Map Series

Map Series is a collection of map pages that generates a set of output pages by taking a single layout and traversing a set of Map Bounds. For example, creating a Map Series is a single map page that includes different parcels in an area.

Users can simultaneously output a series of complete sets of maps with unified layout, unified decoration and different display contents in the same region. Map Series has the advantages of fast mapping, high quality and unified style.

一般情况下,Map Series中的每个页面还包含其他布局元素(例如地图标题),这些布局元素会发生变化以反应特定页面中区域属性。如下图所示:
Map Series diagram

Extents are defined by features in a layer, and the layer on which they are defined is called an indexed layer. The index layer divides the map into sections based on the individual index objects in the layer, and then generates a corresponding page for each index object. A common index layer is a surface grid. For example, you can easily create a series of pages of equal size covering a town area based on the Regular Polygon grid layer as an index layer.

Map Series Based on Surface Grid Layer

The Create Grid Index feature helps you to Create Index layers. You can also use the Calculate Adjacent Fields function to create fields in the index layer to label adjacent pages in Map Series.

In general, each page in a complete Map Series contains a title, a main map, a positioning map, text, a table, and other components. You can define layout elements for each Map Series page through a series of related functions in Map Series. Layout elements can be divided into dynamic elements and static elements. The dynamic elements will change with the content of each page, such as the page title and page number created in the form of Dynamic Text; and the positioning map is added to enable users to quickly locate and identify the spatial location of the Current Map in a larger area. The location map is also dynamic and automatically updates whenever the associated main Map Bounds change.

Static elements remain unchanged, and any changes made to static elements in the layout are reflected on the pages of Map Series, such as the size of the layout and map box, Map Scale, and the North Arrow.

At the same time, it supports the unified printing or exporting of a group of pages of the produced Map Series in the form of map book. The above example shows an atlas of the distribution of forest land in XX district. Easily create this series of map books using the Create Grid Index ", Calculate Adjacent Fields", Enable Map Series "" Draw Locator "" Draw eight-direction text ", and more.

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