Summarizes field values of all fields of the input dataset as a certain statistical method like maximum, minimum, average and so on.
In this analysis, you are required to specify a group field, an attribute field and a statistical mode. For example, in the following tables, the number of the field value Queens is 5 which is obtained by grouping the field borough, of which, the minimum LocationID value is 2.
Function Entrance
- Click the Online tab > Analysis group > Summarize Attributes.
Basic steps
- iServer Address : choose an address for iserver login. For specific instructions, please refer to data input.
- Source Data : Specify the dataset which records the positions of the target features at continuous times. For specific instructions on setting source data, please refer to Data Input.
- Analysis parameter settings :
- Group Field : Optional. You can set multiple grouping fields separated by commas. The program will summarize values of the specified fields of all objects.
- Attribute Field : Optional. Specify a field which is a numerical non-system field to participate in the statistical operation.
- Statistic Mode : Optional. Specify which operation will be used to calculate statistics for the specified fields. Served operations include: max, min, average, sum, variance, stdDeviation (that is standard deviation), and the number of each group of attribute values will be recorded.
- The analysis result is an attribute table, and the result path will be output in the Output Window.