Processing Data

Q: When the layer is editable, to select all features will only highlight part of them, but when the layer is not editable, it will highligh all features. Why?
A: The reason is: in the realization of the component layer, in the editing state the selected Geometry objects are stored in memory, if it selects too many features it will lead to insufficient memory, so it sets a limit on the number of objects selected by default 10000.
It users want to highlight all features, they can change the value of MaxEditGeometrySize in SuperMap.xml. It’s not recommended to set a big value if there is no big memory.
If the total feature number is less than 10000, but not all features can be highlighted, the reason may be that the spatial index of the dataset gets error, first rebuild its spatial index then select again.
Q: Some info are lost when browsing and querying the properties of UDB data in Chinese?
A: The version before SP2 has some programs in supporting Chinese characters. SP2 has improved the supporting.

Note: Please don’t edit the dataset of SP2 and further version using 6R or 6R sp1 versions to avoid losing information.