SuperMap iDesktopX supports Vector DatasetCreate Thematic Map of 2D points, lines, and surfaces in the Video Map window. You can use the Thematic Map tab or right-click Dataset in Layer Manager and select Thematic Map as the Vector Dataset Create Thematic Map. Unique-values Map, Graudated Colors Map, Thematic Label Map, Statistical Thematic Map and five types of custom themes are provided in Video Map. Users can select Themtic Type according to their needs.
SuperMap iDesktopX Video Map, such as default, boundary line and administrative region. Making Unique-values Map based on Thematic Map Template is not only convenient and fast, But also easy to meet the needs of batch mapping, so as to realize the reuse of thematic templates. Blank thematic map refers to the creation of a thematic map that is not based on an empty field. The user can specify the Field expression by himself.
After creating a Unique-values Map, you can set the following parameters in the thematic map panel to Modify Thematic Map the effect.
- Single value expression: Thematic variable used to display and set the current Unique-values Map, That is, a mathematical expression of a Property Field or Property Field of the current layer.
- Reset Unique Value after Expression Changed: If this check box is checked, the program will automatically reset the single value after changing the expression. The current Unique-values Map will be mapped with the modified Thematic variable in real time, and the Display Effects will be refreshed.
- Color Scheme: The Color Scheme combo box is used to display and set the color style of the current Unique-values Map. Click the Drop-down Button on the right side of the combo box, and select a Color Scheme in the pop-up drop-down list to assign different colors to each theme value of the current Unique-Values Map according to the selected color scheme. Or click the Modify button on the right side of the combo box to customize the Color Scheme.
- Toolbar: The toolbar provides visible, style, add, delete, and Item Property Settings buttons.
- Visible: Click Visible to control the visibility of Map corresponding to all selected thematic value items in the thematic value list.
- Style: the Style Settings button, which can be used to set the style of the thematic value item selected in the thematic value list; You can also set the style of the Map corresponding to the theme value in the Style Settings pop-up window by clicking the Marker Style icon in each theme value item. The Unique-values Map and Symbol Style Settings buttons created by different types of Vector Datasets have different functions. Point, line and Region Dataset can respectively view Point Symbol Style Settings , Line Symbol Style Settings, Populate the Symbol Style Settings.
- Add: The Add button is used to manage thematic values in thematic maps. Click the Add button to pop up the thematic value management interface. You can add or delete thematic values in the interface, or add new thematic values in the dialog box below. After thematic values are added, the list of thematic values is updated synchronously to correspond to the modified thematic values.
- Delete: The delete button is used to delete all the selected thematic value items in the thematic value list. Select the thematic value to be deleted in the thematic value list, and click Delete in the toolbar to delete the corresponding item of the selected thematic value. When a theme value is deleted, the object corresponding to the original theme value is displayed in the default style.
- Item Property Settings: The subitem extended property function is used to set the extended property of the thematic map subitem and the Texture Map property. Please check the Thematic Map Subitem Extension Property Settings for details.
The Graudated Colors Map is to divide the attribute value into different continuous paragraphs (subsection range) by using a certain field attribute of the layer, and each paragraph uses different symbols (line type, filling or color) to represent the overall distribution of the Property Field. O as to reflect the relationship between the attribute value and the object area. Graudated Colors Map shows quantitative characteristics of a region, such as region-specific sales figures, household income, or GDP, or shows rate information such as population density. The Graudated Colors Map supports Create a ranges thematic map.
for DGM and GRID layers.SuperMap iDesktopX provides several templates, such as default, population distribution, construction land and temperature distribution, to make Graudated Colors Map based on Thematic Map Template, which is not only convenient and fast to operate, but also easy to operate. But also easy to meet the needs of batch mapping, so as to realize the reuse of thematic templates.
After establishing the Graudated Colors Map for 2D Vertor Data, you can set the Parameters in the thematic map panel. Please refer to the Modify Graudated Colors Map. for specific Set Parameters information.
The Thematic Label Map is mainly used to label and describe the map. Objects such as points, lines, and faces can be labeled with a field (or multiple fields) in Layer Properties. In the process of drawing, text or numerical fields, such as place name, Road Name, river width, contour elevation value, etc., are often used for annotation.
The Supermap iDesktop X Video Map provides several Thematic Map Template, such as default, capital of the world, provincial administrative region names, etc. Making Graudated Colors Map based on Thematic Map Template is not only convenient and fast, but also easy to meet the needs of batch mapping, so as to realize the reuse of thematic templates.
The thematic map panel of theThematic Label Map provides attribute items and style items to modify the Thematic Label Map.
Attribute entry:
- Label Expression: Thematic variable used to display and set the current Thematic Label Map, that is, the mathematical expression of a Property Field or Property Field of the current layer.
- Billboard mode: The user selects the billboard mode through the drop-down arrow. Three modes are provided: Screen Align, ClampGround, and Rotation Free.
- Custom Style: Custom Style is used to modify the billboard mode. When Screen Align and ClampGround modes are selected, select ObjectID is supported, and then set the field and field value of Y rotation; when Rotation Free is selected, X, Y, and Z rotation fields and field values are supported.
Style item:
- Text Transparency: Set the transparency effect of Text. The value is an integer value from 0 to 100, with 0 being completely opaque and 100 being completely transparent.
- Scale Factor: Set the Scale Factor of Text.
- Font: Used to display and set the font type. Click the text box to customize the font type.
- Alignment: It is used to set the alignment of the font, including the lower left corner, the upper middle point, the center point, the lower middle point, the upper right corner, the middle right point, the lower right corner and the left baseline.
- Font Size: It is used to set the font size of the label text in the Thematic Label Map. Enter the value of Font Size.
- Font height: Used to set the height of the label text font in the Thematic Label Map.
- Text Color: used to set the color of the text in the label object (text) in the Thematic Label Map. Click the label box color button to pop up the color dialog box, where you can select and set the appropriate color.
- Outline color: used to set the outline color of the text in the label object (Text) in the Thematic Label Map. Click the label box color button to pop up the color dialog box, where you can select and set the appropriate color.
- Font Effects: It is used to set the effects of the text in the label object (Text) in the Thematic Label Map by checking the corresponding check box. The Supermap iDesktopX Video Map supports bold, right italic, Background Transparency, outline, strikeout, underline, and Fixed Size.
Statistical Thematic Map is to draw according to the Statistical Data contained in the Map Properties table, which can vividly reflect the relationship between the same type of Property Fields in the map. With the help of Statistical Thematic Map, we can better analyze the distribution characteristics and development trends of natural and socio-economic phenomena, such as the distribution changes of vegetation types or the growth rate of urban population in the study area.
In the SuperMap iDesktopX Video Map, the Statistical Thematic Map can represent the information of multiple field attributes at the same time, forming horizontal and vertical contrast within or between regions. In addition, Statistical Thematic Map the only Thematic Map that can select multiple Thematic Variables and allow multiple numeric variables to be analyzed at one time. The SuperMap iDesktopX Video Map provides Graph Map Templates such as default, comparison of total domestic production, comparison of urban and rural population, and growth of primary industry production.
The thematic map panel of Statistical Thematic Map in theSuperMap iDesktop X Video Map provides attribute items and advanced items to modify the Statistical Thematic Map.
Attribute entry:
- Color Scheme: The Color Scheme combo box is used to display and set the color style of the current Unique-values Map. Click the Drop-down Button on the right side of the combo box, and select a Color Scheme in the pop-up drop-down list to assign different colors to each theme value of the current Unique-Values Map according to the selected color scheme. Or click the Modify button on the right side of the combo box to customize the Color Scheme.
- Diagrams Type: It is used to display and set the type of Statistical Thematic Map, including Stacked Bar, Column Chart and Pie Chart.
- Calculator Method: used to determine the size of the statistical chart and the proportion of each Thematic variable in the statistical chart. The system provides three Calculator Methods for statistical values: constant, logarithm, and square root. Logarithmic and square root statistics Calculator Method cannot be selected for fields with negative values.
- Toolbar: The toolbar of the attribute item provides the buttons of delete, add, style, set to top, move up, move down and set to bottom to set the statistical value field in the Statistical Thematic Map information list.
- Statistical Thematic Map information table: expression, style and title information can be set in the Statistical Thematic Map information list.
- Expression: used to display and set the statistical value field or expression used in the Statistical Thematic Map;
- Style: used to display and set the style characteristics of the current statistical value;
- Title: It is used to display and set the statistical title of the current statistical value.
Advanced Items:
- Visible Size Range: It is used to set the Display Size of the statistical symbol of the statistical object.
- Graph Labels: Set whether to display the text label on the statistical chart. If the Graph Labels check box is checked, the annotation format combo box and the Label Style button are available, and the user can set the Statistical Thematic Map text display format and the Text Annotation style.
- Bar Styles: used to set the width of each bar in the histogram. The desired width of the histogram can be set in the spin box to the right of the label. The value can be between 0 and the maximum width, otherwise the setting is invalid. The unit is the same as the map. This tab works only on bar charts and Stacked Bars.
- Pie Styles: used to set the Start Angle of the pie chart.
Custom Thematic Map creates thematic maps through the CustomProperty field, and sets the display style according to the Style Settings table corresponding to the value of the numerical field, which can express Data Information more freely. The thematic map panel of the Custom Thematic Map in the SuperMap iDesktop X Video Map provides attribute items to modify the Custom Thematic Map. Fill Style and Line Style can be set for face Vector Dataset, Line Style can be set for line Vector Dataset, and Line Style can be set for point Vector Dataset. Symbol, Marker Rotate, Marker Scale can be set. For Custom Thematic MapProperty Settings, see Modify 3D Custom Map .