Class GeoModel

  • public class GeoModel
    extends Geometry3D
    3D model geometry object class

    This class is used to create a model of a 3D geometric object to render a 3D geometric object.

    • Constructor Detail

      • GeoModel

        public GeoModel()
        Construct a new GeoModel object.
      • GeoModel

        public GeoModel(GeoModel geoModel)
        Constructs a new object identical to the given GeoModel object.
        geoModel - The given GeoModel object. Return Constructs a new GeoModel object.
    • Method Detail

      • getName

        public java.lang.String getName()
        Get the name of the 3D model geometry object.
        returns the name obtained
      • setName

        public void setName(java.lang.String name)
        Set the name of the 3D model geometry object.
        name - The given model name.
      • fromFile

        public boolean fromFile(java.lang.String file)
        Construct a new GeoModel object based on the model file under the specified path
        file - The given model path.
        returns YES successfully, otherwise returns NO.
      • fromFile

        public boolean fromFile(java.lang.String file,
                                Point3D position)
        Constructs a new GeoModel object based on the model file and the specified location under the specified path
        file - The given model path.
        position - specifies the location.
        returns YES successfully, otherwise returns NO.
      • clone

        public GeoModel clone()
        Description copied from class: Geometry
        Returns a copy of the current object.
        Specified by:
        clone in class Geometry
        Returns a copy of the current object.
      • dispose

        public void dispose()
        Release the resources used by the object. This object is no longer available when this method is called.
        dispose in class Geometry
      • getNodeAnimation

        public NodeAnimation getNodeAnimation()
        Get the node animation of the 3D model object.
        node animated object