
Class VisibilityAnalyst

  • java.lang.Object
    • com.supermap.analyst.spatialanalyst.VisibilityAnalyst

  • public class VisibilityAnalyst
    extends java.lang.Object
    Visibility analysis
    • Constructor Detail

      • VisibilityAnalyst

        public VisibilityAnalyst()
    • Method Detail

      • getAnalystSetting

        public static GridAnalystSetting getAnalystSetting()
        Gets the raster analysis settings
        The settings of raster analyses
      • setAnalystSetting

        public static void setAnalystSetting(GridAnalystSetting gridAnalystSetting)
        Sets the raster analysis settings
        gridAnalystSetting - The raster analysis settings
      • isVisible

        public static VisibleResult isVisible(DatasetGrid sourceDataset,
                                              Point3D fromPoint,
                                              Point3D toPoint)
        Whether it is visible from one point to another point
        sourceDataset - The raster data used for the calculation of the visibility
        fromPoint - The starting point of the calculation
        toPoint - The ending point of the calculation
        the visible object
      • lineOfSight

        public static GeoLine[] lineOfSight(DatasetGrid sourceDataset,
                                            Point3D fromPoint,
                                            Point3D toPoint)
        The sight line analysis
        sourceDataset - The raster data used for the sight line analysis
        fromPoint - The starting point of the sight line analysis
        toPoint - The ending point of the sight line analysis
        Return the analysis result. The first line object is the visible line, and the second line is invisible (it could be null)
      • isVisible

        public static VisibleResult[] isVisible(DatasetGrid sourceDataset,
                                                Point3Ds fromPoints,
                                                Point3Ds toPoints)
        Whether they are visible from multiple points to multiple points
        sourceDataset - The raster data used for the calculation of the visibility
        fromPoints - The starting point collection
        toPoints - The ending point of the calculation
        Multiple points and multiple result datasets. If there are m observation points and n observed points, the result array is m*n
      • calculateViewShed

        public static DatasetGrid calculateViewShed(DatasetGrid sourceDataset,
                                                    Point3D viewPoint,
                                                    double startAngle,
                                                    double viewAngle,
                                                    double viewRadius,
                                                    Datasource targetDatasource,
                                                    java.lang.String targetDatasetName)
        Single-point viewshed analysis
        sourceDataset - The raster data used for the calculation of the viewshed
        viewPoint - The observation position
        startAngle - The starting angle (rotating from the due north in a clockwise direction) of the observation position.
        viewAngle - The observed angle
        viewRadius - The view range less than 0 means no limitations
        targetDatasource - Output datasource.
        targetDatasetName - The target dataset name.
        the visible area of the observation point
      • calculateViewShed

        public static DatasetGrid calculateViewShed(DatasetGrid sourceDataset,
                                                    Point3Ds viewPoints,
                                                    double[] startAngles,
                                                    double[] viewAngles,
                                                    double[] viewRadiuses,
                                                    Datasource targetDatasource,
                                                    java.lang.String targetDatasetName,
                                                    ViewShedType viewShedType)
        Multiple-points viewshed analysis
        sourceDataset - The raster data used for the calculation of the viewshed
        viewPoints - The collection of observation positions
        startAngles - The collection of starting angles (rotating from the due north in a clockwise direction) of the observation position.
        viewAngles - The collection of observation angles
        viewRadiuses - The collection of view ranges (less than 0 means no limitations)
        targetDatasource - Output datasource.
        targetDatasetName - The target dataset name.
        viewShedType - viewshed types
        the common areas viewed in multiple observation positions
      • addSteppedListener

        public static void addSteppedListener(SteppedListener Listener)
        Add the time listener of the progress bar
        Listener - the time listener of the progress bar
      • removeSteppedListener

        public static void removeSteppedListener(SteppedListener Listener)
        Remove the time listener of the progress bar
        Listener - the time listener of the progress bar