Class FieldType

  • java.lang.Object

  • public final class FieldType
    extends java.lang.Object
    This class defines the field type constants.

    Defines a series of constants representing the fields storing different types of values.

    • Method Summary

      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Field Detail

      • BOOLEAN

        public static final FieldType BOOLEAN
        The Boolean Type. Field that stores Boolean values.
      • BYTE

        public static final FieldType BYTE
        The Byte type. Field that stores Byte values.
      • INT16

        public static final FieldType INT16
        The Short type. Field that stores 16-bit signed integer values.
      • INT32

        public static final FieldType INT32
        The Short type. Field that stores 32-bit signed integer values.
      • INT64

        public static final FieldType INT64
        The Short type. Field that stores 64-bit signed integer values.
      • SINGLE

        public static final FieldType SINGLE
        The Single type. The Double type. Field that stores 32-bit single-precision float-point values.
      • DOUBLE

        public static final FieldType DOUBLE
        The Single type. The Double type. Field that stores 64-bit single-precision float-point values.
      • DATETIME

        public static final FieldType DATETIME
        The DateTime type. Field that stores date or time values.

        public static final FieldType LONGBINARY
        The Binary type. The field that stores variable-length wide character strings,which can not support creating.
      • TEXT

        public static final FieldType TEXT
        The Text type.
      • WTEXT

        public static final FieldType WTEXT
        The Wide Text type. The field that stores wide-length character strings.
      • CHAR

        public static final FieldType CHAR
        The field that stores fixed-length multibyte character strings.For example, if the specified length of the character string is 10, the actual length of a character string is 3, and then the remaining digits will be filled with zero.