Target Statistic
Target Statistic can count the total number of various targets appearing in the video from the beginning of the video to the current play progress bar position and the number of targets appearing in the current Play Video frame in real time, quickly obtain traffic flow information, help traffic management departments to analyze the development trend of traffic status, and play an important role in traffic planning and management.
Operating instructions
Click the Video Analysis tab-> Traffic Analysis group-> Target Statistic button in the Target Statistic section of the Video Analysis Parameter panel. The statistics list can be seen, including Target type, number, and Total Passed Number.
- Total Passing Count: Set the time for Total Passed Number statistics.
- Existing time (seconds): The target will participate in statistics only when the existing time of the target in the Detection range Is no less than specified time.
- Extinction Time (sec): The target will participate in the statistics only when the disappearance time of the target within the Detection range Is no less than specified time.
- Video Map Displays Target Statistic: It is supported to set whether to be in the Video Map Displays Target Statistic. Check this check box. The Target Statistic list is displayed in the upper left corner of the Video Map. Click … Button, set the display style of Target Statistic, including Display Method, Chart Width, Chart Height, Label Color, Number Color, Total Passed Number Color and Display Legend. If Display Method is Text, the remaining parameters cannot be set. If Display Method is Chart, the remaining parameters can be set.