Network AnalysisEn vironment Settings window

The Network AnalysisEnvironment Settings window is used to set some global parameters of Network Analysis. In the Traffic Analysis tab-> Road Network Analysis group-> Environment Settings check box, you can control the display and hiding of the Environment Settings window.

Note: The "Environment Settings" window is bound to the Network Dataset. The parameters in the window can be set only when the Network Dataset is opened by the current Map.

Introduction to Environment Settings "Window

  • Toolbar Introduction

    Style Settings: point styles such as various sites and obstacle points, and line styles such as Result Route during Transportation Analysis and Facility Network Analysis. The styles of Region Style and text prompt, such as service area, are set separately. See the Style Settings page for details.

    Traffic Rules Settings: Set Traffic Rules for Network Analysis, That is, set whether the network arc segment is a single line (including Forward Value and Backward Value) or a Forbid to Pass. For details, see the description of the Traffic Rules Settings dialog.

    Turn Table Settings: Set the turn table in Network Analysis. Including Create Turn Table and Set Turn Table . See the Steering table page for details.

    Weight Settings: Used to Update Edge Weight and node weights in memory. The Update Edge Weight is used to change the positive/directional weight of the arc segment and set whether the arc segment is an obstacle edge. The Update Node Weight is used to set the steering weight at the node and whether the node is an obstacle point.

    Trace Analysis Network Modeling: It is used to uniformly set the Analysis Parameters of trace analysis. Including the Node ID Field and Edge ID Field of the facility network, whether to Create Flow Direction, whether to Create Level, etc. See the Trace Analysis Network Modeling for details.

    Create 3D Network Dataset Stream: 3D Network DatasetCreate Flow Direction based on the location of the specified source and sink.

    Analysis Area Settings: It is used to set the analysis area of Network Analysis. Only the Network Dataset within the analysis area is loaded during Network Analysis. Improved Network Analysis performance. See the Analysis Area Settings for details.

    Pipeline Model Settings: Before Pipe Burst Analysis, you can Build Pipeline Model data through the Build Pipeline Model and the function of setting the pipeline layer.

    Check Loops: Check for loops in the Network Dataset. See the Check Loops page for details.

    Create Network Model File: Network Model File in *.snm format can be generated based on 2D Network Dataset. See the Create Network Model File page for details.

  • Network Layer Drop-down Box: When there are multiple Network Datasets in the current Map, you can select the Network Dataset for Environment Settings through the Network Layer Drop-down Box.
  • Network AnalysisBasic Parameters

    Network Dataset: Displays the currently selected network Dataset Name. User cannot set.

    Forward/Reverse Weight Field: Select a field from the drop-down box on the right as the forward/Backward Weight Field of the Network Dataset arc segment. You can select any field of the current network layer as the Weight Field.

    Weight Field represents the cost of a network node moving from one point to another. In practical applications, we can use fields such as distance, time, and cost as Weight Fields. For example, to calculate from point a to point B, you can use the Time field as the Weight Field, and then use the Path Analysis feature in Network Analysis to calculate the Optimal Path Analysis from point a to point B. The forward weight refers to the cost of Arrive at end from the start of the arc segment, and the reverse weight refers to the cost of reaching the start from the end of the arc segment. The settings for these two fields can be the same (for example, if you set Length as the Weight Field), or they can be different (for example, if you set Time as the Weight Field, because the Arrive at end from the start point of an arc segment can be different from the time it takes to reach the start point from the end point in the same amount of time).

    Weight Field supports direct input of expression, or you can select "Expression …" Use the SQL Expression "dialog box to define the expression. See the SQL Statement Query page for information on how to use SQL Expression.

    Node ID Field: Select a field of each node in the Unique identifierNetwork Dataset from the drop-down box on the right. You can select the Marking field of the Point Dataset in the Network Dataset. By default, the SMNODEID field of Application is Node ID Field.

    Edge ID Field: Select a field of each arc segment in the Unique identifierNetwork Dataset from the drop-down box on the right. You can select the Marking field of the Line Dataset in the Network Dataset. Application uses SMEDGEID as Edge ID Field by default.

    Start/End Node ID: Select a field identifying the Start/End Node in the Network Dataset from the drop-down box on the right. You can select the Marking field of the Line Dataset in the Network Dataset. Application uses SMTNODE as the start/End Node ID by default.

    Edge Filter: Set the arc segment to be filtered during analysis. Only the arc segment objects satisfying this expression will be considered during Network Analysis. You can enter the expression directly or select Expression.. Use the SQL Expression "dialog box to define the expression. See the SQL Statement Query page for information on how to use SQL Expression.

    Traffic Rules: set whether to Enable Rules during analysis. Traffic Rules Settings can be set according to actual needs. Application is disabled by default. For information about how to set up Traffic Rules, see the Set up Traffic Rules page.

    Turn to Table: Set whether to Enable during analysis. Turn Table Settings can be performed according to actual needs. Application is disabled by default. See the Steering table page for how to create and Set Turn Table.

  • Result Settings

    Result Datasource: The Datasource where Network Analysis results are saved by default. Subsequent Network Analysis results will be saved under this Datasource by default. The default is the Datasource where the current Network Dataset is located.

    Edge Info Field: a field that provides arc information, such as a road name field. Can be used to generate Driving Guidance.

    Node Info Field: a field that provides node information, such as the bus stop name field. Can be used to generate Driving Guidance.

  • Tracking Analysis

    Flow Direction Field: Pre-condition of tracking analysis. A Flow Direction Field needs to be specified to specify the flow direction of the arc segment.