View/Set 3D Layer Properties
Instructions for use
The Layer Properties command allows you to view or set the properties of the current layer. The current layer is the layer that is currently selected in Layer Manager. As the current layer changes, attribute values such as Layer Caption "change in the Properties Panel.
Depending on the Layer type, the Layer Properties panel displays the properties that can be viewed or set for that type.
Function entrance
- Scene tab-> Properties group-> Layer Properties option.
- Layer Manager -> Layer Context Menu-> Layer Properties Options.
Operation steps
In the Layer Manager, select the layer whose properties you want to view or set. Click the Layer Properties button in the ribbon > Scene tab > Properties group. The Layer Properties panel pops up, and Custom Settings parameters are required.
Basic Parameter Settings
- Displayable: Check the "Displayable" check box to display All Objects in the layer.
- Optional: Select the "Editable" check box to select Objects for Object Editing.
- Snappable: Select the "Snappable" check box to select the vertex of the layer object. The current capture precision is 10 pixels.
- Editable: Select the "Editable" check box to Select Objects for Object Editing.
- Release memory when hiding layer: Applies only to 3D Tiles layers. This check box is activated only when the currently selected layer is a 3D Tiles layer. Check the "Release memory when hiding layer" check box to release the memory of the 3D Tiles layer when it is hidden, so as to reduce the memory occupation.
- Transparenct Sort: Applies only to Model Tiles layers. This check box is activated only when the currently selected layer is a Model Tiles layer. Check the Turn on Transparenct Sort "check box to sort the objects of the current Model Tiles layer by object transparency.
- Involved in Excavation: Only applicable to Tile Layer with Oblique Photography Model. This check box is activated only if the currently selected layer is a Tile Layer with Oblique Photography Model. Select the Involved in Excavation "check box to excavate the Oblique Photography layer in the current layer.
- ReciveSunLight: Applies only to the Oblique Photography layer and Model Tiles layer. This check box is activated only when the currently selected layer is a layer containing Oblique Photography or Model Tiles. You can make the current layer ReciveS unLight by checking the ReciveSunLight checkbox only when the Visible button in the Prospector group of the Scene tab on the ribbon is active.
- Partially Transparent: To optimize Display Effects with partially translucent material model, you need to enable Transparent optimization in Scene Properties before using it.
- Build 3D Tile: This check box is activated only when the current layer data is point/line/regionDataset. Check the "Build 3D Tile" checkbox. When the saved Works paceFile Type is *.sxwu, add a label in the saved Workspace to identify whether the Tile Type generated during dynamic image cutting in iServer is S3MB.
- Vertex color is linear space : only 3D Scene rendering engine V2 is available, and only when the data of the current layer is Model Dataest and spatial 3D Model Tiles data (*.scp), The check box is activated and applies only to data with Common Material. It is recommended that when the color of the data with Common Material in the iDesktopX scene is different from that in the source software, you can check this check box to convert the vertex color from linear space to gamma space, so as to ensure that the Display Effects of the data color are consistent.
- Shadow Model: Shadow Model can set the shadow of the display object under simulated sunlight. Includes: No Shading, Display Shadows of Selected Objects ", and Display Shadows of All Objects".
- No Shadows: Indicates that none of the shadows of the All Objects in the layer are displayed.
- Show Shadows of Select Objects: Indicates that only the shadows of Select Objects are displayed in the layer.
- Display Shadows of All Objects: Indicates that the shadows of All Objects in the layer are displayed.
- Filter Settings: You can filter the objects in the layer by setting the visible scale or Set Filter.
- Min/Max Visible Height: Sets the threshold for display based on the height of the camera.
- Show Filter: Display only the objects filtered by the SQL statement.
- Alpha Filter Threshold: Objects below the Alpha Filter Threshold are not displayed.
- Enable sketch mode:Only supports CAD dataset。 When checked, objects in the CAD Dataset are displayed in sketch mode.
- Refresh when enabled: Check the "Refresh when enabled" check box to refresh the layer in real time while editing the Layer Properties.
- 3D Scene Rendering Engine V2 does not support the display of sketch mode and the Display Shadows of Selected Objects in Shadow Model.
- Only 3D Scene Rendering Engine V2 can use HDR mode.
Vector Parameters
- Min/Max Visible Distance: Sets the threshold for display based on the camera and object Spatial Distance.
- Tile Side Length: The side length of the tile.
- Buffer Distance: The outward extension distance of the surface layer when the object is pasted.
- Rendering mode: Each object has two faces according to its vertex order, and you can select "clockwise" or "counterclockwise" to render one of the faces, or select "two-sided" to render all of them.
Polygon OffsetParameter Settings
- Offset constant: Gets or sets the Polygon Offset constant. A positive value means the polygon is offset out of the screen; a negative value means the polygon is offset into the screen.
- Scaling factor: The Polygon Offset constant and the Polygon Offset depth slope factor together determine the offset of the polygon object in the depth direction of the screen. Set the Polygon Offset constant and the Polygon Offset depth slope factor. Can be used to solve the problem of flickering when polygons overlap.
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