Class CoordSysTransMethod

  • public class CoordSysTransMethod
    extends Enum
    Defines the projection transformation method type constant.

    In projection transformation, if the geographic coordinate system or the source projection and the target projection are different, it is needed to convert the coordinate system.

    There are two methods commonly used, they are the equation-based methods and the grid-based methods. This class provides method based on the equation. According to the number of the parameters used in the equation, the equation-based methods can be divided in to three-parameter and seven-parameter methods.For more information about these parameters refer to.

    CoordSysTransParameterCoordSysTransParameter. The methods provided in this version are all seven-parameter methods except the Geocentric Translations.

    • Field Detail


        public static final CoordSysTransMethod MTH_GEOCENTRIC_TRANSLATION
        Geocentric Translations.

        public static final CoordSysTransMethod MTH_MOLODENSKY_ABRIDGED
        Abridged Molodensky.

        public static final CoordSysTransMethod MTH_POSITION_VECTOR
        Position vector.

        public static final CoordSysTransMethod MTH_COORDINATE_FRAME
        Seven-parameter method.