Based on the previous version, SuperMap iDesktop 10i(2021) SP1 creates and improves the following features.
Data Management
- When opening a SQL Plus database-based datasource, you can specify the driver type of the database.
Data Processing
- The new feature Remove Redundant Node can delete redundant nodes from regional objects without changing their shapes, thereby simplifying data and improving its rendering efficiency.
Map Tiles
Optimizes the ability to check map tiles:
- Optimizes the setting of the tile directory. Now you can specify sci file (*.sci).
- Supports checking raster tiles saved on MongoDB and local tiles in formats of GIFF, JPG, and PNG8.
- You can specify a dataset range as the checking range.
- You can specify the level of tiles to be checked.
- The expressions of the checking results are optimized. You are allowed to create label thematic maps based on the types of error tiles to make the types more clear.
- You can specify a path to save the checking results.
- The checking results can be output as CSV files. The resulting CSV files record the number of error items and positions of error tiles.
- The storage of checking results is improved. The resulting datasources and maps can be saved to a new workspace conveniently for the backup and backing of data.
- The application outputs the checking results including the number of error tiles in each level and the number of tiles in each error types.
- The new feature Check Border checks if tiles that interact with the boundaries are correct. During the checking, you can mark the error tiles.