
Class LayerSettingVector

  • public class LayerSettingVector
    extends LayerSetting
    The LayerSettingVector class.

    This class is mainly used to set the vector layer display style. The vector layer draws all the elements with a single symbol or style. When you only want to visually display your spatial data, only concerned with the spatial data in the location of the elements, regardless of the various elements in the number or nature of the different, you can use ordinary layers to display feature data.

    • Constructor Detail

      • LayerSettingVector

        public LayerSettingVector()
        The default constructor constructs a new object LayerSettingVector .
      • LayerSettingVector

        public LayerSettingVector(LayerSettingVector layerSettingVector)
        Copy constructor, initializes a new instance of the class which is identical with the specified ImportSettingGML object.
        layerSettingVector - The object used to initialize the new instance LayerSettingVector .
    • Method Detail

      • getStyle

        public GeoStyle getStyle()
        Gets the style of the vector layer.
        Vector layer style.Defaults is {FillBackColor=Color [A=255, R=255, G=255, B=255],FillForeColor=Color [A=255, R=189, G=235, B=255],FillGradientAngle=0,FillGradientMode=None,FillGradientOffsetRatioX=0,FillGradientOffsetRatioY=0,FillOpaqueRate=100,FillSymbolID=0,LineColor=Color [A=255, R=0, G=0, B=0],LineSymbolID=0,LineWidth=1,MarkerAngle=0,MarkerSize={Width=28,Height=-1},MarkerSymbolID=0}.
      • setStyle

        public void setStyle(GeoStyle style)
        Sets the vector layer style.
        style - Vector layer style.