Q: | How to view the version information? |
A: | Click the Start button, click Options at the bottom, and Click About to display the version information. |
Q: | What can we do if it pops up to install .NET Framework 4.0 when installing iDesktop? |
A: | Find the dotNetFx40_Full_x86_x64.exe program under installation directory\Support, double click to install it. |
Q: | The decompressed green package downloaded from SuperMap official website can't be launched. |
A: | Right click the downloaded compressed package to view its properties, remove the blocked item, then decompress it to use. |
Q: | When you are using iDesktop 8.1.1 or above, after starting the program, the application prompts that a file has been broken, hence iDesktop cannot be started. |
A: | You need to clear the 'Configuration' folder in the installation foder to resolve the problem. And then restart the program. |
Q: | just flashes for a while or pops up that the license is unavailable when double clicking the iDesktop icon. |
A: | The reason is that there is no available license. Double click the SuperMap.LicenseCenter.exe program under iDesktop installation directory\SuperMap\ \Tools\SuperMapLicenseCenter to install it. Generally it will contain a 90-day trial license. If users have been used iDesktop before, it may need to update the license. The methods are: 1 Contact globalsupport@supernap.com to buy the official license; 2 Apply a trial license on the website: http://www.supermapol.com/web/pricing/triallicense. |
Q: | Why can't I navigate to help page by pressing F1 after I set the HelpURL for the control in the Customize window? |
A: | You can navigate to the help page specified only if you also have specified the CtrlAction or the code segment for the control. |
Q: | Why is the online help document empty? |
A: | Right click the document to select Properties and remove the lock. |
Q: | why can't I play the animation in the help? |
A: | The animations are SWF files, users must install Flash player. |
Q: | Why can't I display the Set drop-down list by clicking the Set drop-down arrow in the Projection group on the Data tab? |
A: | You will not be able to display the Set drop-down list if you haven't add any projections to favorites. |
Q: | Why is there no result when searching with Chinese texts in the online help document? |
A: | The online help document doesn't support Chinese text and fuzzy searching. |
Q: | Why is the font on the UI of the desktop product not smooth? |
A: | The fonts seem rough with ClearType Off. To solve this problem, turn ClearType of your operating system on. |
Q: | Why do some characters get corrupted when I paste the content in a field of the attribute table to a word doc? |
A: |
This problem occurs due to the default paste settings in word. To solve this problem, you can: 1 Paste the contents into a *.txt file first, and then paste into a word file. 2 Change the paste settings in word. Navigate to ?Word Options?>?Advanced?>?Cut, copy, and paste?, click the drop-down arrow to the right of the Pasting from other programs and click Keep text only. Then past the contents to the word doc. 3 Paste the contents to the word doc, then click the drop-down arrow in the bottom right, and click Keep text only. |
Q: | What problems should draw our attention when using Oracle database? |
A: | You have to install Oracle Client Server before using the Oracle database; and you have to modify the maximum number of connection and cursor of server, when the connection number is large. |
Q: | What problems should draw our attention when using PostgreSQL database? |
A: | You have to install PostgreSQL Client Server before using the PostgreSQL database; and set the environment variable, if a firewall is installed on the server, you need to open the port of the monitor (the standard port is 5432). |
Q: | What problems should draw our attention when using DB2 database? |
A: | You need to install DB2 client. |
Q: | Why it is very slow for the computer to visit ODBC datasources like SQL Server? |
A: | Check the tracing state in Control Panel-> Administrative Tool->Data Sources (ODBC), the Tracing tab. If it is enabled, disable it will improve the visit speed. |
Q: | Why I can't open the layout in an old version of iDesktop which was saved in a new one? |
A: | Some optimization and adjustment have been done to the storage of layout since , and so the layout saved in the new version can not be opened in old versions. You are allowed to export the layout as a layout template which can be opened in old versions. |