
new Cesium.PassState()

The state for a particular rendering pass. This is used to supplement the statein a command being executed.


blendingEnabled : Boolean

When defined, this overrides the blending property of a DrawCommand's render state.This is used to, for example, to allow the renderer to turn off blending during the picking pass.

When this is undefined, the DrawCommand's property is used.

Default Value: undefined

context : Context

The context used to execute commands for this pass.

framebuffer : Framebuffer

The framebuffer to render to. This framebuffer is used unless a DrawCommandor ClearCommand explicitly define a framebuffer, which is used for off-screenrendering.
Default Value: undefined

scissorTest : Object

When defined, this overrides the scissor test property of a DrawCommand's render state.This is used to, for example, to allow the renderer to scissor out the pick region during the picking pass.

When this is undefined, the DrawCommand's property is used.

Default Value: undefined

viewport : BoundingRectangle

The viewport used when one is not defined by a DrawCommand's render state.
Default Value: undefined