Q: | Why I am prompted to open a file datasource in readonly mode? |
A: | If the file datasource is in readonly mode, you will be prompted to and you can only open the datasource in readonly mode. When opened, you cannot edit the datasource. |
Q: | When I successfully open a datasource, why are all datasets in it gone? |
A: | To solve this problem, keep the Autoconnect box checked when you open a datasource. |
Q: | Why are the Oracle and Oracle Plus items in the Open and New drop-down lists in the Workspace and Datasource group on the Start tab are not available? |
A: | If you haven’t installed Oracle database on your computer, you are not allowed to open an Oracle workspace, open an Oracle Plus datasource, or create an Oracle Plus datasource. |
Q: | Why can’t the two users sys and system in Oracle/Oracle Spatial be used to create the datasource and it will pop up the system user can’t create datasource? |
A: | Because the table space of the system users is very small, to prevent all space to be occupied, the system users don’t support creating datasource. |
Q: | When copying some datasets in a Oracle datasource to another Oracle datasource, some succeed, but some fail. |
A: | Configure the sqlnet.ora file in the server and client of the database, and set SQLNET.SEND_TIMEOUT=600, then launch the listening. |
Q: | Why I cannot see the new field added to the attribute table? |
A: | If the attribute table is open when you add a new field, you may not be able to see the newly added field in the attribute table. Close it and open it again, you will see the newly added field. |
Q: | Why is the Add Record button in the Edit group gray when the attribute table is already open? |
A: | The Add Record command only applies to the attribute table of a tabular dataset that is not readonly. |
Q: | What is the different between UDB and SDB Plus? |
A: | The advantages of UDB over SDB Plus: 1. Supports massive data. 2. Cross-platform data sharing. 3. Efficient way to read and write. 4. Employs technologies like double encryption to ensure data safety. 5. Supports cross-thread operations, but not multi-thread access. |
Q: | Why is there information loss during the browsing and query on attribute information? |
A: | The encoding of the Chinese characters storage has some modification for better performance in SuperMap Objects .NET SP2. So for the data created in the version before SuperMap Objects .NET SP2, some information will be missing when browsing or querying the attributes information. Solution: create a new UDB datasource, copy all datasets from the old datasource to the new one. |
Q: | Why can’t I draw an object in a newly created dataset? |
A: | Please notice the coordinates of the position where you want to draw an object. You can only draw an object within the extent limit, longitude from -180 to 180 and latitude from -90 to 90. |
Q: | Why does it fail when I directly open a workspace, datasource, or cached data? |
A: | Because certain controls in some forms cannot be displayed properly for parameter input. To solve this problem, find the registry HKEYCURRENTUSER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\ComDlg32, delete OpenSavePidMRU, and then open the workspace, datasource, or cached data again. |
Q: | I created an Oracle datasource in SuperMap Deskpro .NET 6R or 7C (7.0.0), then opens it in the version 7.1.2 or above, and then open it in the old version, it will not be opened. Why? |
A: | There are two solutions which need to operate the tables in the database. The projection information is needed to be set again, please make a backup for it. Solution 1: update smdatasourceinfo set mprojectinfo = emptyblob() where dbmslob.getlength(smprojectinfo)>199; update smregister set smprojectinfo = emptyblob() where dbmslob.getlength (smprojectinfo)>199; update smimgregister set smprojectinfo = emptyblob() where dbmslob.getlength(smprojectinfo)>199; commit; This method may cause an error ORA-00997. There is solution 2. Solution 2: alter table smdatasourceinfo drop (smprojectinfo); alter table smdatasourceinfo add (smprojectinfo blob); alter table smregister drop (smprojectinfo); alter table smregister add (smprojectinfo blob); alter table smimgregister drop (smprojectinfo); alter table smimgregister add (smprojectinfo blob); At last, please set the projection. |
Q: | When copying the network dataset, if first copy the sub dataset to a new UDB datasource, then copy the parent dataset, close the UDB datasource then open it again, the sub dataset is missing and the father dataset can’t be opened well. |
A: | When first copying the sub dataset, the sub dataset name may be occupied. Please rename the sub dataset name in the new UDB datasource, then copy the parent dataset. |
Q: | My operation system is Win10 or Win8, and I can not open my workspace, datasource, etc. by dragging the corrsponding files into SuperMap iDesktop, what should I do? |
A: | The reason is that SuperMap can not obtain the dragging message. Win8 and Win10 adopts the User Account Control feature, and dragging is a lower-privilege operation, however is an administrative-privilege application which means it can not receive the information from a lower-privilege one. Solution: Change the UAC privilege to make your operation system supports the dragging operation. The detail operation is: execute Tools\EnableLUA\EnableLUA.reg in your product package and then restart your computer. |
Q: | Why can not I connect an Oracle datasource successfully by 32-bits iDesktop? |
A: | Maybe you use a 32-bit Oracle client whose version is older than 10g, at the same time there is a ”)” included in the path of your program. You can have a try to resolve the problem by following three solutions: 1. Upgrade your Oracle client to 11g or above. 2. Use a 64-bits Oracle client and a 64-bits iDesktop. 3. Move your iDesktop program to make its path without ”)“. |