Class ImportSettingDXF

  • public class ImportSettingDXF
    extends ImportSetting
    DXF file import parameter class.
    • Constructor Detail

      • ImportSettingDXF

        public ImportSettingDXF()
        The default constructor creates a new ImportSettingDXF object.
      • ImportSettingDXF

        public ImportSettingDXF(ImportSettingDXF importSettingDXF)
        Copy the constructor, and return an ImportSettingDXF object with the same set of information.
        importSettingDXF - Parameter object
      • ImportSettingDXF

        public ImportSettingDXF(java.lang.String sourceFilePath,
                                DatasourceConnectionInfo targetConnectionInfo)
        Constructs an ImportSettingDXF object by specifying the source file.
        sourceFilePath - Source file full path
        targetConnectionInfo - Target data source connection information
      • ImportSettingDXF

        public ImportSettingDXF(java.lang.String sourceFilePath,
                                Datasource targetDatasource)
        Constructs an ImportSettingDXF object by specifying the source file.
        sourceFilePath - Source file full path
        targetDatasource - Target data source
    • Method Detail

      • isImportingAsCAD

        public boolean isImportingAsCAD()
        Gets whether the target dataset type is a CAD type and defaults to true
        Whether it is a CAD type
      • setImportingAsCAD

        public void setImportingAsCAD(boolean value)
        Set the import mode, that is, the target data set type, that is, into the CAD data set, otherwise the data corresponding to the type of simple vector data set
        value - Whether to import the CAD dataset
      • setImportingAsCADWithGIS

        public void setImportingAsCADWithGIS(boolean value)
        When importing a simple layer for CAD, whether it is style
        value - Whether with style
      • isImportingAsCADWithGIS

        public boolean isImportingAsCADWithGIS()
        When importing a simple layer for CAD, whether it is style
        Whether with style
      • getSpatialIndex

        public SpatialIndexInfo getSpatialIndex()
        Gets the spatial index type, which is valid when the isSpatialIndexAutoBuilt property is true
        Spatial index type
      • setSpatialIndex

        public void setSpatialIndex(SpatialIndexInfo value)
        Set the spatial index type
        value - Spatial index type
      • isAttributeIgnored

        public boolean isAttributeIgnored()
        Gets whether or not to ignore the attribute
        Whether the attribute is ignored
      • setAttributeIgnored

        public void setAttributeIgnored(boolean value)
        Sets whether or not to ignore attributes
        value - Whether the attribute is ignored
      • getStyleMapFilePath

        public java.lang.String getStyleMapFilePath()
        Get the style control path
      • setStyleMapFilePath

        public void setStyleMapFilePath(java.lang.String value)
        Set the style control path
        value - path
      • dispose

        public void dispose()
        Disposes resources.
      • setIsBlackWhiteInverse

        public void setIsBlackWhiteInverse(boolean inverse)
        Set whether black and white anti-color
        inverse - Whether black and white anti-color
      • getIsBlackWhiteInverse

        public boolean getIsBlackWhiteInverse()
        Whether black and white anti-color
        Whether black and white anti-color
      • isImportingByLayer

        public boolean isImportingByLayer()
        To obtain whether the CAD data in the source data is merged in the imported data, the CAD is stored in the layer information, The default is false, that is, all the layer information is merged into a CAD data set, or corresponding to the source data in each layer to generate a CAD data set. Note: Only valid when imported into CAD data.
        Whether to import with layers
      • setImportingByLayer

        public void setImportingByLayer(boolean value)
        Set whether to import layers, true for each layer to generate a CAD dataset, false to merge to generate a CAD dataset
        value - Whether to import with layers