Import Lidar data


The points in the lidar data are very dense, also called point cloud data. It stores the point X, Y and elevation information. Supports importing *.txt format lidar data as a 2D/3D dataset.

Functional entrances

  • Start tab > Data Processing group > Import Data.
  • In the context menu of a datasource or a dataset, select Import Dataset…
  • Toolbox > Data Import > LIDAR File >Import TXT. (iDesktopX)

Basic Steps

  1. In the Import Data dialog box, click the Add button in the toolbar to add the *.txt files. The adding mode refers to the introduction for Import Data.
  2. After the completion of the file adding, double-click the Type cell, select the file type as Lidar File.
  3. On the specific description of target datasource, result dataset, encode type, import mode, and source file information, please refer to Public Parameters for Importing Data.
  4. Conversion Parameters
  5. Create Pyramid: to create an image pyramid for the imported image data.
  6. After finish the settings, click the Import button to import the *.txt format lidar file.