Brawl Recognition
Function Description
Brawl Recognition is used to identify the fight information in the video, provide Real-time Information for the police department, and provide data reference for emergency mobilization of police officers.
Function entrance
- Video Analysis tab-> Traffic Analysis group-> Other Models Drop-down Button-> Brawl Recognition.
Operating instructions
- Click Video Analysis tab-> Traffic Analysis group-> Other Model Drop-down Button-> Brawl Recognition Setting;
- The Parameter Description in the Brawl Recognition Setting dialog box is as follows:
- Number of sampling frames: Accumulate the number of sampling frames, and execute Fight Recognition once after reaching the number; if the number of sampling frames is 8, it means that when the number of consecutive sampling frames reaches 8 and each frame is a fight, it is recorded as a fight.
- Sampling frequency: refers to the number of frames after sampling. For example, if the sampling frequency is 6, it means sampling once every 6 frames;
- Probability Threshold: When the probability is greater than set value, the Detection result will be displayed in the video. The default value is 0.9, and the value range is 0-1; All Detection Types in the current Detection Settings are displayed in the
- Participate in a brawl list, and you need to check the "Person" type.
- Click the Brawl Recognition function. When a fight is detected in the video, "Fight" will be prompted in the video Uppe-left corner of the window.