Class Datasource

  • java.lang.Object

  • public class Datasource
    extends java.lang.Object
    The Datasource class.

    This Datasource object is mainly to manage the the information such as the connection between datasource and database, the projection of the datasource.

    One datasource is corresponding with a data engine type. UDB datasource belongs to the file datasource type.

    The datasource defines consistent data access interfaces and standards. The physical storage of datasources can be stored in either a file mode or a database mode. The major difference of storage modes is the type of their data engine: when SDB engine is used, datasources store with file mode(*.udb,*.udd)--file datasources are stored with .udb file, attribute data is stored with.

    The datasource object usually works as the item of the Datasources in workspace, and performs some operations on data, for example, save datasource and copy dataset etc.

    You can open the multi-count datasources in a workspace, the alias can be the unique identifier with the datasource.

    Note that the same data unit and the spatial reference are assumed to use in the same datasource.

    • Method Detail

      • getWorkspace

        public Workspace getWorkspace()
        Gets the workspace object contained the current datasource.
        the workspace contained the current datasource.
      • getAlias

        public java.lang.String getAlias()
        Returns the name of the datasource. The name is used to uniquely identify the datasource in the workspace and can be used to access the datasource. The datasource name is assigned when creating or opening the datasource, and different names can be used to open the same datasource.
        Datasource alias
      • getDatasets

        public Datasets getDatasets()
        Returns the Datasets object contained in the datasource. The Datasets object provides the management functionality with the dataset, like creating, deleting and renaming. All the dataset objects in a datasource is managed by a Datasets object.
        an object of the Datasets that is contained in the Datasource.
      • getDescription

        public java.lang.String getDescription()
        Returns the descriptive information about the datasource added by the user. Users can added any information to the description information, such as the creator, the source, main content, precision and quality etc. All these information is very significant for maintaining data.
        the descriptive information about the data added by the user.
      • setDescription

        public void setDescription(java.lang.String value)
        Sets the descriptive information about the datasource added by the user. Users can added any information to the description information, such as the creator, the source, main content, precision and quality etc. All these information is very significant for maintaining data.
        value - the descriptive information about the data added by the user.
      • isModified

        public boolean isModified()
        Returns whether the datasource is modified. This attribute will return true when the count of datasets changed. When datasource is opened as transaction, this property can be invoked to prompt users whether to save the datasource before closing it.
        whether the datasource is modified.
      • isReadOnly

        public boolean isReadOnly()
        Returns a value that indicates that whether the datasource is opened in read-only mode.

        For a file datasource, if the open mode is readonly, the datasource can be opened for multiple times at the same time for sharing. Otherwise, the datasource can be opened once at a time.

        The datasource is opened in read-only manner if the engine type isIMAGEPLUGINS .

        Whether the datasource is opened in read-only mode.
      • copyDataset

        public Dataset copyDataset(Dataset srcDataset,
                                   java.lang.String desDatasetName,
                                   EncodeType encodeType)
        Used to copy dataset in the same datasource engine or different types of datasource engine. Make sure the current datasource is opened and writable. Before copy the dataset, call the {Datasets.isAvailableDatasetName() method to determine whether the target dataset is valid, the name of the target datatset can't be the keyword in the database. When copy the dataset, the EncodeType can be used to modify the encoding type of the dataset. See EncodeType.

        When copying the CAD dataset with thecopyDataset()method, the setting of EncodeType property of the dataset is invalid, that is, the EncodeType of the dataset must be set NONE.

        You can't copy a dataset opened by ImagePlugin to other datasource, or copy dataset to the ImagePlugin datasource, it is a read-only engine.

        srcDataset - The source dataset to copy.
        desDatasetName - The name of dataset.
        encodeType - The encoding type of the dataset.
        Copy the result dataset.
        See Also:
        The following example demonstrates how to copy a dataset.
         public void copyDatasetTest() {
                // Imagines that you open a workspace object, and there are two datasource objects in the workspace, they are datasource and datasource_Des 
                    // Gets a dataset named "World" from datasource, and copy it to the datasource named datasource_Des
                DatasetVector datasetVector = (DatasetVector) datasource.getDatasets().
                // Returns the name of an available target dataset, and copy the dataset.
                String datasetName = datasource_Des.getDatasets().
                Dataset newDataset = datasource_Des.copyDataset(datasetVector,
                        datasetName, EncodeType.INT32);
      • copyDataset

        public Dataset copyDataset(Dataset srcDataset,
                                   java.lang.String desDatasetName,
                                   EncodeType encodeType,
                                   Charset nCharset)
        Copy dataset with the given encoding type and the character set type. This method is used when upgrade text dataset or CAD dataset to UTF-8 character set. It is reserved for later versions and not supported in SuperMap Objects Java 6R(2012) SP2.
        srcDataset - The source dataset to copy.
        desDatasetName - The name of dataset.
        encodeType - The encoding type of the dataset.
        nCharset - the character set of the dataset.
        Copy the result dataset.
      • getPrjCoordSys

        public PrjCoordSys getPrjCoordSys()
        Returns the projection information of the datasource.
        the projection information of the datasource.
      • changePassword

        public boolean changePassword(java.lang.String oldPassword,
                                      java.lang.String newPassword,
                                      DatasourceEncrytionType type)
        Modify the datasource password of the current datasource
        oldPassword - The original password. It can not be null
        newPassword - The New password. It can not be null
        type - The encryption type used by the new password
        True if successfully; otherwise False.
      • isOpened

        public boolean isOpened()
        Whether the datasource is open
        Whether is open
      • RenameDatasource

        public void RenameDatasource(java.lang.String name,
                                     java.lang.String newName)
        change the Datasourc name
        name - current name
        newName - new name
      • saveDatasource

        public boolean saveDatasource()
        save datasource
        save datasource
      • mergeDatasets

        public DatasetVector mergeDatasets(java.lang.String targetDatasetName,
                                           DatasetType datasetType,
                                           boolean isSaveNewField,
                                           DatasetVector... datasetVectors)
        Merge datasets
        datasetName - merges the new dataset
        isRetainNewField - whether to keep the original fields of the dataset
        datasetVectors - datasets that need to be merged
      • getRootGroup

        public DatasetGroup getRootGroup()
        Returns the root group of the dataset grouping.
        The root group of the dataset grouping.
      • copyDatasetGroup

        public DatasetGroup copyDatasetGroup(DatasetGroup srcGroup,
                                             DatasetGroup desGroup,
                                             java.lang.String desGroupName)
        Dataset grouping and replication
        srcGroup - is copied from the original grouping object
        desGroup - to the target grouping object
        desGroupName - target group name
        Returns the newly copied grouped object
      • addSteppedListener

        public void addSteppedListener(SteppedListener l)
        Add a listener to receive progress bar events (SteppedEvent).
        l - Listener for receiving progress bar events.
      • removeSteppedListener

        public void removeSteppedListener(SteppedListener l)
        Removed a listener for receiving progress bar events (SteppedEvent).
        l - Listener for receiving progress bar events.