Class Summary Class Description AMQPExchangeType AMQP switch class Defines the type constantAMQPManager AMQP manager class.AMQPReceiver AMQP receiver Used to receive the AMQP messageAMQPReturnMessage AMQP message class Indicates that the message received by the receiver, from which the queue name and the specific message content can be obtainedAMQPSender AMQP sender Used to send the AMQP messageEnum The enum classEnvironment The operation environment manager class Initializes the environment resource and loads the libraries.InternalHandle Title: Description: Copyright: Copyright (c) 2007 Company: SuperMap GIS Technologies Inc.MQTTClient The MQTT client class, based on message bus of MQTT protocol.MQTTReturnMessage MQTT return message class.STOMPManager STOMP manager class.STOMPReceiver STOMP receiver class Used to receive the message sent by STOMP serviceSTOMPSender STOMP message sender Used to send the message of the STOMP service
Package com.supermap.messagequeue Description
The message queue. Support three protocols, AMQP, MQTT, STOMP.