Contains functions for finding the Cartesian coordinates of the sun and the moon in theEarth-centered inertial frame.
staticCesium.Simon1994PlanetaryPositions.computeMoonPositionInEarthInertialFrame(julianDate, result) → Cartesian3
Computes the position of the Moon in the Earth-centered inertial frame
Name Type Description julianDate
JulianDate optional The time at which to compute the Sun's position, if not provided the current system time is used. result
Cartesian3 optional The object onto which to store the result. Returns:
Calculated moon position -
staticCesium.Simon1994PlanetaryPositions.computeSunPositionInEarthInertialFrame(julianDate, result) → Cartesian3
Computes the position of the Sun in the Earth-centered inertial frame
Name Type Description julianDate
JulianDate optional The time at which to compute the Sun's position, if not provided the current system time is used. result
Cartesian3 optional The object onto which to store the result. Returns:
Calculated sun position