Layer Manager for Maps

When the currently active window is a map window, Layer Manager manages all layers of the map displayed in the map window. Each node in Layer Manager corresponds to a layer of the map. The node and its corresponding layer share the same caption.

You can easily control a layer’s visibility, editability, selectability and do style settings, snap settigns, etc for a layer from Layer Manager.

Introduction to Map layers

Datasets are displayed in the form of layers. When a dataset is added to a map, a corresponding layer is created to reference the dataset. Since a layer in a map is only a reference to a dataset, a dataset can be added to a same or different map window for several times, that is, a dataset can be referenced by several layers and displayed in different styles. However, a layer can only reference one dataset.

Based on the type of dataset a layer references, the types of a layer includes: point, line, region, text, grid, image, etc.

Depending on how it is drawn, a layer can be either a general layer or a thematic layer. A general layer is a layer with all its geometric objects drawn in a uniform style. While a thematic layer is constructed based on a general layer through thematic mapping and it is drawn in complex drawing style. Typically, geometric objects can be drawn in various styles in a common thematic layer.

Introduction to Layer Manager

When a map window is activated, layers in the map will be displayed in Layer Manager.

A context menu is provided for each node in Layer Manager.

Besides, you can use the commands provided on the toolbar to create a new group, manager layers in Layer Manager and to achieve the function of hierarchical map. About more information with layer control and layer group, please refer to Layer Group, Layer Control.

Layer Manager Operation