The view model for
Name | Type | Description |
scene |
Scene | The scene instance to use. |
performanceContainer |
HTMLElement | The container for the performance display |
Generates an HTML string of the statistics
Gets or sets the screen space error that must be reached before skipping levels of detail. This property is observable.
Default Value:
colorBlendMode : Cesium3DTileColorBlendMode
Gets or sets the color blend mode. This property is observable.
Default Value:
Gets the available blend modes
Gets or sets the flag to colorize tiles. This property is observable.
Default Value:
Gets or sets the flag to show the display section. This property is observable.
Default Value:
Gets or sets the flag to enable dynamic screen space error. This property is observable.
Default Value:
Gets or sets the dynamic screen space error density. This property is observable.
Default Value:
Gets or sets the dynamic screen space error density slider value.This allows the slider to be exponential because values tend to be closer to 0 than 1.This property is observable.
Default Value:
Gets or sets the dynamic screen space error factor. This property is observable.
Default Value:
Gets the editor error message
feature : Cesium3DTileFeature
Gets the current feature of the view model.
Gets or sets the flag to suspend updates. This property is observable.
Default Value:
Gets or sets the flag which, when true, only tiles that meet the maximum screen space error will ever be downloaded.This property is observable.
Default Value:
Gets or sets the flag to show the inspector. This property is observable.
Default Value:
Gets or sets the flag which determines whether siblings of visible tiles are always downloaded during traversal.This property is observable
Default Value:
Gets or sets the flag to show the logging section. This property is observable.
Default Value:
Gets or sets the maximum screen space error. This property is observable.
Default Value:
Gets or sets the flag to show the optimization info section. This property is observable.
Default Value:
Gets or sets the flag to enable performance display. This property is observable.
Default Value:
Gets the performance container
Gets or sets the pick state
Default Value:
Gets or sets the flag to enable picking. This property is observable.
Default Value:
Gets the pick statistics text. This property is observable.
Gets the names of the properties in the tileset. This property is observable.
readonlyscene : Scene
Gets the scene
Gets or sets the flag to show bounding volumes. This property is observable.
Default Value:
Gets or sets the flag to show content volumes. This property is observable.
Default Value:
Gets or sets the flag to show tile geometric error. This property is observable.
Default Value:
Gets or sets the flag to show debug labels only for the currently picked tile. This property is observable.
Default Value:
Gets or sets the flag to show pick statistics. This property is observable.
Default Value:
Gets or sets the flag to show request volumes. This property is observable.
Default Value:
Gets or sets the flag to show statistics. This property is observable.
Default Value:
Gets or sets the flag to determine if level of detail skipping should be applied during the traversal.This property is observable.
Default Value:
Gets or sets the constant defining the minimum number of levels to skip when loading tiles. This property is observable.
Default Value:
Gets or sets the multiplier defining the minimum screen space error to skip. This property is observable.
Default Value:
Gets the statistics text. This property is observable.
Gets or sets the JSON for the tileset style. This property is observable.
Default Value:
Gets or sets the flag to show the style section. This property is observable.
Default Value:
tile : Cesium3DTile
Gets the current tile of the view model
Gets or sets the flag to show the tile info section. This property is observable.
Default Value:
tileset : Cesium3DTileset
Gets or sets the tileset of the view model.
Gets or sets the flag to show the tileset section. This property is observable.
Default Value:
Gets or sets the flag to show the update section. This property is observable.
Default Value:
Gets or sets the flag to draw with wireframe. This property is observable.
Default Value:
Compiles the style in the style editor.
Destroys the widget. Should be called if permanentlyremoving the widget from layout.
true if the object has been destroyed, false otherwise. -
Handles key press events on the style editor.
Toggles the visibility of the display section
Toggles the inspector visibility
Toggles the visibility of the logging section
Toggles the visibility of the optimization section
Toggles the pick tileset mode
Toggles the visibility of the style section
Toggles the visibility of the tile Debug Info section
Toggles the visibility of the tileset section
Toggles the visibility of the update section
Trims tile cache