
iServer Daemon Installation

iServer Node must install the daemon process before building tiling cluster. For the time being, only the created iServer is supported to set up the building tiling cluster.

Windows Operating System

  1. Create the soft connection

    Place the daemon process package icloudmanager-remote to a directory (you can get from the top right of iManager)

    Execute the mklink /D C:\SuperMapiServer {iserver installation directory} to create the soft connection for C:\SuperMapiServer. Specify to the iserver installation directory

    Execute the mklink /D C:\icloudmanager-remote {iserver daemon process} to create the soft connection for C:\icloudmanager-remote. Specify to the daemon process


    The contents in {} are replaced according to the actual situation.

  2. Register service

    Open the command prompt window with administrator privileges and enter the bin directory in the daemon folder. Executes the command service.bat to install daemon processing service

    Execute the command regedit /s startmethod.reg to start the registration table parameter

    If the iSever on your virtual machine is not registered as a service, you need to execute the command service.bat install to register the iserver as a service with the CD command in the command prompt interface in bin directory of iserver

    Enter the service management interface through the services.msc. Set the SuperMapOL and SuperMap iServer to automatically started.

  3. Configure the tiling node

    Modify the iserver installation directory \webapps\iserver\WEB-INF\config\iserver-tilemaster-config.xml file, and change the <isUseLocalWorker> value to false, as shown below:

  4. Restart the iServer from the service management interface
  5. Restart the SuperMapOL from the service management interface

Linux Operating System

  1. Create the soft connection

    Place the daemon process package icloudmanager-remote to a directory (you can get from the top right of iManager)

    Execute the ln -sf {iserver installation directory}/etc/icloud/SuperMapiServer to create the soft connection for /etc/icloud/SuperMapiServer. Specify to the iserver installation directory

    Execute the ln -sf {iserver daemon process}/etc/icloud/icloudmanager-remote to create the soft connection for /etc/icloud/icloudmanager-remote. Specify to the daemon process

    The contents in {} are replaced according to the actual situation. The following validation can be done to ensure that the soft connection is correct, taking iServer as an example:

    cd【iServer Instillation Directory】: ls
    cd /etc/icloud/SuperMapiServer;ls

    The above two line commands should be the same content that indicates that the soft connection is correct.

  2. Set up startup automatically

    Use the command chmod 777 -R icloudmanager-remote/ to set the execution right for files in icloudmanager-remote folder

    Add the script of starting the daemon processing in the /etc/rc.local file. As follows:

    cd /etc/icloud/icloudmanager-remote/bin
  3. Configure the tiling node

    Modify the iserver installation directory /webapps/iserver/WEB-INF/config/iserver-tilemaster-config.xml file, and change the <isUseLocalWorker> value to false, as shown below:


    Restart the iServer:

    cd /etc/icloud/SuperMapiServer/bin

    Start the daemon process:

    cd /etc/icloud/icloudmanager-remote/bin