

Static interface for Packable types which are interpolated in adifferent representation than their packed value. These methods andproperties are expected to be defined on a constructor function.


staticCesium.PackableForInterpolation.packedInterpolationLength : Number

The number of elements used to store the object into an array in its interpolatable form.


staticCesium.PackableForInterpolation.convertPackedArrayForInterpolation(packedArray, startingIndex, lastIndex, result)

Converts a packed array into a form suitable for interpolation.
Name Type Default Description
packedArray Array.<Number> The packed array.
startingIndex Number 0 optional The index of the first element to be converted.
lastIndex Number packedArray.length optional The index of the last element to be converted.
result Array.<Number> The object into which to store the result.

staticCesium.PackableForInterpolation.unpackInterpolationResult(array, sourceArray, startingIndex, lastIndex, result)Object

Retrieves an instance from a packed array converted with PackableForInterpolation.convertPackedArrayForInterpolation.
Name Type Default Description
array Array.<Number> The array previously packed for interpolation.
sourceArray Array.<Number> The original packed array.
startingIndex Number 0 optional The startingIndex used to convert the array.
lastIndex Number packedArray.length optional The lastIndex used to convert the array.
result Object optional The object into which to store the result.
The modified result parameter or a new Object instance if one was not provided.