Based on the previous version, SuperMap iDesktop 10i(2021) creates and improves the following features
Data Management
- When creating a new datasource, the default coordinate system is CGS2000. You are allowed to change it through a configuration file.
- When creating or opening a PostGIS-based datasource, the default pool size is 50. While for other database-based datasource, the default pool size is 1.
- When creating or opening an OracleSpatial-based datasource, you can specify the max pool size.
- Introduces two Japanese geographic coordinate systems: JGD2000 and JGD2011.
- The mosaic dataset supports managing image data in the format of sid.
Data Processing
- The version can re-calculate the length of the vector line dataset and the perimeter and area of the vector range dataset.
- The feature Extract Border can work on 3D line datasets and 3D region datasets.
Spatial Analysis
- Optimizes the feature Overlay Analysis. And now, you can set self-intersection parameters to save the self intersection areas as multiple overlap objects.
Network Analysis
- Optimizes the display of results of Connectivity Analysis. The analysis result will be shown on the map intuitively.
Optimizes the tool Diagnose Performance :
- Improves the interactive way of the tool interface. It is a float window and docks on the right side of the map window. And so, you can do settings and check diagnosed results without affecting your interaction with your map.
- The feature can diagnose the performance of your maps im multiple scales.
- Newly adds multiple color scheme applicable to DEM and aggregation maps to rich the display of data.
- Newly introduces 142 symbols. Among them, there are 49 linear symbols, 12 filling symbols, and 81 SVG marker symbols to meet more industrial requirements.
- The new feature GeoSOT Grid feature can generate grid data based on the GeoSOT grid division standard.
Map Tiles
Optimizes the feature Map Tiles (Multi-task).
- You are allowed to adjust the priority of the generation of tiles in a scale and pause all related tasks.
- For the global-subdivision tiling mode, to generate map tiles through multiple tasks, you can specify a base scale, which can improve the efficiency of generating map tiles from mosaic datasets.
- The tile-generating progress and log information are refreshed and shown instantly.
- Supports setting a border dataset when merging map tiles to MongoDB. The feature will merge tiles intersecting each other at borders to improve the operation efficiency.
Data Processing
- Optimize “Create Spatial Index” to support the creation of nested spatial index.
- Optimize “Map generation 3D cache”, support setting scene type.
- Optimize the model “Generate Cache”. When the single-slice cache is larger than 5M, the output window will output a prompt message; the default parameters of the LOD setting are changed to 75%, 50%, 25%; support setting the attribute storage type, material association file, and S3M version The filter threshold unit is changed to meters; the shortest side parameter of the triangle in the vertex weight mode is changed to height; the model generation S3MBlock cache supports checking the “Instantiate” option.
- Optimize the vector “Generation Cache”, support setting attributes storage type, S3M version and other parameters.
- Optimize the scene “Generate Cache” to support the S3M version.
- Optimize Voxel Grid “Generate Cache” to support S3M version.
3D Data
- Optimized the “vector region stretch generated model cache”, support setting the attribute storage type, S3M version and other parameters; optimized the model cache border line effect.
- Optimize the “Point Set Generation Cache Plug-in Model”, support setting the attribute storage type, S3M version and other parameters; support setting the game engine asset path.
- Optimize the “Model Cache Merge Root Node”: the default pyramid level is 2; the default parameters of the LOD reduction rate are 75%.
- New feature: “Tile Management”, support for storing data in the MongoDB database; after the data is stored in the MongoDB database, a configuration file will be generated in the specified path; support for connecting to the MongoDB database to add, delete, and query data.
- New feature: “3DTiles to S3M”, which supports the conversion of 3dtiles 3D model data, Oblique Photogrammetric Model Data, to S3M.
- New feature: Model “Texture Re-mapping”, which supports re-splicing the texture of Oblique Photogrammetric Model.
- Optimize “Generate Configuration File”, abolish the target coordinate system, and adjust the target coordinate system to “ObliqueBuilder”.
- Optimize “ObliqueBuilder” to support batch storage; support to set the center point coordinate unit, target coordinate system, S3M version and other parameters.
- Optimize “Generate Cache” (point cloud), support setting attribute storage type parameters; support generating cache for point cloud data with a space character as the separator.
- Optimize the “Export Model”, and support the export of four data formats: OBJ, FBX, KML+S3MB, and KML+FBX.
- Support setting camera field of view mode, support custom horizontal or vertical field of view angle.
- Support setting speed and magnification parameters to control the speed of HTC handles.
3D Designer
- Optimize “Triangulation Simplification” and support setting vertex threshold parameters.
- New feature: “Model Check” to view the maximum number of vertices and maximum triangle data information of model objects and sub-objects.
- Optimize “stakeout”, support the use of cube, plane and other texture methods to map the model.
- New feature: “3D Polar Coordinate Modeling”, which supports the construction of 3D region models based on UV parameters and mathematical expressions.
- Optimize the model “Boolean Operation”, the calculation time is shorter.
- New feature: “Remove Suspended Solids”, support to remove suspended solids in Oblique Photogrammetric Data.
3D Analysis
- Optimize “Video Releasing” and support setting roll angle parameters.
- Optimize “Slope and Aspect Analysis” to support obtaining the slope and aspect values of the specified location in degrees.