CAD to Simple


Converts a CAD dataset into several simple datasets. Each type of simple objects will be converted into a dataset of the corresponding type. For parameterized geometric objects, the output simple datasets will not record the parameter information. These objects will be regarded as polylines with several neighboring vertices, the information of which is recorded.

Function Entrances

  • Click Data > Data Processing > Conversion > CAD to Simple.
  • Toolbox > Conversion > Conversion among CAD, compound data, and simple data > CAD-> Simple. (iDesktopX)

Operating Instructions

  1. In the CAD to Simple dialog box that shows up, select the datasource holding the CAD dataset in the Source Dataset area.
  2. In the Target Dataset area, select the datasource for result datasets. Select the types of the simple datasets to convert into. Name the result simple dataset, or you can use the default name. For example, if you check the Line Dataset check box, the line objects in the CAD dataset will be output to a line dataset.
  3. Click Convert to perform the operation.

Note: This function can only be performed on 2D/3D points/lines/regions in a CAD dataset. Models are not supported. If the CAD dataset only contains models, then the Dataset Type option and the Convert button are disabled.

Simple to CAD

Converts different types of simple datasets to a CAD dataset.

Function Entrances

  • Click Data > Data Processing > Conversion > Simple to CAD.
  • Toolbox > Conversion > Conversion among CAD, compound data, and simple data > Simple to CAD. (iDesktopX)

Operating Instructions

  1. In the Simple -> CAD dialog box, select the datasource to save the simple dataset. Click the Add icon to open the Select dialog box and select one or more datasets. Also you can combine other buttons in the toolbar to select datasets.

After completing the addition operation, the simple datasets to be converted are listed in the Simple -> CAD area. You can click the table head “Source Dataset” to sort the simple datasets.

  1. Set the target datasource where you want to place the result CAD dataset and the name of the result dataset in the Target Data area.
  2. Click Convert to execute the operation.

CAD to Model

Converts the model objects in a CAD dataset to model data.

The model dataset is a new dataset mode added by SuperMap to replace the usage of saving models into CAD. And now the management and operation to the 3D models and other types of dataset can be consistent, meanwhile the display efficiency is improved greatly.

Function Entrances

  • Click Data > Data Processing > Conversion > CAD to Model.
  • Toolbox > Conversion > Conversion among CAD, compound data, and simple data > CAD to Model. (iDesktopX)

Operating Instructions

  1. A dialog will show up. If a CAD dataset is selected in the workspace manager, it will be added to the list by default.
  2. Specify the dataset to be converted and set a datasource to save the resulting dataset.
  3. Click Convert to perform the operation.

EPS to Simple

Converts EPS complex points, lines, regions, and text to simple data.

EPS data is short for Encapsulated PostScript. It is the standard format for crossing platforms. Its extension for PC is .eps and for Macintosh is .epsf. It is mainly used for the storage of vector images and raster images.

Functional Entrances

  • Data tab > Data Processing > Conversion > CAD and Simple > EPS to Simple.
  • Toolbox > Conversion > CAD and Simple: EPS to Simple. (iDesktopX)

Operation Instructions

  1. In the dialog box EPS to Simple, specify the source EPS dataset.
  2. Set the result datasource and dataset.
  3. Click Run icon to execute the operation.