
new Cesium.ModelNode()

A model node with a transform for user-defined animations. A glTF asset cancontain animations that target a node's transform. This class allowschanging a node's transform externally so animation can be driven by anothersource, not just an animation in the glTF asset.

Use Model#getNode to create an instance.

var node = model.getNode('LOD3sp');
node.matrix = Cesium.Matrix4.fromScale(new Cesium.Cartesian3(5.0, 1.0, 1.0), node.matrix);


readonlyid : String

The name of the glTF JSON property for this node. This is guaranteedto be unique among all nodes. It may not match the node's name property (@link ModelNode#name), which is assigned bythe artist when the asset is created.

matrix : Matrix4

The node's 4x4 matrix transform from its local coordinates toits parent's.

For changes to take effect, this property must be assigned to;setting individual elements of the matrix will not work.

readonlyname : String

The value of the name property of this node. This is thename assigned by the artist when the asset is created. This can bedifferent than the name of the node property (ModelNode#id),which is internal to glTF.

show : Boolean

Determines if this node and its children will be shown.
Default Value: true