GIS-enhanced video

After the mapping relationship is established between the video and the geospatial coordinates through registration, GIS vectors such as points, lines, surfaces, texts, pipelines, terrains, images, aerial landmarks and Raster Data can be superimposed to enhance the Display Effects of the video and enrich the Map Information. Video and GIS data are combined to make maps, through the authenticity, timeliness, information richness and content diversity of Video Enhancement GIS, and GIS also enhances the spatiality and information richness of video data, so that users can get more information while watching maps.

New/Open VideoMap

There are two ways to Create Video Map Window:

  • Click Home tab-> Browse-> Video Map.
  • Workspace Manager-> Video Map node Context Menu-> Create Video Map Window.

Open VideoMap has the following two methods:

  • At the Workspace Manager-> Video Map node, double-click the saved Video Map to open it.
  • Double-click the Video Dataset in Workspace Manager to open it to the Video Map window.

Add Video and GIS Data

In the Video Map window, you can Add Video Data set, 2D/3D point/line/regionDataset, Text Dataset, etc. Video data can be superimposed and displayed with geographic data after registration. You can drag a Dataset directly to the opened Video Map window or add it through Add to New Video Map or Add to Current Video Map in the DatasetContext Menu. It also supports operations such as setting Layer Style, Create Thematic Map, adjusting Layer Display Order, and removing layers.

Note: Add to Video Map of Geographic Coordinate System data to the window is not supported.

Set Layer Style

Video Map supports setting of Point, Line, Surface and Text Layer Style. Select the layer to be styled in Layer Manager, and select Object Selection Style in Context Menu. In the pop-up Object Selection Style dialog box, as shown below, set the foreground color and transparency of the object.

For more setting options, in the Style Settings tab, you can set the Fill Style of point, line and face according to the Object Type of the layer, and you can also perform Extrude Settings on the object. Please refer to the Set Layer Style for details.

Video Map Properties

Click the right mouse button in the Video Map window and select the attribute option to set the following parameters:

  • Rotation Angle: Display the rotation angle of the Current Video Map, and set the rotation angle of the view map.

Video Layer Properties

The Video Layer Properties panel stores the video information. Right click the video layer in the Layer Manager and select the attribute item. The Video Layer Properties panel is displayed on the right side of the Application. The following parameter information is displayed in the panel:

  • Video List: If multiple video layers are selected, all the selected video layers will be displayed in the Video List. Select one of the video layers, and the Other Parameters information in the Video Layer Properties panel will be displayed as the information of the video layer.
  • Video Parameters: In Video Parameters, You can add, delete, Import Video Parameter File, The Import Camera Parameters file and Export Video Parameter File buttons manage the Video ParametersFile Info.
  • Camera Intrinsic Parameters: Select this check box to set FovX, FovY, Cx and Cy parameters.
    • FovX: camera horizontal viewing area (angle);
    • FovY: camera vertical viewing area (angle);
    • Cx: the number of horizontal pixels representing the difference between the center pixel coordinate of the image and the original pixel coordinate of the image, and the theoretical value is equal to half of the width of the video image;
    • Cy: the number of vertical pixels representing the difference between the center pixel coordinate of the image and the original pixel coordinate of the image, and the theoretical value is equal to half of the height of the video image.
  • Extrinsic Parameter: select this check box to set sideslip angle, elevation angle, yaw angle and external parameter algorithm parameters.
    • Sideslip angle: the angle between the camera shooting direction and the north direction, and the yaw angle in the clockwise direction is a positive value;
    • Elevation angle: the included angle between the camera body axis (along the nose direction) and the horizontal plane. The elevation angle of the camera for horizontal plane shooting is 0, the elevation angle of the camera for overhead shooting is negative, and the elevation angle of the camera for orthographic shooting is -90 degrees;
    • Yaw angle: the included angle between the symmetrical plane of the aircraft and the vertical plane of the longitudinal axis of the airframe, and the right deviation angle is positive;
    • External parameter algorithm: support setting as default or Ransic algorithm;
  • Video Valid Bounds: Support setting of effective Visible Bounds of video: to improve the accuracy of Video Registration. When the video shows a skyline or a distant scene, it is necessary to manually adjust the Video Valid Bounds to avoid excessive distortion of the video.

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