlackWhite)
      import dxf file into datasource, and save as CAD dataset
      static boolean importDXF(java.lang.String filepath, Datasource datasource, boolean inverseBlackWhite, boolean importAsCAD)
      import dxf file into datasource, and save as CAD composite dataset or multiple simple dataset
      static boolean importGPX(java.lang.String filepath, Datasource datasource, java.lang.String targetDatasetName)
      import GPX file
      static boolean importIMG(ImportSettingIMG setting)
      import IMG data according to IMG imported parameters.Image does not support single band 8 bit.
      static boolean importIMG(java.lang.String filepath, Datasource datasource)
      import IMG image into datasource as multiband.Image does not support single band 8 bit.
      static boolean importIMG(java.lang.String filepath, Datasource datasource, java.lang.String targetDatasetName)
      import IMG image into datasource.Image does not support single band 8 bit.
      static boolean importKML(java.lang.String filepath, Datasource datasource, java.lang.String targetDatasetName, boolean importAsCAD)
      import kml file
      static boolean importKMZ(java.lang.String filepath, Datasource datasource, java.lang.String targetDatasetName, boolean importAsCAD)
      import kmz file
      static boolean importMIF(java.lang.String filepath, Datasource datasource)
      Import the MIF file.
      static boolean importSHP(java.lang.String filepath, Datasource datasource)
      Import the SHP file.
      static boolean importTIF(ImportSettingTIF setting)
      import TIF data according to import parameters
      static boolean importTIF(java.lang.String filepath, Datasource datasource)
      import tif/tiff image data file into datasource, and save as image dataset
      static boolean importTIF(java.lang.String filepath, Datasource datasource, java.lang.String targetDatasetName, boolean bImportingAsGrid)
      import tif image into datasource, and it could be set that whether save as raster dataset
      static void setConvertCharset(Charset charset)
      Sets the imported or exported file the original character set type.
      static void setImportEmptyDataset(boolean bImportEmptyDataset)
      Sets whether it is null dataset. the default is not imported, if the imported data is null, return false when import.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Constructor Detail

      • DataConversion

        public DataConversion()
    • Method Detail

      • importSHP

        public static boolean importSHP(java.lang.String filepath,
                                        Datasource datasource)
                                 throws java.lang.Exception
        Import the SHP file.
        filepath - file absolute path, include file name and file type.
        datasource - target datasource.
        true if it is imported successfully; false otherwise.
        java.lang.Exception - When the parameter is error, throw an IllegalArgumentException; For example, the specified file doesn't exist.
      • importMIF

        public static boolean importMIF(java.lang.String filepath,
                                        Datasource datasource)
                                 throws java.lang.Exception
        Import the MIF file.
        filepath - file absolute path, include file name and file type.
        datasource - target datasource.
        true if it is imported successfully; false otherwise.
        java.lang.Exception - When the parameter is error, throw an IllegalArgumentException; For example, the specified file doesn't exist.
      • exportSHP

        public static boolean exportSHP(java.lang.String filepath,
                                        Dataset dataset)
                                 throws java.lang.Exception
        Export the SHP file.
        filepath - export file absolute path, include file name and file type.
        dataset - Used in the dataset to be exported.
        true if it is exported successfully; false otherwise.
        java.lang.Exception - When the parameter is error, throw an IllegalArgumentException; For example, the specified dictionary does not exist.
      • exportMIF

        public static boolean exportMIF(java.lang.String filepath,
                                        Dataset dataset)
                                 throws java.lang.Exception
        Export the MIF file.
        filepath - export file absolute path, include file name and file type.
        dataset - Used in the dataset to be exported.
        true if it is exported successfully; false otherwise.
        java.lang.Exception - When the parameter is error, throw an IllegalArgumentException; For example, the specified dictionary does not exist.
      • setConvertCharset

        public static void setConvertCharset(Charset charset)
        Sets the imported or exported file the original character set type.
        charset - The character set. Default is GB18030.
      • importTIF

        public static boolean importTIF(java.lang.String filepath,
                                        Datasource datasource)
                                 throws java.lang.Exception
        import tif/tiff image data file into datasource, and save as image dataset
        filepath - tif/tiff image file absolute path, include file name and file type.
        datasource - datasource, used to stored imported result dataset
        True, if successful; Otherwise false.
        java.lang.Exception - throws Exception when the parameter is exception
      • exportTIF

        public static boolean exportTIF(java.lang.String filepath,
                                        Dataset dataset)
                                 throws java.lang.Exception
        export dataset as tif/tiff image data file.
        filepath - specified export path of tif/tiff file, this path is absolute path, and include file name and file type
        dataset - image dataset to be exported
        True, if export successfully; Otherwise false.
        java.lang.Exception - the exported file must be tif/tiff type, otherwise throws exception
      • importDWG

        public static boolean importDWG(java.lang.String filepath,
                                        Datasource datasource,
                                        boolean inverseBlackWhite)
                                 throws java.lang.Exception
        import dwg file into datasource, and save as CAD dataset
        filepath - dwg file absolute path, include file name and file type.
        datasource - target datasource.
        inverseBlackWhite - whether inverse black and white
        True, if import successfully; Otherwise false.
        java.lang.Exception - parameter in wrong, and file type is not correct, then, throws exception
      • exportDWG

        public static boolean exportDWG(java.lang.String filepath,
                                        Dataset dataset)
                                 throws java.lang.Exception
        export specified dataset as dwg file
        filepath - export file absolute path, include file name and file type.
        dataset - source dataset
        True, if export successfully; Otherwise false.
        java.lang.Exception - parameter in wrong, and file type is not correct, then, throws exception
      • importDXF

        public static boolean importDXF(java.lang.String filepath,
                                        Datasource datasource,
                                        boolean inverseBlackWhite)
                                 throws java.lang.Exception
        import dxf file into datasource, and save as CAD dataset
        filepath - dxf file absolute path, include file name and file type.
        datasource - target datasource.
        inverseBlackWhite - whether inverse black and white
        True, if import successfully; Otherwise false.
        java.lang.Exception - parameter in wrong, and file type is not correct, then, throws exception
      • exportDXF

        public static boolean exportDXF(java.lang.String filepath,
                                        Dataset dataset)
                                 throws java.lang.Exception
        export specified dataset as dxf file
        filepath - export file absolute path, include file name and file type.
        dataset - source dataset
        True, if export successfully; Otherwise false.
        java.lang.Exception - parameter in wrong, and file type is not correct, then, throws exception
      • importDXF

        public static boolean importDXF(java.lang.String filepath,
                                        Datasource datasource,
                                        boolean inverseBlackWhite,
                                        boolean importAsCAD)
                                 throws java.lang.Exception
        import dxf file into datasource, and save as CAD composite dataset or multiple simple dataset
        filepath - dxf file absolute path, include file name and file type.
        datasource - target datasource.
        inverseBlackWhite - whether inverse black and white
        importAsCAD - true means that save as one CAD composite dataset, and false means that save as multiple simple dataset
        True, if import successfully; Otherwise false.
        java.lang.Exception - parameter in wrong, and file type is not correct, then, throws exception
      • importDWG

        public static boolean importDWG(java.lang.String filepath,
                                        Datasource datasource,
                                        boolean inverseBlackWhite,
                                        boolean importAsCAD)
                                 throws java.lang.Exception
        import dwg file into datasource, and save as CAD composite dataset or multiple simple dataset
        filepath - dwg file absolute path, include file name and file type.
        datasource - target datasource.
        inverseBlackWhite - whether inverse black and white
        importAsCAD - true means that save as one CAD composite dataset, and false means that save as multiple simple dataset
        True, if import successfully; Otherwise false.
        java.lang.Exception - parameter in wrong, and file type is not correct, then, throws exception
      • importKML

        public static boolean importKML(java.lang.String filepath,
                                        Datasource datasource,
                                        java.lang.String targetDatasetName,
                                        boolean importAsCAD)
                                 throws java.lang.Exception
        import kml file
        filepath - import file path name
        datasource - target datasource.
        targetDatasetName - target dataset name
        importAsCAD - whether import as composite datset, and the default is that import as composite datset
        True, if import successfully; Otherwise false.
        java.lang.Exception - parameter in wrong, and file type is not correct, then, throws exception
      • exportKML

        public static boolean exportKML(java.lang.String filepath,
                                        Dataset dataset)
                                 throws java.lang.Exception
         export kml file
         KML only support to export as vector dataset
         the projection dataset must be geographic coordinate WGC-1984
        filepath - export file path name
        dataset - target dataset
        True, if export successfully; Otherwise false.
        java.lang.Exception - parameter in wrong, and file type is not correct, then, throws exception
      • importKMZ

        public static boolean importKMZ(java.lang.String filepath,
                                        Datasource datasource,
                                        java.lang.String targetDatasetName,
                                        boolean importAsCAD)
                                 throws java.lang.Exception
        import kmz file
        filepath - import file path name
        datasource - target datasource.
        targetDatasetName - target dataset name
        importAsCAD - whether import as composite datset, and the default is that import as composite datset
        True, if import successfully; Otherwise false.
        java.lang.Exception - parameter in wrong, and file type is not correct, then, throws exception
      • exportKMZ

        public static boolean exportKMZ(java.lang.String filepath,
                                        Dataset dataset)
                                 throws java.lang.Exception
         export kmz file
         KMZ only support to export as vector dataset
         the projection dataset must be geographic coordinate WGC-1984
        filepath - export file path name
        dataset - target dataset
        True, if export successfully; Otherwise false.
        java.lang.Exception - parameter in wrong, and file type is not correct, then, throws exception
      • importTIF

        public static boolean importTIF(java.lang.String filepath,
                                        Datasource datasource,
                                        java.lang.String targetDatasetName,
                                        boolean bImportingAsGrid)
                                 throws java.lang.Exception
        import tif image into datasource, and it could be set that whether save as raster dataset
        filepath - tif data file path
        datasource - target datasource.
        targetDatasetName - target dataset name
        bImportingAsGrid - whether import as raster dataset, false means import image dataset
        True, if successful; Otherwise false.
        java.lang.Exception - parameter in wrong, and file type is not correct, then, throws exception
      • importGPX

        public static boolean importGPX(java.lang.String filepath,
                                        Datasource datasource,
                                        java.lang.String targetDatasetName)
        import GPX file
        filepath - import file path name
        datasource - target datasource.
        targetDatasetName - target dataset name
        True, if successful; Otherwise false.
        Throws: - parameter of null indicator is exceptino etc.
      • exportGPX

        public static boolean exportGPX(java.lang.String filepath,
                                        DatasetVector dataset)
                                 throws java.lang.Exception
        export GPX file, if the file is existed, then fail
        filepath - GPX only support to export as vector dataset
        dataset - the projection dataset must be geographic coordinate WGC-1984
        True, if export successfully; Otherwise false.
        java.lang.Exception - parameter of null indicator is exceptino etc.
      • importDXF

        public static boolean importDXF(ImportSettingDXF setting)
                                 throws java.lang.Exception
        import DXF data according to imported parameters
        setting - imported parameters
        whether import successfully
        java.lang.Exception - parameter of null indicator is exceptino etc.
      • importDWG

        public static boolean importDWG(ImportSettingDWG setting)
                                 throws java.lang.Exception
        import DWG data according to import parameters
        setting - imported parameters
        whether import successfully
        java.lang.Exception - parameter of null indicator is exceptino etc.
      • importTIF

        public static boolean importTIF(ImportSettingTIF setting)
        import TIF data according to import parameters
        setting - imported parameters
        whether import successfully
      • importIMG

        public static boolean importIMG(java.lang.String filepath,
                                        Datasource datasource)
                                 throws java.lang.Exception
        import IMG image into datasource as multiband.Image does not support single band 8 bit.
        filepath - IMG data file path
        datasource - target datasource.
        whether import successfully
        java.lang.Exception - parameter is exception
      • importIMG

        public static boolean importIMG(java.lang.String filepath,
                                        Datasource datasource,
                                        java.lang.String targetDatasetName)
                                 throws java.lang.Exception
        import IMG image into datasource.Image does not support single band 8 bit.
        filepath - IMG data file path
        datasource - target datasource.
        targetDatasetName - target dataset name
        whether import successfully
        java.lang.Exception - parameter is exception
      • importIMG

        public static boolean importIMG(ImportSettingIMG setting)
        import IMG data according to IMG imported parameters.Image does not support single band 8 bit.
        setting - IMG imported parameters
        whether import successfully
      • setImportEmptyDataset

        public static void setImportEmptyDataset(boolean bImportEmptyDataset)
        Sets whether it is null dataset. the default is not imported, if the imported data is null, return false when import. Currently, only supported shp file.
        bImportEmptyDataset - whether import null dataset, true means import, false means do not import