Query M-Value


View the route M-value of a specify position in your layer.

Basic Steps

  1. Add your route dataset into a map window, and then select the visible route layer in the Layer Manager.
  2. In “Traffic Analysis” tab, on the “Dynamic Segmentation” group, click the “Query M-Value” button.
  3. Move your mouse into the map window, then a message box with route value information will appear. You can view the route value of route data anywhere by moving your mouse.
  4. Left click on the object to add a point and show the route value of the point, meanwhile relative information such as the datasource, the dataset, coordinate values, and object ID, M-value will be shown on the Output Window.
  5. Click ESC to finish the query operation and clear all highlighted points. Or you can right-click your mouse to end your operation.

Extract M-value