
Class Navigation

  • java.lang.Object
    • com.supermap.navi.Navigation

  • public class Navigation
    extends java.lang.Object
    The navigation class. This class provides path analysis and guide functions.

  • After setting the start and destination, you can perform path analysis and navigate after the analysis is successful.
  • Path analysis consists of four modes: recommendation, fastest time, minimum distance and minimum charge.
  • Guide is divided into real navigation, simulation navigation and positioning cruise and other three modes.
  • The guide provides the display of the boot information and the associated voice prompts.

    Navigation vector map rotation (reference setCarUpFront(boolean) }), does not support network map rotation

    Note: After starting the boot, the external incoming GPS / BD and other positioning information.

    • Method Detail

      • setStartPoint

        public void setStartPoint(double x,
                                  double y)
        Sets the start point.
        x - longitude longitude coordinates (degrees).
        y - longitude longitude coordinates (degrees).
      • setDestinationPoint

        public void setDestinationPoint(double x,
                                        double y)
        Sets the destination point.
        x - end point longitude coordinates (degrees).
        y - end point latitude coordinates (degrees).
      • routeAnalyst

        public int routeAnalyst(int mode)
        Executes path analysis.

        The path analysis mode has a value of [0,1,2,3], which represents the recommended mode, the fastest time mode, the shortest distance mode, and the least charge mode.

        mode - Path analysis mode.
        The path analysis returns 1 successively, the path analysis fails to return 0, no return to the starting point around the starting point, and no return to -2 around the end point.
      • getRoute

        public GeoLine getRoute()
        Gets the route analysis results.
        Path analysis line.
      • startGuide

        public boolean startGuide(int status)
        Starts navigating.

        The value of the boot status is [0,1,2], which indicates that the actual navigation is performed, simulated navigation is performed, and the positioning point cruise is performed.

        status - Boot state.
        Start navigation successfully, return true, otherwise false.
      • getCarAngle

        public double getCarAngle()
        Gets the angle of the vehicle.

        The return angle is the clockwise angle of the forward direction of the vehicle and the north direction.

        Vehicle driving angle.
      • getCarPosition

        public Point2D getCarPosition()
        Gets the vehicle position.

        That is, access to the current location of the vehicle latitude and longitude coordinates, the unit "degree".

        The current position of the vehicle.
      • connectNaviData

        public boolean connectNaviData(java.lang.String DataPath)
        Links to the navigation data, including path analysis data and guide data.
        DataPath - Navigate the path where the data file is located. Path is an absolute path, the directory should be placed in the "NaviMap", that is, road network data compiled in iDesktop results
        Link navigation data is successful, return true, otherwise false.
      • enablePanOnGuide

        public void enablePanOnGuide(boolean bPan)
        Panning the map is available or not during the guide.
        bPan - A Boolean value that indicates whether the map is allowed to be translated during the navigation process, true, indicating that allowed, false, that is not allowed.
      • isGuiding

        public boolean isGuiding()
        Whether it is guiding.
        Returns true in the current boot process, false otherwise.
      • cleanPath

        public void cleanPath()
        Clears the path result.
      • stopGuide

        public boolean stopGuide()
        Stops guiding.
        Stops successful, returns true, false otherwise.
      • setViewSize

        public boolean setViewSize(int width,
                                   int height)
        Sets the view size for the auto-rotate screen.
        width - Screen width.
        height - Screen height.
        Returns true if the boot information layout is successful during screen setup navigation, false otherwise.
      • setPathVisible

        public void setPathVisible(boolean isVisible)
        Sets whether to highlight the path.
        isVisible - A Boolean value that indicates whether the highlighted route is displayed, true, indicates highlighting, false, and indicates that it is not highlighted.
      • addNaviInfoListener

        public void addNaviInfoListener(NaviListener listener)
        Adds navigation information listener.
        listener - Boot information update listener
      • getCarUpFront

        public boolean getCarUpFront()
        Gets whether the car is up front.
        The car head up, return true; otherwise, return false
      • getCurRoadName

        public java.lang.String getCurRoadName()
        Gets current road name.
        Current road name
      • getDisToDestination

        public double getDisToDestination()
        Gets the distance from current place to destination.
      • getDisToSwerve

        public double getDisToSwerve()
        Gets the distance from current place to the next swerve.
      • getNaviAction

        public int getNaviAction()
        Gets navigation action.
        Navigation master action
      • getNextRoadName

        public java.lang.String getNextRoadName()
        Gets the next road name.
        Road name
      • resumeGuide

        public void resumeGuide()
        Continues to guide.
      • pauseGuide

        public void pauseGuide()
        Pauses guide.
      • setCarUpFront

        public boolean setCarUpFront(boolean value)
        Sets whether the car is up front. The map can rotate if it is true.

        To use the map rotation also need to open the full screen drawing function in advance , then use Map.setFullScreenDrawModel(boolean) , and then set the head up to achieve the map rotation.

        The current map rotation only supports the rotation of the vector map, and the network map can not be rotated.

        When the map is a network map, set the parameter value = true, return false, and will output the corresponding log information; when the map for the vector map, set the parameter value = true, return true; set the parameter value = false, the total return success, The map will not rotate in the navigation

        Use the demonstration as follows:

    (mapName); //Open a map
             map.setFullScreenDrawModel(true);        // Set the full-screen drawing
             navigation.setCarUpFront (true); // Set the car up front. If you want to make map rotation by tapping the north arrow on the map, you don't need to use this clause.
        value - True, the car head up; for false, the car front and direction along the road in line
        True if the setting is successful, false otherwise
      • setRouteStyle

        public void setRouteStyle(GeoStyle value)
        Sets the route style.
        value - The style of the boot path, that is, the geometric object style
      • getTimeToDestination

        public int getTimeToDestination(double speed)
        Gets the rest time to destination.
        speed - Current speed
        Returns the remaining time
      • getPathRoadLevel

        public int getPathRoadLevel()
        Get the current road level.
        Return road grade value
      • getSecondaryAction

        public int getSecondaryAction()
        Gets the navigation secondary action.
        Navigation action value
      • addWayPoint

        public boolean addWayPoint(double x,
                                   double y)
        Adds way points.
        x - Passing point x coordinate
        y - Passing point y coordinate
        Returns true if successful, false otherwise.
      • addBarrierPoint

        public boolean addBarrierPoint(double x,
                                       double y)
        Adds barrier point.
        x - The x coordinate of the obstacle
        y - The y coordinate of the obstacle
        Returns true if successful, false otherwise
      • clearBarrierPoints

        public boolean clearBarrierPoints()
        Clears barrier points.
        Returns true if clear, false otherwise
      • addBarrierBound

        public boolean addBarrierBound(double left,
                                       double bottom,
                                       double right,
                                       double top)
        Adds barrier bound. The barrier bound should be rectangle, and the rectangle is determined by the coordinates of four corners.
        left - The left border coordinates of the obstacle area
        bottom - The right border of the obstacle area
        right - The lower boundary coordinates of the obstacle area
        top - The upper boundary coordinates of the obstacle area
        Returns true if successful, false otherwise
      • clearBarrierBound

        public boolean clearBarrierBound()
        Clears barrier bound
        Clear succeed, return true, false otherwise
      • getAdjust

        public int getAdjust()
        Gets the match status between positioning vehicle and road network.
        Returns the match status value
      • setSimulationSpeed

        public boolean setSimulationSpeed(double speed)
        Set the analog navigation speed, so that the car in accordance with the set speed (unit m / s)
        speed - Simulate navigation speed
        The setting is valid, returns true, otherwise returns false, such as setting a negative number
      • setSimulationInterval

        public boolean setSimulationInterval(int interval)
        Sets the simulation navigation interval, in milliseconds.
        interval - Simulated navigation interval
        The set time is valid and returns true, otherwise false
      • setSpeechParam

        public boolean setSpeechParam(Navigation.SpeechParam speechparam)
        Sets the guide information management to determine whether the guide information reports or not during navigation.
        speechparam - Guide broadcast control class, see alsoNavigation.SpeechParam
        Set true, return true, false otherwise
      • locateMap

        public void locateMap()
        Make the vehicle as the center of the map during the navigation. The vehicle can be always in the center of the map even after you pan the map.
      • setEncryption

        public void setEncryption(Encryption encryption)
        Sets encryption.
        encryption - Coordinate encryption algorithmEncryption
      • getNaviPath

        public NaviPath getNaviPath()
        Gets the detailed information of the navigation path. For the roads information, please see NaviPathNaviStep
        Returns the details of the current navigation path