
new Cesium.Camera(scene)

相机类,它由位置、方向和视锥体定义。 视锥体(viewing frustum)由6个(上、下、左、右、近、远)平面限定,每个平面可由Cartesian4对象表示,其中x,y和z分量定义垂直于平面的单位向量,w分量是平面距原点/相机位置的距离。
Name Type Description
scene Scene 场景对象。
var camera = new Cesium.Camera(scene);
camera.position = new Cesium.Cartesian3();
camera.direction = Cesium.Cartesian3.negate(Cesium.Cartesian3.UNIT_Z, new Cesium.Cartesian3());
camera.up = Cesium.Cartesian3.clone(Cesium.Cartesian3.UNIT_Y);
camera.frustum.fov = Cesium.Math.PI_OVER_THREE;
camera.frustum.near = 1.0;
camera.frustum.far = 2.0;


staticCesium.Camera.DEFAULT_OFFSET : HeadingPitchRange

The default heading/pitch/range that is used when the camera flies to a location that contains a bounding sphere.

staticCesium.Camera.DEFAULT_VIEW_FACTOR : Number

A scalar to multiply to the camera position and add it back after setting the camera to view the rectangle.A value of zero means the camera will view the entire Camera#DEFAULT_VIEW_RECTANGLE, a value greater than zerowill move it further away from the extent, and a value less than zero will move it close to the extent.

staticCesium.Camera.DEFAULT_VIEW_RECTANGLE : Rectangle

The default rectangle the camera will view on creation.

readonlychanged : Event

Gets the event that will be raised when the camera has changed by percentageChanged.

constrainedAxis : Cartesian3

If set, the camera will not be able to rotate past this axis in either direction.
Default Value: undefined

defaultLookAmount : Number

The default amount to rotate the camera when an argument is notprovided to the look methods.
Default Value: Math.PI / 60.0

defaultMoveAmount : Number

The default amount to move the camera when an argument is notprovided to the move methods.
Default Value: 100000.0;

defaultRotateAmount : Number

The default amount to rotate the camera when an argument is notprovided to the rotate methods.
Default Value: Math.PI / 3600.0

defaultZoomAmount : Number

The default amount to move the camera when an argument is notprovided to the zoom methods.
Default Value: 100000.0;

direction : Cartesian3


readonlydirectionWC : Cartesian3

Gets the view direction of the camera in world coordinates.

flyCircleLoop : Boolean

var scene = viewer.scene;
var camera =;
camera.flyCircleLoop = true;

flyClampToGround : Boolean


frustum : Frustum

Default Value: PerspectiveFrustum()

readonlyheading : Number


readonlyinverseTransform : Matrix4

Gets the inverse camera transform.
Default Value: Matrix4.IDENTITY

readonlyinverseViewMatrix : Matrix4

Gets the inverse view matrix.

maximumZoomFactor : Number

The factor multiplied by the the map size used to determine where to clamp the camera positionwhen zooming out from the surface. The default is 1.5. Only valid for 2D and the map is rotatable.
Default Value: 1.5

readonlymoveEnd : Event

Gets the event that will be raised when the camera has stopped moving.

readonlymoveStart : Event

Gets the event that will be raised at when the camera starts to move.

percentageChanged : number

The amount the camera has to change before the changed event is raised. The value is a percentage in the [0, 1] range.
Default Value: 0.5

readonlypitch : Number


position : Cartesian3


readonlypositionCartographic : Cartographic

Gets the Cartographic position of the camera, with longitude and latitudeexpressed in radians and height in meters. In 2D and Columbus View, it is possiblefor the returned longitude and latitude to be outside the range of valid longitudesand latitudes when the camera is outside the map.

readonlypositionWC : Cartesian3

Gets the position of the camera in world coordinates.

readonlyrightWC : Cartesian3

Gets the right direction of the camera in world coordinates.

readonlyroll : Number


sensitivePositionRatio : Number


speedRatio : Number


readonlytransform : Matrix4

Gets the camera's reference frame. The inverse of this transformation is appended to the view matrix.
Default Value: Matrix4.IDENTITY

up : Cartesian3


readonlyupWC : Cartesian3

Gets the up direction of the camera in world coordinates.

readonlyviewMatrix : Matrix4

Gets the view matrix.


cameraToWorldCoordinates(cartesian, result)Cartesian4

Transform a vector or point from the camera's reference frame to world coordinates.
Name Type Description
cartesian Cartesian4 The vector or point to transform.
result Cartesian4 optional The object onto which to store the result.
The transformed vector or point.

cameraToWorldCoordinatesPoint(cartesian, result)Cartesian3

Transform a point from the camera's reference frame to world coordinates.
Name Type Description
cartesian Cartesian3 The point to transform.
result Cartesian3 optional The object onto which to store the result.
The transformed point.

cameraToWorldCoordinatesVector(cartesian, result)Cartesian3

Transform a vector from the camera's reference frame to world coordinates.
Name Type Description
cartesian Cartesian3 The vector to transform.
result Cartesian3 optional The object onto which to store the result.
The transformed vector.


Cancels the current camera flight if one is in progress.The camera is left at it's current location.

computeViewRectangle(ellipsoid, result)Rectangle|undefined

Computes the approximate visible rectangle on the ellipsoid.
Name Type Default Description
ellipsoid Ellipsoid Ellipsoid.WGS84 optional The ellipsoid that you want to know the visible region.
result Rectangle optional The rectangle in which to store the result
The visible rectangle or undefined if the ellipsoid isn't visible at all.


Disables reflection modification previously turned on with enableReflection.


Return the distance from the camera to the front of the bounding sphere.
Name Type Description
boundingSphere BoundingSphere The bounding sphere in world coordinates.
The distance to the bounding sphere.


Modifies this frustum so it always renders from the reflection of itself through the plane specified.
Name Type Description
plane Plane optional the reflection of plane


Name Type Description
center Number 在场景中所绘制点的三维空间坐标值。
var scene = viewer.scene;
var camera =;
var handlerPoint = new Cesium.DrawHandler(viewer,Cesium.DrawMode.Point);
    center = result.object.position;


Fly the camera to the home view. Use Camera#.DEFAULT_VIEW_RECTANGLE to setthe default view for the 3D scene. The home view for 2D and columbus view shows theentire map.
Name Type Description
duration Number optional The duration of the flight in seconds. If omitted, Cesium attempts to calculate an ideal duration based on the distance to be traveled by the flight. See Camera#flyTo


Name Type Description
options Object 对象具有以下属性:
Name Type Description
destination Cartesian3 | Rectangle 相机在WGS84世界坐标系中的最终位置,或是自顶向下视图中可见的矩形区域。
orientation Object optional 包含了方位(direction)、上方向(up)以及方位角(heading)、俯仰角(pitch)、滚动角(roll)属性的对象。默认情况下,3D中方位(direction)指向框架中心,在Columbus视图中指向负z方向。 在3D中上方向(up)指向本地北方向,而在Columbus视图中指向正y方向。在无限滚动模式下,二维视图不使用方向(orientation)。
duration Number optional 飞行持续时间(以秒为单位)。如果省略,由飞行距离计算合理的持续时间。
complete Camera~FlightCompleteCallback optional 飞行完成时执行的功能。
cancel Camera~FlightCancelledCallback optional 飞行取消时执行的功能。
endTransform Matrix4 optional 飞行完成时相机将处于的参考系的变换矩阵。
maximumHeight Number optional 飞行中的最大高度。
easingFunction EasingFunction | EasingFunction~Callback optional 释放时调用功能。
pitchAdjustHeight Number optional If camera flyes higher than that value, adjust pitch duiring the flight to look down, and keep Earth in viewport.
flyOverLongitude Number optional There are always two ways between 2 points on globe. This option force camera to choose fight direction to fly over that longitude.
flyOverLongitudeWeight Number optional Fly over the lon specifyed via flyOverLongitude only if that way is not longer than short way times flyOverLongitudeWeight.
  • DeveloperError : 若提供了方向(direction )、上方向(up)两者之一,则两者都需要提供。
// 1. 飞向通过top-down视图表示的位置{
    destination : Cesium.Cartesian3.fromDegrees(-117.16, 32.71, 15000.0)

// 2. 飞向通过top-down视图表示的矩形{
    destination : Cesium.Rectangle.fromDegrees(west, south, east, north)

// 3. 飞向利用单位向量表示方向(orientatin)的位置{
    destination : Cesium.Cartesian3.fromDegrees(-122.19, 46.25, 5000.0),
    orientation : {
        direction : new Cesium.Cartesian3(-0.04231243104240401, -0.20123236049443421, -0.97862924300734),
        up : new Cesium.Cartesian3(-0.47934589305293746, -0.8553216253114552, 0.1966022179118339)

// 4. 飞向利用方位角(heading)、俯仰角(pitch)、滚动角(roll)表示方向(orientatin)的位置{
    destination : Cesium.Cartesian3.fromDegrees(-122.19, 46.25, 5000.0),
    orientation : {
        heading : Cesium.Math.toRadians(175.0),
        pitch : Cesium.Math.toRadians(-35.0),
        roll : 0.0

flyToBoundingSphere(boundingSphere, options)

Flies the camera to a location where the current view contains the provided bounding sphere.

The offset is heading/pitch/range in the local east-north-up reference frame centered at the center of the bounding sphere.The heading and the pitch angles are defined in the local east-north-up reference frame.The heading is the angle from y axis and increasing towards the x axis. Pitch is the rotation from the xy-plane. Positive pitchangles are below the plane. Negative pitch angles are above the plane. The range is the distance from the center. If the range iszero, a range will be computed such that the whole bounding sphere is visible.

In 2D and Columbus View, there must be a top down view. The camera will be placed above the target looking down. The height above thetarget will be the range. The heading will be aligned to local north.

Name Type Description
boundingSphere BoundingSphere The bounding sphere to view, in world coordinates.
options Object optional Object with the following properties:
Name Type Description
duration Number optional The duration of the flight in seconds. If omitted, Cesium attempts to calculate an ideal duration based on the distance to be traveled by the flight.
offset HeadingPitchRange optional The offset from the target in the local east-north-up reference frame centered at the target.
complete Camera~FlightCompleteCallback optional The function to execute when the flight is complete.
cancel Camera~FlightCancelledCallback optional The function to execute if the flight is cancelled.
endTransform Matrix4 optional Transform matrix representing the reference frame the camera will be in when the flight is completed.
maximumHeight Number optional The maximum height at the peak of the flight.
pitchAdjustHeight Number optional If camera flyes higher than that value, adjust pitch duiring the flight to look down, and keep Earth in viewport.
flyOverLongitude Number optional There are always two ways between 2 points on globe. This option force camera to choose fight direction to fly over that longitude.
flyOverLongitudeWeight Number optional Fly over the lon specifyed via flyOverLongitude only if that way is not longer than short way times flyOverLongitudeWeight.
easingFunction EasingFunction | EasingFunction~Callback optional Controls how the time is interpolated over the duration of the flight.


Gets the magnitude of the camera position. In 3D, this is the vector magnitude. In 2D andColumbus view, this is the distance to the map.
The magnitude of the position.

getPickRay(windowPosition, result)Ray

Create a ray from the camera position through the pixel at windowPositionin world coordinates.
Name Type Description
windowPosition Cartesian2 The x and y coordinates of a pixel.
result Ray optional The object onto which to store the result.
Returns the Cartesian3 position and direction of the ray.

getPixelSize(boundingSphere, drawingBufferWidth, drawingBufferHeight)Number

Return the pixel size in meters.
Name Type Description
boundingSphere BoundingSphere The bounding sphere in world coordinates.
drawingBufferWidth Number The drawing buffer width.
drawingBufferHeight Number The drawing buffer height.
The pixel size in meters.

getRectangleCameraCoordinates(rectangle, result)Cartesian3

Get the camera position needed to view a rectangle on an ellipsoid or map
Name Type Description
rectangle Rectangle The rectangle to view.
result Cartesian3 optional The camera position needed to view the rectangle
The camera position needed to view the rectangle

look(axis, angle)

Rotate each of the camera's orientation vectors around axis by angle
Name Type Description
axis Cartesian3 The axis to rotate around.
angle Number optional The angle, in radians, to rotate by. Defaults to defaultLookAmount.

lookAt(target, offset)

通过目标(target)和偏移(offset)设置相机位置、方向。目标(target)以世界坐标方式表示;偏移(offset)是在以目标为中心的本地“东-北-上”参考系中的笛卡尔坐标或“方位角/俯仰角/范围(heading/pitch/range)”。如果偏移(offset)由笛卡尔坐标表示,它表示距离由变换矩阵定义的参考系中心的偏移量。 如果偏移(offset)由“heading/pitch/range”表示,方位角(heading)和俯仰角(pitch)的角度由根据变换矩阵定义的参考系确定,方位角(heading)从y轴开始朝向x轴增加,俯仰角(pitch)为从xy平面的旋转角度,正的俯仰角位于平面下方,负的俯仰角位于平面上方。范围(range)为距中心点的距离。在2D中必须为自上而下视图,相机位于俯视目标的上方,目标上方的高度值是偏移量的大小。方位角根据偏移确定,如果不能从偏移确定方位角,则方位角为北方向。
Name Type Description
target Cartesian3 目标在世界坐标中的空间位置。
offset Cartesian3 | HeadingPitchRange 距以目标为中心的本地“东-北-上”参考系的偏移。
// 1. 利用笛卡尔坐标设置偏移
var center = Cesium.Cartesian3.fromDegrees(-98.0, 40.0);, new Cesium.Cartesian3(0.0, -4790000.0, 3930000.0));

// 2. 利用HeadingPitchRange设置偏移
var center = Cesium.Cartesian3.fromDegrees(-72.0, 40.0);
var heading = Cesium.Math.toRadians(50.0);
var pitch = Cesium.Math.toRadians(-20.0);
var range = 5000.0;, new Cesium.HeadingPitchRange(heading, pitch, range));

lookAtTransform(transform, offset)

Sets the camera position and orientation using a target and transformation matrix. The offset can be either a cartesian or heading/pitch/range.If the offset is a cartesian, then it is an offset from the center of the reference frame defined by the transformation matrix. If the offsetis heading/pitch/range, then the heading and the pitch angles are defined in the reference frame defined by the transformation matrix.The heading is the angle from y axis and increasing towards the x axis. Pitch is the rotation from the xy-plane. Positive pitchangles are below the plane. Negative pitch angles are above the plane. The range is the distance from the center.In 2D, there must be a top down view. The camera will be placed above the center of the reference frame. The height above thetarget will be the magnitude of the offset. The heading will be determined from the offset. If the heading cannot bedetermined from the offset, the heading will be north.
Name Type Description
transform Matrix4 The transformation matrix defining the reference frame.
offset Cartesian3 | HeadingPitchRange optional The offset from the target in a reference frame centered at the target.
// 1. Using a cartesian offset
var transform = Cesium.Transforms.eastNorthUpToFixedFrame(Cesium.Cartesian3.fromDegrees(-98.0, 40.0));, new Cesium.Cartesian3(0.0, -4790000.0, 3930000.0));

// 2. Using a HeadingPitchRange offset
var transform = Cesium.Transforms.eastNorthUpToFixedFrame(Cesium.Cartesian3.fromDegrees(-72.0, 40.0));
var heading = Cesium.Math.toRadians(50.0);
var pitch = Cesium.Math.toRadians(-20.0);
var range = 5000.0;, new Cesium.HeadingPitchRange(heading, pitch, range));


Rotates the camera around its right vector by amount, in radians, in the opposite directionof its up vector.
Name Type Description
amount Number optional The amount, in radians, to rotate by. Defaults to defaultLookAmount.


Rotates the camera around its up vector by amount, in radians, in the opposite directionof its right vector.
Name Type Description
amount Number optional The amount, in radians, to rotate by. Defaults to defaultLookAmount.


Rotates the camera around its up vector by amount, in radians, in the directionof its right vector.
Name Type Description
amount Number optional The amount, in radians, to rotate by. Defaults to defaultLookAmount.


Rotates the camera around its right vector by amount, in radians, in the directionof its up vector.
Name Type Description
amount Number optional The amount, in radians, to rotate by. Defaults to defaultLookAmount.

move(direction, amount)

Translates the camera's position by amount along direction.
Name Type Description
direction Cartesian3 The direction to move.
amount Number optional The amount, in meters, to move. Defaults to defaultMoveAmount.


Translates the camera's position by amount along the opposite directionof the camera's view vector.
Name Type Description
amount Number optional The amount, in meters, to move. Defaults to defaultMoveAmount.


Translates the camera's position by amount along the opposite directionof the camera's up vector.
Name Type Description
amount Number optional The amount, in meters, to move. Defaults to defaultMoveAmount.


Translates the camera's position by amount along the camera's view vector.
Name Type Description
amount Number optional The amount, in meters, to move. Defaults to defaultMoveAmount.


Translates the camera's position by amount along the opposite directionof the camera's right vector.
Name Type Description
amount Number optional The amount, in meters, to move. Defaults to defaultMoveAmount.


Translates the camera's position by amount along the camera's right vector.
Name Type Description
amount Number optional The amount, in meters, to move. Defaults to defaultMoveAmount.


Translates the camera's position by amount along the camera's up vector.
Name Type Description
amount Number optional The amount, in meters, to move. Defaults to defaultMoveAmount.

pickEllipsoid(windowPosition, ellipsoid, result)Cartesian3

Pick an ellipsoid or map.
Name Type Default Description
windowPosition Cartesian2 The x and y coordinates of a pixel.
ellipsoid Ellipsoid Ellipsoid.WGS84 optional The ellipsoid to pick.
result Cartesian3 optional The object onto which to store the result.
If the ellipsoid or map was picked, returns the point on the surface of the ellipsoid or mapin world coordinates. If the ellipsoid or map was not picked, returns undefined.

rotate(axis, angle)

Rotates the camera around axis by angle. The distanceof the camera's position to the center of the camera's reference frame remains the same.
Name Type Description
axis Cartesian3 The axis to rotate around given in world coordinates.
angle Number optional The angle, in radians, to rotate by. Defaults to defaultRotateAmount.


Rotates the camera around the center of the camera's reference frame by angle downwards.
Name Type Description
angle Number optional The angle, in radians, to rotate by. Defaults to defaultRotateAmount.


Rotates the camera around the center of the camera's reference frame by angle to the left.
Name Type Description
angle Number optional The angle, in radians, to rotate by. Defaults to defaultRotateAmount.


Rotates the camera around the center of the camera's reference frame by angle to the right.
Name Type Description
angle Number optional The angle, in radians, to rotate by. Defaults to defaultRotateAmount.


Rotates the camera around the center of the camera's reference frame by angle upwards.
Name Type Description
angle Number optional The angle, in radians, to rotate by. Defaults to defaultRotateAmount.


Name Type Description
options Object 对象具有以下属性:
Name Type Description
destination Cartesian3 | Rectangle optional 相机在WGS84世界坐标系中的最终位置,或是自顶向下视图中可见的矩形区域。
orientation Object optional 包含了方位(direction)、上方向(up)以及方位角(heading)、俯仰角(pitch)、滚动角(roll)属性的对象。 默认情况下,3D中方位(direction)指向框架中心,在Columbus视图中指向负z方向。 在3D中上方向(up)指向本地北方向,而在Columbus视图中指向正y方向。在无限滚动模式下,二维视图不使用方向(orientation)。
endTransform Matrix4 optional 表示相机参考坐标系的变换矩阵。
convert Boolean optional 是否将相机最终位置从世界坐标转换为场景坐标,默认值True。
// 1. 通过top-down视图设置位置。{
    destination : Cesium.Cartesian3.fromDegrees(-117.16, 32.71, 15000.0)

// 2 通过方位角、俯仰角、滚动角设置视图。{
    destination : cartesianPosition,
    orientation: {
        heading : Cesium.Math.toRadians(90.0), // east, default value is 0.0 (north)
        pitch : Cesium.Math.toRadians(-90),    // default value (looking down)
        roll : 0.0                             // default value

// 3. 相机空间位置不变,改变方位角、俯仰角和滚动角。.{
    orientation: {
        heading : Cesium.Math.toRadians(90.0), // east, default value is 0.0 (north)
        pitch : Cesium.Math.toRadians(-90),    // default value (looking down)
        roll : 0.0                             // default value

// 4. 通过自顶向下视图查看矩形。{
    destination : Cesium.Rectangle.fromDegrees(west, south, east, north)

// 5. 通过使用单位向量的方向(orientation)设置相机位置。{
    destination : Cesium.Cartesian3.fromDegrees(-122.19, 46.25, 5000.0),
    orientation : {
        direction : new Cesium.Cartesian3(-0.04231243104240401, -0.20123236049443421, -0.97862924300734),
        up : new Cesium.Cartesian3(-0.47934589305293746, -0.8553216253114552, 0.1966022179118339)




Switches the frustum/projection to orthographic.This function is a no-op in 2D which will always be orthographic.


Switches the frustum/projection to perspective.This function is a no-op in 2D which must always be orthographic.


Rotate the camera counter-clockwise around its direction vector by amount, in radians.
Name Type Description
amount Number optional The amount, in radians, to rotate by. Defaults to defaultLookAmount.


Rotate the camera clockwise around its direction vector by amount, in radians.
Name Type Description
amount Number optional The amount, in radians, to rotate by. Defaults to defaultLookAmount.

viewBoundingSphere(boundingSphere, offset)

Sets the camera so that the current view contains the provided bounding sphere.

The offset is heading/pitch/range in the local east-north-up reference frame centered at the center of the bounding sphere.The heading and the pitch angles are defined in the local east-north-up reference frame.The heading is the angle from y axis and increasing towards the x axis. Pitch is the rotation from the xy-plane. Positive pitchangles are below the plane. Negative pitch angles are above the plane. The range is the distance from the center. If the range iszero, a range will be computed such that the whole bounding sphere is visible.

In 2D, there must be a top down view. The camera will be placed above the target looking down. The height above thetarget will be the range. The heading will be determined from the offset. If the heading cannot bedetermined from the offset, the heading will be north.

Name Type Description
boundingSphere BoundingSphere The bounding sphere to view, in world coordinates.
offset HeadingPitchRange optional The offset from the target in the local east-north-up reference frame centered at the target.
  • DeveloperError : viewBoundingSphere is not supported while morphing.

worldToCameraCoordinates(cartesian, result)Cartesian4

Transform a vector or point from world coordinates to the camera's reference frame.
Name Type Description
cartesian Cartesian4 The vector or point to transform.
result Cartesian4 optional The object onto which to store the result.
The transformed vector or point.

worldToCameraCoordinatesPoint(cartesian, result)Cartesian3

Transform a point from world coordinates to the camera's reference frame.
Name Type Description
cartesian Cartesian3 The point to transform.
result Cartesian3 optional The object onto which to store the result.
The transformed point.

worldToCameraCoordinatesVector(cartesian, result)Cartesian3

Transform a vector from world coordinates to the camera's reference frame.
Name Type Description
cartesian Cartesian3 The vector to transform.
result Cartesian3 optional The object onto which to store the result.
The transformed vector.


Zooms amount along the camera's view vector.
Name Type Description
amount Number optional The amount to move. Defaults to defaultZoomAmount.


Zooms amount along the opposite direction ofthe camera's view vector.
Name Type Description
amount Number optional The amount to move. Defaults to defaultZoomAmount.

Type Definitions


A function that will execute when a flight is cancelled.


A function that will execute when a flight completes.