Trace Analysis Network Modeling

Instructions for use

Create and set up the flow of the trace analysis.

To Create Flow Direction fields, you first need to specify the source and sink in the tracing network and store the source and sink information in a field. The Flow Direction Field is calculated based on the source and sink information fields. You can also create a river rank field to store the river rank.

Operation steps

  1. In the Environment Settings window, click the Create Flow Direction Drop-down Button-> Trace Analysis Network Modeling button.
  2. In the Trace Analysis Network Modeling "dialog box, select the Network Dataset for which you want to create a trace analysis flow. And set the Node ID Field, Edge ID Field, Start Node ID, and End Node ID of the Network Dataset.
  3. Select the Create Flow Direction "check box to set the name of the Node Type field and the Flow Direction Field. The default generated Node TypeField is NodeType, which is used to store the imported Node Type. Where a value of 0 indicates that the point is a Common Node; 1 indicates that the point is a source; and 2 indicates that the point is a sink.
  4. If you need to create a river class, select the Create Level "check box and name the river class field.
  5. Set whether the loop is valid. This parameter is valid only for the network of Create Level. If the Loop Valid "check box is selected, loops will be considered during the tracking analysis, and the path obtained from the analysis may contain loops; otherwise, the path with loops will not be considered during the analysis.
  6. Click the Import button in the Source and Sink Settings area on the right to pop up the Import Node "dialog box. Set import source and sink related parameters in this dialog.
  7. After successful import, you can directly click the "Node Type" column to modify the Node Type of each point. Common Node, Source Node and Sink Node are supported. The default Node Type is Source Node.
  8. The toolbar in the "Trace Analysis Network Modeling" dialog box provides the common functions for operating the source point and the sink point, such as the functions of importing and exporting the source point and the sink point, selecting all, reversely selecting, deleting, and uniformly assigning the Node Type.
    • Import: Import source point and sink point data, and perform Parameter Settings.

      Datasource: Datasource where the source and sink points to be imported are located.

      Dataset: Dataset where the source and sink data are located.

      Node Type Field: If the types of the source point and the sink point have been set and saved in a certain field, you can select this field. When importing the point, the Node type information will also be imported.

      Filter: import nodes satisfying Filter. You can enter the expression directly or click the adjacent browse button to define the Filter using the SQL Expression "dialog box. See the SQL Statement Query page for the use of SQL Expression.

      Import by Associated Node: Select this check box to indicate that an associated field Import Node is used. In some cases, the site of Network Analysis is required to be used as the network node. During import, the user can select a field of Point Dataset as the associated field. This field is associated with the network Node ID Field (internal associated field) to complete the import of the node.

      Node ID Field: Consistent with the Node ID Field in the Environment Settings "dialog. This parameter is available only when the Import by Associated Node "check box is selected.

    • Export: Export the source and sink information and save it as Point Dataset.

      Datasource: Datasource to be saved for the exported points.

      Dataset: The name of the exported Point Dataset to save.

      Node Type Field: The name of the Node Type field after export.

      Node ID Field: the name of the exported Node ID Field.

    • Select All: Select all nodes in the source and sink setting area list.
    • Invert Selection: Invert the selection of the nodes in the source and sink setting area list.
    • Delete: Delete the selected node in the source and sink setting area list.
    • United Value Settings: modify the Node Type of the currently selected node United Value Settings. Click the "United Value Settings" button. In the pop-up "United Value Settings" dialog box, change its Node Type to Source Node, Sink Node or Common Node through the drop-down arrow.
  9. When Parameter Settings is complete, click the OK button to complete the Trace Analysis Network Modeling operation.


If the current Network Dataset has only one subnet, only one source and one sink are supported to calculate the Network Dataset flow direction; if there are multiple disconnected subnets in the Network Dataset, multiple sources and multiple sinks are supported to calculate the Network Dataset flow direction.