Video Measurement includes distance, area, and height measurements on the Video Map. After the Video Parameters Settings, the distance and area of the Draw Region can be calculated by transforming the video pixel Coordinate Transformation into WGS 1984 coordinates.
It is recommended to set the measurement unit before measurement. Click the Video Map-> Measurement-> Unit button to set the distance and area units respectively in the pop-up dialog.
Distance Measure
By selecting the Distance Drop-down Button in the Video Map tab-> Measurement group, you can select both Spatial Distance and Horizontal Distance measurement methods.
- Spatial Distance: Applicable to measurement in the scene.
- Horizontal Distance: used to calculate the Horizontal Distance between two points according to the start position and the end position when there is Terrain Data or Model Data in the measurement area.
Area Measure
Click Video Map-> Measurement-> Area or Spatial Area on the Drop-down Button to draw an area range to be measured in Video Dataset. The measurement results are in the Dataset as polygons and Measure Area Show Results.
Height measurement
Click the Height button in the Video Map tab-> Measurement group to measure the height of features in Video Dataset. To ensure the accuracy of measurement, it is recommended to measure features such as houses and road signs.
When the measurement and calculation information does not need to be displayed, the previous measurement and calculation records can be cleared by clicking the Clear button. The unit button provides the setting of the measurement and calculation result unit, and supports the Automatic Convertsion Unit.