
new Cesium.Cartesian4(x, y, z, w)

A 4D Cartesian point.
Name Type Default Description
x Number 0.0 optional The X component.
y Number 0.0 optional The Y component.
z Number 0.0 optional The Z component.
w Number 0.0 optional The W component.


w : Number

The W component.
Default Value: 0.0

x : Number

The X component.
Default Value: 0.0

y : Number

The Y component.
Default Value: 0.0

z : Number

The Z component.
Default Value: 0.0

staticCesium.Cartesian4.packedLength : Number

The number of elements used to pack the object into an array.

staticconstantCesium.Cartesian4.UNIT_W : Cartesian4

An immutable Cartesian4 instance initialized to (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0).

staticconstantCesium.Cartesian4.UNIT_X : Cartesian4

An immutable Cartesian4 instance initialized to (1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0).

staticconstantCesium.Cartesian4.UNIT_Y : Cartesian4

An immutable Cartesian4 instance initialized to (0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0).

staticconstantCesium.Cartesian4.UNIT_Z : Cartesian4

An immutable Cartesian4 instance initialized to (0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0).

staticconstantCesium.Cartesian4.ZERO : Cartesian4

An immutable Cartesian4 instance initialized to (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0).



Duplicates this Cartesian4 instance.
Name Type Description
result Cartesian4 optional The object onto which to store the result.
The modified result parameter or a new Cartesian4 instance if one was not provided.


Compares this Cartesian against the provided Cartesian componentwise and returnstrue if they are equal, false otherwise.
Name Type Description
right Cartesian4 optional The right hand side Cartesian.
true if they are equal, false otherwise.

equalsEpsilon(right, relativeEpsilon, absoluteEpsilon)Boolean

Compares this Cartesian against the provided Cartesian componentwise and returnstrue if they pass an absolute or relative tolerance test,false otherwise.
Name Type Default Description
right Cartesian4 optional The right hand side Cartesian.
relativeEpsilon Number The relative epsilon tolerance to use for equality testing.
absoluteEpsilon Number relativeEpsilon optional The absolute epsilon tolerance to use for equality testing.
true if they are within the provided epsilon, false otherwise.


Creates a string representing this Cartesian in the format '(x, y)'.
A string representing the provided Cartesian in the format '(x, y)'.

staticCesium.Cartesian4.abs(cartesian, result)Cartesian4

Computes the absolute value of the provided Cartesian.
Name Type Description
cartesian Cartesian4 The Cartesian whose absolute value is to be computed.
result Cartesian4 The object onto which to store the result.
The modified result parameter.

staticCesium.Cartesian4.add(left, right, result)Cartesian4

Computes the componentwise sum of two Cartesians.
Name Type Description
left Cartesian4 The first Cartesian.
right Cartesian4 The second Cartesian.
result Cartesian4 The object onto which to store the result.
The modified result parameter.

staticCesium.Cartesian4.clone(cartesian, result)Cartesian4

Duplicates a Cartesian4 instance.
Name Type Description
cartesian Cartesian4 The Cartesian to duplicate.
result Cartesian4 optional The object onto which to store the result.
The modified result parameter or a new Cartesian4 instance if one was not provided. (Returns undefined if cartesian is undefined)

staticCesium.Cartesian4.distance(left, right)Number

Computes the 4-space distance between two points.
Name Type Description
left Cartesian4 The first point to compute the distance from.
right Cartesian4 The second point to compute the distance to.
The distance between two points.
// Returns 1.0
var d = Cesium.Cartesian4.distance(
  new Cesium.Cartesian4(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
  new Cesium.Cartesian4(2.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0));

staticCesium.Cartesian4.distanceSquared(left, right)Number

Computes the squared distance between two points. Comparing squared distancesusing this function is more efficient than comparing distances using Cartesian4#distance.
Name Type Description
left Cartesian4 The first point to compute the distance from.
right Cartesian4 The second point to compute the distance to.
The distance between two points.
// Returns 4.0, not 2.0
var d = Cesium.Cartesian4.distance(
  new Cesium.Cartesian4(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
  new Cesium.Cartesian4(3.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0));

staticCesium.Cartesian4.divideByScalar(cartesian, scalar, result)Cartesian4

Divides the provided Cartesian componentwise by the provided scalar.
Name Type Description
cartesian Cartesian4 The Cartesian to be divided.
scalar Number The scalar to divide by.
result Cartesian4 The object onto which to store the result.
The modified result parameter.

staticCesium.Cartesian4.divideComponents(left, right, result)Cartesian4

Computes the componentwise quotient of two Cartesians.
Name Type Description
left Cartesian4 The first Cartesian.
right Cartesian4 The second Cartesian.
result Cartesian4 The object onto which to store the result.
The modified result parameter., right)Number

Computes the dot (scalar) product of two Cartesians.
Name Type Description
left Cartesian4 The first Cartesian.
right Cartesian4 The second Cartesian.
The dot product.

staticCesium.Cartesian4.equals(left, right)Boolean

Compares the provided Cartesians componentwise and returnstrue if they are equal, false otherwise.
Name Type Description
left Cartesian4 optional The first Cartesian.
right Cartesian4 optional The second Cartesian.
true if left and right are equal, false otherwise.

staticCesium.Cartesian4.equalsEpsilon(left, right, relativeEpsilon, absoluteEpsilon)Boolean

Compares the provided Cartesians componentwise and returnstrue if they pass an absolute or relative tolerance test,false otherwise.
Name Type Default Description
left Cartesian4 optional The first Cartesian.
right Cartesian4 optional The second Cartesian.
relativeEpsilon Number The relative epsilon tolerance to use for equality testing.
absoluteEpsilon Number relativeEpsilon optional The absolute epsilon tolerance to use for equality testing.
true if left and right are within the provided epsilon, false otherwise.

staticCesium.Cartesian4.fromArray(array, startingIndex, result)Cartesian4

Creates a Cartesian4 from four consecutive elements in an array.
Name Type Default Description
array Array.<Number> The array whose four consecutive elements correspond to the x, y, z, and w components, respectively.
startingIndex Number 0 optional The offset into the array of the first element, which corresponds to the x component.
result Cartesian4 optional The object onto which to store the result.
The modified result parameter or a new Cartesian4 instance if one was not provided.
// Create a Cartesian4 with (1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0)
var v = [1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0];
var p = Cesium.Cartesian4.fromArray(v);

// Create a Cartesian4 with (1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0) using an offset into an array
var v2 = [0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0];
var p2 = Cesium.Cartesian4.fromArray(v2, 2);

staticCesium.Cartesian4.fromColor(color, result)Cartesian4

Creates a Cartesian4 instance from a Color. red, green, blue,and alpha map to x, y, z, and w, respectively.
Name Type Description
color Color The source color.
result Cartesian4 optional The object onto which to store the result.
The modified result parameter or a new Cartesian4 instance if one was not provided.

staticCesium.Cartesian4.fromElements(x, y, z, w, result)Cartesian4

Creates a Cartesian4 instance from x, y, z and w coordinates.
Name Type Description
x Number The x coordinate.
y Number The y coordinate.
z Number The z coordinate.
w Number The w coordinate.
result Cartesian4 optional The object onto which to store the result.
The modified result parameter or a new Cartesian4 instance if one was not provided.

staticCesium.Cartesian4.lerp(start, end, t, result)Cartesian4

Computes the linear interpolation or extrapolation at t using the provided cartesians.
Name Type Description
start Cartesian4 The value corresponding to t at 0.0.
end Cartesian4 The value corresponding to t at 1.0.
t Number The point along t at which to interpolate.
result Cartesian4 The object onto which to store the result.
The modified result parameter.


Computes the Cartesian's magnitude (length).
Name Type Description
cartesian Cartesian4 The Cartesian instance whose magnitude is to be computed.
The magnitude.


Computes the provided Cartesian's squared magnitude.
Name Type Description
cartesian Cartesian4 The Cartesian instance whose squared magnitude is to be computed.
The squared magnitude.

staticCesium.Cartesian4.maximumByComponent(first, second, result)Cartesian4

Compares two Cartesians and computes a Cartesian which contains the maximum components of the supplied Cartesians.
Name Type Description
first Cartesian4 A cartesian to compare.
second Cartesian4 A cartesian to compare.
result Cartesian4 The object into which to store the result.
A cartesian with the maximum components.


Computes the value of the maximum component for the supplied Cartesian.
Name Type Description
cartesian Cartesian4 The cartesian to use.
The value of the maximum component.

staticCesium.Cartesian4.minimumByComponent(first, second, result)Cartesian4

Compares two Cartesians and computes a Cartesian which contains the minimum components of the supplied Cartesians.
Name Type Description
first Cartesian4 A cartesian to compare.
second Cartesian4 A cartesian to compare.
result Cartesian4 The object into which to store the result.
A cartesian with the minimum components.


Computes the value of the minimum component for the supplied Cartesian.
Name Type Description
cartesian Cartesian4 The cartesian to use.
The value of the minimum component.

staticCesium.Cartesian4.mostOrthogonalAxis(cartesian, result)Cartesian4

Returns the axis that is most orthogonal to the provided Cartesian.
Name Type Description
cartesian Cartesian4 The Cartesian on which to find the most orthogonal axis.
result Cartesian4 The object onto which to store the result.
The most orthogonal axis.

staticCesium.Cartesian4.multiplyByScalar(cartesian, scalar, result)Cartesian4

Multiplies the provided Cartesian componentwise by the provided scalar.
Name Type Description
cartesian Cartesian4 The Cartesian to be scaled.
scalar Number The scalar to multiply with.
result Cartesian4 The object onto which to store the result.
The modified result parameter.

staticCesium.Cartesian4.multiplyComponents(left, right, result)Cartesian4

Computes the componentwise product of two Cartesians.
Name Type Description
left Cartesian4 The first Cartesian.
right Cartesian4 The second Cartesian.
result Cartesian4 The object onto which to store the result.
The modified result parameter.

staticCesium.Cartesian4.negate(cartesian, result)Cartesian4

Negates the provided Cartesian.
Name Type Description
cartesian Cartesian4 The Cartesian to be negated.
result Cartesian4 The object onto which to store the result.
The modified result parameter.

staticCesium.Cartesian4.normalize(cartesian, result)Cartesian4

Computes the normalized form of the supplied Cartesian.
Name Type Description
cartesian Cartesian4 The Cartesian to be normalized.
result Cartesian4 The object onto which to store the result.
The modified result parameter.

staticCesium.Cartesian4.pack(value, array, startingIndex)Array.<Number>

Stores the provided instance into the provided array.
Name Type Default Description
value Cartesian4 The value to pack.
array Array.<Number> The array to pack into.
startingIndex Number 0 optional The index into the array at which to start packing the elements.
The array that was packed into

staticCesium.Cartesian4.packArray(array, result)Array.<Number>

Flattens an array of Cartesian4s into and array of components.
Name Type Description
array Array.<Cartesian4> The array of cartesians to pack.
result Array.<Number> The array onto which to store the result.
The packed array.

staticCesium.Cartesian4.subtract(left, right, result)Cartesian4

Computes the componentwise difference of two Cartesians.
Name Type Description
left Cartesian4 The first Cartesian.
right Cartesian4 The second Cartesian.
result Cartesian4 The object onto which to store the result.
The modified result parameter.

staticCesium.Cartesian4.unpack(array, startingIndex, result)Cartesian4

Retrieves an instance from a packed array.
Name Type Default Description
array Array.<Number> The packed array.
startingIndex Number 0 optional The starting index of the element to be unpacked.
result Cartesian4 optional The object into which to store the result.
The modified result parameter or a new Cartesian4 instance if one was not provided.

staticCesium.Cartesian4.unpackArray(array, result)Array.<Cartesian4>

Unpacks an array of cartesian components into and array of Cartesian4s.
Name Type Description
array Array.<Number> The array of components to unpack.
result Array.<Cartesian4> The array onto which to store the result.
The unpacked array.