Update Edge Weight

Instructions for use

The Update Edge Weight function is used to temporarily update the weights on the network arcs in memory.

When you Update Edge Weight, you need to be aware of the following issues:

  • Update Edge Weight is only temporary and will not save the weight result to the field of Network Data. When the network layer is closed, the update result will be automatically cleared.
  • When an arc segment is set as an obstacle edge, its weight is -1.
  • The forward/directional weight of an arc segment can be updated simultaneously. When updating, select the appropriate arc direction according to the arc segment ID in the "Start Stop ID → End ID" column.

Operation steps

  1. Opens the Network Dataset in the current Map.
  2. In the Network AnalysisEnvironment Settings window, set the weight field and node/Edge ID Field of Network Analysis. For an introduction to the Environment Settings window, see Network AnalysisEn vironment Settings window Page.
  3. On the toolbar of the Environment Settings window, click the Weight Settings "Drop-down Button and select the Update Edge Weight" option to pop up the Update Edge Weight "dialog box. Click
  4. on the network layer to select the arc segment whose weight needs to be updated, and the selected arc segment information will be automatically added to the arc segment list on the left. The forward/reverse weights are listed in the list on the right. You can modify the weight of the arc segment and whether it is an obstacle edge. Updated arc segments with obstacle edges highlighted in red and non-obstacle edges highlighted in Other Color.
  5. Continue to update the weights of other arc segments.
  6. Arcs added to the dialog box can be searched, hidden/shown, or unwanted arcs can be deleted on the toolbar of
  7. the Arc Weight dialog box.
  8. After
  9. setting, click the "Apply" button to save the modifications; click the "Close" button to abandon the modifications and exit the current dialog box.