Data model provide the operation on spatial data and its attributes, including creating, managing, visiting, querying, etc.
See: Description
Interface Summary Interface Description CloudLicenseManager.LicenseLoginCallback Cloud license login callback interfaceDatasetGroupChangedListener A listener used to receive the end of the dataset grouping change event (DatasetGroupChangedEvent
).DatasetGroupCreatedListener A listener used to receive dataset grouping creation end events (DatasetGroupCreatedEvent
).DatasetGroupDeletedListener A listener used to receive dataset grouping deletion end events (DatasetGroupDeletedEvent
).DatasetGroupDeletingListener A listener used to receive dataset grouping deletion events (DatasetGroupDeletingEvent
).DatasetGroupItemAddedListener A listener used to receive and add dataset end events (DatasetGroupItemAddedEvent
) to a dataset grouping.DatasetGroupItemChangedListener Listeners used to receive dataset grouping, dataset churn end events (DatasetGroupItemChangedEvent
).DatasetGroupItemRemovedListener A listener used to receive dataset end events (DatasetGroupItemRemovedEvent
) in the deleted dataset grouping.DatasetGroupItemRemovingListener A listener used to receive dataset events (DatasetGroupItemRemovingEvent
) in a deleted dataset grouping.DatasetGroupRenamedListener A listener used to receive the dataset grouping name modification end event (DatasetGroupRenamedEvent
).DatasetGroupRenamingListener A listener used to receive dataset grouping name modification events (DatasetGroupRenamingEvent
).EduLicense.EduLicenseApplyListener The license activation licenseIDisposable Title: Description: Copyright: Copyright (c) 2007 Company: SuperMap GIS Technologies Inc.MapCacheListener MapCacheListener is a listener for receiving map precache event.PrivateCloudLicenseManager.privateLicQueryCallback Search private cloud license callback listenerQueryListener Query listener, when querying withDatasetVector.queryByFilter(String, Geometry, int)
orDatasetVector.queryByFilter(String, Geometry, int)
, Because they are asynchronous queries, it is needed to use this listener to obtain the results of the query,RecycleLicenseManager.RecycleLicenseCallback The recycle license activation callback interfaceSteppedListener a listener used to receive the progress bar eventSteppedEvent
.TimePositionChangedListener A listener that is used to receives a change eventTimePositionChangedEvent
for the time position of the node animation -
Class Summary Class Description AltitudeMode This enumeration specifies the constant of AititudeMode, which indicates how the altitudes of the 3D data should be understood and parsed.ARCalibrateTool AR calibration tool class, suitable forcom.supermap.realspace.ARControl,
scene restorationARCalibrateTool.CalibrateResult CalibrateMode Defines the calibration types for M values of the LineM objects.Charset This class defines the vector data character set type constant.CloudLicenseManager The CloudLicenseManager class.Used to manage the online license information for the current device.Color SuperMap iMobile RGB color class.ColorDictionary color Dictionary table class, color dictionary consists of key value pairs.ColorGradientType Defines the color gradient type constant.Colors The Colors class.ColorSpaceType Defines ColorSpaceType constants.CoordSysTranslator Projection Transformation class.CoordSysTransMethod Defines the projection transformation method type constant.CoordSysTransParameter The CoordSysTransParameter class.CursorType This class defines the type constant of the cursor.DataConversion The data conversion class.Dataset The base class of all the classes of datasets with different types, such as the DatasetVector, DatasetGrid etc., that provides common methods, and events.DatasetGrid The DatasetGrid class.DatasetGridInfo The grid dataset information class.DatasetGroup Dataset grouping class.DatasetGroupChangedEvent An event that indicates the end of the dataset grouping change.DatasetGroupCreatedEvent Indicates the end of the dataset grouping creation event.DatasetGroupDeletedEvent Indicates the end of the dataset grouping deletion.DatasetGroupDeletingEvent Indicates the event that deletes a dataset grouping in a dataset grouping set.DatasetGroupItemAddedEvent Indicates the event at the end of the dataset added to the dataset grouping.DatasetGroupItemChangedEvent Indicates the event at the end of the dataset churn in the dataset grouping.DatasetGroupItemRemovedEvent Indicates the event at the end of the dataset in the deletion dataset grouping.DatasetGroupItemRemovingEvent Indicates the event that deletes a dataset in a dataset grouping.DatasetGroupRenamedEvent Indicates the end of the dataset grouping name modification.DatasetGroupRenamingEvent Indicates an event in which the dataset grouping name was modified.DatasetGroups Dataset grouping collection class.DatasetImage The DatasetImage class.Datasets The datasets class.DatasetType Defines dataset types.DatasetVector The DatasetVector class.DatasetVectorInfo The DatasetVectorInfo class.Datasource The Datasource class.DatasourceConnectionInfo The DatasourceConnectionInfo class.DatasourceEncrytionType This class defines the datasource encryption typeDatasources The Datasources Class.EduLicense Deprecated EduLicense.EduLicenseInfos The information class after activating a licenseEncodeType Defines the encoding modes for dataset compression.EngineType Defines the spatial database engine type constants.Enum The base class for all the enumeration class.Environment This environment class is used to manage the configuration information about develop environment, for example setting the location folder saved the cache file and setting the equal-zero precision.FieldInfo The FieldInfo class stores the informations of the field such as name, type, default value and length etc.FieldInfos The FieldInfos class.FieldType This class defines the field type constants.FillGradientMode Defines the fill gradient mode constant.GeoArc The GeoArc class.GeoBox ????????GeoBSpline The GeoBSpline class.GeoCardinal The 2D Cardinal spline geometry class.GeoChord The GeoChord class.GeoCircle The GeoCircle class.GeoCompound The GeoCompound class.GeoCoordSys The GeoCoordSys class.GeoCoordSysType Defines geographic coordinate system types.GeoCurve The 2D GeoCurve class.GeoDatum The GeoDatum class.GeoDatumType Defines datum types.GeoEllipse The GeoEllipse class.GeoEllipticArc The GeoEllipticArc class.GeoLine The polygon geometry class is derived from theGeometry
class.GeoLine3D The GeoLine class is derived from theGeometry3D
class.GeoLineM The GeoLineM object.Geometrist The Geometrist class.Geometry Geometry3D GeometryType Defines geometric object types.GeoModel 3D model geometry object class This class is used to create a model of a 3D geometric object to render a 3D geometric object.GeoPie The GeoPie class.GeoPlacemark The GeoPlacemark Class.GeoPoint The GeoPoint class is derived from theGeometry
class.GeoPoint3D The GeoPoint3D class is derived from theGeometry3D
class.GeoPrimeMeridian The prime meridian class.GeoPrimeMeridianType Defines the prime meridian type constant.GeoRectangle The Rectangle2D object class.GeoRegion The polygon geometry class is derived from theGeometry
class.GeoRegion3D The polygon geometry class is derived from theGeometry3D
class.GeoSpatialRefType Defines the spatial coordinate system type constants.GeoSpheroid The GeoSpheroid class.GeoSpheroidType Defines GeoSpheroid types.GeoStyle The GeoStyle Class.GeoStyle3D Geometry style class in 3D scene.GeoText The GeoText class derives from theGeometry
class.GeoText3D The GeoText class derives from theGeometry3D
class.ImageFormatType This enumeration defines the formatting type of the slice (Tile) file for the cache tile when the third-party service is added, that is, the format of the slice file corresponding to the * .sci, *.InternalHandle Title: Description: Copyright: Copyright (c) 2007 Company: SuperMap GIS Technologies Inc.InternalHandleDisposable Title: Description: Copyright: Copyright (c) 2007 Company: SuperMap GIS Technologies Inc.JoinItem The connection information class.JoinItems The connection information class.JoinType This class defines the the connection type constant between two tables.LicenseStatus The license status class is used to mark the license status of the current device.LicenseType License type, returned license of offline and online are distinguished since 9D.Maps Map collection class.Module This class defines the module constants of SuperMap iMobile for Android.NodeAnimation Node animation class, you can set the model along the specified route movement, you can control its movement state.NodeAnimationPlayMode This enumeration defines the animation playback mode constant for selecting the playback mode when the movie is played.PathSmoothTool Trace optimization tool class Usages: PathSmoothTool pathSmoothTool = new PathSmoothTool(); pathSmoothTool.setIntensity(2); //Sets the filtering intensity. 3 is by default List outList = pathSmoothTool.pathOptimize(sourcePositionList);PixelFormat Defines constants for pixel format types for grid and image data storage.Point The pixel point class.Point2D The instance of the point class is the point object, which is used to represent the point with double coordinate values ranging from 5.0*1e-324 to ±1.7*1e308, with 15-16 effective digits.Point2Ds The Point2Ds calss.Point3D The Point3D class.Point3Ds Point3Ds object.PointM The PointM class.PointMs The PointMs class.PrivateCloudLicenseManager The private cloud license manager class.Used to manage the online license information for the current device.PrjCoordSys The projected coordinate system class.PrjCoordSysType Defines geographic coordinate system types.PrjFileType Defines the Projection file types.PrjFileVersion Defines the projections file version constants.PrjParameter The projection parameter class.Projection The projected coordinate system projection class.ProjectionType Defines the type of the projection of the projected coordinate system.QueryParameter The query parameter class.Recordset The recordset class.Rectangle2D The Rectangle2D class.RecycleLicenseManager The license recycle manager class.RegularizeMethod RegularizeParameter ResampleType This class defines the vector data resampling type constant.Resources The Resources class.Scenes The 3D scene class.Size2D Stores a pair of float values orderly.SpatialIndexInfo Spatial index information class The SpatialIndexInfo class.SpatialIndexType This class defines spatial index constant Spatial index is used to improve spatial query efficiency.SpatialQueryMode Defines the spatial query mode constant.StatisticMode Defines the field statistic method type constant.StatisticsResult SteppedEvent The SteppedEvent.StrokeType Defines the stroke types for marker symbols.Symbol The Symbol class.SymbolFill The SymbolFill class.SymbolFillLibrary The SymbolFillLibrary class.SymbolGroup The SymbolGroup class.SymbolGroups The SymbolGroups class.SymbolLibrary The SymbolLibrary class.SymbolLine The SymbolLine class.SymbolLineBase The SymbolLineBase class.SymbolLineLibrary The SymbolLineLibrary class.SymbolMarker The SymbolMarker class.SymbolMarkerLibrary The SymbolMarkerLibrary class.SymbolMarkerStroke The SymbolMarkerStroke class.SymbolType Defines the symbol type constant.TextAlignment This class defines the text alignment type constants.TextPart The TextPart class.TextPart3D The TextPart3D class.TextStyle The text style class.TimePositionChangedEvent Indicates the event that the time of animation changes.TimeSpan The time interval class.Toolkit The toolkit class.Transformation Data registration class.TransformationMode Defines constants for data registration.Unit This class defines the unit constantWebParams Web service parameter classWebParamsType Web service type classWebRestParams REST web service parameter classWhereToCalibrate Defines position types for M value calibration.Workspace The Workspace.WorkspaceConnectionInfo The WorkspaceConnectionInfo class.WorkspaceType Defines workspace types.WorkspaceVersion Defines the constants for workspace versions. -
Enum Summary Enum Description ARCalibrateTool.ARMode CloudLicenseManager.NetworkNodeType Select a network node.Environment.Language Navigation language type.
Package Description
Data model provide the operation on spatial data and its attributes, including creating, managing, visiting, querying, etc.