Fill the Symbol Style Settings.

As shown below, the symbol library window (Style Settings window) is currently loaded with the Fill Symbol Library. The following describes how to set the Fill symbol through the symbol library window:

  1. Select Fill symbol: In the Fill Symbol Selector, select the desired symbol.
  2. Set the display style of the symbol: Preview area in the Symbol Style Settings area of the

    Symbol Library window to preview the Marker Style set by the user.

    In the Symbol Style Settings area of the

    symbol library window, you can set the style used by the selected Fill symbol, including the following


    Color: Set Color.

    • Foreground color: Set the color of the fill content of the Fill symbol. Click the Drop-down Button on its right. The user can select Default Color in the pop-up color panel or customize Other Color.
    • Background: Set the color of the unfilled content of the Fill symbol. Click the Drop-down Button on the right side. The user can select Default Color in the pop-up color panel or customize Other Color.
    • Background Transparency: When this check box is checked, the non-fill content of the Fill symbol is set to the transparency effect, and the setting of Background is invalid.
    • Transparency: Sets the transparency effect of the fill symbol. Users can enter the value in the spin box on the right side of the symbol to set it, or click the increase and decrease buttons on the right side of the spin box to adjust the transparency. The value of transparency is any integer between 0 and 100, with 0 being completely opaque and 100 being completely transparent.

    Outline: is the outline of the face Layer Settings.

    • Line Style: Select the required line symbol, or select it in the pop-up Line Symbol Selector window through the Customize button in the drop-down menu of the stand-alone.
    • Line color: Set the color of the line symbol. Click the Drop-down Button on the right side of the line symbol. You can select Default Color in the pop-up color panel or customize Other Color.
    • Line width: Set the thickness of the line. You can enter the value in the numeric display box on the right side to set it, or click the increase and decrease buttons on the right side of the numeric display box to adjust the line width.

    Gradient Fill: When this check box is checked, the gradient color will be used as the fill content of the fill symbol. In this case, the fill content of the fill symbol is color, that is, the fill symbol selected by the user in step 1 is invalid. In the Gradient Fill Mode, Foreground and Background will be the two colors of the gradient, that is, the gradient mode is a two-color gradient from the foreground to the background.

    The way to

    set the gradient. Including the following five ways:

    • No gradient: The gradient color is not used as the fill content of the fill symbol, but the fill content of the fill symbol selected in step 1 is used;
    • Linear: Gradient to Linear;
    • Radiant: Gradient is a radial gradient from the center to the periphery;
    • Cone: Gradient as a cone;
    • Square: Gradient to Square.

    Offset X: Sets the Offset X: percentage of the center point of Gradient Fill relative to the center point of the fill range. You can enter the value in the spin box to the right to set it, or click the arrow to the right of the spin box to adjust the value using the slider that pops up.

    Offset Y: Sets the Offset Y: percentage of the center point of Gradient Fill relative to the center point of the fill range. You can enter the value in the spin box to the right to set it, or click the arrow to the right of the spin box to adjust the value using the slider that pops up.

    Rotate: Sets the Rotation angle of Gradient Fill.
  3. When the settings are complete, click the OK button in the Symbol Library window to apply the Marker Style Parameter Settings.
  • When Layer Style is set on a Vector Cache Layer, only 3D Symbol is supported.