Package com.supermap.mapping
The Mapping module providing the comprehensive functionality such as map display, style setting, editing, map output, thematic mapping, etc.
See: Description
Interface Summary Interface Description ActionChangedListener This class is used to receive the listener the Action of MapControl.ConfigurationChangedListener The listener use to receive the change between horizontal screen and vertical screen.EditStatusListener The listener use to receive the add and delete node event.GeometryAddedListener Removes a listener of receiving the event of adding the geometry object.GeometryDeletedListener Removes a listener of receiving the event of deleting the geometry object.GeometryDeletingListener Removes a listener of receiving the event of deleting the geometry object.GeometryIsSelectedListener geometry object selected listener classGeometryModifiedListener A listener of receiving the end event of modifying the geometric object.GeometryModifyingListener A listener of receiving the event of modifying the geometric object.GeometrySelectedListener A listener used to receive theGeometrySelectedEvent
.LayerAddedListener The listener used to receive theLayerAddedEvent
event.LayerGroupAddedListener a listener for receiving theLayerGroupAddedEvent
.LayerGroupRemovedListener A listener forLayerGroupRemovedEvent
.LayerRemovedListener A listener used to receiveLayerRemovedEvent
.LayersStateListener This class is used for a event listener that receives adding layer, modifying layer name, changing edit status, modifying visibility of layer sets.LegendChangedListener The LegendChangedListener.MapInertiaListener This class is a listener that receives map inertia event.MapLoadedListener This class is a listener which is used to receive the map add complete events.MapOperateListener This class is a listener that receives map open and close events.MapParameterChangedListener The map parameter changed listener.MeasureListener The measure listener.MeasureStateListener Measure the state listenerPaintProfileListener Draws time-consuming listener listenerPrjCoordSysTranslatorListener The custom projection transformation class.RefreshListener Map refresh listenerTrackingMoveHelper.onDraw Calls the interface after the whole animationUndoStateChangeListener Undo listener class.UserMapRender User-defined map renderer -
Class Summary Class Description Action The class specifies the constants that define the state of operation performed.AggregationFunctionType Grid aggregation functionAlongLineDirection This class defines the constants for along-line labeling directions.BitmapUtils author : linwenhao date : 2021/12/22 10:51 desc : bitmap Utility class, inner class version: 1.0CallOut The CallOut class.ColorLegendItem The ColorLegendItem ClassColorType Color modeFinishEditedEvent The listening after the topology edit completes.GeometryEvent Indicates the event that the geometric object is edited.GeometrySelectedEvent Indicates the event that the geometric object is selected.GraduatedMode Show the calculation modeGraphAxesTextDisplayMode Formats of Text in the coordinate axisesImageDisplayMode Image display mode, currently supports both combination mode and stretch mode.ImageStretchOption Image stretching class, used to set the image layer stretching method and tensile parameters; such as standard deviation stretch, Gauss stretch and so on.ImageStretchType Image stretch type, currently supports no stretch, standard differential stretch and the maximum value of three.LabelBackShape This class defines the constants representing the label back shapes of the label map.Layer Layer class.LayerAddedEvent The LayerAddedEvent event.LayerEvent The LayerEvent class.LayerGridAggregation Grid map's layersLayerGridAggregationType Grid typesLayerGroup Layer class.LayerGroupAddedEvent Indicates the event of LayerGroupAddedEvent.LayerGroupRemovedEvent Indicates the event of LayerGroupRemovedEvent.LayerHeatmap The heat map layerLayerRemovedEvent The LayerRemovedEvent class.Layers The Layers class is a collection of the Layer objects.LayerSetting Layer Sets the base class.LayerSettingGrid Rhithers.LayerSettingImage Rhithers.LayerSettingType This class defines the constants for layer setting types.LayerSettingVector The LayerSettingVector class.LayerSettingVectorCache layer setting vecor cache classLegend The legend control class, which is used to represent display symbols of all spatial objects in the current bounds.LegendItem Legend subclasses.LegendView Legend shows the control container class. This class is used to store legend controls.Map map class, responsible for the management of the map display environment. The map is a visualization of geographic data, usually consisting of one or more layers.MapColorMode This class defines the constants representing the types of map color modes.MapControl The MapControl class.MapEditStyle This class defines the map editing styles.MapOverlapDisplayedOptions Overlap optionsMapView The container for the display control.MapViewAnimation Map drawing animation class Created by jk on 2020/8/20.MapViewGroup mapview group classMixedTextStyle The text composite style class.NaviViewOptions Navigation view parameter classOverLengthLabelMode This class defines the constants representing how to handle overlong labels.RangeMode This class specifies the constants that define the methods used to create ranges.SatelliteView Satellite control class.ScaleView Scale view class It can display the fixed scale or any other scale.ScreenLayer The ScreenLayer class.Selection The Selection class.SelectionMode This class defines the available selection mode types constants when selecting objects.SnapMode Snap modeSnapSetting The snap settings of the map control The priority of snap mode is determined by the order of the snap mode in this object.Theme The Theme class.ThemeDotDensity Point density layerThemeGraduatedSymbol The graduated symbol thematic mapThemeGraph Statistical thematic mapThemeGraphItem Sub items of a statistical thematic mapThemeGraphTextFormat Display formats of text of a statistical thematic mapThemeGraphType Thematic map typesThemeGridRange The grid ranges map.ThemeGridRangeItem The ThemeGridRangeItem class.ThemeLabel Class label map.ThemeLabelItem The ThemeLabelItem class.ThemeRange The ThemeRange class.ThemeRangeItem The ThemeRangeItem class.ThemeType This class defines the constants representing the thematic map tyeps.ThemeUnique The ThemUnique class.ThemeUniqueItem The ThemeUniqueItem class.TrackingLayer The TrackingLayer class.TrackingMoveData Data class.TrackingMoveHelper Trace drawing animation class Created by wangli on 2019/8/20.UserMapView user-defined rendering renderer class, extends SurfaceView -
Enum Summary Enum Description CalloutAlignment Defines the callout alignment constant.LayerSettingVectorCache.SubLayerType 子图层类型ScaleType Text type in the scale control
Package com.supermap.mapping Description
The Mapping module providing the comprehensive functionality such as map display, style setting, editing, map output, thematic mapping, etc.