Name | Type | Description | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
options |
Object |
Object with the following properties:
DeveloperError : The tileset must be 3D Tiles version 0.0 or 1.0. See
var tileset = scene.primitives.add(new Cesium.Cesium3DTileset({
url : 'http://localhost:8002/tilesets/Seattle'
// Common setting for the skipLevelOfDetail optimization
var tileset = scene.primitives.add(new Cesium.Cesium3DTileset({
url : 'http://localhost:8002/tilesets/Seattle',
skipLevelOfDetail : true,
baseScreenSpaceError : 1024,
skipScreenSpaceErrorFactor : 16,
skipLevels : 1,
immediatelyLoadDesiredLevelOfDetail : false,
loadSiblings : false,
cullWithChildrenBounds : true
// Common settings for the dynamicScreenSpaceError optimization
var tileset = scene.primitives.add(new Cesium.Cesium3DTileset({
url : 'http://localhost:8002/tilesets/Seattle',
dynamicScreenSpaceError : true,
dynamicScreenSpaceErrorDensity : 0.00278,
dynamicScreenSpaceErrorFactor : 4.0,
dynamicScreenSpaceErrorHeightFalloff : 0.25
allTilesLoaded : Event
The event fired to indicate that all tiles that meet the screen space error this frame are loaded. The tilesetis completely loaded for this view.
This event is fired at the end of the frame after the scene is rendered.
Default Value:
new Event()
tileset.allTilesLoaded.addEventListener(function() { console.log('All tiles are loaded'); });
Gets the tileset's asset object property, which contains metadata about the tileset.
See the asset schemain the 3D Tiles spec for the full set of properties.
The base path that non-absolute paths in tileset.json are relative to.
The screen space error that must be reached before skipping levels of detail.
Only used when
Default Value:
readonlyboundingSphere : BoundingSphere
The tileset's bounding sphere.
var tileset = viewer.scene.primitives.add(new Cesium.Cesium3DTileset({ url : 'http://localhost:8002/tilesets/Seattle' })); tileset.readyPromise.then(function(tileset) { // Set the camera to view the newly added tileset, new Cesium.HeadingPitchRange(0, -0.5, 0)); });
Defines the value used to linearly interpolate between the source color and feature color when the
.A value of 0.0 results in the source color while a value of 1.0 results in the feature color, with any value in-betweenresulting in a mix of the source color and feature color.-
Default Value:
colorBlendMode : Cesium3DTileColorBlendMode
Defines how per-feature colors set from the Cesium API or declarative styling blend with the source colors fromthe original feature, e.g. glTF material or per-point color in the tile.
Default Value:
This property is for debugging only; it is not optimized for production use.
When true, assigns a random color to each tile. This is useful for visualizingwhat models belong to what tiles, especially with additive refinement where modelsfrom parent tiles may be interleaved with models from child tiles.
Default Value:
This property is for debugging only; it is not optimized for production use.
When true, assigns a random color to each tile. This is useful for visualizingwhat features belong to what tiles, especially with additive refinement where featuresfrom parent tiles may be interleaved with features from child tiles.
Default Value:
This property is for debugging only; it is not optimized for production use.
Determines if only the tiles from last frame should be used for rendering. Thiseffectively "freezes" the tileset to the previous frame so it is possible to zoomout and see what was rendered.
Default Value:
This property is for debugging only; it is not optimized for production use.
Determines if only the tiles from last frame should be used for rendering. Thiseffectively "freezes" the tileset to the previous frame so it is possible to zoomout and see what was rendered.
Default Value:
This property is for debugging only; it is not optimized for production use.
When true, renders the bounding volume for each visible tile. The bounding volume iswhite if the tile's content has an explicit bounding volume; otherwise, itis red. Tiles that are not at final resolution are yellow.
Default Value:
This property is for debugging only; it is not optimized for production use.
When true, renders the bounding volume for each visible tile. The bounding volume iswhite if the tile has a content bounding volume; otherwise, it is red. Tiles that don't meet thescreen space error and are still refining to their descendants are yellow.
Default Value:
This property is for debugging only; it is not optimized for production use.
When true, renders a blue bounding volume for each tile's content.
Default Value:
This property is for debugging only; it is not optimized for production use.
When true, renders the bounding volume for each visible tile's content. The bounding volume isblue if the tile has a content bounding volume; otherwise it is red.
Default Value:
This property is for debugging only; it is not optimized for production use.
When true, draws labels to indicate the geometric error of each tile.
Default Value:
This property is for debugging only; it is not optimized for production use.
When true, draws labels to indicate the geometric error of each tile.
Default Value:
This property is for debugging only; it is not optimized for production use.
When true, draws labels to indicate the geometry and texture memory usage of each tile.
Default Value:
This property is for debugging only; it is not optimized for production use.
When true, draws labels to indicate the geometry and texture memory usage of each tile.
Default Value:
This property is for debugging only; it is not optimized for production use.
When true, draws labels to indicate the number of commands, points, triangles and features of each tile.
Default Value:
This property is for debugging only; it is not optimized for production use.
When true, draws labels to indicate the number of commands, points, triangles and features of each tile.
Default Value:
This property is for debugging only; it is not optimized for production use.
When true, renders the viewer request volume for each tile.
Default Value:
This property is for debugging only; it is not optimized for production use.
When true, renders the viewer request volume for each tile.
Default Value:
This property is for debugging only; it is not optimized for production use.
When true, renders each tile's content as a wireframe.
Default Value:
This property is for debugging only; it is not optimized for production use.
When true, renders each tile's content as a wireframe.
Default Value:
Optimization option. Whether the tileset should refine based on a dynamic screen space error. Tiles that are furtheraway will be rendered with lower detail than closer tiles. This improves performance by rendering fewertiles and making less requests, but may result in a slight drop in visual quality for tiles in the distance.The algorithm is biased towards "street views" where the camera is close to the ground plane of the tileset and lookingat the horizon. In addition results are more accurate for tightly fitting bounding volumes like box and region.
Default Value:
A scalar that determines the density used to adjust the dynamic screen space error, similar to
. Increasing thisvalue has the effect of increasing the maximum screen space error for all tiles, but in a non-linear fashion.The error starts at 0.0 and increases exponentially until a midpoint is reached, and then approaches 1.0 asymptotically.This has the effect of keeping high detail in the closer tiles and lower detail in the further tiles, with all tilesbeyond a certain distance all roughly having an error of 1.0.The dynamic error is in the range [0.0, 1.0) and is multiplied by
to produce thefinal dynamic error. This dynamic error is then subtracted from the tile's actual screen space error.Increasing
has the effect of moving the error midpoint closer to the camera.It is analogous to moving fog closer to the camera.-
Default Value:
A factor used to increase the screen space error of tiles for dynamic screen space error. As this value increases less tilesare requested for rendering and tiles in the distance will have lower detail. If set to zero, the feature will be disabled.
Default Value:
A ratio of the tileset's height at which the density starts to falloff. If the camera is below this height thefull computed density is applied, otherwise the density falls off. This has the effect of higher density atstreet level views.
Valid values are between 0.0 and 1.0.
Default Value:
When true, only tiles that meet the maximum screen space error will ever be downloaded.Skipping factors are ignored and just the desired tiles are loaded.
Only used when
Default Value:
loadProgress : Event
The event fired to indicate progress of loading new tiles. This event is fired when a new tileis requested, when a requested tile is finished downloading, and when a downloaded tile has beenprocessed and is ready to render.
The number of pending tile requests,
, and number of tilesprocessing,numberOfTilesProcessing
are passed to the event listener.This event is fired at the end of the frame after the scene is rendered.
Default Value:
new Event()
tileset.loadProgress.addEventListener(function(numberOfPendingRequests, numberOfTilesProcessing) { if ((numberOfPendingRequests === 0) && (numberOfTilesProcessing === 0)) { console.log('Stopped loading'); return; } console.log('Loading: requests: ' + numberOfPendingRequests + ', processing: ' + numberOfTilesProcessing); });
Determines whether siblings of visible tiles are always downloaded during traversal.This may be useful for ensuring that tiles are already available when the viewer turns left/right.
Only used when
Default Value:
The maximum amount of GPU memory (in MB) that may be used to cache tiles. This value is estimated fromgeometry, textures, and batch table textures of loaded tiles. For point clouds, this value alsoincludes per-point metadata.
Tiles not in view are unloaded to enforce this.
If decreasing this value results in unloading tiles, the tiles are unloaded the next frame.
If tiles sized more than
are neededto meet the desired screen space error, determined byCesium3DTileset#maximumScreenSpaceError
,for the current view, then the memory usage of the tiles loaded will exceedmaximumMemoryUsage
. For example, if the maximum is 256 MB, but300 MB of tiles are needed to meet the screen space error, then 300 MB of tiles may be loaded. Whenthese tiles go out of view, they will be unloaded.-
Default Value:
The maximum screen space error used to drive level of detail refinement. This value helps determine when a tilerefines to its descendants, and therefore plays a major role in balancing performance with visual quality.
A tile's screen space error is roughly equivalent to the number of pixels wide that would be drawn if a sphere with aradius equal to the tile's geometric error were rendered at the tile's position. If this value exceeds
the tile refines to its descendants.Depending on the tileset,
may need to be tweaked to achieve the right balance.Higher values provide better performance but lower visual quality.-
Default Value:
modelMatrix : Matrix4
A 4x4 transformation matrix that transforms the entire tileset.
Default Value:
// Adjust a tileset's height from the globe's surface. var heightOffset = 20.0; var boundingSphere = tileset.boundingSphere; var cartographic = Cesium.Cartographic.fromCartesian(; var surface = Cesium.Cartesian3.fromRadians(cartographic.longitude, cartographic.latitude, 0.0); var offset = Cesium.Cartesian3.fromRadians(cartographic.longitude, cartographic.latitude, heightOffset); var translation = Cesium.Cartesian3.subtract(offset, surface, new Cesium.Cartesian3()); tileset.modelMatrix = Cesium.Matrix4.fromTranslation(translation);
Gets the tileset's properties dictionary object, which contains metadata about per-feature properties.
See the properties schemain the 3D Tiles spec for the full set of properties.
console.log('Maximum building height: ' +; console.log('Minimum building height: ' +;
, the tileset's root tile is loaded and the tileset is ready to render.This is set totrue
right beforeCesium3DTileset#readyPromise
is resolved.-
Default Value:
readonlyreadyPromise : Promise.<Cesium3DTileset>
Gets the promise that will be resolved when the tileset's root tile is loaded and the tileset is ready to render.
This promise is resolved at the end of the frame before the first frame the tileset is rendered in.
tileset.readyPromise.then(function(tileset) { // is not defined until readyPromise resolves. var properties =; if (Cesium.defined(properties)) { for (var name in properties) { console.log(properties[name]); } } });
shadows : ShadowMode
Determines whether the tileset casts or receives shadows from each light source.
Enabling shadows has a performance impact. A tileset that casts shadows must be rendered twice, once from the camera and again from the light's point of view.
Shadows are rendered only when
Default Value:
Determines if the tileset will be shown.
Default Value:
Optimization option. Determines if level of detail skipping should be applied during the traversal.
The common strategy for replacement-refinement traversal is to store all levels of the tree in memory and requireall children to be loaded before the parent can refine. With this optimization levels of the tree can be skippedentirely and children can be rendered alongside their parents. The tileset requires significantly less memory whenusing this optimization.
Default Value:
Constant defining the minimum number of levels to skip when loading tiles. When it is 0, no levels are skipped.For example, if a tile is level 1, no tiles will be loaded unless they are at level greater than 2.
Only used when
Default Value:
Multiplier defining the minimum screen space error to skip.For example, if a tile has screen space error of 100, no tiles will be loaded unless theyare leaves or have a screen space error
<= 100 / skipScreenSpaceErrorFactor
.Only used when
Default Value:
style : Cesium3DTileStyle
The style, defined using the3D Tiles Styling language,applied to each feature in the tileset.
to remove the style, which will restore the visualappearance of the tileset to its default when no style was applied.The style is applied to a tile before the
event is raised, so code intileVisible
can manually set a feature'sproperties (e.g. color and show) after the style is applied. Whena new style is assigned any manually set properties are overwritten.-
Default Value:
Example: = new Cesium.Cesium3DTileStyle({ color : { conditions : [ ['${Height} >= 100', 'color("purple", 0.5)'], ['${Height} >= 50', 'color("red")'], ['true', 'color("blue")'] ] }, show : '${Height} > 0', meta : { description : '"Building id ${id} has height ${Height}."' } });
, all tiles that meet the screen space error this frame are loaded. The tileset iscompletely loaded for this view.-
Default Value:
tileUnload : Event
The event fired to indicate that a tile's content was unloaded.
The unloaded
is passed to the event listener.This event is fired immediately before the tile's content is unloaded while the frame is beingrendered so that the event listener has access to the tile's content. Do not createor modify Cesium entities or primitives during the event listener.
Default Value:
new Event()
tileset.tileUnload.addEventListener(function(tile) { console.log('A tile was unloaded from the cache.'); });
tileVisible : Event
This event fires once for each visible tile in a frame. This can be used to manuallystyle a tileset.
The visible
is passed to the event listener.This event is fired during the tileset traversal while the frame is being renderedso that updates to the tile take effect in the same frame. Do not create or modifyCesium entities or primitives during the event listener.
Default Value:
new Event()
tileset.tileVisible.addEventListener(function(tile) { if (tile.content instanceof Cesium.Batched3DModel3DTileContent) { console.log('A Batched 3D Model tile is visible.'); } });
// Apply a red style and then manually set random colors for every other feature when the tile becomes visible. = new Cesium.Cesium3DTileStyle({ color : 'color("red")' }); tileset.tileVisible.addEventListener(function(tile) { var content = tile.content; var featuresLength = content.featuresLength; for (var i = 0; i < featuresLength; i+=2) { content.getFeature(i).color = Cesium.Color.fromRandom(); } });
Returns the time, in milliseconds, since the tileset was loaded and first updated.
The total amount of GPU memory in bytes used by the tileset. This value is estimated fromgeometry, texture, and batch table textures of loaded tiles. For point clouds, this value alsoincludes per-point metadata.
The url to a tileset.json file or to a directory containing a tileset.json file.
Destroys the WebGL resources held by this object. Destroying an object allows for deterministicrelease of WebGL resources, instead of relying on the garbage collector to destroy this object.
Once an object is destroyed, it should not be used; calling any function other thanisDestroyed
will result in aDeveloperError
exception. Therefore,assign the return value (undefined
) to the object as done in the example.Returns:
DeveloperError : This object was destroyed, i.e., destroy() was called.
tileset = tileset && tileset.destroy();
Returns true if this object was destroyed; otherwise, false.
If this object was destroyed, it should not be used; calling any function other thanisDestroyed
will result in aDeveloperError
if this object was destroyed; otherwise,false
. -
Marks the tileset's
as dirty, which forces allfeatures to re-evaluate the style in the next frame each is visible. -
Unloads all tiles that weren't selected the previous frame. This can be used toexplicitly manage the tile cache and reduce the total number of tiles loaded below
.Tile unloads occur at the next frame to keep all the WebGL delete callswithin the render loop.
Called when
render the scene toget the draw commands needed to render this primitive.Do not call this function directly. This is documented just tolist the exceptions that may be propagated when the scene is rendered: